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04x07 - The Dead Hand

Posted: 07/06/16 16:37
by bunniefuu
Nancy, where are your parents?

I'm sorry, Mr. Holecka, they couldn't be here.

Did you impress upon them the seriousness of this situation?

I did, but Dad couldn't get off work, and Mom's out of town.

We can proceed without them.


I have to say, Nancy, I was shocked when I read this.

This is an absolutely terrible essay. It isn't like you.

I know, right? It makes outrageous assumptions about the narrative, it completely misinterprets the hero's journey, and is loaded with grammatical errors.

If you knew it was so bad, why did you hand it in?

To see if you'd give me the same grade you gave Eddie Canning.

After all, they're the exact same essay.

What are you up to?

I'm proving that you sell good grades to the basketball team to improve their scholarship chances.

I heard an A is 500.

How much is a B-minus?

You little bitch.

Who do you think Davidson is going to believe?

Why don't we ask her?

Damn it, Gerald!

Get down to my office.

Oh, before you go, can I get a statement for the student paper?

Ker', I'm home!

I'm up here!

What are you doing?

I'm going to paint the room.

I'm thinking blue, maybe pink.

It doesn't need to be painted.


Blue... or pink?


Didn't you pee on that?


Oh, my God, you're such a baby. Tell me you're happy.

[she laughs in delight]

Of course I am.

You're supposed to be on vacation.

Yeah, yeah, I just came to get my passport.

You're supposed to be on vacation.

[sighing] I'm on vacation.

I just came to get my passport.

She came to get her passport.

You keep your passport in your desk?


Can you think of a safer place?


It works for me, plus I get to check on a few last minute Forensics reports.

She's also checking on Forensics reports.


Done and done.

I am out of here. You two have a great week.

And stop betting on whether I will actually go on vacation, because I am on vacation.

She's on vacation.

Excuse me?

[sighing] Yeah.

Are you a detective?

Yes, I am.

If you run, you die. If you try to take the b*mb off me, you die.

If anything happens to me, you die.


Anyone who wants to be a hero, this device has a dead man's switch.

That means you k*ll me, the b*mb kills you.

Everyone. When your colleague comes to you, put your fire-arm, your phone, and your keys in the basket.

Look, no one's going to get hurt just as long as you follow my orders and you stay quiet.

Okay, what do you want me to do with these?

Lock them in that office.

[sirens wailing]

<i>Reports confirm hostages on the second floor. Homicide section.

No I.D. on the suspect. Female, 40s.</i>

We tapped in?

[dialing call]

[phone ringing]

Take your seat.

[phone ringing]

That would be your hostage negotiator.

[call ringing]


This is Sergeant Fred Blunt. Who am I speaking with?

<i>Yesterday, Josh Martin was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Secure his release.</i>

I'm going to need a little more information.

<i>Why don't we start with your name?</i>

Is Josh a colleague of yours?

I said no talking.

Blunt's going to tell you he needs at least 24 hours to release this guy.

What part of "no talking" don't you understand?

[phone ringing]


<i>We're looking into</i>

Josh Martin's situation right now, but I'm going to need at least 24 hours before I can get you an answer.


I didn't say anything.

<i>You have one.</i>

Is Josh innocent?

I mean, if you want him out and he's guilty, that's one thing, but if you think he's innocent, then why don't you let us look into his case?

Because you're the ones who railroaded him in the first place.

I never worked a case with Josh Martin, did you?

No. Never heard of him.

Well, what you're doing gets him today, maybe, but there's only one way to let him out for good.

So, why don't you take me up on it?

[camera zooms and clicks]

Ben, class is about to start.

I saw the news. You want to talk about it?

Nancy's dead, and her k*ller only gets 15 years?

It's not fair.

What happened to Nancy is a tragedy, but you have to remember, Josh is sick.

You want me to forgive him?

We all miss her, but if you hold onto that hate, the only person you're punishing is yourself.

