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02x08 - Fugitive

Posted: 07/26/16 03:08
by bunniefuu
So this is a setup, and I'm the old, desperate one?

Adam: Mary... she took her own life.

This is just a very sad day.

Rachel: What am I prescribed for right now... borderline or narcissistic personality disorder?

Because I'm, like, constantly getting them confused.

I'll get you into the final two, And in return?

You introduce me to your dad.

Maybe take a minority interest in a pro football team.

You can be everything my father says that you're not.

It's gonna be too much work disappointing you every day, Ruby.

I may be falling in love with you.

And I want children.

Madison: Rachel, they're taking the car.

Coleman: Two black guys in a Bentley in this town?

That won't end well.


We should just call the cops.

Get out of the car.

All right, look...


Hands behind your back.

You don't know who I am. Listen.

I'm Rachel Goldberg!

I'm the one who called! Don't hurt him!

Back up!

Don't hurt him!

This is a reality show.

How could this happen?

You don't know the half of it.

Coleman, you're done.

I happen to be...

The showrunner?

Yeah, not anymore.



Take the medicine, sweetheart.

That's how you get better.

I know that this has been a hard time for everyone.

After that ridiculous clip show that we had to air last week, rumors are flying online.

But all the public knows is that there was some sort of police incident.

Oh, is that what we're calling it?

Look, I don't like this any more than you do, but we are not in the news business.

We are in the boobs business.


And what about Rachel?

Rachel is fine.

[Indistinct speaking over P.A.]

[Dramatic music playing]

Man: She was experiencing atypical symptoms...

Olive: .. and she doesn't seem to be responding.

[Indistinct conversation]

.. a shift to 450 milligrams of Eskalith.

That's quite aggressive.

Well, not if it works.

Quinn: I am the showrunner now, and I don't want to hear another word about it.

Loose lips get waterboarded, and their bodies get dumped in the desert.

Am I clear?




Because we are going to have some serious eyeballs on us this week, and I want those eyeballs focused on what we do best, which is romance!

So, we are going to take our love story, and we are going to shove it down their throats until they choke.

Let's go! Let's get out there!

Heads in the game!

Good talk, people. Good talk.

[Indistinct conversations]

The girls are all asking about Darius, Quinn.

They're worried about him.

Yeah. What should we tell them?

Not a damn thing.

He's going to come back, he's going to take them on a helicopter ride into San Francisco, dinner, dancing, and most importantly...



So, go and make sure that the date is perfect.

Thank you.

[Door opens, closes]

So, you're just gonna leave Rachel locked up in the loony bin with her mother, huh?

Her mother is the devil.

So, if Rachel called her, things must have been pretty bad.

Right, and the devil's gonna make it better, then?

Quinn, you're really gonna leave her in there?

After what she did and what I had to do for her to make this go away, maybe she could use a little time off.

For a week, you wouldn't just pick up a phone and help her.

I'm sorry. You've been here for two months.

Rachel's issues go way back, so you are an expert on absolutely nothing.

Quinn, I'm not saying I'm an expert on anything.

I'm just telling...

Why are your lips still moving?

Your career as a television producer is over.

You had the chance, and you blew it.

You don't have a job here anymore, Coleman.

You're done.

Gary says that you get a paycheck and an office until your contract runs out.

Well, that is all that you're going to get.

That is all.

So, why don't you go back to your little hidey-hole, you privileged little prick?

[Dramatic music playing]

[Keys clacking]

[Door opens]

What are you doing in here?

I'm so sorry.

I just... It's my mom's birthday, and I just wanted to send her a quick e-mail.

I'm so sorry.


You were going through my computer.

What? Why would I do that?

I don't know, Yael. Why would you do that?

I think I should go.

No, no, no. I'm sorry.

No, no, no. You're not going anywhere, not until you tell me what you're doing in my office on my computer.

You mean the office where they locked you away because they think you screwed up "Everlasting"?

They're blaming the whole sh**ting on you.

They blew up your career.

