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05x05 - Cashed Out

Posted: 07/19/16 07:52
by bunniefuu
[Grieg's "Morning Mood" plays]

[Birds chirping]

Don't you love a surprise summer rain?

Lets you see the city clearly for the first time in months.

Ahh, and that smell.

Oh. [Sniffs]

That smell that reminds you of growing up.


[Music stops]

Excuse me?

The oil coating the plants released into the air through precipitation.

It's the aroma. It's called petrichor.

What's wrong with "fresh"?

Mike, we've... we've got to stop naming things.

Give the earth back some of its mystery.

[Police radio chatter]

Nice of you to show up, Julio.

Sir. What's up? No body?

There is, but this one goes away in buckets.

The victim was burned and chopped up?

Well, probably not in that order.

So far, we only have enough for one body.

You ever see this? Mnh-mnh.

I've seen them chopped, I've seen them burned, but both?

Pieces big enough to help identify...

Excuse me, Julio.

At the risk of respecting tradition, procedure, and command, why are we briefing you?

You're late.

I'm sorry, sir.

Children's Services stopped by my house unannounced.

Home study.

Well, what happened?

Oh, they met my mother. [Sniffs]

Hey, Tao.


Was there an accelerant used?

Lighter fluid, maybe.

But it looks like people might've grilled here.

We've already covered that a half-hour ago, before you were late.

Kendall, you get anything from this mess?

I mean, we'll know better once we sift through it under a microscope, but I'd say the victim was cut up.

Ragged edges on these bones. Chain or buzz saw.

Uh, hey, speaking of buzz saws, Julio, DCFS interviewed your mom, and that was okay.

Well, she decided to speak English, which was good, and she didn't say that I once tried to k*ll her nurse.

Who found the body?

That'd be the Nunez family... Isaac, the youngest.

It's his birthday.

His parents almost cancelled his party after the rain, but it let up, and here they are.

It's a story as old as time.

Family goes on a picnic, rain uncovers bones in a grill, kids see them, mom screams, enter the police.


Are you getting a kid from foster care or what?

Well, before DCFS can consider that, they want to get background on me from my co-workers, so you guys might have to lie a little.

I can lie a lot. A little, I don't know.

Uh, I think that's the skull.

I think you're right.

Police officers see things of a gruesome nature every day.

It's part of the job... ordinary.

Chopped and burned bodies don't seem everyday to me.

Cynthia, I'm a bit confused.

I thought this was supposed to be a general discussion of Julio's fitness as a potential foster parent.

It was until I learned about his behavior at the end of last week's homicide investigation.

That's created some new questions, and now I need answers.

Look. I've known Julio [chuckles] a long time.

And in spite of what happened last week, I can assure you, he's put his anger issues behind him.

What anger issues?

Does the L.A.P.D. think this action is part of a pattern?

Is that why Detective Sanchez is under review?

I'll tell you what I think.

I think Detective Sanchez is one of the best police officers I've ever known, and the review of his actions last week will end up supporting my judgment.

Then why not answer my question?

Which was, is the manner in which Detective Sanchez ended last week's investigation part of his reaction to the gruesome nature of the m*rder?

Found a thumb!

You got it close, Buzz?

Oh, my gosh. Yes.

Can we get a fingerprint off that?

If our victim's even in the system.

Well, cut up and burnt... smart money says he's in the system.

Ah, don't you just love it when we have to figure out who the victim is before we can even begin to figure out who the k*ller is?

I hesitate to ask this, Kendall... Time of death?

[Chuckles] I could give you the temperature, but time?

Given the sediment on the bones, some time in the last eight weeks.

Eight weeks? Do you really think people were cooking on this barbecue without realizing what was there?

Not what,Whom. Over whom where people cooking?

I don't have a lot to go on, but given the size and arc of the ribs, it's highly likely your victim is an adult.

Ruling out children.

So, if the victim is from Los Angeles County, you've narrowed down our 11-million-person victim pool to 8 million.

