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03x08 - All In

Posted: 07/14/16 07:16
by bunniefuu
Okay, people, shift is starting in five minutes.

Enjoy your night off, Dr. Cummings.

Keep your phone close by.

Paul: Will do.

Guess you and Scott still aren't talking?

Yeah, he's made it abundantly clear that he did not appreciate my opinion of he and Annie dating.

You just said what everybody else is thinking.

That's what friends do.


It's more complicated.

Complicated? It's Freudian.

A hot, successful surgeon who can have his choice of women, yet he picks the ex-addict sister-in-law of a guy who he doesn't really like and who his last girlfriend hates.

I don't hate her.

You ain't friends.

I'm just saying, it's no coincidence...

On both their parts.

Okay, are you done with this little psychoanalysis of yours?

I've said my piece.


Hey, uh, what was that top-secret nurses' meeting today?

I don't know. I skipped it.

I think it was just some, uh, union stuff, bunch of contract negotiations or something like that.


So, you, uh, you off tonight?

Well, I'm just on call, so I'm actually sneaking out for a dinner date.

Dinner date? That's nice.

Is it in 1965?

Wait a minute. On the first date?

Dude, no. No, d-don't get stuck into dinner.

Dude, the crazy comes out over dinner.

Look, I actually like to show a woman a good time, okay?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go change.

31-year-old male.

Pain in the lower-right quadrant since this morning.

Hi. I'm Dr. Alexander.

I'm Dylan. Ever heard of F.O.P.?

Uh, yeah. The connective-tissue disorder?

That's me.


All right, let's carefully move him to Trauma 2.

Any injury, even from a bump, can cause spontaneous bone growth.

Am I right, Dylan? You got it.

Hey, Jocelyn, could you get us more pillows, please?


Duty calls.


All right, I'll see you in the morning.

Don't keep me waiting.

I won't.

Good to see you back in action, Topher. How's your head feeling?

All good.

Counting the days till that Hawaiian conference.

Janet! Ma!

What happened?

I don't know. She's acting weird.

I thought you could take a look at her.

Ma, how are you feeling?

I was just telling your father I'm perfectly capable of crossing the street without him.

Ma, Dad's been dead for years.

What's going on?

I'm fine, Christophe...

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


Okay, we got you.

Let's get her into Trauma 1.


Kenny: Yo, Tee.


Nasty accident out on Highway 281.

They need a doc to move the patient.

Chopper's waiting. You want it or... ?

Drew, will you take it? I got to...

Yeah, stick with Mama Topher. Okay, yeah, I'm on it.

Uh, Shannon, you're with me. Let's go.

All right, man, catch you later.

Yo, Paul. I'm sorry, man. MVA coming in. Back to scrubs.

[Chuckles] Fantastic.

[Monitor beeping]

She was a little out of it but fine.

And then, on the way home, this.


Mollie: B.P.'s 86 over 40.

Well, what does that mean?

It's a little low.

It's really low.

Could be heart failure, sepsis, adrenal insufficiency.

O-Or just dehydration.

We're gonna run a panel of tests, and then we'll get it all sorted out.

[Beeping quickens]

Mollie: B.P.'s down to 64.

She's crashing. Hang another liter!

Central line.

She needs pressors now.

Ma? Ma?!

Ma? Ma, can you hear me?

Can you hear me? Ma?

What do we got?

Rollover MVA.

Driver saw a deer, swerved, flipped the car into the ravine.

How many victims?


Driver's a 38-year-old female with blunt abdominal trauma and laceration.

Still trapped in the car.

Her daughter's out, but she's got a wrist injury. Name's Brianna.

Please, if you just let me go, I can get her! Please!

Hey, Brianna. Brianna!

I'm Dr. Alister. This is Dr. Rivera.

How are you doing?

My wrist hurts, but she's still in there!

Okay. Hey.

Please, you have to go get her!

Okay, listen to me.

I'm gonna check on your mom right away.

She's not my mom. She's my foster mom.

Please don't let her die.

I'm gonna do everything I can, okay?

No! Please! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Brianna!

Shannon, let's keep her warm and get her checked out.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Let's... Let's take a look at your wrist, okay?

[Breathing heavily]

It hurts?

