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01x20 - Fox on the Run

Posted: 06/27/16 06:40
by bunniefuu
Someone should talk to Ronan about improving our working conditions.

Hmph. Not me. I like having knees.


Peter: So that's where my baseball went.

Hey, Gamora. Whatcha stealin'?

Quiet! What are you doing here?

(QUIETLY) We are following you.

Obviously. Hey. It was Drax's idea.

Look, your pod was missing.

We thought you were in trouble.

I am Groot.

Yeah, not gettin' rich on the side.

Let me see the swag.

I'm not doing this for units, Rocket.

It's a private matter.

Something I need to do on my own.

Does this involve you pretending to betray us again?

Or are you betraying us for real this time? Twist.

Not even close, Quill.

Besides, if I did betray the Guardians, do you think I would let you catch me?

Well, you got a point there.

(GRUNTS) But if this ain't about units, what is it, huh?

Gamora: Rocket...


An anti-gravity field?

Why the krutack would you want this?

As I said, the matter is (GRUNTS) private.

Sentry: Engage gravity packs.

Intruders! Put your hands up, now!

Yeah, I'm not really sure which direction that is right now.

Nuts to this!

Jetpack? Good idea, Rocket.

Hey, where are my thrusters?

(GRUNTS) Come on, Gamora.

Next time, come prepared.

And don't touch the gravity-altering device.


(GRUNTS) Too late! Touched it!

Will you guys...

Hey, I'm trying to get a shot here, and you're try...

Can't you just be shorter?


This did not make me shorter.

No, but it made it a lot easier to aim.


Guys, take out the thingies on their shoes!

By "thingies," you mean them gravity packs?

Way ahead of you, Quill.

Hang on to your butts!


Grabbing my butt would not have prevented this.


I am Groot.

Off. On. Make up your mind, Quill!

Not leaving without my baseball.

Yeah. That's worth risking our lives...




He's fine. Just a little clingier than usual.



Good. Then let's hustle.

A most useful thing, thingies.

This object would make an excellent w*apon against Ronan.

No way I'm gonna sit here while you throw away the biggest payday we've had in months.

Gamora: This is why I didn't want you involved.

The Gravity Matrix is going back to the planet Soonevh.

Lives are at stake.

How do you know?

Because I'm the one who stole it in the first place...

For Ronan.

Okay. Well, what if we sold it and gave 10 percent to the smelliest orphanage we can find?

Huh. Fine.

I guess I'm the only one who cares about orphans.

I'll be back as soon as I'm finished.

We're going with you.

Remember, heroes. Working together?

Look, if you run, we'll just track you down all over again.

I know.




Oh, not again... (YELLING)



What's your business here?

No one simply visits Soonevh.

I've come to right a wrong.

(GASPING) Thanos!

I come in peace.

I only wish to return what belongs to you.

The Gravity Matrix.

Without this, our planet's lost most of its ionosphere.

Every day we lose atmosphere, water.

The sandstorms are nearly constant now.

Not anymore.

You think you can just erase years of planetary catastrophe?

We suffered because of you.

Now you will suffer as we have.


(w*apon FIRING)


No one destroys my sister...

But me.

(MURMURING) Not Thanos' other daughter.


Do whatever you have to do with me, sister, but the Matrix...

Is going right back to Ronan.


Aw, did you think you found it all on your own?

I allowed you to learn the location of the Matrix because I knew you'd steal it, try to save these dirt grubbers.

You got so close, too.

Oh, well.




Ronan: Good to see you still have spirit, Gamora.

You need it.

Oh, Ronan! Whatever you're planning, just do it.

I don't want to listen to your speeches any longer than I have to.

Very well. Gamora, you are accused of betraying my sacred mission, and other crimes against the galaxy.

Let me guess. The penalty is cleansing?

Naturally. But why just end you, when I can make an example of you?

(CHUCKLING) That's the spirit!


Who says justice can't be fun?