I'd also guess he was male.

You're down to 4 million.

That's progress, isn't it?

Okay. [Sighs]

Kendall thinks the guy was dismembered by power saw.

He's half right.

Some cuts are consistent with a chainsaw.

Others were made by a handsaw.

So two K*llers chopped up the body together.

Or one k*ller changed methods halfway through.

However many cooks were at the grill, they acted quickly.

Very little decomp before the slicing and dicing began.

Cut up by multiple instruments, moved, then burned.

Someone was being very thorough.

That's an understatement.

When I see someone hacked up, it's usually five es.

Six, maybe.

So far, we've catalogued 58.

Seems personal.

Somebody really didn't want this guy identified, ma'am.

Well, maybe they'll succeed.

Any clues to cause of death?

Ah, that is the one thing we know, because the skull is in one piece, but there's a depression in the right temple bone deep enough to have opened up both external and internal carotid arteries.

People don't usually plan out skull fractures, ma'am.

It feels heat of the moment.

Personal, again.

The key to finding the k*ller may be in the identity of our victim.

We'll spring for the extra cash for the DNA match.

Sorry. Beat you to it.

Oh, good. On the County, this time.

And the thumb... I'll do what I can.

How Lieutenant Tao thinks he could get a full print from it, I don't know, but yuck.

Flynn: Does Julio still have anger issues?

Yeah, sure.

You don't just get therapy, find the problem, and then fix it forever.

Look at me.

I don't drink anymore, right, but I'm still an alcoholic.

You don't change who you are, but you can change where you're going, and Julio's done that.

And don't view his behavior during last week's investigation as a big step backward?

No, the reason Julio behaved like he did, at the end, was because of everything we learned about the k*ller as we went along.

Julio's actions had context, and it all started with that disgusting thumb.

Because it upset him?

What? No.

Morales was able to rehydrate enough of that thumb to get partials off it.

They're usually a dead-end, but now we have new software for that.

Tao: Referring to this as new software sells it short.

It's not just software, it's the very latest in fingerprint analysis that allows us to enhance shallow ridges and grooves that might've been worn down, or, in this case, damaged by heat.

Imagine blowing up an image of a crack in the sidewalk until it looks like the grand canyon.

This is one of two visible partials on the thumb.

And that's the other one.

But there are gaps between the two partials which contain a number of key identifiers.



Now, this software, if it works as it should...


Ah, yeah. See?

It's filling in the gaps between the partials and extrapolating as much of the full print as it can.

So, I-if this works, we get what, an assumption?

Maybe more, actually.

I guess we're about to see.


Match found.

Oh, my gosh. [Laughs] Holy crap.

Oh, my gosh. [Laughs]

It actually worked.


There's a match in our system.

Sharon: Adrian Silva.



Would this be enough to build a case around a suspect?

No, but we can use it to help identify our victim.

Adrian there got his prints in the system after an arrest for a 331 four years ago, ma'am.

331, hosting an illegal card game.

Charges dropped.

Makes sense.

Looks like Adrian's a professional poker player.

I'm on his Facebook page.

How professional?

Yeah, that looks serious.

But he... he might not be our guy.

These are some photos from his Instagram, and Adrian was in Thailand... Wow... three days ago.

Look. Update from last week.

"Gotta remember to take time off, pocket your chips, step away from the table for a beat.

# Unplug."

Adrian's home is in Mount Washington... other side of town from Kenneth Hahn Park.

Kenneth Hahn is one of those parks that you only know about if you live in the neighborhood.

Well, our k*ller could, but it's hard to see how Adrian was in Thailand and a barbecue at the same time.

Mike, is there a margin of error here?

The print's just an estimation, so yeah.

Look. The k*ller is crazy.

So what's to say this Adrian guy didn't chop off his own thumb, leave it with the victim as he ran off to Asia?

We need to search Adrian's house.