So, why do you care?

Because I'm a reporter.

I'm working on a story called "Reality TV Kills."

Are you kidding me?


I've uncovered some expl*sive stuff.

That woman Mary who jumped off the roof last year... that was a m*rder.


Who's your source?


I've got him on tape.


Jeremy's a drunk.

He's a disgruntled employee.

He's completely unreli...

Look, you need to drop all of this right now and just get out.

Or what?

Excuse me?

I just saw footage of Romeo getting shot on your laptop, footage which was supposed to have been turned over to the cops.

I mean, if you turn me in, I guess I'd have to turn you in, too... unless you want to work together.

My editor says if I win this thing, this piece will be unstoppable, and you could help me.

You can't deny there's a huge story right here.

I think you need to get out of here right now.

Coleman, we have to do something.

This place... what they do... it'll blow your mind.


I'm so bored.

I want to play a game.

Cricket. Rugby.

At this point, I don't even care.

How about the news? Romeo got shot.

What are people saying about that?

And you know cops always get a bad rap.

Quinn: All right, let's go, ladies.

Up and at 'em.

I want you shaved, saddled, and ready to ride because "Everlasting" is back in business.

So let's go. Hip-hop.

Are you serious?

As cancer.

There is a big date tonight with our boy in the city... drinks, dancing, the works.

Yes! Let's do this.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What, as if nothing happened?

I mean, how are people reacting?

They must be going nuts.

What about the footage?

We gave all the footage to the police.

It's a P.R. nightmare for us and them.

No one wants it getting out, so it's not going to.

I'm sorry. That doesn't sit right with me.

Well, you want to know what sits right with me?

The non-disclosure agreement that you signed for the show.

So let's get back in the game.



All of you, put something on that will make men want to have sex with you... especially you.

Where the hell is Yael?

[Chuckling] What are you doing here?

Well, you haven't answered my calls in a week.

Well, um, I have been a little busy.

Or avoiding me.

Look, I understand that my desire for progeny might be a little unsettling.

Okay. I have just been very deep into it, okay?

It is not easy putting all of this back together after a sh**ting.

Quinn, we're doing so well.

Why pretend?

[Sighs] Okay, look.


I mean, if we wanted kids, we would have already had them by now, and we didn't.

And it's okay.

Not everyone has to have kids.

And besides, this show is my baby.

These people are my kids, and...

You mean Rachel.

I used to tell people all the time that my companies were my children, but they're not.

I want something more... biological children with you.

Okay, maybe not today, but sometime.

And I don't want to get any more attached if you can't see that kind of future for us.

Chet: [Clears throat]

What do you want, Chet?

We need to talk.

Excuse us.

[Sighs] I went to the hospital.

Darius wasn't there.

What do you mean, he wasn't there?

I don't know. He checked out. They said he's gone.


How am I supposed to make another episode of "Everlasting" without a suitor?

No. We have to change the whole date.

Jay, Madison, get out here now.

I have...

You need me to leave.

I will call you as soon as things settle, okay?

Okay. Go find my suitor.

[Door opens]

♪ ♪

God, you're a sight for sore eyes.

Thanks for coming.

You have five minutes.

What do you want?


[Indistinct conversations]

Rachel. Hey.

Rachel, wake up.

[Inhales sharply]

Wake up.


What are you doing here?

I didn't want you to see me like this.

I've been trying to see you the entire week.

Your mom wouldn't let me.

[Telephone rings in distance]

How do you feel?

Where is she?

She's outside talking to the doctors.

What the hell do they have you on?

I don't know. A lot of stuff, I think.

Okay, this is not right.

Look, we need to get you out of here, all right?

I can't, okay? I can't leave here.

I have to stay.


Because of the stuff I did with Romeo and Darius.

What are you talking about?

Romeo and Darius... they're gonna be fine.


Why? What did your mother say?

Her mother said that Rachel is exactly where she needs to be.

The question is, Mr. Wasserman, what are you doing here?

