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01x07 - Karaoke Confidential

Posted: 07/08/16 08:30
by bunniefuu
(Electronic music)


(Bottle fizzing)



Ha ha ha! Five in a row. Drink up.

Why does the loser have to drink?

Guess who just landed a new client? We are made in the Shade, and yes, I just said that.

Wow. Is this as strangely provocative as it looks?

Maybe don't answer.

We're celebrating!

Maz is getting promoted to Detective Sergeant.

Can you not jinx it, please? It's not official yet.

Come on, even I heard the rumour. You're a lock.

Congrats, but can we bring it back to me for a second? My Craigslist ad paid off.

Craigslist? Solid plan.

This one is the real deal. The guy's name is Jay Lee.

He owns an awesome karaoke bar and he makes the best absinthe flip you've ever tasted.

Intriguing. Put the file on my desk. I'll look at it later.

Yeah, here's the thing: I kinda said yes.

Oh, dude, you should have vetted it through Angie.

There's a lot of nutbars on the interweb.

Does this look nutbar?

♪ Born to be wild ♪
♪ Born to be wild ♪

Hey, we're looking for Jay Lee?

Out back.


You karaoke?

Hell, no. Shades don't sing.

At least not in public.

Huh. I thought your hockey career made you impervious to public humiliation.

My hockey paycheques made me impervious to public humiliation.

There's our client.

Look, I know you're all about researching our clients before you commit, but Jay is genuinely scared.

So what's his story?

He thinks he's being followed.

He wants us to watch him day and night. You know, snap some pictures, keep an eye out for suspicious characters.

(door opening)

I'm gonna need more specifics.

A friend of his suddenly went missing and it's got him kind of freaked out.

Guy's name is Teddy Sparkle.

Did Teddy Sparkle disappear with or without his unicorn?

You mock because you didn't bring this case in yourself.

Well, I'd prefer if you'd asked me first.

I mean, I have more experience vetting the marginal customers.

This isn't that kind of case. Jay's a stand-up guy.

If by stand-up guy you mean drug dealer...

Give your buddy his money back. I'm calling this one.

Wait! Do you remember why you first hired me?

Good hair?

Good instincts.

My gut tells me there's something here, Angie.

Do you trust me or not?

This better be one amazing absinthe flip.

(Matt sighs.)

I know how it looked, but it's not what you think.

I'm not a dealer.

So what was in the bag?

I'm not really at liberty to say.

All I can tell you is nice catch. You guys are clearly the right people for the job, and please keep it up.

Is this part of some elaborate hipster art project?

Are we going to be on Vimeo?

I'm pretty sure I'm in danger.

It's hard to explain.

Well, give it a shot.

Tell us about your friend who disappeared, Teddy Not-His-Real-Name Sparkle.

Teddy and I met here.

He was a regular at 30s Jazz Night.

A while back, he got busted with an ounce of weed and he... he changed.

Got paranoid, wouldn't talk about it and then...

I haven't seen him for two weeks.

And you think the same thing's gonna happen to you?

We hang in the same circles.

Drug-dealing circles.

I swear I don't sell dr*gs.

But I feel this malevolent presence around me.

If you guys tail me, keep an eye out, maybe we can, you can find out who. But don't come too c-close.

You cannot, under any circumstances, get caught tailing me.

And it's only for two days. If you still think I'm crooked after that, call the c-c-cops.

No, no, no, just scratch that. Uh...

Please. I need your help.

Look, I have no illusions about why people come to P.I.s and I'm not big on judging.

But I don't work for dealers.

Two days. And we'll walk sooner if you're shining us on.

Look, just between me and you, what's going on?

You're making me look bad.

Sorry, Shade.

I never want to make a man look less than amazing in front of his woman.

Angie's my boss!

I am not getting boss vibes.

Are you high right now?

♪ I see you and you see me ♪
♪ Watch you blowin' the lines when you're making a scene ♪
♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪
♪ What my head overlooks ♪
♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪
♪ When it's watching for lies ♪
♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you, watching you, watching you ♪
♪ Watching you ♪

Scrambled eggs, pea meal bacon. Jules's favourite, always has been.

