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01x05 - The Six

Posted: 06/24/16 06:32
by bunniefuu

(reggae music)

Nice place you got here. Chair empty?

Sure thing.

What brings you in here, Shadow?

I'm just waiting for my partner.

I saw you were open, figured I'd get a little off the sides.

Yeah... Like when you were a sports commentator, that look?


Man, I must'a watched your "EpicFail" video a hundred times. Freaking hilarious.

Always nice to meet a fan.



Is that you?!

(clients murmur)

I'll get that cut another time.

Ooh! I'd lock the shop for that.

Sorry I'm late.

That's alright. What's with the getup?

You go undercover without me?


Hold up. Am I seeing Angie Everett on a walk of shame?

I prefer "stride of pride".

Hard to be proud when your shirt's on backwards.

Oh. Good one.


So who's the lucky guy?

Dream on.

Seriously, you're not gonna tell me?

We're here on business.

The client's waiting upstairs. You're welcome, by the way.

For what?

Making you look good in there.

Please, you gotta help me find her.

Dex, when was the last time you talked to your sister?

Yesterday, after school.

I work nights at the Toronto General Hospital.

When I got home this morning, around 6:30, Drea wasn't here.

You and Drea live here alone?

Our dad died a year ago. I'm Drea's legal guardian.

I'm sorry.

Sometimes kids act out when they lose a parent. She's 16, right?

It sounds like fairly standard teenage stuff...

No way.

When I took the job at the hospital, me and Drea made a promise that we'd eat breakfast together every morning.

She wouldn't miss it. Not without calling.

Have you called the police?

If the police find out about this, Children's Aid is gonna start asking questions and I just can't. Alright?

Look, I know y'all can't work for free, but how much time can a hundred bucks get me?

I just need some help finding her.

I got this from your dad.

I helped him out a few years back. He was cool. He said he owed me one.

OK. Show me Drea's room.

Anything missing?

Her backpack, some clothes.

And her bed's still made, so I know she didn't sleep here last night.

That's her demo CD. She's a rapper.

Is this her cell phone number on the back here?

I've been calling since I got home this morning. No answer.

Maybe she left it somewhere.

No way. Two things Drea can't live without: her music and her phone.

Well, let's hope she's still got her music.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪
♪ Watch you blowin' the lines when you're making a scene ♪
♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪
♪ What my head overlooks ♪
♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪
♪ When it's watching for lies ♪
♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you, watching you, watching you ♪
♪ Watching you ♪

(Angie): Hopefully Drea's phone can tell us something.

No idea if this is gonna work, but at least it's instant rice.

You know. So it'll dry faster.

Anything interesting?

Well, I have figured out what Drea thinks is "hashtag lame" and what gives her "hashtag feels."

This kid is seriously connected. Twitter, Facebook, Vine.

She posts every couple of hours. What's that?

♪ You think I'm gonna quit? Don't you know I'm a wolf? Don't let my size fool you ♪
♪ I'll cut you all with a hook ♪



"Keepin' it real at the OCC."

No, I know this. I know this. It's Ontario. No. It's...

Oakmills Community Centre.

That's what I was gonna say.

You know this isn't a competition, right?

But I nailed it.

It's impossible to tell how old kids are these days. Especially the girls.

16 is the new 21.

I don't know.

I've scouted kids of all ages, and I've got Jules.

I can read the signs.

OK, how old is she?

About 14.

No way. 18 at least.

Maybe you should let me take the lead in there.

I'm pretty much the teenager-whisperer.

I can guarantee that Jules doesn't think that.


You guys lost or somethin'?

Yeah, we're looking for Drea Grant. She around?

Who's asking?

Drea's brother Dex hired us.

He's worried about her. She didn't come home last night.

That's not like Drea. She's a good girl.

Any idea where she could be?

She hangs around here most of the time, freestyling. D'you ask Kenny?

Who's Kenny?

Her ex.

Thinks he's Macklemore, but he's really Mackle-less.

She dumped him about a month ago, and he keeps calling her.

Sounds like a romantic who can't let go.

Can't let go of her talent, more so. Drea's gonna make it, and Kenny wants to be along for the ride.

Any idea where we can find him?

No idea, and no, thank you. Kenny's a hothead.

I keep telling Drea to just not take his calls, but she's so soft, man.

She don't listen to me.


I've found Kenny's Twitter page.

It doesn't say much about him, but I can call Maz.

Who's Maz?