Flynn: Worst case here is we knock on Mr. Silva's door, we're wrong, he's not chopped up and burned.

Best-case scenario... he's missing a thumb.

Sharon: Julio, that's enough! That's enough!

Without saying anything about his overall day-to-day performance, it's clear, isn't it, that the way in which Detective Sanchez ended last week's investigation broke with official L.A.P.D. policy, right?

What's very clear is that in an incredibly difficult situation, Julio did what he thought was right.

You've done well with Rusty.

[Chuckles] When we found that boy, he was like a feral cat.

He needed some of that energy, I think, to survive.

But I would like to point out here that when I took Rusty in, you didn't interview my division.

For one, you already had kids.

I am a single parent working homicide.

But, as captain, you do have more control over your hours.

And, as you know, in this job, the hours control you, and as captain, I would be sympathetic to Julio's needs.

I'm more concerned with what he does with his time here than how he manages it at home.

Forget about policy.

In the incident with the suspect, you weren't present, but from what you know, did Sanchez make the right choice?

I don't think in that specific situation, there is one right choice.

Flynn: All right, we got this Adrian Silva guy's financials.

What took you so long with the warrant, sir?

I had to explain the new techniques we used on the partials.

So they bought all that print stuff Mike was telling us.

I know, right?

It felt like "Badge of Justice" bullshit.

Hey. But the feds are using it, too.

10-1 odds... Adrian is not our chopped-up burnt guy.

I'll take that bet. How about $100?

How about lunch?

I'm more comfortable gambling pizzas.

[Knock on door]

L.A.P.D.! Open up!


All right.

Who feels like doing it the hard way?

Julio, you or...

[Metal clatters]





All right, Buzz. You're up.

Why don't you start with this little dining nook in there?

A big pile of food left for kitty in the kitchen.

Maybe this Adrian guy really did go to Thailand.

So who's been binge shopping?

Shopping for what?

Well, a chainsaw, for one, and whoever bought it, splurged for next-day shipping.

Provenza: Ah, Adrian orders chainsaws online.

Tao orders pizza.

Delivery's dated three weeks ago.

Yeah, hard to believe Adrian bought the chainsaw that cut him up.

Well, I'll grab a DNA sample to send to the morgue.

Tao: Find me a good sample?

I'm telling you. This thing just gets weirder and weirder.

Two days after the chainsaw arrived, Adrian ordered a handsaw.

Or the k*ller did.

Tao, got your black light with you?


What? What do you got?

That look like it could have been done with a chainsaw, sir?

Whew! Ooh.

I found empty ice bags, Tao.


You k*ll Adrian, you pack the tub with ice to keep the body fresh, and wait for the chainsaw.

Chainsaw arrives, and you start to cut up the body.

There'd be serious blowback.

[Groans] It starts to get a little messy.

Yeah, so the next day, you order goggles.

And it's still too much blood.

So then you order a handsaw.

Okay, the alert that Mike put on Adrian's Facebook page just went off.

Two minutes ago, he posted, "Truly lucky to travel the world and bank some new perspective."

Well, that's an issue, because he's probably dead.

His finances are cleaned out, his credit cards are maxed.

Those online purchases were made over Adrian's laptop with his credit cards, but none of it's here.

Electronics, video games, pricy clothes, plus a $5,000 purchase almost a month ago to, uh...

Social Public Service.

What the hell is that?

Let's imagine you're an entertainer or an athlete, and you're looking for the kind of attention that's gonna make you a brand name, a bankable celebrity.

So Social Public, we come in, we help you get your virtual identity to float above the general din of the marketplace.

Say you want to tweet, but you don't know what to tweet, or your Instagram's filled with, uh, pictures of your dead pet.

We transform your public profile to something more passionate, immediate, personal.

Oh, so it's PR.

The name makes it sound more, like...

Important, because it is more important in today's market.

What are you typing?

Well, this is about Adrian, so I should send it to him, right?

