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01x02 - Episode #1.2

Posted: 07/18/16 02:55
by bunniefuu
You guys are the swim team, yeah?

He's the newbie.


Martin Taylor.

So who's it gonna be? Who's gonna step up over the next three weeks and demand to be in this team?

Kelly, he almost beat you.

You need to buckle down or that kid, he's gonna eat you alive.

You did everything you could to break me. I beat you.

None of you will ever beat me again.

Whatever you wanted to prove, you proved it.

I gave that race everything that I had and you still beat me.

We need you to win this, Kelly.


(ALL CHANT) Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda!


OK, well done, boys.

I need you to do 50 to finish, any stroke you like.

Danny, I need to talk to you.

Let's go!

Yeah, Coach?

The last couple of weeks, I've been watching you swim the butterfly.

I think it's your stroke.

What? No way.

In swimming, your body dictates your stroke.

Look at the size of you.

You have the arm span, you have the power in your shoulders and your back and your legs and more importantly, you have the rhythm.

But I've already qualified for the free.

The nationals are in eight weeks.

You're not going to win the nationals at freestyle, son.

The best you can hope for is fifth, maybe fourth.

But I think you can win the butterfly.


No, you can't make me.


No-one can make you do anything you don't want to do.

What do you want to do, Danny?

Focus on the butterfly.

I'm not swimming butterfly.

It's my decision, not his.


I'll leave.

I don't give a f*ck what he says.

I'll swim for my old club, see how he likes that.

Thought you were going to pike.

I had to mow the lawn.

Hello, Danny.


Martin, we need to get going.

Um, Danny's coming too.

For lunch?

For the weekend.


Martin, it's a family occasion.

It's alright, he'll fit right in.

Did Martin tell you it's a formal lunch?


OK, then. Come on, let's go.

Just stick the bike up on the porch.

Grab my Louis, love.

Yes, Mum!

Martin tells me Torma's got you prepping for the 'fly.

I'm not swimming butterfly.

I've already qualified for the free.

Yes, YOU have.

Martin's still got 0.2 to shave off and only a week to do it.

Put out a bulletin, why don't you?

We all know you can swim 53.04.

You did it last year.

It's your head that's the problem.

You need the adrenaline of the race.

You'll qualify for sure.

Yeah, of course he will.

Won't you, darling?

Oh, what?!

This is amazing!

Like it?

It's awesome!

You're disgusting. No!


Oh, um... Danny, sister.

Sister, Danny.

You're the guy who knocked Marty off his pedestal.

I like you already.

Not for long.


Nice to meet you.

You're at uni, right?

Yeah, just finished first year.

Development Studies, but I'm taking a gap year now.

What are you going to do?


She's going to "help" them.

You're a d*ck!

Come on, we should train.

Six different types of gin and not the bloody one she'll ask for.

Well, they'd run out when I put the order in.

Well, can you ring them now and see if they've got it in?

They don't open till midday on weekends.

Oh, God! (GROANS)

That's the country for you.

Don't be too long.

She's coming soon!

He really is fast.

Yes, he is...

Go any slower, someone might harpoon ya.



How're you going?

Do you have an iron?


f*ck! I'm going home.

No! Wait, hold on. Hold on.

Um... try this one.

And Jenna can press that for you too.

Why do we even have to wear this?

Has someone died?

They're ALL dead... they just haven't realised it yet.

Oh, that looks nice, Danny!

You should keep it.

Martin never wears it.

Oh, thanks. I'm just borrowing it.

Here it is!

I had to fight off three old biddies and a gallery owner at Sotheby's.

Still, it's a bargain - only five grand.

You don't think she'd prefer a painting?

This has exceptional long-term appreciation.

Excellent choice.



I'll get Jenna to wrap it.

He's giving your yiayia a drawing of tits?

It's a Joy Hester, you moron.


Here she is!


Margot! Happy birthday.

Thank you so much.

How was the drive?

Not too much traffic?

You look wonderful, Mother.

Oh, thank you, Simon.



