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07x04 - Hit and Run, Run, Run

Posted: 07/13/16 11:52
by bunniefuu
narrator: Previously on "Pretty Little Liars..."

I told you not to ask Mary for help.

If I'd listened to you I wouldn't have seen Mary and Elliott together.

So you saw them arguing? What's so suspicious about that?

No, it was the way that they argued.

Like they were familiar with each other.

Emily: Ali called me begging for help.

She's clearly scared of someone in there.

Ali's in trouble. Maybe there's something in here that can help you find a connection between Mary and Elliott.

Caleb told me about what happened between you two at the Lost Woods.

Spencer, I'm so sorry.

I like everything about you.

Yeah, but that's the problem. You like me, but I love you.

Elliott just sent me a text.

It's a pin drop of his location.

Guys, I don't think this is Elliott sending the text.

I think Alison is.

Watch out!

[all screaming]

Oh, my God.

[dramatic music]

I don't know if I can live with this.

I mean, how can we bury...

There has to be another way.

There is no other way, Emily!

It was a well thought-out plan and when it ends up like this it's called first-degree m*rder.

Look, Spencer is right.

Just come on.


What are we gonna do with them?

Aria: 'She's in shock. It will wear off.'


Maybe you should go wait in the car with Alison.

Seriously, we got it. Just go sit in the car.

No, I need to help.

Okay, because if I don't do something, then...

Hanna, if you want to it's still not too late to go to the police.

We've been over this, Aria.

I know and I still don't know why we can't tell them exactly what happened.

Elliott hurt Hanna, abducted Ali and.... and the car didn't stop in time.

No one's gonna believe us when we have every reason in the world to have wanted him dead.

We need to tell the truth.

Yeah, what truth is that?

The one where Hanna doesn't know the right pedal from the left?

Everyone just take a breath. Okay?

'Freaking out is not gonna help any of us.'

We have one choice here and it is to make it look like Rollins skipped town.

And why is anyone gonna believe that?

Because he was a dirtbag.

Look, all we need to do is cover our tracks.

Yeah, is that all?

We should be good at it by now.

We've had a lot of practice.

Look, if this is gonna work we've got to get her back to Welby before anyone notices she's missing.

What if they already have?

No, at night, the nurses don't check the patients unless they're called.

They won't need a call.

They'll hear us from a mile away with all the shattered glass we're trailing.

No, we have to leave Lucas' car here.

How do we even get to Welby?

It's not like we can just knock on the front door.

You're gonna need this.

♪ Got a secret ♪ Can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪

There's nothing weird in here other than the fact that there's nothing weird in here.

No, that's not possible.

As far as I can tell, the guy never even used an emoji.

Well, he probably just deleted everything once he realized that we were on to him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wipe it down first.

You know, you always used to make fun of me for carrying these around, but now who's an uptight nerd?

You, still you.

So I-I'll just text you guys when I'm inside?

No, only after you've already left 'because if I get to the train station too early' it will screw up our whole timeline.

His timeline.

Same thing.

Yeah, and by the time the police realize that he's missing and they start tracking his phone 'he'll be halfway to Delaware.'

At least his jacket will be.


Hanna, what's wrong?

What do you mean what's wrong?

I mean, what-what are we doing?

We're never gonna get away with this.

Okay, don't say that.

Who else is gonna say it, Emily?

We've thought of everything.

Nobody thinks of everything.

Okay, I'm going to jail.

I'm-I'm going to jail. I'm...

I'm going to jail for, for...

Vehicular manslaughter?

Yeah, vehicular manslaughter.

'God, we're never gonna be able pull this off.'

'I mean, there're way too many things that could screw us up.'

We've probably already done 50 things wrong by now.

Hanna, please stop. Okay?

You're not the only person who buried a body back there.

Guys, if we just stay calm and stick to the plan, we'll be fine, okay?

This is about containment and right now, everyone who knows about Rollins 'is sitting in this car.'

[cell phone vibrating]



Emily: 'His car is a mess.'

It's gonna take you forever to clean everything up.

If you wanna help, then stop pacing.

You're tracking mud everywhere.

Maybe I should give him a call.

Tell him I'm gonna be late for my shift.

No, nothing can seem out of the ordinary.

'I'll meet you right after I'm done here.'

Oh, my God.

If Mr. Mizzari could see me right now I totally would have gotten the part of Lady Macbeth.

How does it feel to be clean?

I wouldn't know.

Spencer, I could help you with that.

No, I got it.

You're bleeding.

It's not mine.