If she's late getting up, she doesn't get her vote. Over-easy, sausage.

This is your granddaughter we're talking about here.

Game on.

Jules, your grandfather's trying to cheat us out of scrambled eggs, again.

OK, anything but eggs.

Ariel snuck tamagoyaki into the play last night and I am done with eggs for a week.

Granola it is.

Grano... Ugh. Who's Ariel?

Only the coolest girl in drama.

Look at you, hitting it off with the cool kids.

Yeah, and they're seniors. Can't believe they invited me.

But I'm probably never going to hear from them again.

So call them. Doesn't hurt to prove you're interested.

(cell dinging) No, no.

In this scenario, if you want to be the cool kid, you gotta hang back. Let them reach out.

Me and Ariel are hitting the mall after school.

It's only a matter of time before they call you. Sorry, I wasn't listening.

Gotta get back to her.

(Matt sighing)

My coolest father moment ever, and she didn't even notice.

Yep. Get used to it.

Sparkle. Uh, Teddy, or Theodore?

See if he's shown up as a missing person.

OK. Thanks, Maz.

Maz again. You guys really are close.

Well, I'm happy to call him a friend. I'll be very happy to call him Detective Sergeant.

Good to have friends in high places.

Clients in high places, however...

He's doing fine.

His bar is thriving, even if he is an MBA drop-out with a bachelor's degree in... philosophy and botany?

Perfect for a bartender. I spoke to a loose-lipped teller at his bank. He hasn't missed a single loan payment.

Told you. He's a good kid.

I wonder if the mob's trying to shake him down.

His bar is in their wheelhouse.

Are you warming up to our botany-loving buddy?

Like you said: paid in cash.

Plus, he does have an interesting tell.

Do tell.

Well, he's got a... he's got a stutter that comes out every one in a while.

I'm not sure what triggers it, but it's there.

♪ (shutter clicking)

He's really ticking off all the hipster boxes.

Is he going to pick up some beard oil next?

He doesn't have a beard. And why are you so hard on hipsters?

They claim to defile trends, but they're all about image.

Take his bike, that ridiculous cart.

It screams, "Look how unique I am!"

Or that he lost his oxen.

I think hipsters get a bad rap. Once you get past the tattoos and the skinny jeans, you have to admit, they make a mean coffee.

Which they aren't afraid to let you know about.

Think of all the good things that've come out of the hipster movement...

Artisanal cheese: good. Craft beers: good.

Amish hats, oversized glasses, man buns: less good.

Yeah. Point well taken. Oh!

Hipster on the move.


(cell ringing) Hello?

Hey, slow down, partner.

Hey, babe. Nice to hear your voice, but I'd prefer to k-keep this a long-distance relationship.

Hey, dude, I like you too, but let's ease up on the intimacy.

Better if you don't call me, babe, 'K? I need my space.


I thought the artisanal marijuana skipped the paranoia factor.

There was that stutter you were talking about.

OK, I'm only half-joking about the paranoia thing.

We have to consider that Jay might be out of his tree.

We also have to consider he has a reason to be speaking in code. Maybe his pursuers are here.

The only people stalking him are us.

Houston, we have a box.

I can't... I can't get him. His back's to us.

Call me in 20 seconds.


Jay: Do we have enough time?

(cell ringing)

This is it.

Hello? Oh, hey, honey.

What the hell are you doing?

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Two bottles? Yeah. Yeah, sure, I'll stop by the liquor store.

Women, right?

(camera shutter sound)


It was nothing. He was buying a vintage board game.

I'm just saying it was reckless. Seems to be an ongoing theme with you these days.

Did I or did I not get the photo?

So far we've confirmed your client enjoys obscure vinyl, Truth Apocalypse and now he's buying rutabagas.

Just give it some time.

If it's any consolation, I think he's telling the truth about last night.

Everything about his business seems legit.

Twee as hell, but legit.

Well, maybe he makes more money than he's letting on and he's hiding it.

Well, if the mob shows up, you'll have to ask them.

What are you doing?

