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01x06 - Terra Nullius

Posted: 07/07/16 07:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cleverman.

You have destroyed everything.

We've managed to harvest and fertilize very impressive embryos.

You dont't send her back?


To her home, her dimension.

You go in there armed and it'll be carnage.

It's the idea.

30 Millions.

And what do you want in return?

Your brother.

(distant people shouting)

Guard: All right, fellas, nothing is gonna get in or out without us knowing.

(police radio chatter)

Oi, you two. You two girls.

Get over here. You, come here. I need to talk to you.

Latani, we need to go.


You ever shot one of these?

Your turn.

"Take Me Home" playing

♪ And the body will follow ♪
♪ Take the head and the body will follow ♪
♪ Take the head and the... ♪

(man singing in native dialect)

♪ Take the head and the body will follow ♪
♪ Take the head ♪
♪ Take the head and the body will follow ♪
♪ Take the head ♪
♪ Take me home ♪
♪ Take me home. ♪

Boy or girl?

What's your professional opinion?

I don't really care as long as it's healthy.

I'd say that's healthy.

Just feels a bit tight.

It's natural for you to feel worried considering our history.

I'm not being a paranoid pregnant woman.

I'm just saying it as a doctor.

You've never been pregnant before.

Look, you found the top IVF clinic.

We're both fit and healthy.


Yeah, I'm sure you're right.

You off to work?

Uh, no, I've got the day off, so I thought I might go shopping.


Yeah, not for the baby or anything.

I'm not going to look at little baby clothes or cots.


Well, have fun not doing any of those things.

(shower running)

Can you pull this off?

Only one way to find out.

Take Ash to somewhere beautiful for me.

(engine starts)

Waruu: I am the Cleverman.

I am the Cleverman.

Oi, I want you out.


No, you heard what I said.

I want you gone.

Can we at least talk about this?

There's nothing to say.

Nerida, please.

Alinta: This redevelopment deal really gonna happen?

If the numbers crunch our way, just might.

It's looking pretty good.

So everyone in the Zone gets their own place?

That's the idea.

Latani, too?


Cool, huh?


Nerida: Oh!

Nerida: No, no, no, no.



What is it? Hey, what happened?

What happened? Nerida?

I'm here. Calm down, calm down.

It's okay. Calm down.

That's it. Calm down.

Nerida: It's Waruu.

I just don't know who he is anymore.

I'm so sorry.




Ilythia Clinic.

Man: Sorry, the number you requested is not available.

Please check the number before dialing again.


Look at me.

You want money?

Here. Knock yourself out.

Oh, growing on trees now, is it?

Yeah, Jimmy saw it in you.

The jeals one.

The corruptible.

The crow.

You're the one that named me Waruu.

I didn't choose it.

You can choose how you behave.

I'm trying to build something here... a future for my people.

That's what I'm doing, not smoking myself to death.

You want all this so bad?

You're prepared to sacrifice your own brother.

None of this is his fault. He was born into it.

Still trying to protect him.

I'm worried about you.

Well, that's a first.

You were never there.

You didn't raise me. You were too stoned.

When you did have your shit together, you looked after Koen.

He's not even your son.

I'm your son.

You loved him because you felt so guilty about what you did.

I had to look out for myself.

You point the finger at me?

You k*lled my father.

You crashed the car.

If you weren't high that night, my father would still be alive.

You got away with m*rder and you call me the crow?

You're the reason I'm not the Cleverman.

You're the reason I'm the way I am.

You're the reason all this shit happened.

If Dad were still alive, I wouldn't have to sacrifice anyone.

It's not too late for you.


Waruu, whatever you've been promised, it's not worth k*lling for.

I'm glad you've got cancer.

(car door opens, closes)

(announcer) Coming up...

(saw whirring)

(grunting, groaning)

(g*n firing, crowd screaming)

(announcer) Stay tuned for more "Cleverman".