[Woman moaning]

Somebody help me!


Help me!

I'm Dr. Alister.


We're gonna get you out of here as soon as we can.

Stay calm.

Okay. Slow your breathing.


This is Dr. Rivera.

Where's Brianna?!

I checked her, ma'am.

I'm gonna go right back to be with her.


All right, Avery?


Okay, I've got to stop this bleeding.


Okay, so you're gonna feel a little pressure.


Okay, just keep breathing deep. You're doing great.

Got it. Good.

Okay, here. Let's pack around it.

Okay, now, we stopped the bleeding, but we got to cut you out of here, okay?

[High-pitched] Okay.

We're gonna be right here.



You're doing great.


Let's go!

All right, I'll go stay with Brianna.

[Saw buzzing]



Brianna, it's gonna be okay.



[Speaking native language]

Ma, you're okay.

You just passed out for a bit.

B.P.'s only up to 87.

She's barely responding to pressors.

What are we forgetting?

Any recent fevers?


What do you think? Brain-stem stroke?

A stroke? Really?

I-It's unlikely, Toph.

She's altered, but...

I'm gonna clear the C.T. queue.

Ma, we're gonna take you to have your brain scanned, okay?

I'm so tired. [Speaks native language]

[Speaks native language]


All right, Mollie. You on it?


Do you really think it's a stroke?

It could be, but we're just not gonna take any chances.

We're gonna run every test, all right?

So we're not panicking?

No, we're not.

I'll let you know if we get there.


Thanks, T.C.

He's... He's not ready to lose her.

You never are.

[Monitor beeping]



Your pain could be from appendicitis, so I've called for a surgical consult.

What about, uh, kidney stones?

I get them all the time from the F.O.P.

I'm gonna check for that, too, but we really don't want to miss an appy.

Um, actually, can we place a pulse ox instead?


Even pressure from a B.P. cuff can cause bone growth.

Scott. [Sighs] This is Dylan.

He has F.O.P., which causes spontaneous...

I'm familiar with F.O.P.

Hey, Dylan.

I'm Dr. Clemmens. Hey.

Dylan presents with a few hours of lower-right-quadrant pain.

So I wanted a consult for appendicitis.


All right, Dylan.

Does this hurt here?

More like here and all the way to my back.

What do you think? C.T.?

I think you should have checked an ultrasound and called a urologist.

It sounds more like kidney stones.

Looks like you called it, Dylan.

[Thermometer beeps]

He's spiking a fever... 102.5.

Okay, if it is kidney stones, they could be infected, so let's get a U.A. and send off a urine culture.

Yes, Doctor.

If it is the kidney stones that are causing his fever...

Yeah, I know... Surgery.

And with F.O.P., that could k*ll him.

Thank you, Dr. Clemmens.

Okay, these sutures should hold till we get to the hospital.

Brianna's inhalers.

Did you get them? They were in the car.

We'll radio the ambulance and have them check.

Tell them that she needs them.

She has cystic fibrosis.

Okay, I'll let them know.

She seems like a good kid. Pretty cool under pressure.

That's her. She's the best.

She's so smart, I can hardly keep up with her.

How long has she been living with you?

Six months.

But I knew within a week that I was gonna adopt her.

We connected right from the start.

Okay, the ambulance has the inhalers.

I'll check on her personally as soon as we get to the hospital.

[Voice breaking] Thank God she's okay.

Listen. Promise me.

Promise me that you are gonna take care of her.

She acts tough, but she's just a kid.

I'll do everything I can.

[Monitor beeping]

I feel like I'm floating.

Glad to see the pain meds are kicking in.

Best part of being here. Hospitals have the good stuff.

You spend a lot of time in hospitals?

Yeah, since I was 13.

At first, the doctors thought I had a tumor.

They went in, operated.

Actually caused the tissue around the site to lock into bone.

Then, when I was a teenager, I messed up my shoulder pretty good.

Yeah? What happened?

I was an idiot. I tried skateboarding.

Guess I was tired of hearing I was an inspiration just for putting my pants on in the morning.

Didn't want to be the disability mascot anymore.

So that's a "no" to the, uh, inspirational speech in the children's ward?

Mm, hard pass.