I have a summons to pop off and a mound of paperwork. You can handle gamer boy from here.

You trust me with this?

Most dangerous thing he's done is fondle some organic fruit.

I think you can take it from here.


(cell ringing)

Jay, what's up?

[Hey, honey.]

I know I asked you to distance yourself, but I feel like [I spoke, spoke too soon.]

I'm right here!

Uh, I feel like I want you to be c-c-close.

I'm coming to you.

[No, forget it, forget it.]

[You know what? I was wrong. You and me, we're not working out.]

Don't c-c-call me again.

I'm sorry about that.

Matt: Come on!

Alright, peace out. I'll see you later, alright?

Whoa! Sorry.

Just got, uh...

What's going on, Jay?

Wait, don't... shake...

What the hell, Jay?! You lied to me, man.


(engine starting)

(car door shutting)

Stay here.

(tires squealing)

I screwed up.

Hold on! Wait.

I've got popcorn here somewhere.

Jay's a dealer. I should have vetted this through you.

I'm sorry.

With a kilo of coke.

And what's a board-game-playing hipster doing with a semi-a*t*matic?

I don't know!

It's for crowd control at a Settlers of Cattan marathon?

Jay's a liar. You called it.

I checked into Jay's missing buddy.

Teddy Sparkle's entire social media footprint went dark two weeks ago.

His so-called buddy's probably not even real.

Then how do you explain Jay's behaviour?

I don't know! He's a dealer! The mob's probably after him for cutting in on their turf.

Mobsters don't play board games.

(cell ringing)

Everett Investigations.

Angie, it's Jules. If you're with my dad right now, don't say anything. Please.

OK. What's going on?

I need your help. I'm in trouble.

It's a possible adultery case. Uh...

Care to talk about it?

I'm at the police station.

57 Division.


I will come to you, then.

[Thank you.]

Something juicy?

Oh, God.

I hope not, but I have to go.

You were right when you said I hired you for your instincts.

Don't give up on them now.

Thanks, I'll take it from here.

Hey, Jules.


It was stupid, OK?

I was at the mall with my friends and they're older than me and I don't even know why they want me around.

So I told them, "Hey! Hey, watch this.

No one ever suspects the blind girl."

And I stole something.

How'd that work out for you?

The manager suspected the blind girl.

(sighing): You get anything good?

A t-shirt. Didn't even get the right size.

Hey. Did I ever tell you about the time I got busted?

You were arrested?

I'm a cop's daughter, OK?

You have no idea how much time I had to waste proving that I wasn't a narc, which means that I shoplifted my fanny off. Mascara, chocolate, a bra...



Look, I know.

I know I have to tell my dad.

But I just want to figure out how to do it, you know?

Oh, crap! Your dad's here.

(small squeal)

The chamomile...


Hi! Hey, don't jinx it, OK? It hasn't happened yet.

Hey, do you know when Mazhari's getting back?

If this is about girl guide cookies, I'll take a box.

Hey, Mazhari. Do you know who this guy is?

Holy crap. Edgar Brava. What are you messing with a guy like that for?

What do you know about him?

He's a new breed of bad guy. He's a fake community booster who deals hard dr*gs to the west end. It's a shame he's such a d*ck, though, 'cause I saw him at Mariposa's one night.

Man is a world-class salsa dancer.

Tell me more about your man crush.

Hey, I am comfortable enough in my masculinity to admire another man's Paso La Jenny.

Edgar works for one of the bigs.

Man by the name of Simon Tyrell. Drug squad's been after him for years.

Now, Tyrell runs his business like a legitimate operation...

Health benefits, two weeks paid vacation... but you screw up, your retirement plan starts immediately and six feet under.

So what, you're Little Shade's emergency contact?

Hardly. I don't know how she got my phone number.

And now here you are, busting her out of shoplifting jail.

That's what partners do.

Aw, look at you and your soft spot.

I don't have any soft spots.

Actually, if my memory serves me correctly...

She's... she's right there.

Hey, kid. Careful you don't go...

What, deaf? At this point, I might as well go for the full-on Helen Keller.

