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02x08 - Teenage Angst and Broken Hearts

Posted: 07/29/16 02:43
by bunniefuu
Jazz: Previously on "I Am Jazz"...

Jeanette: This is the third message.

I want to, like, punch him through the phone.

Like, leave us alone. What did we ever do to you?

I'd like to take my talents to Gainesville.



Jazz: I knew the twins were gonna choose U.F.

I mean, it's been their dream college since they were little.

My little gators!

Remember Alex, my fifth-grade boyfriend?

Alex. I love Alex.

He started talking to me again.

When I was a little twerp in fifth grade, I dated this boy named Alex for six months.

He's definitely flirting with me, but...

Are you flirting back?


Do you think we could reconnect again and go on a date?


Sure, I guess.

And tonight, on "I Am Jazz"...

I have had people come up to me saying that if a trans girl ever walks into the girl's bathroom, "I will beat her down."

You got another call.

And I picked up, and I said, "who is this?

If you have something to say, say it to me."

When it comes to dating, I'm a little bit more nervous, because I don't really know what to expect.

You're a gorgeous girl, and I want you to experience love.


Jazz: 15 years ago, I was assigned male at birth, but inside, I always knew I was a girl.

I have a girl brain and a boy body.

Being transgender hasn't been easy.

You already have some breast shape.

We just have to make it better.

I get shy talking to gorgeous girls.

Wait, what?

But it's made me who I am.

I am Jazz.


I went my trainer today, and I was already sore from two days ago, so I'm...

Good job!

Super sore.

And then I got my hair done.

[Clicks tongue]

What you think?

I guess you rewarded yourself.


[Laughs] You scared me.

What's up? That was...

What's with the leg?

Quite and entrance.

Guess what.

I think I just got asked on a date.

So, with who?

Alex... My fifth-grade boyfriend.

Aww. He likes you.

I know he likes you. I like him.

Old, little boyfriend from elementary school likes her again.

Like, ugh, they did this before...

It was more like puppy love, but I just know he's a good kid.

And I know she's only 15, but, you know, a lot of us had our first dates and boyfriends at 15, 16 years old.

Greg: Do you know what the date is?

We haven't planned everything out.

We don't know the details.

I just know he's taking me somewhere.

This whole dating thing is so new...

I have nothing to compare it to.

I mean, this is my first real date.

Do you think you're ready for a date?

I don't know. It's just weird to think that we're dating, you know what I mean?

It's not dating.

Is it technically a date, or are you just...

You're going on a date.

Yeah, just hanging out?


You know, he likes me, and I feel like I automatically have to like him back.

I just don't know if I feel that way.

Well, I don't think you should feel like that.

The idea is to go into it with an open mind, and just get to know each other.

Jazz definitely is a late bloomer when it comes to boys and dating because, for the most part, guys out there don't want to date a girl with a male body, so it adds a level of complexity.

But she needs to explore.

So, I think Jazz going on a date with Alex is a great idea.

You can't dress like that...

What?! What are you talking about?

Girl, who do you think I am?

With the short-shorts with the butt cheeks hanging out.

My butt cheeks are not hanging out.

These shorts are actually moderate.

If you bend over, they will.

Should I give this to Alex?



So, do I have permission.

[Russian accent] Permission granted.

[Russian accent] Permission granted.

Permission granted.

Permission granted!

[Normal voice] Roll your "r" like that... r-r-r-r!

[Normal voice] R-r-r-r!

[Door shuts]

I'm not gonna survive it.

I'm always concerned about teenage angst and broken hearts and things like that.

I know what that feels like, and it's like the end of the world if somebody breaks your heart, and I don't want her to go through that, but you can't control it.

Yeah, we don't want to lock Jazz up in the tower and throw away the key.

We want to her to be able to experience life.

I'm hot.

You're hot?

We need the fan on.

I'll fan you.

It's all I got.

I'm going through menopause, definitely.


We do need comforters.

You do need bedding.

Those are pillows, though.

We need sheets and blankets.

Jeanette: The boys are going off to college, so I'm taking the boys shopping for supplies that they need.

I want to make the most of the time that we have.

This is kind of cool. Look at that.

No way.

You want to get us a pink suitcase?

I'm telling you...

I was only allowed to have a duffel bag.


When I went to college.

When you went to college?

Yes, back in the '80s.

Duffel bags existed?

Yes, they did.

Look over here.

What else existed back in the '80s, Mom?

I heard you were a little party animal.

I was very wild in college. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Mm-hmm.

[Laughs] I'll just leave it at that.

You want to give us the craziest thing you ever did?