Hello, darling.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

How are you?

Good, very well.

Hello. Happy birthday.

Who's this?

Danny Kelly.

We go to school together.

Patrick Kelly's son?

Neal Kelly's son.


Well, he's a...

We don't know them.

Actually, Danny just got two golds at the...

Hello, I'm Alex, Martin's uncle.

The black sheep of the family.

You are a very brave man.

Happy birthday, Grandma.

Thank you, darling.

They're beautiful!

Hey, Marty.

Samantha: Jenna!

Is that a G&T, Jenna?

It certainly is.

Not sure I can face this ordeal sober.



What is this?

They were out of your favourite when Jenna put the order in and this morning, they don't open till 12. Can you believe it?

Perhaps if everything's all set for lunch you could whip into town.

No. Don't... don't bother.

It's really no trouble.

Jenna, take my car.

Don't bother!

Alex, darling?

The usual, Mum?

You're a love.

Could you manage a whisky?

Of course.

Single malt.

Coming right up.

What was I supposed to do, drive down to f*cking Melbourne?


Sick-making, isn't it?

What is?

All the grovelling.

Dad's got some big business venture planned, needs a loan and she holds the family fortune.

Simon: Beautiful day for a party.

That's what all of this is about.


This is delicious, Jenna.

Simon: Yes, it is.

No cake for Martin, Jenna, just the fruit.

Emma: Sucks to be a swimmer.

Happy birthday, Mother.

No-one could say you haven't led the most remarkable life.

I'm not dead, Simon.

No need to eulogise.

Martin tells me your mother's from Greece. What part?


You eat like a Cretan.

Oh! Does she have to?

Simon: Play fair, Mother!

Ignore her, Danny.

Go and swap places with Daniel.

I'd like to talk to him.


Danny? Swap places.


She wants to talk to you.

You can have mine. Go!

Have you ever been to Crete, Daniel?

I've never been overseas.

My husband and I spent an Orthodox Easter on the south coast there.

I still remember - chanting, the incense... the ocean below.

It was...

I could have stayed there forever.

But we flew back to London the next day.

Where are you from?



The wild uncharted north?

I've always admired the working class.

You know exactly who you are.

Listen to them.

The shopping malls - they're gleaming.

I heard Dubai is...

(LAUGHS) You did, didn't you?

They're not like us, they're applicants.

YOU are authentic.

That makes you better than any of them.

I'm gonna be the best.

They'll hate you for it.

I don't care.

I'm glad you're here.

At least someone's a hit.

Oh, M...

Oh, Margot!

Simon told us you'd given up.

f*ck off, Samantha.

Hm. That's clear.



It helps to only have a peripheral awareness of reality on days like this.

No, thanks.

Alright, suit yourself.

Ah, Danny, there you are.

I hear Torma's cut back the aerobic training threshold for squad.

Yeah, I think he's starting to taper off earlier.

But Martin's not gonna perform without the overload.

Martin deserves to be at the nats.

He's gonna be a champion.

Yes. But the thing is, he's lost his confidence since you beat him.

It's alright, I don't blame you.

It's what it's all about, isn't it?


It's just that Martin's not as strong as you are.

He's sensitive.

He's a confidence man, just like his dad.

You know, he used to do pony club down here.

He was quite the little rider.

But one summer, Jack Phillips turns up with a big, black, shiny new pony.

That was it.

Martin took one look at that horse and he never rode again.

I'm afraid of what it'll do to him... if he doesn't qualify.

Can you help boost him up, bring his confidence back?

He needs...

He needs your encouragement.




You're a good boy, Danny.

Mum, Dad wants you.

They're nearly ready.

Alright, then.

I'm counting on you, Danny.

You having fun?


That stuff's poison for sprinting.

It kills your white fibres.

You need to live a little bit, Kelly.

Don't deliberately screw your chances, Martin.

You're always saying it's good for you!

I'm not the one trying out for the national championships.

Take a leaf out of Danny's book.


So's my old man.

He's such a hypocrite!