Your brain, it's like a colander. Everything just flows out.

I gotta drop you off. I'm late.

We're on the clock!

Kid gave us a hundred bucks. We went into overtime like, three hours ago. I've gotta go to Jules's school.

She's playing Helena in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

I told her I'd drop off the bench from the backyard.

Alright, I'll meet you back at the office when you're done.

I'm sure I'll have more information on Kenny by then.

What is it about girls and bad boys?

You tell me. Were you and your bad boy feeling a little regret this morning?


Look, Dad, I have no proof, but a sky-high leather skirt isn't appropriate work attire, right?

Depends on the job.

She doesn't just flash those kneecaps for everyone.

Trust me, I've been keeping track.

Why do you care so much?

I'm a PI now, Dad.

I've got a stronger sense of curiosity.

Uh-huh. Bit of advice, son?

Mixing business and personal is never a good idea.

What are you talking about?

The partnership you have with Angie is still new. And I've seen you make this mistake before, getting interested in women you work with.

I'm not interested! I'm just...

Curious, yeah, I know.

All I'm saying is, keep your eye on the prize, not on her... kneecaps.

Good morrow to you, quaint wench!

Well, you just confirmed I got the acting gene from Mom.

You got her looks from her, too, thankfully. Break a leg, honey. I'll see you at home.

I thought you were staying for rehearsal?

I gotta get back. Besides, why watch an exhibition game when you've got tickets to the playoffs? Hey, honey, this case I'm working on, it's about a missing kid. She posted ten times a day, and then last night, she dropped her phone into a fish t*nk and hasn't been online since. Any tips on finding a teenager who's gone off the grid?

Dad, phone or no phone, we're never off the grid.

Just because she hasn't posted online doesn't mean she hasn't been online.

Right. You're a genius, honey.

Love you, baby.

See you later.

Of course. Maz must be Mazhari.


Shade, perfect timing.

It's tough work trying to pull your weight.

Still nothing.

You're really counting on that being instant rice, aren't ya?

So, I pulled the case file on Drea's ex-boyfriend.

Looks like Kenny's got a bit of an anger management problem.

He's been busted six times for disorderlies.

There's a work address on here, we should go check it out.

OK. Thanks, Maz.

I'll grab my coat.

You guys have been friends for a long time, right?

Yeah, we go back.

Our dads were cops at the same time.


Were you guys like besties, or... ?

More like Bonnie and Clyde. Yeah, we got into a lot of trouble.


You're still here?

Yeah, I guess I got caught in my memory palace for a little while.

Alright, see you guys.

Yeah, I'm sure we will.


Thank you.

This is where Kenny works?

He's 16. Everybody works at a place like this.

(rapping): ♪ If you want a burger, then look no further ♪
♪ We won't even chastise ♪
♪ If you wanna add fries And it won't break the bank if you wanna get a drank ♪

[Whoo! This is Kenny. Can I help you?]

Uh, yeah, I'll have a Majesty Burger combo, but instead of relish I'll take pickles, a sesame bun instead of plain, hold the onions, add hot peppers, and put the special sauce on the side. What do you want?

I'll have a number one.

[You'll have to wait extra]

[for that special order. That a'ight?]

Oh, no problem.

That order was more intricate than my divorce settlement.

Special orders take longer to prepare, so the employees ask you to pull over and someone brings it out.

You used to sling fast food.

No! Maybe. I was 16.

Look, here he comes.

Sorry for the delay.

Hope you have a nice day.

Hey, are you Kenny Rakowski?

Who wants to know?

We're looking for Drea.

You seen her today?

Not talking to you, homes.

We've seen your police record, Kenny. You don't want to add obstruction to the list.

Hold up. You guys are cops?

Tell us if you've seen Drea, or we can all take a ride.

In a squad car that we will call.

I was with her last night.

She was trying to get her demo into The Six.

The Six?

It's slang for Toronto.

It's also a hip-hop event downtown at a club.

Two days, the best emcees, best DJs, and it's hosted by Apollo.

Apollo is like the hottest thing...

I know who Apollo is!

Yeah, so you went to the club, and?

The bouncer didn't let me in.

But Drea gave him a little cutie eye, next thing I know she's walking in and kicking me straight to the curb.

Don't let that good-girl act fool you.

Drea wanted Apollo to hear her stuff. She wouldn't let anybody get in her way.

I gotta work, yo.

16-year-old girl in a nightclub? That doesn't sound good.

