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03x01 - Spring

Posted: 07/07/16 04:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Tyrant...

This land you betrayed me for, your own brother, I give it to you.

Barry: Jamal!

Daliyah: You found him in the desert?

Get your father.

And don't talk about this to anyone.

The sons of Tal Jiza will become soldiers in the Army of the Caliphate.

Barry: I thought this wasn't my fight. I was wrong.

Come back, okay?

If you don't...

(explosions booming)

Sammy, hold this tourniquet.

Please just let me die.

Sammy: Dad, that's not just some prisoner.


You know who that is?

I know who it is.

Molly: The man you know as Khalil, the man who's been fighting the Caliphate inside Ma'an... that's Barry.

Leila: It's over.

The ICC is issuing a warrant of arrest for five counts of crimes against humanity, Jamal.

It's what you always wanted, isn't it?

This job, this power.

No, it really isn't.

Don't fool yourself, brother.

Leila: What did Jamal say?

It's over. He's stepping down.

Sammy: Crowd's been gathering all morning.

They all started chanting your name, calling for you to be the next president.

Crowd (chanting): Bassam! Bassam! Bassam!

(chanting continues)

The chemical w*apon in question were deployed without my knowledge or consent.

I did not commit this crime.

Therefore, why should I step down?

(two g*nshots)

(people screaming, clamoring)

(call to prayer playing over loudspeakers)

Second drawer, I believe.

If you're looking for a spatula.

(chuckles softly)

You are everywhere, Aziz.

It's my job to anticipate your every need.

Mm. You should be asleep.

It's 5:00 a.m.

We all should.

Tomorrow's speech... it's not exactly, um... done.

Then focus on that.

There are people who can make an omelet for you, Mr. President.


"Mr. President."


Still sounds so strange.

You should get used to it.

(breathes deeply)

(clamoring, siren wailing)

(cameras clicking)

Barry: Call you as soon as I know anything. Where's Sammy?

Rami assigned him a security detail. He's safe.

Barry, I know you want to go with your brother, but I think you should stay.

(footsteps approaching)


There's no news.

He's been in there for over an hour.

Lea: Bassam?

Things are moving very quickly.

We need to get you back to the Palace.

This is no longer a negotiated political process.

In one form or another, there's about to be a coup in Abuddin.

Now, it can be orderly or it can be very unpleasant, but you need to get on television tonight, and you tell this country you're in control.

Look, I know this is more than you wanted to do, but look how close we are to achieving everything you fought for.

Take charge now, or someone else will.

Tell Rami I want to meet with him in an hour.

(footsteps approaching)

Oh, there you are.

Help me with this.

What are you doing?

Your father's computer, his records, bank accounts.

I don't want any of it getting into the wrong hands.

I-I can't do this right now. I have to see Nusrat.

Ahmed, listen to me.

I need you to stay focused.

The people and the Army will support Bassam, but there will always be the person who comes next.

And that could be us.

I know power comes before people in this family, but I'm not going to abandon...

Ahmed, for God's sake!

This is a dangerous time.

Work with me.

She's still my wife.

Yes, but she also tried to assassinate your father, and such women do not become first lady.

And that was her choice.

Maloof: What are you doing here?

You no longer have the right to be in this office.

How dare you. This is our home.

Arrest them.

Of course now all of you appear like cockroaches.

Come on.

Sir, this way.

You will answer to me for this, Colonel.

You are wrong, madame.

This time, it's the other way around.

He'll be here in an hour. He's ready to talk.

Rami, I need to know there's not gonna be any problems here.

I know you had presidential aspirations yourself.

The Army will support your husband.

Thank you.

I'll have television cameras set up in the office.


Colonel Maloof.

Do you wish to explain yourself?

Explain your treason, Colonel.

General Said, sir, I speak for the officers of your Army when I say that you are our commander and we will follow you and whatever government you form.

But only if the enemies of the state are finally and properly punished.

"Enemies of the state"?

I risked my life to bring my husband to justice.

