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06x03 - Back on the Map

Posted: 07/28/16 04:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Suits"...

I don't have anything against you, but I'm not gonna cause trouble with a guy like that for someone I've never even met.

So if he wants me to switch for a few hours, I'm switching.

If something happens to him in there, I will never forgive you.

What do you want, Harvey?

Help me protect Mike Ross.

He's in there with a guy I put away, and the guy is no joke.

What am I supposed to do?

You're supposed to move the guy to another prison.

You got a lot of balls saying that to me when the entire time we were working together, you knew the kid was a fraud.

I don't need your forgiveness, Sean.

I need your help.

You want me one-on-one, you got it.

I'm gonna use this, and they're gonna hold you.


What's going on here?

Why'd you come back with a guard?

I didn't do it to get you to forgive me.

I never should have let him in here in the first place.

I don't even know your name.

Kevin. Kevin Miller.

Louis, you have the right idea, but the wrong execution.

If we're going to look like a real firm, we need to do something about subletting these offices.

I'll take care of it.

[upbeat music]

So, is everything on my application in order?

Yes, it is.


Because in that case, I'd like to get down to the particulars.

Forget the application.

I need to know what the hell kind of man you are.

Excuse me?

What's your firm's carbon footprint?

Louis, not again.

Carbon footprint?

We're a law firm, why would I-- Jesus Christ.

Miami's gonna be underwater in five years, and you don't have a g*dd*mn green policy?

You know what? This interview's over.

Interview? This was supposed to be a lease negotiation.

Tell your story walking, jerk-off.

g*dd*mn it, Louis.

That is the fifth tenant you have scared away because of some bullshit.

This isn't bullshit, Jessica.


Since when do you care about the environment?

Or genetically modified cucumbers?

Or the plight of the LGBT community?

Those are legitimate causes close to my heart.

You're being ridiculous.

Yeah, well, had the French been more ridiculous, they wouldn't have the Nazis goose-stepping through their streets for six years.

Are you really comparing this to that?

I stand by that statement.

Then stand by this.

You don't find a new tenant by tomorrow, then the rent is coming out of your pocket.

[tense music]

So do we eat together in the cafeteria from now on or how does that work?

You know this isn't high school, right?

Yeah, of course I know that.

You are going to the pep rally, though, right?

Seriously, Mike, Gallo's not going to forget about you, and now me, which means--

We need to have each other's backs.


So from now on, we don't just eat together, we stick together as much as possible.

The only time I see that being a problem is afternoons between 2:00 and 4:00.

I took a job working in the kitchen.

Then starting from today, I'm gonna be doing something very public from 2:00 to 4:00.

Ross, you're coming with me.

Why, is there a problem?

That's not for me to say.

Well, where are we going?

The counselor wants to see you.

Yeah, we're on our way to breakfast, man.

Well, then you can save him a biscuit, but he's coming with me.

Let's go.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

What are you doing here?

I heard what happened.

So you know that Jessica was being an assh*le?

What I heard was that you interviewed five tenants, and you found a way to turn them all down.

So why don't you tell me what the hell's going on?

Everything's going on.

What are you talking about?

Donna, nobody's gonna be taking these offices without taking the bullpen.

It's the heart and soul of this space.

And it's also the heart and soul of you.

Exactly, which is why I will not stand for another firm to stick their promiscuous associates in my innocent incubator.

Okay, I'm gonna choose not to respond to that except to say, did it ever occur to you to rent to someone without the bullpen?

Donna, that's never gonna happen.

It could.

You've only been looking at law firms and law firms need communal spaces, but--

Other firms don't. Oh, my God.

Why didn't I think of that?

We can go with financial planners for high net worth individuals.

That's it. They're old school.

They have privileged conversations.

They're pussies.

Again, I'm not gonna engage.

And best of all they're not legally savvy, and I can shove any fine print down their throats that I want.

Donna, you're a genius.

The only thing left for me to do is make sure you don't shit the bed in another interview.

What makes you think I would do that?

Every conversation we've ever had, including this one.

Fair point. Set it up.

[lively music]

You wanted to see me?

Yes, and maybe you can explain why you haven't come to see me yet.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that Frank Gallo pulled a knife on you in the common area.

Look, I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine.


Mike, you are lucky he didn't cut you into a million pieces.

What difference does it make? I didn't come to you because there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm here to help you.

Yeah, but you can't, can you?