I went to clubs when I was 16.

And look at you now.

(cell phone chirping)

Instant rice. What did I tell you?


What is it?

The last text message Drea got was at 2:47 AM.

"I know how to find you. Talk and you're dead."

Drea must be really serious about her music to take a flyer on getting into this club.

Well, let's hope someone remembers her, because this is the only lead we've got.

(loud music and bickering)

Follow me.

Wouldn't want my 16-year-old girl in here.

Sorry, guys. Private event.

Hey, I'm Matt Shade. You might know me as "Shadow".

Not a hockey fan?

Just say it.

You might know me from my Epic Fail video?

"Shadow Sounds Off"?

Shadow! (laughing) That video kills me, man.

When you figured out your mic was still on, you made a face like...


Always nice to meet a fan. So, can we... ?

Absolutely. Just check your coats and your cell phones over there.


Just make that face again.


(rap song)

I can't believe we had to check our cell phones.

I feel so naked.

And you're wearing twice the clothing you wore this morning.

What can I get for you, beautiful?

I'll have a beer. Nothing for him. He's in recovery.


What? We're on a budget.

Listen, I lost my purse here last night.

Has my entire life in it. Is there someone I could talk to?

Try Johnny. He's head of security, in charge of everything lost or confiscated in here.

You're the best.

You have no idea.

Dude. I'm standing right here.

(rap song)

Is this it?

Please. Give me some credit.

Sorry, had to ask.

That's not even the weirdest thing in here.

Ugh, it's not here. Dammit!

It had all of my credit cards, my IDs...

Maybe it was stolen, baby.

Good point, honey.

Could you show us the security footage from last night?

I can't show just anyone the footage. Privacy laws, right?

We wouldn't tell anyone.

I'll tell you what.

I'll take a look at it; if I see anything, I'll let you know.

Johnny? This isn't about a purse.

We're actually looking for a missing girl. Drea Grant.

We know she was here last night.

Look, guys, I'm sorry.

About the girl... really, I am, but I can't help you.

Wait. They were checking cell phones at the door tonight, which means no photos, no video.

You can't show us security footage because it doesn't exist.

You didn't hear this, alright?

Apollo requested all the cameras be turned off both nights.

Inside and outside. The Six event draws a lot of celebrities.

And they want to have a good time without worrying it's gonna end up on TMZ.

(rap music)

No security footage means we need to talk to someone who was here last night.

Kenny said Drea was determined to get her CD to Apollo...

(girl): Hey, Apollo!

We should go ask him if he remembers her.

We can't just go question Apollo. We have to be cool.

Looks like we've been made.


Yo, what up, man?

Been a huge fan for years. I miss seeing you on the ice, man.

Hey, thanks, Apollo. This is my friend, Angie Everett.

Hey, what's up?

Angie Everett.

I already said that.

I love you. I mean your music.

Thank you.

That was smooth.

Did you happen to see this girl last night?

Oh yeah, DJ Lucky introduced us. I remember the hat.

Is Lucky here?

Nah, he didn't make it in tonight.

I think I know why.

Why, wat happened?


Charmaine happened.

She tried to step to my man. I showed up last night and this fast-ass chick was all up on Lucky, so I had to let her know.

Let her know?

That no one touches my man but me.

You get it, right? I mean, what would you do if you saw some girl pushing up on your man?

Who, him? And me? No.

Uh, no. No way.

A simple "we just work together" would suffice.

We just work together.

Well, I don't work with this girl. I never seen her before in my life.

So we got into it a little bit.

She didn't back down, I'll give her that.

What did Lucky say about that?

That fool took off as soon as he saw me coming.

He knew he was wrong. I haven't seen or talked to him since.

When I realized that she wasn't going anywhere, I called a bouncer over.

And he broke up the fight?

Even better. He kicked her ass out the back door.

(whispering): What exactly are we looking for?

Why are you whispering?

I dunno. It just seemed appropriate.

We're looking for clues about where Drea went after she got kicked out.

(suspenseful music)

This doesn't look good.


(siren blaring)

(police radio chatter)

You're not gonna try to arrest me again, are you, Detective?

You don't wanna get arrested, stop getting caught with dead bodies.

So you're telling me you just went out back for a smoke?

Bad habit, I know.

Can I bum one off?

You could, except I quit. Tonight.

When I went outside, actually. I thought to myself, this is disgusting. I went to throw the pack, and that's when I found the body.