Gee thanks, Mr. Hardy. I'm cured.

Take all the time you need.

I'll tell the office you're here.

We're not publishing this.

Why not?

Because we're a school newspaper, not the New York Times.

The student body has a right to know that Mr. Holecka was selling grades.

He already lost his job. Don't you think that's punishment enough?

Everybody thinks he retired.

You ruined the man's career.

He did that to himself.

You don't need to ruin his reputation as well.

Teachers have to be held to a higher standard.

You've got until Wednesday to turn in a different story.

If you don't publish this, you're as bad as he is.

It's going to be okay, everyone. Everything's going to be fine.

Josh Martin is your son?

And the victim, Nancy, is your daughter.

I'm... I'm very sorry for your loss.

Josh would never have hurt his sister.

It had to be someone else.

Then why would he confess?

<i>No one is judging you, we're only trying to establish what happened.</i>

Josh: <i>Look, I already told you.

I don't know what happened.</i>

Interrogator: <i>Let's take a break.

Interview paused at 11:30 p.m.

Interview resumed, 12:15 a.m.</i>

Josh: <i>I'm ready to confess.

I k*lled my sister, Nancy Bailin.</i>

[suppressing tears]

That explains why the investigation was so thin.

There's 45 minutes missing from that interview.

Something happened during that time that made him change his mind.

Oh, I told you what happened. Your colleague railroaded my son!

I know Noonan. He's a good cop.


And you wonder why I'm doing this?

But this is unusual.

We need to find out what happened during that time when the cameras were down.

Oh, I know what you're doing here.

You're not leaving.

Oh, I'm not trying to leave, but I think if you want this done right, you should release them.

Blunt's Emergency Response, so his only objective is to end this situation, but Detectives Mazur and Lucas are two of the best on the force.


If anyone can get to the bottom of this, it's them.

And why should I trust you?

Have I lied to you yet?

We can't give in to this woman's demands, Chief.

If we do, we're giving every nut with a grudge against the force license to take a cop hostage.

What if she's right about her son?

<i>I'll take it you've been apprised?</i>

My team has brought me up to speed, yes.

So then, you know her son confessed.

After a 45-minute pause during the interrogation which we can't account for yet.

<i>So you think we should re-open the case.</i>

I think the best way to help these hostages is to show Susan Bailin we take her claims seriously.

Chief, listen. If...

I've heard enough, Blunt.

<i>Staff Sergeant Vega, find out what happened during those 45 minutes.</i>

<i>Report back to me.</i>

Will do. Thank you, Chief.

<i>Sergeant Blunt has tactical command of the situation.</i>


<i>Blunt, take me off speaker.</i>

Yes, Chief?

I want this to end <i>with as few casualties as possible.</i>


Hey. How did it go with Chief Wells?

Yeah, we're good to go. You get anything on our suspect?

Lieutenant Commander Susan Bailin is an ordnance specialist with the Navy.

She tours in the Middle East, Africa, Serbia...

She took a compassionate posting about a year ago so she could be closer to home.

And she wrote the book on IEDs.

Literally. "Improvised expl*sive Devices:"

Manufacture, Identification, and Disarming Techniques."

The b*mb squad keeps that in their vehicle.

Did you show them the pictures you took?

Yes, they said, and I quote, "We're screwed."

The red cord is the primary trigger and the deadman's switch is a heart-rate monitor with a blue tooth connection to the b*mb, so if her heart stops, then the device will signal the b*mb, and... we know what happens next.

So she can detonate it just by removing the monitor.

Yeah. So, they also said to expect one or two fail-safes that she hasn't told us about.

You said you know Noonan?


Talk to him, find out what happened that night with Josh.


You talk to Howard, Susan's husband?

We gotta find out everything we can on this family.

I'll go to the prison, I'll interview Josh.

The best way we help Angie right now is we get her information.

She's going to be okay.

Thank you.

Oscar, what the hell is going on?

It's okay.