Spence, can we please just move forward?

I swear I wasn't....

[door opens]



Spencer, I know you're in there.

'If I have to break open a window'

'just to make sure you're okay, I swear to God I.... '

No, no, I-I'm...

I'm-I'm here.

Can you let me in please?

I can't really do this right now.

Well, I-I wanna talk to you.

Come on, Spence, this is stupid.

Can-can I just call you tomorrow?

I'll call you first thing in the morning....

No, no. No, wait. Wait.

Look, I'm an idiot, okay?

Everything came out wrong earlier.


What happened with Hanna, it was like this-this wound that I'd worked so hard to heal....

Okay, Caleb. I really can't hear this right now.

It was confusing, but that's all it was.

It was a moment of confusion....

I'm begging you, just leave!

Okay, re-re-remember my first summer in D.C.?

You and I just started hanging out a lot and this one night we met for a beer.

Well, I-I had gotten a job offer in San Francisco but we were having such a good time that I decided to wait to tell you I was moving until after our drink.

'But then you noticed that they were playing "Bringing Up Baby" at the New Waverly.'

Do you remember?

'Afterward, I walked you to your apartment so I could tell you about my job.'

But there was this violinist playing on Kenyon so we sat in this stoop for a minute to listen...

And I thought why ruin the moment.

'And when we finally got to your door I started to tell you about my job but you were distracted looking for your keys.'

'I couldn't stop staring at that little cleft in your chin...' thinking about how I wanted to trace it with my finger... And kiss you. 'So I never told you about the job' and I called them the next day and I told them that I didn't want it.

Do you remember that night?


Of course I remember that night.

That was one of the best.

Can you please just open the door so we can talk?

Caleb, I really want to...

But I just need more time.

Spence, maybe you should....

Please don't.


Wait here, okay?




Nothing, just...

Just make sure you check the admitting area too, okay.


Can I have some more olives before you punch out?

As soon as we get Aria's text, you...

I drive Rollins' car to the train station I use his credit card to purchase an 11:57 one way, East Bound.

As soon as the train pulls up to the station, I will step on.

I'll leave his jacket with his cellphone in the pocket of a seat, I step off.

Right, and while you're doing that I'll be at Alison's house packing up Rollins' stuff into an overnight bag making it look like he left in a hurry.

What is taking Aria so long?

She should have been done by now.

[cell phone chimes]

It's Hanna, wondering if we should call Aria.

Just tell Hanna to hang tight.

Look. I know things are a little rocky with you and Caleb but you can't blame Hanna.

She kissed him, Em...



I'm sorry. I-I didn't know that.

Just remember, being back here we've all fallen into old patterns.

'Okay? This entire night is proof of that.'

I get it. Okay?

I know it's not always easy with an ex.

I mean.... when I saw Yvonne's ring, I just...

You know, even if you're happy for the person there's just this, like, dull ache.

But I gave Hanna years to figure out if she wanted him back or not.

Maybe it has nothing to do with Hanna.

Okay. Maybe the timing was.... off.

I don't understand when people say that.

What is timing?

Timing is for figure skaters and comedians.

You either love someone or you don't.

Are you coming?


Might as well strengthen my alibi being the sad girl at the end of the bar.

Okay, well, I don't know what to say.

So, uh, good luck. Break a leg.

How about.... knock 'em dead?

[door opens]


[glass shatters]


I thought I could go back in there, but I can't.

I know this is difficult...

But no one is gonna hurt you here.

Rollins is gone.

If you don't go back up there...

It's not just you and me.

Everyone is counting on us.

You promise you'll come back for me.

I promise.

[pop song on speaker]

Oh, sorry, I didn't order this.

I know. He did.


What are you doing?

I thought we were....

If you leave me in these I'll be trapped.

I know.

But the nurses have to see what he did to you.

They have to see that he was a monster.


I married that monster. How stupid am I?

You're not stupid.

You were in love.

And he was in love with Charlotte.

That's what the girl at the farm said, right?


But she also carried around a doll with no face.

After all those years that I fought for her to be released.

How could he think that I k*lled her?

Did you?

Did you k*ll her?

I have to ask because...

Ezra and I thought we saw you that night going into the church.


Why do I still think that a lie will sound better than the truth?

'I told Charlotte about Elliott and me that night.'

We argued. She stormed out.

I followed her to the church, but I swear I didn't k*ll her.

I told you not to follow me.

You can't just wander around in the middle of the night.

The terms of your release were very clear.

What do you care what happens to me?

