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04x07 - Survival of the Fittest

Posted: 08/02/16 15:27
by bunniefuu
Now you're gonna see me fight for my child.

You just messed with the wrong mother.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

I'm Joss' ex.


It's messy. This has to be goodbye, right?

Me and Sofia, we used to date. There's nothing there anymore.

It's purely professional.

Lucy: Hey, Noel.

I thought you weren't allowed to hang around boys.

I'm not.

I'm not sure I'm so good with this class.

I'll go back to yoga and Pilates just for you.


Don't leave me with him!

[Gasps] [Grunting]


I suppose we should just keep gambling, then, huh?


Come on.

Let's go, baby. Give me something.

Thank you for coming on such short notice.

I'm sure you understand how serious this is.

Um... what do you mean? How serious what is?

You're kidding, right?

You're saying you know nothing about the incident in the hotel hallway in Vegas between Joss and my nephew, Reza?

I'm sorry, Jonathan.

I-I have no idea what you're talking about.

There seems to have been an altercation.

Reza was arguing with his girlfriend, and Joss misunderstood what was going on, and...


And in a misguided attempt to protect the woman, Joss att*cked Reza.


[Laughs] What do you mean "att*cked"?

She sent him to the hospital.

He did his best to calm her down and not to engage, but apparently, she was out of control.

Okay. Wait a second. Sorry. Um... [Chuckles] You're saying that my fiancée and... and Reza got into a, what, like a fistfight?

[Laughing] Oh, come on. Jonathan, that is ridiculous.

Yes, it is.

And now I'm trying to figure out why one of my employees left my favorite nephew bloody and bruised with an injured elbow.

Okay, there is no way Joss would do that.

I-It has to be a mistake.

It isn't.

And I don't appreciate the insinuation.

So I suggest you speak to your fiancée before something else happens.

Are you threatening Joss?

I'm not threatening anyone.

I'm just saying that this needs to get settled, one way or the other.


Are you humming the "Hamilton" soundtrack again?

No, actually, I'm working on my own thing.

Sounds like "Hamilton" to me.

Is that a...


Seems like it.

What? It's not mine.

It fell out of Lucy's jacket!



That's all you have to say is "uh-oh"?

There is gonna be a whole lot more than "uh-oh" going on when I get my hands on her.

Whoa. Where you going?

Pulling her out of school, and then I'm gonna beat the crap out of that Noel kid.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.

You're not going anywhere in this state.

What do you mean? The kid from her debate class?

That Noel?

Yep. This just reeks of Noel.

How do you even know what Noel smells like?

Th-This is no time to joke!

Okay, look. Here's an idea.

How about we have him over for dinner?

And that way, you know what you're dealing with.

You think he's just gonna tell us if they're having sex?

Give me 20 minutes in the room with them, and I will be able to tell.

I have a kind of radar for this sort of thing.


Okay. 20 minutes.

That's all you get. And after that, he is all mine.


Vivian's finally asleep.

Our pediatrician just thinks she has a little cold.

Thanks for coming on such short notice.

Of course. I'm just glad you reached out.

I wasn't sure you'd be up for it after...

[Chuckles] Oh, come on.

Just because Savi's run off to Bali doesn't mean I'm gonna leave you all alone to fight your deadbeat baby daddy in court.

And you really think we have a shot at sole physical custody?

I mean, most family courts start out favoring the mother, and considering Alec didn't even see Vivian for the first four months, well, let's just say it's not exactly an advertisement for good parenting.

Does he even have a case?

There's always a case to be made.

But they probably know they're not gonna get everything they ask for.

All the decision-making power and restricting me to supervised visits? I would hope so.

My guess is that they're asking for a lot upfront so they can look like they're making big concessions later on.

So you think we can resolve everything at the meeting today without going to court?


But I just want you to be prepared that this could get ugly.

Now, is there anything that Alec might use against you that I should know about?

So, I guess you didn't read my book.

