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04x04 - Now for Then

Posted: 07/19/16 07:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters...

Who was that guy?

That was Liam.

The foster brother you told me about?

You know what you did to me.

Go get the rest of your stuff and get home, please.

No, Mom. I'm gonna live here with Cortney.

I want to see Mason.

If you wanted to see him, you shouldn't have bailed on taking him tonight.

It's come to our attention that you allowed a registered sex offender to build sets for a school play?

(police siren)

I'm Aaron.


So why law school?

I've been interning at the Juvenile Justice Project.

Well, I b*rned down the warehouse, so they gonna send me to jail anyway.

Mariana: Nick, don't. I love you.

But we can't be together if you hurt yourself.

Stef: It's okay, Nick. It's all over.

Can we not talk about it anymore?

I just want to be done with it, you know?

(phone ringing)

Nick: Mariana... it's me, Nick.

Texting your lover?

Yeah, I'm letting her know I can't hook up tomorrow night since it's my first wedding anniversary.


Does this mean that we're not gonna celebrate our first kiss anniversary anymore?

We absolutely are. I want credit for those 10 years.

We can celebrate both.

Plus Valentine's Day. That's a lot of expensive meals.

Can we afford this?

Mariana: You deserve it.

You never treat yourselves.

You should go to Island Prime.

Sorry we woke you, honey.

It's okay.

To wash my hair before school anyways.

(both sigh)

Maybe we should take out a restraining order against Nick?

Oh, because that was so successful with Brandon?

No, it's fine. Nick is in a secure treatment center.

And they've taken away his phone privileges.


A restraining order is not gonna make Mariana any safer.

Might have the opposite effect on Nick.

What are we gonna do? She's been in here every night.

Well, just keep up with her counseling and be patient.

Brandon, on the other hand...

Give him time.

It's been long enough, if you ask me.

He's in a honeymoon period.

Once that wears off and responsibilities of being on his own start piling up, he'll come running back with his tail between his legs.

Which is a lot better than with his middle finger in the air.


Ow. Ow.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

When Mason gets used to the new place, I'll work on getting him to stay in his own bed.

Oh, yeah, no, it's... it's no problem.

I'll make it up to you this weekend.

Are you worried Eddie might bail?

I hope not, for Mason's sake.

I am a little nervous though.

I've never even spent a night away from him.

Well, you deserve a break.

I was thinking maybe we should have a party.

I think a party would be fun.

I think we should do it.


(both chuckle)

(clears throat) Excuse me, are you new here?

Oh, uh, yeah, yeah. This is my first day.

Maybe you could show me around a little bit?

Yeah, no, sorry. I'm not very rah-rah.

But if you're free after school, I have this senior project I've been working on.

Maybe you could keep me company?

Oh, yeah? Yeah, I think I could do that.

I'm Callie, by the way.


Welcome to Anchor Beach.

Some of the parents pulled their kids out after the lockdown, so they had a spot for AJ.

So how does he feel about being transferred in the middle of his senior year?

He's happy to be going to a better school.

Especially one that Callie goes to.

So that's still on?

Seems to be.

Who can tell with those two?

And what about us two?

Are we on?

Well, I'm just giving you some space.

Giving space or taking it?

Are you still mad that I went after Gabe at Brandon's party?

(sighs) I'm not mad, I'm...

I'm just worried.

I think he's a trigger.

The minute he came back into your life, you slipped.



I won't see him again.

I don't want any space between us.

I want you.

I want you, too.

How about right now?

(camera shutter clicks)

AJ: So what are you gonna do with all these pictures?

I don't know exactly.

It's a photo essay.

So maybe, like, on a big canvas, a mixed media collage.

Is there, like, a reason you're doing this?

So I'll graduate.

I mean when you're done and people look at it.

Why should they care?

Gee, thanks a lot.


Is there something you're trying to say?

I'm saying that I was in seven homes in seven years.

Probably, like, write about how I felt in each house.

And I guess the reason is... to try to figure out why it's hard for me to trust anything is permanent.

So what will you write about this house?

That I felt safe.