Sell-out. She swore she wouldn't!

My favourite!


Emma: Thank you.

Happy birthday, Mother.

Happy birthday, Margot.

Samantha: Happy birthday, Margot.

Martin: Happy birthday, Grandma.

Thank you.



Thank you.

It's Joy Hester.

I know. Untitled Nude, 1943.

What do you think, Danny?

It's beautiful.

Oh, come on, now.

What do you REALLY think?

I think it's fierce.

Simon: Good choice, Danny.


Torma reckons I'm pulling on the cross-through, but I don't even know anymore.

I can have a look if you like at training.

I thought you were leaving us, that you didn't want to swim butterfly.

I don't even care what Dad thinks.

It's just Mum.

I don't want to see that look on her face.

Dude, you're gonna qualify.

We're both going to the nats and when we get there, we'll smash it.




And after the nationals, we'll smash the Pan Pacs and then the Commonwealths and then we'll smash the Olympics.


Better get some shut-eye, then.








I don't want you to go back to your old club.

I don't want you to quit.

Simon: Do you have any idea what we've lost this weekend?

Look, I just think you're being unreasonable!

I was trying to defend you.

I don't need defending!

Shove that one in the corner.

Martin, put the heavy things in first.

How many times do I have to tell you?

You insulted her!

I didn't mean to.

What in God's name made you...

She had no intention...

She said no.

Let's face it - she gives it all to Alex so he can go surfing in Bali.

Must have been the flute.

She told Dad to go to the bank.

As if!

I'm going to Chloe's.

Can you tell Mum?

Nice to meet you, Danny.

What happens now?

I don't know, Martin.

(READS) "He was gilded..."

Stephanie: You're back!

"All over, with thin leaves of fine gold."

How was it?



"For eyes, he had two bright..."



I asked you to get chicken.

Where is it?

Well, I did get it.

It was delicious.

"It was very much..."

I'm supposed to have lean protein.


That'll do.

Good work.


So how was the country manor?

It's a house.

What was it like?

Awesome. They've got a beachfront view from every corner of the place.

And four toilets.

Four? They must poo a lot.


You should have seen what they were giving their yiayia for her birthday - a painting that cost more than Mum's car.

And she's like, anything she wants, she just snaps her fingers and she gets it.

She's pretty cool.

You don't know who she is, do you?

That old bird's husband was behind one of the biggest industrial fights in the country.

Hundreds of workers laid off, families destroyed.

But they doubled their profits the next year.


So, Danny boy... be careful.

Hanging around people like that - you don't want that shit to stick.

You don't like them 'cause they're better than you.

They're bloodsuckers.

At least they've done something with their life.



All you do is drive from Melbourne to bloody Perth and back again.

One day they'll train monkeys to do your job.


You're getting fat.

You hear that?

Yes, I did.

You made the right choice here, Danny, trust me.

You're gonna be on that dais.

Hayden Lewis is clocking 54 flat.

I'm never gonna get that fast.

Don't you worry about what Hayden Lewis is doing.

You worry about what you're doing.

It's gonna be a tough week, but I know you can do it.

Hey, Coach. Sorry.
Mr Torma.

Mrs Taylor.

Can I have a word?

You're ignoring my son.


He's been winning for you for three years and he's the reason that this sport is on the top of the ladder.

He deserves better treatment.

OK, why don't we talk about...

No, no, no. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Why can't she just f*cking leave me alone? It's so embarrassing.



Why are you so worried about what they think and what they want?

You're letting them get to your head.

What do YOU think and what do you want?

I want to qualify, I want to go to nationals.

Then get stuck in and qualify.

You're not treating him the same, because we've come in and you've already got a boy in the pool.

What I'd like to hear from you is what you're going to do with my son so that in three months we're not having this conversation.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Alright, alright.

(WHISTLES) In the pool.



Mate, sub 53, twice.

You'll shit it in Saturday.

I'd better. It's my last chance.

Hey, do you want to come over later?

You can stay the night.

I can't.

I've got a shitload of work to do if I'm gonna qualify.