I had so many good times.

I do remember that the first week of school, I was so glad to get away from Grandma and Grandpa, even though I loved them, but they were very strict.

I was definitely was drinking one night, and I woke up in the middle of a hallway [laughs] in a pizza box.


Did you have clothes on, hopefully?


I think it's really funny and awesome that my mom was a partier in her younger days.

And helps us, because she can't yell at us for partying, 'cause she did it.

What was your GPA?

Um, a 3.5.


I graduated with honors.

I would study first, and then I would party.


I want them to have a great time in college and make memories and be able to look back at it as a great four years, and not like, "oh, I spent all my time in the library."

I know that grades are more important, but I want them to have a good time, too.

Just don't overdo it.

Number one... You're there to study.

You want to do well, 'cause you don't want to mess up in college.

Their days living at home are numbered, and our relationship had its ups and downs, and I feel really fortunate that I've been able to build more memories with them.

Maybe they won't forget about me when they go to college.


What if you do get separate dorms?

I'm happy to be away from him.

That wasn't very nice.

That wasn't sarcasm.

I think if anything, we're gonna miss you more than we're gonna miss each other.

Aww! That's the right thing to say!

Yeah, I know. I know.



Greg: Shopping again, huh? Super.

What the heck is wrong?

Guess what?


After all our calls and trying to get this guy to stop calling...


I got another call.

The family's been getting these phone calls from this creepy guy.

They were showing hate, and they were essentially threatening.

We talked to the phone company, we talked to the police, but nobody has been able to track him down.

This time, I was home when he called.

You spoke to him?

Well, let me play what he said, and then I'll tell you how it played out.


Man: Tuesday, 6:49 P.M.


What did he say at the end?

Well, he got cut off.

The reason he got cut off was because I was here, and...

And you ended it? You were just like...

I picked the phone.

And you hung it up?

You actually picked the phone to engage?

I know I tell you guys all the time don't engage...


And, you know what?

He started saying such personal information.

He even knew my middle name.

And I said, "who is this?

If you have something to say, say it to me.

I'm on the phone right now."

Total silence, and then, ultimately, he hung up.

So, he is a coward.

He just was willing to leave the message and run.

He's a coward. That's how I see him.

So, I think we got to do a little more.

We're gonna have to follow up with the police again, and make sure that they figure out who this is.

The terrible messages are getting worse.

Until the police can find this guy, there's just nothing we can do.

It's just... It's pissing us off.

And it's time for the police to track him down and make him stop.

Honestly, I don't understand why he has to be so cruel.

We'll call the police again and make sure that they follow through this time.

We're not gonna take "no" for an answer.

Jeanette: So, is this a kissing date or a non-kissing date?

Non-kissing date, I hope.

You're gonna be at Butterfly World.

He's not gonna make a move.

What is he gonna do? "Here's a butterfly.

I'm gonna put it on my mouth. Come and get it."

I think he'll put it somewhere else.


Oh, my god!


Jazz: Guys, I really like this place.

They have really cute stuff.

Have you been here before?

Yep, I got this shirt from here.

So, do you know what you're looking for?

Mm, anything that looks good.

Well, where is he gonna take you?

I don't even know yet.

So, then you should just get something, like, casual but cute.


I'm pretty nervous about my date, so I wanted Noelle and Jay to help me pick out a great outfit, and I also want to get their feedback on this whole thing, because, honestly, I don't know what I'm doing.

So, this is kind of exciting.

Is this, like, your first, like, actual date?

As a teen-age girl, yes.

When was your last date then?

Fifth grade with him. [Laughs]

I knew Jazz and Alex had been talking, but I didn't think he was gonna ask her on date, but I feel like Jazz going on a date is gonna be a fun opportunity for her.

Aren't you scared that it's gonna be, like, a little awkward?

'Cause, like, when I meet new friends, it's, like, a little scary.

I bet it's gonna be a little awkward.

I don't know. We haven't talked in so many years, and it's all been such a whirlwind that I don't even know what's going on myself.

It's gonna be fun. You guys will get to know each other, and you can decide whether he's your, like, type or not after all these years.


Do you even have a type?


I don't know. I haven't explored enough yet.

I don't even know my sexual orientation.

I've never had a serious relationship before, and that's why I feel like I don't know my sexual orientation yet either, because I've never really fallen in love, and you don't know until you fall in love.

I think physically, I might be more attracted to males, but I still just don't know.

All right, well, I'm just gonna go try some stuff on, and... we'll see if we'll find a winner.

I'm really happy for her.