Mm, no.

[Sighs] Well, it's a little blunt about some of the mistakes I've made.

But everything in it happened long before I had Vivian.

Yeah, well, they're gonna use it as much as possible.



This may be a long, nasty fight, Karen.

You're willing to stick it out?

To the bitter end. Whatever it takes.


Brian and his new girlfriend are running a marathon together.

Wow. That is a lot of neon.

You dodged a b*llet, honey. A big, bright b*llet.

I know.

It's just been so hard to get Brian out of my system.

You did this once... Broke off an engagement.

What was his name? Uh... Scott?


Definitely not my awesomest moment.

I, uh... I stood him up at our wedding for your brother.

Last I heard, he was getting married, though, so hopefully he's happy now.

So, he's... He's a good guy?

Mm-hmm. Nothing wrong with him at all?


Although he did have a bit of a kink for women's footwear.

My frickin' arches k*lled me the whole time we were dating.

Joss. Do you have a second?

I'll be, uh...

Bye. [Clears throat] Good talk.

So I guess you know.

That you got into a fight with Jonathan's nephew in Las Vegas?

Yeah, he just told me.

Did you get hurt?

No, I'm fine. Really.

When did this happen?


Okay. Do you remember when I went upstairs to change clothes before we were gonna leave to get married?

There was this guy down the hall, and he was trying to get this woman into his hotel room.

Like, what, against her will?

It was crazy.

I mean, he basically slammed her against the wall, and then she screamed for help, and when I went over there to stop him, that's when I realized that it was Reza.

According to Jonathan, you did more than just stop him.

Y-You put him in the hospital.

So, why... why didn't you tell me any of this?

I don't know. Maybe because I knew that it would, you know, complicate things with you and Jonathan, and, honestly, I just wanted it to go away, Harry.

Well, that certainly hasn't happened and, you know, it would have been nice to know before Jonathan called me into his office, Joss.

I felt like an idiot.

I'm sorry.

Is that what this is?

From punching Reza?

Not from some accident, like you told me.


Okay. So... [Scoffs]

You... You didn't trust me enough to say anything.

No, that's not true, Harry.

It's just... It's not that simple.

Well, it seems simple, Joss. You just tell me.

What doesn't seem simple is how you were able to beat up Reza so easily.



Um, I never stopped going to my Impact class.

So, y-you lied to me about stopping the class, you lied to me about the fight, then you lied to me about why you didn't want to get married that night.

Joss, is... is there anything you haven't been lying to me about?


What is going on with you, Joss?

Nothing is going on with me!

I... I saw something, and I reacted. I'm sorry.

Well, that's great, but I still have to figure out what I'm supposed to tell Jonathan, especially since he thinks you att*cked Reza unprovoked.

Well, maybe try telling him the truth, Harry.

In addition, Faith is a pediatrician who plans to become a full-time caregiver.

That role in Karen's home has already been filled by an endless rotation of nannies.

Well, I imagine a second caretaker was helpful after Vivian's father abandoned her.

I only stayed away because Karen asked me to and I wanted to respect her wishes.

That's a lie.

You chose to miss the first four months of her life.

You don't know the first thing about Vivian.

How dare you come here now and try to take her away from me.

Vivian has just begun the most important developmental years of her life.

It is vital that she be in an environment where she will receive maximum intellectual stimulation.

What the hell is that?

Look, I think we all want to reach some kind of compromise so we can avoid a lengthy court process.

I have no interest in compromising.

You have no proof that Karen has been anything other than a perfect mother.

Actually, I didn't want to bring this up, but I assume you remember calling me when I was in Costa Rica?

Calling you?

When you were 12 weeks pregnant on the way to the doctor to discuss an abortion?

I'm not sure what that has to do with this.

I still have the voicemails, and they don't sugarcoat the fact that you didn't want this baby and you never did.

Obviously I didn't go through with it.

And it's not like you begged me not to.

I was in no position to ask you to keep a baby you didn't want.

