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02x09 - Slain Dragons

Posted: 07/19/16 11:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Powers...

I just want you to know, I'm officially backing off.

Change your mind, want me to step up again, let me know.

Morrison's not dead.

Morrison hasn't been seen in over 50 years, what makes you think he'd come back?

'Cause the bastard's an evil f*ck.

Good catch.

A provocateur, hiding in the shadows.

A little tap here, a little nudge there, governments falter.

People don't just come back from the dead.


Commander Cross.

I'm no stranger to problems with the mind.

Do you want to see what I can do with my powers?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, f*ck yeah.


What was that?

The f*ck?

Oh, my God.

Oh, Supershock?


Hey, man.

This is a surprise.

Can I help you?

How do you even know where I live?

Nice place.

You know, Janice told me an interesting thing about you.

She said you were a real character.

That you're all Powers.

Can you...

Well, coming from Janice, that's...

...that's a really nice thing to say, thank you.

It wasn't meant to be a compliment.

You're flying around like a bull in a china shop.

You're going to get yourself k*lled, or worse, you're going to k*ll someone else.

You know, powers are a tool.

What's this about, man?

It's not all you.

Think about them as any other tool, as one of many.

There's other things about yourself you should be thinking about.

Okay, thank you, man.

I'm really, excuse me...

Before you dive in head first, and, you know, break your neck.

Good, good, I'm just a little busy now, maybe we could...

I'm... I'm... I'm willing to...

My agent will call.

I'm willing to teach you... a thing or two about a thing or two, as a favor to Janice.

'Cause I'd much rather do a favor for her... than read about you in the newspaper, that you... you know, came to a bad end.

I'm sorry.

You're going to teach me a thing or two about a thing or two?

I'm the Power, man.

I'm Diamond.

I'm the Power.


We need a Powers ISO bubble now, we need to ISO this.

It's getting worse, can... can you tell us how this happened?

A wolf tried to eat him.


I have to take this off him.


Okay. Let's do some pressure.

They have to. They have to.

Got it. Hand me a spider strap.

He's losing a lot of blood.

What am I feeling, Emile?

What's going on?

I want my power back.

I... I feel cold.

I feel... I feel cold.

Blood pressure's dropping.

I... I feel cold, Emile.

We're losing him.

Hold on, Diamond.

I feel cold.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Shit, he's flat lining. f*ck.

Get the paddles.


Where the f*ck have you been?

At Supershock's.

He's lost his mind.

He's literally crazy.

What is...

Oh, I... I had to... convince him that I believed every crazy word coming out of his mouth, just to get him to fly me back.


He is dangerous, okay?

He's like a f*cking nuclear b*mb, bouncing all over the Earth.


Without Janice, it's only a matter of time before he blows.

We got to stop him.

No, Walker, Morrison.

No, Morrison doesn't exist.

I've looked...

The f*ck he doesn't!

Kutter's in a coma because of that assh*le.


No, that's impossible.

Did... did you see him with your own eyes?

No, I didn't.


But I'm going to find him, and I'm going to f*cking k*ll him.

Deena, he doesn't exist.

You see him?

No, I don't see anything.

Wait, what was that?

That's not him.

I think that's Rainbow.

I know her.

She's an assh*le.

Supershock, the most powerful Power in the world, has maybe lost his mind.

Even if we find him...


It's just math. He out-powers us.

We don't know how powerful Calista actually is.

I'm not at his level.

You don't know that.

We'll let's just say, for the sake of argument, that she is not as powerful as the most powerful Power of all time.

I'm not.

And if Supershock is as cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs as Calista thinks he is...


All right, well, if Supershock is losing it, then what can anyone do?

We need to talk to Walker.


Maybe he knows something.



There really is no easy way to do this.

Hey, Walker.

The f*ck is this?

The f*ck is this?

The f*ck is this?

What is this?

Are you f*cking with me?

No, it's... It's me.




That is Krispin Stockley?

That is Krispin Stockley.

Not his brother?

I don't have a brother.

He doesn't have a brother.

And he is sitting on my exam table, and not in the freezer, where we've been storing his dead body?

Yeah, well, I thought, all things considered, you might be the best person to take a first look...

Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes.


You'll have to excuse me, but I have never, and I mean never had a live person on my exam table before, let alone a reanimated one.

This is so exciting.

What? He's back from the dead.

I do think I'm allowed to get a little excited.

Okay... but can you help us figure out how he came back from the dead?

How on Earth should I know?

Well, first...

Walker, just... just tell me.

In the history of Powers k*lling people, has something like me ever happened before?

Not that I know of.

It's like a Twilight Zone episode.

A Power k*lled my dad.

A Power k*lled my mom.

A Power k*lled me, and now I'm back.

Hey, hey, hey.

We'll figure it out together, okay?





I would love some blood and urine.

Hey, IT guy, hacker dude.

It's... Fuller, ma'am.

Yeah, I know.

I could use a little bit of your help digging into something.

I have been running around in circles, following every lead, and I could use your help digging up better intel about the property Detective Kutter was shivved in.

Yes, ma'am... detective, sir... ma'am.

From what I can tell, it's owned by a shell corporation, which means they're hiding something.


And that something could be the thing that leads us to whoever it was that stabbed Detective Kutter.

I am on it.

Okay, great.

And... I...

I just wanted to say that I really appreciate that you respect what I do here, and... and... and I'm not going to let you down.

I'm... I'm going to start the work, I'm going to...

Thank you.

Get on this thing.

Detective Pilgrim?


Detective Walker wants to see you in the morgue.

Thank you, Ka... Kaba...


What the f*ck did you just do?!

What the f*ck did I do? What the f*ck was that?!

You shot him!

He was supposed to be dead.

Why did you do that?!

He was supposed to be dead, I did the f*cking paperwork!

Oh, what... What the f*ck?

Is everything all right?

Oh, everything is more than okay.

Accident, though it may have been, our fine detective may have just proved that our young friend cannot be k*lled.

I'm going to win a Nobel Prize.

I'm a dad.

Me, can you believe it?

I'm a dad.

Vitals are normal.

Pain response is normal.

This is so good.

And I'm out of here.

Oh, no, no, no, Doctor, I need you to confirm my findings.

Again, I'm sorry for sh**ting you.

No, I get it.

What? What?

Get it! Get it!

What's wrong with him?

I don't know. He'll be okay, he's just not seen a...

What's happening now?

He's having a seizure.

He needs to get to a hospital.

What is wrong with him?

I don't know, I can only tell you after he dies and I open him up.

I'm fine.

You are not fine.

I'm okay.

When was the last time you slept?

Have you eaten anything today?

Do you have blood sugar issues?

Have you had any contact with an active Power?

Active Powers are all we've been in contact with.

Well, there you go.

There goes who? What?

It'll be in my next report to you.

Every single Power that we have contact with is technically, if you think about it, a biological hazard.

This room alone is filled with dead Powers.

A Power that returned from the dead, and an ex-Power.

I mean, there's just still so much we don't understand.

There's so much that we don't know.

I think that there should be regular check-ups of all Powers Division personnel.

We don't know how this environment is affecting our biological machines.

Well, I'm fine.

You can stop staying that, 'cause...

How many times has this happened?

It's not a number you'd be happy with.

Okay, you're going to see a doctor.

A real, living person's doctor.

I'm good. Thank you.

Hey, hey, hey.

That's an order.

I'm on him.

Come on Craig, this is the best you can do?

You wanted quick cash, right?

This is what you do for quick cash.

Signing headshots for collector fuckheads?

What the f*ck?

Hold on, Diamond.


This is cold.

Can I have a hot coffee? Thank you.

Diamond, listen, show business is hills and valleys.

I'm not in show business, okay?

I'm a... I'm a Power.

I was... a f*cking Power.

Don't kid yourself, Diamond, you're in show business.

Listen, yes, this sucks.

This is what it feels like to be on the balls of your ass.

But you'll get it back. You will. You'll get your powers back.

Bills to f*cking pay, and... shit.

Hey. Hey, I'm your biggest fan.

It's the easiest money, someone like you can make.



Walker? You still there? Walker?

Listen, you need to get to a hospital.

Before something irreversible happens to you.

You hearing me with this?

Okay, I promise you I'll go.

