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01x07 - The Damage Done

Posted: 07/24/16 22:18
by bunniefuu


Who's there?

Giles: Me.

Just a second.


You got you... you got you a girl up in here?

Wouldn't surprise me.

You and Brad McCready's widow got tongues wagging all over town.

You haven't even set up the card table yet.

Uh, no, I meant to cancel.

I'm not up for poker tonight.

You haven't missed a card game in 15 years.

What's going on?

Just not feeling well.

Does this have anything to do with your side business?

Something you wanna tell me about?



You sure?

A lot going on.

You keeping to yourself...

Mildred, Caleb.

Fine. Let's play some cards.



Just like a shot.

And it bounces off his own elbow.

What about you, kid? You're gonna be in front of a big crowd tomorrow.

You nervous yet?



Remembrance Day.

Gonna be a lot of eyes on you.

Where's your head tonight?

Been seven years, and we finally have a fitting memorial to those men.

Thanks to you.

You seen it yet?

Ogden: Sure did.

Helped cart it in from Pittsburgh.

Well, that's what you been doing all these trips out of town.

Wouldn't you like to know.

Matter of fact, I would.

You been wearing that poker face of yours 24/7.

Why you so damn interested in my private life?

I ask you for an update every time you take a dump?

Every time you screw your wife?

I think we should call it a night.

We like to do it on Wednesdays.

Kind of a tradition.

Your turn.

You believe this shit?

Where were you that night that fire started at Lowell's place?

You weren't at home, and you weren't on duty.

Rosie was over there with Kat.

Maybe I should just ask her.

You don't know shit!

Hey, hey! Let's call it a night.

(SHOUTING) Come on, knock it off!


For god's sake, break it up!

Man, come on!

Would you all please get the hell out.

Now. Now.


Mayor: What you think you were doing?

You knocked down the reverend.

I'm fine.

f*cking shit...

Come on.

Bullshit! You don't get to tell me what's police business and what isn't.

A man comes into another man's house and cuts him is as*ault. This is different.

Putting him behind bars is not gonna stop him.

Hell yeah, it will. That's the point of jail.

What if he hurts someone else?

You gonna sit there bleeding and tell me you're doing nothing about this?

This is a sign. I cannot ignore it.

Of what?

If this man is who he says he is, then I'll be more effective than I could ever imagine.

It means he's afraid of me. That I...

I could hurt him.

How, exactly?

By bringing the Lord's power down to bear on him.

Drag him out of the shadows.

Exposing him for what he is.

What are you doing up?

It's Remembrance Day. There's no school.

I have stuff to do.

I'll see you at the memorial.

Wait a minute, wait.

Wait... wait a minute, Megan.









Honey, why don't you come downstairs and get something to eat?

I don't feel good.

Well, why don't you come lie down then. You can watch a movie.


Come on. One drink.

I don't know, Russ.

I can't. I told Allison I'd be home early.


Gonna make babies.

Don't do that. It's... all the pressure's taking the damn fun out of the thing.

Megan getting pregnant didn't help either.

Tell me you think this is strange.

Megan wants me and Allison there in the delivery room.

Like, while it's happening.

Oh, I could take a shift.

You just let me know what day.

Nah, that's all right, you don't...

No, no, I insist.

I wouldn't want you to miss that, mmm-mmm... uncomfortable moment.



All right.



You all right?

Yeah, I... I just burned my hand on a Harley exhaust.



Hey, Russ, thanks.

You bet.

Giles: Good morning!


I remember when your grandfather owned this property.

Used to be a horse stable over there.

Before it burned down.

Break his heart to see what happened to the place.

Yeah. I'll have to take your word for that.

Why did you come back?

You wanna see the restraining order?

No, I know why you're not with your family.

Why are you here?

You could have gone anywhere.

Made a fresh start.

Put all this behind.

House is already paid for.

I gotta go to work.

I think you know what's going on around here.

Mildred Robson walking around with something inside of her.


Hospital report says "inconclusive."

They don't know why she died.

Just that she stopped breathing.

I told you, I got nothing to do with that.

And I believe you.

Come on, son. Take a ride with me.

Get in the car!

Lord, have mercy.

How can we take a ride with you not in the car?

♪ Just a mile ♪
♪ Just a mile ♪
♪ Down the road ♪
♪ Down the road ♪
♪ And a street or two away ♪
♪ Lives that freckled misses ♪
♪ That I want most every day ♪
♪ To the home ♪
♪ To the home ♪
♪ Of her father ♪
♪ Of her father ♪

...then after Zoe Trumble's poem I'll call you up.

You do your usual... prayer, benediction, thing.

Then you'll present the memorial.

Huh? That's...

God bless all of us and the USA, and that's it.

Then everybody eats.

That's right. Gordon Shipley's doing the barbecue this year, and the Hetzel sisters are donating pies.

Wonder if they have free pies on the streets of Sodom.

It's a celebration of life for those left behind.

It brings the community together.

'Course it does.

