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02x05 - Shaking the Tree

Posted: 07/05/16 05:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on Powers...

Oh, it's just perfect.

Kids, we have our new Retro Girl!



Are you f*cking with me?

What is wrong with you?

She's gone.

You can't take her place.

I have her powers.

And what was her weakness?

She didn't have any.

She's dead.

I'm taking your advice and reopening the Retro Girl case.

You do whatever you need to do.

I think we ought to stop getting in the middle of their problems, let them handle it themselves.

We could use SuperShock, now more than ever.

This must stop!


This isn't what you think.

That you k*lled Retro Girl and Krispin?

No, he's gonna k*ll me.


We need to go. He's here.

We're not going anywhere until you tell me who.

His name is Derek Warner.

He goes by the name "Heavy".

This is bigger than we imagined.

How big?

Move, move, move, move, move, on the floor!

On the floor, everybody down!

What's going on?

Drop your weapons!

This precinct is now under federal control.


Hard again!

Say it!

This is what I deserve.

Say it!

I'm weak.

Say... say it.

I'm weak, I'm weak. I'm weak.

Scandalous video of Senator Bailey Brown emerged this morning.

A public critic of Powers, Brown's private activities reveal a different side.

Once a beloved Power himself, the Cobalt Knight stunned the world when he hung up his cape after the 1967 earthquake to become a law maker.

Just yesterday, Senator Brown campaigned for his Powers Reform Act.

When the use of superpowers becomes illegal for everyone, then and only then can we be safe.

Constitution doesn't say "We the Powers," it says "We the People."

The Senator's legislation had been gaining momentum thanks to the surge in Powers-related crime since Retro Girl's m*rder.

But now, the fate of his bill is in question, and no one can seem to find him.

Hold on! Hold on!

Hey, hey, buddy, where were you?

Any comment on the Senator Brown video?

Hey, hey, it's the prettiest tough guy in town.

Nice shades, except is cloudy outside.

What are you doing? Just looks cool?

Is that the deal?

And that vampire jacket, that really works.

I'm sure all the criminals just f*cking run and hide.

One more thing: Hey, how did your d*ck not get crushed when you used to f*ck Retro Girl?

Poked the bear. What are you gonna do, huh?

Or maybe you don't have a d*ck anymore.

Is that it?

That's it, isn't it?

Yeah, you don't have a d*ck anymore.

That must be embarrassing.

You want to punch me?

Why don't you do it in front of all these cameras? That's a great idea.

f*ck you, assh*le.


Oh, but you wanted to.

We had a moment.

Did we have a moment?

Next week, same time, okay?


Morning, Detective.

Oh, Christ.

Donuts. How imaginative.

You haven't returned my calls.

Most people take that as a "no."

And they're cronuts, not donuts.

Because you're not some beat cop, and I'm not some paparazzo looking for a reaction shot.

I want a sit-down, on-camera exclusive.

The f*ck's a cronut?

It's a croissant-donut hybrid.

It's like eating a butter cloud.

Never spoke about Janice before.

Sure as hell not gonna start now.

Your point of view is unique.

People want to know what you think.

About the Senator's S&M fantasies with Retro Girl?

About the FBI takeover of Powers Division.

And yes, the fate of Senator Brown's anti-Powers legislation, now that his private activities have been exposed.

Don't forget the return of Retro Girl and SuperShock.


Not a chance.

Chin up, please.

Like this?

Oh, the symmetry is astonishing.

Thank you, Retro Girl.

Come in.

This is where I live.

Serena, load up image 2643, please.

I want to show you something, come here.

Loading image 2643.

This is from this morning.

Serena, enlarge scan by 300%, please.

Image enlarged.

That's you.

I have my very best artist working on your face, so it'll be several months before we see a working prototype.

Does it really take that long?

You are Retro Girl.

You will be worth the wait.

Are you hungry?

Again! Hard again!

Now, this is some seriously f*cked up shit.

