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02x04 - Revolution 1

Posted: 06/24/16 04:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Aquarius"...

I'm Dennis.

You know Dennis Wilson?

You got some good music in you.

Hiya, Bunchy.

By pushing out the contradictions of racism, you gave birth to me as a Black Panther.

The Panthers want to raise consciousness in the community.

It needs raising.

"We" now, huh?

Where were you last Tuesday night, Roy?

He was with me.

She is just what you need.

sh**t was U.S. military.

Lucille said his name is Captain Welles.

I want to make a deal.

Mrs. Gladner, I can't imagine how scared you are.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


Looks like your boyfriend shut up Lucille for good.

Maybe it wasn't Roy. Could be Mob.

Either way, we're screwed.

No witness, no case.

We still have Roy. He trusts me.

He'll get me close to Welles, and then sooner or later, I'll...

You're dead.

I can handle myself, Shafe.

I sure as hell can handle Roy.


How are you gonna stop me?

Cut will stop you, as soon as I tell him we ignored his orders and you're still undercover.

So don't tell Cut.

Then Hodiak will freakin' tell him.

He won't tell him.

Sure he will.

Oh, yeah, no. He became big daddy as soon as you were in trouble.

Sam wants me to be a cop.

Sometimes I think he's the only one around here who's man enough to let me be a real cop and not a coffee cop.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Has been shot...

They did it. They finally did it.

They shot King.

The civil rights leader has been shot while standing on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee, shortly after 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Dr. King was rushed to a nearby hospital, where doctors are operating...

He dies, and Watts is gonna burn.

King dies, America's gonna burn.

One witness reported that he entered the hospital with a towel over his face.

So much for nonviolence.

Fleeing from the scene, but the Memphis Police have released a statement that they do not have anyone in custody...

Bull[...]. They got to know something.

Hoover made it open season on King.

Might as well have loaded the assassin's r*fle and handed it to him.

There are unconfirmed reports from witnesses who were with Dr. King of a white man running out of a building across the street from where Dr. King was shot.

Dr. King was rushed to St. Joseph's...

I thought you went home.

I was headed home when...

I-I called.

There's something wrong with your phones.

[line beeping rapidly]


When I heard, I...

I wanted to be here.

And you're welcome, sister.

That left 1 dead, 62 injured...

I like that.

Yeah, right, right, right.

They shot King!

It's all over TV!

They shot King.

They shot Martin Luther King?

Who did it?

They don't know. It's all over TV.

There's a bunch of pissed-off Negroes in the streets of DC, Chicago, New York.

They're gonna riot if he dies.

That's far-out.


Charlie, they shot Reverend King.

On the streets of Washington, DC, New York, and dozens of other American cities, carrying portable radios or watching TVs in display windows, anxiously waiting for word on Dr. King's condition.

[whispering] Die. Die.

Die. Die.

Oh, wow.

He's praying for him.

NBC has learned moments ago that Martin Luther King, Jr.

Is dead at the age of 39.

The son of a Baptist minister, King was ordained in 1948 by his father...

As night falls in the nation's capital, there are reports of angry and grief-stricken crowds roving the streets.

They are the first signs...

They're rioting in DC.

That's just a few blocks from the White House.

Opal. Opal, slow down.


Why? They give you a reason?

[Opal speaking indistinctly over phone]

Solitary? Solitary.

They must have given you a reason.

Opal, give me a reason.

Opal, I can't do this right now.

I have to... I have to call you back.

Hodiak. Shafe.


I need your office.

I don't need you.

Will you shut the door on the way out?

The NAACP, Ron Karenga, even Richard Tendaji and United Africa have all agreed to get their people to not riot, but I can't get through to Bunchy Carter or the Panthers... thanks to the FBI, who apparently think it's a good idea to jam the Panthers' phone lines, but not Tendaji and United Africa.

Tendaji and United Africa... these are new to me.

Black separatists.

Self-governance or something.

Yeah, Bunchy Carter hates Tendaji and the feeling is mutual.