Yeah. To see if he wants us to post about it?

Until he doesn't make the next billing period.

If SPS really is posting for Adrian, that might explain why his account is still active after he's dead.

And this is why he paid you $5,000 last month?

To decide what was tweet-worthy?

Uh, did Adrian get in trouble?

I thought he went to Thailand for the right reasons, but if he... Ahh, never mind.

Look. What our clients do, we're not liable for.

Why would you think Adrian was up to anything?

Well, maybe because we're sitting here in a police station answering questions about him.

Look. Adrian seems like a good guy.

He's smart, disciplined, great brand potential.

He's got that "Darth Silva" thing behind that sweet smile, but he's not our only client who is a professional gambler, and poker players tend to swim in, well, morally dubious waters.

I'll say.

Cole: But if he did something r*cist or h*m* or, you know, even with a minor, we have the best "I'm sorry" tweets ever.

Their services include damage control?

Perfect apologies come with our Gold Deluxe Package.

The L.A.P.D. should sign up.

And with our premium multi-platform enhancer, we agree to handle all your media accounts...

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Periscope, Vine, Tumblr...

We get it, we get it.

And we also use capital from the client to procure more followers.

So Adrian isn't really posting, and not that many people are really following him.

That's interesting.

And we structure it so that it sounds cool or provocative or share-worthy.

Look, can you tell us what's going on here?

About as cool as you and your assistant's $400 sunglasses, I guess.

Seems like a good business. We've been extremely cooperative, and this is really starting to eat into my schedule.

Are we done?

We believe Adrian is missing and possibly dead.

He's... Really?

Provenza: Mr. Pirig, are you saying that in the last month, all of Adrian's posts on... on the Facebook, the Twitter were written by you?

No, um... not me.

Glen handles Adrian's account.

But he's not missing.

Adrian's been sending me loads of stuff to post from Thailand.

He's been travelling. Look.

10 minutes ago, he e-mailed me three photos.

Lieutenant Tao, can you ping where those e-mails are coming from?

It'd be faster if I had that iPad.

Go ahead.

Provenza: Did Adrian ever tell you why he wanted your company's services?

No, but for lots of poker players, a big social-media presence is more about finding backers than fans.



Players don't always gamble with their own money, especially in tournaments.

Sounds like a great way to run up a lot of debt.

If Adrian was being staked by the wrong person...

But why k*ll a guy and then try to keep him alive on the Internet?

I can't tell you for sure that we have all of them on file, but...

Well, we're gonna need that list of backers.

And we'll take that iPad, as well, if you'll sign this consent form.

Wait, wait, wait. What do you need the iPad for?

Well, it's pretty simple, really.

Once you have the I.P. address from the mail server, you just ping it into your command prompt, but the tricky part is is finding out which is the original I.P. address and which is...

Am I losing you?

[Chuckles] Sorry, but yeah.

What do you really want to know?

Do you think Detective Sanchez is capable of caring for a child while being constantly challenged by the darker parts of this job?


Speaking from personal experience and as a father of three boys who, by the way, love their Uncle Julio, yes, he would be a great mentor to any needy child.


Would you have taken the risk Julio assumed last week?


Can I just say I lost my father when I was 11, and I'd have been lucky to have somebody like Julio step in.


Let's say you're a child who loses a father.

Julio fosters you, then gets himself k*lled.

That's what I'm concerned about, and I don't get the sense from either of you, or your colleagues, that Julio's behavior was surprising, indicating it could happen again.

When you say "behavior", are you talking about his courage?

No, he's been shot three times, he's been suspended for his anger issues, he's discharged his w*apon more than anyone in the division, and he's been placed under review.

So to me... it looks less like bravery and more like a death wish.

If Julio had a death wish, he'd be dead by now.

I promise you.

Any more questions?

Who would k*ll Adrian and then send a photo to his publicity team?

I can't answer that, but I can tell you where they sent the photo from.

