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01x02 - House of Horror

Posted: 07/23/16 12:24
by bunniefuu
Narrator: America's top ghost hunters relive their most extreme assignments.

(Woman screams)

This house is beyond haunted.

Hardened veterans of the paranormal, these are the cases that truly tested them.

There was an evil presence in that house.

In Ohio, the ghost of a crazed m*rder*r will stop at nothing to keep the secrets of his crimes buried in the past...

Did Albert k*ll you?


Karlo: He sh*t his own brother, he hung his other brother.

What's he gonna do to us?

Narrator: ...In Massachusetts, a man suffering violent and unrelenting hauntings turns to investigators to save him from possession.

Yeah, he was definitely terrified.

I never experienced anything like that before.

Narrator: ...And in Michigan, an investigator hunting the ghost of a violent prisoner makes a mistake that puts him in grave danger.

Man: Oh!

Dad, get out of there.

This is not a game. It is real.

Narrator: A historic farmhouse in the sleepy countryside outside of Lorain, Ohio...

It should be the perfect home for newlyweds rick and colleen.

But as soon as the happy couple move in, they are confronted by terrifying and unexplained activity.

Loud footsteps pace back and forth upstairs...


...Even though no one else is home.


From one of the bedrooms, the sound of an angry male voice.

But no one is there.

Overwhelmed by fear, the newlyweds call a paranormal investigator for help.

Karlo Zuzic is a member of the Ohio researchers of banded spirits.

Tormented as a child by violent and unrelenting hauntings, Karlo now faces evil spirits to save others from the same t*rture.

My family really didn't believe in the paranormal.

I didn't have anybody to turn to, so I wanted to be that person for others and help them.

Narrator: Karlo begins the investigation by digging into the history of the house and its occupants.

The previous owners were Robert Clarent and his mother --

Moved in in 1970.

Narrator: What Karlo discovers about the oldest brother Albert is sickening.

Albert had a issue.

I guess he had anger issues.

One day in 1971, they were having lunch, and they got into an argument.

I'm your older brother!

A fight broke out.

(Bleep) Damn it! You do this every time.

Every time?

Albert got up, grabbed a shotgun, stood at the doorway, pointed the g*n at the back of Robert’s head, pulled the trigger, and sh*t him in the back of the head.

Albert got arrested, and he ended up going to a mental institution for five years.

He was released after that to his brother Clarence, and he moved back into the family home.

Narrator: But Albert’s crimes weren't over yet.

Karlo: In 1986, his brother Clarence was found hanging in the barn.

They thought Albert had something to do with it, but they didn't have the proof to actually arrest him, so they said it was a su1c1de.

Narrator: Albert takes the truth about Clarence’s death to his own grave, nearly 30 years later.

The murderous history of the house puts Karlo on edge.

Any time there's v*olence or some sort of traumatic accident, that energy's gonna be locked in that location.

We knew that there may be an evil presence in this home.

Narrator: As the scene of possibly two murders, the home has a more violent history than anywhere Karlo has investigated.

When we first pulled up, you know, the house looked like an old farmhouse with this huge barn.

It just -- it looked -- it looked creepy.

Upon entering the home, we told the rest of the team, you know, keep an eye out for each other, because the anger Albert had, that energy could still be there.

Chris: Your senses get heightened.

You know the story of what happened inside and the horror that took place, so you do start to get on edge.

Karlo: They had a heavy feeling.

You knew death occurred there.

You know there is a bad m*rder that happened there.

If you're here, show us your face.

And you could feel hate in this home.

There was a lot of hate in that home.

Narrator: They suspect the hateful spirit watching them is Albert.

Karlo decides to try for some hard evidence.

Karlo: We had digital voice recorders, a k-ii meter.

The k-ii meter is an EMF detector.

We use it to find spirits.

Spirits will actually manipulate it, and it'll light up for us.

If there's any sort of energy around there, we could pick up on that.

Are you here?

We'll start out, "what's your name? who's here?"

Just the simple things.