Just not right now, okay?

There's too much going on.

Is Kutter okay?

Kutter is... is bad.

Kutter's very bad.

Are you okay?


If... If people are going to start rising from the dead, that's going to be a problem for us, too, so...

Okay, okay.

We slayed the dragon.

That is all that matters.

Are we good, with this?



I can take your mind off of it.




Okay, you ready for this?

Supershock k*lled the Senator.

Is... is that how far into Crazy Town we are now, that that might be good news?

No. Hey, listen to me, okay?

It's Morrison.

I...he... I... Morrison stabbed Kutter.

Morrison does not exist.

Morrison is the one who we're looking for because you started looking for him.

I've looked in Supershock's eyes.

I don't care about his eyes!

And I found...

What evidence do you have? Any evidence at all.

I found this.


It's a letter from Janice warning us of this day.

What the f*ck is this?

You don't have this in an evidence bag.

Well, I didn't know what it was at the time, I was recovering from a coma.

Your fingerprints are all over this, my fingerprints are all over this.

My fingerprints? I will... I didn't mean it...

f*ck, it's f*cked as evidence, Walker.

f*cked evidence of what?

Fuller? You got anything?


Working on it.

Type faster.

f*cked as evidence of what?

Well, here you go.

It is Morrison. It is not Supershock. It is Morrison.



Seizure boy here... thinks that...

Is sure.

Is sure, is sure that Supershock is insane, and he k*lled the Senator, because someone wrote a... "To whom it may concern" letter.

Because Janice wrote it.

She did.

If a Power at this level is taking the law into his own hands, what the f*ck do we do?
Oh, shit.

f*ck me.

What happened?

You see what happened?

No, I don't know.

f*ck me.

She alive?


She's dead.

So what, do you think she crashed?

Well, she didn't jump. Nothing high enough.

So it's crazy windy today, maybe she lost control and...

Maybe she was thrown.


See the cloud formation?


It's disturbed.

Maybe there was a fight. Something disturbed it.

She was thrown.

I'm coming, f*ck.


Fifty phone calls.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry I didn't call you back, I just... I didn't know what to say.

How about, "Hi, I'm not dead."

I don't know what to say to anyone anymore, Emile.

Imagine my surprise... when I found this in the corner of a double homicide crime scene.

Oh, shit.

Seems a hooker pissed off her pimp, things ended badly for all parties involved.

Do you know anything about that?

'Cause it's a pretty funny place to find such an important part of you.

She stole it from me.

I don't want to talk about it, Emile.

It's... it's embarrassing.


The case is closed.

Thought, you know, you might like your uniform back.

This is not my uniform anymore.

You fancy a new one?


You remember when Diamond would bring me those great leads all the time?

You made me look pretty good to my superiors.

You helped me a lot.

We helped each other.

Now we can help each other even more, because I took some of the good will fairy dust that you sprinkled on my head, and I deftly worked some bureaucratic magic, and the city is seriously considering opening up a Powers Division.

A Powers Division?

A division specifically working cases...

Yeah, I understand what you mean.

Interesting idea.

The only thing missing is a star detective.

Emile, I'm not exactly a star.

And you're no detective. You're going to have to go through the paces.

You're going to have to earn your way in, but we need you.

They need you.

Who down here understands what goes on up there better than you?

So swap this for a shirt and a tie and a g*n and a badge.

With your deep contacts, your intuitive understanding of what goes on in that world, you can help a unique department in a unique way.

I'm going to be really blunt with you, Christian.

I think losing your powers was the best thing that ever happened to you.

You don't know who you are, because you had those powers to hide behind.

And for all the good that you've done, and all the kindnesses that you've shown me, I would love to help you discover who you really are.

Emile, go home.

Christian, come on.

Give it some thought.

Isn't this the same one who Calista messed up at her big debut at the funeral?

Yeah, Rainbow.

Out of the way, detectives.

Oh, hi.

Well, maybe her powers gave out on her.

These are contusions.

This here and here... happened before the fall.

There's no... there's no fist inputs, there's no hand marks.

High-level Powers don't need fists or kicks.

They're not regular marks.

I was a Power.

I left marks.

You were a... a seven.

I'm talking higher.

