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02x08 - Chasing Ghosts

Posted: 07/13/16 07:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Powers...

Why are you doing this?

Funny, that's what momma said every time you threw her against the door.

That's Calista.

She's a Power, all right.

But... she isn't right in the head.

Mr. Secor, can you give us anything that would help track her down?

Senator Bailey Brown, also known as the Cobalt Knight, was found m*rder*d in his Los Angeles office this morning, head crushed.

I know who k*lled the Knight.


It was him.

Morrison. You might know him better as The Ghost.

He k*lled Senator Brown, and he's gonna k*ll me next.

So you found him, huh?

The Ghost?

I got to start closing that door.

Yes and no.

What's that supposed to mean?

Christ, can can you give me a second?

What'd you find out?

Well, there, there isn't that much to go on, but what there is has him dead in '67.

Morrison is not dead.

According to every written word on the matter, yes he is.

And you k*lled him.

You said so yourself at a press conference.

I got it wrong.


Patrick, Morrison hasn't been seen in over 50 years.

What makes you think he'd come back?

He likes the long game.

Hell, he invented it.

Janice's m*rder brought him out.

He saw a weakness in the Unity, and...

No. Now, Unity hasn't been "Unity" in a long time.

He hasn't stopped k*lling.

He's gone, Patrick, okay?

I'm the target.

I always have been.

People don't just come back from the dead.

You sure about that?

Have you seen my...

I think I've seen your everything.

How 'bout you drive me to work so I can keep it going?

You know we are not driving in to work together.

Why are we still doing this?

What's so funny?

Don't do that.

Do what?

Try to turn this into something serious.

Deena, I just... I'll drive us into work.

No, Kutter, please, do not f*ck this up.

Being together fucks this up.

No, there is a time and a place, but work ain't it.

Driving isn't working.

What... What... What are you doing?

Carpooling, what are you doing?

Defining boundaries.


Consider them defined.



Let's say, hypothetically, that you're right, that Morrison's alive.

Why does he... k*ll Senator Brown now?

Well, that's kind of like asking why a scorpion stings.

Because it's in his nature.

No, because the bastard's an evil f*ck, a provocateur.

Morrison's a Level Ten, according to the apes and the way they categorize everything.

He can do whatever the f*ck he wants whenever the f*ck he wants to do it.

Like survive a combined onslaught from Unity?

Come on.

Even Janice said he was dead.

No, she lied.

And so did I.

We beat him up pretty good, but...

...couldn't find a body, so... she wanted to make a statement to the press to make people feel safe.

I don't remember Janice lying about anything, ever.

Well, maybe you didn't know her as well as you thought you did.

I need to take this to Powers Division.



I can't do this on my own.

God damn it, Diamond, it's between the Powers, not... not them.

I'm not a Power.

Once a Power, always a Power, as far as I'm concerned.


Let me take a look at some of these leads.

You know, maybe there's a way we...


I was hoping you could help me with something...

All right.

Got your attention?

Gather round!

Come on, gather around!

Okay... okay.

All right, before anyone gets any smart ideas...

Y'all be cool, this will be over before you know it.



The f*ck?


Shitty way to go?

Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ...

I've seen this before.

Where am I?

In my place.

It's where I have all my ingredients.

For what?

For this.

Your medicine.

Here you go, drink up, slowly.

What is it?

It's what you need.

Trust me.


I know, it's f*cking horrible, but it's... it's what you need, trust me.

It'll make you better.



No, f*ck, it's f*cking..

I got the recipe from a shaman in Nepal.

It helps the mind focus.


Have some more.

I'm... Really, I'm good, man.

You... you need you need to have some more. Drink it.

Drink it, please.


Okay, I'm done.

I... I got to get back.

Thank you.

Thank you for taking care of me, Patrick, but I I got to go.

I... I can't move my legs.

That's a side effect.

I can't feel my f*cking legs, Patrick.