DJ Lucky, isn't it?

What do you know about Lucky?

We know he was the regular DJ here, and he didn't show up tonight. What do you think happened?

I'm not seeing your police badge.

Come on, Detective.

It's gonna be in all the papers tomorrow morning.

What's so hard about telling us?

Yeah, looks like Lucky.

Took two to the chest. No cash or jewellery on him.

And so far, no m*rder w*apon.

So it looks like a robbery.


How long ago?

Crime scene thinks 24 hours. Look, for the record, so I can write you off as a suspect, do you have an alibi for last night?

Yeah, Angie, where were you last night?

Come on. You don't seriously think I had something to do with DJ Lucky?

Smoking is the gateway drug to a lot of bad behaviour.

Smoking and miniskirts.

Miniskirts, huh?

Yeah, she was wearing a miniskirt.

Look at you.

Where do you think you're going?

I gotta get in there!

Club is closed, man.

I gotta... Move, man!

That a friend of yours?

Excuse us. You called Dex?

I was trying to be proactive! Hey, hey, whoa, Johnny, Johnny...

Remember the missing girl we told you about? This is her brother.

Police said nobody comes or goes until they're finished.

We just gave our statement.

We'll take him.

Get off me, man.

Where'd you find it?

Just over there. - Drea loves that hat.

She would not leave it unless she had to.

That's not all we found.

"I know how to find you. Talk and you're dead."

I don't understand.

We think Drea might have witnessed DJ Lucky's m*rder.

It's possible the k*ller knows it.


First you don't tell Nolan the real reason we're there.

Then you take Drea's hat from the crime scene and give it to Dex.

What's going on?

Dex doesn't want the cops to know Drea's missing. Not yet.

I know your dad may have made Dex a promise, but you didn't.

Angie, this is bigger than a runaway teenager.

Someone got k*lled.

After my dad died, I tried to clean up his office.

Take over his unfinished cases, put away his files, things like that. But...

It was like saying goodbye to him all over again.

When Dex pulled out my dad's card this morning...

I don't know, I just...

It felt like I was working a case with him again.

Do you know how Dex helped your father?


But my dad had good insight into people, and if he owed Dex a favour, it means he believed him.

Then I guess we'd better find Drea.

For both their sakes.

OK, Dad, let's hear what you have to say.

(cell phone ringing)

How can I help you, Detective?

How you do know Dexter Grant?

[How do you know Dexter Grant?]

Come on, Everett.

My dad knew him.

[Well, he's got a juvie record for robbery.]

What? That doesn't make any sense.

Dex said he helped my dad with a case.

[Sure that's what he said,] but Lucky's m*rder could've been a robbery gone wrong.

I can't tell you anything. Client-PI privilege.

Oh, so he's a client.

(fake static noise) Breaking up!

Stand back in awe at the power of my celebrity.

Actually, get up, let's move, we've got a poker game.

This morning?

Still night for some people. More importantly, I figured out how we can find Drea.

We're going to Apollo's poker game. You know how to play, right?

Uh, my dad had a regular game. But me? No.

Really? 'Cause you totally seem like the kind of girl who'd know how to...

You're bluffing.

Am I?

Are you?

Am I?

Aren't you?

Am I?
(laughter and conversations)

Oh, come on!

(snatches of conversation)

Gimme something good!

Alright, Negreanu.

Let me guess... you've got another bad hand?

Gotta know when to fold 'em.

You've been running on lucky.

It's like you're a professional or something.

Yeah, back in the day, man.

You don't make 30 mil without some skills.

Daniel knows how to read 'em. I'm out.

What have I been telling you all these years? It's just luck, man.

I gotta turn my luck around.

Yeah, you've been running bad.

Yeah, I have.

If it wasn't for back luck...

What, you'd have none?

Yeah. (laughing)

Watch this. I'm so lucky I'm gonna bet this too.

Yeah, I'mma let you two work this out.

Good decision.

Hmm... what to do?

I'm gonna raise.


Yeah. I think you've got a monster there. No way you're gonna fold.

I've seen many a trap in my day. Not falling for this one.


Wow. (exclamations)

Alright, let's go get a drink.

Good call.

Same time next week, Daniel?

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Ha, ha!

And here I thought I brought the ringer.

Would you excuse us for one second?

Look, normally I play nice, but today I brought my A-game for a reason. We need a favour.

Do you remember that girl we asked you about last night, from the CD?