I am, too. I'm just, like, worried, 'cause for trans girls, dating is, like, super complicated.

Dating in the past was very tough for me because not many guys have the courage to date a trans girl.

But I hope that Jazz has found someone who does accept her, and not only accept her, but likes her, as well.

Jazz: Guys, I think I found something that's pretty cute.


Let us see.

Come on.


You guys like it?

I really like that.

Oh, my gosh.

I love it. It's so cute.

Really pretty, right?

It's, like, you.

And I really love ombré.

Do a little pose.



Oh, it's cute. I like it.

You like it?


That's cute.

It's, like...


I told you.

Got to make sure my cleavage looks good on this date.

I have, like, no boobs, so I can't really speak on this topic.

I mean, you're doing better than me, so you're fine.

So, do you guys like this one, or do you like the other ones?

We definitely agree on the first one.

Yeah, I think I like the first one, too, but I'm gonna try some other things on to make sure that I don't miss out on the perfect top.

[Popping with mouth]


I'm not gonna join in on that.


Griffin: Y'all ready for this?

Da, da-da, da!

Get that final lift, Jazz.

Come on, you want to get one more lift of the scale?

I've got calves.

The family's been working hard for several months.

We completed Rugged Maniac as a family.

Now we need to see whether all the hard work has paid off from a weight standpoint.

Greg: Can you make a noise?

All: Ooh!


So you lost, like, a good eight pounds, right?

Something like that.

That's not bad at all.

Sander, what was your starting weight?


And what was your goal?


Griffin: Wow. On the dot.

That was my goal.

Jeanette: How much weight did you gain?

Seven pounds.

Griffen, what was your objective?

My objective was about 145. Let's see if I got it.

I'm not looking.

Somebody clap for me if it's good.

Come on, Griff! Come on, Griff!


Damn! I'm so close.

I think you did well.

Let's go.

Oh, no, no. Jazz.

No, no.

Will she or won't she hop on the scale?

I do it over there. Not in front of you people.

Oh, no. Here we go. [Laughs]

Nobody look. Nobody look.

I weigh...

A half a pound less.

I lost a half a pound.

Yes! Yes!

Jazz, step on that scale.

The weight does not define you, you define you.


I'm with you.

Okay, so, based on what you said, the weight does not define me, I define me?


I have decided I am not gonna weigh myself.


I personally do not want to know the number.

I know that I've been eating not great.

I'm on estrogen, which causes an increase in my appetite, and I really can't help myself when I crave chocolate.

I have no will power whatsoever.

If you put a cake out in front of me, I'll eat the cake.

Now I'm just eating what I want to eat, because I believe happiness is healthy.

And I am not happy when I'm starving myself eating two carrots a day and nothing else, and I am happy eating my doughnuts, okay?!

Let's get doughnuts for dinner!

Doughnuts! I'll give you a hug.

I'm an inspiration to everyone.

I still think we should take our before-and-after photos.

Okay, but I'm not taking my shirt off or anything.

1, 2, 3.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Work on your abs, boy.

You're good.

The fitness challenge was really fun.

Griffin: Smile!

And I think in the future, once the boys go off to college, I'm gonna clear out the pantry, and I'm gonna try to have a healthier lifestyle.

[Camera shutter clicks]

But for right now, I'm just gonna myself, enjoy those doughnuts, and enjoy that chocolate.


So, is this a kissing date, or a non-kissing date?

Non-kissing date, I hope.

I don't think I'm ready to kiss yet.

You don't kiss on the first date?

I barely know him!

Today is my date with Alex.

We decided to meet up at Butterfly World.

I'm pretty nervous, because, honestly, I haven't really put myself out there to date compared to other kids.

What if it's awkward?

What if we have nothing to talk about?

What if I don't like him?

Are you excited?

Actually, I am a little bit.

I don't know what to expect.

I think I am nervous, though.

I kind of was trying to be cool in front of friends.

I'm, like, "I'm not nervous," but I'm definitely a little nervous.

Wouldn't you be nervous if you're seeing someone for the first time in like four or five years?

I would be so nervous on my first date.

I won't lie to you.

You can let your nerves out right now.

This is the time to let the nerves out.

But when you get there, you have to unwind.

I know. I'm gonna try to be as, like, friendly and sweet as possible.

I'm really encouraged about Jazz's future with dating.

I just feel that there's gonna be more to come.

He's easy to talk to, and you're easy to talk to, so this shouldn't be too much trouble.

I really am hoping that she and Alex really get along.

He's a great guy, and I'd like him to be in her life and stay in her life.