Man, I used to collect that guy's trading cards.

This is what I deserve.

Say it.

Of course you did.

Say it!

I'm weak!

I am weak.

Say it.


Hey, what's up?

Looking for this?

Found it stuck to my ass this morning.

What the hell is wrong with you?

What? Come on. Cat lady is running the whole division now.

No one gives a f*ck about us.

Do not bring this shit to work.

Thanks for the help.

No problem.

Walker, you shouldn't have.

I didn't.

What are you talking about?

I'm a little bitch.

That's pretty good.


Love what you've done with the place.

Your bosses don't have you wasting any time.

I'll be briefing the entire department and making assignments shortly, Detective.

Look, it's not what I came here to discuss.

It's the only matter we have to discuss.

You want to get a cronut?

You better get out there.

He doesn't like sweets.

Is that true?

Or you just don't want to have a real conversation with me about what happened?

Professor Kleer missed his parole meeting.

I need you to bring him in.

No, come on, Angela.

That... That's your assignment.

Professor Kleer?

You really want to talk about an invisible burglar with everything that happened?

I want to share information with you.

With all the things we know...

I have been given... provisional authority over this division, Detective.

Kleer is a threat to public safety.

Sure, okay. That is unfortunate.

But I'm working on the Retro Girl m*rder case only.

And you can help me.

That case is officially closed.

No, it is not.

You know it isn't, Angela, okay?

Cross re-opened it.

Cross isn't here, is he?

No, that's a f*ck-up.

But you are, Angela.

Acting Commander Lange.

I expect to see Kleer under the Drainer by day's end.

Keep an eye on him.

Looks like you two were having quite the conversation.

Thought the tail was gonna come out again.

Well, Commander Lange is too disciplined for that.

"Commander Lange?"

Okay, that's it.

I got everything we need.

We're getting out of here.

What's in the bag?

Office Depot's got nothing on me.

What's in there?

Hold on.


Are you...

Avoiding your dad again?

FBI takes over Division, he either wants something or he's going to tell me I'm f*cked.

Why would I avoid that?

And I've been watching you.

You mean on the Internet?

Me getting pummeled by Wolfe?

That was the bravest thing I've ever seen a person do.

I don't know.

I've seen a lot of Powers in my day, good and bad.

And you, Zora, you're the real thing.

That means a lot.

Coming from you.

And given the current climate... people need to be reminded that Powers can make a difference, can do good in this world.


I've been trying.

God knows, every day I am trying.

I'm trying, too.

But I'm getting a little old for the field.

So I was hoping you might help me.

You want me to work with you?

When things go down, I get the call.

There's work to be done, Zora.

I can't do it myself.

I don't know, Mr. Triphammer...

Harley. Please.

I don't know if I'm ready, Harley.

Just give it some serious thought.



Jump Striker. Retro Girl.

Krispin. THX.


Hello, what's this?

Five other bodies in the area the feds have attributed to Heavy.

Apparently, by the way, local law enforcement have been on the wrong people.

Nice, huh?


You gotta be kidding me.


m*therf*cking classified?

The Lance is one of Lange's informants?


Explains why we couldn't arrest him.

And THX was Lance's number two.

So your girlfriend knows... that THX was working for Heavy.

No, we don't know what Angela knows, and what the Bureau is still hiding from her, okay?


We interrogated THX off-site, which means the FBI maybe does not know about the Hacks' connection to Heavy.

If I was an assassin, I would use the Hacks to hide my money.

Hiding the money.

Do you think that Lance is the middleman for Heavy?

Maybe... This is Walker, I need a records search, please.

For The Lance... I... I don't remember his name.

You don't answer your phone, I start thinking you're dead.

I'm working, Dad.


Powers Division's going down the shitter, this how you gonna play it, Walker?

Hey, Waldo.

Just on the phone. I'm gonna give you guys a minute.

No, don't need a minute.

Oh, my good Christ.