[Chuckles] Just making sure.

Okay, thank you.

Leave it on the table just in case.

Guys, this is Dr. Park.

I've asked him in for a urology consult.

Oh, great!

I'm just going to take a look.


I've never seen this in real life.


The stone's causing moderate to severe hydronephrosis.

With the infection, he needs surgery right away.


Excuse me?

I'm not doing surgery.

Been there, done that. I'm not into it.

Okay, I think what Dylan is trying to say is that he would like to avoid the risk of anesthesia.

Not to mention the potential permanent calcification of his urinary tract.

Yeah, I for sure don't want that.

None of that matters if he gets septic and dies.

Endoscopic surgery will minimize bone growth.

Okay, there has to be other options besides surgery.

I mean, can we at least consider...

You wanted my opinion. You have it.

Surgery now, unless you want to risk sepsis and death.

Scott: I'm not sure we're quite there yet.

What about... lithotripsy with antibiotics?

We use the sound waves to break up the kidney stone, and maybe those smaller pieces pass on their own.

That sounds good to me.

We're wasting time. His infection's only getting worse.

I'm gonna let the O.R. know that we're coming.

Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. No.

Okay. Dr. Park, can I speak with you outside?

Okay, he wants lithotripsy. Why can't we at least try it?

You want me to sit here for a few hours and wait until he's really unstable and then take him to the O.R.?

If the lithotripsy works, maybe he never even needs the O.R.

The patient wants it, his pressure's stable.

Let's try it.

Fine, but his chart will reflect my recommendation...



Thank you for backing me up.

I was backing Dylan up. He wants the lithotripsy.

So go ahead and get him prepped, and I'll run the machine.

I'll let him know.

You just made his night.

Whoa. You guys wear enough layers?

This machine uses sound waves to help break up the kidney stone.

It's much more likely you'll pass the pieces than one big stone.

In other words, I'm gonna pee out some rocks.

That's one way of putting it, yeah.

Jordan, thanks for not going all end-of-times on me with that other doctor.

Yeah, he was a bit of a...

He was a d*ck.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

Okay, here we go.








Oh, come on.

[Buzzer, buzzer]

What's happening?

This thing needs a complete reboot.

Call the company. Tell them to send a tech.

Let me know when it's all fixed.


Well, that blows. Now what?

We get it fixed.

And if not, surgery, right?

Don't worry. We'll get it fixed.



[Siren wailing]


Scott, we need the O.R.

Estimated blood loss? At least 3 liters.

I put in some sutures to slow the bleeding.

O.R. 1 is prepped and ready to go.

I'm not liking Mom's odds.

I'm gonna call the social worker.

Good thinking. I'll be in with Brianna.

Tee, I got another one coming in... asked for you by name.

You want it?

Yeah, just while Toph is in C.T.

When those labs are back, will you call me?

You got it.

Oh. Congratulations, Kenny.

Congratulations on what?

Yeah, I need your case manager.

So, I know it's not the most comfortable thing in the world, but the splint will help your fracture heal.

What's going on with my foster mom?

Is she gonna be okay?

We got our top doctors working on her.

So as soon as I know more, I'll let you know.

I promise.

Now, in the meantime, Nina, your social worker, is gonna come hang out with you.

Oh. Okay.

What's that? What... You don't like her?

No, I do. She's pretty badass.

But you wouldn't be calling her unless it was bad news about my foster mom.

She always gets called in when it's bad news.

Well, that's not true.

I mean, that's not the reason we called her.

She's just got to know what's going on, right?

So you're saying my foster mom isn't going to die?

I'm saying that we don't know... anything yet.

So we just got to give those doctors some time.


"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."

I love this book.

So, what part are you at?

I'm not at a part.

You just started reading it?


No, I've read it before... Like, a lot.

It's pretty much my favorite book.

It's pretty much my favorite book.

I know what you're doing. [Scoffs]

You're just trying to distract me until Nina gets here.

You don't have to.

What if I want to?

You ever think of that, Miss Smarty Pants?

So, let's talk about it.

First off... [Taps book] Edmund.


I bet you like him the least, right?

Don't get me started.

[Both laugh]

[Coughs heavily]

Topher: What if it's a dissection?