We're not giving up until we get full custody of Vivian.

If you want a fight, we're ready.

I need your advice.

But you have to promise that you won't say anything to anyone.


I met someone.

That's great!

Well [Sighs] not so fast.

It's Scott.

Scott Bakula?

Scott Trosman.

As in Dr. Scott Trosman, Joss' ex-fiancé?

Oh, no, no, no.

When we realized the Joss connection, we broke things off.


Now I'm thinking that was a mistake.

You're thinking that was a mistake?

If Joss ever finds out... wow.

So you think she would be mad?

Like, how mad on a scale from 1 to 10?

10 isn't high enough.

And that's not even factoring in Harry, who would be at least a 20.

Seriously, of all the people in Los Angeles?

You can't choose who you fall for.

Aren't you the one dating your dead husband's mistress' brother?

We're not talking about me right now.

Is it really worth it?

Pissing off your brother and Joss for a hot guy you barely even know?

[Bell jingles]

But I do know him.

And it's not just physical. We have a real connection.

I haven't felt this way since I first met Brian.

And I know Joss wants him to be happy, so why not give it a try?

I just think it's a messy situation, and maybe you should just let it lie.

Well, I don't agree!

I thought you wanted my advice.

Not if I don't agree with it.

You know what? You can do whatever you want.

But please leave me out of it.

How could you do this?

You took my most vulnerable moment and used it against me.

I'm sorry, but you said you were unwilling to compromise, and I have to do what's best for our daughter.

Don't you dare hide behind Vivian.

I'm not.

I genuinely think the best place for Vivian is with Faith and I.

But her well-being is the most important thing.

Do you really believe that, or is this just your way of punishing me?

Punishing you for what?

I think you blame me for Vivian's death.

I think you're bitter that you had to share the last year of her life with me, and I think that resentment is clouding your judgment.

I care about you, and I always will.


I'm here to let you off the hook.

Just sign the papers and you don't have to deal with any of this.

You know it's best for all of us.

I guess I'll see you in court. [Sighs]


Are you okay? You didn't get hurt?

I promise I'm fine.

It's... It's actually Harry that has the problem.

Why? What's wrong with Harry?

Ugh. He's pissed that I didn't tell him about what happened.

And I lied to him about a few things.

You didn't think he would understand?

No, I just, you know, I knew it would turn into a big deal.

It was Jonathan's nephew, so it would affect his business, and then he'd want to know how I beat the guy up, and I'd have to explain that I never quit Impact, even though I told him that I did.

So, you've basically been lying to my brother about everything.

W... Uh, not everything.

Sometimes people feel like they have to lie because the truth is too hard to explain.


Okay, can we just please change the subject now? Anything else.

I should go help that customer.

No, Kate, don't go.

Hm. Well, thanks for defending me, at least.

I wasn't.

Harry has a right to be hurt.

You're about to spend the rest of your life with him.

If you can't trust him, isn't that a problem?

Think about it... If Harry had been the one lying, how would you feel?


Can you just do me a favor?

Maybe stop making so much sense?

I can't help it. I'm so wise.

[Both laugh]

[Door opens]



How's Vivian doing?

She's doing a little better. She's still coughing a lot.

But I finally got her to go to sleep.

[Sighing] Okay.

Um, there is one other thing.

An investigator from the law firm stopped by earlier.

He was asking a lot of questions. He left that.

This is Alec's lawyer's firm.

What did this guy want?

He was asking how often you see Vivian, how many hours I work... [Sighs]

He asked about her health. He heard her coughing.

You didn't say anything, right?

No. Not a word. I promise.

Thank you. I'm gonna call Dom.

You're not gonna lose Vivian, are you?

There's no way that's happening.

Dom's investigator is looking into Alec.

We'll find something on him.

Hey, I'm going to Noel's to study, if that's okay.


Actually, I think you should invite Noel over here.

We can have dinner together before you study.

