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02x05 - A Coldie but a Goodie

Posted: 06/28/16 10:09
by bunniefuu
[Inhales, exhales]


So, I'm gonna ask you again.

What do you know about the hack into LAPD servers?

I know as much as you do.

Why don't I believe you?

You're Internal Affairs, Liukin.

You're never supposed to believe a word a cop says.

Nice suit, by the way.


So, a list of every adulterer in Mayor Perry's administration was published from the LAPD servers, followed by a message that says, "Hi, Angie," and you know nothing about it?



See you at the Christmas party.

Sit down, Tribeca!

So, which is it?

You have it out for Mayor Perry, or you just have a ton of money on Councilman Dreyfuss to win the election?

If I had a ton of money, I'd buy you a new suit.

You think you're so clever. But guess what...

You're riding a desk till I figure out what's going on here.

And I'll be watching you... every move you make.




Did you spend the night here?


Desk duty just means you can't take cases.

It doesn't mean you stay at your desk.

I know that, Geils.

I just want to figure out what the hell Mayhem Global is and what they want from me.

Just tell Internal Affairs everything you know.

They had someone at the FBI... You don't think they might have someone inside Internal Affairs?

Internal Internal Affairs?

Tribeca, you're just being paranoid.

Who's in with the lieutenant?

The mayor's campaign manager.

Looks like he's getting read the riot act.

"Furthermore, anyone in a group of 12 or more that is not dispersed after an hour has committed a felony punishable by death."

Look, the mayor has to believe we had nothing to do with releasing that information, and that we are trying hard...

I don't want to hear what you're trying to do!

I just want to hear your plan.

First, we are...

Save it... I got to figure out a way to get an unpopular incumbent with a terrible record elected for a second term.

Now, thanks to your department, I got a sex scandal on my hands.

The mayor should have thought of that before he cheated on his wife.

You take that back!

Find out who's trying to sabotage the mayor's campaign.

Anything you find, you bring to me and me only.

What's the best number...

Not another word!

[Door opens]

Geils, Tribec...


Triple homicide, possible cult connections.

Take Tanner and Hoffman with you.

[Papers rustle]

I'm sorry, Tribeca.

Internal Affairs has me by the nuts.

"Buy your own nuts," I always say, but what can I do?

They have me by the balls.





[Chair squeaks]

This isn't my chair.

[Chair squeaks in distance]


Your chair-stealing days are over, scumbag!

You're never at your desk!

It's wasted on you!

Tribeca, knock it off!




Dr. Edelweiss?


Tribeca, how are you doing? What's new?

Just bored. Desk duty.

Yes, I heard. Sorry about that.

Any cool deaths or anything?

No, just Agnes here. 102 years old.

Nothing attractive about her.


Fell down a staircase.


Wait, didn't another accidental fall come in a couple days ago?

Oh, I'm afraid you're going further back than this old meat computer can calculate.

All right, I'll check the records room.

Thanks, Doc. See you around.

Oh, and Doctor?

I-I told you, I don't remember anything.

Oh, hello.

How can I help you today, young lady?

I'm looking for a case file from a couple days ago.

Well, you've come to the right place.

You know, history is one of our...


Hey, Tribeca, sorry. It's his birthday.

He wanted to see where I work.

What can I get you?

It's from a couple days ago... accidental fall, elderly man.

Hold on one second.

Here it is... Doug Warren, 99 years old.

You think it was a homicide?

It could be.

Oh. Then I can't give it to you.

They sent out a memo saying you weren't allowed to investigate any more homicide cases.

It's... not a homicide. I was just kidding.

Oh, good one. Here you go.


Now, in 1954...

Neil: Grandpa, no one cares that you were blacklisted.


[Light clicks]

You working a case?

Nope. Just getting a mop.

[Door hinges squeak]

Liukin: Nice try.

Liukin: Uh, uh, uh!

All right, look alive.

I think this is where the cult leader lives.

You think?

♪ I get knocked down, but I get up again ♪
♪ You're never gonna keep me down ♪

[Door opens, g*ns cocking]

♪ I get knocked down, but I get up again ♪

[Cellphone beeps]

♪ You're Nev... ♪

Tribeca, can I call you back?

Geils, you will not believe what I just found.

Ah... just, like, 5 minutes.

Well, it'll only take a second.

Uh, I can't talk right now.


♪ This is how we do it ♪

[Phone beeps]

Tribeca, I can't talk, neither.


♪ It was a clear black night ♪
♪ A clear white moon ♪
♪ Warren G was on the streets ♪
♪ Trying to consume some skirts ♪

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

[Receiver thuds]

[Keyboard clacking]

Thanks, Mark.

Now we're even.


Yeah, we're all safe here.

Hoffman was incredible.

He busted down the door, disarmed 12 men, and rescued 5 hostages.

Tanner, don't drink that!

[Glass shatters]

[Goat bleating]

Man, I brought that from home!