We had a deal, General.

Me, you and the Arab League.

Your husband reneged.

You delivered no one. There's no deal.

Colonel, you do not speak for me or for the Army.

Sir, I realize I'm exceeding my authority here.

This is the price for your officers' cooperation.

Leila: I wouldn't celebrate too quickly.

You're married to an Al Fayeed.

One day, they will come for you, too.

♪ ♪

Rami: You have our full support.

Barry: Under these conditions?

My extended family is arrested?

For what crimes?

Maloof: They ruled together.

They got rich off the suffering of this country together.

A court can set them free, but not us, not you.

Rami: Bassam, your brother... my father... is still alive.

He could live.

But that makes for a very dangerous situation.

Those who might be unhappy with what we do could make things difficult and bloody if left free to oppose us.


I'm ready.

Mr. President.

We are going live. Three, two, one.

People of Abuddin, my brother is in surgery.

Whether he will live or die, we do not know.

That is in God's hands.

But he will no longer be able to carry out his duties as your president.

Nor is it acceptable that he should.

Starting as of this moment, I am, with the support of the Abuddinian military, assuming the office of President of Abuddin.

I saw my sister die at the hands of Jamal Al Fayeed.

My friends at the hands of the Caliphate.

I cried too many times.

I waited for this day and never believed it would come.

But Bassam Al Fayeed has kept his promise.

Al-Qadi: Bassam is promising us democracy.

The same thing his brother promised us a year ago.

But our holy book does not teach us to be fools.

(quiet laughter)

25 years ago, Abuddin turned away from God's law towards man's.

Now one Al Fayeed replaces another.

And they call it progress.

(crowd murmuring)

This is a holy place!

Siddiq: Sheik Al-Qadi, you are under arrest.

We have a list of men who will come with us.

Under whose orders?

By order of the general of the Army, General Said.

And mine, as governor of Ma'an Province.

And what are the charges?


Encouraging your followers to support the Caliphate during their occupation.

This is nonsense.

My entire family was slaughtered...

...while your followers kept the Caliphate comfortable.

How many in your families died?



You prayed with them, and you sold them your goods, and you prospered during their occupation.

You're collaborators.

Finally those who have committed crimes against us will be called to account.

Justice is about to have its day in Abuddin.


(grunts loudly)


Crowd (chanting): Bassam! Bassam! Bassam! Bassam!

(chanting continues)

♪ ♪

(door opens)

Molly: Honey?

It's 3:00 a.m.


I know this is a lot to handle.

Barry, come to bed. We can talk about it.

You know who I wish was here right now?

My mother.

She's the one in my head.

She always wanted this for me.

And I broke her heart because I didn't.

I still don't.

♪ ♪

You're here because it's feeding time?

To watch the animals in their cages?

Ahmed's sleeping.

Been sleeping a lot these days.

I wanted to make sure that you're being taken care of.

Well, Aziz is looking after us, as you can see.

Why are we here?

What crimes have we committed?

We were allies, Bassam, you and I.

If there are people who are angry at our family, who want to see someone punished, you can't let them take their revenge out on me, Bassam.

Or on my son.

How is that going to make anything better?

If we die?

You're not completely in control here, are you?

You're not eating.

Are you upset?

I'm sorry, what?

Are you here for us?



Molly: Honey?

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, just, uh... just a dream.

Sorry, didn't mean to startle you.

No, it's okay.


You want to tell me about it?

Where you going?


To fix things.

I'll arrange for someone to drive you.

No, just, uh... just get me a car; I'll drive myself.

Just a routine inspection.

It's all right, you can leave us alone.


I know you loved me once.

I'm sorry.

(softly): Nusrat...

No one comes to see me.

Not even my husband.

I need to talk to him.

I... (sniffles)

I need to explain.

Does he hate me for what I did?

He, uh...

He loves you.


Good. Well... (sniffles)

Maybe they'll let me see him soon.

Jamal. Is he...?

No one knows if he'll live or die.