OK. Have fun with that.

See ya.

See ya.

Theo: Demet's here.

She's in your room.

What do you think?

Purple. (SARCASTICALLY) That's nice.


You can say what you think.

I don't care.

You look like a freak!

But like a hot freak, yeah?

"Hayden Lewis joins golden boys of swimming."

They're the competition?

He holds the Australian record for the 100m 'fly.

How is training going?

It's good.

Final qualifier's tomorrow.

What's this?

You should read that.

You know, you're a really good example of the docile body.

You think you're making these decisions, but really, you're being controlled all the time by the system.

When did you start reading this shit?

When I decided to think for myself.

Well, I don't have time for thinking.

Why don't you think for me?

Guess what.


I... kissed... a girl.

Well, you know, more than kissed.


You don't know her.

She's not from school.


How long have you known?

I don't know.

A while maybe.

It's right for me.

How do you know that?

I don't... for sure.

I just know that I wanted to do it, like really wanted to.

But it's OK, you know. It's fine.

I think that everyone should do whatever they feel... what feels right for them.

We're still soulmates, Danny.


Woman over PA: And the results for heat 3 of the boys 17-18 100-metre butterfly final.

In first place, in lane 8, we have Daniel Kelly, swimming a national qualifying time...

56.09. That means you're in.

You still have to work on your palm rotation and recovery.

Still too much drag.

Good swim. Very proud of you.

Well done, Danny.




Martin! Good luck.

How'd you go?

I got in.

You got in? Good one, buddy.

Hey - 53.04.

Don't think about anything else, OK?

You've got this.

Torma: Let's go, let's go, come on.

Yeah, Coach.

Let's go. Come on.

Good work.

Coming up next is event 4.

Last chance, hey?

Someone said there's a rep here from Speedo.

Better give them a good look.


Take your mark.




Do you think he can negative-split?

Come on, Taylor! Come on!

Come on!

Come on, Taylor! Come on!

He's gonna do it!

He's gonna qualify.


And the results of heat 4.

In first place, we have John Wilkinson in a time of 53.016.

Wilco, he is in.

Taylor didn't qualify.

Second place, Martin Taylor, with a time of 53.55 seconds.

And in third place, Michael Robb, in a time of 53.89 seconds.

Well done, Wilco.

Great swim. Well done, well done.

Come on, Martin.

Hey, hey. Hey!

Bad luck. That was a solid swim.

You keep your chin up.


The final of the boys 17-18 100m breaststroke...

I'm a f*cking failure.

No, you're not.

A loser.

You're not.


It's OK.

I'm fine. Just leave me alone.

No, I'm not leaving you.

Just f*ck off!

Faster... stronger... better.

Faster... stronger... better.




Sorry I can't be there.

We all are. I've got to work, and Regan's exams...

It's OK.

Torma'll be there.

Yeah, 'course.

I'm sorry for what I said.

I know you are, son.

So am I.

I just want you to remember where you came from and who you are.

You're as good as anyone, Danny... anybody.


The taxi's here.

This humidity's worse than Bali.



Message from Taylor.

"Don't blow it." Loser.

OK, listen to me. You feel that?

It's nine degrees warmer here, OK?

So we need to adjust to that.

You need to slow your pace, alright, slow the way you eat.

You, you can slow the way you talk.

Conserve your energy.

The only place we need to push ourselves, boys, is in the pool.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.


I'm feeling pretty confident.

I've been training really well.

I'm going to go out there and give it my best.

You can't go through there, mate.

I just...

No, there's an interview going on.

I've been training really well, haven't missed a session.

Is that Hayden Lewis?

My coach is really happy with my times.

Done everything right with my training, my nutrition, You have to put in that hard work to get the result at the end.

I'm gonna do that this weekend.

What the f*ck is he doing?

Hey! (WHISTLES) Over here.

No more wandering off.

Hey, hey.

Stay here.

Vic Institute of Sport.

That's where I want to go.



Hi, Ben. How are you?

Yeah, good.