Just get some rest, Diamond, you'll be fine by the morning.

In the morning?

Yeah, give or take.

Lay down.

Mili Pavle.

Zasto uze tebe...

Gentlemen, you seen Walker today?

Clay, you seen Walker?

Yeah, I understand.

We'll get it down there as soon as possible.

Tell him she's on her way.

Yeah, lie to him.

Tell him she's... putting out a fire in India or something and she's running late.

All right.

Call me if things change.

What is happening?

Calista Secor's father came to town to hold up a bank and take hostages.

You and Walker, find Calista.

See if we can't talk him out of doing this before he does something we'll all regret.

I...I can't find Walker, no one's seen him this morning.

Is he just being Walker or is this something else?

Given recent events, and his headache thing, I'd like to check his apartment.



The Secor thing, you...

I got it. And take Kutter.

I'm good, really.

Take him.

Come with me.

I'm busy.

I need you with me.

Kutter, what are you waiting for?

Go after her!


The f*ck is going on?

For security reasons, after a silent alarm was tripped, indicating a robbery in progress.

Almost two dozen people are being held hostage at a Wilshire Boulevard bank.

The gunman has not made his demands known yet, but LAPD confirms that he is wearing a vest rigged with expl*sives.

What's wrong with people?

We should suit up and get down there.

Oh, my God.

Police have not release the identity of the bomber, but this security camera image appears to be a match for convicted felon Todd Secor.

We will bring you up to date...

That's my Dad.

Best keep it down.

I mean, I'd hate to rile the others.

Oh, my God.

Relax, pretty boy.

You still got your looks.

Do you want to give that guy a heart attack?

Don't worry. He can't see me.

But he can see you.

What's happening?

The dawn of your brave new world, I think.

How do you feel?

Not dead!

You don't look dead.

You do.

You know what the weird thing is?

I feel f*cking fabulous.

Now, let's get out of here.

See how the world treats you.

Or... how you... want to treat the world, Mr. Back From The Dead.




You want to help or...

He's probably drunk.

Break down the door.

You break down the door.

He could be in trouble in there.


Armed police officers on the premises.

If anyone is here, show yourself, now!

Place is empty.

Surprise, surprise.

What's that?


We got to get this place locked down, processed.

Crime scene?

I don't know yet.

Who's Morrison?

And what is he doing?

Chasing a ghost.


All I've ever really wanted was a simple life.

I wanted to be a farmer, just like my father before me and his father before him.

I loved the smell of dirt in my hand.

I loved building that house with my dad, brick by brick from the ground.

I still remember the day the soldiers came in and burned everything up.

They took us all... lined us up against the wall...

Made us witness terrible things, terrible atrocities.

I couldn't save him.

Nothing I could do.

They k*lled the whole family.

But I didn't die.

I've been waiting 300 years for the human beings to do something good with themselves, and it's all just a waste of time.

Maybe Morrison was right.

Maybe I should just let them all just burn and k*ll each other.

Maybe it's time for a fresh start.

None of Walker's credit cards have been used.

His car is still parked at his building.

No one saw him leave.

We looked at the stuff we found at his apartment.

It's clear he was taking this "Morrison angle" seriously.

I am dealing with a hostage situation, you're talking about a dead man?

Are we, or is Walker onto something that might prove otherwise?

SuperShock gave Walker the leads, right?

Where is he in all this?

Don't know.

But we have found an expert on Morrison, though.

It's a woman named Samara.

She's a bit of an internet celebrity.

She's a Powers truther, into conspiracy theories and shit.

Anyways, she's got the lock on Morrison lore so we're gonna head there next.

So what are you thinking?

If Morrison is real, he figured out Walker was hunting him and struck first.

Find Morrison.

Yes, sir.

Ladies, a construction site off Wilshire reported several sticks of commercial expl*sives missing early this morning.

b*mb squad says he's strapped himself with enough of it to k*ll everyone within a 30 foot radius of the blast.