Don't need sticks when you've got g*ns, eh?

Man on PA: All humans of the Zone, you have 24 hours to vacate.

Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

The Containment Authority can no longer...


...guarantee your safety.


This is not a drill.

(chatter continues)

All humans of the Zone, you have 24 hours to vacate.

Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

Containment Authority officers will assist you in your relocation.

You've gotta go, boy. Get out.

I said, get out.

Get out!

This morning I officially signed the orders requiring all humans to vacate the area commonly referred to as the Zone.

The Zone is a safe haven for murderers and violent criminals who refuse to assimilate, and we're going to dismantle that haven.

Our citizens expect to feel safe in the streets.

People do not want to fear for their lives.

They're going to clean the place out.

Jarrod: It's been on the cards for a while now.


k*ll the Hairies and chuck everyone else out on the street?

Who does Matthews think he is?

He wants what you want.

There are international consortia lining up to redevelop the Zone.

Matthews has been working behind the scenes to make this happen.

Cleaning out the Zone is the first step.

Yeah, cleaning it out of people.

We both know his scheme is never gonna happen.

You have the money and the right to first development as original occupants of the land.

Well, that's bullshit.

The whole place is gonna be razed in the next 24 hours.

Don't worry about Matthews.

He's the minister, the one with the power.

We'll get screwed like we always get screwed.

I have cameras everywhere, so I don't think he'll be minister for much longer.

Here's what you need to take the power from Matthews.

You have the money now.

You can help your people, but I'll need you to deliver the collateral for the loan.

I want your brother.

Man on PA: All humans of the Zone, you have 24 hours to vacate.

Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

The Containment Authority can no longer guarantee your safety.


(siren wails)

Geoff: Yeah.

Yeah, we have moved up the time frame.

(inhales sharply, shudders)

The land should be clear by the end of the week.




No, I'm fine. I'll speak to you tomorrow.

(phone beeps)

Come on, Alinta. Hurry up.

You can't be serious.

We've talked about this.

Just 'cause Dad's acting like family is nothing...

This is not about your father.

Latani's family!

You're gonna need a coat.

I'm not leaving her.

You don't understand what's going on here!

Man on PA: This is not a drill.

All humans of the Zone, you have 24 hours to vacate.

Your mom's right.

Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

All humans of the Zone...

(door opens, slams)


All humans of the Zone, you have 24 hours to vacate.

Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

This is not a drill.

Maliyan: You're a warrior now, brother.

You're one of us.

You're family.

This is how the old people used to prepare for w*r.

Not long now.

Man on PA: All humans of the Zone, you have 24 hours to vacate.

Guard: IDs out, people.

Subhumans should not be in this line.

Man #2: Any subhuman in this line will be detained.

Man on PA: Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.


This is not a drill.

Guard: Hey!

Hey, clear the line!



Guard #2: Come on, keep it moving.

Oi! We're going now.

Come on, Gub.

We've got to get out of here.

Man on PA: All humans of the Zone...

I'm not gonna bloody beg.

Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

Max, wait!

Alinta: Latani.

You need to go.

I know what you said to your mom.

This is no place for you.

I won't leave you.

I said go, Alinta.

I'm not leaving you.

We'll make a stand together.

What's that supposed to mean?

This isn't some bullshit political rally.

This is my life.

They will k*ll us.

I get that.

No, you don't get that.

I don't have a choice.

I can shave down, but that doesn't mean I'll feel safe.

I will be scared every single day, wondering if I will be found out.

Not all humans hate you.

There's nowhere for me.

I'm alone, so you need to go, Alinta.



I'm fighting for you whether you like it or not!

I'm not leaving you! Did you hear me?

No, you need to go!

I'm not leaving you!

Hey, come with me now, both of you.

No objections.

No. Nerida...

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm asking you to trust me.


(announcer) Coming up...

(ground rumbling)


(g*n firing)

(announcer) Stay tuned for more "Cleverman".