[Scoffs] Why would I do that?

What has Noel ever done to you?

Well, you've been spending a lot of time with him, so we'd like to meet the young man.

You know, to get to know your friends better.

Well, you don't have to. Really, it's fine.

[Scoffs] This isn't really a suggestion.

If you want to hang out with Noel anymore, he's coming to dinner.

You can study here just as easily.

That's so unfair.

I promise we'll be cool.

All right. I'll text him.

But he's gluten-free and he has a peanut allergy, so that pasta's not gonna cut it.

Just be sure to check his bag at the door.

April, I told you. 20 minutes. It's all I need.

So, I talked to Joss and, uh, I think your nephew left a few things out.

Seems it was Reza who instigated the fight.

She says he slammed his girlfriend into a door.

You don't believe me.

I do believe you.

And I understand why you would believe her.

But my nephew, he's family.

Sure. But if he was assaulting a woman in the hotel hallway...

Listen. I think it would be best if Joss tried to smooth things over with Reza.

Yeah, I'm not sure that's a great idea.

That's your call, but I'm concerned about the effect this could have on our business.

I don't think it's come to that.

Neither do I.

I just don't need the negative press if my family was involved in a criminal case against yours.

A criminal case?

Reza wants to press charges.

And without an apology from your fiancée, I'm not sure if I can stop him.

This is amazing!

Which means that values are something we've invented, and having them should be a choice rather than something that's forced on us.

And you got all this from a book on architecture?

"The Fountainhead" is about so much more than architecture.

Wow. I'll have to read it sometime.

No, you guys wouldn't like it.

Is it like "The Da Vinci Code?"

'Cause I liked "The Da Vinci Code"... Short chapters.

So... [Clears throat]

Do you read a lot of adult books, Noel?

Would you consider yourself to be mature?

In... In some ways.

But my prefrontal cortex won't finish growing till another 5 to 10 years, and that's the major physical sign of maturity.

Right. I'm not really sure what any of that all means.

I guess what I'm wondering is... Do you have any older brothers?


Um, can we go to my room and study now?

Um, okay, but clear your plates first, and just know we're going to come in and check on you.

And your door stays open.

Not cracked open.

Wide open.


Thanks for the great dinner, Ms. Malloy.



I got nothing.



So, look, before you go getting all angry at me, which I now realize you may have every right to do, I just... I want to say that I'm... I'm really sorry that, you know, I lied.

It's been a really tough year with the trial and everything, and I know that's no excuse, but it's... it's the truth.

Right. Um...





I know, and, uh, I appreciate what you're saying.

But we have a bigger problem.

What do you mean?

Reza wants to have you charged.

Wait, wait. Hold on. H-He's accusing me of as*ault?

Well, that's fine. I'll do the same to him.

I would love to put that thug behind bars.

Joss, stop. Think about this. If he thinks he can press charges, that means the girl you were protecting is willing to support Reza's story.

Did you even defend me to Jonathan?

Of course I did! I told him everything you told me.

And so, what? He doesn't care?

And so it didn't... Nothing matters?

You just go along with whatever he wants to do?

It's not about Jonathan. In fact, he's trying to help.

Look, he's convinced Reza to not do anything... if you apologize.




No, Harry. I'm not going in there to apologize.

I've done nothing wrong.

Well, unless you want to take a chance of going back to jail, you don't have a lot of other options, Joss.

How about the option of my fiancé supporting me and making Jonathan understand that this is a bunch of crap?

Yep. Yep. I tried that.

You know, fine.

Let Reza do whatever he wants to do.

You're being reckless with your future, with our future.

Just think about it, okay?

Yeah, I just... I have so much work to do.

I can't even believe you.

I can't tell for sure, but I'd say there's probably a 95% chance absolutely nothing is going on.

What about the other 5%, Mr. Radar?

It was kind of on the fritz tonight.

And you never know. They are 14.

What does that mean?

Hold on. You had sex when you were 14?