Dad, can't do this right now.

This case was closed.

Tied up in a neat little bow, disaster averted...

And it's none of your business.

But for some reason, you and your partner can't let it go.

And why do you think that is, Dad?

What possible reason could I have for working a m*rder that no one wants solved?

Look, listen, I know you want to do the right thing...


But you gotta... get out of Powers Division, and you gotta get out now.

Dad, stop!

I know this guy at the A*F. He's getting ready to retire, I've been talking to him about you.

You what?

There's a job waiting for you, pumpkin.

You just have to call, it's all set.

You think I'm gonna leave my job here?

So that what? Your... your cronies can call in favors?

They're coming for you!

You went off the reservation, stuck your nose in federal shit!

Are you actually worried about me? Actually?

Or are you just disappointed I'm not using this to line my pockets?

They're gonna find some way to f*ck you up.

Both of you.


But at least we'll go down for the right reasons.

Got something?

Maybe. But we'll...

It's all right.

Dad was just leaving.

Look, if you're any kind of partner, even just half a man, you'll tell her to take the damn job and get as far away from this as she can.

It's her decision, Waldo.

Do you want to...



We got something.

You want to take a ride?

Let's go.

Why would I expose my best customers?

Daisy, darling.

Can you hold my calls? Will you? Thank you, my love.

You're a regular businessman, huh?

Yeah. Well, what can I say?

I've gone straight.

Vice raids your sex club, they may disagree.

Yeah, so tiresome how law enforcement concerns themselves with intimate activities.

How do you think your clients will feel about their intimate activities... been filmed on hidden cameras?

That must take a bite out of your business.

Makes me think someone made you an offer you couldn't refuse, like, maybe, a certain assassin.

Maybe these theories amuse you, but I have pressing shit to attend to.

Okay, I reconsider cutting this short, since we know you're a paid informant for the FBI.

You told Agent Lange you have no connection to Heavy.

But... she doesn't know that your boy, THX, helped him k*ll Retro Girl.

She doesn't know?

No, she does not.

You should tell her.

No. He's a paid snitch for the FBI, let's out him on the street.

Again, with the theories.


Let's test the theory.

Good luck.

The Senator was a cheap submissive who didn't... pay his f*cking bills.

What is your connection to Heavy?

My connection?

You may have noticed that anyone who's had face time with that f*ck... is dead.

That's not what I f*cking asked.

Did you release the video for Heavy?


Not for Heavy.

Not for Heavy?

What? So, then...

It was Heavy?

I'm not following.

Holy shit!

I'm a little lost.

Heavy hacked the Hacks.

Imagine if that got out.

If that's all, Detectives, then Yolanda and Daisy will see you out.

So if Heavy puts the video online, who's he trying to take down?

The Senator? Or The Lance?

Maybe both.

If there's a connection between Heavy and the Senator, we're gonna find it.

We know they're both connected to The Lance.

And we have to assume Heavy's gonna find out we were here.

I f*cking hope so.


The FBI's been looking for Heavy for 10 years.

We're going to make it easy for him to find us.


I'm looking for Harley.


Sorry, manners.

I'm Zora.


He expecting you?

Do you work for him?

Like a personal assistant or something?

I just do what needs to be done.

It's how I was raised.

Not that you'd know anything about that.

Nice car.

Excuse me?

I'll leave him a note.

Look, I don't know who the f*ck you are, okay?

Triphammer asked for my help.

Not the other way around.

I came to say yes.

So, put that in your note.



This isn't fair, this is my first time.



Which buttons are you pushing that I'm not pushing?

The right ones.

Oh, nice.

Oh, popcorn break, popcorn break.

No, punch-you-in-the-face break.


Combo this.

Oh, nice. Blocked.

You're supposed to go easy on me, that's not fair.

I would never. I respect you too much to go easy on you.

No, no, no. Go back, go back.

Oh, yeah!

What the he... What?