OK. I think it's about time the two of you stopped hiding out in my office.

Shade's still here!


Sometimes I think he just slams it for the attention.

What's he here about?

It's a case of ours.

I thought it was a pass, but our client has a friend who's gone missing and now he's afraid he's next.

Who's the missing friend?

Teddy Sparkle?

I asked Maz to check on it for me.

Teddy Sparkle is a kid named Teddy Borges.

And Teddy Borges is dead.

Like... m*rder*d dead?


So, Edgar Bravas. Is he as dangerous as his boss?

Mm. Don't let the baby-face fool you.

He did five years on his last stretch. The guy is scum.

(phone ringing)

Excuse me.


Angie, hey!

Yeah, I had a really good time, too. You owe me a rematch, young lady.

I totally won fair and square.

Do you mind? I'm on the phone with somebody over here.

Give me the phone.

Yeah, your partner's in the office. He's got into some real serious sh...

Angie? Yeah, I might have found something that's real trouble. Yeah, OK.

Yeah, I'll meet you back at the agency.

Still think I needed to vet this through Angie?

You were right. About me being right.

Meet Edgar Brava, the man who dropped the dr*gs in Jay's buggy.

Spent six years in prison on a half-dozen charges, all dr*gs and g*ns related. Jay's a pothead.

Nothing about him adds up to being besties with this guy.

This is Teddy Borges, Jay's friend.

He died two weeks ago. Two sh*ts to the head.

The case landed on Nolan's desk. What I learned about Teddy doesn't add up to Edgar Brava either. He worked three jobs, did a lot of yoga, smoked a lot of weed.

Do the police have any suspects in his m*rder?

Drug-related is all Nolan would say.

So, two hipsters.

One dead, one convinced he's about to be.

Both caught up in dealing, but neither fitting the profile of a criminal.

When I was tailing Jay, he started up with the sweetheart talk again, until Edgar Brava pulled up next to him.

So they talked and then Brava put the dr*gs in his cart.

That's right. He was also stuttering.

Which he does when he's scared, especially... when we mention police. Shade!

Maybe Jay's a C.I.

A what?

Confidential informant.

Let's say the cops bust Jay for possession.

A possession charge would thr*aten Jay's business, so the cop convinces him to wear a wire and take down some bad guys.

So he snitches for the cops to reduce the charges. If he's a C.I., why not just tell us?

Because all C.I.s sign confidentiality contracts.

If he breaks it, he goes to jail on the original drug charges and on new ones for breaking the contract.

So he's trying to show us what he is without telling us.

And all that girlfriend talk on the phone...

Is because he's wearing a wire when he makes the buys!

And I almost blew his cover.

This kid's afraid for his life... with good reason.

(distant cars honking)
(song: Danny Boy by Frederic Weatherly)

Private event!

Hey, buddy.

I decided not to take being dumped personally.

Uh, like I said, mister... (music growing louder) private event.

Well, hey, man.

Sure. Uh, peace out.

Angie: Go! Go, go, go!

Shade: Which way?

Get out of my way!

(singing in Korean)


(singing in Korean)

(throat clearing)

Hey, hey. Uh, sorry.

Hey, don't apologize for loving to sing, Jay.

Just don't sing to the wrong people.

Of course, Mr. Tyrell. Please.

So, uh, Edgar says we c-can move our relationship forward.

Edgar tells me you want liquid cocaine.

Pretty ambitious, Mr. Lee.

Cutting edge.

Yeah, well, you can take the kid out of MBA school but you can't take an interest in profit differentials out of the kid.

Yeah, I'm an MBA as well. Let me guess, Keynesian?

More of a Hayek man myself.

I like you.

We'll do this.

But not here.

But I thought you wanted...

Mr. Tyrell said no.

Uh, are you sure? Mr. Tyrell?

(door opening and closing)

His handler must be close.

You check out front.

I'll take the back.



'K, I got him.

His handler's here. I'm going in for a closer look.

No! No. If they spot you, it's game over for Jay.

He may take it out on him anyway. The deal didn't happen.

OK, he's getting out.

Stay put. (beep)

(wheels squealing)

He's driving away.