Huh, wait, what? When did you?

18, with Paul.


Paul was your first?

I know everyone that you've slept with?

Four people?

Five. You forgot about yourself.


Which you can do tonight, by the way.

So, how many have you had sex with?

Hey, I was young, sometimes drunk, and these things just kind of add up.

Look, other than you and Sofia, I didn't have a lot of longterm relationships.

I really don't need to hear about Sofia right now.

Hey, I'm a dude, okay?

We are wired to want to have sex with as many women as possible.

It's not me. It's science.

But when someone really special comes along, I'm glad to stop.

I'm so sorry to be holding you back.

No, what I'm saying is I'm glad that you're holding me back.

That sounded wrong.

[Sighs] I'm pretty sure I get the picture.

[Knock on door]

Okay, Ms. Crawford, I see you're interested in some potential rhinoplasty.

♪ You ain't talking, but I feel it ♪

Kate, what are you doing here?

I heard you were the best plastic surgeon in town.

Uh, well, you heard right, but this, uh... is a bad idea.

So, what do you think about my nose?

♪ For what I need in the dark ♪

Uh, well, in my professional opinion, I would say your nose is perfect.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

And the rest of me?

Anything I should... change?

Oh, uh, please, n-no.

No, I-I, you know, I mean, I wouldn't change a damn thing.

It's great except the fact that you keep coming by my office unannounced.

I left you messages, but you didn't call me back.

♪ Bring it to me, bring it to me now ♪

So I decided to make an appointment instead.

I recognize all the levels of crazy that showing up like this is.


I missed you.

♪ Oh, I know you won't keep me waiting ♪

So, you missed me... too?

♪ For what is mine ♪

Maybe a little.

♪ What is mine ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


Mm. Sorry.

No, it's nothing to apologize for.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Bring it to me, bring it to me now ♪

I mean, come on.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Bring it to me now I'm sorry I don't have better news, but our investigator didn't find anything out about Alec that we didn't already know.


What about Faith?

Alec married some random woman he barely knew.

There has to be something on her.

She's religious, a pediatrician, and she's becoming a stay-at-home mom.

No, she does not help our case.

What if Alec asked me run away with him before I got pregnant while his wife was dying of cancer?

Would that help our case?

I'm not sure.

He did that?

No, but he could have.

It's my word against his.


What about an alcoholic?

Could we say he's an alcoholic?

Karen, I understand your concern, but you're spinning here.

We can't say anything unless we can prove it.

He's trying to take Vivian. I can't let him do that!

[Vivian cries]

Just... Just try to relax.

I can't relax!

You need to figure something out or find me a lawyer who can.

I'm not losing my daughter!

So, you want to go out later, get something to eat?

I miss talking to you.

Yeah, um, look, I mean, that was fun, obviously.

Um, I don't know if it changes anything, though.

I mean, whatever this is, whatever we are, it's still too complicated, isn't it?

Doesn't have to be.

No one even has to know.

It can be our little secret.

Think of it like doctorpatient confidentiality.

So, you're not even a little curious to see if this could work out.

Not just a fling.

Even if I was, it would still be a secret fling, right?

I mean, if... if we really wanted to give this a shot, we'd have to tell Joss, we'd have to tell Harry.

That's not happening. I'll tell them.

Y-You're gonna tell them?


Okay. Yeah, no, even though your brother's reaction is gonna be to hit me, which, by the way, I don't think I would blame him.

He won't hit you.

They won't even think it's a big deal.

I promise.

I guess if you could actually get Harry and Joss' blessing...

Which I will...

Then hell, yeah.

Yes. I want to see where this goes, yeah.


Mm. Mm.

Well, two blessings coming up.

Yeah? All right.

Yeah. I'll see you later.

[Laughs] [Door closes]

♪ Somebody save your soul ♪
♪ 'Cause you've been sinning in this city I know ♪


Does this mean Joss can kick my ass?