You hooked up with my doctor.

That is not what happened.

Please, can we just talk about this at home?

No, all those times you came to the hospital I thought you were there to see me.

I was.

We both cared about you.

That's what made Elliott and me close.

He didn't do it on purpose. There's just...

There's a point where we couldn't deny our connection.

I don't wanna hear any of this.

Just go.

Please, just leave me alone.

[wood creaking]

[door creaking]

[door slams]

Why didn't you tell the police what you saw?

I was scared that they wouldn't believe me.

That they'd think that I k*lled her.

Why wouldn't they? You did.

The hardest part is knowing that if I hadn't left her she would still be alive.

Or you might not be.

[cell phone vibrates]

I have to go.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

You're forgetting something. In the drawer.

You said that...

You want them to see what kind of person he was.

Are you sure?


Put it on.

[dramatic music]

Hi, I'm Marco.

Ah, I'm leaving.

Well, that's a very unusual name.

Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I just...

Thank you for the drink.

I just should really get going soon.


Well, soon is soon. Not same as now, is it?

Um, yeah.

Guess I could stay for a minute.


Some extra olives for the lady please.

What? I pay attention.

So, um...



What were you doing tonight?

Burying a body.


Hanna: Maybe she's making it up.

I mean, it is Alison we're talking about.

No, I'm telling you, I don't think Alison had anything to do with Charlotte getting k*lled.

Well, we've been wrong before.

Are you sure we have everything?

Yeah, accelerant, lighters gloves, goggles.

I think she's telling the truth.

Besides, this isn't the same Alison we knew at 15.

Yeah, well, I didn't think I was the same person either but look where we are.

Oh, God, I used to be so scared of her.

This one time, she and I wore the same shirt and I told the school nurse I was feeling flu-ish just so I could go home and change.

Now, Ali is the one who's scared.

She was practically shaking at the hospital I-I couldn't even look her in the eyes.

I felt too guilty.

Hanna, she can never know that we were the ones....



We're missing something.


The car.

[dramatic music]


No. No, come on, that's an urban legend.

No way. It happened to my college girlfriend.

What? Oh, my God. What did she do?

Well, she couldn't tell him what it was now or he'd feel stupid so she picked the piece up and ate it.

No. No way.

Lynn was... She was a nice southern girl, you know?

Like, Emily Post was like a God to her.

She even graduated from charm school.

Charm school? That's like a thing?

Yeah. Well, they don't call it that anymore.

I think it's called "finishing school."



Well, I think I'm pretty finished, so...


Check please. Thanks.

No, no, no. I got this.

Come on. No, no, no.

This one's on me.

I may not have gone to charm school but wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea.

What kind of wrong idea?
♪ The street's ♪
♪ A liar ♪
♪ I'm gonna lure you ♪
♪ Into the dark ♪
♪ My cold desire ♪
♪ To hear the boom boom boom of your heart ♪
♪ The danger is I'm dangerous ♪
♪ And I might just tear you apart ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ I'm gonna catch ya I'm gonna get ya get ya ♪
♪ Oh oh oh ♪
♪ I wanna taste the way that you bleed oh... ♪

Stop. Stop, stop.

What happened?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I just can't do it.

It's okay.

'It's okay.'

Hanna: 'Tell me this is a nightmare.'

It's gone.

No, it.. it can't be gone.

We must just be in the wrong place.

No, I remember covering it up and putting it by the tree.

The tree? Hanna, look around you.

It's all trees. We're in a forest.

No, I put it by this tree because it looked like one of those trees that those-those little men would live in.

Hanna, just think, alright?

Are-are you sure that we came in from this direction?

You know, those little men with, like, the ears and...

We'll be okay. We just...

We need to retrace our steps, okay?

Keebler Elves.

Oh, my God.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

It's gotta be here. We just hid it really, really well.

We lost the car. We lost the damn car, Aria.

Hanna, cars don't just up and drive themselves.

You're right.

Somebody else drove it.

Somebody knows what we did tonight.

[cell phone ringing]

Hey, I just left Alison's house with Elliott's bag.

Do we wanna burn it or do we wanna throw it in a dumpster outside of town?


'Em, I can't do my part.'

'I can't, I can't even drive.'

Where are you?

Aria: 'What are we supposed to do now?'

Hanna: Call Emily and Spencer.

We have to pull the plug on this whole plan.

Wait, really? Are you sure?

Well, when someone steals the car that you're about to torch your cover-up is kind of uncovered.

[car approaching]

Aria: 'It's the car.'