It looked like Thailand, but it was only routed through a server from Koh Samui.

The real point of origin...

Kotero Digital Solutions.

Huh. Right here in Glendale.

Looks like it's a computer security firm owned by...

Dino Kotero and his wife, Kate.

They're two of Adrian's backers, and if I am not mistaken, they were associates of my ex-husband.

Well, we should find out what kind of debt Adrian ran up with the Koteros.

Or what he may have done to pay them back.


Lieutenant Provenza.

I was hoping to chat, and I get the feeling you've been avoiding me.

Obviously, you can't take a hint.

Is something wrong with every empty chair in this room?

Uh, before you ask me, whether or not Julio Sanchez gets a foster child is none of my business.


But I am completely against it.

You are?

It's already causing problems.

Julio was late last week because of your little home visit.

[Scoffs] What's next? Well, I'll tell you.

He'll be running off to the school.

He'll be going to the doctor's office in the middle of the day, leaving us all here holding the bag.

How many more kids are you going to dump on us?

I thought you liked Rusty.

I do, but that's the problem.

He is an enormous emotional distraction.

You think Julio's priorities will change?

Well, of course they will, and he'll never follow my example.

I have three boys, two stepdaughters, six grandkids.

My advice to all of them is solve your own problems, and then we'll say hello at Father's Day, your birthdays, and Christmas, and look how happy I am.

Will Julio make a great dad?

[Chuckles] Well, we won't know that until he gets a teenager's first phone bill, but we do know that he'll be worried about things other than his job.

In light of his latest escapade, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

So I understand that you were the only member of the Major Crimes division who was present for the incident in which Detective...

First of all... First of all, what you call an incident, we call last Saturday.

Did he violate your command?

Provenza: Sanchez! Sanchez!

No, he did not violate my command.

I made a suggestion with which he disagreed.

What's the difference?

Great question.

Unfortunately, it's under review, and I can't talk to you about police business.

Thank you. That looks great.

It's just avocado toast.

Our victim has so many social-media accounts, I'm having trouble keeping up with them.

Do you ever want to do that kind of thing?

Put your whole life online?

Oh, no, and I am so glad that the D.A.'s office wants me off of Facebook.

I mean, the idea of someone from, like, high school following me or friending me is just... oh, my God.

There's a reason I didn't keep in touch with those people, you know?


Gus posts everything, like, "Look at this... Look at this lamb I just grilled."

"Look at these heirloom carrots."

But he's trying to, uh... to build a résumé or whatever, so...

Well, apparently there are companies who make a business of that.

Our victim hired one, and it looks like it has worked.

He's gaining followers.

One could always post a picture taken in Los Angeles and say it was from a visit to Thailand.

We can't see beyond the photo's edge.

A virtual vacation in a virtual life.

I bet Lieutenant Provenza is just loving this case.

[Bell dings]

Provenza: Can we please get this over with?

You know, it used to be, when someone was dead in a barbecue, they were dead in a barbecue, not updating the Facebook from beyond.

Mr. and Mrs. Kotero, I'm Captain Sharon Raydor.

This is Lieutenant Michael Tao.

Why have you taken our computers, huh?

What is this?

We run a cybersecurity business, so, you know, our computers are pretty important to us.

The sooner you answer our questions, the sooner you go back to work.

How do you know Adrian Silva?


Oh, w-we've known him about four or five years.

Uh, we first met him at that charity tournament.

Yeah, Think of the Children Hi/Lo at the Morongo.

That's right. He did not win, but, uh...

Yeah. ...he showed a lot of promise. Why?

Is that when you started backing him?

You also staked my ex-husband several times.

That's how I know about your side business.

Raydor. Yeah, I thought you might be related to Jack.

It's a bit of an odd name, Raydor.

Jack, he could've been one of the best.

He was close several times.

Couldn't commit. Tell me about it.

What if a player loses money when you stake him?

Doesn't he have to pay that back?