Bassam is president now.

Well... (chuckles) at least I did some good.


Are they going to execute me?

Bassam wouldn't let them do that.

And you.

You won't let them k*ll me, will you?

I, uh...


Y-You shot a president.

I couldn't let him win.

You understand that, right?

Someone had to stop him.

None of you could do it, so I had to do it for you.

Aziz: Are you okay, madame?

I'm just...

I'm having a bad day.

May I arrange to have the supper removed?

I had them include the cookies you like.

Yes, I saw that.

I know it doesn't mean much.

No, it means everything.

You've always looked after me, Aziz.

You above all others, madame.

Always. Till the end.

Daliyah: It's nearly midnight.

You scared me.

I wanted to come and see you so many times before this.

I know the rules.

Just to talk.

I need your advice.


I'll make us some tea.

Barry: I started thinking about what they did in

Tunisia, in South Africa.

That for this cycle to end, one of these days, the victims will have to stop saying, "I want revenge," and just say... "I forgive."

So you're just going to let people go free?

No punishment?

No, no, I couldn't do that. No one would understand.

I wouldn't understand.

I'm talking about forming a Truth and Dignity Commission.

We all give testimony, the victims and the victimizers, for all the crimes we committed against each other, my father's, my brother's, the Caliphate's.

We go on record... to forgive and to heal.

I think that's beautiful.

(chuckles softly)

You do?

I really do.

Why did you need to ask me?

You should talk about this with your wife, the first lady.

You came to Asima to play a part in the new Abuddin.

Isn't that what you said?


The commission will be led by a five-person panel.

I'm gonna name you the chair.


That's not funny.

I'm not the right choice, Bassam.

I know nothing about government.


That is why you're perfect.

You have no political interests.

And you are a national hero.

The Mother of the Revolution.

Haven't you read any of these books?

Oh, Bassam.

You'll be fully independent.

You can ask any question you like.

Call any witness.

You can investigate anything.

Even me.

(chuckles softly)

I don't like this.

I don't.


It makes me afraid.

I trust you.

I don't trust anyone else the way that I trust you.

And I'm the president.

Are you gonna say no to me?

These are enemies of the state. You can't just...

W-With all due respect, this is crazy.

Be careful how you address me, Colonel.

What will you do about Jamal?

He's still in a coma.

Even if he lives, he'll be paralyzed and frail.

We can keep him under a soft house arrest, a convalescence.

And let the country watch him reform publicly.

Better that than putting him on trial and turning him into a lightning rod for his supporters.

Barry: Exactly.

And Nusrat?

We'll place her in a mental institution for a time, and then release her.

She cannot be the only person punished for 25 years of crimes in this country.

That could set a very dangerous precedent.

sh**t a president on national television, and then walk away.

If I released her alone, yes.

But after six months and under a general amnesty, I think we can manage it.

Siddiq: And what about Ihab?

You can't do this to the people of Ma'an.

Ihab will be transferred to a new jurisdiction prior to the amnesty.

I'm negotiating with the Buhaira government, with the help of the Arab League, to take him off our hands.

Without consulting us first?

You can either have my back on this, or you can have my resignation.


Of course he's late. He was always late.

(chuckles) He was always late.

"Don't wait for your father.

"The pancakes will get cold.

He's on the phone."

"With a patient."

Sammy: Mm-hmm.

(Molly chuckles)


Molly: Nothing.

We were just reminiscing.

How's the speech coming?

Up all night. Almost done.


So, what are we reminiscing about?

About our old family breakfasts.

"What are you afraid of, Emma?"


"If you say what you're afraid of, if we talk about it, it won't be so scary."

I can't believe that worked.

(chuckles softly)

(Emma laughs)

(voice breaking): What?


Mom, don't...

I know. It just...

How many more mornings are we gonna have like this, with everyone around the table together? (sniffles)

If you guys don't get it, okay, you won't until you have kids, but if I could just freeze time right now...

All right, drama queen.