No way.

[dramatic music]

Well, you two sure know how to ruin a surprise.

So how long have you been following us?

I wasn't following you.... specifically.

After Hanna was targeted by "A."


"Uber A," whatever.

I started paying attention.

So when I heard Ali had gone full-blown "Girl Interrupted"

I got suspicious....

Of Rollins?

I started trailing him as a precaution.

I put a GPS tracker on his car so when I saw it drive to the middle of the woods tonight I decided to check it out. Call it curiosity.

You know what that did to the cat, right?

How did you find Lucas' car?

It wasn't that hard.

You didn't exactly do a cr*cker-jack job of erasing the tire tracks.

And the bloody windshield told me the rest.

So do you make it a habit of inserting yourself into other people's homicides or just ours?

Torching the car would have been a bonehead move.

Why? It would've gotten rid of blood and fingerprints.

An abandoned car, scorched in the middle of woods tends to raise some eyebrows.

Okay. Where did you get the windshield fixed?

At a place that won't ask questions and doesn't give answers.

More importantly, what'd you do with Rollins' burner phone?

What burner phone?

Sit down here.


His, uh, keys, did you remember to do something with them?

I tossed them in the gutter.

And, and our fingerprints? It's on the handles.

Did you....

Took care of it?

Okay. What about the....

How could do this to yourself?

How could you do this to us?

This could have ruined everything.

I know.

Why would you go and lose control on the one night when you needed it the most?


You know, there...

There were a few years where I really felt free.

I-I didn't flinch anymore when I saw somebody wearing a hoodie or when I got a blocked call on my phone. I...

I thought it's over, just really over, like for real.

I took horseback riding lessons.

I took a cooking class.

I even let friends tag me in photos.

And now, we're just...

We're right back where we started.

It's worse. Now I have aiding and abetting and a failed relationship to add to the math.

Here, drink.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I screwed up so badly.

Don't worry about it.

It's over.

If it makes you feel any better we're all there with you.

Right back at the beginning.

It doesn't make me feel any better.

Drink more.

No, seriously, if I drink anything else I'm gonna be sick.


Aria: I know we need a cover, but maybe brunch was a bad idea.

What if your mom sees us?

No, she's in New York this weekend.

Spencer: 'Besides, even if she wasn't' all we're doing is eating bagels.

And talking about burner phones.

How do we even know a burner phone exists?

Because I've heard him on it.

It's the only time he drops that phony American accent.

Does this record sound?

No, just visuals.

What if we can't find the phone?

We have to.

I've never heard the other end of his calls.

We don't know who he's working with.

Guys, I'm sorry. I may be a little bit slow this morning but yes, we do.

Is there anyone here who thinks that it's not Mary Drake?

I'm sorry but are we comfortable with those visuals?

Us together on tape?

Look, after dealing with "A" the only thing we know for sure is that we can never be sure of anything.

I just think that we should....

Aria, stop. Drink your mimosa.

How do we get the phone?

I can try to ping it.

See where it was used last.

If we're lucky, it might still be there.

Okay, so bottom line, we find the phone we find Elliott's accomplice.

Guys, it's Mary Drake, seriously.

Who else could it possibly be?

[footsteps approaching]



Hanna? Hanna Marin?

Yeah, Jenna, it's me.

I thought I heard your voice.

I could've sworn I heard Aria too.

Hi, Jenna.

Oh, my God.

What are the chances?

We're as surprised as you are.


Don't tell me you're all here.

I knew it would be strange coming back but I didn't think I'd be taking a time machine.

They make those in a four-door now?

[Jenna scoffs]

I see you haven't lost your sense of humor, Spencer.

So what brings you back?

Toby's engagement.

A lot of our family came back to celebrate.

But you're staying at the Radley?

Oh, didn't you hear? My house blew up.

'I heard that Toby's not the only one'

'with wedding bells in his future.'

So congratulations, Hanna.

Thank you.

Um, how-how did you...

Through the grapevine.

Well, unfortunately, I have to get going.

Tell Ali I hope she feels better.

Or maybe I'll go visit her.

Return the favor from so long ago.

After running into all of you, I...

I can't help but feel all nostalgic.



So the day after we run someone over she comes tapping through town.

It's a co-incidence. 'There's no such thing.'

Co-incidences are the devil's way of remaining anonymous.

I know it might be a little uncomfortable seeing her 'but she could just be here for Toby.'

'I know Yvonne's family is in town.'

I'll go get some more orange juice.



Are you gonna stay mad at me forever?