Albert, if you are here, give us a sign.

Narrator: The house remains eerily quiet.

Karlo: But knowing the history of what happened there, we're kind of getting forceful with our questions.

"Albert, did you k*ll your brother?

What did you do to Clarence?"

(EMF beeping)

As soon as we start touching on the m*rder... That's when we heard the voice.

We actually heard a male's voice say "go away."

It was definitely an angry male that was telling you to go away.


Hearing that sent chills through us.

I mean we were like, "what was that?"

You know, we were in shock.

So we went back and played our recording, and sure enough, we captured a male's voice saying, 'go away."

It came from the kitchen area where the m*rder actually occurred.

As you walked towards it, you could feel, like, the chills, you know, like something was in that area.

There was a presence definitely there.

(EMF beeping)

We know Albert’s there.

He's warning us at this moment.

You know, he's telling us to leave.

Narrator: In Lorain, Ohio, the ghost of a multiple m*rder*r has returned to terrorize the occupants of his old house.

The entity has threatened investigator Karlo Zuzic, and now he's about to confront it.

Karlo: It came from the kitchen area where the m*rder actually occurred.

As you walked towards it, you could feel, like, the chills.

I was getting worried because you're dealing with a spirit that's unstable.

You know, he was unstable in life.

He's gonna be like that in death.

He's hostile, so he could lash out on you.

Narrator: Seeking answers, Karlo and Chris head to the one place that might anger Albert even more --

The barn where his brother Clarence suspiciously d*ed.

You know, it was sad.

It was a sad feeling knowing that a man lost his life there.

One of the most prominent things that you see is this rope hanging from the ceiling.

Narrator: Karlo has a gruesome suspicion.

This may be the rope used to k*ll Clarence.

Karlo: What I was feeling when I approached the rope, you know, was sadness.

It was almost like Clarence’s sadness was still bottled up in that area.

You know, a man lost his life there.

Was it a su1c1de? was it a m*rder?

That's why we're there.

We want to get an answer.

Narrator: To find the truth, Karlo decides to try to talk to Clarence from beyond the grave.

We took the S.L.E.D. Device --

Stands for static L.E.D. Device.

This will actually pick up static electricity, and the spirits will then manipulate that device to actually talk to us in real time.

We attach the S.L.E.D. To Clarence’s actual noose, and then we started the EVP session.

Karlo: Are you here, Clarence?

If you can hear me Clarence, give us a sign.

And as soon as we started asking Clarence about the su1c1de...

Did Albert force you to k*ll yourself?

(EVP beeps)

...It started beeping.

Now we know there's a presence near our device.

(Beeping continues)

Then we're like, "Clarence, did Albert do this to you?

Did Albert m*rder you?

(EVP beeps)

Then we got a steady, flatline beep.

(EVP flatlines)

In an investigation, that has never happened to us before.

When that thing lit up, I mean, it sent chills through your body.

I mean you got the chills watching this device go off.

(EVP beeps)

We're getting a response from someone that's dead.

You know, they're telling us their story from the afterlife.

He's reaching out to us, and he wants his story told.

Did Albert k*ll you?

(EVP beeps)

We're amazed that this device is just going off to those specific questions.

(EVP beeps)

Clarence is communicating with us at that moment.

The feeling I had was Albert did this to him.

Albert actually k*lled Clarence.

Narrator: If Albert took this terrible secret with him to the grave, he isn't about to reveal it now.

As we're standing there, it's darker than dark.

We hear what sounds like something being thrown or possibly hit.

(Indistinct clanks)

There's loud banging noises, like stuff was being pushed over.

There was something moving around in that back area of the barn.

So we're trying to figure out.

We open the barn door, we looked around.

There's nobody around.

Okay, well, we know we heard it.

There's nobody here.

You know, you get that creepy feeling.

You get the hair standing up on the back of your neck.

Narrator: Albert's presence is turning this into Karlo’s most intense assignment yet.

I believe Albert was getting angry that we're asking Clarence for answers.

