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01x01 - Episode #1.1

Posted: 07/15/16 07:50
by bunniefuu


Man: (OVER PA) Junior school house drama auditions will be held in the NPC during lunch time. A reminder that sign-up sheets for Saturday sports will be posted outside the recreation centre for the remainder of the week.


Places will be given on a first-in, best-dressed basis. Year 9 choir will be...

Hey, you're new?



Danny Kelly, Year 11.

Right. Kelly, Year 11s, down the hall on the left. March! And fix that tie!

OK, let's make a start. Can you open your textbooks, please, to Chapter 7 - w*r: Europe And The Pacific. It's on page 215.

Ah, the new recruit. Kelly?


Glad you found us, son. Please take a seat. And it's, "Uh-huh, sir."

OK. Jus ad bellum. It's a phrase you might have heard on the news. Anyone? Taylor?

I don't watch the news, sir. It rots the brain.

Rots the brain? Mm. Those who ignore the lessons of history are...

All: Condemned to repeat them.

Well said.

Well, how about you, Kelly, were you familiar with jus ad bellum from your previous school?

We didn't have Italian, so...

OK, thank you!

It's Latin for 'a just w*r', sir.

Yes, Tran. It's the legal theory behind a just w*r, what conditions are required to declare a w*r.


Jus ad bellum?

Gilbert's a bit of a d*ck, but he's OK.

What's Torma like?

Mr Torma?

I tend to keep out of his way.

It's fine for you, you're a jock.

I'm supposed to meet him.

They'll know where he is.


Hey, Taylor.

I'm Danny Kelly.

You guys are the swim team, yeah?

Yeah. Why?

He's the newbie.


Martin Taylor.

I saw you in the Under-16s at Geelong. Crushed it, man.


So what do you swim, Dino?

100 free.

Ah, like him and him, and me.

AND me.

Yeah, but you're shit.


You guys know where Torma is?

I should probably tell him I'm here.

Swim Centre.

Where else?



So then, how do you think the w*r would have influenced the art of poets and musicians?

Don't ask Dino, sir.

He only knows about - doof, doof, doof, doof!

OK, thank you. Thank you.

Anyone else?


Tsitsas knows, exactly. Absolutely.

I honestly don't.


Shh! Torma.

I need to see Danny Kelly.

Hello to you too, Mr Torma.

OK. Go on, up you get.

Almighty sport beckons.

Not you boys. Stay where you are, I'll see you later. Just this one.

Thank you, Mr Gilbert.

So... here it is.

Use your words, Kelly.


I had the whole thing redesigned.

It's the same pool Daniel Kowalski swims in.

Sound good?

Yeah, Mr Torma.

"Yes, Coach".

Yes, Coach.

You know, we've been a top swimming school for over 100 years - schoolboy champions, state champions, record holders.

This is where the best come to swim.

You think you can be part of that?

Yes, Coach.


We're going to see.

Go and get changed, and get in the water.

Not bad. Come on. Out, please.

Stand over here.

I want to show you something.

When you're lifting your arm up in the water, I want you to come up from here, from the back, from your shoulder.

So, up. Yeah, like this.

Hard for me because of injury, but from here.

You create one lever, alright?

Your hand, your wrist and your forearm.

OK, so from here, soft hands and pull through.

Again. That's it - from the back.


Hey, where you been?

Sorry, sir, we got held back.

Bullshit, Wilco!

It's true.

Mr Gilbert wouldn't let us go.

I don't care. Hurry up!

OK, listen to me.

Try that in here, alright?

From here up.

Nice bathers, Dino. Love the colour.

I might get some myself.

Did your mum get them at Target?

Or the op shop?

Torma: You're having a joke, huh?

Everyone telling jokes.

You telling jokes, Scooter?

You want to hear a joke? I got one.

Last year, we lost the 4 by 100 relay at the school championships in Albury.

But I know that you know this, because you are the only team in the history of this school to achieve such a feat, the only team to lose the relay.


Why you not laughing, hm?

How does this make you feel?

Like shit?

Well, it should.

Now stop f*cking around and get on the blocks.

And to add to this, you have the Under-16 freestyle champion leading you off, and you still couldn't win.

So we are to going to lose at Albury in the relay again, are we?

Boys: No, Coach.

Are we?!

No, Coach!

