03x10 - The Inhuman Condition

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x10 - The Inhuman Condition

Post by bunniefuu »





Black Widow.

Black Widow!

Argh, how do you stand this noise?


What's wrong, Hulk?

I thought music was supposed to soothe the savage...

You know, you.

I only like music I can smash to.

Something heavy.


And metal.



Came to tell you Iron Man wants us for some meeting.



Ooh, er, sorry.

It's fine. My workout was done anyway.


Thor: Inhumans. Secretive superhuman people.

Keepers of the Terrigen Mist.

Terrigen transforms them.

Sometimes, with monstrous results.


Terrigen Mist has no effect on humans.

And yet somehow it turned a human kid into Inferno.

Maybe the kid wasn't human?

What if Inferno was really an Inhuman and didn't know it?

Iron Man: If Inferno was Inhuman, how'd he wind up in upstate New York?

It doesn't make any sense.


Living a normal human existence, then in a random moment it's taken away from you forever.

Changed into something else.

(SIGHING) Welcome to my world.

Hawkeye: You know what else is weird?

We make all friendly with Black Bolt and the Inhumans but since Inferno went to go live with them, we haven't heard a thing.

Hawkeye: And right on cue.



Lockjaw? What happened?



Hawkeye: Oh.

Since I can't ask the dog, anybody know where he teleported us to?

Aye, Hawkeye. This appears to be the Inhuman homeland.



Uh, hey, guys.

The welcoming committee is here.



Falcon: And they don't look happy to see us.


Falcon: So, this is what Attilan is like.

It's not what I pictured.

It's still nice though.

Other than the k*ller robots.

Avengers, hit 'em up the middle!








Is this really Inhuman tech? The design looks familiar.

Hulk: Who cares? Just keep smashing!

There are too many of them!

Falcon: We're gonna be overrun!

Captain America.

His Royal Highness Black Bolt beckons you Avengers to retreat into the palace.

You heard The Seeker. Fall back!

Okay, Black Bolt, tell us what's happening here.

Without actually telling us what's happening here.

The Seeker: These robots, since taking over Attilan, they've hunted and captured Inhumans.

Including the new citizen Inferno and nearly all of the royal family.

Thus, Black Bolt sent Lockjaw for you.

No one else is left to defend Attilan from the robots and their ruthless leader.

Captain America: Ultron!

The Avengers.

Your presence here is unexpected.

And ultimately insignificant.

Iron Man: Ultron is back in one piece. Let's remedy that.

Bravado in the face of certain annihilation.

The Inhumans felt the same way.

Before I conquered them.




Such chaos and disorder.

Is there any question why you must be eliminated...


It feels like this every time we tangle with Ultron, but he's even more kick-butt than the last time.

Lockjaw, teleport us away, now.




Where did they...


Hulk: Just when the fight was getting good.

Falcon: Hulk, you think all fights are good.

What is this place?

A secret lab built in the ancient catacombs beneath Attilan.

It has served as a safe base of operations in our struggles against Ultron and his robots.

Iron Man: Ultron doesn't do anything without a reason.

So, what is it he wants with the Inhumans?

Where's he going?


Falcon: Maybe Ultron wants something from Attilan?

A resource or something?

A strategic base?

And it appears we lost our interpreter.

Black Widow: Nice setup you have here.

Ultron seizing Attilan has slowed my research, but I have still managed a breakthrough.

My experiments have revealed conclusively that Inferno was actually a latent Inhuman.

And he didn't know?

How is that possible?

Humans and Inhumans must have lived together in the past.

Their descendants possess Inhuman DNA.

Descendants like Inferno.

Who knows how many of my kind are living among humans and don't even know that they're one of us.

Imagine if the Terrigen accident that created Inferno had been bigger...

That is one big crystal of Terrigen Mist.

This is only a prototype but a device like this could awaken a new generation of Inhumans with unimaginable powers.

You can't just expose people to the Mist.

What if they don't want powers?

You'd be making the decision for them.

Yeah, but then again, we don't always get to choose our destiny.

The Seeker: Indeed.





What are you doing?

Ultron: Exactly...

What he was told.

Something's wrong.

Falcon: Ultron's found us.


(STRAINING) THE SEEKER: This is only a small-scale version of my Terrigen dispersal device.

Terrigen dispersal?

You want to help The Seeker find more Inhumans?

I care nothing for Inhumans.

But I needed this device for my own purposes.

Tricking The Seeker into designing it for me...


And betraying his own people, was most simple.

But we had a deal!

And without the crystal, the device will only...




The prototype merely phase-shifted The Seeker away.

I'll have to increase its power.

After I get rid of you.

Black Widow: Hulk, can you smash?


Can't smash the net, but I can smash the wall.


Huh. You're only delaying the inevitable.



Ultron's got some new toys.

And lucky us, we get to break 'em.












Bad dog.

Lockjaw! Ultron, when I'm done with you, you're gonna need a mechanic.


It is more efficient to destroy you with the rest of your pathetic species.



Your actions serve no purpose.