UA and the Panthers could start a w*r in the ghetto all by themselves.

In order to stop a riot in LA, I need Panthers on board with Tendaji.

You're telling me the Feds won't unblock the Panthers' phone lines so you can have a conversation with Bunchy?

Well, you didn't hear me say that.

And you didn't hear me say this...

The FBI is not cooperating with my office, for a change.

The irony is that they share their surveillance files... give me that... with our very own Red Squad, which is how I know that Bunchy Carter trusts you, Hodiak, and how I know that Shafe over here's wife is popular with Bunchy.

Shafe's wife is popular with Bunchy?

She volunteered for the breakfast program five days a week and is highly regarded by Bunchy... is that accurate?

I mean, she believes in giving kids a good breakfast but she's not on board...


So, that's why I need you guys to go down to Panther HQ now... right now, before it gets dark... and get them to sign on to stop a riot.

Sign on to what? A pledge?

All due respect, sir, but asking people not to riot is only gonna goad them into rioting.

Why don't we organize a memorial march for Sunday?

You know, Negroes and whites m-mourning together peacefully.

Getting people to march and hold hands isn't gonna put a lid on it. Give this letter to Bunchy.

It explains what the other n*gro leaders have agreed to, and it respectfully asks him to cooperate.

Now, go. Now.

The sun goes down in a hour and a half.

Go ahead, make your dumb jokes about Kristin and the Panthers.

I don't think it's funny.

If I were a n*gro, I'd probably be a Panther.

Is Kristin a Panther?


She just believes in the breakfast program.

She's gonna be pretty upset about King, huh?

He was like a saint to Kristin, the whole family.

Did you call her?

Tried the house.

Wasn't there.


For what?

For not giving me a hard time about Kristin.

She likes you, respects you.

I respect her, and I'm happy for you, you know, 'cause after a kid, things can get pretty stale in the bedroom, but Kristin in a beret and leather, oh.


Six William nine, respond.

Six William nine, over.

Six William nine, over.

Hold on.

Patching a phone call through to you.

Hodiak. Is this you?

Yes, Commissioner. It's Hodiak.

Southeast got a call about a body... dead n*gro girl, white suspect.

Exactly what we don't need today.

Shafe can deliver my letter to Bunchy without your help.

It's your case.

Make sure it doesn't blow up into an excuse for a riot.

[all shouting]

It was called in to the precinct at 4:13 p.m. by a male who identified himself as Jeff Snyder.

The body's been positively identified as Louisa Burnside by her cousin Steve Burnside.

He lives in the building with his mother... first floor, 1B.

The man who called it in, Jeff Snyder, he wasn't here when you arrived?

No, sir. Burnside told me he and his mother saw a man they identified as Snyder running away into the back alley.

Who was Snyder to the victim?

The victim's boss.

He's not her boss.

He's her boss's brat, just out of college.

I-I'll be with you in a minute, okay?

Why don't you finish up?

Snyder told the officer who took the call that when Louisa didn't report to work, he came here to check on her.

Found her dead.

So Snyder came to Watts after King was shot?

Yes, sir. And Mr. Burnside told me Snyder's father owns this building.

He also said the victim told him that Snyder's son had a crush on her.

Crowd outside, they friendly to you?

My uniform's the wrong color, but my skin's the right one.

Well, talk to them, real friendly, all right?

Don't tell them Snyder's a suspect.

Just ask them if they've seen Snyder, maybe saw his car come and go.

That your partner there?

Yes, sir.

Why don't you send him back to Southeast with the coroner, all right?

Let's get rid of all the white unis.

Low profile today... just you and good work.

Yes, sir.

All right.


Nightgown, huh?


Rigor's set in, so at least two hours ago.

After I get a look at stomach contents, maybe I can narrow it down.

My guess is she's been dead at least since the morning.

Can you do the autopsy tonight?

Garrick wants a rush on this.

It's not me. It's Garrick.

[country music]

♪ ♪
♪ A new door opened ♪
♪ On my world ♪
♪ To show me this one ♪

Baby, that is not gonna help your headache.