Look, I already told you Gallo has guards in his pockets, and you told me you have no authority over the guards.

Then file a formal allegation.

No way I am doing that.

Listen to me, you have had two incidents with this man.

Now, if it goes on record, it triggers an investigation.

And then every single guard and inmate in this place will know what I did.

And would you rather have a hypothetical problem or deal with your real problem that isn't going away by itself?

What I'd like is to not have to choose either one.

Well, I've got news for you, bro.

One way or another, you're making that choice whether you like it or not.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪

♪ Suits 6x03 ♪
Back on the Map
Original Air Date on July 27, 2016

♪ The greenback boogie ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Well, you seem to be okay.

I'm guessing that wasn't some trick by Gallo to split us up before?

No, it wasn't.

Then how about you tell me what that counselor wanted?

It's not important.

Hey, when I said we can't leave each other alone, I meant information too, and he's not yanking you down there first thing in the morning for nothing.

It's not important because what he wanted, I'm not doing.

I get it.

He wanted you to inform on Gallo, and you don't trust me.

That's not true, but I don't have to tell you about every offer I get that I don't take.

Yeah, that's fine, but I need you to understand what he's asking you to do, because if you rat on Gallo, I'm gonna be left here by myself.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Mark Higgins.

He was my roommate when I first got here.

He was being harassed by some different assh*le, taking a beating a couple times a week, and that counselor, Julius, convinced him to go on record.

Two weeks later, they put him in a coma.

He never came out.

So you're telling me that I can't trust Julius?

I'm saying Mark did, and Mark's not here anymore.

♪ ♪

Harvey, where have you been? Jessica needs--

Donna, I need you to get Sean Cahill on the phone, and I need it yesterday.

I know you're worried about Mike, but let the man do his job.

I'm not stopping him from doing his job.

I'm telling him to do it faster.

What do you want me to do, Harvey?

I've left him a dozen messages--

Then leave him a dozen more, and while you're at it, don't leave your desk until he calls back.

I can't do that.

Why the hell not?

Because I'm making sure that Louis doesn't blow it with another tenant today.

Then get Rachel to do that.

Harvey, Rachel has law school.

And besides that, this is something that I want to do.

Donna, I don't give a shit about Louis and his tenants.

Well, I do.

Because we all said that we would give everything we had to get this place back to where it was, and right now, Jessica has a prospect waiting for you in the conference room.

So instead of coming down on me and Sean for doing our jobs, why don't you get over there and do yours?

♪ ♪

The plaintiff ID'd the defendant, Your Honor.

It's an open and shut case.

No, it isn't because his reliability as a witness can't be ignored.

What are you talking about? His eyes work perfectly.

Yes, and so does his mouth, because as the record shows, he has a history of making false statements to extort settlements.

Don't you think it's a little ironic, you questioning someone's character in an ethics class?

What's that supposed to mean?

I think the court knows what it means.

And what I think is if you're trying to disparage me to score some points, then you should have the guts to say what you mean.

So, Naomi, how is it ironic coming from me?

Okay, everyone, why don't we take a quick break?

It's ironic because your fiancé is currently serving a two-year sentence for fraud, and no matter what you say, everyone here knows you knew.

All right, that's enough for today.

But, Naomi, if you're gonna impugn another lawyer's character, you should know that in the eyes of a jury, it doesn't say great things about your own.

Rachel, can I speak to you for a minute?

I'm sorry, professor, I have another class in five minutes.

♪ ♪

They say coffee's for closers, but it's not.

Is that a fact?

Yeah, which is why I gave it up two years ago, because that shit'll k*ll you.

So will playing chicken with the SEC, but you don't seem to have a problem with that.

You know who I am.

I also know you have an indictment on the horizon, and you're looking for new representation because no lawyer in his right mind wants to touch you with a ten-foot pole.

If that's how you talk to prospective clients, maybe I don't want to get to know you better.

I think you do because you got nowhere else to go.

The question is, what makes you think I'd take you on?

Gee, I don't know.

Why don't we ask one of the hundreds of associates you have walking around here?

Oh, wait, you don't have any associates walking around here.

I get it--you think we're down and desperate.

No, I think you played chicken with the ABA, came up short, and now you need a high-profile client and a big, g*dd*mn win or you're gonna be on the street in about ten minutes.

What I need is to kick your ass out of here right the hell now because I'm not interested in your kind of client.