I have something very special planned for you, Gamora.

Think of it as a trial by combat, or an execution with flair.

Either way, your destruction will be broadcast throughout the entire galaxy.

Starting... Now!


Welcome to Conjunction Arena!

Ladies and gentlemen, let the trial of Gamora begin!


This is what I get for trying to right a wrong.

I hate Conjunction.

Grandmaster: You're witnessing the trial of the century!

Gamora, the most dangerous woman in the galaxy, versus anything I can throw at her.

Oh, I'm afraid we've put you at a bit of a disadvantage, because...

Well, it's just more fun that way.



Ladies and gentlemen, our game...

I mean, oh, trial, of course, is simple.

Gamora will face three opponents, and if she is defeated by any of them, not only will she be destroyed, but so will the awful little planet that she risked everything to save.

However, should Gamora somehow survive, I shall spare Soonevh and return its Gravity Matrix, and then destroy her.

Either way, this will be Gamora's final battle.


Announcer): Gamora's first opponent is a blast from the past. Wraith!

The son of a scientist who created an entirely new energy source, Wraith seemed to have it all.

Until Gamora apprehended his father for Ronan.

Rather than let Ronan use his invention as a w*apon, dear old Dad threw himself and his device into the nearest black hole.

I don't want to fight you, Wraith, but I can't let Soonevh suffer.

Announcer): It's the son who wants to avenge his father versus the daughter who wants to save a planet!

Look, guys, we all wish Gamora hadn't, you know, tased us.

But she's a Guardian. We've got to find her.

Knocking us unconscious could be a sign that Gamora wants to be alone.

Yeah, ya think? Besides, there's also the little detail of not knowing where she krutackin' is.
Announcer (on TV)): Gamora's first opponent is a blast from the past...

Groot: I am Groot.

Announcer: Wraith.

Yeah, right. How could you possibly know where she...

Announcer): Live from Conjunction, it's the trial of Gamora!

Found her.

Okay. We're heading to Conjunction.

What? What about what Drax said?

She doesn't want our help.

Announcer): versus the daughter who wants to save a planet.

Yeah, yeah. Eternal revenge. I'll get my blaster.



Announcer): Looks like Wraith has Gamora now.

Ooh, seven years' bad luck.



And Gamora disarms her opponent.

Wraith's morphing w*apon should prove useful.

Bravo! Now, finish him!


Well, that was totally expected.

Announcer): While Gamora denied us all a good show by sparing her first opponent, there's no denying she defeated him.

But she'll have to defeat her next opponent even faster or learn to breathe underwater.

Open. Open!

Announcer): Her next challenger is Jarhead.


How did he end up as a brain in a jar?

Let's just say he blames Gamora.

She'll have to hurry. Jarhead's got the only key to that drain, and he doesn't look willing to share.

I don't want to fight you, Jarhead, but I need that key.

Then come and get it.

I got a little upgrade since we last met.

Now I'm going to put you in a jar!

Quill, think I found a way in.

Once we get past that loser.

Perhaps this thingy will aid us.

Not unless we want to dance on the ceiling.

Now would be an inappropriate time to dance.

Drax the Destroyer! Can I get your autograph?

I can't believe I'm actually meeting you.

I have so many questions I've wanted to ask you.

I do not have time to talk, for I must infiltrate...

Nonsense. Feel free to chat for as long as you want to.

Well, if you insist.

So tell me how you got started.

I began my arena fighting career at the age of seven...

You two find the control room. I'll get Gamora.

Drax: The gladiatorial youth leagues were much more loosely organized back then.


I am Groot.

Ah, those two meatheads could talk till the moombas come home.

It has been a pleasure chatting with you.

However, I must leave now to destroy Ronan.

Huh? Wait, what?

Announcer): Gamora is proving herself to be quite the adept swimmer.

But how long can she hold her breath?

Jarhead presses the firepower advantage, but Gamora cuts him down to size.




What's this? A new player has entered the arena.