Oh, I just came to check on Rachel, make sure she's okay.


It sure doesn't seem like she is, though, thanks to you.

Rachel called me.

This is her choice.

All right. Rachel, hey.

Look, I've spent every single day for the last seven weeks with you.

So, if there's one thing I know, it's that you're not crazy, not even a little.

If you're crazy, I wouldn't be in love with you.

But I am.

Olive: Rachel, think.

Don't be rash.

You know you need to stay here with me.

I want to go home.

Thank you.

I'm not talking about with you.

Your home hasn't been my home since I was 12 years old.

I love you, too, Coleman.

Can you please take me home?

Yeah. Yeah.

♪ ♪

Today, we bring you a very...

Who looks good in a Hawaiian shirt?

The people at Trader Joe's?

An episode that's gonna push our last four contestants to the very brink of their own humanity and passion.

Today, we bring you "Everlastingm, Exile in Paradise."

We should send him to exile in paradise.

Now, for the first time in "Everlasting" history, each one of our remaining contestants will have a chance to vote off one of their own.

We will be having an Immunity Challenge, the winner of which will not only receive immunity, but an overnight romantic date with Darius.

Who is where, exactly?

Man: And that's a cut.

Um, w-we're looking.

This is not a helicopter ride.

No kidding.

Quinn did not say a word about this.

Complain, complain, complain.

No wonder you're all still single.

Exile in Paradise, huh? Nice one.

You know, I'm actually really good at the big ideas.

You know, Rachel's not the only one who can do this...

Okay, just... just stop, okay?


What, Chet?

You and Booth. A baby?

You used to say being a mom is not who you are.

You used to make fun of moms.

Cellulite. Saggy boobs.

Look, just because I didn't want your diseased, damaged sperm doesn't mean I don't want a kid.

You don't even know who he is.

What has he got?

Power? Prestige? Money?

Let me tell you something... after I broker this deal with Tiffany and her father, I'm gonna be a league owner.

You know what kind of an exclusive club that is?

That's like the Illuminati.

I can give you anything you want.

What I want is a horse race.

Tiffany's the obvious choice.

I need tension, competition.

So, I might need to throw Chantal into play.

And besides, my boyfriend really likes her.

He bet 60K on her to win.

"Boyfriend." What is this, eighth grade?

I told you to go find Darius.

Find my suitor!

Where's Darius?

Hi. Uh, we're just...

Not a word about my sperm.


Ruby, you wanted me to be a better version of myself, and you felt like I could be.


I was just too chicken-shit to try.

And then when I saw my cousin get shot because of me, I knew I didn't have a choice anymore.

I had to be that guy.

And that guy has to be with you.

I'm done with the show, with the whole circus, everything.

Ruby, I just want to be with you and only you.

You have got to be kidding me.

♪ ♪

What's that look like?

Look, I know we could make this...

I told you I loved you on national television, and you cut me.

You dropped me like a hot rock.

You know what that looks like?

Do you know what that feels like?

You told the whole world that I was too demanding, that I was some kind of sassy, stuck-up bitch.

I never said that, Ru...

You did.

You told the world that I'm not a love story.

And now you come to me in private, hidden in the corner of some crappy diner, trying to make it up to me?

Well, it's not enough, not by a mile.

You got problems, Darius, fix them yourself, okay?

I can't. Go play some football.

I can't.

Leave me out of it.

Okay, football is... football is over for me.

Football is over for me. I can't.

I had to have back surgery.

It was a long time coming.

But it didn't work, so I can't.

So I was your second choice.

Ruby, would you stop twisting my words? I...

Jay: This a bad time?

What are you doing here?


Look, when you disappeared, he called me, okay?

I mean, you texted me. I called him back.

So you're gonna make me go back to that hellhole?

Darius, look, I'm not making you do anything, okay?

I have to go.


You do what you want.





♪ ♪

This is ridiculous.

Suddenly we're on a different show, we've got to vote against each other?

I guess it all depends on how friendly you've been.