All right, fun time's over.

I'll pay you a retainer and triple your rate.

You can quintuple my rate.

My answer's never gonna change.

Listen to me. We are a perfect fit.

I need this and you do too.

And it works out, my business is your firm's the rest of my life.

♪ ♪

That's exactly why I don't want it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna enjoy my coffee.

I'd wish you luck with your SEC troubles, William, but I wouldn't mean it.

♪ ♪

Where is he?

He's not here.

What do you mean he's not here?

I mean he's taking his 4:15 constitutional.

You mean he's in the bathroom.

I believe that's the situation, but I prefer to tell myself he's out for a stroll.

Whoo! I feel like a new man.

Like a 100-pound load off my shoulders.

I think we all know that's not where it came from.

Well, that was fun. Come on, Louis.

We've got some appointments to make.

No need. I took care of it.


What do you think I meant by a load off my shoulders?

I signed the new tenant.

Without me?

Well, yes.

Listen, I found this sweet old man who runs a bunch of friendly money managers looking to expand, and they're all, like, 1,000 years old.

They're not even gonna need the bullpen, and they start tomorrow, and it's gonna be perfect.

No, Louis, it's not going to be perfect.

What are you talking about?

We said we were gonna do this together, and I am a part of this firm as much as you are, and when you go ahead and you do something like this without me, it really pisses me off.

Donna, I'm sorry.

I just wanted to prove to myself that I could not screw this up.

Well, don't come running to me when you do.

♪ ♪

Oh, please tell me you're making just plain old mashed potatoes.

I am getting so sick of that Au gratin bullshit they keep serving us.

Why don't you take it up with the cook?

Well, what if I want to take it up with you?

Well, I'd say you're shit out of luck because it is not my call.

Actually, I feel hip deep in luck finding you here all by yourself.

You're not gonna do anything to me here.

There's too many other people.

You know, when I first got here, I didn't have a high school diploma.

Surprise, surprise.

Before you know it I was a regular Poindexter just like you.

Congratulations. Your parents must be so proud.

They are.

I loved all my subjects, but math was my favorite, transitive property in particular.

Gallo, we've been over this.

You're gonna get to Harvey through me.

Thank you. Got it.

That's true, but that's just the beginning, because if I can get to Harvey through you, that must mean I can get to you through somebody else.

♪ ♪

You leave Kevin out of this.

A little late for that, Mike.

See, in here we use the buddy system.

You left your buddy alone.

♪ ♪

What the hell did you do?

Why don't you find out for yourself?

He's in the bathroom. I'd hurry if I were you.

He's not gonna be conscious much longer.

[tense music]

♪ ♪




Hey, what happened?

I'd say you should see the other guy, Mike, but there were three of them.

Oh, come on, hey, get up.

I thought you said you were gonna stay in the open.


Everyone needs to go to the bathroom, and Gallo and his buddies were waiting for me when I got here.

Come on, we got to get you to the infirmary.

No, no! We can't.

You need someone to look at you.

We can't!

That's exactly what Gallo wants.

Because if we go to the infirmary, we're gonna have to file a report.

Yeah, and then he won't have to lay a finger on us because someone else will do it for him.

♪ ♪

What are we gonna do?

The only thing we can do.

Suck it up and take it until Gallo gets someone else in his sights.

♪ ♪

[laid-back music]

♪ ♪

Dude, I don't give a shit what those douches say.

Those shares aren't worth the tampons they're printed on.

Uh, what floor?

Tell them to stick it in their ass.

I'm on the phone, guy.

I know. I understand that, but--

Pearson Specter Litt.

What business do you have with our--

Oh, Jesus Christ. Lick my balls.

What did you just say to me?

Hold on, Skidmarks. [clears throat]

En El telefono, hombre. Comprende?

All right, man, I got to jet.

We're settling into our new digs today.

All right, later, Brosef Stalin. [laughing]

[elevator dings]

Excuse me. Uh, hi.

I couldn't help but overhear. There must be some mistake.

We're leasing space to the satellite division of the Stevens Investment Group.

That's me, pal, Stu Buzzini. I run the satellite division.

Well, that wasn't made clear to me when I met your boss.

Old man river?

He's not gonna drag his ass in here every day.

He's got one foot in the grave.

Well, then, did he share with you the lease agreement?

Because it clearly outlined a dress code.

You think I wear this to work? What am I, an assh*le?