What about a sharpsh**ter?

It's a big risk.

He's... keeping the hostages pretty close for insurance.

He's in over his head and he knows it.

How much is he asking for?

As much as he can carry, plus safe passage to a country that won't extradite him.

Some dad, huh?

Calista, we need your help.

What's the plan?

You're gonna walk in calmly and talk to him.


Calista and I will go in together.

I will use my energy cubes to separate him from the hostages.

It'll be a bloodbath.

He wants to talk to you, alone.

'Course he does.

He thinks he can manipulate you into helping him.

Figures since it's worked in the past, why not the present?

Are you sure about this?

I'm not a little girl anymore.

That's what I'm counting on, and so are the 23 innocent people in that bank.

Guess getting resurrected burned a lot of calories, huh?

g*dd*mn it! Why are you here?

To refill your water.

No, I'm fine, thanks.

Why are you here?

Maybe you should be more concerned about why you are here.

I mean, best guess, and you're not gonna like it, but...

I'm a Power.

Which is pretty f*cked up when you think about it.

I mean, you, of all people, a Power.

I mean, if that's not irony, I don't know what is.

Wait, what... What is that?

The thing you're doing with your face?

I'm thinking you away.

I don't think that's how it...


Look, Krispin, you need to start focusing on the cards you've been dealt here.

Think about it, no one even knows you're alive.


So stay anonymous.

Don't register as a Power.

You could do so much damage.

If I die again, how do I know I'll even come back?

Only one way to find out.

Getting tired of waiting.

Yeah, I understand, but... you're gonna have to give me some more time to...

Too bad, 'cause you're running out of it.

Mr. Secor, your daughter is not coming.

The f*ck? What do you mean she's not coming?

Please, try to remain calm.

Did you f*cking talk to her?

Did you tell her what's happening?

Stay the f*ck down!

Everybody, stay the f*ck down!

You want me to make an example out of you, huh?

Is that what you want?

Oh, my God.

Let him go, Dad.

Well, Calista, that cop said you weren't even coming.

Like you raised me to take orders from cops.

Who here can open the vault so I can get this pathetic ass rag his money?

Don't f*cking k*ll anyone while we're gone.

Thank you, sweetheart, I'll just... wait right here for you.

The guy keeps showing up throughout all of history, creating chaos under all sorts of names.

Mendoza, Manners, Caruthers, Grabowski.

He always shows up during historical catastrophes, like the proverbial bad penny, something my grandma used to say.

Now, I never found out what the penny did that was so bad, but this guy, he's the worst.

That's tit.

Is that it?

Yeah... it's cool.

That's it.

Now, depending on sources, there's also some super strength in there and the ability to disappear.

Like, turn invisible?

No, just, poof.

One minute there, next second gone in thin air.

Makes getting out of tough situations a snap.

Oh, he was supposedly in Hitler's bunker when the Russians came crashing in.

Wha... Hitler's bunker?

Oh, yeah.

Total n*zi.

Here, look.

That looks like him.

It's freaky.

He was going by the name Oberholtzer.

Everybody thought he died in the bombing.

I think not.

Why not?

Two months ago, he called in to one of my live podcasts to correct me on some facts.

You're saying he called you?

And what makes you think Morrison wasn't involved in the Kennedy assassination, caller?

Because I was otherwise engaged at the time.


You passing as Morrison, are you?

Kennedy's death is certainly something within my sphere of pleasure, but I'm sorry to say that was not my work.

And what are you otherwise engaged in?

I'm a great fan of music.

I've been collecting old pieces for decades, and I even produced a few things.

So you're a record producer and a maniac?

In November of that year, I was helping a group of young musicians get their second album out in America.

Such talent, especially John.

And who is "John," sir?

John Lennon.


Can't enjoy the meal unless you set a proper table.

Wait a second, so this guy worked with...

Yeah. That's Morrison.

In the '60s, he was around in the music scene until he suddenly vanished and disappeared, never to be seen again.