But, Mom, what if he asks me to be his girlfriend on the date?

Do you think that's possible?


You guys don't know each other. That doesn't happen.

[Whistles] Okay, okay.

When was your first kiss, make out?

Seventh grade. It was seven minutes...

How many guys have you made out with?

I don't keep track of that.

You had 10, at least.

I only had... I had one in high school, one in college, one after college, and Daddy... four. That's it.

But how many little boyfriends in between there?

Uh, they don't count.

Yes. That's what I was...

Just... okay, maybe like three, four I can think of.

That's a lot of guys.

So, I would have been a ho in this day and age, right?

No. No, you're not a ho.

I don't think he'll come on strong with you.

I really don't.

I don't think so.

I mean, you're gonna be at Butterfly World.

He's not gonna make a move.


What is he gonna do?

"Here's a butterfly. Kiss me.

I'm gonna put it on my mouth. Come and get it."


I think he'll put it somewhere else.


Oh, my god!


See you later.

Alex: Hi.

You're a gorgeous girl, and we could level up to love, and I'd love to...

What?! [Giggles]



See you later.



It's been so long.

Good to see you.

You look gorgeous.

Thanks. [Laughs nervously]

Seeing Alex, he's definitely much taller than he used to be.

We dated when he was in fourth grade, and I was in fifth grade, and he was just a little boy, so now he's this big man, and it's different seeing him like this.

So, I'm excited to just get to know him again, because we haven't talked in like four years.


So many!


They're so pretty!

They are. They're gorgeous.

And they're everywhere.


Ooh, I like that one.

That one's huge.

That one's pretty.

So, how have you been?

I've been good. How have you been?

Good. High school's good?

Or, no, you're not in high school!

Oh, my gosh.

No, I'm not in high school yet.

I'm only in eighth grade.

Well, school's been good?

Yeah, school's been good.

I'm feeling a slight bit nervous, because I've talked to guys before, but only, really, transgender guys, and I talk to them like they are my girlfriends.

But with this date, I feel like I definitely have my filter up.

I'm thinking about what I want to say because I don't want to mess up and say anything stupid.

This is so nice.

This is.

Oh, my gosh.

Do you remember when we were young, we used to go to the circus?

I still have a picture of my dad, you, and I.

That was, like, one of our first dates.

Yeah, it one of our first.

Yeah, and then we went to the beach, and we held hands.

For our first time, we thought it was a big step.

Yeah. We were a happy, little couple.

[Both chuckle]

But, yeah. It was fun.
Alex: I'm feeling very nervous about this date because I want to impress her.

Her smile is beautiful, and her hair, and I just... I love to look at her.

Our elementary school dating was fun, but, obviously, things are a lot different now.

All the fake love and all that... I remember.

Yeah, but... I don't know.

I just think it's really cool that, you know, you took a chance with me.

In high school, guys just don't talk to me because I'm transgender.

They look at me like, you know, I'm a freak, or they'll think they're gay for liking someone like me.

You being transgender doesn't faze me.

You're beautiful. You're a girl.

I see you as any other girl.

I don't care what other people might say about me liking Jazz.

I like her for who she is, not for what she has down there.

I like her, and nobody can change that.

I'm the lucky one for being on a date with you.

Thanks. [Chuckles]

It's definitely new for me, but it's good.

I'm very glad that I'm the first one that you're experiencing it with.



Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god! It's you!

[Squealing] How are you?

How nice to see you!

Jeanette: Barbara is Alex's mom, and I've known her since Jazz was in fifth grade.

She's just a great person, a great human being, a great mom.

Did you see them going in?

I know.

He's so tall.

He's almost six feet!

Oh, no way.

I can't believe how beautiful Jazz has gotten.

Well, she's...

I know!

Filled out!

I noticed how, like, the way she's blossomed.


That estrogen really works wonders.

Was she nervous?


I think I'm more excited than Jazz.

I'm planning the wedding.


Jazz is like, "Mom, stop." Like, she's so awkward.

Alex was excited. I think he was nervous, but he tries to act all calm and stuff, so...

Yeah, yeah.

Well, honestly, they's so few like him out there like him that just see Jazz for Jazz...

Thank you.

And, you know, not the girl that has the boy body.

You know, I was worried for him, because when he was talking to me about wanting to ask her out on a date...

You know, I talked to him about the good, the bad, and the ugly that happens.

You know, he's going into high school, and...

Yeah, I worry about that, too.

Like, other people don't understand, and I don't want him being bullied or anybody saying anything negative because of Jazz.

