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02x07 - Let the Right One In

Posted: 07/13/16 04:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Scream".

I realize Jake was no angel, but he didn't deserve what Seth did to him.

Brooke, I know you want answers, but don't go down the Branson spiral.

It could be anyone this time.

He's messing with me. I have to figure this out.

And I really need you to understand that.

I do.

We need to talk. It's about Emma.

Emma's friend Riley has been reaching out to me.

Not Riley Marra.

She's been emailing me.

And you will never guess who sent them.

The emails came from Emma Duval?

I brought Piper to Lakewood.

Now, I'm paying for my mistakes. I deserve this.

I know, I know. Don't get involved. Whatever.

Screw that! Promise you'll take no prisoners and kick ass as needed.

You're crazy!

Confess to k*lling Jake, or say good-bye to "little Branson."

JK. I never want to see you again.

Scream - S02E07 Let the Right One In Leave another message, Ms. Lang.

Are you expecting someone?



Can we come in?


I'm glad the two of you are here.

If it's all right with you, we'd like to look at Emma's computer.

My computer?

Why do you need her computer?

My dad was getting emails from Riley Marra? But she's...

Dead. We know. And it turns out the emails were sent from your computer, Emma.

That's ridiculous.

I... I did not send those emails.

I didn't say that you sent them, but they were sent from your IP address.

If there's someone targeting you...

You think someone's targeting her?

A few points lead to that.

The articles about Piper's rampage that Emma found at the Crescent Palms Motel, the threatening phone calls, the sightings at the school, the incident at the fairgrounds last night...

Wait. What incident at the fairgrounds?


I didn't want to worry you.

Yes. So, these points lead to someone obsessing over and stalking Emma.

So, if there's anything that you haven't told us... anything at all...

There is. The farm.

I found a bunch of old pictures of myself at a farm out on Pikeview Road.

There was a man there. It was dark.

I couldn't see his face. He ran away.

We went back that night. It was empty. There was nothing.

We just thought that maybe it wasn't...

A hallucination.

We'll check that out.

But if someone's harassing you, Emma, we need to know.

Your computer could really help us find this person.

Yes, sir.

Hey, thanks for letting me crash.

There's no way I could've been by myself last night.

Me either, actually.

Hey... you know you need to tell Emma everything you told me last night, right?

No, there's no way I'm ever telling her any of that.

But with everything that's happened...

I destroyed her life!

Piper destroyed her life.

I brought Piper here!

I get that you're scared, but...

I understood. Emma will too.

But you just have to give her a chance.

Emma's not you, Noah.

I'm starving.



If you're looking for Emma, she traded the early shift with me, last minute, and I am so not pissed.

Not looking for Emma.

Uh, we're looking for caffeine and baked things at the moment.

Which is on me, for last night.

All right.

Oh, hey, I actually see a spot opening up on the couch, so I'm gonna go grab that.

But, uh, get me the usual. Mocha, coconut, extra shot, and one of those yogurt granola things.

Hey, you!

Hey! Hey, Zoe! Hey!

You're here! I mean, how are you?

I'm great. Normal, actually. But I'm glad to see you.


So, we have that oral coming up in applied physics, and, honestly, that class has been kicking my proverbial butt as of late.

Yeah, it's tricky.

Um, so I was wondering if you would be interested in getting together for a little study session later?

Hey, Zoe.


So, what do you say? Like, one-ish?

Of course. That sounds great.

Uh, you'll pick me up? I mean, I will pick you up?

No, no, no. I'll pick you up. I like to drive.

See ya.


She likes to drive.

First, shut up.

Second, it's just a study session.

Okay, study session or study date?

Oh, my God. Foster, learn to read a moment or you will be a virgin forever.

I'm more focused on staying alive.

If we stop living our lives, we might as well give up fighting now.

Who knows? Maybe I'm meant to die alone.

Will you take your yogurt and go? You have a date to get ready for.

It's a study session.

Whatever! Bring protection.

I... I know.

So, I was just questioned by the sheriff.

He wanted to have a look at my computer.

Wait. Why?

Apparently, someone has been sending my dad emails from Riley Marra.