So what do you got for us?

Yeah, okay.

Jesus... here's... there's stuff in the background.

Musicians get their second album out...

Music and...

Such talent...

That is definitely an old cash register.

He called from a store?

A music store, I think.

Check this out.

Sounds like Jiminy Cricket.

It's Cliff Edwards, he was Jiminy Cricket.

Disney hired him for Pinocchio. This song is from 1925.

Why do you know that?


So Samara's live feed starts at 6:00 p.m.

Call comes in at 6:42 from an open store, doing business probably puts it on the West Coast and him in front of a computer or a smartphone, at least, to hear the live show.

All right, so let's go to some old record stores, flash his picture around.

If he's a collector, somebody's gonna know him.


Good job.

No problem.


Oh, shit.

Hey, little brother.

That's a good way to get yourself k*lled.

Look at that.

Knew I could count on you, baby girl.

I knew you'd also see that I was driven to this.

You know, that it's that it's not me, you know.

It's... That it's a matter of circumstance.

A lot of people have worse lives than you and they never hurt anyone.

Yeah, that's true, but... after this I'll never have to hurt anyone again.

I mean, you get that, right?

You got to, 'cause you you came to save me.

I'm here to save these people.

I'm sorry I wasn't a better man.

I want to be.

Even think I could, given the chance.

Every word that comes out of your mouth is one God damn manipulative lie after the next, and you're asking me for forgiveness?

Not every word.

Not these.



Give me a chance.

Give me a chance.




Then let's fly.

How's this work?

This is amazing.

Isn't it?

We can go anywhere.

Where do you want to go, baby girl?

The only place you can go.

Goodbye, Daddy.

Wait, honey!

No, no!

If anything has happened to her, it's on you.

This is one mountain you're not gonna walk down.

Once you step off that cliff, gonna be the first mistake you're gonna make of many.

If you want to go back outside, I think it's kind of dumb.

Look what I found.

Your old coat.

That's not my coat, Patrick.

It sure is. Here.

That is your coat, put it on.

Patrick, I don't need your f*cking coat.

Put it on!

I need you to take me back home, please.

Coat is on.

Will you take me back, please?

I say we weather out the storm here for a little while, and I'm gonna make some tea.

Yeah, well...

I'm feeling a lot better, you know.

We could...

Do you?

Thank you.

I'm no stranger to... problems with the mind.

You know, I wanted to get back because I wanted to work on finding Morrison.

I think I have an idea of where he might be.

Where would that be?

Hiding in plain sight.

Close by, you know.

I...I think he'd want to keep an eye on things.

Makes sense.


You know, if we... analyze the conflict hot spots and try to see how they might connect to Senator Brown's death, who else might have been m*rder*d, you know, how they intersect, maybe we have a shot at pinpointing his location.

You think so?

Yeah, but I can't do it from here.

I'd need to have the resources of Powers Division.

Us? Powers?

I think we're responsible for all this bullshit.

I think we created Morrison, the worst of the worst, and... that fucker, Wolfe.

Yeah, f*cking assh*le.

We should start with The Ghost.

Yeah, start with Morrison.

If he exists, and I now believe he does, thanks to you, we need to bring him to justice, Patrick.

You know, you and me, huh?

Just like old times, huh?

But we can't, we can't do it from here, Patrick.

We can't do it from your cabin on top of a mountain, in the middle of nowhere.


f*cking what?


It's up in the Andes.

It's the only place I can think of he hasn't had his grubby, little paws on.

Okay, sure, yeah.

Let's get you back to civilization.



Yes, sir, yeah.

One small step for man...

Did it look this high to you from the ground looking up?


Perspective's a bitch, huh?

This is crazy.

Let's hold hands when we do it.

No way.

What are you doing?!

This is gonna be so epic!

You're gonna go splat, and then unsplat.

Any idea how cool that is?

But what if I don't unsplat?