So you've got to notice, I've got five of you on the blocks.

And how many does it take for a relay, Tsitsas?

Four, Coach.


So who's it going to be?

Who's going to step up over the next three weeks and demand to be in this team?

Who's going to win us back the gold at Albury, because make no mistake, this is not a f*cking game.

You want to play a game, you go out into the field and you play the Aussie rules.

This is swimming.


200, max effort, on my mark.



Well done, Taylor - 1st place.

Good work, Kelly - 2nd place.

Very close.


That went better.

Better. Scooter... you're not kicking.

Did you forget to kick today?


I need you to kick, OK?

And you... I give you 500, you don't look at yourself in the mirror today.


You swam well as well, Martin.


Kelly, he almost beat you.

Look at me.

You have been coasting, son.

Yeah, Coach.


Well, let me tell you something.

You either buckle down or that kid, he's going to eat you alive.

Tsitsas, what are you doing?

Get out of the shower.

So, you like the pool?

It's awesome.

Must be nice for someone like you, not to have to dodge all the bandaids and condoms and shit.


Oh, sorry, man.

Didn't see you there.

Why do you take it, huh?


They laugh at you.

Why? 'Cause you're a wog.

I'm a wog.

Doesn't bother me.


You can't bullshit to me.

You always answer back after an insult, son.

An insult is an attack.


And I'm going to tell you something.

I want you to listen.

These boys here, they're not your mates.

You're a threat to them.

Give it back.

And you almost beat the state championship today.

Do you know what that means?

It means you're not here just to make up the numbers.

It means you can be the best.

But if I can see that, those boys can see it too.


Come on, Regan.

Can I get you a glass of water?

Ah, yep. Thanks.

Hey, Theo.


You done your words?

Too hard. I'll do my maths.

Your words, Theo. You don't give up if something's hard.

So how was your first day?


Get off!


I want my own desk.

I know, I know.

So how was it?

Good... and bad, but then good again.

What do you mean?

Mr Torma's amazing.

He did this one small correction on my stroke, and I swam, like, a second faster.


I need to get the school swimmers.

That's why he won five national titles.

And he thinks I can be top in the squad.



I knew that!

Look at my boy!

Hey, Dad.

I thought you weren't coming back this week.

I made up time.

Thanks, honey.

So this is the famous uniform?

No, leave it on -

I want the full experience.

Come on, Dad.

Come on, give us a twirl.

Not a chance.

Doesn't a man get to see what his money's paying for?

You're not paying a cent of it!

He won a scholarship.

It didn't pay for a new uniform though, did it?

Oh, you wanted him to stand out?

So what's this fancy school like?


I'm a bit overwhelmed by the level of detail.

It's a school, Dad.

Come on! Tell us about the pool.

Oh, it's incredible.



I came second to Martin Taylor.

State champion?


Oh! Martin Taylor.

State champion, huh?

Not for much longer, eh, son?

Hey, Dad, he looks pretty fancy in his private-school uniform.

Yeah, he's one of THEM now. (LAUGHS)





Are you hungry, do you want me to make you anything?

No, thanks, Mum.

I'm alright.

No, you sure?

I ate before I came.

Good. How's your mum?

Really good.



Thanks, Mrs Kelly.

Sorry about that.


So how is it?



They've got all these rules.

You have to march everywhere, like you're in the army.



Oh, my God!

No-one even calls you by your first name.

It's just "Kelly, do this.

Kelly, do that". God, I hate it.

So why go there?

I don't know.

It'll make me a better swimmer.

Thuc's party is on Friday.

Well, you can't train at night-time, psycho.

I have to train Saturday mornings.

Thuc asked me to ask you.

He wants you to come.

I want you to come.

Don't you want to come?

Coach said he'll make me a champion.

Yeah... a boring, lonely champion.

I don't care.

I'm going to be the best.


"I'm going to be the best!"


We had a great time in Park City.


I don't know.

I didn't find it as uptight as I thought it was going to be, and the kids loved those ski fields.



I'm Stephanie... Kelly.

I'm Daniel Kelly's mum.

Oh! He's the scholarship boy.

Hi. Samantha.

Hi, I'm Gabby.

Hi, I'm Kat.

And who is your boy?

Ah, I've got Martin, lane 2.

Martin, Martin Taylor?


