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01x08 - I Do, I Do

Posted: 07/16/16 07:52
by bunniefuu

I love it!

I love it!

Love it.

I love it.


Do I wanna know?

It's Jules.

She's had me rehearsing that line for a week.

For what?

I have no idea! All she'll say is: "All will be revealed--"

All will be revealed very soon. Here. Need you to sign that.

What is it?

I'm helping organize the fundraiser for the debate team.

This is a request for $75.

Gotta start our fundraising somewhere.

I take cash. (chuckling)

Is this where I say the line?

The what?

The line you've had me rehearsing for a week.

No, keep practicing. All will be revealed very soon.

(cell ringing)

I love it!

I love your enthusiasm.

How close are you? The client's almost here.

Yeah, I'm on my way. (doorbell ringing)

Got it!

[OK, good, because I want to go over a few things before he gets here.]

Mama needs some sugar, baby.



Oh, I missed you!

I missed you too.

[Shade? Shade?]

Buongiorno, mi amore!

(loud kissing)

Shade? Did you get all that?


You're back early. A month early.

My agent called. There's this new morning show and they're looking for a host. Ta da!

Hi, Don.

Hi, sweetie. Good to see you.

You too.

You smell amazing.

Like a summer wind in Tuscany?

Or a mimosa off the southern coast of Portugal?

No, I think it's more like prosciutto.

I've got a 10-pound leg in my bag.

Ha ha!

It's enough food to feed us for weeks.


Didn't Jules tell you? I'll only be here until my renters move out of my condo. Pinky promise.

Yeah, so Dad, you know how I said all would be revealed? Now.

I love it.



(distant sirens wailing)

I think my wife Karen has been targeted by a stalker.

You said over the phone her car was broken into.

Last week. She told me not to worry about it.

She's probably right. There are thousands of break-ins in the city every year.

Except they didn't take anything.

Then a couple of nights ago, I see a man across the street.

He's just standing there, like he's watching the house.

Did you get a good look?

By the time I got my glasses on, he was gone.

And then the next morning I see scratches on the lock on the back door.

But nothing was missing or out of place.

Not that I could see.

What does your wife say?

I haven't told her.

Karen's got a lot on her plate. She's VP of Strategy at Halcyon Lifestyles.

I know that company.

They do athletic apparel and accessories?

She divides her time between the Toronto and Chicago offices.

Right now she's in the middle of a major product launch.

I'm lucky to see her three days a week.

My hope is I'm just being paranoid here.

We'll look into it for you. I will need the key to your house.

Of course.

I'd rather Karen didn't know, so I just have one request.

(door opening)

Hey. Uh, sorry I'm late.

I had a doctor's appointment.

Prostate... but I'm good.

We'll be discreet.

♪♪ I see you and you see me ♪
♪ Watch you blowin' the lines when you're making a scene ♪
♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪
♪ What my head overlooks ♪
♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪
♪ When it's watching for lies ♪
♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you, watching you, watching you ♪


So this is us getting in the mind of our adversary, the stalker?

Why stand here?

After midnight? Maybe I'm waiting for someone...

Or walking the dog.

Smoking a cigarette without my wife finding out.

Or... casing the house.

Adam and Karen are easy targets.

Their house is empty most of the day.

Plenty of loot here to steal.

How is Karen's car connected to casing the house?

A smash and grab seems like a different class of bad guy.

New cars have immobilizer systems.

Maybe he was after the car keys.

Well, why break into the car first?

And at her workplace...

Better question: why does Karen have two smoke detectors?

Within five feet of each other?

Is that...?

Wireless. And it can transmit to a DVR up to a mile away.

Nothing says "I'm stalking you" like a hidden camera.


Was taking it out a good idea?

The battery's dead.

Whoever was using it isn't using it anymore.

It doesn't make sense. If I'm a peeping tom, I'm placing this where I can watch her apply all-over moisturizer. You know what I'm saying?

Disturbing, but true. So why the home office?

Didn't her husband say she was heading up a new product launch?

It could be corporate espionage.

Spying on the VP of Strategy would be a good way to pick up some insider info.

Yeah, but how do we get on the inside to prove that theory?

And stay discreet...

According to her husband, Karen does have a problem saying "no."

What are you doing?

Here. Put these on.