With what you call makeups?

Does Adrian owe you money?

Oh, yeah. Like 30 grand.

All those online purchases made on Adrian's credit cards might be these guys trying to get back in the black.

That's quite a bit.

Not really.

We're not really worried about it.

Adrian won three tournaments this year.

All right, so he's down, but we stake a lot of horses, which reminds me, we got to talk to that guy.

Yeah. I know. And the other one about the...

Yeah, I know. Him too.

These two are a match made in Vegas.

Sharon: What happens when someone defaults on their makeup?

You mean somebody doesn't pay? Who knows, you know?

You break your word, maybe something else breaks.

I'm kidding. We don't do v*olence, but you do hear stories.

When was the last time you spoke with Adrian?

That was a few weeks ago. He had some tough beats lately.

He e-mailed me that he needed to recharge.

He was gonna stay away from tournament play.

Then help us with something.

Why are messages from Adrian, who is away, recharging, pinging from a computer at your cybersecurity business?


We went through your computers.

You have a bot sending a*t*matic e-mails and pictures to Adrian's PR team.

Somebody must've hacked us, installed the, uh, what'd you call that?

A bot? Yeah.

What kind of security company you running, again?

Cyber. Computer stuff. It's the best.

Yeah, maybe it's not, Dino. It's the best, babe.

So what does your cybersecurity did do?

It defends against viruses and spyware.

It warns against risky websites.


I-It safeguards transactions and it prevents...

What do they call them?... downloads.

Any over-the-counter security software can do that.


Wait a minute. Are you selling over-the-counter security software as your own creation?

Look, first, we customize it.

Yeah. I mean, it's not like we don't do nothing.


I knew it.

That recent photo of Adrian sent from their computers... not so recent.

Well, how old is it?

126 weeks.

Someone took an old post of Adrian's, repurposed it, and sent it to his social-media team.

It's not even from Thailand. It's one of six from Malibu.

He never left the country.

Pizzas for everybody.

Let's wait for the DNA.

Dino: And doctors and lawyers and psychologist.

Yeah, we manage all their upgrades, too.

You mean the ones that come automatically online?

Hey, it's not fraud. It's time-saving.

And we use our own cybersecurity program ourselves.

Yes, we do.

Oh, my God.

Their system is so insecure that someone could hack in and install a bot.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is, Dino.

Oh, yeah. Maybe it is.

Never mind all this.

What does this have to do with Adrian?

He's missing.

He isn't.

He's been taking money out of his account.

What account?

We have a few accounts set up for our more reliable players, you know, in case an opportunity pops up and we're not available.

I noticed Adrian was taking money out of his account.

I figured he was playing a cash game.

I'm not sure where, but these are his withdrawals.


Cynthia: Certain inconsistencies keep coming up with regard to Detective Sanchez and how his co-workers see his recent behavior.

After what happened last week, do you think he has successfully learned to manage his anger issues, or has he turned them inward?

Is he, in your opinion, self-destructive?

Would you be asking these questions if Julio were a woman?

I'm sorry?

Well, since he's a man, you need to figure out if his actions on the job make him less stable.

If a woman had done what Julio did, wouldn't you think she was super tough?

I make co-worker inquiries about women, too, and I treat everyone the same. I'm just...

And I don't want kids, at all... mine or other people's or yours... so maybe some of your gender assumptions need an update. Okay, let's just talk about Detective Sanchez's behavior last week.

Yes, let's, because Julio would take a b*llet for me or anyone else who worked here without thinking.

And what does that count for in your analysis, a willingness to sacrifice for others?

A lot, but so does self-control.

Julio looked straight into the eyes of one of the worst murderers with whom we have ever dealt, and he didn't blink, so in my humble opinion, I think he exercised remarkable self-control [sighs] like I am with you.

Okay. These cash withdrawals from Adrian's shared account with his backers are all pretty small, specifically from SoCal-area casinos.