I guess I should be nicer to her.

This is not funny.

How can I convince her to make things right with Jonathan's family if she doesn't think she has anything to apologize for?

Maybe you can't.

That's very helpful. Thanks.

I'm making a point here. It's got to come from her.

And Joss is smart.

She'll make the right decision if you give her space.

♪ You've been sinning in the city I know ♪

For three points.

♪ All these lovers got you losing control ♪

I mean, she's convinced she's not gonna get arrested.

And that whole Calista nightmare...

The m*rder, the trial... It changed her.

Yeah, but she still loves you. Don't forget.

♪ I can make your hands clap ♪
♪ Said I can make your hands clap ♪


♪ And when we wake, we'd be the only sound ♪

Hey, random question.

How many, uh, people have you slept with?

I don't usually share that information until the third date.



Oh, no.

April's all mad at me that I slept with other women before she and I were a couple.

I don't know what to do about it, man.

Maybe she's not mad.

Maybe she's just shocked you were able to find multiple women who were willing to sleep with you.

Thank you for that, Harry.


Hey. We need to talk.

[Groans] What did I do now?

It's not a bad talk.

It's just now that you're making friend with boys...

Oh, my gosh. No.

I just want to make sure that you're being safe and feeling in control of your decisions and empowered to say no if you want to.

Will you come out from behind the pillow for a second?

What are you talking about?

Well, I am talking about sex.

Because I found some... protection in your jacket... A condom.

Ew, no!

They gave those out in health class.

I forgot it was even there.

Health class?

Oh, thank God.


So, you and Noel...

Mom, stop it. We're friends.

We haven't kissed or anything.

So, are you a couple?

Our generation doesn't really put labels on things.

I do hope that you'll wait until you're older.

It's a big deal.

And I don't want you to end up regretting something.

Because some boys, they will say anything, even say they love you to get what they want.

And maybe Noel is a great kid, but you don't know what he's really thinking or what he really wants.

Are we done with the talk yet?

We can be done, yes, as long as you heard what I had to say.

I did. I promise.


You know you can talk to me about anything.

[Vivian cries]

Okay, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

[Door opens]

What's going on? Is she still not better?

Like I said in my text, the thermometer says she's fine, but she feels really warm.

She's burning up.

Do you want me to page her pediatrician?

Don't bother.

He'll just tell us to meet him in the E.R., which is where I'm taking her right now.

All right, sweetie. All right, sweetie. I got you.


It's okay, sweetie.

Oh, baby.

Okay. Thank you.


Thank you so much for coming in.

Mm-hmm. Happy to.

You know, Harry's important to me, and I just want to make this right for him, so...

And I'm sure we all can agree that this was a misunderstanding.

Um, I'm sorry.

That's your apology?

After what you did to me?

You have a broken elbow, okay? Chill out. It could have been much worse.

Okay, you get your little power play. What more do you want from me?

I want to know that you mean it.

I want you to beg for my forgiveness.

Okay, you can stop right now because that's not happening.

You know, I'm... I'm so sorry, Jonathan.

You think you're the good guy here, but you should know that your nephew is the one who belongs in jail, which is where he's gonna end up soon, given the coddling that's happening in this family.

Excuse me?

And that's the best-case scenario.

Worse case scenario is that this spoiled kid hurts or kills someone else.

You know, I should have taken care of you in that hallway instead of not fighting back.

Then we wouldn't have a problem here.

Oh, please. You can't hurt me.

You want to press charges, go right ahead.

I've done this before. The truth always comes out.

You know what you did.

Think you can put me in jail? Fine. Try it.

I'll be waiting.

Excuse me.

How much longer will we have to wait?

Well, there's still many people ahead of your child with more serious symptoms.

Actually, I'm a doctor, and I can tell you that Vivian's symptoms are quite serious.

Man: Nurse, I need some help over here.

Have a seat. Someone will be with you.

Wait. We're not done.

Come back here! We're not done.