♪ Champion ♪


♪ I'm the champion ♪


I thought maybe you worked up a bit of a thirst while you were taking me down back there.

That was such a rush.

Well, I'm glad to know that defeating a mere mortal still holds a certain charm for you.

You know, it's wild. I've never really even played video games before.

Come on. Don't rub it in.

No, I'm not.

It's just... I've always been too embarrassed to do it.


I could never remember which buttons to push, and everyone was yelling at me, and I just felt stupid.

And I didn't have video games.

Most days we barely had enough money to eat.

That is something you are never going to have to worry about again.

You know, it's weird.

Playing with you just now, it was like I didn't even have to think about it.

You just made it happen, right?



Because you fly now.

And you're experiencing a level of control you have never had before.

And that will translate into every aspect of your life.

I guess.

You don't have to take my word for it.

Go out and... and try it.

See what happens.

No f*cking way.


Senator Brown ran a consulting firm that contracted with the FBI.

What did they do?

Powers Recruitment.


Senator Brown... brought Heavy into the Bureau.

Holy shit. Are... are you sure?

Timeline fits.

Senator Brown isn't just connected to Heavy.

He made him.

This is good.



This is good.

We start with phone records... home, office, everything, get'em all.

The man's a United States Senator.

We're gonna need a judge.

Means we're gonna need Lange.

Deena, I...


Look, I f*cked up with her, okay?

I should've just told her the truth then.

She knows now.

Oh, shit... go, go, go.

Get... go.

Okay, what the f*ck is going on?!

Stop right there.

Our car just blew up.

It wasn't us.

You've had Schlag tailing us all day.

I saw you, you fucker.

I'm supposed to just believe you?

Stop it!


Listen to me!

I swear to you.

It wasn't us.

Look, if you're telling the truth, it proves everything that I was saying about Heavy.

Okay? Whoever hired him knows that we're getting close, they'll do anything to try to stop us getting to him.

I have my orders.

And so did you, Detective.

Direct orders that you've just chosen to ignore.

Angela, if we'd been working together, we would've caught him by now.

That wasn't your assignment.

He should be behind bars for at least 12 murders.

And he k*lled Janice, you f*cking know he did!

Of course I know it!

But the Retro Girl case is closed.

And as long as I'm in charge, it's going to stay that way.

Do you hear me?!

Jesus f*ck.

You don't give a shit about the truth.

Do you? Or even justice.

I am a government asset.

Thanks to you.

Deena, let's just go.

Your activity has put a giant target on your back.

I will use whatever means necessary to bring in Heavy, that includes you, Christian.

You want a target?

I'll give you a f*cking target.


So, you know, once we're rolling, I'll ask any question I want.

Hope you're ready.

I'm ready.

What I'm about to say, I'm not sure you're ready.

Ready to go in five... four...

Come on, Trip, I don't need this shit.

Yes, you do.

Maybe this is a bad idea.

You both need to train.

How am I supposed to fight him?


You know.

A cr*pple?


No. Come on.

But you're not a real Power.

Oh, I'm very real.

Oh, yeah?


All right. Let's see it.

You sure?


That all you got?

Is that all you've got?

Without knowledge, skill cannot be focused.

And without skill, strength cannot be brought to bear.


I, I'm sorry.

You're saying...

I'm saying that the Retro Girl m*rder case is not closed.

Her k*ller is still at large.

Krispin Stockley, your former partner's son and the confessed k*ller, was actually innocent?

That's correct.

I believe a... hired assassin k*lled Retro Girl.

Derek Warner, also known as "Heavy," was recruited and trained by the FBI in a covert Powers operation before he went rogue over a decade ago.

Did you get him?

Did you get a close-up on him?

For ten years the FBI has been unable to apprehend him?

It's hard to apprehend someone when you won't admit he exists.

And there are people at the highest levels of government who do not want him found.

And why is that, Detective?

That is a question for an ambitious journalist...

You knew he was going to do this? investigate.