Casinos? So it wouldn't raise alarms with the Koteros?

Casino ATMs don't have cameras.

But the casino has a lot of overhead views of the floor.

We have security video from Golden Harbor, site of Adrian's last withdrawal.

Tao: All right, here's the sequence that matches the time stamp on the ATM receipt.

That's it?

Hang on.

There's a camera near the entrance that catches him a little better.

Tao: Watch this. It happened really quick.

There. It looks like Adrian in his Darth Silva poker getup.

Except I got a text from Dr. Morales.

DNA from Adrian's hair brush matches our chopped-up body.

So, who is this young man in the hoodie and sunglasses?

Cynthia: Sorry if this necessary inquiry has made you uncomfortable.

No, I-I get it. Single guy looking to foster.

You got to make sure I'm not some creep, ma'am.

[Chuckles] Well, I used my "not some creep" stamp on you, so I think you're good there.

And, generally, everyone has really positive things to say about you, Julio.

On any other day, you might be good here, but unfortunately, this isn't any other day...

Yes, ma'am.

...because of what happened last week.


Your colleagues either weren't at the incident or they won't talk about it.

In order to move forward, I need to know what happened.


Uh, sure.

Truth is, we spent days trying to I.D. the body and figure out how this guy was dead in a barbecue and still alive on Facebook.

And when we found the m*rder*r, we still couldn't see what he looked like because of the...

Sunglasses? Why are they so important?

They're extremely expensive, Julio.

They're Oliver Peoples.

Flynn: Guess what... a purchase of Oliver Peoples sunglasses was made using Adrian's credit card three weeks ago from his computer while the chainsaw was being shipped.

Buzz, can we see the video again from our interview with Adrian's PR team?

All we need to do...

...was to put those sunglasses in the k*ller's hand.

How did you do that?

k*ller did it for us, ma'am.

Okay. There they are in front of Dax and Glen.

I don't think they told us everything.

I like the fact that Glen and Adrian went to Stanford at the same time, and both majored in computer science.

Means Glen had the know-how to hack into the Koteros.

Were Glen and Adrian friends on the Facebook?

Yes, but it was kind of one-sided.

Adrian only ever liked one of Glen's posts, and Glen liked everything Adrian posted for the past year until, guess when?

Just under four weeks ago.

The same day Adrian paid $5,000 for Social Public Service to do his PR.

Okay, it's Saturday... best bet is Glen is at home.

Where does he live?

An apartment in Baldwin Hills.

Oh, right across from Kenneth Hahn park.

Good call, Andy. Okay.

Here's what we're gonna do.

Sanchez: Captain Raydor led a team to Glen's apartment.

404. This is it.

[Knock on door]


The story that we had developed about how the m*rder might've happened only made more sense after we talked to Glen's boss.

I can't take credit for our deal with Adrian.

That was all Glen.

He said they were buds, he wanted to pitch him a loan, he went to Adrian's house, signed him right in the room.

To be honest, Glen needed it.

We're, uh... We're letting go of a lot of our junior accounts, people who haven't been producing results.

Adrian saved Glen's job.



Tao: Clear!

No sign of Glen, but there's a pile of electronics in that room that match the purchases on Adrian's credit card.

Okay, everyone. Let's get out of here quick, before he gets home.

And that's when Glen showed up.

[Bell dings]

He's gonna see the doorjamb's been busted once he gets up close.

[Elevator bell dings]

Buzz, go back downstairs.

[Bell dings]

[Elevator bell dings]

Pirig: Look, uh, I'd love to help you guys out, but I have a client meeting in a few minutes, but, uh, we can talk after.

Hey, speak of the devil.


Provenza: Sanchez.

Sanchez! Don't you do anything stupid!

So, you chased him by yourself.

Well, yes.

Lieutenant Provenza, he doesn't run, ma'am.

Hey! North on Spring!

North on Spring at Fifth! North on Spring!

Julio, wait for me! I'll pick you up.