You, you all right?

I was in the middle of someone, I got dragged out.

Yeah, well, someone got in the station with a b*mb.

They've taken hostages.


She's inside.

What do they want?

Her son confessed to murdering her daughter.

The mom thinks he's innocent.

Victim's name?

Nancy Bailin.

Doesn't sound familiar.

That's good. You can be fresh eyes.

Yeah. I'll start reading files.

Your son's confession derailed any further investigation six months ago.

I'm guessing you weren't interviewed.

I was out of town.

Well, you're the mother of the victim and the suspect, so you're part of the case.

The Bailins? Now, there was one messed up family.

Mom's never home. Dad's emasculated.

Son's a waste of skin.

The daughter was their only saving grace.

Smart, attractive.

Figures she's the one who ends up dead.

What happened?

She comes home early from school, catches her brother robbing the place.

He gives her a diving lesson down the stairs.

Is that it?

They can't all have shocking twists.

You know Josh was convicted yesterday, right?

Your wife made a convincing argument to re-examine the case.

My ex-wife. [chuckles ruefully]

Why am I not surprised?

You don't share her conviction?

No, it's a matter of public record. Josh broke into the house, he pushed his sister down the stairs, and he k*lled her.

He also said that it was an accident.

The little creep was so high, he couldn't remember his own name.

Susan: <i>My son has a drug problem.</i>


Howard is his step-father.

I had Josh right before we met, and honestly, things were good between Howard and Josh until Nancy was born.

Of course, no one's ever going to admit they have a favorite child...

Josh: <i>Nancy put up with a lot of crap.</i>

Mom's disappearing act. Howard's expectations.

My addiction.

She didn't deserve to die like that.

You sound very self-aware.

Yeah, I've been 12-stepping it.

Three months sober.

One of the few upsides of not getting bail before my court date.

Mazur: <i>You went at Josh for a pretty long time.</i>

You want to tell me why you're sniffing around my case?

You heard about the b*mb threat this morning at central station?


It's Susan Bailin.

She has hostages, and she wants her son back.

So, why am I hearing this from you?

Because there was a 45-minute dead zone in Josh's interrogation.

Just before he confessed.

I didn't hear a question.

Did I mention hostages? Come on.

Yeah, uh, his old man showed up.

I figured he talked some sense into his kid.

Okay, thank you.

Lucas: <i>You spoke to Josh the night that he was arrested.</i>

What did you talk about?

I told him to man up for a change, to accept responsibility for his actions.

For once in his life, to take... to think of somebody besides just himself.

Are we done here?

The week before Nancy's death, what was going on for her?

It started after Howard kicked Josh out.

You know, she'd only give us essential information.

"Don't wait up for me." "I'll make my own dinner."

Hmm, I remember that phase.

Stick to your questions.

I'd been out of the house about a month.

I needed money. I broke in to rob them.

Nancy surprised me, and I pushed her down the stairs.

She broke her neck.

She was in so much pain.

She was begging for me to help her, and...

I just sat there and watched her die.

Well, you tell me what you think about this. Um... they say that when a person accesses a constructed thought, that they tend to look up and to the left.

Why would I lie about k*lling my sister?

That's what I'm wondering.

You think your father might have told you what you did to Nancy?

I was so high, and I don't remember a second of it.

I k*lled my sister, and I don't remember.

I still can't believe he smoked my story.

Yeah, what a jerk.

Hey, can we please just talk for a second?

Of course.

Why would Mr. Hardy k*ll a perfectly good story?

Probably because you went after his best friend.

Mr. Hardy and Mr. Holecka are friends?

"Gasp." You mean there's something you didn't know?

Ben, be nice.

Yeah, they're friends.

They go bowling together every Wednesday.

How do you know that?

I missed a test last week, asked if I could take a make-up.

He said any day except Wednesday night, 'cause that's his bowling night.

So... are we going to do anything?

Yeah, just hand stuff.