I mean, until social workers showed up one day and took us away.

They say why?

Do they ever?

It was confusing though 'cause they were really nice and we thought they wanted to adopt us.

But I guess not.

I do wonder what happened.

Why don't you go ask?

Just knock on the door. Maybe they still live there.

I'm not doing that.

Why not?

Because that's not the point of the project.

I'm not interviewing my old foster parents.

It's not about them. It's about me.



I'm getting fired.

Love, they can't do that.

Yes, they can.

A registered sex offender helped build sets for a school play and I knew it.

Okay, there's gotta be something we can do.

Something I can do.

I was the one that suggested it in the first place.

Do we have $20,000?


Monte knows this attorney who specializes in helping people get off the list, and that's the discount rate.

Okay, how does this help you?

Well, if he can get Gabe's record expunged, it's like he was never on the list and then we did nothing wrong.

All right, well, I hate to tell you this, honey, but we don't have $20,000.

We do on a line of credit on the house...

Uh, that is for emergencies.

Well, I think this is an emergency, honey.

If lose my job, I lose my income...

Okay, okay.

What if we do pay the lawyer?

You know, the fact of the matter is that Gabe doesn't want us helping him.

He made that perfectly clear.

(camera shutter clicks)

How many of these places are we going to today?

This is only the second one.

(camera shutter clicks)

(camera shutter clicks)

(camera shutter clicks)

(camera shutter clicks)

Whoa, hey now.

You didn't say anything about breaking and entering.

I'm not breaking and entering. I'm trespassing.

So what's the story of this house?

Not a happy one.

I was r*ped by my foster brother.

(gate opens)

(car approaches)


(car door opens)

What are you doing here?

I'm taking some photos of the houses I've been in.

AJ: But we'll leave now.

Don't go.

I'd like to talk to you.


Come inside?

(theme music playing)

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ It's where you belong ♪
♪ Nothing I would trade ♪
♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ You're surrounded by love ♪
♪ And you're wanted ♪
♪ So never feel alone ♪
♪ You are home with me ♪
♪ Right where you belong ♪

Mrs. Olmstead: I'm glad to see you, Callie.

I've had a lot of time to think lately with Liam in prison and my husband...

We're divorcing.


I'm at an age when you tend to... reflect back on the mistakes you've made in life.

The mistakes that have haunted me the most are the ones I made with you, Callie.

You have no idea how sorry I am.

Sorry we ever brought you into this house... and allowed you to destroy our lives.

My son is not a r*pist or a thief.

But his life is in ruins.

And so is mine.

So, take your pictures of a house that's no longer a home because of you.

Sorry you brought me into this house, too.

Hey, what are you doing?

Getting my pictures.

It hasn't changed.

♪ Didn't I warn you not to? ♪

(camera shutter clicks)

♪ Didn't I warn you good? ♪
♪ Maybe we couldn't help it ♪
♪ Maybe we never should ♪
♪ You cut your teeth ♪
♪ On the lack of answers, singing ♪
♪ Come back home ♪
♪ And it don't feel the same ♪
♪ Well, I've bled words ♪
♪ Onto a page for you ♪
♪ And you never knew my name ♪
♪ And you never knew my name ♪
♪ My name, My name ♪

What are you doing?


Uh, playing piano.

In the bathroom?

Uh, well, you know, I...

I was...

So you're having a party and you didn't invite me?

What's up with that?

Who told you I was having a party?

Mat, who heard from Jasper.

Seriously? You're not inviting your sister?

Guess now that you moved out, you don't care about us anymore.

That's not true, okay? And it's not really a party.

All right?

What's not a party?

Oh, hey. You're home early.


Well, what you up to?

Oh, I just came to practice.



Good. Well, that's good.

What's in the bag?

Oh, uh... not much.

Just, uh, I was running low on a few things, so, you know.

Oh, were you?



Like what?

(stammers) Like, you know, soap and a tube of toothpaste and toilet paper.

Oh, I see. That's a bummer, huh?

Well, you know, this is a house, B. Not a Target.

So, unless you're gonna pay for those, I'm gonna...


She's here.