Well, it ain't gonna hurt.


I got to go.

To meet your headache?

[both laugh]

How did I luck out with you?

Classy squeeze dig a dumbass like me.

I like my men dumb.


Dumb and long and strong.

I-I got to get going.

Yesterday he chewed me out for being two minutes late.

Two minutes. Guy's got something hard and sharp way up his ass.

My papa's like that... ex-Navy.

He used to keep time in 24 hours.

"Supper is at 1800 sharp, girls."


I thought...

I thought you said your pop was in the movie biz.

I said ex-Navy, dumbass.


Take me with you, baby.

Show the boss how much I love you.

A big square like that, he judges a man by his squeeze.

I do like you riding with me, but, uh, he don't expect you, and this stick don't like surprises.

Well, every man likes this kind of surprise.


Well, surprise, surprise.


Except you are my fancy Harley.


Show off your fancy wheels. He'll respect you.

Oh, yeah?


[indistinct chatter]

Look at this white boy coming down here today.

Fellas... my wife's inside... Kristin...

Kristin Shafe.

Excuse me.

It's okay, guys.

He's with me.

What are you doing here?

That's my question.

You serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Don't worry about Bernadette.

Mama's home with her.

Bernadette needs her mother, not your mother.

Go home.

Hey, hey, why?


I'm here on behalf of Commissioner Garrick.

Since he can't reach you by phone, he sent me here to deliver this letter to you.

Your husband?



I knew you were married to a white guy, but your husband's a cop?

You didn't tell them I was a cop?

Why wouldn't you tell them I'm on the force?

Whoa, whoa, brothers, please.

Why did they send you?

Does the Commissioner know that I'm here?

What do you think?

Is that a yes?

Krissy, just stay out of this, okay?

No, I'm in it, Brian.

How did the Commissioner know that I was here?

This is official police business.

Oh, it's official police business.

I can't blab to my wife about the Commissioner's private...

Please don't. Don't.

You can tell the police all my business.

How about you both calm down so I can read the damn letter.

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice between fellow human beings.

Why is she here?

Roy thought maybe I could help him move your stuff.

Hang out on the campuses and be a lot less conspicuous than a straight Satan.

Besides, you need to widen your net.

Ghetto's gonna be closed for business for a while.

Why's that?

Because of King being k*lled.

Matter of fact, I called you here to tell you to shut down until King blows over.

I don't know.

People are scared.

Might be a good time to give them a way to get mellow.


Roy, I'm hungry. You... you hungry?

I'm always hungry.

Go fetch us three burgers all the way.

Um, you stay.


Black people amongst blacks and white amongst whites...

No. Tell the Commissioner we can't work with Tendaji and UA.

Why not?

Tendaji's a provocateur working for the FBI.

What does that mean?

He means that Tendaji's being paid to stir up trouble between the Black Panthers and the other black group.

Baby, please stay out of this.

We will have nothing to do with Tendaji.

But you can tell your boss the Black Panther Party believes that riots will only hurt the black community.

We will urge our people not to destroy their own homes.

That's great. That's all the Commissioner wants.

I don't care what the Commissioner wants.

I mean, that's all the Commissioner's requesting.

You so-called officers of the peace don't make requests of my people.

You beat us, and you k*ll us.

Look, whatever this is, the answer is no.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Come on...

I'll take you home to Bernadette.

No, you go home and take care of our daughter.


I'm busy.

♪ ♪

So you were this Bri's chick?

No. Just friendly.

I helped him push his stuff to college kids.

I think you'd like working with Bri, though... really like him.

Yeah? Why is that?

He served in Nam, like you, and he has a lot of customers among the vets.

Oh... you're a clever girl.


You're too clever to be with trash like Roy.

Come here. Right here.

Come on.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

I like Roy.

I'm a one-guy girl.



I prize loyalty above all.


[door opens]

Get your burgers while they're hot.

You all right, babe?


Just hungry.

Within an hour of Reverend King's m*rder, smoke began drifting toward the White House.

You see this? Huh? See that?