I just want to say that 16 months ago, we were an ordinary family from Pasadena, and now look where we are, what we've accomplished.

Not so bad where life takes us.




Can I get a little support here? I'm going to the Palace today.

It doesn't matter how you look when you're famous.

I'm not famous.

You're famous in this book.

It says you're the Mother of the Revolution.

"Khalil and the Red Hand."

People actually read this?

Everybody's reading it.

Well, they should know it's all exaggerated.

To sell copies.

The pictures make it look like you want to kiss him.

It shows us kissing?

No, it just... looks like you want to.

To sell copies.

Abu Omar is the one who took you, right?

Did you hate him?

At first.

And then, I felt sorry for him.

It shows him looking for something you hid under your clothes.

Allah, this is not a good book.

♪ ♪

You know, I've, uh...

I've never made out with a famous person before.

(chuckles) I'm not famous.

Ah, come on.

You were invited to the Palace for the president's speech.

That's famous enough for me.

It's good to know what you like about me.

That's not what I like about you.

And I could not care less about politics, but...

I like other aspects of you, and I'm happy to talk about those.

Don't be an assh*le.

How can you not care about politics? This is a huge speech.

I think he's going to announce plans for a real election.


Oh, from the Red Hand to the Blue Finger.

You know, the ink that proves you voted in an election.

Blue finger.

I like that.

Blue Finger.

We could use that.

(chuckles) What-what just happened?

You talked politics by accident.

Barry: Today will be known as National Reconciliation Day.


Because it's not enough just to call an election six months from now.

Experiments in democracy fail all the time.

We can't plan a better future for ourselves until we come to terms with our failed past.

We still live side by side.

Fundamentalists and secularists.

Supporters of the old regime and supporters of the new.

Now, we can avenge wrongs, seek revenge against our enemies, but history is pretty clear on one thing: that one day those enemies will return to seek revenge on us.

The Koran teaches us, "Repel evil with good, and he who was your enemy may become your dearest friend."

And so I am establishing a Truth and Dignity Commission, and with it, the promise of healing instead of retribution, reconciliation rather than revenge.

I've asked Daliyah Al-Yazbek, one of the heroes of the revolution, to chair the five-person panel charged with hearing the testimony and telling the story of our crimes against each other.

Mr. President, thank you.

(cameras clicking)

I am a Bedouin woman from a village that no longer exists.

A widow in a family where two of three sons are now gone.

A citizen in this nation of suffering.

We must look each other in the eye and tell each other our stories.

By orders of the president.

Send him my thanks.

He's also instructed me to tell you that you are invited to the first meeting of the Election Committee.

Then I will see you at the conference table.

All of us must give testimony for the story to be complete.

And no one will be granted amnesty until they give full witness to their own crimes.

Maloof: The president would like to see you later this evening.

I forgive you, Colonel.

Isn't that the style of the moment?

Where is Nusrat?

Has she been released?

She's been transferred for a period of time to a mental institution.

Well, I need to see my wife.

Daliyah: Not so much forgiveness as a coming to terms.

Send me away as far as you want.

You can shove forgiveness up your ass.

You think that you are the hero here, hmm?

You call elections.

Those were my elections.

One year ago, I was going to be president.

You, your family took everything I ever had.

We are not nearly done with each other, Al Fayeed.

Daliyah: And that, we pray, in time... will set us free.

Wake up.

What's happening?

What are you doing? What's happening?

I want to see Ahmed!

No, no, no!

I want to see my husband!

I want to see Ahmed!

No, please don't do this. Please.

Bassam wouldn't do this.

I don't understand.

Please, please.

No, stop!


Get off me!


Stop it, please!

Somebody help me!


Somebody help me!



So that's Daliyah.

Famous Daliyah who saved your life.

She's not how I pictured her.

(chuckles) Really? How did you picture her?

Uh, I don't know.



I didn't know she was in the capital.

You never said.

Yeah, for a while now.

She's an unlikely choice for that position.

Don't you think?