Sorry to keep you waiting.

Oh, I just got here.

Lena: Can I get you some tea?

Nope. I'm... I'm good.

We appreciate you being here.

Is everything okay?

Not exactly. Um... we wanted to talk to you about Gabe.

Mariana: So this is Liam's house?

Callie: Yeah.

It's amazing what horrors can lie behind a white picket fence.

Yeah, right?

Wait, what's that?

That was my bedroom.

You went inside?

Yeah, his mom drove up when we were outside and invited me in.


To tell me how I ruined their lives like she was the victim.

Do you think it's safe to go inside these homes?

I don't know, but I think I have to.

I don't think it's enough to just stand outside.

I think I need to go in, face the people that made me feel powerless, you know?

So we still haven't talked about what happened with Brandon this afternoon.


Hey, you're the one that said we need to let him feel the responsibility of being on his own.

Like depriving him of toothpaste?

If that's what it takes.

(knock on door)

Come in!

Hey, love. What's up?

Don't worry, I'm not coming to sleep with you.

Honey, you know you can stay in here as long as you need to.

I think I know what might help make me feel safe from Nick.

Yeah? What's that?

I think what I need to do is...

I need to go see him.

I mean, he was on time and he couldn't have been nicer.

Really? 'Cause I was thinking maybe I shouldn't have told him that I'm living here.

He seems okay with it.

You know, Eddie wasn't always a jerk.

You know what? We should celebrate.

Maybe we should have a party.

(fake gasps)

Great idea!


Lena: Hi, guys.


Brandon, Cortney.


Well, someone's thirsty.

Oh. Uh, you know what?

Cort, maybe you should take Yeah. your beer... that I won't be drinking 'cause I'm not 21.

Nice to see you again.

Just gonna take these inside.

Well, it looks like someone is having a party.

(stammers) Oh. Oh, you know what? No, it's not a party.

We're just inviting a few friends, yeah.

It's more like a gathering actually.

Ah, well...



Well, I was just out doing a little shopping and I thought I would pick you up a few things, but it looks like maybe you don't need them.

Uh, actually, you know what?

I can totally take those right now. Great.

Does Mom know?

Does she need to?

Do you, uh... maybe want to come inside, check the place out?

Uh, maybe another time.


We miss you.

I miss you, too.

Be responsible, please.

I will.

Can I help you?

Hi, Sheila.

Do you remember me?


Oh, Callie!


Come in!

Your project sounds wonderful.

I just hope you remember this home as a safe and loving one.

I do, yeah.

You and Tom were really nice to us.

Tom passed away last year.

I'm really sorry.

Thank you.

It's been hard. Especially for Kyle, losing the only father he ever knew.

So you adopted Kyle?


Can I ask why you didn't keep me and Jude?

Didn't they tell you?


They promised to tell you.

We wanted to keep you, but because of our age and Kyle's special needs, they wouldn't let us adopt all three of you.

Kyle had special needs?

Yes. You remember, he had dyslexia and impulse control issues.

No, I just remember him being really sweet and kind of like Jude.

I felt terrible when they took you away.

But you and Jude had each other and Kyle was all alone.

And Callie...

I am so sorry.

No, it's okay. I understand.

How is Kyle?

Kyle is in prison.

Well, in juvenile detention until he turns 18.

Then he'll go to an adult facility.

For how long?

The rest of his life.

The legal term is "Nunc Pro Tunc," meaning "Then For Now."

Basically, it allows us to go back in time, re-try the case with the original ADA and judge.

Why would I want to re-try my case?

Because the laws have changed.

And today, I believe you'd be found factually innocent.

Frankly, you never should have been required to register as a sex offender in the first place.

How much is this gonna cost me?

Lena and I would be willing to cover your legal costs.

No. No, I'm not comfortable with that.

It could be a loan that you would pay back.


I don't have any money.

Well, we thought that if you were willing, you could do some work on the house maybe.
(door opens)

What's... what's going on?

Hey, love. Um...

This is Steve Pargrave. He's a lawyer.

He thinks that maybe he could help Gabe out with his situation.



