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01x15 - Too Many Termites

Posted: 07/22/16 07:16
by bunniefuu




Muhangus: Lion Guard!

Muhanga: Lion Guard!

Ono: This way, everyone!

You're here! Thank goodness!

We came as soon as we could.

What's the kerbubble?

Our den! It's full of...


Hyenas again?

We've had to chase them out of the Pride Lands every night this week!

I know one thing that'll scare them away from the aardvarks' den for good.

Lion Guard, follow me!

Aaaah! There they are!

I see 'em...

Everyone, stay behind me.

Hey! I told you before, and I meant it.

Get out of the Pride Lands!



And stay out.

Bunga: Oh, yeah! Things have been pretty quiet since we chased those hyenas off the other night, huh?

Well, Kion did most of the work.

[CHEWING LOUDLY] Yeah, but we had his back!


Ugh. Bunga!


Please tell me you're done eating.

Not even close!

[CHEWING LOUDLY] Besides, haven't you noticed?

There are termites everywhere!


Uh, yeah.

No kidding. Here, Bunga. All yours.

Mmm, termites on a stick!

Thanks, Kion!



Ono: Everyone! Everyone!

What is it, Ono?

We've got an emergency at Mekundu Cliffs!

A big hollow tree is falling apart!

A tree falling apart? That's not really an emergency.

Yes, it is! It's the tree where the Mekundu Bats live!

They're asleep inside!

Why didn't you wake them up?

I would, but, you know... [SHUDDERS] ...they're bats.

You're afraid of bats?

You're the bravest. I'm the keenest of sight. Okay?

You were right to get us, Ono. Come on, everybody.

To the Pride Lands' end...

All: ...Lion Guard defend!

One second!

[MUFFLED] ...Lion Guard defend!

Kion: What's the fastest way, Ono?

Ono: Across that fallen tree and over the ravine!

Got it!

Heyvi kabisa!

Fuli: I don't get it. That tree's held all of us before.

Even Beshte. What happened?

Maybe it just got old.

Whatever it was, we can talk about it later.

We still have to help the Mekundu bats!

Come on!

Ono: There it is! The hollow tree!


Kion: Whoa!

The whole thing's coming down! We gotta wake up the bats!

All: Wake up! Get up! Wake up, guys! Wake up, bats!

Hey, bats!

Are they coming out?

I don't hear anything.


I'm going in! Zuka Zama!

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!


Oh, no! [SCREAMS]

Are they gone?

They're gone.


Kion: Uh-oh! Look out!

Beshte: Oh, no!


[GASPS] Somebody call me?


I am not okay with all the termites around here.

You're right. There's a lot of them.

I've never seen so many termites.

They ate through the whole tree.

Maybe they ate through the tree bridge, too.

I bet that's why it collapsed!

That certainly makes sense. Termites eat wood.

So too many termites would eat too much wood.

But we've always had termites in the Pride Lands.

Why are there too many now?

Hey! Just because there are a lot of termites, it doesn't mean there's too many.




Okay. There may be a few too many.

We have to tell my dad.

Simba: Let me guess. You're here to tell me that there are too many termites in the Pride Lands?

Kion: Um, yeah.

The thing is, we don't know why there are so many termites.

Hmm. Maybe we should ask the aardwolves.


That's right.

They're the Pride Lands' termite experts.

I've heard of aardwolves, but I've never seen one.

I'm not surprised. They're very shy.

They only come out at night, and pretty much keep to themselves.

But they love to eat termites. Even more than you do!

Not possible!

So the aardwolves keep the Pride Lands' termites under control?

That's right. At least, until now.

I sure hope nothing happened to them.

Yeah. We better talk to the aardwolves and make sure they're okay.

Where do they live?

Well, they tend to roam around.

But their favorite places to sleep are empty aardvark dens.

Empty aardvark dens?

Ha! That's funny. We just chased hyenas out of an empty aardvark den a couple days ago!

Uh, Dad? What exactly do aardwolves look like?

Well, they actually look a lot like hyenas.

I was afraid you'd say that.

Dad, I... I think I kicked the aardwolves out of the Pride Lands.

It was a mistake.

I thought they were hyenas.

We all did. I still do!

Thanks, guys.

But I'm the one who used the Roar on them.

You Roared at the aardwolves?

Well, that explain the termites.

I'm sorry, Dad.

Kion, you've made a mistake.

We all do.

But it's what you do to correct your mistakes that really counts.

Thanks, Dad.

We're gonna make things right.

I promise!

Lion Guard, we're gonna find those aardwolves, and bring them back to the Pride Lands!

Fuli: Your Roar sure knocked those aardwolves a long way into the Outlands.

[SIGHS] Don't rub it in. I'm just glad we got their scent from the aardvark dens so we can track them.

I'm glad I had a termite snack before we left.

This place has none.

Those poor aardwolves must be gettin' awful hungry.