And whoever was doing that sent them from my computer.

That, coupled with everything that you just told the sheriff...

Kieran, why did you go to him without talking to me first?

You've been keeping things from them, okay? It's dangerous.

That is not what we agreed to last night.

When you acted like I could trust you, when you made me feel safe...

What was that? Was that just a lie?

No, no. Of course not.

Then, why did you go to the sheriff without talking to me first?

You would have told me not to.

I'd rather have you angry at me and alive, than dead.

It was for your own good, Em.

For my own good?

Then, why do I feel so betrayed?

Hey! Hey, have you seen Emma?

Wasn't she supposed to be working this morning?

She was supposed to, but I haven't.

Are you okay?

I, um...

I think I might've messed up.

That's ominous.

You're dark. Like, in a good way.

I feel like maybe you would understand.

That's even more ominous.

So, last night, I handcuffed Branson to a bed, threatened to castrate him with scissors, and then left him trapped in a hotel room.

You went full Hard Candy on Branson and left him chained to a bed?


I don't know. I was just trying to scare him.

I thought he knew something about Jake.

Is he still there?

What the hell is that?

It's the key to the handcuffs.

Oh, wow.

I'm serious. Don't judge me.

No, no, no. Trust me, I'm in no position to judge, but... we definitely need to do something about this.


Why do you think it took her so long to tell us about this place?

Someone's got her scared.

This place is about as abandoned as you'd think an abandoned farm would be.

Thanks for humoring me, Dwayne.

Will you radio the station, let them know we're on our way back?


It's Miguel. We have a bigger problem than we thought.

Thank God you're here. We've been swamped all morning.

Hey, are you mad at something?

Yeah, I'm mad at a lot of things, actually.

Mostly your cousin.

What'd he do now?

He went and told the sheriff a lot of things behind my back.

Doesn't sound anything like Kieran.

I don't know. I know that he was doing it to protect me, but I still hate that he didn't tell me.

Sounds like something I shouldn't get in the middle of.

No, trust me, nothing that you say is gonna make it any worse.

Okay, so... the thing with Kieran is, he keeps stuff buried deep, like, deeper than usual, subterranean.

Yeah, I've noticed that.

But he had a really tough childhood.

His step-dad never let up on him.

You know his mom and step-dad died in that car crash, right?


Well, him and his step-dad got in some huge fight right before they drove off.

Oh, no.

Kieran still hasn't forgiven himself for that fight.

He never told me about that.

That's probably why he's so overprotective.

You've noticed?

Yeah, totally.

And then, what happened with his real dad...

He's lost a lot of people.

He really, really doesn't want to lose you.

With everything that's going on, he's probably just scared.

It's getting crazy, so, um... get to work.


Here we are.

Wow! This is a really cool spot.

It's my favorite place to sit and think.

You know I have a kind of love-hate relationship with this lake?

I know. I've heard you wax dark and poetic a lot about this body of water on The Morgue.

Right! Yeah, you're a fan. That's really cool.

I was away during the whole Piper thing, so your podcast was the best way for me to find out what you guys went through.

Yeah, you weren't around last fall.

I was away at a Space X immersion program all through October.

Wait, you're not talking about the Space X Lift Bold Thinkers program, are you?

Oh, yeah. It was amazing.


Okay, so, I've applied to that six times.

It's in June, not October. So...

How were you there in the fall?

Okay, I lied.

But the whole Space X thing is way nicer than the truth, so can we just go with that, please?


I-I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.

It's totally cool. You don't have to...

It's none of my business.

There was a moment last fall when I realized school was all I had.

I didn't have any friends. I wasn't a part of anything.

It was pretty lonely.

This crushing sort of loneliness out of nowhere. And, um...

One night, I did something really stupid.

It's not important, but the result was, my mom bought me a therapist, and, um, I skipped school for, like, a month.

Trust me... for Lakewood, you're in the shallow end of hidden mysteries.

Thank you.

I think I have to confess one more thing.

I actually brought you here for a date.

And, uh... I've got swimsuits.

I'm really good at physics, just less so at asking boys out.