She's missing. We think she might have witnessed Lucky's m*rder at the club.

I'm sorry to hear that.

You have Twitter, right?

You've got over a million followers. That could really help us out.

How's that?

We understand teenagers never really go off the grid.

We'd like your Twitter feed to host a contest.

Apollo let you use his Twitter account?


Dad, this is literally the first time you've ever been cool.

Uh, thanks? I think.

So, Apollo already posted the tweet, so just keep an ear out for the replies.

"Finish the lyric correctly, win a guest verse on his next track." Got it.

The lyric is from Drea's CD, so she'll be the only one who can answer correctly.

Once she replies, we'll be able to track her location. If she replies.

No way she'd pass up a guest verse on Apollo's next track.

You know, if you want me to keep helping, I can always miss the play.

Jules. You've been rehearsing for weeks.

You're ready.

At least I won't be able to see everyone staring at me if I forget my lines.

That's what you're worried about? Forgetting your lines?

You and Mom, you were both so amazing at what you did. You made it look easy.

Honey, if there's one thing your mother and I agree on, it's that you got the best of both of us.

She lit up every room she ever walked into, and I love pressure. You're gonna be great.

You sure?

Trust me.

You got this.

(cell phone chirping)

There's more responses coming in.

[I do this for you. The dream is the only thing]

[I have left. That's why I tell the world]

[I'm hashtag blessed.]

That automated voice is even more annoying than the GPS chick.

Headphones, please.

OK, Dad. What can you tell me?

[Case file: Dexter Grant, 17.]

[Couple of juvenile arrests. The kid gave me what I needed, didn't ask for anything.]

[Said he wanted to turn his life around.]

[And I believe him.]

Oh, here's another one: "I do this for you. The dream is the only thing I have left. That's why I keep on pushing, keep moving Through the Wire like Kanye West."

Yeah, that's Drea's lyric.

"Call Angie."

(cell phone ringing)

Hey. Any luck?

Yeah, I've got it!

Nice. Nice. All we need to do now is track the IP address and then we can see if we can find Drea.

You can do that?

[Well, not personally,] but Frankie can.

I've never met anyone named Frankie.

There's a lot of people in my life you've never met.

[I'll call you back when I hear, you can swing by.]

You think "Frankie" is, like, short for Frances? Or more of a nickname for Frank?

Dad, get a grip.


(Angie): Drea's IP was found coming from an East Side café.

Public computer. Child's play.

I suppose "Frankie" hooked you up?

Just hope Drea's still here.

Drea, wait!

Drea, stop!


Drea, wait!

Take it easy!

Dex sent us.

Dex? Where is he?

We'll take you to him. Just get in the car.

Dex still isn't answering his phone.

So, let's start with something easy.

Like where you got the g*n.

I found it.

At the club?

Nah, on the street. Someone must've dropped it, so I picked it up.

How about this? "I know how to find you.

Talk and you're dead."

How'd you get my phone?

Found it in your fish t*nk.

Stuck it in a bag of rice.

Come on, Drea. We know you were at the club. You got kicked out, went home, changed your clothes and dumped your phone.

What we don't know is who you're running from.

If you don't talk to us, we can't help you.

Just take me home. Dex is working, he'll be back soon.

That text message scared you enough to send you running. You sure you wanna go home?

I can take care of myself.

She's hiding something. Besides the freaking m*rder w*apon.

Do you think it's possible?

That she k*lled Lucky? No way. Lucky helped her.

He got her CD to Apollo, she's not gonna k*ll him. Anyway, we're not even sure that's the m*rder w*apon.

So, you think she's protecting someone?

You saw that text.

She's protecting herself. She's a good kid.

She's scared out of her mind.

OK, fine, but if she doesn't talk soon, we'll have no choice but to take her and the g*n to the cops.

Right. (gasping) Jules's play. I gotta go.

OK, go. Wait. Take Drea with you. You've got a kid, maybe you'll have better luck getting her to talk.

What are you gonna do?

I'll call Maz, see if he can tell us the caliber of the g*n that k*lled Lucky.

OK. Keep trying Dex.

Hey, wanna go see a play about a dream in the summertime...

No, I don't want...

Just come on. Come.

I don't do plays. I...

(classical music)

With duty and desire, we follow you.

Is that your kid?

No. But you see that guy sitting in the front?

Grey hair, aura of judgment?

That's my dad.

So why aren't you sitting with him?