Next time you see me I'll be in a suit three times more expensive than yours.

This is a Brioni.

It's a Bri-shitty, as far as I'm concerned.

Come on, buddy, give me some.

Come on, brah, don't leave me hanging.

Wha--I don't--

Bssh. That's my girl.

I'm just kidding, Sally.

Hey, holler at me if you need anything, okay?

I'm looking forward to being douche-mates.


Shit Stick, huh, you get that girl's number last night?

That's right. [laughing]

Ball Sack, how did you track us down, man?

I thought we fired you. [laughs]

Holy g*dd*mn shit, what have I done?

Come on, boys, let's make some money!

Donna, listen to me.

I know.

Then you know that I--

Shit the bed like you never have before?

I am so--

Banged the monkey?

Screwed the pooch?

Donna, please--

Flinked the flank?

What does flink the flank mean?

It means I'm not finished enjoying this.

When do you think you'll be finished?

Because I need to know what to do.

I don't know. When does their lease expire?

Oh, my God, I cooked in an extension option!

Louis, relax.

The important thing to remember here is that this is your fault for not listening to me.

How does that help me?

It doesn't. It helps me.


Okay, listen to me.

If you really want my help, I'm gonna give it to you.

What's gonna happen is, sometime in the next 24 hours, a minor incident that would mean nothing to anybody else but you is gonna make you want to undo this fiasco.

I want to undo it right now.

But I'm telling you not to because in addition to making things worse, Jessica will k*ll you.

So just wait things out and in another--

I'm sorry, when does their lease expire again?

18 months.

18 months... this whole thing will be a distant memory.

Can you do that?

Can you let it go?


Yes, I think you can.



You can do it.

Yes, I can.

Then go forth and conquer.

I'm gonna give him about an hour and a half.

♪ ♪

Jessica, what can I do for you?

What are you so happy about?

I just saw our new tenants.

A bunch of dickhead traders.

They're gonna drive Louis crazy.

Well, I just got a very interesting phone call, but I'm not smiling about it.

Nigerian prince leaving you his inheritance?

Because I got news for you, it's a scam.

Oh, I hope it's a scam because I just heard you turned down a client whose investment firm is worth $2 billion.

Well, I don't give a shit how much they're worth.

I'm not representing William Sutter.

Oh, yes, you are, or you're gonna give me a hell of a reason why not.

You want the reason?

This guy makes Madoff and Forstman look like saints, and I'm not getting involved with anther criminal.

Harvey, I don't think you understand what's going on here.

We're filling up these offices with subletters to make it look like we're still alive, but if we don't land a new client and show the world that we're back, then we may as well let them have the space for good.

Then let me land someone else.

Well, then it better be someone huge, and you better do it in the next 48 hours because that's when I set our next appointment with Sutter, and when we get there, we're signing him as a client.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

You know who you have to go to, right?

Donna, no way. Not him.

Harvey, you heard Jessica.

We're in trouble, and you know it, and Nathan Burns isn't a criminal.

He's just an assh*le.

An assh*le I told I'd never get into business with.

Well, that's too bad because I set up a meeting with him the second I saw Jessica heading for your office.

♪ ♪
Mike, I can't talk right now.

I have an inmate coming in in about five minutes.

Good, because this will take about five seconds.

You need to get Gallo transferred to another block, and you need to do it right now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down and tell me what happened.

I am calm.

He att*cked my cellmate while I was working.

Now, this is a huge prison. You get him g*dd*mn moved.

I don't have the authority to do that.

That's the second time this week you told me you can't help me after telling me you can help me.

Mike, listen--

And don't tell me to make a formal allegation again because that is just going to make this worse.

It doesn't have to.

Is that what you told Mark Higgins?

Oh, that's out of line.

How dare you ask me about discussions I've had with another inmate.

From what I understand, he can't have discussions with anyone anymore.

And I don't want to hear what happened to him.

I just want to figure out how to get out of here alive.

Well, I can't help you do that if you keep talking to me like that.

♪ ♪

Listen to me, Julius, I'm sorry, but I cannot tell on Gallo.

So if you can't get him moved, I need to quit my job, because Kevin is my only friend in here.

That's two hours a day that he's exposed.

I'm not gonna leave him alone again.

Mike, I hate to keep telling you no, but that's not how it works in here.

How what works in here?

You can't just walk away from a job, and there's nothing I can do about that.