The capital, our... our sweet cradle of government is burning down.

It's burning, see?

You know who else sees it? Huh? Huh?

Cronkite, the father of all truth, says that LBJ sees it from the White House.


Let's go get high.

Charlie said no dr*gs today on account of America dying.

Charlie says a lot of things. Come on.

Oh. Just think of the man's pain.

Sad-eyed Lyndon, it's k*lling you.
In Tennessee and Maryland... The National Guard has already been cal...

Detroit, Ch... Chicago! Ha ha!

The Windy City is burning down.

[all shouting]

So, Louisa was your first cousin?



That's a... that's a thousand-dollar word.

What? Nonconsanguineous?

What? Black people can't know big words?

No. No, I didn't mean that at all.

I'm just...

I like learning new words.

Nonconsangui... guineous. What does it mean?

It means we're not blood cousins.

But she used to live downstairs with you and your mom?

Yeah, in 1B, until two weeks ago when Snyder gave her this place.

Gave her?

It's not real rent, what she was paying... $22 a month.

That's a token.

And I told her, "Snyder's gonna expect for you to pay in some other way."

That's what he came for.

So you and your mother saw Snyder running away?


Which way did he run?

I don't know.

I saw him go down the back alley, but I knew right away that he had done something to her.

I bet you wish you could get your hands on Snyder right now.

Damn straight, I do. Make him pay.


Well, I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Burnside.

But if you can, uh, think of anything else, here's my card.

You can call me at the precinct, all right?

Thank you.

I know that look.

He's your suspect, not the white guy?

Snyder... the white guy... didn't k*ll her this afternoon.

She's been dead since morning.

Although coming back to the scene and pretending to discover the body is the stupid kind of [...] that K*llers do all the time.

So Snyder is not eliminated.

How'd it go with, uh, Kristin and her new best friend, Bunchy?

[chuckles] You're so... you're so funny.

It must be tiring being so charming and... and funny all the time.

It is. It's a little...

Bunchy tore up the letter.

Wait. If Snyder came back here to pretend to discover the body, why run?

It makes no sense.

Did he run?

Maybe the cousin came back, found Snyder with the body, and k*lled Snyder.

I mean, for sure, he's lying about something.

I'd take him downtown and sweat him, but not today... not when there's a mob out there just longing to believe we're covering for a white k*ller.

Hey, more good news...

Turns out Jeff Snyder is Moses Snyder's son.

You know who Moses Snyder is?

Yeah. A millionaire slumlord.

Big donor to Reagan.

Right now he's sitting in his Beverly Hills mansion throwing lightning bolts at me 'cause his boy Jeff didn't come home.

I told Moses I had my best man on it.

Don't make me a liar.

What are you doing home now, anyway?

I ju... I came back to grab a shower and... and change my clothes.

Get your butt to the precinct.

Moses is heading over there to see you.

I promised you'd have an update for him.

And what are you gonna do about Bunchy?

Shafe got nowhere.

Can't do anything about Bunchy till daylight.

Uh-huh. I don't care if Moses' son is the k*ller.

Find him and close it by tomorrow
and get the Panthers to sign on.


If I... if I don't actually have to establish who k*lled her, I-I could close it tonight.

Why not tonight?

[knock at door]


I like your outfit.

You know what they're doing to our boy, Sam?

23 hours a day he's alone in a 6x9 cell.

And when they let him out, he's in a yard where the walls are so high they can't even see over them.

24 hours a day, Sam.

He's alone.

Nobody speaks to him. No one's talking to him.

Nobody is holding him, Sam.

My baby's alone.



Now, you can't say anything to anyone about this.

All right?

But I may have something that'll give us leverage with the military.


Something that could embarrass them.

Maybe, just maybe I can get Walt out.

Why the hell didn't you warn me that Bunchy didn't know you were a cop?

I didn't... I wasn't...

Thinking? Well, for the next couple of days, I need everybody to think.

Tell your wife to talk to Bunchy.

Get her to convince him.

Over 50 cities are rioting.