Or how annoying and judgmental.

I don't know. I think it's sort of fun.

Uh, you know what?

That's fine. Yeah. Thank you.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey. We had a deal.

We were getting somewhere with Darius, and now those b*tches can vote me off?

They hate me, Chet.

We'll figure it out when Darius gets back.

Where is he?

Look, don't worry about him.

You'll win the immunity. I promise.

I'd better.

Hey, hey, hey.

These girls have had it in for me since day one.

They see how Darius and I connected.

I'm the one he picked for the date last week.

Yeah, but he got your fiancé's ashes in his mouth.

He knows how hard that was for me.

I know. I know.

I totally see it. I get it.

What are you going to do about it?

I want to talk to Darius right now.

Can you get him so I can explain...

Quinn: Chantal.

Why don't you go stick to the big ideas?

Can I have another producer? 'Cause she does not get me.

Okay, I need you to take a breath.

[Exhales heavily]


Now, you have every right to be upset, but here's the deal... there is not gonna be a problem with this whole immunity thing.

Why is that?

Because I like you.

I mean, look at you.

You are a perfect match for Darius.

Tiffany's not the only one who can be a football princess... or a queen.

Thank you.

Finally... someone who gets me.

Aww. I do, honey.


I really, really do.

Look, D, all I'm saying to you is that you coming back to the show is the smartest thing that you could do for yourself.


I need you to understand that I will have your back, okay?

Rachel and Quinn and Coleman... they're the ones that got Romeo shot, not me.

I will be looking out for you every...

Did you all practice this speech?

I am not Rachel.

Oh, give it up, Jay, okay?

Just because you're a brother doesn't mean you're not part of the machine.

Of course I am, obviously.

But I'm gonna tell you something that took me a long-ass time to figure out.

The way you're playing it, you've been working against the machine.

What you got to do is let the machine work for you.


If you really can't play anymore, then you have to come back.

I mean, what choice do you have?

You want even a shot at some kind of life after football, you need to finish the show because walking away right now leaves you with nothing.

Come back.

Marry Tiffany, and you're set.

America will swoon, D.

I mean, hell, play your cards right, you could even end up being the first black owner of a pro football team.

Think about it.

Think of your family, man.

Think what you could do for them.

Now you sound like Romeo.

You're okay with me marrying a pretty white girl?

I mean, my mother's a pretty white girl.

I like Tiffany.

I honestly would feel bad about using her.

n*gro, please.

You think she's not using you, too?

Because, believe me, a girl like that does not compete for a man on national television without a reason.

It is what it is.

It doesn't mean she doesn't like you just like you like her.

Yeah, but I...

Stop thinking this is your birthday party and these are all your friends because they're not.

Using Tiffany gets you what you want.

Everybody wins.

Immunity... every contestant desires it, but only one can have it.

Today's challenge is about knowledge.

It's called stalling, Graham.

Who knows our suitor best? Who's done their homework?

Try not to tell America about it.

Fake tan and a fake lei.

How much do you think he gets laid?

About Darius' life and career.


Get one wrong...

♪ ♪

And it's into the water you go.

So stay tuned because today is about to get wet... and wild.

Dan: Cut.
[Bell rings]

What was that? "Wet and wild"? Seriously?


Are you kidding? What am I, a pornographer now?

I didn't write it.


These are the answers to the questions.

You memorize them, and we're good to go.

You stole the challenge questions?

"Stole." You're so judgmental.

My show, my answers, right?


All right.

You all right?

I just don't really want anybody to see me here.

I know. I know. I know.

Do you think we could just go back to your house instead?

No. I explained to you in the car.

Do you remember?


Oh, Rachel. Here. Wait. Sit down.


Rachel. Oh, my gosh.

Okay. I was saying...


I was saying we have a very tiny window of time here.

For what?

We need... To get our story out.


Our version of what happened, the whole pull-over thing.

I think we have a real opportunity here, hon, move our careers to the next level.

Why is... What is...

Why do you have the camera there?