Zoe, am I to understand this was all some sort of elaborate ruse?

I feel like you already knew that, Mr. Foster.

Uh, it's cool. You should get that.

Nope! I'm good.

You have my undivided attention.

Hey, Foster, if anything happens to me, it probably has something to do with Seth Branson. I'll explain later.

Audrey, you did not have to come with me, really.

He's gonna be weak and exhausted.

Don't judge me.

The point is, we can take him together.


Just open the door.


No... way.

Okay, this is bad. I'm not gonna lie.

But Branson was bound to escape eventually.

Yeah, but where is he?

And who is he telling about what I did?

And what is this bizarre little display about?

It's Branson. He wants me to meet him later.

Either I apologize or he says he's gonna turn me in.

Turn you in? He is pissed.

He even put "apologize" in quotation marks.

Ew! Creep!

I have to go meet him, right?

I mean, convince him not to tell anyone about this?

But you're not going alone.

Okay, odd.

He wants to meet you at the school. That is so messed up!

He's a known predator teacher! What's wrong with him?

It's where we used to hook-up.

I think this is his idea of nostalgia.

Or the perfect place to exact his revenge.

He's such scum, Brooke!

Don't... Don't spiral on me, okay?

Trust me, he's not worth the anger.

Let's just get this over with, okay?

Here I am... alone... waiting for a girl... at a lake.

And that's never gone bad for anyone in a movie ever.

Hey, Zoe! Come out here! Come join me!

Almost there!


Sorry. Just took an extra minute.

Yeah, yeah. It's totally cool.

Uh, that's okay. I was totally fine out here by myself. It's very chill.

Thank you for the swimsuit.

You're welcome.

So, how is your love-hate relationship with this body of water now?

I feel like a pretty big fan of the bodies near me right now.
Hold up! Did someone get some game while I was changing?


Ms. Lang. Hey.

I'm so sorry that I haven't returned your phone call. I've just been...

Avoiding me. I know.

No. It's just not a good time right now.

But I owe you an apology, Emma.

During the lockdown, I was worried things might trigger your PTSD.

I only locked you in that classroom for your own protection, I swear.

But it caused a panic attack and I'm so sorry.

I really hope you can forgive me.

Yeah, I accept your apology, but...

But what?

A lot of people are trying to help me right now, and it seems to be turning out for the worst.

We're just worried about you, Emma.

I cannot talk about this right now, okay?

I really need you to give me some space, or I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Okay, Ms. Lang?

I understand.

But we're... I just want you to make sure you get the help you need.

If it's not from me, then I can find someone else.

I'll be at the school later, grading papers, if you want to call or stop by.


What was that?

That was Ms. Lang socially failing.

I just cannot even deal with her right now. I feel like...

Like the world's closing in on you?


You gotta get away from it all.

I'm telling you, you're in dire need of some fun.

Which I'm actually pretty good at, believe it or not.

All you have to do is agree.

I will think about it.

Come on.

Just, like, dinner tonight.

My treat. Come on. I know a really cool place.

Stop it.

Come on.

Come on...

I will pick you up, 5:30?

For the record, you're a really bad salesman.

I cannot talk about this right now, okay?

I really need you to give me some space, or I don't know what I'm gonna do.

We're just worried about you, Emma.

I cannot talk about this right now, okay?

I really need you to give me some space, or I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Admit it. That was way better than studying particle acceleration.

I... I can't argue with that.

Hey, so, um, I was thinking...


My parents are actually gonna be away tonight.

Think maybe you want to come over later? Hang out?

Sounds like a plan.


Smooth or ribbed?

Look at you turn bright red!

Oh, no, I'm not buying condoms.

I'm, uh... I'm-I'm looking for, uh...

Where-Where's the shampoo?

It's better to be safe than sorry, baby.

And, between us, there's no difference. What do you think?

Uh, whatever's, um, best.

Let's at least narrow down the size.

Noah's on a date... ish.

Whatever it is, it seems to be going well 'cause he's not answering.

Good for him.

It's almost time. What am I gonna say to Branson?

Are you seriously putting on lipstick for that jerk?

This is w*r paint.