You could feel his negative presence in that location.

Chris: There's noises, there's stuff being pushed over to distract us from getting to the root cause of what actually happened.

He's getting pissed off.

Damn it!

He obviously sh*t his own brother, he hung his other brother, what's he gonna do to us?

We were absolutely terrified.

Narrator: Having collected all the evidence they need, Karlo calls off the investigation before Albert’s threats turn physical.

Karlo: The conclusion that I came to, Albert was still haunting that location.

That energy is locked there.

Albert won't release his grip of the home.

Narrator: Karlo shares his shocking findings with the homeowners.

When we showed them the evidence, they were blown away by it.

They had the feeling -- obviously you know --

That there was some sort of presence there just by what they were experiencing.

I mean, for us to validate that, you know, they were shocked.

But what really shocked them the most was that Albert actually k*lled Clarence.

With the high levels of paranormal activity and the gruesome crimes that happened there, the couple was afraid for their lives.

They abandoned the house, and they will not step foot on the property.


Chris: The house is there vacant, like a dark reminder of what happened with that family so many years ago.

The longer Albert’s spirit stays in that home, it actually gets stronger.

Karlo: If you go on this property, you have to watch out.

Albert could lash out at any moment.

You don't know what he's gonna do next.

Narrator: Still to come, in their most dangerous case yet, a father-daughter team battle the spirit of a violent prisoner but are not prepared for the power of his fury.

Man: Help!

But first, hauntings can drive their victims to the brink of insanity and often ghost hunters are their only hope of salvation.

Woman: Jack?

It's a spirit.

An ordinary house on an ordinary street in Springfield, Massachusetts.

But what homeowner mark is enduring is far from ordinary.

At first, mark is tormented by whispering voices, unexplained footsteps, and strange scratching in the walls.

Sinister shadow people appear in his room.

He sees tiny creatures and feels hands grab at him from under the bed.

Petrified, mark looks to his faith to protect him, but praying only makes things worse.

Mark: Hallowed be thy name.

Narrator: The final straw comes when mark discovers deep scratches all over his body.

Scared and desperate, mark calls a paranormal investigation group.

He was seriously afraid that maybe he was dealing with something demonic, and he wanted help as quickly as possible.

Narrator: A member of spirits of New England, Jack Kenna has battled evil entities for almost 10 years.

His experience with the spirit world began as a child when he witnessed his mother enduring terrifying hauntings.

Now, jack devotes his life to saving others.

Our team decided to help him because that's what we do.

We're there to try to help people who are experiencing things they can't explain and that they're afraid of.

Narrator: Jack brings his team into mark's house, ready to face down whatever is tormenting him.

The client, he looked very scared, and he was probably one of the more frightened clients that we've had.

Jack: When I initially walked into the house, went in with just being a little guarded because of the reported activity.

We brought with us our DVR systems, infrared cameras, digital recorders, EMF meters to try to check to find out what's really going on.

Narrator: Jack tells the team to investigate upstairs while he heads to the kitchen alone.

It's a decision he'll come to regret.

When I walked in, it felt a little different there, a little bit heavy.

I did feel a presence.

I did feel heaviness.

(Coughs, wheezes)

It was hard to breathe.

(Gasps, breathes shallowly)

Narrator: In Springfield, Massachusetts, a man is being plagued by terrifying and violent paranormal activity.

Veteran ghost hunter, Jack Kenna fears it is demonic, and when he enters the kitchen, its attention turns to him.

I did feel a presence... A heaviness...

(Gasps, breathes shallowly)

...A bit hard to breathe.

(Gasping, breathing shallowly)

And I'm getting a little worried and concerned about what I might be dealing with.


Narrator: Battling his fear, jack tries to capture evidence of the presence.


I captured an EVP in that kitchen.

It's a voice.

You hear it, it's kind of whispery, grainy, "stop god."

Jack: What did you just say?

Doesn't even sound like a human voice.

Is there somebody out there?

We don't know what that was.

Why would a spirit, if it was just a human spirit say 'stop god"?