We're putting a package together.

Quinn's burying the whole thing, all the footage, the pull-over, Romeo getting shot.

I think it's a mistake.

I think that was a textbook case of police brutality, and I think we're insane for...


Coleman, that's not what happened.

I ran out in the middle. That's not...

But so what? So what?

They saw a white girl charging at them from the bushes.

You were darting across the field.


And they shot the black guy. Don't you see?

This is the story that we've been talking about, that we've wanted to tell.

Do this for us.

This is what we've been waiting for.

You need me?

I need you on camera...


Walking us through the whole thing.

Is this why you brought me out of the hospital?

Oh, my God, no.

I just don't want us to miss our moment right now.

Just tell the truth, Rachel.

♪ ♪

The first "Everlasting" Immunity Challenge begins... now.

Yael, the name of Darius's high-school team?

Uh, the Eagles?


Tiffany, Darius' first position.

Wide receiver.

Chantal, Darius' mother's name.


Jameson, Darius' number.



Ooh. Wrong.

All right, ladies, favorite food?

Hot dogs.

Favorite vacation?


Drafted by?


Number in the draft?


Touchdowns last season?




Pet cat's name as a boy?

♪ ♪




[Laughs] Yes!

I win!


You cheated. That question wasn't even on the list.

Oh, you gave your girl all the answers, and I cheated?



Maybe Chantal should win.

That would be interesting.

You want a black girl to win "Everlasting" and a baby?

Who are you?

Rachel: I think the police should have, you know, like, believed him when Darius said that he was on the show.

And, you know, God knows that we call them all the time, so...

You call the cops?

Yeah, we do.

We call the cops all the time because...

I mean, didn't we call the cops when you were here?


With the football game for Darius?

We called an ambulance.

We called the ambulance. Right.

I mean, same thing. We do it all the time.

There was this other girl... I don't even know the season.

It was like five or six or something.

Some girl's, like, leg got run ov... I don't...

And what about last season?

Do you remember our Anna?

She was blond. She was very pretty.

Well, she ran away, so the police came for that.

♪ ♪

What about Mary?

You had to call them for Mary.

Was there...


The police should have come earlier for Mary, when the ex showed up.

What? What do you...

I'm sorry. What do you mean?

I don't know.

Maybe it was a better idea that we didn't c-call them because if they came during...

Is there something you didn't want them to know?

You know that I didn't even know about it until after it happened.

It was that she jumped?

Not that part.

Rachel... it's me.

You can tell me anything.

[Suspenseful music playing]

I can't live with this anymore.

They should have just arrested us...

'cause we k*lled her.

E komo mai to "Everlasting."

Now, as the winner of the Immunity Challenge, Chantal is safe from elimination this week, but that's not all.

She also gets to share in a wonderful evening with Darius in this romantic, palm-frond palapa, which the other girls will build.

Time to get to work, girls.

The sunset waits for no man... or woman.

That's a cut.

[Bell rings]

This is some bull.

Uh, yeah. Do we get gloves?

Ladies, thank you so much for making this for me.

Just a few tiny notes before I go into hair and makeup... if you guys could please just make sure that the roof fronds are super tightly knit.

I don't want any overhead lighting sneaking in in the morning.

Wow, ladies. She's serious.


I may need a drink.

Do you guys want... Okay.

Yes, please, God.

Madison: Okay, um, yeah.

Actually, could I, uh, talk to you for a second over here?


More notes?


Uh, no, that's not what this is about.

You're both my girls, and in true survival-show mode, I really want you guys to form an alliance.

An alliance?

But I've got immunity. Why would I do that?

To get rid of Tiffany.

I mean, you guys both know that she's the front-runner.

Darius didn't even cut her when he found out she went down on his cousin.

I mean, everyone that I know gets a little more pissed off about random blowjobs.

And then it would just be you, me, and Jameson.

Jameson is not a threat.

Tiffany is the competition, and this is your chance to send her home.

Quinn: Well, look at that.