I spoke him about that and I said, "look, they're gonna call you names. They're going to say things about you," and his answer to me was, "Mom, I don't care what they say.

She's worth it."


Jazz being transgender isn't even an issue to me.

I see what Alex sees... A beautiful, young girl.

But, as a mom, I wanted to protect him from the bullying, the name calling, things that I know that she is going through on a regular basis, 'cause there's a lot of hatred out there.

But I'm also not going to discourage him from doing what his heart says.

How is Greg taking it, knowing that she was gonna go on a date?

You know, it's his little girl.

Like, you know, he is definitely worried, and it's not even about Alex.

It's about her and her emotions and her feelings and, you know... And there's all the physicality.

We think about that kind of stuff.

Oh, my god. I don't even want to think that they're doing what I did on my first date.


Oh, Barbara...

Now I'm gonna be, like...


I'm really glad to be on this date with you.

Yeah, I know. I've had a ton of fun.

It's been awesome.

Going down memory Lane with Alex, it's just... it's fun.

I mean, he was a big part of my elementary-school life, so just being able to reconnect with him and talk about what we experienced is pretty cool.

Like, you know, like I was saying before, I don't get to do this a lot or ever, actually, 'cause... I don't know.

The way guys perceive me, it's just...

They look at me as this, like, weird... strange girl, but I'm glad that you're not like those guys.

You just look at me for who I am.

I appreciate that.

You're a gorgeous girl, and I want you to experience love.

[Laughs nervously]

I know you don't have a lot of experience in it, but I'd love to be the first guy that you experience it with.


Well, that's... That's a lot. [Laughs]

I don't know if we're there yet.

We're just on our first date, but...

Yeah, but...

No, I appreciate that.

I want to make you feel special.

You're beautiful, and you're awesome.

You have an awesome personality, and I'd love to go on a second date.

We could level up to love, and I'd...

What?! [Nervous giggling]

"Level up to love"?!



I want to make you feel special.

You're beautiful, and you're awesome.

You have an awesome personality.

You liking me could cause other kids to judge you, 'cause kids will say stuff to you, like, "you're gay. You're stupid."

I don't care. It doesn't faze me.

The friends that I'll lose from it, I'll always know that they weren't real from the start.

True, true.

And they can't change what I like.

That's my own choice.

Oh. But I've had fun, and... yeah.

I just... once again, I really appreciate it.

You don't have to thank me.

I'm the lucky one here.

And I'd love to go on a second date.

You're definitely a really nice person, and I think we should just see what happens.

Okay. Take it slow.

And open mind.

Yeah, definitely.

I really want to take Jazz out on a second date.

She's cute, and she's funny, but the ball is in her court, and I really hope she wants to see me again.

So, do you want to get out of here?

Yeah. I guess let's get going. Had a lot of fun.

Thank you. This has been great.


I'm back!

Butterflies landed on me.

You just had your first date.

I know. It wasn't bad.

Juicy details.

It was just like hanging out with a friend, honestly.

I think the date with Alex went really well.

I had a super good time, he's super sweet, and it was good to just reconnect with him.

He was very kind.

He was talking about how, like, he supports me no matter what and stuff.

Really? So, you talked about the fact that you're transgender in the date.


That's great.

Yeah, he knows all about that.

Well, I know he knows, but I didn't know if you would discuss it or not.

Are you gonna start driving?

[Engine starts]

Yeah, it was pretty good.

Did he try to kiss you goodbye?

No, he did not try to kiss me, but he was saying things like, "I want to fall in love with you. I want to do all these things," and I kind of just told him I don't know if I'm ready for that sort of thing right now.

Oh, you did tell him?


Well, what did he say when you said that?

I think he was a little bummed.

Alex came on so strong to me.

He really wants to make this relationship thing happen, and it is a little bit intimidating.

I just need things to go a little bit more slowly.

It was weird because he was, like, really pouring his heart out.

I was just like, "ugh! I don't know about this!"

But you got to admit, he is really cute.

Yeah, he's good-looking.

So, next time we hang out...

Mm-hmm? So, you said there'll be a next time.


If we hang out again.

When you hang out again.

If. If.

♪ When, when ♪


[Both laughing]


Got a little poppy/guppy time.

Yeah. It's beautiful out, too.

Not only that, I'm getting my Jennings beach lift in.

Check that out.

Since you guys are going off to college, I have to save money, so I could only afford two units to work off of here, so...


You got that one and this one.

My expectation for the boys at college is that they're gonna put academics first and social second.

I want them to stay focused.

All right. This is it right here.

That didn't count. My shoe was untied.

I got distracted.