Gabe: Look...

I'm sorry you're in trouble because of me building those sets, and I don't want you to lose your job.

But I've been offered a deal.

If I plead guilty and agree to relocate, I won't do any time.

Where... where would you go?

I don't know. I have a friend who works in Reno.

Pargrave: Wherever you go, you'll have to register.

I know.

But I can't go back to prison.

Look, I've already had a preliminary conversation with the ADA, Ellen Wilkins, who indicated that she wouldn't object.

And I know Ellen. She's a straight-sh**t.

Pargrave: If you plead guilty to this parole violation, you'll destroy your chance of ever getting off the sex offender registry.

Can you guarantee you can get me off the list?

No, I can't.

But I believe the odds are definitely in your favor.

Well, I've never been a lucky person.

And this plea deal is guaranteed.

I'm really sorry I can't help you.

Callie: So what happened?

Sheila: Her name was Martha Johnson.

She lived a few blocks away.

She was always very kind to Kyle.

He used to do a lot of odd jobs for her, and then when they found her dead, well, they rushed to judgment.

How long has Kyle been in juvie?

Since the day he was arrested. Almost four years.

They wouldn't give him bail because he has distant relatives in Cuba and the prosecutor said he was a flight risk.

It was all so unfair.

Police never looked at anybody else.

They just saw this former foster kid, a minority with developmental issues, and they assumed he did it.

We couldn't afford a lawyer, so all he had was a public defender who I don't think ever believed he was innocent.

We even had an alibi witness, but he never even talked to him.

Kyle never had anyone on his side.

He's only 17.

And he's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison for something I know in my heart that he didn't do.

Your mom said I can come up.

Look, um...


I told you, I'm... I'm not, uh, good at...


I don't like... owing people.

Or having people owe me anything.

I just... keep my head down, and that's how it is, you know?

Don't you... don't you ever get lonely?

Uh, I, um...

(cries softly)

At first he said no, but after he talked to Jesus, he changed his mind, and I guess the ADA, Ellen Wilkins, is supportive of Gabe getting off the list.

So anyway, we're gonna go meet with the judge tomorrow.

This is a good thing.

Yeah, he doesn't have to move away, so... that's gotta be a relief.

Why are you being like this?

You stood here less than 24 hours ago and said you weren't gonna see him again.

And then Stef and Lena asked for my help.

And I feel guilty about Gabe being on the list all these years.

I feel like this is part of my amends.

Come on! Your amends?

He's the guy that got you into dr*gs in the first place.

He didn't make me an addict. I did that.

Mike, this is important to me.

And why can't you have a little bit of compassion about what Gabe went through?

I have compassion for you and concern for your sobriety.

Is that what you're concerned about?

Or are you worried I still have feelings for Gabe?

I don't know.

Do you?

(doorbell rings)

(party music playing)

All: Hey!

How's it going?

What's up, brother?

Are we the first ones here?

Oh, my friends don't show anywhere until after 10:00 earliest.

Hm. Your friends don't have curfews.


Jasper's here.

Oh, come in the kitchen!

We've got beer and I'm making skinny margaritas.


Here you go.


Little housewarming gift.

I heard you could use it.

Ha-ha, very funny.

Yeah, I thought so.

Actually, where's your bathroom at?

Are you serious? You just got here.

You're gonna take a dump in the bathroom?

Well, I've got no control over when nature calls.

Yeah. And light a match.

And don't forget the courtesy flush.



(crushes wrapping paper)

(dialing on phone)


Ellen. Hey, it's Mike Foster.

Good, good. How are you?

Oh, yeah. No rest for the weary, huh?

Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the petition to get Gabe Duncroft off the sex offender registry.

(door opens)

Oh, thank god you're here.

Where's everyone else?

We're it. Boring.

What are you drinking?

Oh, it's Cortney's skinny margarita.

Splash of tequila.

Oh, my god, that's not a splash.

Cortney: You made it! Aah!

AJ: Hey.

Callie: Hey, Cortney.

Can I make you guys some margaritas?

I'll just take a beer.

Yeah, I'm good with water. Thank you.