Businesses destroyed.

Homes gone. People dying.

So far, not LA, but that won't hold without the Panthers on board.

Tell your wife she can save lives.

[line clicks, dial tone]

[receiver clatters]

Finally off the phone?

Good. I want you out of here tonight.

I can't stand to look at your face, you damn fool.

Go on! Get! Get out!

Where do you expect me to go?

Go to Sam's!

Hodiak can take you in. He already knows you're a fool.

I just found out today.

Reverend King was k*lled... shot down like a dog, and you show up like you God's gift to the world ordering me around.

You think I'm your n*gg*r to boss around?

You think I'm your n*gg*r?

I'm not your n*gg*r!

[baby crying]

I am your wife, the mother of your child.

Baby, I'm sorry.


I need you.

I love you, okay?

I'm... I'm begging you. Please... please forgive me.

Keep away from me tonight.

I'm going to the bedroom. You stay on the couch.

And maybe in the morning, I can stand to look at you again.

Shh, it's okay, baby. I got you.

I got you. I got you. It's okay.

Get your people in there.

It's my building.

Practically the whole block is mine.


Look, maybe the schwarzes are torturing him.

Mr. Snyder, what would help us find your son is if we could go over his movements before he disappeared.

All right, he was at your house last night?

Birthday party for my wife...

200 guests.

Wasn't over till 1:00.

He slept there, and then we went to the office together.

Then they sh**t King, and all of a sudden, he's gone.

Was your son in love with the victim?


He's thinking with his schmeckle.

[sighs] He's a good boy.

I'm not a good person, but he's... he's such a good boy.

He wouldn't hurt a fly.

Please, keep it out of the paper.

It'd k*ll his mother... a colored girl.

Look what they're doing in DC, in Chicago, all over the country... burning down their own homes.

We're next. Mark my words... we're next.

Today dawn in Washington, DC, was obscured by a layer of smoke from fires that continue to burn out of control.

Daylight revealed block after block of destruction in the capital and in more than 40 American cities.

The pattern is becoming familiar throughout the United States.

Tex! The cars ready yet?



Naked we arrive, naked we survive.

All right, uh, we need to go to the desert.

Tex, we need to go to the desert today, find a hidey hole... Are we ready?

Yeah, yeah. I guess.

Can we leave, Dennis?

Just go to Europe, maybe Australia until it's over?

Until what's over?

The race w*r.

Now, now... we're cool here.

They ain't gonna riot in Beverly Hills.

Charlie's right.

He always said the black man will get his revenge, cut the white man's throat, burn his towns, destroy white civilization.

Cleanse the world for the family to remake the world.

Are you saying that Charlie wants a race w*r?

[chuckles] No. No, no, no, no.

He's just, you know, like you... an artist.

He has visions, and... some are beautiful, like dreams, and some are nightmares.


It took all night, but I was able to establish she was k*lled Wednesday night sometime between 7:00 and 3:00 a.m.

Oh, and maybe here's your motive... she was three months pregnant.

Between 7:00 and 3:00?

So he's innocent.

Glad I could help.

No reason to run.

You're welcome.

[psychedelic rock music]

♪ ♪

We're all clear.

And I was just getting comfortable.

♪ ♪

There are two possibilities... either he k*lled her...

Now there's only one.

Hi, ma'am. I'm Detective Hodiak.

I'm investigating your niece's m*rder.

I've come here to question a young man you're sheltering, Jeff Snyder.

Since yesterday at 3:00 p.m., it hasn't been safe for a white man in Watts, and yet yesterday at 4:00, Jeff Snyder very bravely came down here to check on the woman that he loves.

Only he found her dead.

And after he called the precinct and your neighbors heard the terrible news, someone spread it to the crowd gathering outside that Jeff, a white slumlord, had k*lled her.

So, to protect him, you hid him.

Jeff Snyder, I presume?

[tense music]

Three months.

Louisa was three months pregnant.

I'm sorry.

Why didn't you tell me?

It would just make you sadder.

Friday was three months.