Heart failure?

I know she's tough, but... open-heart surgery?

Here. Come here.

You're driving yourself crazy.

Okay, you can't let yourself go there until we have the results back.

I complain about her constantly.

I'm always short with her.

She can't work the computer b-because she's old.

I should be more patient with her.

I just... I-I-I had to go to work.

Hey. I couldn't...

We brought her into our home, and it was an adjustment, but we've done it.

And you are an amazing son.

Don't beat yourself up over the little things.

But what if, Janet?

What if... my last chance to say something nice to her already happened?

All I did was be short with her this afternoon.

[Voice breaking] What am I gonna do if my mom dies tonight?

[Siren wailing]

Hey. Clive. What's... what's the matter?

Fainted at the casino.

Chest pains. B.P.'s sky-high.

She's exaggerating, T.C.

Just a little winded.

Good to see you, though. [Laughs]

I had her call ahead so I can get the V.I.P. treatment.

'Course you did.

Yo, Tee.

Mama Topher's test results are in.

Okay, great.

Uh, Curtain 2. Get some bilateral pressures.

Clive, we will fix you right up.


You know, I fought the Communists in Nam.

Mm. You know, I wasn't even born then.


All normal.

But you know Topher. He's insisting we run them again.

Right. Okay.

The minute they're out of C.T., let me know.

You got it.

Kenny, congrats.

Hey, for what?

Oh, c... Is somebody playing a joke? Come on.

Shannon: Yeah, that's right... I did call 10 minutes ago, and I'm gonna keep calling until I hear from Brianna Holt's caseworker.

No, you listen to me.

You get someone here now, because this young girl shouldn't have to go through this alone.

Get... someone... here.

Suction, Paul.

Jocelyn: Left four messages. They're not answering the 800 number.

I also checked the nurse message boards, but nothing.

Okay, thank you, Jocelyn.


[Beeping, buzzer]

Guess it is looking more like surgery.

Oh, well. What guy doesn't want a petrified pubic area?

Hey. We're not giving up, okay?

We may not have a choice.


This is starting to really hurt.

Okay, I can give you something for the pain.

Is there anything else that you need before I try calling again?

My sanity back?

Every time I'm back in the hospital, it's like a constant cycle of "should" going through my head. Should have been more careful. Should have had more water. Should have ordered the salad instead of the five-alarm chili."

Buddy, you got to give yourself a break, all right?

You can't second-guess yourself this much.

Trust me, I have spent half my life doing it, and that way, madness lies.

All right.

I'm gonna see if there's another number that I can... call.

Son of a bitch.

Pressler Pharmaceuticals makes this machine.

Well, great.

If that question comes up on "Jeopardy!"


I'm gonna be sure to remember it.

Thank you.

No, no, no.

I-I think I know somebody who might be able to help us.

[Motor whirring]

Okay. Sorry about the wait.

Labs are slow today.

How you been, old man?

Last time I saw you, you gave me three to six months to live.

And let me tell you, I've been living.

Well, that's what you wanted.

So, uh, you've been taking care of yourself, right?

Taking those meds we talked about?

You know, that nitro patch you gave me is giving me headaches.

Anything you can do about it?

Yeah. Let me get a look.

Maybe I can cut it down in size.


Yeah, I don't see anything, man.

It was there this afternoon. I saw it.

Okay. I'll look. Maybe it fell off.

You know, not wearing it is probably what brought your blood pressure up, and that's what's caused your chest pains.

Oh. I'll order you a new one.

In the meantime, I want to keep you here under observation on a heart monitor, okay?

Thank you. I owe you one.

Don't mention it. Just doing my job.

No, you know that broad you introduced me to... Sumei?


Well, she and I are becoming intimately acquainted.

I tell you... She's one hell of a gal.


Oh, yeah.

Okay, so, you two have been, uh...

We're seeing each other.

Just this afternoon, we...

Hold on.


You saw Mrs. Zia this afternoon?


How did she seem to you?

Because she came in tonight. She was a little altered.

Sumei? She was fine.

What's wrong with her?

You didn't notice any dizziness, shortness of breath?

[Sighs] Okay.


Son of a bitch.

I know what's going on.



