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02x08 - The Coast Is Fear

Posted: 07/26/16 03:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Angie Tribeca"...

She's awake. [Crash]

Sergeant Pepper?


How long have I been out?

About nine months.

Next you're gonna tell me you're seeing someone else.

Scholls thinks I had the baby with some chick in Canada.

Yeah, don't worry about it.

Who's his mother?

Is that really important, who's his mother?

Do people really care who their mom is?

I'm ready to work, Lieutenant.

You just got out of a coma.

Hey, if Tribeca says she's ready, then she's ready.

Or do I have to show you my fist?

I was wondering if I could see the visitors log from when I was in a coma.

Has anyone here heard of the website ""?

Their server's been hacked.

Scholls: This is all the stolen data from the Meet'N'Cheat hack, names and addresses of all the members on the site.

They're making it look like the LAPD is publishing it.

My name is on the list. Mayor Joe Perry.

Username... MayorJoePerry1.

Password... "YesThatMayorJoePerry."

I'd like to introduce you to Special Agent Diane Duran.

Tribeca: So, Mayhem Global hires Duran to hack Meet'N'Cheat.

She draws us in.

Then she hacks us from the inside.

But why?

Sergeant Pepper. I know he's still alive.

If you're serious about finding Pepper, he'll meet you here.

I found out that the biggest criminal is not out on the streets.

He's in the mayor's office.

Mayor Perry?

Voter fraud, racketeering, money laundering, racketeering fraud, voter laundering.

The list goes on and on.

What about Mayhem Global?

I am Mayhem Global.

There's one number programmed into this phone.

When you're ready to be part of the revolution, call it.

What's the point of any of this?

We have evidence, a confession, and the bad guy doesn't spend one night in jail?

That's the system, Tribeca.

The system sucks.

Pieced it all together?


Now I'm done.

Currently on "Angie Tribeca"...

You're just perfect.

We're gonna take such good care of you.

The Freezematic 15,000.

Once this bad boy gets going, it's gonna chill your milk, preserve your meat, call your sister, cure hepatitis.

Just sign there.


Yep. You're looking at 28 cubic feet of self-regulated, vacuum-sealed cold.


That's a separate produce crisper with an independent temperature control.

Check out this freezer.


A dead body fro...

That's not supposed to be there.

But I just plugged it in, and it's already ice-cold.

That's pretty good.

Tell us what happened.

Well, growing up, I always thought I'd be a pro football player, but I got a bum knee, so went into the family business... real estate.

Market takes a tumble, here I am.

How about what happened today.

Got up about 4:30, hit the snooze button... just the one time... got up, showered.

At work, sir. What happened at work?

Let's see. I got to where I pick up the truck for deliveries.


I pull into the parking structure.

Level "A" is full, Level "B" is full.

Level "C", there was a compact spot, but I made it work.

What's the name of the company you work for?

Golden Gate Fridge.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I'm sick and tired of it.

Councilman Dreyfuss is airing out all of Mayor Perry's dirty laundry.

Is this who you want leading your city for another four years?

He actually has some good points.

It's too bad the old guy doesn't have a shot.

He'd need a miracle to win.

And what are the odds of two miracles in one month?

Not likely.

So, where are we on the body in the fridge?

We're waiting on Scholls for an I.D. and a cause of death.

I talked to someone at the refrigerator company.

They're gonna send someone out to talk to us between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00.

Wow, that's a huge window. No appointments?

You can get a specific time, but you have to wait like three weeks.

Okay, so I'll have Tanner wait around for the fridge guy.

You guys check in with Scholls and see if she has a name for us.

Will do, Lieutenant.

So, I tried calling you this weekend.

Yeah, I dropped my phone in the toilet.

Total write-off.

And then I immediately got this new one with a different number.

But we're still on for bowling tonight.

Yeah, actually, I can't.

I dropped my bowling ball in the toilet.

[Chuckling] Total write-off.

And then I immediately got this one.

But the guy told me to wait a couple days until the marble settles.

Ah, Tribeca, Geils. Come with me.

I want to show you something.

Disgusting, isn't it?


A cat did that.



How can I help you?

We were wondering if you were able to I.D. the fridge corpse.

Ah, the very cold case, yes. Come with me.

I want you to see something.

The deceased's name is Charles Michael Bucket, and his fingerprints match exactly those of a sailor who's been missing for three days.


Worse. Coast Guard.

Dr. Scholls, can you show the detectives what you showed me?

[Scoffs] Trying to make me jealous?

[Whistle blows]

Is that a whistle?

In his windpipe.

And something tells me he wasn't born with it.

Although he did die with it.

We think someone shoved a whistle down his throat after a struggle.

You can see the defensive wounds here and here.

Why a whistle? Someone trying to send a message?

Don't blow whistles?

Someone's telling him not to be a whistle-blower.

But what was he blowing the whistle on?

No idea.

We examined every other orifice several times but found no evidence.

We'll try and take out the whistle and see if we can pull some DNA.