♪ ♪

Harvey Specter, as I live and breathe.

Good to see you, Nathan.

No, it's not.

I was wondering how long it would take after your lawyers left before you came here begging me to take you on.

Do I look like I'm begging?

To tell you the truth, I didn't expect you until next week.

You know, desperation's a beautiful thing.

Okay, you got me.

The question is, do you want to keep sticking it to me or do you want to take my one-time-only offer to become my number one client?

Okay, Harvey, I'm done sticking it to you, but if you want my business, you'll have to earn it.

What do you think these front row Knicks tickets are for?

Great. I'll give them to my stepson because he's too stupid to know the Knicks suck.

What do you want, Nathan?

Lockwood Energy.

They've been a pain in my ass for ten years.

Now they're trying to bring their business to my backyard.

And you want me to block them?

I want you to shove so many restraining orders up their ass they can't even breathe, and I want it done by the time we sit down for appetizers tonight at Per Se.

Then the next time you see me, they'll be a speck in your rear view mirror.

But, Nathan, when I get there, you better have a Scotch waiting for me.

You can order one for both of us when you call and make the reservations.

8:00 p.m. sharp.

Oh, and Harvey?

If you don't call yourself, I'll know.

You really are a d*ck, Nathan.

I am, but when I give my word, the world knows that it's rock solid.

So, be there on time, get that shit done, or don't bother showing up at all.

♪ ♪

♪ Prune juice, prune juice you are so sweet ♪
♪ I love you all the way from my head down to my-- ♪

g*dd*mn it!

Hey, guy, what can you do for me?

The name isn't Guy, it's Louis, and I had a two-gallon bottle of prune juice in the refrigerator.

I want to know where it went.

No problem. I had to toss that shit.

You threw away my prune juice?

Let me put it this way, if my assh*le had an assh*le, that's what it would smell like.

That's what it's supposed to smell like.

Take it easy, bro, it's just prune juice.

No, it isn't just prune juice.

It's the sanctity of my kitchen.

And on top of my prune juice, you ate all of my bran bars.

You must spend a lot of time on the shitter.

That's neither here nor there.

You, sir, are in violation of subsection 3-C of your lease, which means if it happens again, you're out on your ass.


What kind of dildo puts bran bars and prune juice in a lease agreement?

This dildo. This dildo right here.

Are you nuts?

No. I'm your worst nightmare, because this quivering angry dildo isn't going away until it gets its satisfaction.

What did you just say to me?

I just said, this dildo is gonna be in your face slapping it around, then up your ass marching you right out the door if it catches you in violation of your lease ever again.

[tense music]

♪ ♪


Rachel, it's Professor Dunbar.

How can I help you, Professor?

I tried to talk to you about this after class, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping me with something that's near and dear to my heart.

What's that?

The Innocence Project.

You want me to help you get an innocent man off death row?

That's exactly what I want.

This wouldn't have anything to do with the incident after class the other day, would it?

What makes you say that?

Because I can't do both of these things at the same time, and you know it.

Okay, yes.

Yes, I thought you might need a little relief, but I wouldn't be offering you this if I didn't think you'd earned it.

I appreciate that, Professor, just...

I'm not one to back away from a fight.

Rachel, I'm not asking you to back away from a fight.

I'm asking you to pick one that's more important.

♪ ♪


Well, what?

Did you grovel to Per Se to get yourself a reservation?

I didn't grovel to Per Se. I groveled to Nathan.

But I don't want to talk about what I did.

I want to talk about what you did, because if you didn't file those motions then I might as well cancel dinner.

I didn't just get them filed, I got the city attorney to put them on the top of the pile.

Restraining order, patent infringement suit, tortious interference, and environmental hazard report.

Lockwood isn't gonna know what hit them.

Well, instead of patting yourself on the back, why don't you pick up the phone and get me Sean Cahill?

Aw, she doesn't have to get you Sean Cahill, 'cause he's standing right in front of ya.

It's about time.

Why the hell haven't you returned any of my phone calls?

Harvey, I need you to sit down.

Sean, what took so long?

It took me so long to find out that Frank Gallo's not going anywhere because he's got people up in high places who are protecting him.

Then tell me who they are. I'll put them in the ground.

Look, it's not that simple.

It is to me.

Harvey, you don't understand.

I understand that unless he's a government informant, we can get a criminal put back where he belongs.