Nitroglycerine patch.


Check her for a nitro patch.

Well, why would she have a...

Just... Just check her.

[Speaks native language]

Ma, can you roll to your side?


Janet, can you give me a hand?

Oh, yeah.

There is something down there.


Yeah, that's a nitro patch.



Where did this come from?

This is probably what's been causing your symptoms.

Tee: Uh, Toph, you got a second?


What the hell, man?

How did you... How did you...

So, the good news is that your mom is fine, right?

Her symptoms are all from the patch.


The bad news... At least for you...

Is, um... your mom's having sex.


Yeah, with Clive.

Who's Clive?

Remember the old dude from the casino?

He just told me that he and your mom are dating.

Yeah, he came in today complaining of chest pains, and it's 'cause his nitro patch fell off.

So it must have rubbed off on your mom while they were doing it.

No, stop. That's way too much for me to take in right now.

You got a visual? In your head?

Yeah, okay. Let's not have a discussion about it.

Good job, Mrs. Toph.


Stop. S-S-Stop laughing.

[Monitor beeping]

Hey, it's... It's not looking good.

So she's not gonna make it?

You know, she came in with massive injuries.

I know. It's just...

She has this foster daughter, and she was just so concerned about her.

You could tell how much she really loves her.

A foster mom.

So if she doesn't make it, then...

Then the girl goes back in the system.

She was so close to having a family, and it all just gets taken from her.

It's not fair.

You got to do everything you can to save her mom, Paul.

Promise me?

We'll do our best.

Do more than your best!


You don't know what it's like.

You're moved from home to home. Nothing is ever your own.

And then, just when you finally get used to someone, you finally are shown some kindness in your life, it's all just taken away.


Was... Was that your life?

[Intercom beeps]

Paul, transfusion's done.

We're ready.

[Intercom beeps]

Fight for her, Paul.

That little girl can't be alone again.

[Door opens]

[Monitor beeping]


How's the chest P.T. working?

Feeling better?

Yeah. I'm all right.

Well, your X-rays came back, and you have a small area of pneumonia.

That's what's been making the breathing harder, but you just got to take this medication and some antibiotics.

Should make the breathing easier.

[Exhales] Thanks.


Edmund's such a turd...

Giving up his family like that.

He's a turd?

I guess you could call him a jerk.


You know, I don't get why you love him so much.

I wouldn't say "love."

Yeah, when he first gets to Narnia, he ruins everything.

That's the Edmund I want to punch in the teeth, but in the end, what does he do?

He helps his family k*ll the White Witch.

He changes.

And I think that's what makes Edmund not a turd.

I think that's pretty cool. Don't you?


[Chuckles] Okay.

He has no idea how lucky he is.

I mean, every kid wants to go to Narnia.

When I go to a new foster house, I always check all the closets... just in case.


Do you?

I've spent some time in closets.

I bet they don't have breathing treatments in Narnia.

No one's ever sick there.

Drew? Do you have a minute?


Uh, I'll be right back.


It's been 10 minutes.

Kenny: All right.

Doctors Alister and Rivera, this is Brianna's social worker, Nina Alvarez.

She finally made it.

Hey, RoboNurse, I have seen 10 kids tonight and still need to check on another 10 before sunrise, so watch your mouth.

Sorry. Just calling it like it is.

No, hey. He didn't mean it that way.

We've all just taken to Brianna.

Kenny's just being protective.

Good. She deserves it.

I mean, all these cases suck, but I admit she's special.

[Sighs] So, where we at?

Uh, well, I just diagnosed Brianna with pneumonia.

I think some oral antibiotics, she'll be fine.

How are her oxygen levels?

They're okay.

That's good.

How's Avery doing?

She's not gonna make it.

Does Brianna know?

We didn't want to say anything until we knew for sure.

We're worried she's gonna shut down, losing someone else.

[Sighs] Okay.

Look, the longer we wait, the harder it's gonna be for her.

Brianna doesn't trust a lot of people.

We need to be honest with her.

Hey, Kenny.


Okay, what's going on?

Jessica. Hi.

Thank you so much for coming in.

I really owe you one.

You owe her two.

Pat. Dude. Really?

Someone's life is on the line.