Sometimes when a higher power hits a lower power, they leave really interesting contusions and marks.

See? Right.

Hold on, Doctor Marrs.

Oh, good, Doctor, you came back.

Hold on.



I'm just making sure.

If Powers are rising from the dead, I want to get out in front of it.

Oh, it was... It was just that one.

Just that one.

My bad.

Bodies falling from the sky, bodies coming back to life.

It's pretty much my nightmare idea of a first day back at work.

Are you kidding?

This is the coolest day ever.

You might be insane.

Passion for my chosen profession is not insane.

Dead bodies that defy the laws...


Detective you asked us to call you as soon as there was a significant update on Kutter.

I'm happy to report that Kutter is in stable condition, and they are upgrading him out of intensive care...

...but he's still unconscious.

We'll let you know when he wakes up, but I thought you'd like to know that he's doing fine.

All things considered, he's really very lucky.

Thank you, doctor.

What... what's going on with you, now?


I've been thinking about my seizures.


I think they might be... my body's way of adjusting to some changes.

I think my powers might be coming back, and the seizures are my body's way of dealing with it.

It's completely possible, okay?

The building collapsed on me, I was the only survivor.

I should have been dead.

Then the Lynx fight, okay, she should have kicked my ass.

Walker, listen to me.

You just had a seizure two hours ago.

I know, but I feel, I feel good now.

You feel good?

Yeah, I feel strong.


I didn't... I didn't go for my full strength...

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

I don't think you have your powers back.

Can we get on with our day now?


Hello, Janice.

Did you find him yet?

Not yet.

Well, he's got to be around here somewhere, he can't hide forever, right?

Where was the last place that you saw him?

You're not Janice.


My name is Calista.

Where is she?

She's gone, sir.

Gone where?

She passed away.

You don't remember that?

I'm here to help you. All I want to do is help.

Where's Morrison?

Who are you?!

Where are you hiding him?!

Where are all you Powers hiding Morrison?!

Where is he?!

Who are you?!

You're not going anywhere!

I want Morrison now!

Okay, listen up.

No time for a proper briefing.

We have seven possible Powers bodies that have just dropped out of the sky, dead all around the city.



Just like the one behind our building, all within several blocks of here.

Seven Powers homicides in like five minutes?

And same M.O.

That makes Patrick a Powers serial k*ller.

I think's Morrison...

There are too many bodies for the amount of personnel, so detectives will have to fly solo.

Follow all protocols.

LAPD will be there to back you up.

Get the body off the street, ASAP.

If you see Powers in the air, do not engage.

I repeat, if Powers are dropping out of the sky dead, you see the perp, you do not engage.

Your job is to keep the civilians safe and to keep the streets clear.

Your job is not to play the hero and wind up dead.

It's Supershock, Emile. It's Patrick.

Nope, sounds more like Morrison.

Why would Supershock be k*lling all the Powers?

It's not. It's this Morrison maniac. It's his M.O.

Okay, listen...


It... it doesn't matter... who or what is doing this at this moment.

We just have to make it stop.


Yeah, let me figure it out.


It's f*cking Queen Noir.

This f*cking day.

I hear bodies are dropping all over the place.

It's just you on this?

Yeah, M.E.'s got her hands full downtown.

All right, call dispatch.

Tell them to send a wagon.

This body...

It's in my mouth!

It's in my f*cking mouth!

Get me some water or some coffee!

I got spray.

I need something.

Give it!

Oh, what the...

You all... you all right?

Shit, you're going to puke.

I'm trying to. I'm trying.

f*cking give me...

Yeah, okay.


Come on, Patrick.

Where are you?

I know you can hear me if you want to.

Why are you doing this?

How you doing?

So, yeah, if she doesn't...

I know that! Just leave me alone.

I can walk on my own.

On this way.


Excuse me.

Do you know where I can find Detective Cross?

Wait, do I know you?


You look familiar.

It doesn't matter. One second.

After passing the required Police Academy testing, a special meeting of the City Council has decided to include Christian Walker's impressive resume as Diamond, which includes singlehandedly bringing down the World Crime Syndicate, The BlackHurricane and Wolfe, to promote him to the rank of detective.