You know, we went pretty late last night.

Get some rest.

Lie down for a couple hours.

This supposed to mean something?

You tell me.

Reverend says you have a sense for these things.

You picking up any kind of... reading on all this?


I'm not a psychic.

But you can tell if, uh... someone's like Mildred Robson.

Passing for a human with one of them things inside of 'em.

You're looking to test someone.

Who? Does it matter?

I gotta get close to 'em.

Sometimes they have a reaction to me.

Um, especially if I touch them.

But you can fix 'em?

Get 'em out?



Look, what do you want?

I don't know how it works.

Sometimes when we get it out, they're fine, and then sometimes it's... like my mom.

Look, Kyle.

Lot of people are afraid of you.

They think you should be run out of town.

But I think it's a good sign you're here.

You didn't come back for the free rent.

You got unfinished business.

A stain you want to wipe off of yourself.

I don't know.

Bullshit, you don't know.

That says something about who you are.


Whether you know it or not.

I think there's a stain on this town.

And it's getting worse.

♪ ♪



My prayers are with your husband and all those fine men we lost that day.

Thank you, Reverend.


I want to thank you for your prayers in my dark hour.

That night with Caleb.

I didn't do much.

No, you were there.

And you were brave, and I was a jackass.

Go on.

You reminded me that this thing is bigger than one man and his bruised ego.

It's about being selfless.

You're about the most selfless person I think I've ever met.

People will see.

I don't care if the whole town sees.

I, uh...

I have something I need to attend to.

I'll see you at the ceremony.

All right.

All right.

Take a pew, Reverend. You're up next.

Surprised to see you up and about after last night.

You already heard about the Reverend's legendary poker game.

Sun come up on this one?

No, not this time.

I need to be ready and rested for this day of remembrance.

It's my job to show the community how to stand tall and defiant in the face of darkness.

Well, that's admirable.

But I thought the point of remembering tragedies of your past... making sure you don't repeat yourself.

You a poker player?

Never miss my regular game.

No matter what.

Last night was no exception.

Here I thought gambling was a sin.

Aren't you afraid of the consequences?

Barber: Reverend don't sweat the small stuff.

No, that's right.

What's a friendly game of cards when your day job is facing the prince of darkness?

Helps keep everything in perspective.

Now, I'd be happy to make a seat at the table for you.

Nothing exposes a man's true nature like a good ol' game of poker.


♪ ♪

Jesus, Amber.

Can I have a peanut butter sandwich?

Sure. With honey?

Yes, please.

Are you feeling better?

Hon, is that a picture of us?

You and me and Daddy?


Well, Daddy's all done and you, but you didn't finish me.


Well, I could go get your pencils, and after lunch you could finish the drawing.

I don't know which face to draw.

♪ ♪

Ogden: Hey, come here, little fella.

Oh, there you go.

Take care.

Happy Remembrance Day.

Your daddy was such a good man.

Imagine this day has a special meaning for you, Barnes.

Considering there ought to be a lump of coal with your name on it, too.

Would have saved your wife a lot of heartache if it was.

Happy Remembrance Day.

Huh. You showed up right on time.

I got physical therapy in about ten minutes.

You can wheel me up there.

Hurts like a m*therf*cker. You'll enjoy watching that.

♪ ♪


What the hell is this?

You asked what I had to give, that's it.

I emptied my bank accounts, I pawned my wedding ring, every cent I had in the couch cushions.

There it is.

Megan, are you even taking this seriously?

This is my life.

This is my husband's life.

You have no idea how f*cking seriously I take this.

That's all I can get.

That's my daughter's new shoes, and her school supplies and...

I don't know how I'm gonna explain where it all went.

I will never apologize to you... but you told me you weren't that person anymore.

That you changed.


♪ ♪



No! Mommy! Mommy!




This mean we're all buddy-buddy now?

Today isn't the day for either of us to act like assholes.


Think you can make it through a whole day?

You know what I had to go through to get this job.

There's people here today that don't respect this badge because it's pinned on a black man.

I know, Byron.

Got a firehouse full of 'em.

Excuse me if I... look a little too hard like I still got something to prove.

That's fair.

I also know you got this job by knowing when to look the other way.

You wanna know why I burned that camper in the woods?

Well, I'm telling you for your sake and for mine, this is one of those times to look the other way.

♪ ♪

Memories fade, it's inevitable.

If we're not ever mindful, we lose the lessons of our past.

But tonight, our memories become something permanent, something that we can see and touch.

Symbols of what we can feel in our hearts.

And one man has worked tirelessly to make this happen.

A man whose faith and devotion saw us through our darkest hour.

The pastor of the Light of God Church, our own Reverend Anderson.


Tragedy seems to... occur without warning.

Random. Senseless.

We wanna say... it's the will of God.

But, in hindsight, we were the ones who set all this in motion.

Let it pile up, brick by brick... into a teetering column that has to fall.

A tower of our own complacency... ready to come down on our heads like the tons of earth that came down on those miners' heads.