Beautiful swimmer!

Danny and I, we couldn't keep our eyes off him at the state finals.

You were at the finals?

Yes, as spectators only.

Oh. Thank you.

I thought it was a good meet.

Oh, God. I thought it was atrociously organised.

That whole kerfuffle with the shuttle bus - we almost missed the heat.

I'm so glad you said that. Yes.

Anyway, I had a word to them.

I think it'll be better next year.


How long has Martin been swimming?

Competitively? Since he was ten.

Danny's been swimming since he was seven - all he thinks or talks about.

Coach Torma said, most swimmers, if they aren't champions by the age of 12, never will be.

He likes that quote.

Don't take it to heart.

I believe in my son.

Too many early mornings not to, eh?


Ah, Domi!

Latte o'clock, ladies.


That's me.

Sorry. We...

That's alright.

Great coffee, Domi.

Come on, go after it, boys!

Very good, boys. Good time.

Hey, Taylor, check out Dino's mum.

She's a babe.

Kelly, your mum has nice legs.


Alright, very good set.

Well done, boys.

One more?


What did you say?


Nothing (!) Tell me what you said!


'Cause he wants to do one more.

OK, we're not going to do one more.

We're going to do ten more, and you can thank the Scooter.

Line up.


Hey, Kelly!

Boys: Doof, doof, doof, doof...

Hey, Dino!

Was that your mum this morning?

She on TV?

She's a hairdresser.

SOMEONE'S got to cut hair.

Oh! That's nice.

She's cool, man.

Oh, most definitely!

No, you're lucky, man.

Your mum's hot.


I was just messing with you.


YOU'D do her.


Aw, Kelly, why are you crying?

Your mum's got GREAT tits.


Real funny, idiots.

Didn't think you knew how to use scissors, Scooter.

Boys: Ooh!

What did you say?

Piss off!

Luke: Danny, no!

You'll get expelled.

Tsitsas: Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, Dino!

What the hell is this?

What's going on?

Accident, sir.

I bet.

Tran, you OK?

Kelly hit me, sir!

Tsitsas, take Tran to the infirmary.

No, I will, sir.


You're straight to detention.

But, sir...

We don't tolerate thugs at this school, Kelly.

Now the rest of you, get changed for next period.

Yeah. f*cking show us! (LAUGHS)


f*cking Tran!

Come on, boy - 25 seconds to go.

Keep going.


I can't train today.

I don't know how it worked at your other school, but unless you have broken your arm, then you can swim.

I got detention.

I hit Scooter.

You can't swim, you can't be on the team.

Hey, I was just defending myself.

Scooter's been at me since I got here.

Hey, YOU said give it back.

And this is what you think I meant, to hit someone?


Go back to class.

You're off the team.

Come on, let's go. Keep going.

Where are you going?

It's a*t*matic suspension!

f*ck off, Luke.

Danny! You could get expelled.


Oh, wow.


What the hell's he doing here?


If it isn't Mr Private School Boy.

Yeah, yeah.

What's up YOUR arse?

Barbed wire, to keep you out.

(LAUGHS) What's going on?

How are you, man?

How're you doing?

It's good seeing you, man.

Oi! You missed a classic night.

Oh, yeah. Spaz was so wasted.

It was so funny.
How are you?

What's going on?


You off the diet?


Don't you have that schools championship in about, like, now?

Do you want to tell me about it?


I did beat the shit out of someone though.

You? Shows what pussies THEY are.

Man! I could beat you up.

Oi, I love you, f*gg*t.

Don't be a dumb-arse, OK?

Stephanie: He's under a lot of pressure.

Neal: He's been given an opportunity most kids would give their left nut for, and he's pissing it away, fighting.

The school is putting a lot of pressure on him.

You and I, we can't understand the level of... focus that he needs.

There's not much focus in fighting at school.

Going to that school is a very special opportunity, and I'm going to do everything I can to support him.

He's going to be one of the greats.

He's going to be a champion.

And what if...?

What if what, love?

You know what I'm going to say.

I want him to win too, but what if he's not good enough?

What if he doesn't make it, what then?


I need to see Judd and Wilkinson.

Training, sir.

Thank you, sir.

I'm sorry, Coach.

Yeah, well, it's too late for that.

I'm faster than them.

You want to win at Albury, right?