And he will be assigned to the city's new Powers Division.

You have the wrong guy!

To help keep the city's citizens safe from any and all threats from above and below.

He's recharging.

Oh, f*ck.

On your feet. Let's get him out of here.

Hi. Yeah.

I'm taking this one myself.

Kabatov, forward any important calls.


He... he's going to k*ll us all.

Well, you don't have a temperature.

How's your vision?


Okay, are you achy at all?

And you're sure that you swallowed whatever blew up on you?


Okay, just make sure... we're gonna send you off to the hospital, okay?

I can't f*cking believe this.

Happened to this big dude I was riding with a couple of years ago.

This blob of a Power just puked on him.


Yeah, it was Gary.

He had X-ray vision after that.

Whatever happened to Gary?

Yeah, you... should get to the hospital.

Yeah, we can give you a ride.


Detective, good.

I have a strong lead on that thing that you wanted me to check on.

It seems that property where Detective Kutter was stabbed belongs to a shell corporation with a Holmby Hills address.

The original address was wrapped up and hidden pretty tight, but I have ways of accessing files that most people don't even know to look for.

Yeah... text me the address, yeah?

Yes, ma'am.


And I just wanted to say that I really appreciate...

It's great.


All right, detective, do you need a ride?

I'll meet you there.

Come see.

Hands in the air.



You're just in time.

Front row seat to the fall of God.

We're looking for Calista, is she here?


What happened?

Oh, my God, Calista, were you att*cked?

He tried to k*ll me.



He kept calling me Janice.

He's looking for someone called Morrison.

He thinks we're hiding him.

Everyone I've ever loved has died in my arms.

No one remembers I ever existed.

And my great shame is...

I was never able to really beat him.

But staying alive long enough to watch him fall, and by his own hand, no less.

That makes it all almost worthwhile.

Was it worth stabbing my friend, you sick f*ck?

Hold on.

There it is.

You didn't see it, did you?

You can't see him up there, flying around like a little, lost puppy.

I told him, "I don't know who Morrison is," and he grabbed me.

No, no!

I... I didn't think it was going to be like this.

You're not going anywhere.

I... wanted my powers so bad.

I want Morrison now!

But I... I didn't think it was going to be like...

How did you get away?

I never thought Supershock would try to k*ll me.

Ms. Secor, where is he now?

I didn't know where to go.

I didn't... I didn't know where to hide.

I came here 'cause I... I don't want to do this anymore.

I... I... I don't want to have these powers.

I... I don't.

I don't want them. I don't want them.

It's a good day.

Stand up, put your hands on your head.

You're under arrest.

I know that look.

You want to k*ll me, but you're not allowed.

Is your little friend dead?

Did he bleed on you?

Do I have the right to remain silent?

Babe, babe, you have to come out of there, okay?

You don't understand what this was like.

I do.

I'm thinking it felt something like when Wolfe att*cked me.

You know, I... admired him so much.

He was like a father to me.

Next thing I knew...

Sinking his teeth in my back, he's trying to k*ll me.

A lot of people died today.

A lot of good, talented Powers, but not you.

You did something none of the others could.

You got away.

I ran away.

No, you flew away, like a Power, but now there are people that need your help.

Your fellow Powers need you.

I can't. I... I can't.

Calista, I would give anything to have my powers back and get out there and stop this, but I don't have them. I never will.

We need you.

I can't!

Maybe you can't do it alone, but you're not alone.

She's right, and I shouldn't have turned my back on you, okay?

You need my help, I'm going to help you.

The more I think about it, the more I think that everything that happened to you, everything that happened to all of us, happened for a reason.

All the pain, all the bullshit we've been through.

The fighting, the agony, the k*lling, the death.

All of it has led up to this moment, right now, right here, for us to stand together and face this crazy m*therf*cker.

I think I broke your lock.

I'll... I'll pay to get that fixed.


We're ready.

Let's do this. Let's stop him.

I would like to help.


Don't laugh at me, but I think I might be a...

I'm a Power.

So, how do we k*ll the highest level Power ever?

I'm worried about sending these young Powers out there without something resembling a plan.

We give him something he wants.

Everybody meet Morrison.

Morrison, everybody.