Yes, very.

But... people love her.

I guess w*r makes unlikely heroes.

I think she's the perfect person for the job.

Dinner, after I meet with Leila?

Mm, sure.


Barry: You don't waste much time on thank-yous, do you?

You're looking for gratitude?

I'm sorry I've disappointed you.

Though I do admire your courage.

Still, this experiment of yours doesn't work without my blessing and participation.

I'm going to inherit my husband's support without even asking.

That's 25% of the country, at least.

That's exactly why I expect you'll work with me towards this election... self-interest.


Ahmed wants to follow in his father's footsteps.

(scoffs) Who wouldn't?

In the meantime, what position do I have in your cabinet?

Or were you just playing lip service to a coalition government?

What are you looking for?

I lived on the sidelines for 20 years, Bassam.

Watching and nodding while other people made mistakes.

I want to be foreign secretary, the first woman foreign secretary of an Arab nation.


That's what you'll be.

(knocking on door)

I'm sorry, Mr. President, madame.



Did she leave a note?

I don't think so.

I'm sure she couldn't, locked in her cell.


There you are.


Not now, Colonel.

You have a meeting.

I said not now!

Aziz: Is there anything I can do for you, madame?

Anything else?

Did she really commit su1c1de?

I never asked you.

Aziz: Of course not.

It's my job to anticipate.

Your son was in an impossible position.

I tried to k*ll him myself once.

My husband.

I couldn't.

♪ ♪

So what does the Arabic say?

"This time, we choose."

Blue finger.

Red Hand to Blue Finger.


This election is like a dream.

I'm just not sure about this "turn the other cheek" thing.

Don't say anything to your dad.

I mean, I'm still angry.

I don't know. Can you pretend to forgive?

You don't pretend.

You force yourself until it becomes the truth.


I'll try.

You say you want democracy.

Then shouldn't democracy begin at this table?

And yet you've already announced the election's in six months away.

Why six months?

Barry: That's the soonest I think we can be ready.

I'm not sure these gentlemen want it to be the soonest.

That's good for the front-runner.

That's good for you, Mr. President.

It's not good for the rest of us.

You're lucky you're even being allowed to run.

You offered us all positions in your government.

You have a problem with that, too?

Patience, General.

By accepting those positions in your government, we give tacit support to your policies.

We have nothing to run against.

When we run against you, we run against ourselves.

He's right. As it is, polling says that if the elections were held today, you would get 72% of the vote.

It won't be an election.

It... it would be a coronation, of you.

Tell us why we should support that.

Because I'm not running.

I'm not running for president.

Whatever you do, you do it for yourselves.

This is not an open question.

There's nothing to discuss.

You might at least have given a heads up to your principal ally.

So you could do what?

Was this your plan all along?

To drop out of the election?

And why didn't you say so before you took office?

Because then the country needed reassurance.

Now it needs a real election.

And that cannot happen if I run.

I'm afraid for your country, Bassam.

Me, too.

Every day.

But here's the real question.

Are you truly committed to democracy in Abuddin, whatever outcome it produces?

Or will America be seen by the whole world as only having supported me?

You seem nervous.

You're the First Lady of Abuddin.

And you're the head of the Truth and Dignity Commission.

To be honest, none of this seems real to me.

I'm a doctor from Pasadena.

Tell me about it.

Daliyah, I... owe you a lot, I think.

My husband's life, I hear, for starters.

No, please.

Don't be modest.

Listen, to tell you the truth, I wish you would tell me all about it.

Barry won't. He keeps everything locked up inside.

It was a painful time.

I know.

And my husband is quite private, even in the best of times.

I met him as Khalil.

I know what you mean.

He's told me almost nothing about you.

I'm not all that important.

Just a small part in his story.

I doubt that.

He obviously thinks very highly of you.

And now we share in this job of taking care of Abuddin.

We share many things.

So I wanted to meet you.

I'm honored.

♪ ♪


You okay?

I'm in mourning for my wife.