So your 90s fans don't recognize you.

I'm hoping to write an article about you

for WorkChick magazine.

I'll say yes if you can answer one question for me, Angie.

Fire away.

Have you been liberated?

I sure have.

It's what they call their store clerks.

You've done your homework.

You train your liberators to bring out the "real you" in your customers. WorkChick wants to bring out the "real" Karen Boyd.

This will tell you everything you need to know about me.

The bracelet?

The Blisslet. It releases vitamins directly into the system, custom tailored to the active female body. Every girl could use a little boost, whether it's in the boardroom or the bedroom.

Amen, sister. (chuckling)

Those must be some kind of vitamins.

Probably tough to keep other corporations from stealing your thunder.

The Blisslet launches in less than 48 hours, after years of R&D.

The thunder will be all ours.

(cell buzzing)

Don't run away, we have so much to talk about.

If this is about keeping corporate secrets, I pity the spy who tries to go through Karen Boyd to get them.

They'll end up working for her.

They'll be "liberated."

Karen wanted you to have this.

Oh! When did she--

She just texted me.

I know; it's freaky. She's an amazing multi-tasker.

How is it working for her?


She's an over-achieving virtuoso.

Can't be easy keeping up.

Doesn't mean you don't have to try. I want her life.

Yeah, but you don't get to the top without making some enemies, am I right?

Even Jesus had enemies.

But Karen Boyd is loved by every soul in this company.

You can quote me on that. Paul Delfino, CEO.


The rumours are true.

(whispering): She never sleeps.

Can I take this? I mean, is this a bribe?

I want to take this.

Live large, Everett.

I like you two. So I want to feed you.



Angie whispering: It's Adam!

I'll handle it. Hey!

We don't want to intrude. Looks like you've got a hot date--

It's not intruding if I invited you.

Do you want to know who these lovely people are?

Only if you need me to.

Isn't he the best?

He trusts me completely. How couldn't I?

It was love at first sight.

When I stole his t-shirt back in high school.

He had no idea.

Oh, I knew.

No, you didn't.

I'm Angie, this is Matt. We're journalists.

Adam Renfro.


You're doing a story on my remarkable wife?

Trying to. I'm not sure my camera has the shutter speed to be able to keep up with her.

They must have seen my heart rate slip below 150.

A conference call got rescheduled to right now.

She's like a hummingbird. Never stops.

Email my assistant Laura with any follow-up questions.

It was double-exciting to meet the both of you.

Your hummingbird will see you in a few days, Mr. Renfro.

What didn't you understand about "be discreet"?

Our cover's still good.

Did you find anything at the house?

We're not sure yet.

What does that mean?

Is it a stalker or is it not?

We don't know enough about your wife yet. We need more time.

Then you better hurry.

Her flight to Chicago leaves at six o'clock tonight.

Learn what you can before she gets on that plane.


Karen Boyd seems to have it all figured out.

Queen of the corporate jungle.

And mistress of her domain.

Speaking of her domain, explain to me why we didn't tell our client about the camera?

What if Adam planted it himself?

Why would he do that?

I'm not sure yet.

Solid theory.

There she is.

(shutter clicking)

(car engines starting)


You sure he didn't say he'd cover our expenses to Chicago?

You're really into this case, Shade.

It's almost like you don't want to go home. Ever.

All right. Let's have it.

Well, you're never late.

So it must have been something big.

I was at the doctor.

You smell like a cross between Italian deli meat and Tuscan sun. My best guess: you had a torrid one-night stand with your butcher.

My ex-wife just got back from Italy.

That was my second guess.

So that was her this morning, when you hung up on me?

Yep. She decided to surprise us a month early.

The terminal's in the other direction...

She's not going to the terminal.

So why's she at an airport?

Uh... whose car is that?

No idea.

Meet the new Karen Boyd.

Version 2.0.

(shutter clicking)

(car engine starting)

(radio tuning)

♪ You ♪
♪ You ♪

Definitely not headed to Chicago.

No. Maybe she wants a break from the rat race?

Without her husband?

Doesn't sound so bad to me.

She's your ex-wife. It's not like she's living with you.

That's exactly what it's like.

Before she left town, Becca sublet her condo.

She can't get back in for a month, so she's staying with us.

Why didn't you tell her to get a hotel?