You're not going to win without me.

Is that right?


And you're faster than them?



Come with me.

OK, boys, take a break.

Danny's here because he thinks he should be in the team instead of one of you.

He says to me he's faster.

Who you faster than?

You know.

I'll tell you what I know.

I know I have a group of men here, busting a gut, and I have a boy here with a big mouth.

So, who are you faster than?

'Cause if you're right, I have to cut one of these men. Who is it?


Tsitsas? Are you sure?


Yeah? You have your costume?



Tsitsas, grab your goggles.

The rest of you, sit down.

You're going to swim.


What are you waiting for?

Come on, Tsitsas!

Come on Tsitsas, let's go!

Come on, Tsitsas! Come on, Titty!

Legs, Tsitsas. Good!

Let's go! Pick it up, Tsitsas!

Come on, Tsitsas!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on!



Ma! Where are my jeans?

You serious?

You're not wearing those filthy jeans to Mr Torma's house.

But have you seen them?

I left something out for you, on your bed.


Listen... this is very important night, OK?

So please promise me you will listen to what he has to say.




Torma said you could be the best.

I think he's wrong.

You ARE the best.


Never forget that.

Mr Torma?

Danny. You're early.

Cool garden.

You like it, huh? (LAUGHS)

Come through to the left, and put your bag down.

Is that your dad?

You cheeky little...!

That is me, before I left Hungary.

And that... that is my coach.

You know, he used to hit us with a cane if he thought we were being lazy.

You see, a coach, he recognises potential.

That is all we have.

But there is something else that makes a champion beyond potential.

Is he the boy who pushes to the front of the line, the boy who has to win?

You know, Danny, I've never had an Olympian.

I've come very close, but...

You make me believe.

I could be an Olympian?

You won't be anything if you can't be part of this team.

I was giving it back, like you said.

You were doing exactly what they wanted you to do.

You are stronger than them, you are faster than them.

You must believe you deserve to be here, and then those boys, they will be begging you to swim with them.

I promise.


And that will be them.


Hello, boys. Come through, please.

It's good to see you.

Wilco, come on in.

Go straight through.

It's the Three Stooges!


Through here.

Come through for pizza. Let's go.


These are great, Coach. (GIGGLES)

You know, every year, I get Marika's pizzas for the team, and every year the boys say it's the best they've ever eaten.

Eggplant on pizza.

Who'd have thought?


OK, enough, enough.

So, who's going to win the 1,500 at the Atlanta Olympics?


Mm, KP's done.

Seriously - he only just made the team.

Maybe. But you've got to remember, Wilco, he's a champion.

What about you, Kelly?

Who will win, Kowalski or Perkins?

Perkins has been on top for a long time, but no-one stays on top forever.

Kowalski's going to win.

(DRUMS TABLE) My man, Kelly! Mm!

You're going to have to wash your hands now.

Torma: Hey!

You're always f*cking laughing and pointing and giggling like girls, and I'm sick of it!

All of you, look at me, and listen.

There's one team here, OK?

Not two teams, not ten, one.

So all this squabbling and bullshit between you all, it stops here, tonight, do you understand me, or no-one will be going to Albury.

Is that what you want?


Is that what you want, Danny?

No, Coach.

Is that what you want, Martin?

No, Coach.


Then, enough.

Sorry for giving you so much shit recently.

We've just known Tsitsas since Year 7, so it's hard having someone new come in.

We cool?

That was very well said, Martin.

That's why I'm making you the team captain.


Now, you understand what I said?

Scooter and Martin: Yes, Coach.


OK, finish up.

I've got something I want to show you.


What is it?

It's grappa.

In Hungary, we call it palinka.

Everyone stand up.

OK, there's no sipping.

This goes straight down, OK?

One team.

All: One team.



Wilco: Ooh, burns my teeth!

Everybody take a seat.

I'm going to read you something.

It's about a swimmer, and I want you all to listen.

"I wander all night in my vision. Stepping with light feet, swiftly. And noiselessly stepping and stopping. I see a beautiful, gigantic swimmer. Swimming naked through the eddies of the sea. His brown hair lies close and even to his head. He strikes out with courageous arms. He urges himself with his legs. What are you doing, you red-trickled waves? Will you k*ll the courageous giant? Will you k*ll him in his prime?"