I said, "I'm here to rescue..." Oh, whatever.

Announcer): And Gamora gets the key from Jarhead.


That's it, folks! Gamora's won this round as well.

Hey, is that a brain in a jar?

With jets?

The arena's been infiltrated.

Oh, quiet! Can't you see the Prince of Spartax is here?

Nothing brings in ratings like royalty in peril.

Come, Nebula.

We shall deal with this ourselves.

Announcer): Our final challenger, I give you an Elemental Beast, the last of its kind.

Ronan ordered Gamora to wipe out its entire species.

The Elemental Beast was once the scourge of the galaxy.



That's it?

Quill, keep your distance.

Peter: Scourge of the galaxy, huh? (LAUGHS)

And how... Whoa! (YELLING)


Oh, that's how.

Time to chill out, flame boy!




Quill, it's an Elemental Beast.

It can turn into anything your Element Blaster can sh**t.

Yeah. I'm getting that impression.


Just let me handle this.



Quill, stop helping!

It's not me!


No. It's not me either!

(SNICKERS) Hey, Groot, you wanna see me spin this guy like a top?


I am...

Nebula: Groot. Yeah.

We all know. Now, do you surrender, or should I remind you why a rodent and a houseplant are not in my league?

Big talk for someone who's half toaster.



Okay, this is definitely not me.

I'm starting to wish it were.


Ah, Drax.

I suppose you wish to attempt to destroy me again.

Your supposition is correct.





Drax: But you did not expect a gravity pack.

I have become quite adept at cowardly misdirection.

Quill is an excellent teacher.

Announcer): Anti-gravity, elemental combat, and the Prince of Spartax?

This one's got it all, folks!


I told you I could help.


Unfortunately, no one asked you to.

Yet, you seem to need it.

(GRUNTING) Come on, hot stuff, hit me!


I got this.

Beast melts rock. I blast it with wind.

Lava hits beast.

And I solidify the deal with ice. Thank you very much.

See? They don't call me a hero for nothing.

That's the problem, Quill. This isn't about you.

This is about me making up for what I've done wrong.

Things I can never make up for.

I get it. You did bad things.

But this isn't making amends.

It's just you punishing yourself.

And I won't stand by, or float by, while you do that.

Exactly. Why punish yourself when Ronan can do it with so much flair?

Gamora, the time has come to face your judgment.

No, Ronan. It's time to face yours!



New rule. All fights are zero-g.



No transmission?

But we're just getting to the best part!

Trapped like a rat.


I am Groot!

You tell her, buddy.

Not that he meant anything by it.

Quill, I have the Gravity Matrix!

Activate it! It'll cancel out the anti-grav field.


I am Groot!

Finally, some help I can use.


Don't mention it.

Now, keep me alive while I save everyone.


Easier said than done.

Peter: Seriously?


The greatest battle in history, and no one is seeing it!

Gamora: Rocket, what did you do?

Rocket: Just re-jiggered the Matrix to emit a massive gravity field.

You're welcome.

Peter: Hey!

How exactly did that help us?

Oh, it ain't supposed to help us.

It's helping planet Soonevh.


Just a little nudge, and gravity smashes that space station for us.

You mean, smashes it right on top of us.

We'll all be obliterated.

Speak for yourself, toaster.


Peter: Rocket, you're the best.

Rocket: Does that mean I get a bigger bunk?


Do you think they'll make it out?

Eh, I'm sure they're fine.

You could have att*cked Ronan back there.

You didn't.

Only so that others may get their own vengeance, and because a friend needed me more.

They will pay for this!

Jarhead): You first, Ronan.

You know, something dawned on us.

Gamora only acted on your orders, which makes our real enemy you.


At least now we can begin to repair the damage you've done.

Thank you.

I may never be able to undo every wrong I've committed, but I can do a lot more good with the help of my friends.

Oh, yeah! Everybody get down!

I mean, get up!



Some of whom are more helpful than others.