We lost him.



(Angie chuckling)


Wow. My boss is amazing.

We believe you signed a confidential informant contract.

You've got a stutter that comes out sometimes, we think whenever you're wearing a wire, and you talk to us in code when we're following you, which is pretty smart.

And you're afraid to talk about it because you think you'll go to jail.

Can't believe you don't have Angostura.

Everybody has Angostura.

We're pretty sure you're not wired now, or else you wouldn't be here.

Are we close?

Any cop that would put you in that situation is working way outside the law and needs to be stopped.

I saw his face. All we need from you is a name. Who is he?

I am so sorry for getting you guys into this.

I gotta go.

Teddy's dead.

He was m*rder*d. Shot twice in the head, execution style.

The police think it was a drug deal gone sideways.

We think he was a C.I. just like you.

He died alone, feeling like he was trapped in an impossible situation.

You're not alone here, Jay.

I keep thinking, this is the last one.

I'll make one more deal, then it'll be the last one.

But it never stops.

We can stop it.

We just need his name.

Did you find our dirty cop?

[There's no Nick Bradley on the police force.]

That's not possible.

Maybe Jay's handler is using a cover name.

That doesn't sound legit.

If they want to stay off-book it does. We need to see Maz.

Alright, first thing in the A.M. Later.

What's going on?

I did something really stupid today. So, um... My friends and I, we were in a clothing store and... I got caught with some stuff that I didn't pay for.

You're kidding me.

Look, my friends, they... they took some sweaters and they dropped it in my bag and I was too afraid to say anything.

Some friends. Were these friends Ariel and Cianna? 'Cause their parents are getting a phone call right...

No, Dad, please don't. OK? I just want to forget that today ever happened.

No, honey, you can't just forget it! They need to know that they made a big mistake when they took advantage of you.

You know, Matt... I used to get all riled at your coaches. I'd be halfway down the driveway, plans for mayhem in my head, until I realized the impact my actions had on you.

Alright. We can put a pin in this... for now.

I think I know what'll make you feel better, honey.

You want some rocky road ice cream?


Thanks, Dad, but I don't really have an appetite right now.

It's not like Jules to turn down ice cream.

(distant sirens)

Bringing a drug dealer in off the street is not considered a felony, Angie.

Obstructing an active police investigation, however...

Just run Jay's profile.

I did. He's not in the system.

You're chasing your own tail.

We know Jay's a C.I.

If he's not in the system, then some rogue cop's running him off-book, and that is a felony.

Which cop?

He gave a false name. Hence the off-book part.


I know yours is an impossible job, but this cop has a body count.

It could get worse. It stinks, Kurtis, you know it does.

All I know is you guys have the Karaoke Kid as a client, and you're the one inhaling the fumes.

Wait. Your salsa-dancing, drug-dealing man crush, Edgar Brava. Who else likes his chubby cheeks?

Pretty much everyone. The Four Horsemen in particular.

Who are they?

The Drug Squad dream team.

That's him. That's the guy I saw, Maz.

How do we get to him?

You don't.

There's untouchable and then there's Tyler Pryce.

But I saw him. If he's running a rogue operation, if kids are dying...

Tyler Pryce is a legend. He's nailed more bad guys than Batman.

Teddy Borges was not a bad guy and Teddy Borges is dead.

I don't want Jay to be next.

You are going on the paranoid ramblings of a half-baked hipster.

We're going on more than that. We saw what Jay was buying.

We saw him turn it over to Pryce.

Angie, I would do anything for you, but I can't touch this thing.

If this was a police operation, wouldn't there be some kind of evidence?

Evidence. Shade's right.

Jay bought cocaine and a handgun, which he turned over to Pryce. So if it's on the book, it's in the records. Call Evidence.

And what do I tell Evidence that I'm looking for?

Cops don't look into other cops, Angie. You of all people should know that.

You're a good cop, Maz. Enjoy that promotion.

I'm sorry, buddy, but we're running out of options.

A lawyer can help. Just tell them everything you told us.

Pryce said no lawyers or the charges stick.

There's gotta be something.