She reached out to Jules first and Jules invited her to stay.

A rock and a hard place.

We've been divorced for over 10 years, but it's like I step back in time every time I see her.

Jules must be happy her mom's home.

Not that you weren't doing a pretty good job on your own.

You really think so?

Looked that way from the outside.

Of course, you can't tell much about any relationship from the outside.

Is there trouble in Nolan paradise?

Where is she going?

You're dodging the question, Everett.

Nolan and I aren't in a relationship.

We are in an adult arrangement.

Very technical.

What's the problem? Are you afraid to commit?

Why did Becca cut her trip short?

She's hosting a new morning show.

Weather girl to morning show host. Impressive career move.

Oh, you may recall I did a background check on you.

The weather girl and the hockey player.

I guess she melted your icy heart.

Actually, I was the one that did the wooing.



What line did you use to close the deal?

You won't be able to focus on driving.

Try me. Melt my icy heart.

Anyone who thinks only sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.

It's a little smarmy.



Did you?

Ever take her dancing in the rain?

Actually, that's how I proposed.

So many layers to Matt Shade.

And so little time.

Eyes front, Everett.


That does not look like business.

I'd like to revise my corporate espionage theory.

Hello, my sexy wife.


Karen Boyd...

Has two husbands.

Stealing mail's a crime.

Yeah, so is bigamy.

We need to tell Adam.

Technically, he hired us to find out if his wife had a stalker. Not another husband.

Say we were married...

Have you thought about this?

Hypothetically speaking. Wouldn't you want to know about this?

Schrodinger's cat.

Did you just call me fat?

What? No. Schrodinger's cat.

I'm only messing with you.

It's a thought experiment with a cat in a box with some poison.

I know what it is. How do you?

Any guy who's ever spent any time in a bar with his buddies talking about women knows about Schrodinger's cat.

Yeah. Don't open the box, the cat can be alive or dead at the same time. But it's a flawed experiment.

Why is that?

Because someone always opens the box.

You know what you're saying, right? Curiosity k*lled the cat.

(chuckling) Well, only half the time.

The other half of the time the cat's still alive, but is that your reality or the cat's--

Just get in the car, Shade!

OK, yeah.


Becca: It's unbelievable!

What's going on?

Mom, is there anything you need?

Yeah. Some respect.

I've never seen her quite like this.

You were never married to her.

I was West Coast Weather Girl of the Year... twice.

What am I walking into here?

They told Mom that she needs to audition.

Tell him what else.

And that she has to audition with actresses.

And models. Models!

Can you believe that?

No. That's unbelievable.

They asked me to do a cattle call.

I'm a meteorologist.

Jules, isn't it bedtime for you?

It is a school night.

Yeah. You coming up?

In a minute, babe.


Night, honey.

Night, sweetie.

I'm, uh... I'm gonna bench myself on this one.

You got it.

Take it easy.

So when is this audition?

Cattle call. I shouldn't have come back.

You still drinking reds?

Until they can make a Chardonnay taste--

Taste like a Shiraz.

I remember.

I really thought I was ready for this, Matt.

I think I've been Channel Three weather girl for so long now that I just don't know how to be anyone else.

Please. Becca D'Orsay's gonna let a bunch of actresses stop you from being whoever you want to be?

I don't think so.

Actresses and models...

Back when I was being an asshat and trying to keep my hockey career going, you were always there for Jules.

You were supermom.

And sexy weathergirl.

There you go, Channel Three.

"So if you forget your raincoat..."

"...Don't forget to wear your smile."

You're gonna bury the competition.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'll see you in the morning, Shadow.

My guy at the Department of Health came through.

Karen and Ben were married in Vermont three years ago.

She's legally married to two guys?

Not legally, only technically. If the cops found out her name was on two licenses, she could be charged.

Don't even mention Schrodinger.

OK, so... Thursday to Saturday she's with Ben, while Adam thinks she's in Chicago. Then Sunday to Wednesday she's with Adam, while Ben thinks she's in Chicago.

She drops the Lexus off at the airport and switches it for the Jeep. Why the car change?

Probably to get into character?

She's a different woman with both of them. Ben works with his hands.

He designs his own furniture. Adam is the wealthy bull of Bay Street. Confident, successful...