The people deserve an answer.

Thank you.

I, I still have a few more questions.


Detective, you can sit down.

Thank you for the cronuts.

We still know so little about Heavy.

They were awesome.

You might want to keep your distance.

So, there you have it.

Christian Walker claims that a rogue FBI agent k*lled Retro Girl.

This is what he said.

A hired assassin k*lled Retro Girl.

Derek Warner, also known as "Heavy," was recruited and trained by the FBI in a covert Powers operation before he went rogue...

Your partner's performance is going to make it difficult for all of us going forward.

I think your lies have made it pretty f*cking difficult.

You needn't concern yourself with the case.

You think you can put a lid on the Retro Girl m*rder now?

Of course not.

But I thought maybe you'd want to take a couple of personal days.

Why would I want to do that?

Because your father is being picked up by the Bureau this morning.

Part of an ongoing investigation into city corruption.

You... You god damn son of a bitch!

You just gave a reason to suspend you, Detective.

You've been trying to shut us down from the jump, and you can't!

Try to bring up some bullshit that came up with my father 20 years ago?

Insubordination, theft, corruption.

Obviously the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

If solving the m*rder is insubordination, I guess I'm guilty.

I'm gonna need your badge and your g*n.


I ought to thank you.

For reminding me why I do this job.

Because if I was to let that bullshit official version of the Retro Girl m*rder stand, I'd be just as big a piece of shit as you are.

Go twitch somewhere else, Schlag.

You okay?

Jesus, Bailey.

Everyone in the country wants to know where you are.

I'm taking a big risk coming here.

You worried about the sex tape?

Or people finding out you created an unstoppable k*ller?


How long you been in bed with the FBI?

I'm not.

They were determined to find a way to use Powers as agents in the field.

I hoped the Bureau could provide structure and control.

So much for your unshakable moral stance.

They were gonna do it with or without my help.

So what? You... brought them Heavy?

I funded a juvenile home for troubled Powers.

His parents were long gone.

He was bright, but he had impulse control issues.

Impulse control issues?

He's a perfect candidate.

I wanted to help him find a way to be useful.

I'm sure people who hire him find him very useful.

Can't get a decent law passed for 10 million, but it'll get you a flawless assassination.


10 million for a hit.

What is that?

Five up front, five on completion?

I wouldn't know.


But you know Heavy though.

Now you're responsible for his career.

Maybe he owes you a favor.

Are you honestly talking about me hiring him to k*ll Janice?

I f*cking loved that woman.

But you know as well as I do she was anything but perfect.

Society is so quick to categorize Powers as either good or bad, but they all destroy, my friend.

All of them.

Tell me how to find Heavy, Senator.

He's just the latest in a string of government-funded abominations.

This is so much bigger than you realize.

That, I actually believe.

So help me, Senator.

Help me find him.

For her.

I can't, Christian.

Yes, you can.

My legislation is dead in the water.

They... My career is...

They... It's over, they've seen to that.

Who's they?

Just watch your back, Christian.

I know I don't need to tell you that, but just...

Talk to you later.

Thanks a lot.

How bad is it?

Man, they're playing hardball 'cause they want me to make a deal.

But that's never gonna fly.

So how much time are they talking?

I'm not testifying against anybody.

And what if your so-called friends aren't so noble?

You look like hell.

Everything they have is practically ancient history.

I don't know why they're dredging it up now.

Oh, God damn it, pumpkin.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my day.

And I've always been proud of you.

But you know the job now.

The things we gotta do.

I'm not making excuses. I'm just saying.

If there's anything you can do to make this go away, make things right...

I'm begging you to do it.

You brought this on yourself, Dad.


That was a good one.



You gotta show me how you do that triple round kick combo.


So you can use it on me?


So I can use it on bad guys.

Oh, well, in that case.

I didn't think I'd say this, but...

I'm glad we're gonna be working together.