Boys, this is Ben Whitter.

He's the head coach at VIS back home.

This is Danny Kelly and this is John Wilkinson.


Very good swim in the schoolboy relay.

Well done.

Thank you.

I was just talking to Shane.

We're gonna set up a fast track from the VIS straight to the national institute.

Oh, good for you.

In fact, young Marcus Fraser, we've sent him across already, he's a very good swimmer.

Thank you very much, Frank.

He's a good boy, yes.

Might be our first Olympian.

I don't think so.

These boys here will be my first Olympians.

Well, we'll see about that on the weekend, won't we?

Nice to meet you, boys.

That man, he's a dickhead.

Well, you ready to go?


Commentator: Wilkinson is going after him.

Daniel Kelly, the Victorian in fourth place.

They make their way down the pool as they come now through the 25-metre mark.

Alex Mann of Queensland in third place, but it's Rusanow, the man from Western Australia.

He's going to be very hard to catch as they make their way down.

It'll be no-one else.

Rusanow, the man of the moment.

Woman over PA: The results of event 12.

First place, in lane 4, David Rusanow.

Second place, in lane 3, John Wilkinson.

Third place, in lane 6, Alex Mann. 4th place...


Hey, hey. You need to let it go.

I've never swam that slow before!

Even Wilco was faster!

What do you want, do you want to go back in time? It's finished, OK?

You need to focus on the butterfly, right? That's your race.

What if it's not? What if the free was my race and I just screwed it, all 'cause you wouldn't let me do what I wanted?

(LAUGHS) Some 10-year-old just asked for my autograph.

She goes, "Great swim, John!" and I'm like...

John, go outside and wait for me.

But the officials want you to sign off my...


What if you're wrong? What if I f*ck up the 'fly? Then I've got nothing.

Listen to me.

You need to calm down.

If you don't calm down, you will lose.

The coach is right.

You should listen to him.

What are YOU doing here?

We had a deal, right?

You saw the race?

I was shit.

Yeah, you were.

I was so pissed off with you when I didn't qualify and you did.

But then I realised... if you win, then we all do.

Torma, your family, me... we all get to know what it feels like.

Man over PA: Ladies and gentlemen, we're just moments away from the start of the men's 100-metre butterfly Australian...

And what if I don't win?

Do you think you can?

I don't know.


Say it.

I can win.


Then get stuck into it.

Thanks for being here.

Of course.

This is the final call...


Man: OK, boys, line up. Time to go.


Man over PA: Ladies and gentlemen, would you please welcome the entries for the men's 100-metre butterfly championship of Australia!

In lane 8, representing New South Wales, Chris Labert.

Swimming lane 7, from New South Wales, Stephen White.

From Western Australia, in lane...

Commentator: ..100 metres butterfly and the Australian championship up for grabs.

Some familiar faces in there.

Hayden Lewis, lane number 5...


..who's the current Australian champion.

Come on, Danny boy.

In lane number 6 is 17-year-old Daniel Kelly, a newcomer to the butterfly.


Come on, boy!

Commentator: This is a big opportunity for Daniel Kelly, but he has to overcome Hayden Lewis.

Set for a start.


And they're away.

A trademark start for Hayden Lewis - very fast off the blocks and up stroking very quickly.

Commentator: Just qualified, from Western Australia, Anthony Risardi is in lane 4.

They make their way...

Come on, Danny. Come on.

Commentator: This is a fast 25.

Daniel Kelly staying with him at this stage.

Kelly, his return coming up.

Turn at the 50-metre mark and it's a fast time.

Go, Danny!

Barracuda! Barracuda!

Come on, Danny!

Barracuda! Barracuda! Barracuda!

Come on, Danny! Go! Go, Danny!


Commentator: But here comes Kelly, the 17-year-old from Victoria!

Will he take the title?

Oh, have a look at that. Just!

That's gonna go back to the referee...

Daniel Kelly...


Commentator: Daniel Kelly OVER the Australian champion.

No times on the board yet.