[Horn honks]

Julio? Julio!

Officers need help.

One detective in foot pursuit of male m*rder suspect, headed north on Spring from Fifth.


[Panting, grunting]


Okay. Okay, okay. Hang on. Hang on.

Let's talk.

Glen, this isn't you.

You don't want to die today, and you don't want anyone else to die.

[Police radio chatter]

I'm not going to jail.

Well, you're not sh**ting your way out of this, and you're not hurting an innocent girl.

I will. I'll k*ll her right now if you don't back off.

Back off!

I said back off!

Cynthia: And at that point, what were you thinking?

I don't know. Something like, "Oh, shit."

That's when training kicks in.

You think about your surroundings... exit points, bystanders...


...the hostage.

And then?

Then I had to make a decision.

Julio. Julio, do not put your w*apon away.

It's okay, Lieutenant. We're good. We're good, sir.

You never met him, never even been in the same room as him.

How could you know who he was?

Same way you're learning about me, ma'am.

I investigated him.

Hey. You didn't mean to hit Adrian.

That was an accident, and you were sorry.

You turned down Adrian's photos, Glen, so you didn't have to see his face.

And you drank a lot of vodka trying to get over it.


You even left food behind for the cat.

Real K*llers don't do that.

Listen, bad things happen, but that doesn't make you a bad person.

You're not a bad person, Glen, are you?

Are you?

Are you?

[Breathing heavily]

I'm sorry.

[Handcuffs click]


Cynthia: What did Lieutenant Provenza say?


He called me crazy.

Do you agree with that?

No, ma'am.

Lieutenant Provenza thinks everyone's crazy except him.

There was no point where you thought, "This guy might k*ll me."

I have worries about your judgment.

There were civilians everywhere, a hostage, another officer.

You can come back here every day from now until I retire, and I will always say, under the circumstances, I made the right decision.

And... if you let me... that's what I will try to do with a kid.

I mean... try to make the right decisions.

This... This is probably my only chance to be a father, and...

...I will try very hard to be a good one, if you give me the opportunity.

[Knock on door] Hel...

Cynthia, I'm a little surprised to still see you here.

On my way out.

I just have one more issue, really.

And that is?

If Detective Sanchez violated one policy, will he violate another, and where would that leave a child in his custody?

Policies are guidelines, Cynthia.

They're not rules. They're not laws.

And, believe it or not, some criminals don't fit into guidelines.

But he's still under review.


The board of police commissioners has reached their decision.

We can tell her now.

Cynthia, um, Detective Sanchez was not under review for violation of policy.

It was to see if his actions qualified him to receive the L.A.P.D.'s Medal of Valor.

For risking his life to save others.

So, even though the original investigators have never, ever been able to get a suspect I.D. from the partials left at your father and uncle's murders, you can.

Maybe. I can show you more easily in the RACR room.

Come on.

Provenza: It's okay, Julio.

I'm sure it's gonna work out your way, despite my best efforts to keep you from ruining your life.

I don't know, sir. She was skeptical.

Hey, uh, Buzz, could you... could you hold on for just a second? Sure.

Okay, thanks.

[Door opens]


Hey, Cynthia?

Oh, Mr. Beck. How are you?

Uh, is, uh, Detective Sanchez gonna get approved to have a kid someday?

[Scoffs] I see you haven't gotten any less direct.

Yeah, well, look. I-I just want to let you know that he is a really, really great guy.

He's tough but in the right way.

How so?

Look, when I first met you, I didn't trust anyone, and I was really angry, and letting go of that anger was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do, and Julio understands that better than anyone.

[Elevator bell dings]

And, you know, to some lucky kid, he would mean a-a shower and a place to eat and shelter and clean clothes and, most importantly, someone they can trust.

And do you really think that a homeless child would be better off living on the street than with Julio?

That's a good point, Mr. Beck.

You make a very good point.

It's great seeing you. Take care.