Good thing the water's only five feet way.

[Laughing] You almost hit the duck!

Study hard, Sander, 'cause you're never gonna be a pro golfer.

Ooh! I do hit that kind of good.

So, let me tell you what's gonna happen with college from a cost standpoint.

The first year, what I did with Ari, and what I'm gonna do with you guys... you paying attention?

If you say "loans," I'm gonna be sad.

You got to take a loan the first year.


That's a slap in the face.

I'll tell you why... I have a theory to it...

College is expensive, but if you guys have loans, you're gonna be responsible for it.

If you guys get through it in four years, and you don't mess up, then I'll take care of the loan.

If you guys extend your stay, then you're gonna pay for your loan.

Sander: My dad has always been there when it comes to money, and I understand why he's making us take out a loan...

Because he needs us to be responsible, and he needs us to show him that we're going to take college seriously and not be the "life of the party."

Like, you're ready, you know?

Well, I'm ready to go.

Yeah, I'm ready to go.

We love having you guys around.

You guys are constant entertainment.

You make us very proud.

But, you know, at the end of the day, I feel comfortable that you guys are ready for the next step.

And I think you're ambitious enough to not let all the social stuff get in the way of achieving.

Ready to pack it up?

Yeah, let's go.

College is right around the corner, and I'm just excited for freedom and to kind of get away from the normal life that I've been living for the past 18 years.

Time to experience some new things.

It's gonna be sad to leave my family, but I'm excited.

Aww, this might be one of our last poppy and guppy days.

I really like tennis better than golf, though, I have to say.


Greg: So, how was your day with Jazz and her date?

Ah... where do I begin?

He really likes her for her.

He doesn't care that she's transgender, doesn't matter to him, he doesn't care what people think.

But Jazz, I think, is just not ready.

I thought she was going on an innocent, you know, event...

It was innocent.

This was a first date.


I don't know why you need to feel that she needs to rush into it.

I'm not saying "rush." I just, you know, like, I wanted her to be excited about it.

I mean, let's be honest, they are not beating down the door to date Jazz.

And this is, like, a guy that care about her, and...

You know, to me, it would sad if she just kind of tossed it away.

It would be nice for Jazz to experience love.

I want her to have what every other teenage girl has, and hopefully have a boyfriend in high school.

I'd like to see a happy ending, and I'm not rushing her or anything like that, but I'd be really happy if things worked out.

But it sounds like she was doing it at the pace she's comfortable with, so what's wrong with that?

I guess nothing, but I really like him. [Chuckles]

It's really not for you to define.

You know me. I'm the dad.

I'm okay if she takes it slow.

Well, she's taking it really slow, so don't worry.


As a parent, I just want to make sure that my kids are happy, but I also don't want them to rush into things.

I don't think this is the last opportunity Jazz will have to find a soul mate.

I think we should look at it for what it is, which is, really, just an innocent date.

So, I've got some good news. I spoke to the police, and they found the person who's been making all the calls.

And they arrested him, and he's in jail?

They contacted him and told him not to make anymore calls.

And that's it? He's not gonna be bothering us anymore?

I don't understand.

He's not gonna bother us anymore.

They've assured us of that.

Isn't it against the law? Isn't it a felony or something?

He's harassing and threatening.

I mean, this guy is sick, and they're just gonna be like, "it's gonna be okay"? I mean...

Look, the police said that they did all they could do.

That's all that we can do with respect to the police.

No, there's... no. I'm not gonna take that.

I'm traumatized from him.

It's tough watching Jeanette get so emotional, but I also understand the justice system.

If the guy had stepped on our property, if he had met certain threatening criteria, I think that more would have been done.

Why can't we press charges?

Jeanette, the issue is resolved.

As far as the police are concerned...

Not for me. It's never resolved.

I'm mad.

Okay, I'm mad, too.

I felt violated.

I felt concerned.

It's not just police, it's crime in general...

They plead cases, criminals don't always go to jail.

There's no better word than "frustration."

We're gonna have to take precautions on our own end.

Well, "easier said than done" is all I could say.

We can't just rely on the police.

We're gonna have to do more of our own taking control of our situation to give my family piece of mind.

I'm 100% allowed to use the girl's restroom...


But I have had some people come up to me and be like, "if a trans girl ever walks into the girl's bathroom, I will beat her down."


Noelle: It's gourmet doughnuts... Best doughnuts you've ever had.

I'm always starving, so that's good.

But there's another reason why I like this place.

You'll see.

Jazz: Noelle is taking me to her favorite doughnut shop, and I'm kind of excited.