You got to be kidding me.

Look, I can't reveal details of a federal investigation.

You don't have to. You just did.

Where are you going?

I'm telling Mike what the hell's going on.

Stop. Just listen to me.

No one can know that this came from me.

No one's gonna know about it at all...except Mike.

Harvey, if you go to that prison now, you'll never make it back in time for your dinner with Nathan.

Donna, I don't care what you have to do.

Get him a message that I'll be an hour late, and make sure he says it's okay.


Take care of it.

I'm not leaving Mike alone in there another minute without knowing what's coming.

[suspenseful music]



[door closes]

Please tell me you came here with good news about Gallo.

I have news, but it isn't good.

Oh, shit.

Mike, listen to me.

Cahill wants to help, but his hands are tied.

What the hell does that mean?

Gallo's not here because of good behavior.

He's here because he cut a deal.

You got to be kidding me. He's a g*dd*mn informant?


Oh, that's great. So he's not going anywhere, and neither am I unless it's in a g*dd*mn body bag!

Mike, I'm gonna find another way.

I'd appreciate that, Harvey, but what the hell am I supposed to do in the meantime?

Hey, you didn't even want me to try and get him out in the first place.

And I sure as hell didn't ask you to put him in here in the first place.

And all the advice you gave me to stay in a group did was get the only friend I have in here nearly put in the hospital.

[tense music]

Look, there's only one other thing I can think of, but you'll have to play it just right or we're gonna make things worse.


Well, you might as well say it, because from where I'm standing, they are gonna get worse whether you tell me or not.

♪ ♪

[lively music]

♪ ♪

Louis, can I talk to you for a second?

What, no brah?

No scrotum? No d*ck nose?

No, man, just plain old Louis.

Well, I consider myself a fair man.

What exactly do you have to say?

I want to say I heard you before, and I didn't treat you or your office with any respect, and I'm hoping we can have a fresh start.

That's wonderful.

I'm touched.

Now take this and get the hell out.

What's that?

It's an eviction notice.

I gave you a warning.

You screwed the pooch and now you're out.

Are you kidding me?

You come at me, I apologize to you, and then you do this?

Well, in between those two things, your traders were playing touch football in my beloved bullpen, so I don't accept your bullshit apology.

You won't get away with this.

I already did.

You're a son of a bitch.

Yeah, a son of a bitch who's got the full weight of the New York City Legal Code on his side.

And you just learned lesson number one.

Don't ever mess with a Harvard g*dd*mn lawyer.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Excuse me, sir?

Relax, I know where I'm going.

I'm sure you do, but I don't think you're going to find what you're looking for.

What did you just say to me?

I'm sorry, but you match the description of a man I was told would be walking in here right about now.

And what exactly is the description?

I'd rather not say, but it fit you to a T.

So I'm fairly confident you're the one that was supposed to have dinner with Nathan Burns.

Let's have it.

Have what?

The message you're supposed to give me.

He wanted me to tell you that being late to dinner was a slap in the face, and you could take your offer and shove it up your ass.

♪ ♪

g*dd*mn it, Donna, I told you to call Nathan's office and tell him I'd be late.

Don't "g*dd*mn it, Donna" me, I did call them.

Well, he wasn't at the restaurant, so your message didn't get through.

I didn't leave a message, Harvey.

I spoke to his secretary who I've known for 12 years, and she said that Nathan said it was okay.

Then either he lied or she did, and it wasn't him because he may be an assh*le, but as he likes to put it, his word is his bond.

Unless somebody changed his mind.

What are you talking about?

The only person who has the power to put pressure on an assh*le like Nathan Burns is a bigger assh*le, and you said it yourself, William Sutter will do anything to get what he wants.

Donna, I need you to get Bill Johnson at Goldman, and I need you to do it right now.

I can't.

Why the hell not?

Because he doesn't work there anymore.

Oh, shit.


Donna, I need somebody who can tell me if Sutter's buying shares, and I need it before the market opens tomorrow.

Then it's a good thing Louis just rented our offices to a bunch of traders.

[tense music]

Oh, good, Jessica, you're here.

I...I had a few contracts I need to file.

I just need your signature.

You think I don't know you've been forging my signature on shit like this for the last five years?

I'm sorry...

No, you're not.

And you don't need to be.

You were just trying to save me some time.

Now, why don't you tell me why you're really here?


I'm taking a practical ethics course this semester.