This is the last time I heard from Nancy.

Nancy: <i>I won't be home till late. I'm going to the library to study. I'll get my own dinner.</i>

What time did you get that call?

3:10 the day she died.

I was out of town, giving a lecture, so... I couldn't take the call.

Well, according to investigators, she signed herself out of school... there, at lunch time.

Well, she wouldn't do that unless she was sick.

This is a good thing.

It's a lead.



Nancy Bailin died from a spinal injury between her C1 and C2, the result of a fall down a flight of stairs.

So, death would have been instantaneous.

Dr. Parsons came to the same conclusion.

Josh Martin told me that his sister begged for his help.

He told me that he watched her die.

That would be impossible. Josh Martin's lying.

Or his stepfather lied to him.

Susan, we believe that Josh's confession may have been coerced.

I already told you that it was.

Chief Wells is willing to petition a judge to transfer Josh <i>into a minimum-security prison while we investigate.</i>

No, not good enough. You put my son in prison. Get him out!

Blunt: <i>That's the best we can do, Susan.</i>

Vega, what happened during the interview?

Howard Bailin coerced Josh into confessing to Nancy's m*rder.

Detectives Lucas and Mazur are picking him up, and taking him into custody for obstructing an investigation.

Don't play games with me.

If they were trying to play you, they'd tell you they were going to release Josh, <i>then they'd lure you out there and take you down.</i>

She has to stop giving away my play-book.

<i>Susan: I want you to reopen my daughter's m*rder investigation.</i>

That's going to take some time, Susan.

Well then, you'd better get to work.

What are you going to give us, Susan?

This is how it works, you know that.

<i>They ask for something, you ask for something,</i> then they ask for something. You got two civilian employees in there.

Susan: <i>You can have the civilians.</i>

Nice job.

I told you my son was innocent.

I thought the case was closed.

We're just crossing the T's and dotting the I's.

Was Nancy a popular student?

Well, she wasn't a hallway queen, but she wasn't a bleacher troll either.

You spend enough time with these students, you start to sound like them.

What kind of student was she?

She was very troubled.

Her brother's addiction issues consumed her family's attention.

So Nancy craved attention.

That's one way to describe it.

Okay, how would you describe it?

She always hated people taking advantage of the system.

Hmm, like Mr. Holecka and the grades?

Yeah, and the talent contest scandal, the student election rigging, the stolen office supplies.

She sounds like a regular Nancy Drew.

Veronica Mars?

A lot of good that did her.

Any idea if she was working on a new story?

No, but that's not saying much.

Aren't you the teacher advisor for the student paper?

I am, and I learned a long time ago to let Nancy do her own thing, because she was going to do it anyway.

Hmm, sounds like a handful.

She was one of the most committed students I ever met.

Hi. Can I help you?

Mrs. Hardy? My name's Nancy.

I'm one of your husband's students.

You're Nancy. I have heard a lot about you.



I'm so sorry to bother you, but I forgot to hand in my article for this week's paper, and Mr. Hardy said my deadline was today.

Leave it with me. I'll make sure he gets it.

Thanks so much.

You could have saved yourself a trip. Rand's working late tonight.

I thought tonight was his bowling night.

Rand doesn't bowl.

I must be thinking of another teacher.


Have a good evening.

You too.
Ben? It's me. Can I borrow your camera?

Yes, again.

Ben Patkowski?

I don't... Who's that?

According to our investigators, Susan, he was your daughter's boyfriend.

<i>Her what?</i>

Uh, that's news to us, Vega.

Is there anything else?

<i>No, that's all we've got for now.</i>

Okay, we'll call you soon.

I wish I could tell you this is going to be easy, re-opening your daughter's case, but it's not.

Our job is to uncover things that people want to keep hidden.

Right. Okay. Uh... so, what do we need to do next?

Uh, we need to go through your daughter's belongings.

They're still at the house.

My friends are working very hard on your behalf...