Look, if Branson starts getting weird, just deny that the hotel thing ever happened, okay?

It's Branson we're talking about. No one's gonna believe him.

Well, this town always believes the worst about my family and this happens to be true.

Seriously, Brooke, just lie.

Trust me, Audrey. I know from experience with my dad.

The longer you lie about something, the worse it gets.

Who's that?


Okay, time to go.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Yes, I have to. Come with me or don't.

Attempts to deepen my relationship with Emma have been hindered by her clear emotional instability.

Must be diligent about rebuilding my...

Must be diligent about rebuilding...


Hello, Kristin.

Yes? Who is this, please?

Just a fan of higher education.

School's closed on Sunday, super fan. I'm hanging up now.

You seem to take a real interest in your students, don't you?

Who is this?

No wonder you like Seth Branson.

You know Seth?

Doesn't everybody?

People love him, especially the young ladies.

All of them so hot for teacher.

Real mature. Good-bye.

But he's waiting for you right out in the hall, Kristin.

Don't worry, he's not handsy anymore.

Oink, oink, oink... oink, oink, oink... oink, oink, oink...

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Seth. Seth...


Ma'am? Ma'am!

Brooke, Brooke! Hold on just one second.

I just want to get this over with, okay?

He's gonna be in his old classroom.

Listen, we don't know what you're walking into right now.

We have no idea. True?

I'm about to "convince" sleazy Branson to keep his mouth shut.

I don't trust him.

You came to me because you said that I'm dark and I understand this stuff.

Well, I do! So, let me go in first.

No, I can't let you do that.

No, no, no.

Just give me a few minutes to feel him out, okay?

He's not gonna mess with me. Besides, I'm not wearing heels, so, you know, I can run faster if he turns out to be mental.

Just a few minutes. Just keep your phone close, and I'll let you know when to come in, okay?

Good enough. Thank you.

I'm here! Are you here?

Are you here, you d*ck?

Where's the ambulance?

What? Whoa!

No, I thought you were the paramedics.

One of the teachers fell. It's awful.

Ms. Lang!

She's still breathing.

Oh, my God!

Brooke, you were supposed to stay outside.

Did somebody call an ambulance?

Yeah, yeah, he did.

Audrey, call someone!

He said he did!

Ms. Lang?

Oh, um... I don't really know what to say.

And this has been a new episode of "Zoe doesn't know what to say."

Let's see here... We put this file into here, save as...

There you go. Immortalized.


I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.

This is so bad. Sorry. Do you have any adult beverages?

Oh, sure. Yeah, yeah.

Uh, I think my mom has some blackberry brandy.

And I instantly regret mentioning my mom, so just... hold that thought.

Be right back.

I know why the k*ller is after me. He knows what I've done and that I would do anything to keep it secret.

I brought Piper to Lakewood.

This is the best cashew chicken in the world, by the way.

And why are we not eating at the restaurant?

This place is better.

Where are we going?

Right here.

This is a hole in a fence with a lot of rusty stuff.

Okay, look, tonight is about adjusting that gloomy world view.


This is just... an unconventional entrance.

You're never supposed to go to the second location with a stranger, so...

I'm not a stranger, okay? I'm just strange.

Come on. The chicken's getting cold.

Just to get it all out there...

I've never actually had, like, full-on sex with, like... in person, with another person.

Noah! Oh, God, no!

Oh, um...

Audrey, what the hell? Get out!

This is really awkward and-and I'm sorry, but we need to talk.

Does it have to be right this minute?

I should get home.

No, no, no, no, no!

You stay. She goes. Audrey goes. Right, Audrey?

Okay, this was great, seriously, but, um... not that last part.

So, I guess, next time, I will find a fortress of solitude for our study sessions, okay?



Audrey, come on.

If I had known there would have been a real live girl in here other than me, I wouldn't...

You are not making it better. Someone better be dead.

Wait, is someone dead?

Eli, what are we doing?

With everything that's going on, this is getting kind of scary.

Good. It should be.

This is the rush we want.

The excitement of almost getting caught, okay?

Doing something a little dangerous... it changes your point of view.