Unless we can get a cop onside, there's not really much we can do.

(door opening)

Alright, listen. There's only one way to do this thing. If we take down Pryce, then we, the cops, could lose a chance to take down Tyrell, and Tyrell is scum.

Oh, it's OK.

Maz, this is Jay.

Oh, hey, how you doing? Detective Mazhari.

Does this mean you're in?

No. You're in.

I love this man right now. If you're not having sex with him, then I will.

I'm regretting this already.

So we're going after Bradley? Or whatever his name is?

Tyler Pryce.

And yeah, we're going after him.

The question is how?

Pryce is not the kind of man to let a loose end dangle.

Then what say you make me the knot?

(streetcar bell ringing)

Just play it cool and remember to breathe, alright?

Out of the way, come on.

Seriously, man, I'm not a flight risk.

I'd say you're flying pretty high already, punk.



Hey, Pryce.

Can I help you with something?

What's the story?

Didn't know you had to make bottom-feeder quota.

This kid just lit up right in front of me.

Look, I know this punk. Let me have a go.

I don't like handing things off.

I'll save you the paperwork.

You just said the magic words.


(door closing)

Nice work, Maz.

Now we just gotta hope that Pryce doesn't see the red recording light.

You and I had a deal.

You do as I say, lay low, and I help you out.

I'm still waiting for the "help" part to kick in.

What were you thinking, lighting up in front of him?

How was I supposed to know the guy was under-c-cover?

Keep it together, Jay.

I found out a friend of mine died.

Teddy Borges.

He was shot twice in the head.

I c-couldn't help but wonder if he was...

Was what?

W-working for you, too.

Why are you so nervous? Why is that?

My friend is dead.

And I get the feeling you wouldn't care if the same thing happened to me.

Got enough?

No, we got nothing.

Pryce has to actually incriminate himself.

I am so close with Tyrell.

He's gonna see the red recording light.

Just one deal and he's ours.

And you're the man who can make that deal happen.

No, Jay's blocking him.

How'd you know Teddy was shot twice in the head?

How'd you know that?

I spoke to his cousin.

She told me.

Look, you said the meeting in the karaoke bar was my last, just like you said the meeting before was the last and the one before that.

Atta boy, Jay, you got this.

Just one last deal.

This one last thing and that's it.

It's the big one. It's the one you've been working for.

Maz, what the hell is this?


I thought it was the bathroom.

Nolan, just hear me out for a second, OK?

So how does it work?

Pryce is running C.I.s off the books.

Tell him you want to move forward.

Look, we have a rogue cop on our hands and we're right on the verge of getting some...

No, whatever you think you had would never stick, 'cause you've got civilians in the interview room.

Uh, Pryce is leaving with Jay.

Come on, Maz.

You know better than that. You're k*lling me.

We're trying to stop that cop from getting another kid k*lled!

Who deputized you, huh? Who deputized any of you to do that?

You realize this right here is enough to torch your promotion?

So be it.

We've breached protocol, but Jay's in real danger, OK?

Pryce is gunning so hard for Tyrell that he's lost complete perspective of this...

You don't get to tell me how to conduct police business.

I'm sorry, but one young C.I. has already lost his life.

Nolan, it was my decision.

Even if it wasn't, it's going to land on you.

Listen, I know you P.I.s like to work the fringes, so maybe you thought you had to go behind my back. But look, next time, overcome your natural impulses and just come and talk to me.

OK, look. I did some digging.

Teddy Borges, found in a field with two b*ll*ts in his head.

Lisa Millegrew, 25. She's a Forest Hill party girl whose Molly habit ended when her body showed up at Cherry Beach.

You see a pattern here?

Recreational users.

Both shot in the head, both dumped in remote locations.

And both confidential informants for a man who rides his horses until they drop.

(quietly): I'll just wait out here.

Just get in here.


Now, look. These two don't show up on the C.I. list, but I talked to a few officers that I trust.

Pryce was seen with each of these victims... (cell dinging) on at least one occasion.

Um, guys?

I got a line on Jay.

Looks like he's driving down Geary Avenue.