Madison is trying to out-Rachel Rachel.

You know, maybe she actually swallowed some of your producing genes.

You don't want to let Tiffany go.

Trust me.

Darius putting a ring on that?

That's an absolute ratings bonanza.

What? You don't think I know that?

Darius plus Tiffany is "Everlasting" 101.

Tiffany and Chantal will be the final two.

See? That's what I'm saying.

Great minds think alike.

That's why we'll be such a great team.

I think we should...

Can you please stop?

It's over.

We're done.

♪ ♪


I'm just sorry I'm not gonna be there to see the moment Quinn King becomes a mom.

Oh, why?

You want to hear me screaming for an epidural or punching out a doctor?




It should have been you. I know that.

John Booth is a lucky guy.


No, no, no, no. You're happy, and that means...

That's enough.

Oh, my God.

No, I'm not gonna do anything to...

No. Look.

That's Rachel's mother.

What the hell is she doing here?

Okay, you have to go. You have to go save Tiffany.

Go. Go!

I'll handle it.

Did you find Darius?

Sort of. What does that even mean?

D-Do we have a suitor or not?

Look, let's just say that I made a very convincing argument.

We'll see if it worked.

Okay. Why didn't you just hit him over the head, hog-tie him, and put him in the back of your car?

Well, one, Chet, because he just got out of surgery, and, two, because I am a producer.

That's interesting.

Follow me 'cause I'd like to see you do some producing.

[Indistinct conversations]

What are you doing here? And who the hell are you?

I'm Dr. Jeffer...

I am here to bring Rachel back to the hospital.

Back? What are you talking about?

She is the definition of a threat to herself or others.

From what I understand, she got a man shot.

It's complicated, okay?

But I thought that she was at the hospital with you.

So, are you saying that she ran away?

Her boyfriend talked her into leaving.

I assumed you were on board.

And why is that?

Well, because you prefer Rachel when she's sick.

She's better at her job that way, isn't she?

No. She's only sick when she's with you.

You're the one who dr*gs her up.

She doesn't stay on dr*gs long enough to get any better, and then she keeps coming back here, back to... to this, to... to an environment that is toxic, plain and simple.

Mm. That's rich.

Yeah, this place is like "Little House on the Frickin' Prairie" compared to what I hear happens at your place.

What happened between you two?

The fact that you treat your own daughter is bizarre, not to mention unethical, wouldn't you say, Doctor?

I am more qualified to treat Rachel than anyone.

Oh, I'm not talking about your qualifications as a doctor.

I'm talking about your duty as a mother.

And what do you know about being a mother?

You listen to me.

Rachel is my daughter, not yours.

So, where the hell is she?

Uh, sorry to drag you guys away from the palapa.

I just wanted to have a brief, uh, conversation.


Okay, ladies, here's the scoop.

You're both my girls, so I'm gonna need you to stick together and get information because Madison's little b*tches are ganging up on Tiffany, and I cannot have that.

Damn right they are, and I'm right there with them.


Wait. What?

I'm voting you off the show, you WASP-y little bitch 'cause maybe when you're gone, my producer will have time to actually produce me.

No. Jameson, that's not fair.

Don't take it out on her just because you're pissed at me.

Sorry. Three against one.

See ya.

♪ ♪

Oh, my God, Rachel.

I mean, how could you want to even come back here to work?

Rachel: Yeah.

But it honestly feels, like, so good to say it out loud and just...

Oh, my God, it feels so good.

Rachel. What are you two doing in here?


Oh, my God.

You brought my mother here?

I didn't even know you were here.

Rachel, I can get rid of her.

Tell me what you need. Are you all right?

Can you just get off of me?

♪ ♪

What are you doing pointing the camera at Rachel?

It's therapeutic.

You know, we're giving Rachel a chance to actually talk about what happened with Darius and Romeo.

Bullshit, okay?

The truth incriminates Rachel.

She's the one who called the cops.

She's the one who got in the middle of a police incident, okay?