As soon as we get them back home, they'll have plenty of termites to eat!


[GASPS] Do you smell that?


It's the aardwolves' scent.

And it's getting stronger.



I just saw The Lion Guard!

They followed us into the Outlands!

[STUTTERS] What are they doing out here?

You think they're still after us?

The Lion Guard?

Why would they be after us?

They already chased us out of the Pride Lands.

Into the termite-forsaken Outlands.


Yes! Of course!

The Lion Guard can't be looking for us.

[SIGHS] They're just passing by!


So when we find the aardwolves, what's the plan?

Bunga: Sneak up on 'em?

Beshte: Surround them?

Still think they're just passing by?

But why? Why?!

Oh, look! Is that a bug?

Pfft! All this tracking's taking too long.

I'm goin' up and over.

Zuka Zama!

It's not like you'd sneak up on somebody and surround them just to say hello.

[EXCLAIMS] Am I right?


Oh, hello!


I found 'em! They're goin' that way!

But why are they running away?

I don't know, Beshte. All I know is that we've gotta convince 'em to come back to the Pride Lands!

Now come on!

Kion: Aardwolves!

All: Aardwolves! Aardwolves!


It really is the Lion Guard!

Why didn't somebody say something?

They're coming after us!

Run faster!

Wow. They're pretty fast.

Oh, you want fast? Huwezi!

Listen up! We're the Lion Guard!

We're only here to... Whoa.



You okay?

They didn't stop.

Yeah, we noticed. That was weird.

Wait. They're afraid of us!

Afraid of us?

Well, I did use the Roar on them.

Maybe they think we're out to get them.

You mean they think we're the bad guys?

But we're the Lion Guard.

We can't be the bad guys.

And you didn't mean to Roar at them.

It was an honest mistake.

Yeah, but they don't know that.

So we've gotta convince them we're the good guys.

Of course, we've gotta find them again first.
Look! I see one of them right there!

Ono: Hapana.

Guys! He's running right towards a cliff!

Leave this one to me!

Zuka Zama!



Get off me.

Get off of me!

What do you think you're doing?

Uhh, maybe a little something like saving your life!



Uh, in that case, thanks.

[SIGHS] So now what?

You've already kicked me and the others out of the Pride Lands!

Where do you want us to go now?

We want you to come back to the Pride Lands!

You want us to go back? Wouldn't it have been easier just not to kick us out in the first place?

He's got a point there.


Just sayin'...

Look, I'm really sorry.

That was a mistake.

I Roared at you because we thought you were hyenas.

Hyenas? Hyenas?!

Do I look like a hyena to you?

Pretty much.



You aardwolves really don't get out much, do you?

We still need to find the rest of your pack.

So we can take you all home.

I don't know... What's in it for me?

Well, you get to go home.

A home that's now totally overrun with termites, by the way.


Termites? [SLURPING]


Now you're talking!

Why didn't you say so in the first place? Let's go!

Uh, hey! Wait for us!

Aardwolf: Here. Behind these rocks!

Ooh, look!

Let's hide in there!

This is perfect! Yes! Totally perfect!

I think. Yeah, they'll never find us here.

I hope.

Poor, brave Mjomba!

It's because of him we're safe.


I'll take a peek, just to be sure.

Yup. All clear.


Hmm. Ooh. Something smells delicious!

[GASPS] Aardwolves!

Goigoi! You hear what I said?

Love you, too, baby.


Wha...? Was I snorin'?

Oh, never mind. Keep sleeping if you want.

Just more scrumptious aardwolf for me and the kids.

You had me at aardwolf.

Thought so.

Smells like a whole pack of 'em just moved in next door.

When did the hyraxes move out?

They didn't.

Oh, yeah. [CHUCKLES]

They were delicious.

Now that you're up, time we said hello to our new neighbors.

[SLURPING] Whatever you say, dear.

Haya: Coming in here was a great idea!

It's roomy, nice and dank, wall to wall dirt...

Oh. Too bad there's nothing here to eat.

Rairai: Oh, I wouldn't say that!


We're the folks from next door!

Howdy, neighbors!

[SIGHS] You scared us for a second there!

We thought you were the Lion Guard.

Lion Guard? Where?

It weren't me! Rairai made me do it!



Oh! You don't like 'em either?

Well, don't worry. They'll never find us.

We totally gave them the slip!

I think.

I see.

Well, now, you just set your minds at ease.

We're the furthest thing from the Lion Guard.

Believe you me.


Why exactly were you running away from the Lion Guard?

Because they're mean! And they're scary!

Say it, sister!

But mainly because Kion's Roar sent us flying out of the Pride Lands!

And then they came after us here!

You won't tell them where we are, will you?

Don't you worry about that.

I promise, the Lion Guard won't find hide nor hair of you.

Well, maybe a little hide.

And maybe a little hair.