How does she keep it all straight? The smallest detail could trip her up.

I don't know. Might be nice to have another life to retreat to.

It's a cop-out. You're given one life. Master that.

(cell dinging)

Who's that? Your other boyfriend?

I asked Maz to do a background check on Ben Fisk.

Turns out he has a record.

Misdemeanor battery 10 years ago.

Then three years ago, trespass and as*ault.

Oh. I wonder what our hot-blooded artisan would do if he found out about the wealthy bull of Bay Street?

He might have followed her the same way we did.

Might have broken into her car to confirm his suspicions.

Comes into the city, he has a temper...

He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would plant a camera.

We should still check it out.

What are you doing?

I am ordering you a rocking chair, custom made by Ben Fisk.

I don't need a rocking chair. My knees aren't that bad.

I'm sure Paul Bunyan will help you choose the wood.

You're sending me in alone? What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna spend some quality time with our client.

Because if Ben could have figured out about Adam...

...Adam could have figured out about Ben.



Hey, I'm Matt Shade.

My wife called about the rocking chair.

Ben Fisk. Honoured. I love the way you played hockey.

Glad I never had to go into the corners with you.

Do you rip the trees out of the ground with your bare hands?

Listen, I've got some northern white cedar.

Pretty much matches everything. Keep the wife happy.

My wife's a real estate agent. I had to marry her quick.

She's always on the go.

Yeah, mine's nonstop too.

I get to see her maybe three times a week.

I hear ya.

You know, I think the real reason my wife wants me in a rocking chair is to calm me down. Keep my temper in check.

Must have been tough to give up the game, huh?

Yeah, it was.

Hi. Do you see that man over there?

I need to give him a message.

(classical music plays)

Thank you for doing this--

Oh, sure.

Excuse me.

Oh, my God. It is you.

Excuse me?

It's me. Angie.

I don't know you.

You're not Jessica Alderham?

Beth. Rowatt.

Oh! You look exactly like a girl I went to summer camp with.

Pretty crazy. Um...

But apparently she has a twin. Sorry to bother you.


We may not know each other, but I do love camping.


Everything OK?

Yeah, yeah. Sorry.

You take it to the edge every day for so long, you know, and then you have to go cold turkey.

What's really hard is managing the intensity, 'cause that never goes away.

I hear you.

Seems like heaven here, though.

What's there to get stressed about?

Now, nothing.

But I was different back in the day.

What'd you get into?

I had a dispute with my neighbour about the property line between his land and mine. Doesn't sound that serious.

It wasn't... until I stepped over the line.

You step over the line in hockey, the worst you can get is a game misconduct.

Well, the cops were involved.

Almost cost me everything.

You still have trouble controlling your temper?

No. I have ways to express myself.

So what changed you? Nothing personal, but maybe I can avoid the rocking chair.

What changed me was Karen.

I, uh... I was a mess.

Probably still would be if she wasn't in my life.

She taught me not to sweat the small stuff.

Made me a better man.

She must be some kinda woman.

So... do you deliver to the city?

As needed, yeah. I was there last week visiting a friend.

He has a forge.

I'm making a ring for Karen for our next anniversary.

You're forging her a ring?

She re-arranged my molecules. If you're lucky, it sounds like your wife could do the same for you.

Ben has no idea he's husband number two.

And we can't tell him. It would be like sh**ting a really big puppy between the eyes.

Adam's lunch companion, Beth Rowatt, is a senior partner at a big divorce firm.

So Adam hired us to get dirt on Karen, so she can't touch his assets in a settlement?

The bull of Bay Street doesn't need any more money.

So what's his motive?

Those guys never have enough, and they hate to get burned.


Adam and Karen can't keep their hands off each other.

Do they seem like a couple on the verge of divorce?

No divorce I've ever seen or been a part of.

Home, work, husband times two.

The woman has it all. You can't have it all.

At least, not when everything's built on lies.

I wouldn't bet against Karen Boyd. She's got something figured something out.

But who's got her figured out?

Apart from her two husbands, who knows the most about Karen Boyd?

Adam and Ben only get Karen three days a week.

But her work husband gets her for five.

We'd love a little background info on how you and Karen met.


I was fighting my way up the corporate ladder, and developing an ulcer. Karen was my yoga instructor.