Oh, come on! No fun! It's a party!

Uh, yeah, maybe later.

Maryann, you want a refill?

It's Mariana, but no, I'm good, thanks.

(door opens)

♪ Hello! ♪

Cortney: Gabby!

(both scream)



Ooh, let's get this party started!

Girl, you got some catching up to do!

Come on!

(both conversing)

Lena: I never should have told you Brandon was having a party.

Yeah, well, probably not.

Are we seriously going to spy on our son?

We're not spying. We're checking on him.

(sighs) We had a lovely dinner.


Can't we just go home and continue celebrating our anniversary before the kids get home, please?

Speaking of kids, is that our car?

It's a very common car.

We can't be sure that that's our car.


You know our license plate?

Really? That surprises you? I'm a cop.

I cannot believe that our kids are at Brandon's party.


Really? That surprises you?

You're a parent of teenagers.

And by the looks of it, it's not much of a party.

It's more of a gathering.

Brandon: How much paper did you use?

Jesus: Not much, okay?

We should just call a plumber.

No, no, no.

Plumbers cost money. Well, if you can afford this place, I'm sure you can afford a plumber.

I mean, what's the rent anyway?

A lot.

Are you paying like half?

I guess I will be, yeah.

(water sloshing)

So, like, are you having sex all the time?

So what do you guys do?

We go to school.

Oh. College?

High school.

Oh. Right.

Heh. Forgot you were cougaring out.

Cortney: Shut up.


Yeah, I'll come with you.


So what's the sex like? Does he prematurely ej*cul*te?

Cortney: Gabby!

Hey. Thanks for comin'.

(Callie and AJ laugh)


Thank you for inviting us.

Yeah, yeah.

I see you got drinks.

(Cortney and Gabby scream, laugh)

(screaming continues)

Yeah, it's the first time Cortney's had a night off from being a mom, so she's...

Oh, yeah. How is it being a dad?

Oh, I'm not a dad. Mason's not my kid.

Brandon: Thanks.

Why are you not more concerned about the fact that our kids are at a party where there might be alcohol and who knows what else available?

First of all, it's probably not the first party they've been to where there's alcohol, and at least they're with Brandon and not some random house party with no parent home.

Oh, yeah, no, that's right, there is a parent.

A 21-year-old girl with a toddler.

I can't.

What? What are you doing?

Honey, if you barge in there like momma cop, you are going to alienate all of those kids.


No, I'm not going to barge.

Now I'm spying.

(car door closes)




So it's really good to see you and Mat back together again.


I'm sorry I was hard on you about Nick.

It wasn't cool.

It's okay.

Cortney: Hey, hey!

Ready for another?

Oh, no, I think I'm good, thanks.

Wh... How many is that?

Who wants to know?

Brandon: Okay then.

I don't think he got a fair trial.

Apparently Kyle had an alibi witness who can verify that he was with him at the time of the m*rder.

His lawyers, public defenders, never looked into it.

Well, maybe he had a reason.

Or maybe he just didn't care.

Sheila thinks he's innocent.

Well, she's his mom.

If you knew Kyle, he was so sweet and gentle.

It's hard to imagine him k*lling anyone.


He called you?

But I thought he was locked up in a hospital.

Well, he is, but...

I mean, I don't know how, but somehow, he got to use a phone.

Why... why didn't you tell me?

Because I didn't want to freak you out.

Well, I'm freaked out.

Well... you're gonna be more freaked out because...

I'm going to go see him tomorrow.



Because he still thinks that I'm his girlfriend and that we're gonna be together when he gets out.

Yeah, because he's crazy.

No, because that's what I told him.

To get him to put the g*n down.

I told him that I'm still his girlfriend and that... I loved him.

Oh. Okay.

Well, I understand why you said those things, but why do you have to go see him?

To tell him that I didn't mean any of it.

Because as long as he thinks that I love him and want to be with him, he's gonna want to be with me and I'm not gonna feel safe.

(sighs) I don't know.

I just... I guess I just need to...


Wait... Oh, my god!


I... I think I just saw my mom.

Guys, Mom's here.