Just do your job.


Where are we going?



I got to say, I mean, I didn't expect you to come in, you know?

I called you at 2:00 in the morning.

I figured you'd just send someone.

You can always call me.

Thank you.

Yeah, doctors aren't my clients. Patients are.

If they need me, I get out of bed. [Chuckles]

T-That's what you look like when you get out of bed?



I, uh, need to take you back to your room.

You said yourself... I'm fine.

I said your blood pressure was stabilizing.

It's not necessarily fine. We still need to monitor you.

And he needs his rest.

Hey, Clive, I have, uh, the blood-test results.

You want some privacy?

Anything you can say in front of me, you can say in front of Sumei.


Um, unfortunately, they're not great.

You had another small heart attack.

And, as I said before, your next one could be your last.

Clive, you never said you have...

No, I was just trying to keep things light.

You don't need to hear about heart att*cks.

He elected to turn down open-heart surgery 'cause it's too dangerous.

If I'd have let them open me up, I could have died before we ever went to dinner.

And there's nothing you can do?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Zia. The situation remains the same.

He could die on the table. His heart is very weak.

That's not the Clive I know.

The Clive I know goes all-in for what he wants.

Don't badger him, Mom. He's made up his mind.

We'll let you rest.

Good. You can go.

Sumei can stay.


Oh, thank you.


How much longer?

Your guy said it'll be up and running in 10 to 15.



Oh, wow. This is not cafeteria coffee.

Where did you get this?

I have a guy.

[Chuckles] Of course you do.

Ow. Tinder.

Uh, no. Bumble.


I am very much done with Tinder.


Not that it makes much of a difference.

It kind of makes me regret breaking up with my fireman Sam.

You know? Grass is always greener.

Well, sometimes when you're dating, the grass feels like it's all burnt and barren.


Last thing you probably want is advice from the chick screwing your ex.


It's okay. Really.

Maybe it's because I'm feeling better, or maybe it's because I like you.

Oh, cool.

[Both chuckle]

Or maybe it's just because you guys look like you're actually happy.

Yeah. We are.

That's good.

Okay, cards on the table?


Okay, I think maybe it's easier with him and me than it was with you guys just because we aren't really strangled by a past.

I guess it frees us up to... have fun.


Whatever it is, it's a good look on him.

I like seeing him happy.

[Alarm beeping]



Dylan? It's okay, I'm right here.

I feel kind of...

Hang in there, Dylan.

Kind of...

Okay, pressure's dropping. Hang levophed.

His pulse is weak.

Okay, he's septic.

I need you to page Dr. Park and tell him to meet us at the O.R.

We got to get these kidney stones out now.

No, she's not.

She's gonna be fine 'cause... 'cause we can do something.

Can't we do anything?

I wish we could.

But I-I just saw her.

She was... She was fine. She...

Can I see her?

Just to say goodbye.

Scott: I called time of death 10 minutes ago.

If the board found out about that, they would fry us.

Dr. Clemmens, Brianna already feels responsible for Avery's death.

And kids like this... They don't have much.

To lose the one person... The one thing in their life...

It's devastating.

I promise it will make a difference.

As her social worker, I'm signing off on this.

She needs closure.

Excuse me. Dr. Clemmens, Jordan needs you.

Her patient is headed to the O.R.

Okay, I'll be right there.

Look, I have to go.

I-I can do it.

Keep coding her, make it look like she's still alive.

No, Paul. I'm not putting you in that position.

You're not putting me there. I am.

It's my decision.

It's important to me.



If we had operated four hours ago, he wouldn't be crashing now.

Hey, I'm the one who could die on the table.

Dr. Alexander was listening to my wishes.

What happened?

He's septic. Pressure's dropping.

We're heading into the O.R. now.

Scott: Lithotripsy didn't work?

We didn't get a chance to try it.

It wasn't repaired in time.

It's still an option?

[Sighs] Dylan, your pressure is very low.

It's getting dangerous to not operate.

Could we still try?

Yes, we can.

It's risky, but it could work.

That's insane.

You need surgery.

We still have time.

If it doesn't work, he's all yours.

I'll be waiting.


Is this crazy?

I've heard crazier ideas tonight.