Her energy, her outlook on life... it completely changed me. Soon after we met, I left the financial world, started Halcyon and brought her with me.

And now you're here, launching a breakthrough lifestyle product around the world.

Simultaneously in 80 markets, in less than...

24 hours. With Karen Boyd out front.

Sounds like she's about to become the face of your company.

How do you feel about that? I would have it no other way.

Karen is the hardest-working person I have ever met.

She deserves to take full credit for this.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have another meeting.

Just one thing. Her car. It was broken into on company property.

What does that have to do with the article?

Can you think of anyone that was upset with Karen? Jealous, maybe?

Like I said, Karen's respected by everyone around here. You can write that.

The break-in had nothing to do--

She's had four assistants in the last 18 months.

Karen is a generous but demanding boss.

We're very similar that way. But I think she's left on good terms with all of them.

Great. Thanks for your time.

Hey, listen. I don't want this to colour your article at all, but I did hear Laura, Karen's current assistant, shouting at her recently.

The argument sounded pretty heated.


Maybe seeing Karen have it all was too much for Laura.

The overworked, underpaid assistant discovers her boss's secret life and decides to blackmail her?

She could have asked for a blank cheque.

Except she didn't. Karen would have told us.

It's right in front of us, but we can't see it.

Maybe Karen isn't telling us everything.

I could say the same thing about you two.

Reporters for WorkChick, huh?

Ben says hello... Shadow.

Yeah, he's a big fan.

What say we all put our cards on the table?

Good idea. You're not journalists, so who hired you and why?

Your husband.

Can you be more specific?

Adam. He was concerned about you, after the break-in.

Cars get broken into all the time.

It is so sweet that he has you two keeping an eye on me.

Just go back and tell him everything's fine.

I don't think we can do that.

We found a camera hidden in your home office.

We tracked the IP address. It was anonymous and impossible to tie to one user.

It was recording me?

Is it possible that Adam found out about Ben? Maybe he overheard a phone call from your home office?

No way.

He was meeting with a divorce lawyer.

You mean Beth? Adam was meeting with her to get advice on a living will.

We're both in high-stress jobs. He wants to make sure we're taken care of. And the fight with Laura?

She asked for a day off. I refused. We're in pre-launch.

But she apologized afterwards.

Are you sure that's all it is? Someone planted that camera.

Why don't you just come out and ask me?

Ask you what?

Why I married two men.

Let's ask her.

Not interested.

It's impossible to believe that I could love two people?

I find it easy to believe that you're lying to two people.

Who doesn't lie in a relationship?

She does have a point.

The best thing you could do right now is just convince Adam that everything is fine. Super-fine.

Maybe the best thing we can do is tell our client the truth.

It would destroy him. And me.

I don't even know how I would say goodbye to Adam.

What about Ben?


Just leave us alone.

(cell buzzing)


Hey, darling.

I'm on the 14th floor, looking out straight down Michigan Avenue at the water.

Aw, miss you, too.

Yeah. The Magnificent Mile isn't so magnificent without you.

Are we wrong?

Is everything actually super-fine?

They seem happy.

Maybe ignorance is bliss.

You don't believe that.

Not for a second.


Are you OK?

I think so...

What happened?

A man came out of nowhere.

Grabbed my briefcase!

I wish I'd gotten a better look, but it all happened so fast.

What were you doing when he came at you?

I was on the phone with Adam, and Laura was on hold.

Which rules them out as suspects.

You just came from work. Ring, necklace, watch.

All that bling on display...

But the thief took your briefcase.

What was so special about it?

Nothing, really. It was a gift from Adam.

Just some marketing one-sheets for the launch.

First they search your car, made it look like a smash and grab.

Then they plant a camera in your home office.

Now they come after you. Whoever it is, they're getting nervous.

They're gonna keep looking. Assuming they don't find what they want in your briefcase.

So what are they looking for, Karen?

I have no idea.

I swear on both my husbands.


And that is a Ciao Taco... miraculously combining the mystery of Mexico with the sensuality of the Tuscan countryside.


You know, I bet none of the models can spell Tuscany, let alone use it as an inspiration for their audition.



Well? It's a flavour expl*si*n, am I right?

I'm hoping it's the only expl*si*n I'm having tonight.

Grandpa! (laughing)

This is good, Mom. Oh, delicious.