For me, he writes about how the swimmer must become one with the water... clear his mind and find stillness... complete silence.

And only then will you swim your fastest.

I want you to remember what we spoke of - one team.

Now go to sleep.

I forget how he gets when the squad comes over.

Scooter reckons it's because no-one ever visits the lonely old bastard.

Torma's not lonely.

He's got us.

Oh, shit! Did I do that?


Those bruises.


Doesn't hurt anymore.

f*ck! (LAUGHS)

How popular would I be if I cracked the rib of our best swimmer?

I'm not the best swimmer, you are.

Isn't that why Torma brought you here... 'cause you're better than us?

Don't worry about it.

I'm cool with it.

You're a great swimmer!

Coach reckons I'm getting lazy.

He reckons that I've got too comfortable.

Well, I could help you.

I'll push you a bit.


Like, you'd help me get better?

Yeah, for sure.

One team!



Get off my bed though.

Sorry, dude.

I said, get your filthy wog feet off my mattress.

You don't belong here, Kelly.

And when I beat you in Albury... Torma's going to take your scholarship away and give it to another one of his monkeys.

You'd help me?

f*ck you.



I told you to go to sleep, OK?

Now, go to sleep.

OK, Coach.

Hey, thanks for the pizzas.

Theo: How far to Albury?

Stephanie: About ten minutes closer from the last time you asked me.

Regan: Idiot!

You OK, Danny?


TV: Here at the 1996 Olympic Games, and it is the race that captures the minds and hearts of all Australians, the 1,500 freestyle.


Oh, shush!

Wilco gets electrolysis.

Yeah, and all you get is your poor mum.

Turn - I need to do your back.

My back?

Yes! It's normal. Come on, Danny.

Danny, Danny!

Get out!

What is it, lovey?

The 1,500-metre final is starting.

OK, we'll be right there.



Look at you! So beautiful!


TV: Really, the saviour of this Australian swimming team has been Daniel Kowalski, who is about to potentially become the first...

We could get an ice-cream float, and they'd bring it right to us. Mum?

So I'll just starve, will I?


Oh, darling.

In your weakened state, could you please pull the blind?

Thank you, thank you!

TV: the centre of the lanes.

Don't shush your sister.

But she's so annoying!

I'M annoying?

Will both of you shut up?!

TV: Kieren Perkins, the defending champion here in Atlanta, but what a story it has been.

They so want Perkins to win.

That's incredible though!

He almost didn't make the team.

He's right, Mum -

Perkins is the Aussie golden boy.

TV: He's now tuned in to this.

What will Perkins have?

Can Kowalski create history?

21 years of age.

Come on, Kowalski!

..been representing Australia for a couple of years now, but this is his greatest moment.

Come on, Danny! Clothes on. Come.

Forget the rest, you're the fastest.

This is your race.


TV: Right into a very fast start.

Perkins in lane No.8 has got away very quickly.

You'll see a lot of whitewash, almost sprinting...

Don't let him get in front!

..Kowalski has gone with him...

Come on, beat him at the turn.

A surprise that both these boys are sprinting in the first 50 metres.

Kowalski gets it on the wall, but Perkins in the lead after 75 metres.

Still sprinting.

The two are 1st and 2nd.

Perkins at 150 with that lead.

It's increasing now.

It's probably 1.5 body lengths.

Daniel doesn't want to let Kieren get too far ahead.

Danny, he can still come back!

Come on. Push, PUSH! f*ck!


Important for Kowalski to try and keep this gap.

Do not let Perkins get too far ahead.

He's sitting nice and high in the water, very different to what we saw in the heats.

He leads by 15 metres.

A real race for the silver medal, as Graeme Smith from Great Britain comes up to challenge him and is actually moving away from Kowalski.

He is fighting for the silver medal, Daniel Kowalski, but Kieren Perkins, stand and salute, Australia - the great Australian is swimming away from the field.

About 15 metres to swim.

Look at this great champion.

Kieren Perkins will win the Olympic title, he will defend his crown.

Look at Kowalski g*n for silver!

But it's Perkins. It's all Perkins into the final. 14:56.


Perkins wins the Olympic gold medal.

And the fight's on.

He's racing Graeme Smith.

Will he get there on the wall?

Kowalski gets there.

Kowalski gets the silver.