You know, I've won a dozen MMA titles and I've led soldiers into combat.

That's sweet, but until today, you hadn't fought a real Power.


Harley asked us both.

All right? And right now he's probably talking to someone with more experienced and more power than either one of us.

The way things are, I'm counting on it.

What do you know about the new Retro Girl?


I don't think she'd want to help.

But... You don't always choose who you work with, right?

You know, this is the only peaceful time.

I was hoping you'd come back.

Later on, they'll start their squabbling.

By the middle of the afternoon, they'll be completely out of control.

Night is the only time that provides any respite from the planning of the next day's brutality.

Are you okay?


For now, I'm okay.

You know, I, I know why you chose this place.

Sometimes I think I should be up here all the time.

Watching over the city.

That's a fool's errand.

Not even sleep stops them from planning their senseless v*olence.

Is something about to happen?

Is that why you're here?

Well, there's always something gonna happen.

I'm ready to help.

Just let me know.

You know, your belief in them shames me.

You have too much faith, Janice.

That's why we'll work together, Patrick.

I'll fight alongside you, like we used to.

Nah, it's over now.

That's it.

But it doesn't have to be.

You know, you were right about the Middle East.

A lot of trouble.

We can find something here.

They need us. They need Unity.

I got my own priorities now.

Detective Walker?


Agent Schlag said I could find you here.

20, maybe 30,000 PSI.

The amount of pressure she would have needed to exert to do that.

Well, it's incredible.

So, it's not a rock?

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene.


Any way to figure out what it was before she crushed it?

I used the striations to create a model to stretch the shape of it back to its original form.


It'll take a day or two to get enough data to form a composite.


Well, thank you.

You tell Schlag any of this?

The brick wall with hair?

I started to, but he said I should just bring it all to you.


This will activate the elevators.

You have access to every floor, including the pool, the spa, the gym.

And of course, your own apartment.


When your action figure hits the shelves, you're gonna be set.

But until then, apartment 1050.

Maid service twice a week.

This is incredible.

I think you should check it out.


Been a long time, Senator.

Patrick, how did you get in here?

You know, I feel kind of funny calling you that.

Considering all the battles we went through together.

You, me, Janice.

But I guess that's what you've become now, the venerable Senator Brown.

Patrick, you have to know that what you saw was my weakness.

It was never my intention to bring any disgrace on her.

I really don't know what you're talking about.

But you must have seen the...

Why... Why did you come here?

I just came here for a drink.

Came for a drink?

I didn't want to do it by myself.

You look like you could use one.


They wanted to destroy me, and now they have.

Everything I have worked for my whole life, my accomplishments, it's gone.

It's, it's done.

You're still here.

You sound just like her.

Always admonishing me to fight for what I believed in.

She was a good kid.

I only ever wanted to honor her.

Honor our agreements.

But every day, I'm haunted.

By the faces, by my own shame.

I should've stood up to her.

Everyone thought you were the leader.

But everything she said, that was the law.

And we obeyed.

You find your strength, Bailey.

Like she told you to.

I tried.

I tried.

I tried.

Christ, I tried.

Come here.

Listen, you know what?

I never, I never, ever saw her break, ever.

Not even once, ever.

Maybe she was stronger than...

Than the rest of us.

Gives us something to live up to.

Come on, you need to think about that before you go giving up on yourself.


All right.

Good evening, Conrad.

It is, Serena.

It is a very good evening.

Dim the lights to 50%, please.

50% it is, Conrad.

Thank you.

Hologram on.

File 2643, please.

File 2643.

Hologram on.

Let's have Retro Girl.

There you are.

Serena, music, please.

You know the one.

♪ No one in this world deserves hate ♪

Oh, you are so beautiful.

♪ No one deserves tears or to fear ♪

So, so beautiful.

♪ Nobody deserves it ♪
♪ I can't live without ♪
♪ These dark hopes ♪
♪ I can't live without ♪
♪ These dark hopes ♪