I love, love, love, love, love, love, love doughnuts.

I'm so excited!


It's nothing...

Where are you going, Noelle? [Laughs]

No, the surprise is not doughnuts.

Wait, what?

Jazz: Noelle is ushering me to the back of the doughnut shop, and I'm like, "Noelle, you're going the wrong way!

The doughnuts are over here! What are you doing?"

It's nothing big, but it's just I noticed it, like, the second or third time I came in, 'cause I don't use the restroom a lot for obvious reasons.

Jazz: That's so awesome!

I'll have to come here more often now.

You know what's going on, right?

Yeah, of course.

Seeing states like North Carolina enacting these bathroom bills that are banning transgender individuals from using the restrooms that they identify as...

It's complete discrimination, and I feel like we're going the wrong way in terms of progress.

Everyone I talk to, they'll be, like, ranting on and on about how they're, like, "oh, my god. If we allow trans people in the bathroom, then there are gonna be, like, pedophiles who, like, prey on women."

And I'm like, "when has that ever happened?"

Where this is no problem, people are causing a problem.

I know. I know me personally, I've had issues with the bathroom in the past.

I wasn't allowed to use the girl's bathroom at my elementary school.

I had to use the nurse's restroom, and it was just disgusting.

Kids were vomiting... Everything.

I'm 100% allowed to use the girl's restroom, but I'm not aware of how much I pass, and I have had some people come up to me and be like, "if a trans girl ever walks into the girl's bathroom, I will beat her down."

'Cause they... There are people at school who are like, "oh, my god. Noelle is a pervert."

Do you ever have to hold it in?


That's... You shouldn't do that.

It's very sad to see that the country is divided between people who don't think trans people should be allowed in some public spaces and people who do.

It does start a very violent dialogue that does create a lot of disdain towards trans people, which I am unfortunately experiencing.

Enough about that.

Like, the last time I saw you, you were going on a date.


[Muffled] I got to tell you.

[Normal voice] Sorry, this doughnut is so good.

So, yes, I went on the date with Alex.

It went well. I had fun.

He was very, very sweet.

You know, he reassured me that he doesn't care what other people think about him, and if he thinks I'm, like, cool and wants to hang out with me, then he's gonna do that.

He was definitely interested in me.


I don't know why, but he was always calling me "gorgeous" and stuff like that.

Is there gonna be a second date?

'Cause the way you described him, it did sound like he just rode in on a horse.

The truth is I don't know enough about him yet.

That's what a second date is for.

I think there should be a second date, because in a first date, there's not much you can learn about the person you're going out with, and I think that it's great that Alex is willing to express his emotions for Jazz.

Not many guys have the courage to do that.

Well, one thing that I think is cool...

You have gone through almost everything I've gone through, and right now it seems like you're going through something that I've gone through.


So, I think there's a lot to be shared between the two of us.

Uh-huh. For sure. I know what you mean.

It kind of just started off as, like, "oh, let's meet with each other because we're both transgender."

But we've kind of, like, grown, and we've become real friends.

Jazz: I've become really close with Noelle.

She has this quirky and awkward side to her that I really love, and she's really unique.

I really appreciate our friendship and value it.

It's just a good feeling knowing that, you know, there's a friend that I have that does know what I'm going through.

Becoming friends with Jazz has meant a lot to me, because I don't have a lot of trans friends.

So, just knowing that there's someone out there who can really know what I'm going through and experience the things that I've experienced...

It really is very important to me.


Greg: Hi, how you doing?

How are you?


I'm Greg.

Cypress Trace Security... Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Greg: Even though the police found this guy and assured us that he is not gonna be bothering us anymore, somebody obviously knows where we live.

How they got that information, I'm not 100% sure, but I just want to make sure my family feels safe.

We want to be aware of what's going on at the house whether we're home or not home.

We've received some calls that we're a little bit concerned about.


Somebody knows where we live.

We've put in some cameras.


We have some motion detectors.

Can we walk around the house, and you can show me what you have now, and we can start from there?


Jeanette: There's no doubt that there's more hatred towards transgender people than almost any other population, and we have a transgender daughter, and we're in the public eye, so we have more reason to look over our shoulder.

There's a camera over here.


And this camera pretty much covers the entire backyard.

And there's a big, bright light over here that we just turn on at night.

So, I mean, you can see very well with that camera.

I would absolutely put at least one more in the back.

The sides are really where I think you would feel safer.

We could put one up there...


Put a motion sensor on that light so that it automatically lights up.

Really, just put as many cameras as you can around the house.

Right now, having two is very...


[Chuckles] 100.