Uncle Kyle.


How you doing?

I'm okay.

Where's Megan?

She was supposed to be here an hour ago.

What's going on with her?

This day messes with everybody's head.


There you go, sweetheart.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You be careful, okay?


All right.

Thank y...


Gotta watch out for that hot wax.

You all right?

I'm fine.

I'm gonna go get some ice.

Where you going?

I'll be back.

Excuse me.

Anderson: Now, I did work hard to make sure that we have a fitting memorial to these fine men.

Excuse me.

They deserve it.

Excuse me.

Anderson: Let it also stand as a warning.

A warning...

Excuse me. to root out the forces of darkness that will come to you... with a smiling face... and a wicked blade.

A warning that as we sow... so shall we reap.

Thank you, Reverend.


Mayor: I think we've all been in suspense long enough.

I now give you our enduring tribute to the men of Rome who fell that day.

May God bless them, and may they always live in our hearts.


Cover it up.

No. No.

Cover it up.


Reverend, let them put it back on.

This is what I'm talking about!

This is what I'm talking about! His sign!

For he walks amongst us. Right here, right now!

The same way that he did at that mine.

Reverend, please.

No. Reverend...

You don't believe me? I've seen it.

A boy's body floating... hovering in the air.

And then these demons, they come out of your mouth like a black cloud.

And then they reach out and they grab you! Okay?

But we can send 'em back. I can send 'em back.

Back to their master. We can send him back too.

But only if we recognize him.

Only if we recognize him and call his name.

Look at him.

Look, all of you!

Look at him!

♪ ♪

See him for what he is!

For that man... that man... he is the devil!

Reverend. No!

He's the devil! That man is the devil!

And he made his mark!


He did this to me!


He did this to me!


He did this to me!

He did this to me!



We gotta go.

He did this to me.


Thank you.


You get some rest, huh?

See a doctor about that.

What, about this?

Or this?


You believe me?

I don't know.

Maybe the devil was in that mine.

But what does that matter now?

We've gotta focus on what's going on in this town right now.

I believe Sidney's one of 'em, and he's not alone.

I mean, I'm with you, Rev, I am.

But we gotta be smart about this.

And tonight...

Tonight was not smart.



Come on in.

Close that door.

Have a seat.

Hell of a Remembrance Day, huh?

Your family still with you?

No, Megan took Holly home.


I got a phone call tonight.

From a lawyer.


Hey, little firefly.

How you doing?


Holly finally fell asleep.

She's gonna have nightmares for months 'cause of that lunatic Anderson.

Did you and Giles finally get everybody calmed down?


Giles suspended me.



It's all subject to a lot of... legal, procedural stuff, but it boils down to... excessive use of force.

Against Donnie Hamel.

Did you hear me?

He's filing as*ault charges.

Giles said he heard from his lawyer today.

Afraid he's got a pretty good case.

This is never gonna end.



Where'd you find that old thing?

In the basement.


It kept you from getting hurt.


That it did.

But other people died.

Didn't they have them?

Yeah, they did.

They had their own.

But this wasn't enough that day.

That's why I quit working there, you know.

Your mom and I felt like... there was a reason I'd been saved.

You know what that reason was?

To have you.

We're always gonna be here for you.

I don't want her to stay.

Amber, you gotta understand that... that when your mom... that day... that was something else, something inside of her that made her do what she did.

I know.

I saw it.

♪ ♪


It was black and it was cold.

But... but you saw it go away?

Right? You saw it leave?

Did it leave?

Did it come after you? Did it hurt you at all?


One day this is all gonna fade away.

Just like a bad dream.

But until that day comes, I'm gonna protect you.

Better than one of these ever could.

You gave him everything?

I didn't give him your badge.

You lost that on your own.

Oh, Jesus, come on.

Did it feel good, Mark?

Doing what you did to him?

Yeah, f*ck yeah, it did.

Were you trying to k*ll him?

Did you think he was dead when you left him lying on the side of the road?

I never asked you to protect me.

No, that's Kyle's job.

Oh, go to hell.

You never asked me for anything.

I... Megan.

You never let me in in nine years of marriage.

What do you wanna know?

When he came to the table, why you didn't tell me it was him?

Because I knew you'd do something like that.

Oh, bullshit.

You didn't tell me because you didn't want to let me in.

You didn't want to share with me your secret.

Don't... don't you put this on me.

Well, you carry this thing around like... like it's something you don't ever want to let go of.

I mean, it's like a rotten tooth that you don't want to pull 'cause you like the pain.

He r*ped me!

I'm sorry.

How are we gonna fix this?

I don't know if we can.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪




♪ Don't forget me, little darling ♪
♪ When from me you're far away ♪
♪ But remember, little darling ♪
♪ We will meet again someday ♪
♪ Darling, I have come to tell you ♪
♪ Though this message breaks my heart ♪
♪ At the dawning of the morning ♪
♪ We'll be many miles apart ♪