Wow, what a race.

Kieren Perkins, what a champion.

Taking out the 1,500, he defends this. The Australian team go wild.

Here is the great champion on deck, arms raised.


Kowalski takes the silver. He looks shattered. He looks disappointed.

Perkins didn't get gold, Kowalski lost it.

He beat himself.

TV: ..first swimmer in Olympic history to win three medals in freestyle racing.

The joy of Kieren Perkins.

14:56 wins the gold medal at the Olympic Games here in Atlanta.

Daniel Kelly.

I don't think there's too much pressure, but...

There's Samantha. Samantha!


They're not your friends.

They laugh at you behind your back.

They call us wogs.


I've got to go.

Good luck.

What is it, Mum?

Nothing, nothing.


Real f*cking funny.

Bad luck about Kowalski.

You can't beat me.

I thought I already did.

Pa: The next event is the open boys'

100-metre individual freestyle final.

That's us, Dino.


Come on, Taylor. You got this.

Pa: In lane one, Lachlan McKenzie.

Come on, Martin!


In lane 4, the current Under-16 freestyle champion, Martin Taylor, Blackstone.

In lane 5, Daniel Kelly, Blackstone...


On your blocks.



And they're away.


Theo: Come on, Danny!

Pa: Looks like Daniel Kelly in lane 5 has made the best start.

Come on, Martin!

But the defending champ surges and hits the front at the 25-metre mark.

The defending champion comes out in front.

Come on, Martin!

And Kelly is at the front.

20 metres to go.

Martin Taylor is staying with him.

That's a very close finish.

We're waiting for confirmation from the judges.

And in 1st place, Daniel Kelly for Blackstone College.

In 2nd place, also from Blackstone, lane 4, Martin Taylor.

Good boy, well done.

Good swim, good swim. Hey, listen, we're not finished yet, alright?

We've still got the relay to go, so I need you to concentrate, alright?

Hey. Hey!

You insulted my mother.

You did everything you could to break me. Well, f*ck you.

I won, I beat you.

None of you will ever beat me again.

And f*ck your relay.

Hey! What did you say to him?

Go get him.

Danny? Danny!

You quitting?

I got Torma a gold.

You don't even care about the relay.


Alright, you're right - we didn't want you here, and I thought that if we messed with you a little, you'd sook and you'd quit.

I'm not swimming for you.


Whatever you wanted to prove, you've proved it.

I gave that race everything that I had, and you still beat me.

Do you know how that feels?

Pa: The next event is the Under-18 boys'

4 by 100-metre freestyle relay.

Swimmers, please make your way to the pool.

We need you to win this, Kelly.


They're ready for us.



Simon Judd.

Well done, Scooter.

Martin Taylor.


Well done, Martin.

Thank you, sir.

Good man.


Finally, Daniel Kelly.

Well done.

It was Daniel Kelly's heroic final lap that returned our Under-18 boys' freestyle relay title to the school.

And for that, I also am personally grateful to head swimming coach, Frank Torma.

Kelly also won the 100-metre individual freestyle, a superhuman effort.

Well done.

Well done, all of you.

Kelly swam like a barracuda.

Thank you, sir.

Well done.

Thank you, sir.

Well done.


All: Barracuda! Barracuda!...

Danny's coming too.

For lunch?

For the weekend.

Oh, what?!

Neal: Be careful, hanging around people like that.

You don't want that shit to stick!

I'm going to be the best.

They'll hate you for it.

You don't like them 'cause they're better than you.


I'm afraid of what it will do to him if he doesn't qualify.

Just leave me alone.

No, I'm not leaving you.

Just f*ck off!

I'm stronger, I'm better...

It's going to be a tough week, but I know you can do it.

..faster, stronger...

Go, Danny!


Faster, stronger, better.

Faster, stronger.

Come on, son.


You could have anything you want right now.

This is the Barracuda.

What's wrong with you?

I'm feeling slow.

If you want to represent your country, you need us.

You've never trained an Olympian.

Until you learn some humility, it won't matter who you train with, you're not going to win a f*cking thing.

We're actually talking about your future.

My future's now, Mum.

At the Sydney Olympics, I'll be 20.

You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself, Danny. You never have.

Stop all this f*cking self-pity.

Do you know what you've done?

You've broken us.