(voices whispering)

(whispering continues)[/i]

Hey, there's no rush.

(Kora speaking native dialect)

(Koen speaking native dialect)




(birds chirping)



(whispering continues)



(whispering continues)

(whispering continues)

(voices whispering)



(whispering stops)

Doesn't leave much to the imagination.

This will destroy Matthews.

And the CA.

Not the CA.

It's a private company.


Yeah, a long time ago now.

The government outsourced itself to Jarrod Slade.

No one said boo.


He owns it.

Well, at least one of his shell companies does.

Why'd he give me this?

You must have something very valuable to him.

Slade gets what he wants, one way or another.

And then he has this way of turning it around and making it what you want as well.

It's pretty hard to resist.

That's why you slept with me.

No. That sweet moment of indiscretion was all about your ass.

I liked you, Waruu, and Slade always has, too.

But you have to ask yourself why.

I have a story to file.

You going?

I'm leaving.

Where are you?

Neat trick.

Very powerful.


I don't exactly feel powerful.

I know who locked your friend Kora up.

Had Jimmy wrapped around his finger.

It was his lab you found her in.

What guy?

You know him.

His name's Slade.

He was in your bar.

How do you know all about this?

He offered me money for your head.


And that's what the beach was about.

He's the CA.

He's been disappearing Hairies and we have to stop him.


It was his man that k*lled your friend.

Well, then we should pay him a visit.


Man on PA: All humans of the Zone, you have 24 hours to vacate.

Please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

This is not a drill.

All human inhabitants of the Zone should proceed to the exit immediately.

Ensure you are carrying a valid human ID pass.

All humans of the Zone, please proceed to the checkpoint immediately.

The Containment Authority can no longer guarantee your safety.

This is not a drill.

All humans of the Zone...

(Djukara roars)


Excuse me, I'm just looking for the Ilythia Clinic.

Um, the Ilythia Clinic. It's for fertility.

We're dermatologists.

No, it used to be right here in this office.

Been here for five years.

Sorry, I...


Oh, must be a mistake.

Man on PA: Humans of the Zone, you have less than 12 hours to vacate.

Guard: Please approach the gates in a calm and orderly fashion with your IDs at the ready.

Man on PA: Ensure you are carrying a valid human ID pass.

Go on. Keep on moving.

Nerida: There you go.

Can't even recognize you now.

You look like Mom.

Now, if we get pulled up, you let me do the talking, all right?

Let's go.

(TV chatter)

You realize you're gonna be the last survivor of your species?

Reporter on TV: ...closure of the walled community known as the Zone.

Geoff: What an exalted position.

What a difference from that wailing, hysterical mother you were when you were arrested on the street.

Reporter: Suspected subhumans have been detained on sight.

Geoff: Look at you now.

Now you're glorious.


And I made you.

Reporter: There have been several attempts by subhuman dissidents to escape and a subhuman male has been shot dead on sight following a brutal as*ault...

That's too hard.

(choking) It's too tight.

Stop it.

(gurgles) Stop it.


Stop it.

(choking continues)

(Geoff gasping)

(choking fades)

(electricity crackling)

(police radio chatter)

Go back.

Go back. Go.



Give me your g*n.

You can't die. I can.

Jarrod, the Ilythia Clinic doesn't exist.

Of course it does.

You have the baby to prove it.

I was right there where it was. It's gone.

They must have moved premises.

These things happen.

You're hormonal, my darling.

No, this has got nothing to do with being hormonal.

There's no trace of it. There's no website.

There's no medical journal articles and no listing of a Dr. Everick.

All the things I looked up when I was researching, they've just... they've gone.

There'll be a logical explanation.

Don't fob me off!

I may be pregnant, but I haven't lost my brain.

There's something very wrong with the baby!

I need you to cancel your meeting or whatever you're doing, and I need you to come home right now!

Please come home, Jarrod. Jarrod?