Well, it's been a long time since I read that textbook.

My problem's not with the textbook.


One of my classmates stuck him in my face in front of the entire class to win an argument.

And the only thing you want to stick in her face is your fist?

Something like that.

So the professor offered me an Innocence Project case, and I want to take it, but if I do...

The other students will think you're afraid of her.


Then you have to make all of them afraid of you.

Then the only impression they'll have of you is that you're one badass woman.

Why do I get the feeling that when you were in law school you went through something just like this?

Rachel, I don't know if you've been paying attention, but I go through something like this every damn day.

I take it you're the man in charge.

What makes you think that?

Because you're still here, and the markets closed six hours ago.

Maybe I'm just here cheating on my girlfriend with my secretary.

Like I said, you're the man in charge.

I like you, but you didn't come all the way down to my office just to kiss my ass, so why don't you just get to it?

I need to know who just bought 5% of this company.

Well, that's gonna be a problem because whoever it was doesn't have to file with the SEC for three months.

You're right, I didn't come down here to kiss your ass, but I didn't come for a refresher on securities law either.

I'm here because a guy like you can get me what I need.

And why should I help you, when I went to your partner on my hands and knees and I'm still gonna lose my lease because I ate a couple of g*dd*mn bran bars?

You give me what I need, as far as I'm concerned, you can throw every bran bar Louis has off the roof.

I got a guy that can get you that information.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Now that I know you got something to lose, I need you to make a little investment.

You serious about me sticking it to your partner?

What do you think I've been doing to him for the last ten years?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Are you ready for round two?

I am.

In fact, I think I already won, because one of the easiest things to do in a debate is to attack the debater.

What is this?

You went after me because of something that my fiancé did, but the truth is, we all have skeletons in our closets.

The difference between you and me is that I don't care to use them.

What do you want?

I think you know what I want.

Shall we get started?

I'd like to apologize for saying what I said to Rachel Zane.

I only did what I did because she's my intellectual and ethical superior.

I'm ashamed of myself, and I forfeit this competition.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

How'd you get her to say that?

It doesn't matter.

What matters is, everyone here knows that I'm not afraid of her.

I take it that means you're staying in the class then?


That is my official drop-out request.

I'm doing the Innocence Project.

♪ ♪

What are you doing here, Harvey?

You didn't give me a chance to show you all the motions I filed to keep that bastard out of your backyard.

Because I told you if you were late for dinner you could go screw yourself.

No, you didn't give me a chance to show you because you're afraid of William Sutter, when the person you should be afraid of is me.

What the hell are you talking about?

You think I don't know he bought a piece of you in the middle of the night, and now he's pressuring the board to kick you out?

Okay, fine.

He did, but I'm a whale, and he's a shark, and I have no other choice.

I got a little news for you, Nathan.

I got a piece of your company too, which means you either hire me and we fight that bastard together, or you go with him and you take me on.

Either way, you're not walking out of this thing without a w*r.

All I ever wanted was to work together, but I do not like being bullied.

No, you like to bully, which is exactly why I never wanted to represent you in the first place.

You only came to me because you needed me.

You didn't care.

You're right, Nathan, I didn't, but like you said, your word is your bond.

This is a chance for you to keep it, and maybe now we can actually start off on the right foot.

♪ ♪

Okay, Harvey.

I'm in.

Two years, five months, 12 days.

I'm not interested in hearing how long it's been since you got laid.

No, that's exactly how long it's gonna be until you walk out of here.

You trying to get me to attack you right here?

Because that's what's gonna happen.

I'm just trying to tell you that you're eligible for parole in six weeks.


You don't believe me?

All right, take a look for yourself.

It's all right there.

You can read, right?

Yeah, I can read, but we're not all fake lawyers like you, so why don't you tell me what it is I'm looking at?

The time you served while awaiting trial was never factored into your sentence.

Your lawyer dropped the ball.

And why the hell would he do that?

Because of an arcane statute that nine out of ten lawyers don't know about, but I do.

You think I don't know this is your protector's idea to get me off your back?

'Cause it's not gonna work.

No, Frank.

Harvey's idea was for me to tell these guys that the real reason you're here is because you're an informant.

[tense music]

You tell that to one living soul, I'll k*ll you.

I guess you have to decide if you really want to spend the next two years trying to mess with me or salvage what's left of your life.