She was gonna tell you, and I was gonna tell Mom and Dad.

Whatever they said, we were gonna get married.

But you knew she was pregnant, didn't you, Cousin Steve?

Cousin Louisa told you herself.


No, no.

That's right. You're not really cousins.

How did you put it... nonconsanguineous?

That's an odd word to use, almost as if you were thinking about whether or not you could marry and have children.


Sounds like maybe you mentioned that you wanted to marry her to your mother.

Maybe you told your friends too.

I could ask around.


You loved Louisa.

No. I...

And the night she was m*rder*d, you waited for your mother to go to sleep, and then you snuck upstairs to tell her.

That's not true.

And that's when she told you she was pregnant and carrying Jeff's baby.

And that's when you strangled her.

No! No.

Stop lying.

Oh, God, Stevie, what did you do?

I didn't hurt her.

Don't lie to your mother, Steve.

I'm not lying.

Don't you lie to me, Stevie.

I'm not lying, Mom.

Don't you dare lie to me.

I didn't hurt her.

I didn't mean to hurt her, I swear.

I just wanted her to stop, stop saying she never wanted to see me again.

You son of a bitch.

I didn't mean to.

I didn't mean to.

Relax. Relax.

I just wanted... [crying]

I just wanted her to stop.

I'm sorry.

Sam's got a black k*ller and an innocent white man.

He can't get either one out of Watts safely without your help.

Why not?

Just call in the cavalry.

The cops show up to haul off a black man for a m*rder everyone on the block thinks a white man committed and we will have a riot.

Detective, sometimes I think the LAPD can't do anything right without our help.

But isn't that the point of the Black Panther Party... to make sure the police do their job the righteous way?

Tell Hodiak I have a condition.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[car door closes]

The k*ller was waiting for his mother's head to be turned to lure Jeff into the arms of the Mob.

Bunchy saved Jeff's life.

Why do I hear a "but"?

Not a "but," a promise.

I promised Bunchy that you would persuade UA and Tendaji to join the Panthers' boycott on Monday.

I also promised that Moses would persuade white business owners to give their n*gro employees the day off in memorial for Dr. King.

Done. Absolutely, done.

Wait. I-I can't promise that Tendaji's gonna go along with Bunchy.

Yes, you can, and you will if you want to have a future in this town.

Richard Tendaji of United Africa, seen here shaking hands with Black Panther leader, Bunchy Carter, has agreed to join the Panthers' call for Negroes to take the day off and boycott white-owned stores.

It's beginning to look as if Los Angeles will be spared the riots that have ravaged more than 150 American cities.

This Sunday, there will be a city-wide display of unity, a march of whites and n*gro groups to Pershing Square...

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Charlie.

Why don't we just go to the desert anyway?

We could drop some acid and find out hidey hole.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Do you want to go to the desert, Tex?

[bottle breaks]

All by yourself?


Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Come on, be a good baby.

Dennis is here.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

Come here. Come on. You don't want to do this.

You don't want to do this. Baby, come on.

Come here, come here, come here.

Okay, okay. Look at me. Look at me.

Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.

Look, Dennis doesn't want a race w*r, okay, sweetie?

And he's really freaked out that you do.

He says maybe you're not ready to play for Terry Melcher.



Who's that?

Um... a big-time music producer.

Big-time. Yeah.


What did he say exactly?

He said Melcher and all... all the big-time record producers... they're liberals, Charlie, okay?

They're liberals. They like Negroes.

Okay? They want peace between all the races, okay?

[tense music]



♪ ♪

[door opens]

Oh, you're late.

Sorry. It's hard to sneak out on Roy.

This is Bri.

Go home to your boyfriend, Charmain.

Thanks for the introduction.

Have a seat.

[door opens, closes]

♪ ♪

Charmain tells me you served, but didn't say where.

So fill me in.

Did you hear?

Hear what?

[sighs] They're charging him with mutiny.

He's in solitary.

How could he lead a prison riot?

You better use what you have against them now before they fake up some way to k*ll him.

And after two years of that crap, guess what.