Sometimes a Hail Mary works.


If you need to trust someone, Dr. Clemmens is your guy.

Okay. Here we go.


Thanks for, uh, holding down the fort, Kenny.

I've been a little distracted tonight.

No doubt.

I heard your mom's getting some action.


You told him?!

No. No, I didn't. I didn't say anything.

I heard it from Ray, the orderly.

And the C.T. department.

And the blood lab.

Is there any privacy in this place?


Oh, hey. Congratulations.

For what?

I'm proud of you.

What? Why does everybody keep...

Joss. Joss.

Come on, tell me... What's going on?

Okay, fine.

We nominated you as our new union rep.

You won by a 15-0 vote.

You're kidding me.

I never kid about the union.

But I... I don't want that job.

Then you probably shouldn't have skipped the election meeting.

Don't worry.

I'll make it up to you.




Uh, what's all this?

We talked it over.

I can't give up on the love of my life.

I'm rolling the dice.

I'll be right here when you wake up.

I'm counting the minutes.

It won't be long.

You have the best doctor in this dump.

My son won't let you die.


You guys are too much.

Hey, Ma? Why'd you say that?

You know I'm not operating.

I'm not an idiot.

I'm giving him hope.

Think of it as blowing on his dice for luck.

I'm not going anywhere near that one.


Now, take me down to the cafeteria.

I want to peruse the jello selection.


What? Don't look at me. I have to leave.

Someone's got to get our kids ready for school.

Mm. Bye.



We have that.

You can say whatever you need to.


Why does she look like that?

Can she even hear me?

She can.


[Voice breaking] I love you.

[Breathing shakily]

And I'll never forget you.

You're the best mom anybody could ever ask for.


I can't. I don't want to say goodbye.

Please don't make me! I don't want...

I'll go get her.

Well, that was an epic fail.

I don't think so.

It was hard for her, obviously, but she would always regret not doing it.

So, how long were you in the system?

That obvious?

To someone who spends 80 hours a week working in it, yeah.

Too long.

[Labored breathing]

Hey, you need to take a couple puffs from your inhaler.

[Inhaler hisses]

How'd you find me?

I checked every closet on the floor.

I knew you'd be in one of them.

Yeah, well, I'm still here.


No forest in this one.

No. That's the bad part.

There never is.

I know there's nothing in the world I can say right now to make you feel any better.

So I'm just gonna sit here with you.

What am I gonna do without her?

I don't know.


[Siren wailing in distance]


Hey, I just got a text from Drew.

Uh, Brianna's all right.

Yes, I heard.

Thank you.

Can I get you something?

Yeah, you got a time machine?


I could use one of those myself.

Yeah? Where would you go?

August 6, 2001, 7:14 a.m.


What happened then?

[Chuckles lightly]

Just some old football thing. What about you?

10 hours ago.

Get Avery off the road. Then Brianna wouldn't be alone.

She's not alone. She has you.


Except she will be.


I'm a caseworker.

Like I said earlier, I've got 25 kids, and she needs parents... A permanent home.

[Sighs] Jesus.

But right now, she just needs a place for tonight.

She can't stay with you?

It doesn't work that fast.

Besides, I've already got two foster kids at home with me and my parents now.


No room at the inn.

What if... What if she stayed here?

I mean, pneumonia's grounds for admission.

Her oxygen levels are fine.

I mean, it's mild... At very worst, moderate.

Not if one of the doctors thinks she'd benefit from admission.


And I know three who are looking to help in any way they can.

So, how close would you say we were?

Let's just say it's good you passed that stone when you did.


Some high-stakes pee.

Hey, Jocelyn. Could you take Dylan to recovery?

Whoa, wait. W-We're done? That's it?


I was kind of feeling like we were like the Three Musketeers there or something for a second, you know?

All for one, right?

We make a good team.

Yeah. We do.


All right, I'll check in on you later, okay?


All right, buddy.

All right.

Bye, guys.

So long, docs.

Hi, Jocelyn.

How you feeling?

Funny guy.

[Chuckling] Yeah.

Jordan, can we start over?

At least from, like, two weeks ago?

Mm. You mean when I opened my big mouth about Annie?

And when I acted like a d*ck to you.