[Knock on door]

I didn't know where else to go.

[Vivian cries]

She's a little wheezy, and it hasn't stopped.

I think it's whooping cough or pneumonia.

And they wouldn't see her at the E.R. and I couldn't sit there for hours with a sick baby breathing in those germs.

Of course not. You're her mother. You did the right thing for her.

Do you want me to take a look at her?

It is your specialty.


Can you get me my bag?

Of course. Yeah.

I know.


[Door opens]

Joss: Hey.


So, um, I just saw Reza.


I went to apologize.

You did? Okay. Great.

How'd it go?



No. Um... not well.

You know, Harry, I-I tried. Really, I did.

So, what? That... That's it?

Now he's gonna press charges?

I don't know. Maybe.


You know, they probably won't do anything anyway.

It would just be bad press for them.

Hey, even if that's true, how am I supposed to go back and work with Jonathan after this?

What? Why would you want to?

I mean, I'm not going to.

Because it's my job, our livelihood.

No, I get that, Harry, but Jonathan is clearly a slimeball who's enabling this kid.

Why would you want to work with someone like that?

Jonathan loves his family.

That doesn't make him a slimeball.

In fact, he's trying to help the situation.

And the fact that you'd do something to risk my entire career, Joss.

Uh, wow.

I'm sorry, Harry.

I didn't mean to do that.

Where is all this rage coming from, Joss?



Can we talk about it?

[Gasps] No, you know what, Harry? I'm just... I'm really...

I think I'm all talked out for the moment.

It's not whooping cough.

So it's pneumonia?

A moderate case. I have some amoxicillin on hand.

I'm gonna give her 350 milligrams.

Sound good?




We will be back.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I can't imagine how hard it was for you, coming here.


I owe you an apology.

I'm the one who started all of this, and you didn't deserve that.

And I didn't mean all those things that I said. I just...

I got caught up in the moment.

So I'm sorry.

I appreciate that.

This certainly isn't how I expected things to go when you came back to town.

[Chuckles] Me neither.

And I think you were right, about me blaming you.


Yeah, I think I was trying to punish you in some way, but only 'cause I wanted to punish myself.

I felt guilty about leaving, and I lashed out.

I could tell how much you cared about Vivian from the moment I saw you two together.

So, maybe we can try to work this out amicably?

I'd like that.

But I'd also like to be a part of Vivian's life, if that's okay with you.

Of course. I want you to be.

It's what Vivian would have wanted.


[Footsteps approaching]

She did great.

[Giggles] She's gonna be just fine.


Hello. Did you say "thank you"?


Harry. There you are.


This... It's going to sound crazy, but you know how sometimes the universe puts people in your path, and...

Hey. Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah. No. I'm... It's just more Joss stuff.

You mean because she beat a guy up and lied to you about it?

Yeah, that, and now she wants me to cut ties with Jonathan.

What? Why? He didn't do anything.

Yeah, I know, but it's his nephew.

You know, I really don't want to give up everything I've been working toward and start from scratch, but then I feel like I'm being selfish for even thinking that way.

I like Joss.

I really do.

But this isn't about her.

Ever since we were little kids, running your own restaurant's always been your dream.

Yeah, but I can do that without Jonathan.

Let's be real. There aren't that many gajillionaires out there who will write you a blank check and let you do whatever you want.

Yeah, I know, but Joss is going through a lot right now.

Well, just because someone you're with asks you to do something, it doesn't mean you have to do it.

No, I don't have to do anything, but it'd be nice to have her support here.

Eventually, she'll be fine.

You have to decide what is right for you.

You don't need permission to go after what you want.

In love or business or life.

It's your call.

Good talk. Okay.

[Lucy crying]


What happened?

Who's that?

Noel and Tania Stevens.

So, what's wrong?

I've seen them together before.

But he never told me they hung out outside of school.

He's obviously into her, or else he would have said something to me.

And you're basing this off of one picture?