But I do need to be mad at you for just like a bit longer so if you wanna be a good friend, then...

Just let me...

Let me be mad at you.


You should go see him. Let us find the burner phone.

But what am I supposed to say when he asks about last night?

Tell him the truth.

What about...

Maybe they'll be mad for a little while but.... there are worse things.



What are you doing here?

I came to say hello.

No, I mean what are you doing here in Rosewood?

I came to say hello.

I hear you're engaged.

Does my dad know that you're here?

No, not yet.

But you know I like to think of him as my dad too.

Right, yeah, we're all one big happy family. I forgot.

I figured that now you're starting a family of your own that.... it would be a good time to make amends.


I seem to remember we tried that about three years ago and it didn't go so well.

Yeah, maybe not.

But I would really like to try again.

I can't do it.

What do you mean?

It's not possible.

I can hack into each cell tower's database but unless I know the number, I can't....

You don't have to explain.

I won't understand anyway.

I'm sorry. I really wanted to help you.

No, you have.

A lot.

These last couple of days have been...

Spencer was right.

There was time to stop if I hadn't gotten the pedals mixed up.

No, look.

You got confused. It could happen to anyone.

I keep telling myself that it was an accident.

A horrible accident but...

When I saw Rollins...

I just...

I remember being in a cold, dark room.

So was I confused or...

Was I the least confused I've ever been in my life?


Is that part of the confusion too?

What do you mean?

Han, we used to spend weekends browsing the Tiffany's catalog.

You think I don't know a fake diamond when I see one?


Jordan and I broke up.

But I'm not.... telling anyone yet.

Spencer and Caleb are going through some stuff.

And you don't wanna be a factor.

[sighs] That's noble...

But you can't hide this forever.

'At some point, people are gonna expect, you know...' a wedding.

Oh, my God, my bracelet.

I-I had a gold chain bracelet on, and now it's not here.

Well, when did you have it on last?

Last night in Rollins' car.

You're joking, right?

Oh, God, why? Why is this happening?

If they find my bracelet in Rollins' car....

They're not going to.

This is a lost cause.

They're never gonna let us in to see her.

Probably not, just as long as they told her that we came.

We don't want Alison to think that we're abandoning her.

He's only been missing a few hours.

'Why is the Rosewood PD suddenly so motivated?'

Emily: Because of me.

I asked Toby to look into Rollins, remember?

Great, you just sent the police on a manhunt for the guy we just m*rder*d.

[clears throat]

Hey. You both better come with me.

Toby, what is going on?




[door opens]

[gasps] What are you doing here?

No need to call for the nurse, dear.

I'm in charge now.

Okay, enough with the secrecy already.

What's going on?

We should wait for Hanna.

Uh, she can't come. She had plans with her mom.

Toby.... what is it?

I studied the file you gave me but I couldn't find a connection between Mary Drake and Elliott Rollins.

Okay. So why were cops all over Welby?

Elliott Rollins is dead.

He's been dead for 15 years.

Wait, what?

When I ran Elliott Rollins' name through our database there were inconsistencies, so I looked into it.

The real Dr. Elliott Rollins was 72 years old when he died of a stroke.

So the guy Alison married is...

A fraud.

He's been using the identity of the deceased Dr. Rollins 'the whole time he's been working here.'

And he must have realized that he was close to being found out too because he's missing.

'He didn't show up for work today.'

'He's not answering his phone.'

He's gone.

D-do you know where he is?

Not yet but we will find him.

'I already spoke to my captain.'

He's making it top priority.


Look, I-I should probably go.

Um, but.... in the meantime please keep all of this to yourselves. Okay?

We won't say a word.

Just, please be careful I don't know what this guy is capable of.

I promise you guys won't have to stay quiet for long.

The truth will come out.

[door closes]

[announcement on speaker]

[train horn blaring]

Whose genius idea was it to throw away the key?

We should have told him.

We should have told him exactly what happened.

Are you nuts?

Guys, if Rollins isn't Rollins then who the hell did we just k*ll?

All I found is a candy wrapper and a clump of hair.

Are you sure it's in here?

Hey, hand me that lock thingy, will you?

Okay, but, Hanna, we have to go 'because if a train comes before we leave.... '

Just one minute.

In two minutes, commuters are gonna flood this parking lot 'and see you stabbing at a seat cushion with a metal hook.'

Got it.

[cell phone ringing]

[ringing continues]

woman on phone: 'Hi, Archer, can you hear me?'

'It's Jenna.'

'Jenna Marshall.'