That gives me lot of concern for the client.

It could be something potentially demonic.

Narrator: Already shaken, things are about to get worse for Jack.

The next thing that happens is we hear these scratching noises on the ceiling.


Sharon, what's going on up there?

Are you guys moving around?

Sharon: No, we're not moving.

The scratching -- you get a very negative feeling, sounds terrible. And we were all looking up and we are going "what's that?"

(Scratching continues)

We start looking to try to figure out what that is.

Was there an animal in there?

There's nothing.

The place is sealed up.

We don't know what the scratching noise is.

Narrator: Suddenly, Jack gets a dreadful sense of impending danger.

You get a very negative feeling, a very intense 'we shouldn't be here, get out' type of feeling.

Narrator: Fearing for the team's safety, Jack moves them out of the kitchen.

Sharon and Becca head to Mark's bedroom to search for evidence.
Sharon: We were just gonna sit for a few minutes and then do an EVP session, and you know, K-II session, and see if anything wants to talk to us, essentially.

15 minutes or so, we were getting nothing.

It was just completely quiet.

Narrator: They are not alone for long.

Then all of a sudden, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and down the hall, heavy footsteps.


It was clear as day that there was somebody coming down the hall.

They called us up on the walkie-talkie and asked us if somebody had just come down.

Nobody just walked through here, so the footsteps they heard weren't any of us.

Sharon: We're staring at this open doorway waiting for somebody or something -- whatever --

To come through the door.

We both went to check the hall, and we looked, and there was no one there.

It was pretty creepy --

After you've heard that, and there's absolutely nothing there.

Well, nothing that you could see.

Yeah, we heard it down here, too.

Then Sharon hears, sounds like a woman humming.

Is that you out on the hallway?

There's humming upstairs.

They were a little freaked out when I told them no one upstairs was humming.

They go look, they check.

There was nobody there.

Let's go.

They also look at the DVR footage.

There's no one coming down through that area.

No one.

Experiencing the walking, hearing the humming, knowing it was a spirit walking through there.

Narrator: Worried about the escalating activity, jack sends his team to safety and prepares to confront whatever is haunting the house alone.

I started talking to the spirits saying, I understand you don't like when you are talking about god.

You don't like when a client talks about Jesus.

You don't like when he prays.

I'm trying to get this thing to interact.

At that point, I'm getting more aggressive with it.

Why are you bothering...?


That's when I felt something grab the back of my thigh, and it was a tight squeeze.

You could feel, like, a hand squeezing.

I never experienced anything like that before.

I've never been touched by a spirit before.

And I remembered what the client said about these little creatures.

He was being touched, scratched, bruised.

Every time I talked about god, my calf was squeezed.

And I'm getting a little anxious now at this point, because it was not just my imagination, it was a negative feeling, it was a negative energy.

So I was getting fearful because of the potential of what I might be dealing with.

And then I hear this hissing noise.

And I see this shadow figure start --

Shadow figure standing.

Narrator: In one of his most unnerving cases ever, ghost hunter Jack Kenna is going toe-to-toe with a violent demonic spirit.

In asking the spirit to reveal itself, jack may have just made a terrible mistake.

I could see the shape of this figure, and it was very obviously looking at me.

I mean, I was totally afraid at that point.

That was actually the first time I experienced a shadow person.

It was just wild.

I mean, it just blows my mind.

I'm looking at it, and I put the camera on it, and I look down, and I can't see it.

And then I watched this shadow figure fade away.

Jack: It was like a human shape, darker than dark.

It startled me.

I have freaking chills all through my body.

I'm shaking.

(Breathes shallowly)


I mean, just who was it?

Narrator: Shaken, jack asks Becca, the team's psychic medium, to get a reading on who is haunting the house and why.

Jack: She was able to tell me about this old pauper cemetery.

It's not less than about 400 yards from the client's home.

That cemetery is now the location of a hospital the client worked at.

There's no markers, there's no nothing, there is over a thousand people buried in this location.