He doesn't love it when I'm late.

No way. You're like 50, and you're still scared of your Dad.

I am not...


So that thing with Apollo, that contest. That was just a scam, right?

Yeah. He was helping us find you.

But he listened to your CD.

He said he liked your lyrics.

Is that song about your dad?

I dunno. Maybe.

Keep promise, love.

Look, here comes Helena. Wait, here she comes.

Teach me how you look, and with what art you sway the motion of Demetrius' heart.

She had to make her drama teacher adapt the character to be blind.

Your kid's blind?

Shh... just watch.

Oh, that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill!

Isn't she incredible?


Hey, Jules. Ah!


You were amazing. I am so proud of you.

Dad, how'd you get back here?

You know, I have my ways.

And to tell you the truth, we were a little late, but this is why.

Jules, this is Drea.

Oh, hi!

I hope you're OK.

Yeah, I'm all right. You were good.

Thanks. I loved your demo. I've got to go, my monologue's in this act. See you after?

OK, honey.

You bet.

Your kid seems nice.

She's the light of my life.

I'm sure your dad felt the same way about you.

I know Dex does.

After I got kicked out of the club, he was the first person I thought of.

Dex always has my back.

Tell me what happened.

You saw something.

The bouncer threw me out.

I heard a bang.

Then another.

I knew what it was, so I found a place to hide.

After a few minutes, some guy ran by me back into the club.

Did you see his face?

It was pretty dark.

Once he was gone, I ran over, thought maybe I could help.

It was DJ Lucky.

He wasn't moving, bleeding everywhere...

I was gonna call the police.

But then the guy - the sh**t - he must've forgotten something.

He came back.

I saw the g*n on the ground.

He was coming towards me so... I picked it up.

I told him to stay away, and then I ran.

So when you got that text message, you knew it was from the guy who shot Lucky.

He must have found one of my CDs.

I put everything on the back. My number, my email, my address...

I knew I couldn't stay at home so I picked up my stuff and I left.

There you are! Thank God! We found Drea, she's fine.

Is she here?

No, she's with Shade. Come on.

Love can transpose to form and dignity.

Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind.

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

Nor hath Love's mind of any judgement taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste: And therefore is Love said to be a child.

It's Dex. He's outside.

Tell him we'll be out in five minutes.

It's alright, I'll go see him.

No, Dex can wait four minutes.

(cell phone buzzing)

Not a good time. Terrible time.

OK, but Dex is here and he wants to see Drea.

Tell him we'll be out in three minutes.

What? No, we're at the agency.

Dex is here. He just texted Drea, [told her he's outside.]

Shade, Dex lost his phone today.

That's why he wasn't answering. That text wasn't from him.


Charmaine, Drea's been taken.

Y'all called me saying you had information about who k*lled Lucky, and now you're throwin' this in my face?!

9mm. Same as the g*n that k*lled Lucky.

And marked with the exact same symbol as your necklace.

Drea said a guy k*lled Lucky, and she found that g*n next to the body. We know you're in on it.

I'm not in on anything.

A few months ago, I was att*cked in the parking lot at the club.

Lucky gave me that g*n for protection.

That's a great story.

Still doesn't explain how it ended up beside his body.

Somebody stole it!

From my purse. The same night, at the club.

And you didn't think about telling that to the police?

Yeah, sure.

I shoulda just rolled up to the cops, like: hey, my unregistered g*n was stolen the same night my boyfriend was m*rder*d.

How you think that will go over?

About as well as it's going over right now, but it might've saved Drea from being kidnapped.

Her brother's out there looking for her right now. He's worried sick.

I had nothing to do with that, or with k*lling Lucky.

Lucky was the love of my life.

I wanted to be with him, more than anyone, ever.

I even broke off my engagement with Johnny for him.

Johnny? Head of security at the club, Johnny?

We used to be together, and... then I started hanging out with Lucky and... we just had a connection, you know?

Johnny knew the cameras were turned off. He also probably knew that Charmaine carried that g*n in her purse.

And when we found the body, when I called Dex to come down to the club, Johnny grabbed him.

He could have taken Dex's phone Which he used to text Drea, to get her outside.

Wait, you're saying Johnny's got her?

You got this, Charmaine.

Just keep him talking, right?

Yeah, so I can track his position.

Johnny? It's me, Charmaine.

I need to talk to you.

No, it's important.

Say you made a mistake when you chose Lucky.