Come on, man, don't wuss out on me now.

I'm not doing it!

Krispin, you're not doing it alone.

I'm right here.

I always said we'd do great things together, didn't I?

Well, consider this a leap of faith.


Why do you want to do this so badly, jump with me?

Way I see it, we jump here together, and we'll only grow stronger.


You keep saying that, like somehow we made each other better, but we didn't!

Our lives unraveled... since we started Kaotic Chic!

Don't kid yourself, Krispin.

Your life unraveled long before we met.

I've never seen it before, but I see it now.

You're weak.

Me? Please.

Before I found you online, you were nothing but a spineless, whiny mess, who locked himself in his room, drawing out his feelings.

Okay, then.



Glad you got that out of your system.

Let's jump.


Not us... you.

Come again?

You heard me.


Why so scared all of a sudden?

You're not even living, so why be afraid to jump on your own?

Krispin, we...

You can't do anything without me, can you?

Tortured spirit or something of my own creation, like you said, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that you're here because of me.


Okay, is that what you wanted to hear, that we're in this together?

But I don't need you.


You heard me.

Krispin, don't do this.

God damn it, you need me.

You need me and you know it.


Not anymore.

Krispin, don't, don't!

No! No, Krispin!

Don't you f*cking leave me!

Do you want to call...


What number is this?

It's 22.

23 is across the street.

And they said vinyl was dead.

Same about Morrison, huh?


Hey, can I just say something, real quick?


I just want you to know, I'm officially backing off.

Yeah, let me finish...

You know I like you.

Think I made that... pretty clear.

But I understand that you're uncomfortable with this.

I'm not uncomfortable.

I'm just not...

Ready, willing, or able.

Okay. It's okay.

It doesn't even matter, you know.

Point is, I'm taking a step back... and, if you ever... change your mind, want me to step up again, let me know.

Until then, we're... simply co-workers.

Okay. Thank you.

So, what's next?

I'll take 22, you take 23.

I meant...

I know what you meant.

But Walker's missing and we're hunting a ghost, so what are you gonna do?



Anything special you're looking for?

Without even looking at you, I'm pinning you as a "Townes Van Zandt" kind of guy.

More "John Prine" type.

That was my second guess.

Are these all first pressings?

Why carry anything else?


Wait, is this The Stones' "Sticky Fingers" mono version?

Orange sticker and all.

I am a bit of a collector.


More than a collector, I've been to 20-some-odd record stores and nobody comes close to your selection.

Keen an eye as you got, since you've yet to ask about any prices, I get the feeling you're after something else.

Well, yes and no.

Curious about perhaps a customer.

You mind taking a look at a photo?


Let me just hop down there and...

You all right?

Good catch.

In the old days, I would have just disappeared.

But... time has taken its toll, so, I have to stand my ground now.

You understand.

Look at that.

Gone and bled all over my stacks.

Still gonna give you a parting gift, though.



All right, I'm here, I'm here.

I got you, I got you.

I got you.

Don't try to speak.

Don't try to speak.

All right, I got you.

You're gonna get through this.

Stay with me.

911, what's your emergency?


Yeah, this is Detective Deena Pilgrim, Badge 7-4-9-9-0-3.

No, no, no, stay here.

I got an officer down. I need an ambulance ASAP.

8029 Edinburg Avenue.

Repeat it back!

8029 Edinburg Avenue.


We have an ambulance on the way.

Yeah! Yeah, send it now!

What, what is this? What... what?

It's Morrison?

It was Morrison?

You don't to speak.

Don't try... don't...

We're gonna find him, okay?

Stay with me, okay?

Stay with me! Stay with me.

Stay with me.

Stay with me.

Stay with me.

I'm here to register as a Power.

Sure you are.

And what exactly is your power, pal?

I'm still trying to figure it all out, actually.

But I did just come back from the dead after jumping off the roof of a 20-story building.

So that's got to count for something, right?


Hey, Commander Cross.