I cannot send them into your house if there's any chance they could get hurt.


There are no surprises waiting for them.

I promise.

For what it's worth, I believe you.

[dialing phone]

It would be pretty ironic if the evidence to clear Josh was in this house, but one of Susan's bombs blew it up.

Don't even joke.

There's nothing here.

You okay?

Yes, I'm fine, I just want this day to end.

Angie's going to be fine.

That's just it. She's in there because of me.

She positioned herself to stay.

What, to get you out of there?

Why would she do that?

Because I'm pregnant.



I should... still be in there.

And they say chivalry is dead.

It is.

This way, you have to make the next pot.

Nice. [chuckles]

Could today get any weirder?

It can for me.

I get to meet Kerry tonight to sign the divorce papers.

How are you holding up?

I'll be happy when it's all over.

Well... we're almost there.


Yeah, that's perfect. Stay in touch.

You've got something, I can tell. What have you got?

I'm not sure yet.

You see these lines on her back?


There's a pattern in the lividity.

In order for a pattern like that to set in, Nancy Bailin would have had to have been on her back for at least two hours after she died.

Well, that doesn't work with Josh's time-line of events.

This pattern looks like a floor mat?


Wait a minute.

Yeah, no mat.

Well, maybe they threw it away. You can understand why.

Or Nancy Bailin was k*lled somewhere else.

Susan: So that's it then, you've proven Josh didn't k*ll Nancy.

No, not quite.

What? You heard him.

She didn't die in the house. Somebody moved her there.

We still need to prove that person wasn't Josh.

My son didn't do this!

Do you think I like this?

I was supposed to be on a plane to Jamaica this morning.


So, what do we do now?

We keep looking.



Some of Nancy's personal effects are still down in our evidence lock-up, but I can't get us in there.

So, we'll have Blunt send them up.

That's a big ask.



We'll trade some hostages.

He's going to want more than some.

They can't have them all.

You only need one.

[elevator music plays]

[elevator arrival dings]

Check them.

Yeah, they're all here.

Move, move, move.

That's everyone.

Except for Angie.

A set of keys.


She still had it.

The key chain... I made it for her out of a grenade pin.

I've got a few other things here.

What are those, birth control pills?

Well, looks like you had a very self-sufficient child.

Yeah, she was the one I never thought I had to worry about.

She would always do the right thing.

She did.

Next up, we got a toy camera.

That's not a toy, it's a USB key.


Thanks for your help.

Not a problem.

[whispering] Holy...


I know I shouldn't.

We have to be careful.

If anyone finds out...

This is wrong.

You're married.

Do you want to stop?

Do you?

[both gasping]

[chuckles in satisfaction]

Was it weird today? Seeing her?



Oh, she didn't show.

It was just me and my lawyer and a stack of documents.

Can I see them?


To make sure this is real.

You don't need papers for that.

That's a lot of photos.

That's one of her teachers.

Um... Mr. Hardy, I think.

Do you recognize the woman?

No, I've never seen her before.


Hey, I'm here.

<i>I'm e-mailing you some photos.</i>

You enjoy that pizza?

Uh, yeah, we did. Thanks for sending it.

Susan says the man in the photo is one of Nancy's teachers, Mr. Hardy.

<i>I didn't think you would eat it because of your diet.</i>

Well, you know me so well.

<i>I do. I know.</i>

Sometimes, I think all you do is eat, rest and train.

You're going to make yourself sick.

<i>Well, you're the one that ordered the extra cheese, my friend.

We should get back to work, in there.</i>

<i>All right.</i>

No shot.

<i>Don't have it.</i>

<i>No joy.</i>

Stand by, stand by.

Your boss seemed quite concerned about your well being.

Yeah, well, you know, I suffer from low blood sugar.

Yeah, I heard.

"Eat, rest, train."

E.R.T. Emergency Response Team.

Jam the signal, pop me in the head. Smart.

I did not know that was in there. For what it's worth, I believe you.