I let him put some apps on my phone.

Pryce must have had Jay set up another buy with Tyrell.

He's moving into Tyrell's turf.

His third buy in two days.

Pryce wants this too much. Tyrell's gonna know something's up.

If he finds out this kid is wearing a wire...

Derek, you can't let another file like this come across your desk.

(Nolan sighing)

Alright, fine. But let's be clear: I am the lead on this.

Fine, you're the boss.

Sort of surprised you wanted to partner up with me.

I like to keep the wild cards close.

And please don't use the word partner.

Yeah, Everett hates it when I use the word partner too.

Keeps calling me her employee.

Well, she likes things as she likes things.

You mean everything in its place.

And everyone.

Well, she opened up the door to you pretty quick.

It's all in how you knock.

Keep navigating there, brother.

Yeah, you got it.

What do you think they're talking about over there?

I don't care.


You know, politics.

Women, maybe? Like, women co-workers? Like, specifically, which of them likes a certain woman co-worker more?

(sighing): Nolan told you, didn't he?

No, but you just did.

Oh, you're an idiot.

(Mazhari laughing)

Did you know Pryce was corrupt?

That's a dangerous word to throw around.

Pryce was a good guy for a long time.

It's just, you know, sometimes even good cops can go Ahab.

So Tyrell's his white whale?

Didn't take you for a literary man.

Yeah, I saw it on the Simpsons.

It's just, it's an imperfect system is all.

See a lot of bad guys get away.

Any way we can make sure that doesn't happen here?

Let's see about that.

This is it.

Tyrell: You're late.

Jay: I don't wear a watch.

Feels too much like handcuffs.

Backup to Geary and Bristol.

Four cars at least. Hey, hey!

Keep this call off the radio.

You didn't say that Pryce followed him here and that we followed Pryce.

They'll figure it out soon enough. That auto shop is Tyrell's HQ.

Jay is in there, wearing a wire!

Which is why we're here, keeping a safe distance away.

We can't protect him from here.

And you know Pryce isn't going to.

Alright. You stay put. Don't do a damn thing.

Backup's on its way.

Serious weight for a kid like you.

Dude, never open a bar. The b-bills are unbelievable.

Every time I turn around, there's someone with their hand out...

Enjoying the show?

Get gone.

You're that drunk idiot from the bar.

And you're endangering a civilian, again.

What is this? Are you on the job?

I'm a private investigator.

Then the only civilian you should be worried about right now is you. Get the hell away. This is a police matter.

Then we should notify them.

You can kiss that promotion goodbye, Mazhari.

The thing about Hayek is his economic theories foster independence.

So it's odd how quickly you'd want to come play with us.

I started to ask myself, why would that be?

We know you've got Jay as an unregistered C.I.

Just like Lisa Millegrew...

And Teddy Borges.

Look, Mazhari, I got a chance to take down Simon Tyrell.

He's the real k*ller.

And you're the one setting up civilians as his targets!

They were criminals. They knew the risk.

They were kids being exploited on two-bit charges.

You wearing a wire?

Why would I w-wear a wire?


Hey, hey, hands off! Hey! Hey!

Jay's been made.

It's Tyrell. This is my only chance.

Did you give Teddy a chance?

Or Lisa?

(Pryce sighing)

You disappoint me, Jay.

(door opening)

Who the hell are you?

I'm a... I'm just a friend of Jay's.

We were supposed to brew up some Kombucha.

He was taking forever!

Who the hell is she?

Uh... also Kombucha club.

Nothing to see.

Angie, Angie, get down.

POLICE! Drop the w*apon, now!

Put the g*n down, now!

You heard the man.

Drop the w*apon, now.

(sirens wailing)

Get down. Get down, now!

Over here!

Hands behind your back!

officer: Get down.

You're under arrest.

Nice work. Detective Sergeant.

(distant sirens wailing)


Hey, hey, hey! You OK, buddy?


(door shutting)

Is it over?

It is.

Yeah, then I'm OK.

Shade, you idiot!

Except I think he just saved my life.

Well, yeah, but if he would have got shot, I...