Meanwhile, we'll go pay a visit to the Coast Guard.

[Whistle blows]

The Commandant's a very busy man, you know.

We appreciate you getting us in, Petty Officer Snick.

Chief Petty Officer Snick, thank you very much.

And I thought you said you were coming at 2:00.

Isn't it 2:00?

It's 1:50, which means I only got a 20-minute lunch break, but whatever.

It's fine. I'll have a candy bar or something.

Sorry, Petty Officer. We didn't think it was a big deal.


Detectives, Commandant Don Van Zandt.

Come in, detectives.

That'll be all, Snick.

You're welcome.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for finding Seaman Bucket.

We are a brotherhood, and when one of our brothers go missing, it hurts the whole Coast Guard family.

If there's anything that I could do to assist in your investigation, don't be afraid to ask.

Well, for starters...

I'm afraid that's all the time that I've got today.

CPO Snick will see you out.

We were really hoping to ask you some questions, Commandant Don Van Zandt.

I know you were, Detective. I know you were.

You listen here, Popeye.

This is a m*rder investigation, and we're the m*rder police.

So start talking.

I think you're outside of your jurisdiction, Detective.

This is an internal matter for the Coast Guard, thus to be handled internally by the Coast Guard with no outside help.

All due respect, Commandant, this base is in L.A. County, so when somebody's k*lled in L.A., it is very much in our jurisdiction.

Now, we'd like to interview his bunk mates.

We want to talk to the last person who saw him alive, and we want to know why he ended up dead in a refrigerator.

I don't know how he disappeared or why he ended up in that refrigerator or how he got that whistle down his throat, but if our investigation turns up anything of interest, I'll be sure to call you.

CPO Snick will see you out.

We'll see ourselves out.

Okay. It's my one job, but go ahead.

We need base access, we need to interview his shipmates, but the Coast Guard keeps shutting us down at every turn.

Because they know something that they don't want to tell us.

It's a classic case of keeping something secret.

If they want to get into a jurisdictional d*ck-measuring contest, I'm all for it.

It sounds like fun, and I like my chances.

Go talk to the Melanie Burke at the D.A.'s office and see if she can help us out.

Got it.



As predicted, the refrigerator guy came as soon as I got in the shower.

Damn it! That's so frustrating. It's like they know.

So I can either wait till tomorrow at the same time, or I can go to the warehouse in Long Beach and talk to them.

That's a hell of a long drive, but I don't think it can wait.

I'll be all right. There's a Dave & Buster's right next door.


I'm gonna go with you.

This guy's going to the chair.

As God as my witness, he's gonna fry.

Just backing up a bit, we don't know who did it.

Yeah, but we appreciate your enthusiasm.
Someone showed up to work today.

All right, what do you guys want, huh?

Just tell me what you want, and I'm gonna put it in your little hands.

All right? You want a court order?

You want a subpoena? You want a grand jury?

I'm gonna get you a grand jury.

We're not quite there yet, Melanie, but good to know we have you in our back pocket.

All right, so hit me. Anything. Give it to me.

Well, I guess we could start by getting subpoenas for some of Bucket's shipmates.

Already done.

How about a search warrant?

Check your inbox. Already there. Did it this morning.

Can I use your restroom?

You just did.

Validate parking?

I would love to.

[Scoffs] Parking.

Got here at 10:21.

It's 11:04 now, so that's...

[Sighs] That's...

That's 28... 28 minutes.

No, that's like 40 minutes.

Shh. Okay. These are 15-minute increments.

There we go.

We'll just pay.

I got this.

Please, just give us our ticket back.

Can you just...

'Cause I had it, and now I don't have it.

Just give it back.

This one is...

You can stick it together.

Ahh... Oh. They're not lickies.

It's fine. You don't have to... Come on.

17 hours. 17 hours.

This is great. Thank you.

Come on, guys! Hurry up!

I told you. I don't know anything about no body in no fridge.

So, no one looks into the refrigerators when you take them off the boat?

Of course. Every product gets quality-controlled.

Nobody thought to raise a red flag when they saw a body in a fridge?

When my guys checked it, there was no body, okay?

My guys know what they're doing.

[Indistinct shouting]

Lieutenant, I'm gonna need you to look away for this one.

Mr. Sterelli, let me ask you something.

How do you feel about Dave & Buster's?

It's the number-one destination for family fun.

Everybody knows that.


How about if I told you I had 5,000 tickets with your name all on them?

I'm listening.

Have you had any interaction with the Coast Guard?


They come around sometimes, make sure the shipments get through with no hassles.

What shipments?

They don't tell me nothing, and I don't ask nothing.

Every once in a while, a shipment of appliances comes off through the boat that I'm not allowed to inspect.

They put it in a Coast Guard truck and take it off my hands.

That's all I know.

Anything else, you're gonna have to ask the Coast Guard.

Thank you, Mr. Sterelli. Thank you very much.

[All shouting]

[All cheering]

Excuse me! Excuse me, seamen and women!

We're wondering if anybody has any information on the death of Charlie Bucket.