One shot. One shot, and I could have ended this, and you ruined it.

Wells is going to hear about this.

You've got that right.

Is Blunt out of his mind?

There are so many ways that plan could have gone wrong.

He wouldn't have made a move like that without permission...

We worry about Blunt after Angie is out of that building.

That's our priority.


So, apparently, Nancy Bailin had some kind of interest in her teacher.

It's a Rand Hardy.

It's more like an obsession.

That's Mackenzie Usher.

She's the guidance counsellor at Nancy's school.

Miss Usher, can I talk to you?

I've got a meeting, Nancy. Can you come back later?

It will only take a second.

Okay, what's up?

What if I know someone is doing something wrong, but if I say anything, people will get hurt?

Get hurt, physically?


Can you be more specific?


A reporter never reveals her sources?


What will happen if you don't say anything?

I think people might still get hurt, just different people.

What do you think you should do?

I think I should say something.

Sounds like you already know the answer.

Anything else?

No, I think that just about does it.

Thanks, Miss Usher.


Hey! [knocking]

Come here.

You are an awful hostage, you know that?

You know what this is?

A bus pass.

That's Nancy's bus pass, from her wallet.

Now, these things are supposed to be scanned every time you get on or off the bus.

If we can find out where Nancy went the day she died, we might be able to identify her k*ller.

I don't have anything left to trade.

I just stopped Blunt from blowing your brains out, so I don't think he's gonna do me any favors, but you could give me access to a cell phone.


Oh. [chuckles awkwardly] You're not Chinese food.


My colleague will be disappointed. She's on her way to your house right now.

Is there a problem?

We just have some follow up questions for you and Rand.


It's kind of late, Detective. Can't this wait until morning?

Do these photos look familiar to you?

That was seven months ago.

We're not proud of it, but Rand and I had an affair.

And how did your wife take it?

My ex-wife did not take it well.

Where did you get these?

Nancy Bailin took them.

Where were you the day that she died?

I was at work. We both were.

No, that was the day of the flood, remember?

You went home early. I covered your afternoon class for you.

That was the day before. My basement flooded.

I hate when that happens.

Did you happen to call a plumber in?

No, no, I took care of it.

Thank you very much for your time.

Yeah, Vega? Lucas.

We need to track down Rand Hardy's ex-wife.

I need all of the charges for that card on that date.

No, it cannot wait until morning.

And what?

[scribbling quickly]

Okay. Thank you very much.

Nancy's last recorded stop was 41st and Maple in Kerrisdale.

What was she doing in Kerrisdale?

What was that teacher's name again?

Uh... Hardy. Rand Hardy.

[typing rapidly]

Well, that's three blocks away.

Yes, it is.

Are you sure that if I use this, it will not set that off?

Are you going to ask me that every time you need to make a phone call?


So, when was the last time you spoke to Kerry?

man: <i>It was about six months ago.</i>

Six months ago...

Thank you for your time, sir.

[incoming call buzzes]


<i>Susan and I decided to take Blunt out of the equation.</i>

I hope you don't mind.

Listen, we think that Rand Hardy is a strong person of interest.

<i>Yeah, so do we, and the circumstantial evidence is piling up.</i>

Rand's principal confirmed that he left work early the day that Nancy died.

I can put her in his neighborhood on the same day.

She got off a bus three blocks from his house.

Has anyone talked to the wife?

<i>We're still trying to track her down. According to her co-workers, she moved back east after Rand cheated on her, and then no one's heard from her ever since.</i>

They figured she was moving back to be close to family, and, apparently, she's pregnant.

Can you get a couple of units over there?

<i>Yeah, he's not going anywhere.</i>

Okay, listen, keep me posted, and you can reach me at this number, okay?

<i>Will do.</i>

Then you did it, right? That's him. We got him.

Well, it's, uh... it's looking good, yeah.

I need you to do something for me, okay?