I think you're onto something with those tacos.

Yeah? Did you really like them?

Are you kidding me? I would've had a fourth if Dad hadn't beat me to it.

Speaking of which, remind me to check his pulse before I go to bed.

Jules barely noticed I was gone.

You know that's not true.

I don't know.

You've really stepped up.

Taken on the role of Dad.

It's not a role. I am her Dad.

Yeah, now. But back then...

Yeah, let's not do "back then," OK?

I'm just saying you've changed, Matt.

It's kind of unsettling.

With this P.I. thing... that just came out of nowhere.

Yeah, it did.

And you like it? I mean, you want to make this your career?

I already have.

It can't be paying the bills.

You'll still get your monthly cheque, if that's what you're worried about.

I'm not. I'm just surprised, that's all.

You expected me to screw up.

Well, let's just say I didn't expect the first call asking me to come back from Europe to be from my agent. I thought it would be from you, asking me to cut it short and come back and take care of Jules.

Sorry to disappoint.

But instead, she's thriving at Ellard, you have this brand new career, and Don says gorgeous boss...

I mean...

It's like you have this whole other life that I know nothing about.

Whole other life...



Angie! Angie!

Did I give you a key?

Yeah, you did.

Was I drinking?


OK. Now, I assume you had a blow-up with the ex.

You can use the couch as long as you make coffee in the morning--

No, no. I figured it out. Sort of. I don't know what the bad guys want, but I know why they can't find it.

Because it's under my pillow?

Because they're looking in the wrong place. The stalker broke into Karen's Lexus -- in Life A. Then planted a camera at Karen and Adam's house -- still in Life A.

Then they stole her work briefcase, a gift from Adam, which also lives in Life A.

So what's the one place they haven't looked?

Life B. Because they don't know about Ben.

What does that mean?

It means I'm putting on some clothes, Shade.


We need to stop looking. Ben will be home soon.

I was so sure it'd be here.

Is there anything you keep only in this house?

Or in the Jeep?

No. There's nothing.

It could be something you picked up by mistake.

Something innocuous?

A few weeks ago after a meeting, Paul asked me if I'd taken his flash drive.

And did you?

No. I checked everywhere.

Do you remember what you did after work that day?

It was a "Ben" night. I met him for dinner at a country inn.

I was late. I didn't want to stop at the airport to switch cars, so I took a car service and changed on the way.

Is this Paul's?

Could be. We made 1000 of them.

Only one way to find out.

What's this?

A research report.

This is a risk analysis.

"Possible side effects include dizziness, cardiac arrhythmia, neurological damage..."

Sounds like my hockey career.


"An increased likelihood of developing ovarian cancer."

There must be some mistake.

We've been testing this product for years.

You've never seen these documents before?


You sure about that?

"I recommend proceeding with the launch of the Blisslet despite the risks, as it's more cost-effective than to recall our existing inventory." Look.

That's not my signature. You have to believe me.

The Blisslet is a dud.

And someone wants you to take the fall for it.

I didn't do it. Paul set me up.

When you swapped drives, you got the evidence, which is why he broke into your car, planted a camera in your house. He was your stalker.

Your signature on the memo was insurance in case somebody found out about the report.

How did I miss this?!

OK, just focus. We're talking about people's lives here.

You need to tell the truth--

The truth about what?

The truth about global warming.

Because it just got a lot warmer in here.

Shadow. The chair's not done yet.

That your wife?

Technically... not exactly.

Karen, what's going on here?

I'm not who you think I am.

My life is falling apart.

OK, what just happened here?

Did we just break up this marriage?

Karen's not answering. Maybe she told Ben everything.

We've got about an hour until Blisslet launches live to millions around the world.

If we leak the story, Karen will go down for sure.

It'll ruin all her lives.

But if we don't, people could die.


Unless we can figure out a way to make Paul Delfino admit what he did, how he set her up.

I know you've already got a plan, so I'll just get my coat.


Hey. Are you as excited about this as I am?

I can safely say I'm more excited than you, Paul.

I've been looking everywhere for that bad boy. Where was it?

Wrong question. What are we going to do about it?

Love to hear your thoughts. After all, they got us here.

Stopping the product launch would be a good start.

Followed up by pulling all the inventory off the shelves.