I have your family and I have your city.

And soon, I will have you.

Temper, temper.

Black Bolt, wait!

Falcon, Hawkeye, with me.

Fire in the hole!


Captain America: Avengers, comlink signal's weak but if you can hear me, use this transmission to trace my location and meet up with us.

We're after Ultron.

It looks like he's trying to escape out the bottom of Attilan.

Bottom of Attilan?

Seeker mentioned old tunnels.

We can use them to make our way down.


You go ahead, I'll catch up.

I wish Black Bolt could tell us more about what he's thinking.

He can't talk because his voice could level a city.

Must be frustrating not to be able to communicate.

I think what Black Bolt wants now, is for us to shut up.

Hawkeye: Oh, how can you tell?

Call it a hunch.

Humans and Inhumans.

So similar.

Your predictability dooms you both as a species.

Now, just hold still.




Black Bolt, no!

Cover your ears!

(ECHOING) No more!


Both: Black Bolt!


I'm sorry, did you say something?

Well, at least now we know what Black Bolt's voice sounds like.

And it ain't pleasant.

It's not over yet.

Captain America: The royal family and Inferno.

Everyone... except Black Bolt.

Tony, take Hulk and Widow.

Find Ultron and Black Bolt.

The rest of us will get the Inhumans out then catch up.


You never should have been here.

You should be home with your family.

He never got a choice.

He didn't ask to become Inferno.

You didn't ask to become Hulk.

I didn't ask to become the Black Widow.

Like I said, people don't always get to choose.

But they should.

No little kid should have been forced to be a KGB sleeper agent.

And no little kid should be forced to be changed into an Inhuman.

Terrigen or Gamma, ballerina or superhero.

It don't matter.

It's all on the outside.

Doesn't change who you are on the inside.

Lockjaw, are you strong enough to teleport your family somewhere safe?


I'll take that as a yes.

I promise we'll get Black Bolt back.


Aww. Ugh!

Ugh, it smells.


It's The Seeker's w*apon.

Only Ultron's built one bigger.

Ultron, let Black Bolt go.

It's us you want.

Don't flatter yourselves.

Ultron: I want to use Attilan as my base to completely wipe humanity off the face of the earth.

And to use Black Bolt to power the w*apon to do it.

If the pain gets too much, feel free to speak up, Your Highness.

In fact, I'm counting on it.


Hulk! Widow!





You can't hold me.

You gotta let me go!


You should know by now, I never let go of anything.

Natasha, no!


I have you.

Uh, little help?

Hawkeye: Iron Man asking for help?

I'm gonna remember this day.

Hold, Black Bolt!

I will free you.

You will do no such thing.


You should have let me go!

But thanks.



That w*apon's gonna amplify his scream straight down into the Earth.

No one could survive a blast of that magnitude.

Hawkeye: Okay, new rule...

Silence is golden.


Activate Redwing, auto-fire!

We have to get Black Bolt out of that thing before it fries him.

Falcon: Stop!

Ultron's designed this with some kind of pain feedback loop.

The more we mess with it the more it zaps Black Bolt.

Ultron: It's over, Avengers.

The w*apon cannot be stopped from firing.


He's right.


Black Widow: Hulk, with me!

Iron Man: I have an idea, but I need everyone to keep Ultron and his robots distracted.

Roger that. One distraction coming up.

Redwing engage!


Do you think a mere flash arrow will do anything to...



It has to be around here somewhere.

Argh! Okay, new plan.

There, at this distance without an amplifier, his voice won't give Earth much more than an earache.

Ultron: You are correct.


Fortunately you have provided me with a backup amplifier.

Your arc reactor.

Friday, lock outside audio, now!





You don't need an interpreter to know he can't hold out much longer.


What are you gonna do with that Terrigen crystal?

Ultron was right.

We can't stop the w*apon from firing but neither can he.

So, you're changing Ultron's death ray?

Back into a Terrigen dispersal device.

For most of Earth, it'll be harmless.

Hulk: The people with any Inhuman DNA are gonna suddenly get powers.

What about what you said?

About destiny and choice?

Ultron means to destroy everyone on Earth.

We're not giving people a choice, but we're giving them a chance.


No! You cannot stop it!




Everyone, hold on!


Thor: Ultron!

I say thee, nay!



Man: Wha... What's going on?




Captain America: Get Black Bolt and Iron Man out.





Captain America: Oh, all right, okay. All right, easy, buddy.

I think Lockjaw is saying thanks.

'Tis folly to think we've seen the last of Ultron.

Iron Man: No trace of his energy signature anywhere.

But Ultron has a nasty habit of surviving.

Now that Attilan's here on Earth, Black Bolt and his people are gonna have to open up more.

Especially if they want to protect the new generation of Inhumans.

Hulk: You did good.

Black Widow: I helped save the world.

I guess I did okay.

'Cause of that Terrigen wave, a bunch of folks are gonna have new powers.

Not all of them are gonna behave.

As long as they're still the same people inside, they'll find their way.

Black Widow smash.
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