[Goat bleating]

I need you to pay a visit to Peter Warren.

His grandfather died six days ago from a fall down the stairs.

You almost got us k*lled so I could comfort a guy who lost his grandfather?

It's not just him.

There's three other incidents of senior citizens falling down the stairs in the last month.

Geils, please. Old people are dying.


Would you listen to yourself?

[Cellphone beeps]

"Geils, please. Old people are dying."

[Cellphone beeps]

Is that what I sound like?

Angie, I know it's frustrating being chained to a desk, but you can't start chasing murders that aren't there.

Geils, if you have a shred of feeling left for me, you'll do this.

That is so unfair.

Okay, well, if you don't do it, then you hate me, and you hope I'll die.

That's just crossing a line. You got to go.

Liukin is coming.


Can I help you?

Uh, Peter Warren? Jay Geils, LAPD.

LAPD? What's this about?

I feel a bit ridiculous even saying this, but I have a couple questions concerning the death of your grandfather, Doug Warren.

Doug Warren?

Wow. That's a name I haven't heard in... six days.

What's going on, Honey?

This detective is asking about Doug Warren.

Your grandfather?

You know he died six days ago.

Yeah, I know, I'm glad you guys remember him.

Sorry to dredge up the past, but do you mind if I come in?

Peter: Most of his stuff was long gone, but I found one that fell behind the desk.

Wow. You look so young.

Yeah. I don't know what I was thinking with that haircut.

If you think back, was there anything unusual about the way he passed away?

Boy, oh, boy, I can barely remember two weeks ago, let alone six days.


Uh... it was late afternoon.

We'd gone grocery shopping, and when we got back, he was lying at the bottom of the stairs, dead as a doornail.

Is that right, Honey?

Sounds right, but honestly, it's really murky.

Mind if I take a look at his room?

We turned it into a gym.

Hmm... must have been two, three days ago.

Can you give me a minute, Pete?

It's "Peter," but go ahead.

I don't even know what I'm looking for.

Well, you busted the case wide open, Tribeca.

Are you being sarcastic?

No, I'm being serious. Crime of the century.

Old man falls down the stairs, dies, call the newspaper.

Are you serious? 'Cause it's ringing now.

[Phone rings]

Next time you want to send someone on a wild goose chase, call Detective Garrity.

You used my feelings for you to get me to do your dirty work.

Well, here you go... souvenir from the deceased.

Woman: I'm sorry, the mailbox for the L.A. Times is full.


They were all Perry donors.

Who were all Perry donors?

I know I'm on desk duty, but I've spent the day investigating what I believe to be a series of connected murders.

If this is a joke, Tribeca, it's one of your best ones.

It's based in truth, but ultimately absurd.

Someone is k*lling senior citizens by pushing them down the stairs.

You just topped it. I don't know how you did it.

I'm having Dr. Edelweiss re-autopsy all the...

Are you insane, Tribeca?

You're investigating the deaths of hundred-year-old people?

Not deaths... murders... and get this...

They were all Mayor Perry donors.

What else did you find out? Their hair was white?

They smelled like soup? They were set in their ways?

I checked the campaign finance data, and combined, they gave over $200,000.

I am gonna say this once...

Stand down. Stand down.

What if this is somehow linked to Councilman Dreyfuss?

What if Mayhem Global is somehow involved in this? What if...

What if, what if, what if?

Your "what ifs" are gonna cost me my job and my pension.

I have $80,000 into a boat with major plumbing problems, and you're drumming up political scandals based on dead old people?

Now, I don't want to hear another word.


[Handcuffs click]

You got a lot of nerve, Tribeca.

Tribeca: This is a complete violation of my...


[Phone rings]


I'll be there as soon as I can.


[Metal scraping]

[Scraping continues]

[Scraping continues]


What do you have for me?

I think something you'll find quite illuminating.

We re-autopsied all the bodies of elderly people who met their demise by a fall.

Cursory examination revealed no signs of foul play, no struggle, no defensive wounds, no bruising.

What? No bruising?

But these people fell down the stairs.

And were k*lled instantly, no less.

I'm afraid you've lost me.

Bruising can only occur when the heart is still beating.

Okay, so...?

So, if we could get their hearts beating again, what could that reveal?

I don't know, but I'm riveted.

Please tell me more without delay.


Now, if only we could get Agnes here's heart beating again...

We could see what the bruising pattern would have been after her fall.

Sounds like reanimation.

Are we crossing an ethical line here?

Not in my opinion, but, then, I'm still not allowed back in my native Britain.

But now using a lawnmower engine, a bicycle pump, and some pool noodles...

Oh, by the way, Dr. Scholls, thank you very much for helping me clear out my shed...

We've created an artificial pumping mechanism that will recirculate Agnes' blood throughout her body.

Dr. Scholls, if you would?

[Engine starts]

[Air hissing]

Breathtaking, isn't it?

[Chuckling] Live, live, damn you!