Well, since he lied about this, who knows what else he's lying about?

[Sighs] You were right.

I was?

About what?

About what you said about boys.

That they lie and I shouldn't trust them.

Oh, sweetie, that's not what I said.

Or not what I meant.

I just want you to be careful.

I did not mean to put all these fears inside of your head.

That's my baggage, and it has nothing to do with you, really.

But what if boys do lie to me?

Relationships have a lot of ups and downs.

And at some point, you may get hurt.

But I hope that you'll go into every relationship expecting the best.

Is that what you did with Marc?


Even after dating lots of not-so-trustworthy people, I still trust Marc.

Good. I like Marc.

I do, too.

♪ 'Cause you, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
♪ You got me in the palm of your ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
♪ Got me in quicksand ♪

That was beautiful.

Thanks. Your lyrics are awesome.

It's about my ex.


Had this crazy tumultuous relationship years ago.

And I kind of broke his heart.

Do I know this guy?



We had an amazing musical connection, and the sex was... well, you know.

Sofia, the guy in this song has moved on.

He's happy.

And I'm happy for you. Really.

I just guess...


I guess there's some part of me that always thought when I finally got my stuff together and you got yours together, someday, we'd end up as two old people singing folk songs on our front porch.

Yeah, I know. I used to think the same thing back then.

Hey. How did rehearsal go?


How did the sex talk go?

Good. Then bad. Then good again.

So, better than our sex talk?

[Sighs] Let's forget about our sex talk.

That was so stupid, okay?

What was that for?

For being in my life.

After everything I've been through, I am so lucky I found someone I can trust.

Okay, I have to get back to the store, but remember, we're going out for dinner tonight.


[Exhales deeply]

[Knock on door]


So, how'd it go with Joss and Harry?

Exactly as... As I expected.

Which is...?

They're totally cool with it.

Really? Huh.


I mean, I don't think the four of us should be throwing down sh*ts anytime soon, but they understand.

Wow, I, um...

Well, look, I get off here in like [mutters] like around an hour.

You want to, like, you know, do a movie with dinner?

Mm. I would love that.


First, I'd like to deal with my follow-up appointment.

Yeah, I definitely owe you that.


This is a great idea.


Here you go... a list of lawyers that specialize in family court but are a little less scrupulous than I am.

If that's still what you're looking for.

I'm sorry about that outburst yesterday.

You caught me in weak moment.

Okay, well, you were worried about your kid.

But, luckily, now I don't have to be.

Alec is dropping the suit?

Yeah. I think we solved it.

[Laughs] I'm so glad to hear that.

Thank you for always being there, for all of us.

Oh, well, I wish I could get rid of you ladies.


So, you're happy?

I am. You know? Marriage can do that.

[Laughs] It's eight months and counting.

Congratulations. Good luck.


Take care of yourself, Karen.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Women grunting]


So, you're still doing this, huh?

I need to.

I-I tried to explain it, you know.

I can't help it if you don't understand, Harry.

What I don't understand is how you can't see what's happening, Joss.

How this, whatever it is you're doing in here, almost got you arrested again.

Thankfully, Jonathan talked Reza out of it. For now.

But I am gonna keep working with him.

It's your call to make.

Joss, have you thought about seeing a therapist?

I see one all the time.

I do not mean Karen.

I mean someone that you'll actually talk to about what happened.

Since that's clearly not gonna be me.

Just consider it, okay?

Sure, yeah.

I-I'll consider it.

All right. Well, see you at home?

Sounds good.

♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪


Hey, do you want to get some ice cream before we go home?

[Laughs] Are you kidding? I am so full.

Are you sure?

'Cause you could be dying for a scoop of cookie dough and not even realize it.

Oh, yeah. I guess I am.

[Chuckles] Great. I might get something, too.


[Cellphone ringing]

Hold this.


Yes, this is April Malloy.

What do you mean?

Everything okay?

A car crash?

What happened? Is she okay?