Still waiting for confirmation of how quick that swim was.

Ladies and gentlemen, a world record.

The kid from Victoria, Danny Kelly.

You broke the world record!

You crazy son of a bitch!


You did it. You f*cking did it!

I did it for you.

Whoo! You legend! (LAUGHS)

Commentator: Have a look at the excitement on the pool deck.

The young man has a world record.

Ladies and gentlemen, you've just seen a sensational effort at the Australian National swimming titles...

A world record, Daniel Kelly.

17 years of age from Victoria and there's a lot more to come.

Crowd: Barracuda! Barracuda!...

Theo: Far out! Look at this place.


Oh, it's so nice of the Taylors to throw a party for you.

You know, we could have, but...

Mum, it's OK.

It's Wilco's party too.

Please, come in.

Simon, Simon Taylor.

Neal Kelly. Nice to meet you.

Very pleased to meet you, Neal.


Hello, Theo.


Hello, Regan.

Oh, hello. Stephanie.

Of course.

We're all so excited for you.

It's massive, a massive achievement!

If there's anything I can do for you, you let me know, OK?

OK. Sure, thanks.


So proud!

Neal, hello.



Really proud of...

This is Regan, my sister.

I mean, we were crying.

We were screaming, we were crying.

Hi, Mrs Taylor.

Oh, Danny!

I wanted to tell you, I watched your race.

It was flawless - every stroke, every decision.

Look, there's heaps of time till Sydney. Martin can get in next year.


Martin could never do what you did.

It breaks my heart to say it, but he doesn't have it in him.

You and I both know that.

Excuse me.

You know, the old lady's right - this does taste better.

Borrow her for a second?


I'll be back.

So... worth slogging your guts out for?

Ah, yeah, I guess.

Where do you even go from here?

You've just won a world record.

I've got Commonwealth Games.

Danny! Have you seen the bathroom?

There's two showers.

Don't go stickybeaking!

I'm not! I had to pee.

Enjoy your party, OK?

Hey, Danny?

For you.

Oh, thanks.


Look at them all.

They are basking in your sunshine.

You could have anything you want right now.

I mean, who's gonna say no to you tonight?

Woman: Yeah. (LAUGHS)


Hey, Kelly.

Um, this is... Sorry, who are you?

Are you being serious?!



You know my name!

Lauren Mathieson.

I hear you're quite the star.

Kind of.

Look, what your mum said, she's wrong, OK?

Don't listen to it.

You get back into training, you'll still make the Commonwealth...

Don't worry about it.

Hey... give you the tour?


OK. See ya, Kelly.

You running away?

No, I'm just...

It was hot, so...

Sorry. I'll leave you alone.


Is that OK?

Keep kissing me.

How's the head this morning?



You know, one or two is fine, but you're still in training, so...


Are you gonna eat it or what?


Man: Mrs Kelly?


Hi, I'm Ben Whitter from the Victorian Institute of Sport.

Could I have a quick word with your son?

Sure, come on in!

It's OK, I'll only be quick.

I'm happy to do it out here.




Sorry to drop round unannounced.

I just wanted to congratulate you on your fantastic results at the nats.


We have a sponsorship program at the VIS - top staff, top facilities, state-of-the-art pool.

I'm already at the best in the world.

You are, but there's 10 others nipping at your heels, wanting to take that away from you.

I should know - they're at the VIS.

What about Mr Torma?

If you want to represent your country, if you want to be an Olympian, then you need us.

You have a good day.

This is the Barracuda. He just got into the Australian swim team.

You remember Lauren, yeah?


I think you're a once-in-a-generation swimmer.

I'm gonna talk to Ben Whitter about coaching me.

Have you spoken to Frank about it?

I'm the best athlete you've ever had.

And you are where you are because you have trained with me.

I couldn't have done this without my family.

You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself, Daniel.

All I wanted was for you to support me!

You and me at the Commonwealth f*cking Games.

It's Danny.

Referee: Ladies and gentlemen, the men's 100-metre butterfly.

Take your marks.