[Music stops]

I got information.

But if you want me to talk, you got to beat me.

Not you. The other lady.


Seaman Bucket was my bunk mate.

We were closer than brothers.

I know this is difficult, but can you think of any reason why someone would want to hurt him?

No. No idea.

He was a great sailor and really popular, although, the last couple weeks, it did seem like he really had something on his mind.

I'd say to him, "Hey, Charlie. You got something on your mind?"

And he would say, "Huh? What?"

Like he had something on his mind.

You have any idea what happened to his stuff... clothes, footlocker, detailed diary?

Yeah, I did find one detailed diary.

I didn't think anything of it at the time.

You want to take a look at it?

It might help.


[Sighs] "Smash Mouth" is two words.

A Coast Guard truck? This late?

We should go check it out.

We don't have a warrant.

Oh, I think we'll be okay.

What the hell was that?

I can't wink.

Tanner, hit the siren.

[Both mimic siren blaring]

[Blaring stops]

Evening, detectives.

Is it?

How can I help you?

How's about you open the back of that truck and let us have a look-see?

I'm afraid I can't do that, Detective.

I'm on official Coast Guard business, so unless you want to take it up with the President of the United States...

I'll do that.

President Obama, Lieutenant Pritikin Atkins.

Is it okay if we look inside a Coast Guard truck?

Thank you. Good night, sir.

Wait, can I talk to him?

Oh. He hung up.

Is he buying it?

It's hard to read his face.

What's he doing now?

He's still looking with a suspicious look on his face.

What are you two whispering about?

Vitamins. Ke$ha.

Vice President .45 says open the back of the truck.

Hey, how's it going, eh? Are we in America?

Tanner: Canadians?

What in the name of Tim Hortons is going on here?

Mr. President, we have a situation.

I didn't know the Coast Guard deals in the trafficking of illegal immigrants.

There's a lot you don't know, Detective, like how to apply eyeliner or who won Best Picture in 1984.


What were you doing with a truckload of Canadians?

Answer me!

[Metal clangs]

Okay, you want to play that game?

Well, we just found your DNA on the whistle inside of Seaman Bucket's throat, so you're going down either way.

If you cooperate, maybe we can get the charges reduced.



I don't have to answer to you. I only answer to one man.

But there is one tiny bit of information you should know.

I have a horrible shellfish allergy.

Whoa, put down the shrimp!

Don't do it, man. No.

Put it down. No. That's no way to go out.

Nice knowing you, detectives.

Not like this!

Put the shrimp do...

Oh, and Angie, Sergeant Pepper says hello.

Don't do it, man!

Dreyfuss for mayor!

No! No!



This is great. Case closed.

We got our m*rder*r, and we didn't have to watch a jury screw it up.

Who wants to see a flick?

This isn't over. We have to go after Van Zandt.

There's a massive conspiracy going on here.

Officer Snick put a shrimp in his mouth just to protect it.

I don't want to do 3-D. It makes me dizzy.

Yeah. [Sighs]

We cannot trust the Coast Guard to investigate itself.

I'm not gonna stand here and watch this get lost in the shuffle.

Tribeca, the buck has officially been passed.

It's Immigration and JAG Corp's problem now.

We all want to put the bad guys away and see the good guys get it all wrapped up nicely, which is why I'm thinking we see "Jack Reacher" at 8:15.

I saw it.



Brown stuff. Rocks.

When did it become so hard for the good guys to do any good?

Sometimes I think we'd make more of a difference without the badge.

You've just been so different lately.

I'm still incredibly attracted to you.


But something's changed.

I'm in a bad place, Geils. You don't want any part of this.

We're doing good, Angie. We're making a difference.

At the end of the day, you just got to leave the job at the job.

You're right.

Guess I'm just having a bad year.

I'm gonna call it a night.

Angie, promise me you won't do anything crazy.

I promise.




Set a course for Dreamland.


Relax. I'm not here to arrest you.


Or sleep with you.


Take me to Pepper.


Ahh, ahh, aah! Your feet are freezing!


Okay, I'll take you!

So, what are the Canadians for?

Are you putting together some kind of army?

Not soldiers. Voters.

It's right up here on the right.

Face forward.

Thanks, Commandant.

I'm done with you.

Here's your ChapStick back.

[Car door closes]


Not until you tell me what the hell you're up to.

You know what I see when I look out this window?

No. No more bullshit.

You're importing Canadians to vote for Dreyfuss? What is this?

Mayor Perry will not be the next mayor of Los Angeles.

He's gonna win. He's k*lling Dreyfuss in the polls.

Mayor Perry will not be the next mayor of Los Angeles.

One way or another, he's gonna lose, and there isn't a damn thing you can do abo...

I'm in.

Oh. Really?

I thought that was gonna be a lot harder.

Great. Good news.

Where do we start?

Just act normal, and at a certain point, the Commandant will contact you.

I'm really happy you're joining us, Angie.

[Engine starts]

[Car door shuts]

[Tires squeal]