You, on the other hand, seem to be moving on nicely.

Don't do that. I'm in mourning, too.

And the work for the government doesn't stop, Ahmed.

So I hear.

You've been made foreign secretary?

Yes. That's very good news for us.

"For us"?

How does that help me run for president?

Ahmed, you're in mourning for your wife.

This is no time to be thinking about elections.

Nusrat died to make this possible for me.

That's all I'm going to be thinking about.

It's too soon.


What does that mean?

If the office had been handed to you, if all this had happened a few years from now, after Bassam's administration, that would have been one thing, but right now you're in no position to run for president.

You're just not hard enough yet.

Takes time to develop calluses. That's not a bad thing.

You're going to run yourself.

I'm keeping a place for you.

Just as your father would have done.

You need time. I'm buying you time.


You crave power.

You don't even think about it anymore.

It's a reflex...

Yes, it is!

It's instinct!

That's what I've known my whole life.

The will to power.

That's how I've survived, Ahmed.

Well, at least we've acknowledged it.

You're in this for you.

There is no difference between what I do for myself and what I do for you.

I'm strong to take care of you.

But you know what's funny?

That I should even have to answer that.

Like it's some kind of a crime for a woman to think about herself.

This is for both of us.

You are my son, and I love you, but I'm tired for apologizing of sometimes thinking that I might be more than a wife and a mother.

It's like King Lear.

They'll all fight for your kingdom now.

I know.

But it was always more theirs than it was mine.

And at least now everyone has a stake in it.

And I can sleep a little easier.

Soon I'll be an ordinary man.

No more power.

Right. Yeah.

Much better, it turns out.

But for a while, we are the First Family of Abuddin.

Yes, we are.

I'm proud of that.


Barry... you still love me?

You know the answer to that.


Are you still... in love with me?



Why would you ask me that now?

I don't know.

Never mind.


It's you and me.

You know that.

You're right, I know that.

(cell phone ringing)


My brother.

Doctor: He woke up from the coma about an hour ago.

He's not communicating yet, but he does respond to stimuli.

Your brother's not out of the woods, of course, but if I were a betting man, I'd give him decent odds.

Thank you, Doctor.

(monitor beeping steadily)

♪ ♪

I've been praying for this.

But between you and me... might have been easier... brother...

...if you had died.



You've asked to see me, Mr. Ambassador? Please.

Out of respect, Madam Foreign Secretary.

There has been a change in my government's position with regards to Ihab bin Rashid.

Tell the president to join us immediately.

What does that mean, exactly?

The Caliphate has threatened to execute 25 of our nationals in its custody if we do not release our prisoner.

I understand.

Let us arrange to have him returned to our control.

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

♪ ♪

Barry: So bin Rashid is already gone?

I'm sending you home, Mr. Ambassador, with a letter of protest to your government.

As you wish.

Leila: It would be unfortunate if it comes out that you've accepted bin Rashid as a bargaining chip to negotiate the release of your own nationals.

You are new at this.

I will take it this is a mistake of inexperience, not an accusation against an ally that you wish to turn into an enemy.

As you wish.

I made a mistake.

(plane engine whirring, violin playing gentle music)


We're almost there.

Let's buckle up!



Welcome back, sir.

Am I too late?

We'll see.

Welcome home.


I'm in your debt.

Keeping my eye on you.

Had Bassam not done us the favor, we might have had to get you out of prison by ourselves.

I'm honored.

I have my selfish reason.

Syria is coming apart by the seams.

We're under pressure here. We need a new home.

The fact that the American has taken power in Abuddin is an opportunity almost too good to be true if we play it right.

So... use me.

Bassam has my country operating under the assumption that we can all forgive each other.

I'm never going to forgive.

He and his whole family are going to wish that he had just let me die.

I have a meeting with the Egyptian foreign minister.

What's everyone else up to?

What are you afraid of, Emma?

(both chuckle)

Thanks for asking, Dad.

Today, nothing.

♪ ♪