That would cost the company a fortune. It would cr*pple us.

On the other hand -- the only hand that matters -- we won't have harmed anyone.

Paul, you know I'm right.

You've read the risk analysis report.

The numbers say it's more cost effective to launch and roll the dice on any insurance claims against the product.

Three percent of test users suffered serious side effects.

I'll take those odds. And so will you, since it's your signature on the memo approving the roll-out.

You know I didn't sign that memo.

I do. But unless you want to commit career su1c1de and possibly risk jail time, I suggest you go out and start the live streaming presentation.

And let me enjoy the show.

Actually, the show started five minutes ago.

You know, it's true. The camera does add 10 pounds. Look!

...cost the company a fortune, Karen. cr*pple us.

On the other hand -- the only hand that matters -- we won't have harmed anyone. Paul, you know I'm right.

You've read the risk analysis report.

The numbers say it's more cost-effective to launch and roll the dice against any insurance claims against the product.

Three percent of test users suffered harmful side effects!

I'll take those odds. And so will you, since it's your signature on the memo approving the roll-out.

You know I didn't sign that memo.

You did this to me.

Afraid not, Paul. This is one thing Karen can't take credit for.

Don't worry. He can't get far.

I want to thank you for helping me discover the truth.

Now, time for damage control.

I know you're all shocked by what you just witnessed.

But let me assure you, from this point forward, we will put all of our resources into the Blisslet 2.0 -- which we will launch only when it is absolutely ready.

I vowed to never be anything but the "real" me, and that continues to be my promise.

You know, she might be a dirty, dirty liar... but somehow I believe her when she says she's gonna clean this place up.

That is definitely a hint of admiration I hear in your voice, Everett.

No, I'm just thirsty.

Congratulations! I heard your speech went viral.

Of course it did. It's gonna be bigger than the Nae Nae, thanks to you two crime fighters.

I heard the Board of Directors named you interim CEO and head of R&D for Blisslet 2.0.

Honesty does pay.

Your fee.

Thank you.

I told you there was something going on.

Yes, you did. And you saved me.

Warm up the car, darling. I'll be out in a moment.

I promise.

Thank you for taking such good care of her.

Oh, look at my men. I'm the luckiest woman on earth.

Speaking of which, Ben also says thank you.

I told him to cancel the rocking chair.

Yin and yang.

Like Ben and me.

He said seeing the two of you together inspired him.

(cell buzzing)

Which life is that?

Don't you remember your Whitman?

"I am large, I contain multitudes."

Hello, handsome.

No, the Magnificent Mile isn't so magnificent without you.

Think she'll change a thing?

Not a chance.

You look like you've been drinking the Karen Kool-Aid.

You ready for a second wife, Shade?

I couldn't afford the alimony. What about you, Everett?

Hmm, only if both husbands do dishes, laundry and taxes, in that order.

That wasn't a no.

It wasn't a yes.

Are you sure?

(cells buzzing)

both: I should take this--

Hey, Becca.

Hey, Nolan.


I saved you a spoon.

That's the best offer I've had all day.

Sounds like a tough one.

Maybe I should have a talk with your boss lady.

I'm kidding.

It's quiet in here.

Too quiet.

Don took Jules to see the Bulletproof...

Boyscouts? You can't keep that guy away from a K-pop concert.

Wait. Is this the infamous "ice cream celebration"?

I made the short list!

Of course you did.

And you helped me.

I'm not sure how I helped you make the short list.

Mm-hmm. I sat in that casting call today, surrounded by all these amazing-looking and accomplished women, and I just wanted to run and hide.

But I didn't.

Instead, I remembered to wear my smile.

And when they called my name, I walked right into that room and I knew that I was the only one they needed to see.

So thank you for that.

♪ This is not about us ♪
♪ This is not about us ♪

Becca, I have a whole other life now...

I don't mind.

Watch a new episode of Private Eyes, next Thursday on Global.

I was lying in bed thinking about the case.

Well I like where this is going so far.

Announcer: A fugitive disappears without a trace...

Okay so first he's smuggling artifacts and now dr*gs?

She loved our audition!

Announcer: .. and Shade's past love presents a new opportunity.

This would be our own show.


Announcer: But will his choices tear the partnership apart?

I'll make it easy for you.

In or out?