If you're really gonna pick getting back at Harvey over your own freedom, you really are the sorriest son of a bitch I've ever met.

♪ ♪

What the g*dd*mn hell is going on in here?

It's looking good, isn't it?

Okay, buddy, you just signed your death warrant.

I gave you 30 days, now you've got 30 minutes.

I don't think that's happening, boss.

Not only are we staying, but we're making your beloved bullpen the center of our operations, because your big bro amended our lease.

This is bullshit.

Why the hell would Harvey do that?

Let's just say I helped him out of a jam.

This isn't over, because whatever Harvey did, he doesn't know contracts like I do.

And you don't know them like I know them, because this new lease is tighter than your mom's ass.

That's it. I am suing you for slander, because my mom's ass is miles from tight.

I'll take your word for it, bro, and bring it on, because you might be a Harvard-educated lawyer, but I'm a Yale-educated lawyer, and the difference between me and you is I know the real money's in trading.

Now get the hell out of my bullpen.

♪ ♪



I got something for you.

I assume it's an engagement letter for me to sign.

It's the SEC form you're gonna have to file for buying 5% of Nathan Burns's company.

So you know. I don't just know.

I bought a seat at the table, and I got Nathan and the board on my side.


None of you have the balls to go up against me.

I'm not here to go up against you, William.

I'm here to buy your shares back at a tidy little profit so you can use it to hire whoever you want to be your lawyer because it sure as hell isn't gonna be me.

Yeah, maybe instead I'll make sure his company gets in my pocket, never hires you, and your firm is out of business by the end of the quarter.

Well, that's never gonna happen, because the only way to win this thing is to get down in the mud, and if I was gonna be your lawyer, which I'm never gonna be, I'd tell you that's the last place you want to be when you're staring down the barrel of an indictment.

You know you're making an enemy of me for the rest of your life.

Take a number, buddy, because one thing I'm never gonna do is get involved with a shady piece of shit like you.

♪ ♪

So you going to the movie?

I wasn't planning on it.

It's pitch black. Packed in.

Gallo might try something.

I thought you said you had some way to get him off our backs.

Yeah, I don't know if it worked yet or not.

Well, it doesn't matter, because movie night is sacred.

What do you mean?

I mean it's one night that every guy in here looks forward to, you know, doesn't want to mess up.

You try something in there, you're gonna end up like my old roommate, Mark Higgins.

Well, what's playing?

"Crimson Tide."

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Well, you heard what I said about the sanctity of movie night, right?

Besides, me, I never joke about Denzel.


"King Kong ain't got shit on me!

We didn't land on Plymouth Rock."

both: "Plymouth Rock landed on us."

[both chuckle]


[poignant music]

♪ ♪

What's this?

That's your new job.

From now on you're doing kitchen duty with him.

And if I catch you doing the warden, you're going to solitary.

♪ ♪

I didn't ask for kitchen duty.

Maybe not, but I think I know who gave it to you.

♪ ♪

I heard you went to see William Sutter.

Someone had to tell him to drop dead in person.

I thought we agreed we were gonna take him on.

That was before I made us legal counsel for the largest energy producer on the East Coast.

You signed Nathan Burns?

I did.

Well, I hope you know what you're doing, Harvey, because we could have had them both.

Jessica, I learned my lesson.

When you lie down with dogs, you come up with fleas, and I'm telling you, we did the right thing.

Then put some music on, because we're back on the map.

To being back on the map.

To drawing a new one.

Should we get Louis?

Aw, come on.

He takes one sip of this, we'll have to hear that story about the first time he got laid.

We'd be lucky if that's the story we get to hear.

Wow, you guys are drinking?

You haven't even heard my news yet.

You figured out a way to get Gallo transferred?

Even better.

I figured out a way to get Mike out early.

You're kidding me.

You think I came all the way down here to bullshit you?

Well, we all know there's no such thing as a free lunch, Sean, so what's the catch?

He has to inform on one of his fellow inmates.

What makes you think he can even get close to this guy?

Oh, I don't think that's gonna be a problem.

It's his roommate.

Listen to me, Mike's never gonna go for this.

So why don't you tell me what the hell you're talking about?

Kevin Miller's a smoking g*n on another case.

We tried to get him to turn on his family but he wouldn't.

Mike gets him to turn or figures out how to get what we need out of him anyway, he's free.

When do you need an answer by?


And the answer needs to be yes.

[dramatic music]