Later, I promise.






You k*lled Ash.

(hammer clicks)


Waruu, we don't need to play this game.

You're the true Cleverman.

This guy, he's just Jimmy's little joke against us.

What did you do to him?

Other than the odd saliva extraction, he's unharmed.

And the others in the containment centers?

What about them?

I'm a man of science, Waruu.

I've taken Darwin's theory of natural selection and given it a reboot.

I'm the living proof.

An injection of this could give you another 100 years of life, maybe 150.

And not just life, but enhanced life.

I took one dose of this
and I feel so alive.

Help yourself.

The world's at a tipping point where only the fit will survive and I'm ensuring there'll be at least some of us left.

You and I, we're the custodians of the future.

We could change this world together.

You could finish what Jimmy couldn't.

Your people have 50,000 years of research locked up in stories, knowledge of the land, how to live with it, not try to tame it.

I need your help to unlock that knowledge.

If that means the odd sacrifice along the way, then, yeah, I'm willing to make it.

Are you?

He... hey.

Finish him.



They shot my sister!

She was just a kid.

I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

How much did you get for my family?

I'm... I'm sorry.


This doesn't solve anything.

I'm sorry! Oh, please! I'm sorry!

I'm sor... please don't!

Come on, dog!

Come on, dog!

Get the hell off me!

Please, no.


You want our blood?

You want our blood?

That's what you're really after, isn't it?

Our Hairy blood?

Well, get ready to lose yours!


This dirty human came and sold us out!

You see?

This one deserves to die!

All right, dogs?


(crowd screaming)

(crowd murmuring)

(murmuring continues)

All right, everyone. Back to your stations.

We got until tomorrow morning yet.

They may all k*ll each other by then.

Job done.

There's no need to rush things.

Let's see what you've got in here.

If Jimmy hadn't messed me about, we wouldn't be here like this.

But I need access to the dreaming.

It's not yours to have.

(voices whispering)



(creature growling)


Waruu: All right, bring it in!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on!

I'm only gonna say this once!

What are you scared of?

The time for change is now!

Today is the day we take back what belongs to us!

I have successfully negotiated ownership of this land for all of us!

We have title.

No one's gonna take it away from us!

We will never be moved on.

This will be a safe place for us, our children, and our children's children.

Today, we say good-bye to despair, to greed, to v*olence!

Well... sorry about that fella, but he was a cancer that had to be removed.

We need team players now.

We will build here... a community that will show the rest of the world the way forward.

Black, white, human, Hairy... we are one.

We are united.

We are family now and forever!

Did you hear what I said?

Say something!

I have done this for you.

Everything I have done has been for you!

Hey! Come on!

Harry, brother, this is everything we've ever worked for.

Nerida, you get this, right?

Please, darling.

(footsteps approach)

(beast screeching)


(crowd murmuring)


(screeching and growling)

(crowd gasping, shouting)

Don't you come near me!

Here, here. Hey, hey, hey!

(speaking native dialect)


(speaking native dialect)


(crowd shouting)

(Namorrodor squeals)


(Namorrodor screeching)

Come on, then.


(speaking native dialect)

(crowd shouting)






(crowd murmuring)

(Namorrodor hissing)

(trilling tongue)


(screeching, hoofbeats galloping)

(crowd shouting)



(crowd murmuring)


That is the coolest thing I have ever seen!

(murmuring continues)

(machines beeping)

(electricity crackling)

Koen: Pick it up from under the wheel.

Ready? Use your legs, boys.

(men grunting)

Let go, let go, let go. Good work.

You all right, Aunty?

Yeah, I'm good.

Keep going, boy.

Bring up the oil drums!

Barricade the front now!

Koen: Hey, Blair! You all ri boss?


(chatter stops)

Mungo: They're coming!

They're coming!

The CA guards are coming!

They're coming!

(voices whispering)

(whispering continues)

(Kora speaks native dialect)