I didn't re-up.

Even before Tet, I knew we couldn't win.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

If you're gonna sell my product, better sample it first.

I don't use.


You were in country and you never tasted the honey of the Golden Triangle?


♪ ♪

Well, I don't trust a salesman who won't sample what he's selling.

♪ ♪

It's just like riding a bike, isn't it?

What'd he say about Roy?

He said, "I'm letting go of Roy.

The Satans are disorganized.

Too big a risk.

Now that Watts is open for business, I want you to assemble a new network of your Nam buddies."

And then I asked about you.

He said, "Oh, no, Charmain's a keeper."

So, congratulations, I guess.

You know that Roy is not gonna take getting fired lying down.

Charmain, have you suddenly gone stupid?

He knows Roy's not gonna take a pink slip.

He's gonna k*ll him.

Are you positive?

Yes. Tomorrow at 4:00.

He arranged to meet at the Satans' warehouse, where Roy will be, and I quote, "Relaxed, easy prey."

I can be there.

I'll arrest Welles first.

For what? Having an evil plan?

You need to let him get far enough along till Roy sees he's about to frag him.

Then you step in, and maybe we can get Roy to flip on Welles, put him away for dealing.

Far enough along?

How far is far enough, Shafe?

Roy gets shot once, twice?

Girls, are your nails dry?

Look, I know you love to gossip with your best friend, but, uh, how about closing Guapo's m*rder?

We're supposed to run this by him.

Don't stop him. Let him k*ll Roy.

You're kidding, right?

No. With Roy gone, you'll be his main man.

You'll be his main gal. You'll bag the whole operation.

No, we can't just let him...


Why not? He's scum.

It's a misdemeanor homicide.

Hey, I understand that Roy is a human being to you now, but sacrificing him will make your case, and it'll cut off the drug supply from Vietnam.



I need you to play it this way... for me.

Do this as a favor to my son.

Your son?

What does Walt have to do with this?

What's going on?

Walt's in bad shape.

[whispering] They added a mutiny charge.

[normal voice] I need you to take your time with Welles.

Gather all the details you can about how he used the military to funnel dr*gs from Vietnam.

Without messing up your bust, I think I can use the threat of publicizing those details to get Walt better treatment.

I'm afraid he'll die in there.

Sam, I am not gonna let another human being be k*lled just so that you can make... maybe make a deal for your son.

You care more about some lowlife who's m*rder*d three people than my son?

Walt did what he did...

My son!

Knowing the consequences.

I'm sorry, but under the law, he was a traitor.

I'm sorry, Sam.

In a show of unity and peace, white and black leaders in Los Angeles, including groups that adamantly refused to work together in the past, marched together peacefully today, honoring and mourning the loss of Dr. Martin Luther King.

There he is.

You owe me, Commissioner.

I'm grateful.

You owe me, and I will collect.

United Africa.

Black power.

The motherland.

All: ♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ That saved a wretch ♪
♪ Like me ♪

♪ I once w... ♪

[television clicks off]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Good news, capitano... looks like Watts is back in business.

Yeah, but you're wrong about this place.

We can't use it.

Hey, it's perfect.

Looks like our hideout, but, you know, we can move things easy from unit to unit.

It's not secure.

Anybody driving by can easily see my car and us talking, for that matter.

That's what's so cool, man.

We stand here, look like we're doing nothing, and then I just close her up.

We're invisible. Ain't that great?

It's nice and private.

[g*n cocks]


Drop the g*n.


[tense music]

Where'd you get that... The five-and-dime?

[door bangs open]


[both grunting]


Get off!

You bitch.

Don't talk. Call an ambulance!

I'm gonna k*ll you. I'm gonna k*ll you!

I'm so sorry.

You lied to me.

Oh, you bitch. I'm gonna k*ll you!

I'm gonna k*ll you! I'm gonna k*ll you!

I can't do this.

I can't. I can't.

You are doing it. You're doing it great.

[breathing heavily]

[rotary phone dialing]

[line trilling]


I'm in trouble, Sam.