I need you to disarm the b*mb and surrender.

Yeah, just as soon as they go and arrest him.

You heard my colleague, they're on their way to his house.

He's not going anywhere.

Don't test me.

You need to think about your son.

You need to think about yours.

If you detonate, you destroy the only physical evidence that proves Josh is innocent.

Were you ever planning on walking out of here alive?

Because if not, that really messes with my vacation plans.

I deserve to make a few phone calls.

It's all clear!

Move. Move, move, move!

The b*mb is up there.

I'll take it from here.

Thank you.

officer: All right, we're bringing her out now.

What's wrong?

I'm sure the flood was the same day.

Let it go, it was six months ago.

That means Nancy was spying on us for at least a month.

You want to watch TV or just go to bed?

Why don't you want to talk about this?

Because there's nothing to talk about.

You don't think it's weird that Nancy was taking photos of us?

Of course, it's weird. She was a weird kid.

You know what, you're right, it's late.

I think I'm gonna sleep at my place tonight...

Mackenzie, come on.

I'll talk to you in the morning.

Do you know what I've done for you?

Rand, what is your problem?

The sacrifices I've made to be with you?

Let go of me.

Lucas: Rand Hardy... you're under arrest for the m*rder of Nancy Bailin.

[rings doorbell]


Mrs. Hardy!

[floorboards creak]

Mrs. Hardy, are you okay?

Oh, my God...

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God...

You don't understand.

No, I don't, Rand. [sighing]

I don't understand.

Your wife, your unborn child...

Nancy... they're all dead.

A man... A boy...

Is in prison because of your crimes. All for what?

Because you wanted a new girlfriend without the hassle of a former life?

If you'll just let me explain...

Oh, what story will you tell me?

The one you told her friends, or the one you told her co-workers?

I mean, on the plus side, all your lies did help us secure a warrant to search your house.

Forensics already found her blood, your wife's blood, in the kitchen. What else will we find, Rand?

You k*lled Kerry because you wanted to be with Mackenzie, and then you k*lled Nancy because she found out.

[breathing hard]

Hmm. What about Kerry, where is she?

There's a concrete patch under the washer and dryer.

What's going to happen to me?

So, I missed my flight yesterday.

I'm thinking we could do dinner tonight, so give me a call. Bye.

Seriously, shouldn't you be on vacation?

Yeah, yeah, I just want to get my reports done while they're fresh in my mind.

You need a hand?

No, I'm good, thanks.


You know, um, I should have stayed with you.

What? No, you should not.

No, seriously, and I should have wanted to stay.

But when I saw that b*mb, I just thought, "I gotta get this little guy out of here."

Yeah, of course you did. Wait a minute, you know you're having a boy?

Aw, little boys are the best.

This pregnancy is changing me, Flynn, and I don't do well with change.

You should have saw how cranky I was when I heard I was getting transferred to this team.

Well, I... yeah, I did see that.

I just, I...

I like my job. I like my life.


I made a lot of sacrifices to get here, and what if... what if I'm not...

Listen, you will not regret a single minute you spend with him.

[clears throat] Thank you.

You're welcome.

Now go home.

I will, I promise.

No, no... [chuckling]

Go now, or I will make you.

Oh, hey, that's not finished.

Oh, well.

Thank you. Okay, all right.

Lady boss. [chuckling]



Look at you, a sight for sore eyes. Hi, love.

Hey, Mom. Sorry you missed your flight.

Yeah, well, couldn't be helped.

[sighs] Come here.

[planting kisses]

Ooh, I'm glad to see you.

Something come up at work?

Uh, yeah.

Was it that thing on the news?


Did you know anybody involved?

A few people.

Glad to see no one got hurt.

[clinking glasses]

How's school?

It's good.

We learned how to make beef Wellington.

Oh, you did?

So, guess what's for dinner?

Please say hot dogs.



You love me, don't you?

Ah, you know.

And you miss me when you're not here.


I know you do.