Having her admit that on camera is a serious liability.

Trust me.

The only thing it does is gets you off the hook.

No. That's not what this is about.


Racially motivated police brutality is actually a real story.

Uh, that is a story, but that's not this story 'cause in this case, it's not even true.

See, I disagree.

You guys are responsible.

And as much as this may be some kind of crass attempt to resurrect your dead-as-a-doornail television-producing career, hiding the ball on that fact is the only way to protect Rachel.

And that is what's most important to you, right?

So just lock it in the vault, huh?

I mean, unless your feelings for Rachel are less pure than what I had imagined.

Oh, no. I love Rachel.

I just want to protect her.

You better.



I'm sure you understand that we only have your best interests at heart.

Obviously, yeah.

So I'm here to help, to see if you're really capable of...

Capable? Is she trying to convince you that I'm not capable of something?

Oh, no, no. That you're not...


What? What is it exactly?

Is she trying to get you to put me on some, like, 72-hour hold?

That's what's going on. Okay.

You need to make sure that I'm capable of taking care of myself.

It was a very sudden departure.

I could totally understand how, from your point of view, that it would look like that.

But I'm actually... I'm... I'm very fine.


I am fine.



You're just in the middle right now of this long-standing family dispute between my mother and myself.

About your mental health and your mother's desire to...

That's not what it's about.

Make sure that you get the proper treatment here?

I understand what you're talking about, but there is this other, core issue that is not being addressed.

What do you think it is?

I mean, would you like to talk about it?

♪ ♪

I would really like to talk about it, actually.


You know what?

She's absolutely right.

This is a family matter, and I am sorry for bringing you into it.

You know what?

I can keep an eye on her, and I will let you know how she's doing.

If you're sure.

Yes, I'm quite sure.

I thank you very much for your time.

[Exhales sharply, sniffles]

We can still make something happen.

You know, screw Darius.


You know, we don't need him.

I can give you your own show... 25 hand-picked guys... you get to choose... "The Suitress."

You would do that for me?

You must really want in on my dad's team.

I really don't.

I mean, I had a reason I had to...

Well, I mean, I wanted to, but it was for... it was for Quinn, and now that she's gone, I...


So you would just do this for me out of the goodness of your heart?

Is that so hard to believe?


Look at you.

You're gorgeous. You're smart.

You're articulate.

I mean, you've got it all.

You can't let that go to waste.

♪ ♪


Um... where did that come from?

Oh, come on.

You know I have major daddy issues.


Quinn: Hello? Where the hell is Tiffany?


Time to vote.

Uh, uh...

Uh, I have... I have to go.


Hey, hey, did you miss the whole thing?

[Dog whimpers]

What are you doing, Rachel?

There is a reason I kept what happened private.

So you could protect your practice?

No, so I could protect you, send you to a good school, give you a life, let you grow up to be the shiny penny that I know you really are.

Oh, my God, Mom, I'm not that person, okay?

I haven't been that person since the day it happened.

You want me to just pretend that it never happened?

Is that what you want?


Because no one will love you if they find out.

They'll run away. You know that.

No one wants to deal with that kind of damage, Rachel.

No one.

♪ ♪



I got your text. How you doing?

Not good. Um...

Listen, listen.

The stuff you told me about Mary, about all of that...

Yeah. This is not about that stuff. Um...


I just actually need to tell you something, um, and this is not about the show.

It's about me and my mom.


She really does not want me to tell you, but, um, she doesn't really want me to...

Rachel. Rachel.


I just took you out of a mental hospital to get you away from that woman.

I-I can see how evil she is.

You actually don't have any idea.

Look, maybe somewhere in her twisted mind she thinks she's helping you.

Helping me? You...

Look, I mean, she clearly believes in the dr*gs.

Yes, yes. She believes that the dr*gs are gonna shut me up.

Shut you up?

About the fact that I... I can't, uh...

Rachel, what?

About the fact that I was r*ped by one of her patients at our house when I was 12.