I pay his wages a week in advance.


Let's get you out of here.

Come on.

Matt: Morning.

Jules: Morning.

You know what I was thinking about this morning?

"Play the right way, not the easy way."

Still got that code on your necklace?

I didn't put it on today.

Yeah, I noticed.

Something you want to tell me?

I was the shoplifter.

No one made me.

I guess I just wanted to show the other girls how cool I was or something.


It was the stupidest mistake I've ever made.

That's not a mistake, honey.

That's a decision.

The mistake would be not learning from it.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

Yeah, I am too.

Hang onto this.

Maybe it'll stop you from making a bigger mistake.

'Cause if you're anything like me, they're coming.

So we're OK?

Even though I got arrested?

Yeah, honey. We're OK.

I love you.

You'll be doing the dishes for the rest of your life, but we're OK.

Wait a second. If you got arrested, how did you convince Grandpa to keep his mouth shut?

I... didn't call Grandpa.

(door shutting)

Huh. Your dad's office.

What's going on in here?

Oh, I just... thought I should tidy up a bit.

Put a few things away.

You want some help?

I asked Mazhari to come over and help me the other night, but I couldn't do it.

I jammed up.

I think I need to do it on my own.

Alright, I can respect that.

Well, if you change your mind...


It's great when co-workers can be honest with each other, don't you think?

Uh, look. The other day, Jules, she called me...

Yeah, I know. It's OK.

She told you?

I figured it out.

Truth is, I'm glad she feels like she can call you.

She swore me to secrecy and I wanted to honour it, but I was torn up. I mean, you're my partner, so...

(Angie sighing) What?

You called me your partner!

(song: Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd)

Angie: ♪ Well, I hope Neil Young will remember ♪

I never thought that a woman so beautiful could make sounds like that.

♪ Sweet home Alabama ♪

Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.

Sports analogies are not going to save us here.


No. No.

♪ Sweet home Alabama ♪ Woo!

♪ Lord, I'm coming home to you ♪

Hey, Jay, you got off with a pretty clean slate, huh?

Pryce kept you out of the system, so your record's clean.

Can you keep it that way?

I'm a solid citizen, guys.

I know. Yeah, I know. Adele's career is safe.


(Angie chuckling)

Oh, my God. We're so doing this one.

Guys, come on. You know you want to. Come on!

I got a throat thing, I can't.


Oh, no, I'm good.

Come on. Surely one of you is man enough to play.


Come on, guys.

You'll face down g*ns but can't pick up a mic?

I'm going in.

♪ Then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong ♪
♪ And I grew strong And I learned how to get along ♪
♪ And now you're back from outer space ♪
♪ Just walked in to find you here ♪
♪ With that sad look upon your face ♪
♪ Should have changed that stupid lock ♪
♪ Made you leave you key ♪

Didn't see that coming.

♪ You'd be back to bother me Go on now, go ♪

All this time you had me convinced it was you and...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I can't say I blame you. I mean, look at the guy.

What did you and Nolan talk about in the car?

Don't worry, he didn't tell me. I did, of course, P.I. the crap out of him. I am good at my job.

You know what?

♪ I will survive ♪

You are. But I'm not going to take any flak from you over...

Over your boyfriend?

I had no idea you were so hung up on labels.

I am not hung up.

On labels.

♪ Come on and get Come sing it with me ♪

No... No!

♪ What about you, Shade? Too afraid ♪

I'm just gonna wreck it!

both: ♪ Weren't you the one who tried to break me ♪

I don't think I'M going to survive.

What doesn't k*ll us makes us...

You keep being stronger, brother.

♪ If I had known for just one second ♪
♪ You'd be back to bother me ♪
♪ Go on now, go Walk out the door ♪

Come on, Shade! We're all friends here.

Yeah, let's keep it that way.

♪ Just turn around now ♪
♪ 'Cause you're not welcome anymore ♪

woman's voice: ♪ Now I'm saving all my loving ♪
♪ For someone who's loving me ♪
♪ Go on now, go Walk out the door ♪
♪ Just turn around now, 'cause you're not welcome anymore ♪