Wait, someone's mom's here?

Are you sure?

Yeah, I just saw her in the window, I think.

(knock on door)

I'm out.


Uh, hey.

Is Cortney here?

Uh... yeah.

Come on in.

Can I, uh, get you a beer?

Oh, no thanks.

(door closes)


Are you Cortney Strathmore?



You've been served.

(door closes)

Anyone home?

Lena: We're in here!


(door closes)


Hi, guys.

How was your night?


Yeah, it was good.


How was your night?

Lena: Oh, it was great.

We actually took your suggestion.

We went to Island Prime.

Mmm. Delicious. I'm stuffed.

Oh, yeah? Well, and then what'd you do?

Why would you ask us that?

No reason.

But, you know, we did get you guys flowers.


Jesus: And a card!

No way! Oh, my goodness.

Mm-hmm. Happy anniversary.

Thank you so much.

Well, goodnight.



Good night, my babies.

(whispers) Idiot.

(whispers) I know what I saw.


You really want that?

Yeah, I really do.

What is it, like your fourth?

You're not my dad.

You're also not Mason's.

But, you know, I don't expect you to be.

I'm also sorry he kicks you in the head at night.

Move back home if you want.

I love Mason.

And I love you.


I've got a kid.

And a husband who's suing for full custody because I'm an unfit mother.

Which I probably am right now.

You're not an unfit mother.

You're a wonderful mom.

And a beautiful woman and that's why I love you.

You don't need all this.

I want it.

And we'll get through this.

Okay? Trust me, no judge would give Eddie full custody of a... a hamster, let alone a child.

I promise.

Well, sorry for a boring night.

Company wasn't boring.


Come here.

(clears throat)


I don't know if, uh... if I should be careful because of what happened to you, or if... like, there's things that don't feel good or...

Hey, thank you for asking.

But you don't have to.

I don't want you to treat me like a victim or whatever.

I don't.


'Cause r*pe isn't sex.

I know.

I just wanted to know if you need anything from me.

If I do, I will tell you.


So is that it?

I just, uh...

I know you're Super Callie... (groans) but this business with Kyle, this is not your problem.

I know.

I just want you to take care of yourself.

I will.

I am.

Okay, shouldn't they have called by now?

Well, these things take time.

Is the judge, like, is he gonna make a decision today?

Honey, I don't know.

(knock on door)

Oh, hi. We were expecting your call. Come in, come in.

Ana: Um... we, uh, didn't want to give you this news over the phone.

I'm done.

I'm off the list.

(Lena gasps)


That is fantastic. That's such great news.

Thank you. Thank you.

The ADA told me you called her.

Thank you for putting in a word for me.

No problem.



I thought you would be be back in New York by now.

Yeah, um...

I don't go to NYU.

And my name is not Cameron. It's Callie.

I'm a high school senior.

I was... just having, like, a really bad day and I guess I just... I didn't want to... be me for a little while.

You know?

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I understand that, wanting a vacation from yourself.

Was the, uh, boyfriend part...




So is this why you wanted to see me, to come clean?

Yeah. Yeah.

And also... you said you work at the Juvenile Justice Center.

I do, yeah.

Okay, so I was wondering if you know anything about a m*rder case involving Kyle Snow.

He was 14 when he was accused of m*rder, and I'm not sure he got a fair trial.

(door clangs)

Be right back here if you need me, okay?


Thank you, Mrs. Adams-Foster.



We can't touch or hug. It's a... it's a rule.

Oh. Okay.

Thank you.

For coming to see me.


I needed to talk to you.

Me too.

Look, I'm so sorry I scared you.

And for everything I did.

I'm so, so sorry.

And I am... I'm really trying to get better.

I'm glad.

I want you to get better.

You're the reason I'm still here.

And alive.

I really think I would have k*lled myself if... if you didn't tell me that you love me.

That meant so much.

The fact that someone as beautiful as you are loves me.

I love you, too.

You're like my reason for living.

I do love you and want you to get better, but... not for me... but for yourself.

As long as I have you, I can do that.

I do have you, right?

Yes, you do.