And she blamed me because she was protecting her practice, and so she didn't want me to say anything to anybody ever, and so that she said that she would just treat me herself.

♪ ♪


Looked like she did a really good job. Don't you think?

Yeah, so, that's really, um... that's really how this whole thing started, um, with me and my mom and, um, all the diagnosing and the pills.

If you want to run away, it's totally fine, I mean, if I'm too broken.

No. Come here.

I'm so sorry.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

I am woman.

Hear me roar.

Quinn: You're not a woman, Graham.

Tonight on "Everlasting," the first elimination where the girls get to decide who stays... and who goes.

Camera B, Jameson.

Ladies, it's time to vote.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Voter fraud, hanging chads.

[Electronic music playing]

Quinn: Oh, no.

This is bad.

I mean, what the hell, Chet? You said you were handling this.

Madison: I don't really know what the problem is.

I mean, Darius has some great choices, too, which happen to be my girls, so I might actually win this thing my first season as a producer.

So, go, Maddy, go, Maddy.

It's not about you, Madison, though I understand a girl who puts her boss's penis in her mouth is definitely looking for the shortest, fastest way to get ahead, so there you go.

Graham: Ladies, I have counted all of your votes, and I'm sorry to say, but, Tiffany, your journey ends here tonight.

No, no, no.

Darius: Like hell it does.

What the...

Tiffany's not going anywhere.

What did I say? Handled.

Actually, I handled it.

Graham: Darius. Hey.

Well, uh, welcome back. Good to see you.

Obviously just in time for your overnight date with Chantal.

[Chuckles] Yeah, okay.

That's not happening.

Wait. What? They built us a palapa.

You... Jameson... you're the cop, right?


I'm cutting you.


No, no, no, no, no. We voted.

Look, I don't care.

From now on, we do this my way or no way. You got that?

Loud and clear.

Come on, Tiffany.

You and me. [Chuckles]

Let's do this.

♪ ♪

Well... this is gonna be interesting.

Quinn: Hey, Darius, I got to say, I don't think I could have planned your return any better myself, thank you very much.

Well, lucky you.

Hey, wait.

I mean, I got to ask you... what the hell are you doing?

I mean, you picked Tiffany. That's great.

But we need to have an understanding.

No, we don't.

You and I don't have anything, and if I ever see that bitch Rachel again...


No. I'm only listening to him.

See, he's the one that got me to come back, so he's my producer.

You want to talk to me, you go through him.

And this better never get on camera.

Let's go.

Well, well, well. Nice work.

I guess that means you're my new number two.

How does that feel?

It feels fine... for now.

[Allman Brown's "Ancient Light" plays]

Thanks for nothing.


♪ Mm, mm, mm ♪
♪ Mm, mm, mm ♪

You good, bro? Okay.

[Bell rings]

All right, camera.

And action.

You got it? [Laughs]

Yeah, I got it.

Oh, my God.

Look at this.

So beautiful.

Thank you so much for coming back and saving me.

You have no idea how upset I was, and you just... you know, you don't know where your mind is gonna go when something...

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Stop. I'm done talking.

I-I just wanted you to know how grateful I...

This is what we both want, right?

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪


Yes. Yes.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Lost, lost ♪
♪ But not alone anymore ♪

Well... you got here fast.

I didn't think you'd be calling me at this hour with bad news, but I've just heard that Darius is in the palapa with Tiffany, and I think I might be out 60K.

[Chuckles] Well, it's not over yet.

And, um, speaking of things that aren't over yet...

Oh, Quinn.

I-I mean, what if it's too late?

What if I can't?

We can achieve whatever we set our minds to.

We're masters of the universe, gods looking down from Mount Olympus.

The laws of nature simply don't apply.


♪ Not alone anymore ♪
♪ This ancient light ♪
♪ This ancient light ♪
♪ This ancient light ♪

Thanks for meeting me here.

Yeah. It's late.

Everything okay?

Yeah, I just heard some new information, and I realized you might be onto something.

So, what else have you got?