I made a mistake, choosing Lucky over you.

Why did I do it? Uh...

Say you were confused.

You were being impulsive.

Uh, you know me, Johnny, I just wild out like that sometimes.

The thing is, now that Lucky's gone...

You realize he's the one.

You couldn't see what was right in front of you.

Just stop it, all right?

Nothing, baby, I was just talking to... the TV.

I said it was nothing.

You know what? You're right, there is someone here.

The police.

Yeah, that's right, and now they're coming for your ass. Tracking Dex's phone, you dummy. I hope you have fun in jail!

Should I call him back?

You know what's around there?

I think I know where they are.

Two blocks up, turn left.

Stay here, wait for the cops.

(voices shouting)

Let's split up.

I won't say anything!

Shut up!

Please, you have to let me go! I won't tell anyone, I swear!

You already did!

I won't say anything!

You could've just walked past Lucky, and none of this would've happened!

Why don't you put your g*n away?

Hey, stay back, man!

Johnny, let me see if I got this straight.

Stay back, man, I mean it!

First, you sh**t Lucky.

And Drea sees you, so now you gotta sh**t her.

Come on, Johnny. Where does it end? You gonna sh**t me too?

I get out of town tonight, I got a fifty-fifty chance.

Come on, man, I get it. Charmaine dumps you, and now all you've got is some crap security job at the club with a front-row seat to watch them together.

You snapped.

Me and Charmaine... we had plans!

Lucky stole that from me. From us!


It's OK. It's OK. I've got you.

Take it easy.

You OK?

It's OK.

(police sirens)


You Everetts are good people, man.

I'm glad you called in that favour.

Hey, this is Apollo's personal number.

For real?

I told you. He likes your CD. He wants to work with you in his studio.

Thank you. I'll never forget this.

Take care.

Thank you.

So you know Nolan's gonna rip you both a new one tonight, right?

I don't think he will.

It's a good collar.

Alright. Extra-hot, milk, no sugar. Thank you.

Hey, sorry, I didn't know how you took yours.

Yeah, that's alright.

It's Mazhari, isn't it? He's your mystery man.

You're obsessed!

Oh, come on. He feeds you information, he comes over when he could've called, he definitely knows how you take your coffee.

Maz and I have known each other forever.

Must've been 20 years of foreplay.

After my dad died, Maz used to give me cases when business was slow. I couldn't have gone through it without him.

Sounds like you're close.

We are.

Close friends.

Maybe that's why you two have never hooked up.


Or you're bluffing.

Am I?

Fine. Keep it to yourself. One last question.

You had time. You could've gone home and changed out of that miniskirt before you met me at the barbershop.

That's not a question.

That's what I thought.

♪ Wild child ♪
♪ Where will you go? ♪
♪ I can see in your eyes ♪
♪ Someone's done you harm ♪
♪ Run far from here ♪

Hey, guys!

Hey, Dad! I thought you were coming to the after-party.

Yeah, you should've told me you were gonna watch from the wings, I would've invited a lady friend.

Do you have a lady friend?

Wouldn't you like to know?


You heard the monologue, right?

It was great.

Yeah, except I messed up.

Hardly noticed.

You're in trouble now, son, she's checking The Code.

Which one did you blow?

Alright, I know. "Family First."

But I was there, honey, for almost the entire...

No excuses, OK? Just tell me.

I missed your monologue, honey. I'm sorry.

Was it Drea? Is she OK?

She is now. She's with her brother.

I'm really sorry. What can I do?


Except maybe you could let me host the wrap party here.

Ho, ho, ho! Well played, girl. Well played.


How come every woman I know is a better poker player than I am?

Night, guys.

Goodnight, sweetie.

You were great.

Thank you.

See ya.

So, did you, uh, solve the other mystery you were working on?

I decided we should just keep it professional.

Angie and I are partners. We're work colleagues.

She's got her life, and I've got mine.

You really do have a lousy poker face.



Am I interrupting?


Just... celebrating the successful end of a case.

Is that right? I just came by to return this.

Where'd I leave it?

Living room.

On the couch.

Well, thanks.

For looking.

You're welcome.

For looking.

You just had to ask about my alibi, didn't you?

You know I love watching you spin.

Look, Ang...


Last night was...

Great, but...

Kinda great.



Good crazy.

For sure.

Lady's choice.

Let's not wreck a good thing?

Absolutely. One and done.



♪ Wild child, wild child ♪