All the BS goes away.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means Kieran, Ms. Lang, whatever.

Just... I don't know. Let the thrill help you forget.

It's a unit they used as a model.

I guess they just abandoned it when construction stopped.

Wait. So, they just left everything here?

That is so weird.

Um... I'm gonna tell you something now, okay?

But you have to promise not to make fun of me.

I am making no promises.

Okay. Um...

So, you know how my mom is difficult.

And by "difficult," I mean, a total mess.

I'm the only adult between the two of us.

Sometimes, when I'm, like, feeling sick of it all, I...

I make up other lives... which sometimes involves sneaking into other people's houses.

That is called home invasion.

Technically, yes, but, uh...

I prefer to call it "Goldilocks-ing."


There is no way I am not making fun of you for that.

That's fair.


I don't know.


All right, so, uh...

She was lying at the bottom of the stairs, broken.

It looked bad. I have no idea if she'll live.

Do you think she was pushed?

Because I could easily run down a list of movies where someone is pushed down the stairs during an attack.

The Exorcist, Dolores Claiborne, Psycho, The Shining...

Dude, I have no idea what happened, but that psycho texted me.

He knew I was with Brooke. He could have been posing as Branson, luring us there.

Yeah, he obviously had something planned.

Yeah, and he wanted me to go in there alone.

And you did. That was stupid!

Do you have any idea what could've happened? What were you thinking?

He was gonna send that image of me with Jake's body to Brooke, and I couldn't let that happen!

But I think he was trying to do the same thing again, like with Jake's body at the storage unit.

He wanted me there for whatever was gonna happen with Lang, and I think he wanted me to look like I was a part of it.

Oh, God, or something even worse.

So, why didn't he go through with it?

The janitor.

He was interrupted by the janitor.

Before you got there, before he could finish whatever he was doing.

If that hadn't happened, who knows what I would have been walking into?

This isn't good, Maggie.

Emma and I came back here. We didn't find anything.

Well, I did.

Oh, my God. It's Emma. You found this here?

Did you call Quinn?

I'd rather leave him out of this for the time being.

Look, I know what you're thinking. You're wrong.

Look at where we're standing, Maggie.

Piper's dead. Someone else is obsessed with your daughter.

Who else could it be?

That's not what's happening here!

We handled that situation.

We thought we did... but, one way or another, this is about Emma.

We both know it could be our own fault.

So, how did you find this place?


Lakewood is not exactly Atlanta. I needed something to do.

Mm, do you hate living here?

No, it's just... it's hard to find people to hang with when you don't know anyone.

Well, I mean, you know Kieran.

Kieran's been weird.

Wait, what do you mean, "weird"?

Like... I don't know. When I first moved here, the way he's acting, I... I thought it was a joke. I kept waiting for him to, like, bust out and say, "Got you, dude," or whatever.

How was he different when he was in Atlanta?

I mean, "Lakewood Kieran" is a completely different person.

He moved here and he got to start over.

He's cast you as the perfect girlfriend.

Okay, well, um, yeah.

That explains why we're having so many problems, then.

Because I am definitely not perfect.

Look, there you go again.

You're supposed to be forgetting all about that.

Look around. This... This place can be anywhere.

You can be anyone.

Right. Well, whoever that anyone is, still will not be perfect.


Perfect is boring.

I... I can't... do that.

But do you want to?

I'm with Kieran.

No, I know, but...

And I know... we're fighting right now and we're having problems, but I love him and I have to...

Yeah, you need to figure it out.


That's the smoke detector. Okay, come on.


Oh, my God!

Hey! Hey!

Uh, go, go, go.

Watch out!

Oh! Oh!

This way. Come on!

Uh, we need to get out of here, okay?

We have to call the fire department!

No, no! Look, we just broke in.

They're gonna blame us for this.

What if it was our fault?

I have a history with the police, okay?

And I was just trying to do something fun for you, and this is gonna go really bad for me.

We cannot just leave.

We can just leave, okay?

We can just walk away. Sometimes, it's better to walk away from things.

Like this, right now. We're gonna go and we're never gonna tell anyone. Come on!