All we're trying to say is, as your new neighbors, we're going to be such good friends!

And you know what friends do...

Have each other for dinner! Ow!


He means, have each other over for dinner.


♪ This is our new home ♪
♪ And we are your new friends ♪
♪ No need to keep runnin' ♪
♪ Your trip is at an end ♪
♪ We're here for you ♪
♪ We know how you feel ♪
♪ Just stay with us and we'll make you a meal ♪

You'll be safe inside.

Inside our bellies.


♪ It's gonna be a meal you won't forget ♪
♪ It might just be our biggest yet ♪
♪ Now that we're all neighbors ♪
♪ and 'cause you look so sweet ♪
♪ We'll have you 'round our place ♪
♪ and have ourselves a treat ♪
♪ Ain't no need to scared, y'all ♪
♪ We'd love to help you hide ♪
♪ We promise no one will find you ♪
♪ once you're safe inside ♪
♪ This is your new home ♪

♪ And we are your new friends ♪

♪ No need to keep runnin' your trip's at an end ♪
♪ We're here for you ♪
♪ We know how you feel ♪
♪ Just stay with us and we'll make you ♪
♪ A meal ♪
♪ So when you're good and ready ♪
♪ You'll wanna close your eyes ♪
♪ 'Cause we're gonna give you a really big surprise ♪
♪ We just can't wait to have you ♪
♪ As our special guest ♪
♪ You'll be gone when it's over, ♪
♪ no need to clean our mess ♪

♪ This is your new home ♪
♪ And you are our new friends ♪
♪ No need to keep runnin' your trip's at an end ♪
♪ You're here for us ♪
♪ We know how you feel ♪
♪ We'll stay with you and ♪

♪ We'll make you a meal ♪
♪ We'll make you a meal ♪


♪ Just stay with us and we'll make you ♪


♪ A meal ♪

Wow! That was fun! Ha!

We are so lucky we picked this cave to hide in!

Oh, no, honey. We're the lucky ones.

Yep. They're hiding in that cave all right.

Okay. This time, we need a good plan.

On it. I'll go in alone. Oof!

All: No!

Sorry, Little B. Nothin' personal.

Mjomba, will you go into that cave?

Tell the other aardwolves we're not a threat?

Sure. I can do that.

Just pop your head out when you know they won't run.

Then we can all go back to the Pride Lands.

Then I can eat!

Unlimited termite feast, here I come!

Almost unlimited!

Some of those termites are mine!


Never too early to call dibs.

Hello! Any aardwolves at home?

Private party!

Not at all, not at all, the more the merrier!

Mjomba! You escaped!

How smart! How brave!

It is really you, right?

Yeah, it's me!

And I've got good news, the Lion Guard are the good guys.

They saved me!

Good guys? No way!

They kicked us out of the Pride Lands!

[GASPS] Is this another trick?

Are they hiding behind you?

No! And they didn't mean to kick us out!

They thought we were hyenas!


That's ridic... Okay, now I see it.

Anyway, they want to take us back to the Pride Lands.

Since we left, it's crawling with termites!

Mmm. Termites? Crawling with 'em?

Yeah, and we can eat 'em all!

They need us to!

You hear that? We can go home and eat termites!

So, let's go!

Hold on a second! I thought we were going to have dinner here.

Well, I dunno. You got any termites?

Oh. Trust me, none of you are leaving this cave hungry.

In fact, none of you are leaving at all!

Goigoi! Push!


Something's not right. Why'd they do that?

Maybe they're still scared of us?

You think they didn't believe Mjomba?

I promised we'd make things right.

Come on!

Ono. Can you see through the crack?

I can try.

[GASPS] Hapana!


Should we wait for the kids?

We'll bring 'em the leftovers.


Twende Kiboko!

Get away from the aardwolf, Rairai!

Aardwolves! Follow me!

All clear, Kion!


So nice of you to drop by!

Gotta admit, I wish you'd of come a little later.

I'll bet you do, Rairai.

Anybody got Goigoi?

He's not going anywhere.

All right, Rairai. Time for you to go home!

You betcha! See ya next visit!

Kion: Okay, Bunga!




And stay in there!

Rairai: Don't you worry about little ol' us! We love it in here!

Don't we, Goigoi?



She seemed like such a good hostess.

Until she tried to eat us.

Yeah, that sorta spoiled the party.

I could really use a termite about now.

Can we go home and eat?

Best idea I've heard all day.


Hey, buddy, how you doing?

I'm fine. I guess...

Miss the termites?

I'm trying to be brave about it.

But I gotta admit... [SNIFFLING] I do miss 'em.

Well... We've got a little surprise that might make you feel better.

I don't think there's anything that could do that.

How about a thank you gift from the aardwolves?

They saved me some! Un-Bunga-lievable!

Hey, it's working! I really do feel better!



♪ Look out Here comes the Lion Guard ♪