I'm not gonna lie... I think part of me wanted to rub your face in it a little bit.

The way I felt when you and T.C... .

Scott, I never wanted to make you feel like...

No, no, I know. I know.

But seeing you two together...

It still hurt.


Well, maybe going back two weeks isn't going to be enough.

It'll have to be. [Sighs]

I do care about Annie.

And I know you guys have history. I know that.

But I don't have that same baggage with her.

So... it works for us.


Well, I am learning that I have a lot more baggage than I realized, so...

Yeah, well, we all do.

It's what you do with it that counts, I guess.


All right.

I'll see you around.

Bye, Scott.

Thank you for admitting her.

I know it's not ideal, but it's better than a temporary housing situation.

And we'll take good care of her until you find the right home for her.

Uh, could you give this to her?

Oh. She'll k*ll me if I don't.


What are you doing?

Writing in my phone number so she can reach me any time she needs to.

Okay, you put your number in there, you better mean it.

She calls you, you pick up.

She doesn't need any more disappointment.

I'll pick up.

And I'll check on her every day that she's here.

Hey, ma.

[Speaks native language]

[Speaks native language]

Still nothing?

No, not yet.



Hey, Ma, I'm... I'm... I'm sorry for stepping in between you and Clive.

That wasn't my place.

And, um, I'm sorry for getting annoyed with you and... being short with you.

It's okay.

You're family.

You're allowed. Hmm?

Earlier tonight, [Voice breaking] I thought... I thought I was losing you.

[Speaks native language]

I know you did.

But you're not getting rid of me that easy.


You know, your grandmother made it to 97.

And I plan to outlive her.

Um... [Chuckles] Okay.

I wanted to tell you in person...

Clive's out of surgery.

He's awake. You can see him now.

Thank you.

Thanks, Paul.


Thank you.

[Crying] Thank you.

You know you don't have to come every time my ex calls, right?

How about, "Thanks for saving a patient's life"?

Well, I guess I could have led with that.

[Laughs] I'm just messing with you.

I didn't come because Jordan called me.

I came to help a patient.

There's a reason I don't work at a bank.

Speaking of which, I got to go... get some sleep.

Ohh. Can I come?


No, I actually need sleep.

Mm, no.

I have a really big job interview in a few hours.

Yeah? For what?

Unh-unh. Nope. Not gonna jinx it.



Good luck.


Hey. Heard it all worked out... For now.

Yeah... for now.

Thank you.

You got it.


You know, um, I pretty much work nonstop, live with my parents, take care of two foster kids, so it's not exactly the sexiest lifestyle a woman could have.


But if you ever wanted to get together for a coffee or...

Oh. Um...

Ooh! Okay.

Wow. Well, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

But I'm not very good at not saying anything.

You just, um...

You seem like a really good guy, and I don't meet a lot of good guys in my line of work.

Hey, well, today's your lucky day.

Ball's in your court.

I didn't... She just...

I saw.

Look, I know we're just doing whatever, and it's cool.

I mean, if you want to go out with her, I get it.

Just let me know first, Kenny.

I don't want to hear about your sex life from Mollie.

[Calexico's "Follow the River" plays]


You okay?

Yeah, I am now.

Thanks for tonight.

You saved my mom.

Anytime. You know that.

I do have one more question, though.

What's that?

Are you gonna start calling Clive "Dad" now?

Shut up.

Daddy. Pops. Pop-pops.

I don't want to hear it!

Is he gonna stay over? In the same bed?

What are you gonna do if you start hearing them through the wall?

Uh... Toph.


[Muffled] I can't hear you!

I-I can't hear you!

I don't have any change!

♪ But my mind keeps running astray ♪


Thanks for all your help tonight...

For stepping up like that.

Oh. Uh, please.

Anything for a kid, you know?

And, I, uh... I knew it was important to you.

♪ Oooooh ♪
♪ Oooooh ♪
♪ Oooooh ♪
♪ Oooooh ♪

Get in.

In... In there?

♪ Still have the wounds ♪

So... what did you... what did you want...

Shut up, Paul.

♪ That the sun won't ever heal ♪
♪ Surrounded by the emptiness ♪
♪ Of everything, everyone ♪