Oh, my God. She was pushed.

I know what you're gonna say.

"Drop it. Let it go.

Just come out already. It gets better."

But we have a case here.

Someone is pushing Mayor Perry's donors down the stairs, but because they're old, no one looks into it.

But guess what... I looked into it.

And it turns out, someone is pushing.

Mayor Perry's donors down the stairs.

But because they're old, no one looks into it.

But guess what... I looked into it...

I'm gonna stop you right there.

I believe you.

The way I treated you, you have no reason to.

Yeah, you're right, but in the end, you're a great cop with great instincts.

What do you want us to do?

Geils, go talk to Bob Terrier, Perry's campaign manager.

Is he aware of any of this? Is he alarmed by it?

Get a list of his top donors.


Tanner, this case just came in. Herschel Potomac, 102.

Fell down a set of stairs.

I'll check it out.

Now, technically, you guys could get in big trouble because I'm not supposed to be doing this.

So, if for any reason you want to back out, I will be very mad at you and not talk to you for a long time.

Let's go.

[Cuffs clank]

Charlotte: When we got home, he was lying dead at the bottom of the stairs.

And you say he was a Mayor Perry supporter?

Oh, yes. His campaign manager came out to thank Grandpa personally, and now he's gone.

Well, maybe you can find comfort in knowing that your grandfather died with dignity, and now he's in a better place.

[Engine sputters]

You guys have any gas?

This is just devastating news, Detective, just devastating.

Our donors are the ones that give us our money.

I know that sounds counterintuitive, but that's just the way it's always been for us.

How well did you get to know the victims?

Well, I didn't know any of them personally.

There's so many supporters, you never get a chance to meet them all.

Uh, maybe I got this wrong, but according to the families of the deceased, you met with each of the donors at one time or the other.

Yeah. That's what I said. I met them all.

Okay, right. So you did meet with Herschel Potomac, Doug Warren, and Agnes Scavelli?

None of those names mean anything to me.

Can I help you with anything else, detective?

My staff and I have got a lot of work to get to tonight.

Of course.

[Phone rings]

Yes? Dr. Edelweiss. Would you mind coming up here?

[Sighs] Okay, I'll come down.

Yes, Doctor?

Oh, I would have come up!

I found something rather interesting on the victim's back.

A ring.

Anything on it to tie it to somebody?

Just the initials. "R.T."


Ralph Taters.

Ruby Tuesday.

Rocky Tarantula.

Russell Tover.

Oh, my God.

Here... souvenir from the deceased.

Who's in with the lieutenant?

The mayor's campaign manager.

Geils: Ah, this is gorgeous.

"R.T." What's that stand for?

"Ralph Taters"?

"Ruby Tuesday"? "Rocky Tarantula"?

Robert Terrier. Bob Terrier.


Lieutenant? Can you come down to forensics?

[Sighs] Yes, I'll come up.

Thank you.

[Metal scraping]


[Grunts, panting]

What is it, Tribeca? I would have come down.

Bob Terrier's k*lling Mayor Perry's donors.

Don't ask me why, because I don't know, but Geils is with him right now, and he's in danger.

Internal Affairs is gonna have my ass for this.

Liukin: Not so fast, Lieutenant Atkins!

For God's sakes, Liukin! I've got a detective in danger.

You cut her loose, she'll be setting in motion a bureaucratic process that could take months to resolve.

I'll take that chance.


Go get 'em.

Got it, Lieutenant.

[Sighs] The one thing I can't figure out is why there's lines through these names as if someone's crossing them out.

Look, if you're gonna keep me here all night, let's at least get some coffee.

The machine's upstairs.

No, thanks. I'm good.

I'm telling you, the coffee upstairs is really excellent.

All right. Grab me a cup, then.

Well, there's lots of flavors. You got to come up and choose.

Uh, just name them, and I'll pick one.

There's, like, 50 kinds.

Whatever you're having is fine.

I was gonna have tea.

Tea works.

There's even more kinds of tea.

Would you please just come upstairs and select what kind of hot beverage you want?


You know what? It's gonna keep me up. I'll just hydrate.

There's a water cooler right there.

Get up the stairs! Get up the stairs!

What is wrong with you?

Why is it so important that I go upstairs?

Because he wants to push you down them!


Can I get you a cup of coffee? It's just upstairs.

Your days of pushing people down the stairs are over.

He's the one who's been murdering all the donors, Geils.

I bet there's not even coffee up there!

We found the imprint of your ring on the back of the elderly victims.

The only question I have left is "Why?"

You're Perry's campaign manager.

Why would you k*ll all his donors?

You don't even work for Perry, do you?

You work for somebody else.

Clever, Detective. Good luck finding out who.

He has an ID card from Mayhem Global.

Damn it. I hate that photo.

Let's go, Terrier.

One cup of Joe, that's all I'm saying.

The only Joe you'll be cupping is the prison warden.

Get him out of here.

Are you coming?