I would say eight... Eight would be enough. Yeah.

Greg: I feel better taking this next step, and hopefully, if people see that there's all those security measures in place, they'll be less inclined to bother.

I think that should do it.

What do you think of that?

Well, having eight cameras is a lot better than having two.

I'm never confident that anybody's no longer a threat or a menace.

I think there's a lot of hate out there towards transgender people for whatever reason, so I think we can never let our guard down.

You know, this guy's still out there.


You're so chipper.

I'm in slow motion.

I didn't get enough sleep.

Pool day! Kids don't know anything, right?


Greg: This has been quite a challenging year for our family.

It's very important for us to create as many family memories together as we can before the boys go off to college, because family life is changing.

I mean, so, where are we going?

It's a secret.

Everybody grab their bags, or a bag.

I have some of your stuff packed already.


Greg: Hey.

Grandma's coming?!

Good morning. How's it going?

I'm delighted that we were invited to join the family in a family event, which will be a surprise for the twins.

They're gonna have a great time, but more so than that...

It's the whole family being together in one event.

Jazz: Where are we going?

We're going south.


Maybe we're just simply going to the beach.

Maybe we're just going scuba diving.

Sander: Can we go fishing?

Why would we go to a beach in Miami though?

We have closer beaches.

Jeanette: It's really hard to surprise our kids because they ask a million questions, they try to break you down... "Was it this? Is it that?

"Oh, I know! I got it! I figured it out!"

I don't know where they get that from.


Jazz, are you still texting Alex?



Well, didn't you just go on a date with him?

Yeah, but we haven't texted after.

Did it not go well?

The date was fine.

Well, when a girl says a date's fine, it didn't go so well.

He was super, super nice.

He was definitely very supportive, so that was cool.

Oh, no. Did you bite his lip again?

No, we did not kiss or anything.

Did you hug at least?

We hugged goodbye.

I'm gonna keep the door open, 'cause he's super sweet, and he's supportive, and he was saying how much more beautiful I was than the butterflies.



So, it was good first high-school date pretty much.

It was a good start.

It was good, yes.

Hey, Ari, what do you think about Jazz going out?

She's K.O.'d.

It's not her relationship, so it doesn't matter.



Look, guys, we're here!

Miami Seaquarium!

Oh, look... jumping.

It's been a lifelong dream of mine to play with the dolphins.

Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to.

So now, I'm about to dive on in.

Jack: I almost wanted to go in the water with them, but the only way Jacky would ever do anything like that is if her hair dresser was nearby.

[Laughing] Oh!

Man: Now, what I want you guys to do...

Keep your hands like this... Now wiggle your fingers.

[Dolphin squeaking]

That's a beautiful song.

It's probably our last big family excursion before we go away.

I'm gonna miss all the good times I've had with my family.

But at the same time, we're ready to move on with our life.

Jeanette: When the boys leave the house, it's gonna be like a ghost town here.

How are you gonna get through.

I don't know. Just medicate me and put me out.


[Dolphin squeaking]

Jazz: I'm gonna miss having my brothers at school with me, because this school year was pretty rough for me.

It started with my depression...

I went through a really hard time, and I'm still getting out of it.

I was, like, in a very dark place.

And then I lost my friend.

You do the thing where you don't listen.

And having the love and support of my brothers really helped.

Now they are going off to college, so I do feel a little bit more vulnerable going into the next year.

I am worried that Jazz's tendency to shut people down will cause her hardship in the future.

Jazz is going to be 16 this year.

It's a big milestone in her life, and there's a lot of decisions coming up for her.

What's the youngest age you could get breast surgery at?

The time is approaching when I'm gonna have to start considering bottom surgery.

I think Jazz is gonna ultimately align her body with her mind.

She's kind of walking a path less traveled than most people.

On top of that, she's really become a very public, high-profile transgender activist.

[Cheers and applause]

Unfortunately, Jazz's visibility is a vulnerability.

What bathroom do you use?

I use the female restrooms, because I am female.

But when she's asked again and again, "do you still want to put yourself out there," she says "this is my purpose."

You just inspired me to do so much...

Jazz: Oh, that's so sweet.

And it's so amazing to meet you.

Then it's my honor to meet you. That's amazing.

There are definitely two sides to me.

There is an activist Jazz who is very articulate, on point, sharing her story, and then there's the more personal Jazz, who is definitely vulnerable in certain situations.

But going through these experiences...

I'm starting to learn about who I am and who I want to be in the future.

I'm not fully there yet, but I'm trying to figure it out.

[Camera shutter clicks]