Narrator: Jack and Sharon suspect dark forces from the cemetery that are unable or unwilling to cross over are targeting the living, perhaps seeking revenge.

We think that the spirits from that cemetery had attached to him.

The footsteps, the scratches, the bruises --

Were those spirits from the old pauper cemetery who were not at rest?

They maybe resent what's happened to them, 'cause these people were just buried --

No names, no nothing, just lost souls.

Narrator: Jack knows exactly what he has to do --

Remove the vengeful spirits and release mark from his torment.

By the power of love and light, I expel you from this house.

Sharon: We did what we call "a reveal."

We took one of our psychics to help clear it out, cleanse it out, and just put him at peace.

Release this house of the evil spirits.

Sharon: The atmosphere of the house was more peaceful, so was the client, and we have not had any complaints from him since.

If you hadn't experienced these things for yourself, you would think the client was crazy.

We experienced everything that he said he experienced.

It was true.

Every bit of what he told us was true.


Narrator: In one of their most dangerous assignments ever, investigators venture into a haunted jail and run into the spirit of a violent criminal.

And when the ghost att*cks, nothing can prepare them for the power of his fury.

Get out of there.

Narrator: Allegan, Michigan.

For 60 years, the old county jail housed the city's most dangerous criminals.

Murderers, rapists, and violent offenders were all locked up in its cells.

When the jail closed in 1963, it's turned into a museum, but it cannot escape its sinister past.

Museum staff are tormented by strange noises... And dark shadows.

When objects are thrown by unseen forces, the terrified staff reach breaking point.

(Woman screams)

Desperate for help, the museum's historical society calls father-daughter team, Alan and Anna Tolf.

As an investigator, 28 years in law enforcement, to get an opportunity to investigate a jail was, you know, a great honor and a privilege.

We're actually the first paranormal team they ever let come investigate, which was exciting and we wanted to do the best job that we could for them.

Narrator: After hearing the witnesses' stories, Alan and Anna cautiously enter the old cell block building.

Cell block 1 is still in the original form.

It has not been touched, renovated.

Writing from the prisoners are still there.

You know, almost instantaneous as you passed through that doorway, it was cold, like, a darker feel, heavy.

The cell blocks just felt...

Like there was a presence, it felt like someone was watching you.

Alan: Is there anybody there?

When we're first walking through, we were hoping to capture some EVPS.

Narrator: Alan and Anna are not disappointed.

Anna: EVP session, Allegan county jail.

Listen to this.

We hear a male voice several times clearly.

"Bob, bob" in different tones.

And it was angry, frustrated.

Narrator: The further they go into the cell block, the stronger and more agitated the voice becomes.

Man: Bob.

(EVP beeping)

Right away, I started getting k-ii readings.

(EVP beeping)

I felt extremely uncomfortable in that jail cell.

There was writing on the wall, hash marks for the days.

Narrator: One of the markings stops them cold.

Alan: To see Bob Horton and hear it several minutes prior on an EVP... It was -- you know, it just --

It blew me away.

Narrator: Digging into jail records, Alan makes a chilling discovery.

Bob Horton was incarcerated in the 1940s and '50s, and he was not a nice guy.

Alan: Bob was a career criminal.

Spent the majority of his adult life in jail for as*ault and battery, larceny, numerous arrests.

(Alarm buzzing)

Narrator: The discovery sets the Tolfs on edge.

I knew the energy was strong, and I could feel this presence.

Kept feeling that vibrating feeling deep inside.

I could feel a hand on my shoulders --

One of the first times I actually could feel a hand on my shoulder, being poked at.

I definitely knew something was there with us.

Alan: Anna!

Anna: (Screams)

Narrator: In Allegan, Michigan, frightening paranormal activity has been plaguing staff of an old jail museum.

An encounter with a ghost of a violent prisoner has already left investigators Alan and Anna Tolf shaken.

Now the ghost has gone on the att*ck, targeting a terrified Anna.

Alan: Anna!

Anna: (Screams)

It was one of first times I actually could feel a hand on my shoulder, being poked at.

To be in a cell with a man that who you can't see, you feel vulnerable, you feel threatened... And that is scary.

Alan: My concern, first and foremost, would always be for my daughter.

Alan: Anna! (gasps)

Alan: I felt like Anna was being violated.

I told her to step out, and the activity stopped.

Narrator: Scared but determined, the Tolfs reach out to bob again.

Alan: We were asking questions.

How long have you been in here?

Why are you still here?

Narrator: But bob is in no mood for talking.

Bob told us to get out.

He became extremely angry... Very vulgar, mean.

"Get out (bleep)" and threatening things.

(Breathes shallowly)

I think he was an angry man, and it did keep building up and building up.

It was best for us to move on at that point.

And that was when simultaneously, we heard the crash in front of bob's cell.


Sounds like a safe hitting concrete.


It all happened so quickly, I mean, we thought somebody was down in the jail with us.


Alan: We walked the perimeter of the entire block --

Nothing out of place, nothing that would have made that type of sound.


Narrator: Fearing what bob will do to them next, the tolfs run for safety.

It gets overwhelming, extremely overwhelming.

Alan: Reviewing the video, it is very clear that there is somebody shuffling around inside the cell.


That was unsettling.

And just prior to the crash, you hear two very loud footsteps --

Thump, thump!

And then...

Alan: Oh, my god!

Uh, it was -- I was blown away.

I don't know exactly what caused that noise or what it was.

But I'm sure it came from anger.

Narrator: Refusing to be driven away, Alan and Anna head back inside.

Alan returns to bob's cell alone.

We had received so much activity within that cell, I thought it'd be wise to place one of our cameras in between the bars.

Narrator: It's a decision that has painful consequences.

I was watching the monitor, while he was doing this.

And you see this ball of energy forming, and it's flying around him.

It was all happening so fast.


Dad! get out of there!

Narrator: In a haunted former jail, investigator Anna Tolf is att*cked by the ghost of a violent prisoner.

Now alone in his cell, it's her father Alan who is in grave danger.

I see the orb come in to the view.

Narrator: The spirit is gathering power and manifesting itself as a glowing sphere of energy.

Could see this orb flying around him.

It flew right into his lower back.



I felt a very sharp pain in my lower back...

Like I was being stabbed.


And I hollered.

Are you stabbing me?


Dad! get out of here!

Alan: Anna!

Hearing him holler and knowing I couldn't do anything, just at that moment, I did feel out of control and that did scare me.


When that happened to dad, I was frightened, to say the least.

This is not a game.

It is real.



Anna: I was just fearful of what was going to happen next.

It was extremely threatening.

I have been investigating the paranormal for a long time, and nothing like this has happened to me before.


I really think the orb that hurt dad, I really think it was bob.

I think he was angry with us, frustrated, maybe we were, you know invading his space, invading what he thought was his territory.

I think -- I believe it was Bob.

Narrator: Terrified of bob's escalating aggression, the tolfs had two choices --

Get well away or try to cross his spirit over.

Alan: We spoke to bob and talked about, have you seen the light? have you been to heaven?

Bob, why don't you cross over and be in peace?

Alan: Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you.

Why do you stay here?

What are you afraid of?

You want to say something?

Bob just responded negatively... Then quit responding.

Narrator: Alan and Anna suspect that bob's spirit is hiding to prevent them from removing him.

As it relates to crossing over or moving on, I just don't think he's ready for that.

Bob spent the majority of his adult life in jail.

It might have been some place he was more comfortable with than being outside.

He's stuck.

Narrator: The tolfs are forced to end their investigation.

Alan: Well, we sat down with the historical society after the investigation and covered everything with them.

They were shocked.

Narrator: When the tolfs tell of bob's terrifying att*cks, the museum seals off all access to his cell.

Alan I believe that bob poses a danger to anyone that would go into that cell and push the envelope -- absolutely.

Bob doesn't want to be messed with.
