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01x03 - We Shall See Him As He Is

Posted: 06/23/16 11:45
by bunniefuu
Bishop: Previously, on "Greenleaf"...

Your Uncle Mac.


He did it again.

Honestly, Gigi, I don't think he ever really stopped.

(dog barking)

I was wondering if I could talk to you for a few minutes about Danielle.

We don't go to Calvary no more.

I know, and I know why.

I just want to give you a little advice.

Before you pick up the phone, before you dial a number, before you do anything, check your heart.

What's the matter?


So, how'd she look?

She's got nothing on you.

I've done three hours of homework and I have another hour to go on this.

I have to wear a school uniform that makes me look like a hippo, and you still haven't explained why we moved here.

I want to live with Dad.

Mavis: You're helping her go to school.

Then next thing I know, you're helping her with the car.

Let her go, David.

I will, Miss McCready.

Not saying it like that, you won't.

That's saying, "Miss McCready, leave me alone.

Mm-hmm. Let me keep on disrespecting myself with this tramp."

The drawer's light again.

I'll talk to him.

Sounds like some good fishing to me.

They still stocking that lake?

Jones Pond? They do twice a year.

Mmm, Mae used to make a trout make you want to stand up and slap somebody.

Wrapped in bacon.


I can't remember the last time I saw that woman in the kitchen.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

What are y'all doing this weekend?


I don't know, but I guess we're about to find out.

The "Memphis Daily News" just called.

They said they heard through the grapevine that we're stonewalling a Senate inquiry into our finances.

And whose grapevine did they hear this through?

Bob Banks'?

They wouldn't say.

They just wanted to know if such an inquiry exists.

What did you tell them?

That it was news to me.

That boy just won't give up.

What do you want me to do?

Have Conrad prep the jet for a 7:00 AM departure in the morning.

Right away.

Somewhere out at Shelby Farms, a trout's prayers just got answered.

We're going to Nashville.

Mom, are they going to make me pray?



Are they going to make me pray?

No one's going to make you do anything, honey.

You basically eat pizza and watch movies.

In prison.

They don't actually lock you in, you know.

Let's roll.

(Grace laughs)

I don't want to do this.

Zora, could you please tell your cousin that church lock-ins are fun?

It's going to be fun.

Thank you. Now, go. Go, go, go, go.

I don't want Pastor Ramona saying I made you two late.

God is good.

All the time.

Kevin, this is amazing.

I've never seen a setup like this.

(chuckles) I'm glad you're pleased, yeah.

To be honest, other churches, they give us space, but from when I first met you, Calvary's been the only one that's felt like a real partner.

Well, my mom and I were homeless for a little while when my father left us.


I just want to make people feel, you know, like I always wanted to feel... seen and... cared for.

It's working.

I'll hold down the fort.

And, uh...

Yeah. Uh, yeah.

Seriously, Kevin, thanks.

Yeah, no worries.

Our pleasure.

Hey, how you doing?

Pastor Greenleaf?



Happy Friday.

You, too.

So, Sophia's going to the lock-in?

Can you believe that?

I mean, it seems just like yesterday you and I... you know, we were going to those things.

Oh, man.

So, do you have any plans tonight?

Is watching TV a plan?

Have dinner with me and Isabel.


We're going to get barbeque.

You sure she'd be into that?

It was her idea.

Uh... should I be worried?

No, she just wants to meet you.

All right, if you're okay with it.

Great. Heavy Bettie's, 7:30.

7:30. I'll be there.

All right.

♪ Amen ♪
♪ Amen ♪


♪ Well ♪


♪ Amen, amen, ooh. ♪

(music playing)

(knock on door)

Come in.

Good evening, Pastor Greenleaf.

Melisse, Kerissa's giving Winkie his bath.

All you'll need to do is lay him down and you can watch your program.

Where y'all going to dinner tonight?

Some new place downtown with a private dining room.

What's the occasion?

Nothing good.

Kerissa trying to... solidify our ties with the deacons now that I'm in charge of the board.

Good evening, Melisse.

Good evening, Mrs. Greenleaf.

Is my husband whining about being trotted out like a show pony?

No, not at all.

He's ready for his books.


Night, Wink. Love you.

See you later.

It would be really nice if you acted a little bit like we were on the same team tonight.


Yes, ma'am.

(music playing)

♪ Maybe someday ♪
♪ You'll see my face among the crowd ♪
♪ Maybe someday ♪
♪ I'll share your little distant cloud... ♪

Woman: Yeah.

♪ My cherie amour ♪
♪ You're the only one that I adore ♪
♪ You're the only one my heart beats for ♪
♪ How I wish that you were mine... ♪

Come on, y'all.

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ La, la, la, la, la, la. ♪


Thank you for my serenade, baby.

Any time.

I sure wouldn't want to follow that.

Two sh*ts of fireball.


Did you order these?


They're from the gentlemen over there.


Well, go ahead, Mr. Wonder.

It's your own fault for singing so good.

All right, and this is your last one.

I know, Daddy.

Bottoms up.



Let's try that again.

(both laugh)

♪ Gone lately... ♪


♪ Oh, yes, you are, darling ♪
♪ You've been gone lately... ♪

You haven't seen Jacob preach yet.

(piano music playing)

That might be for the best.

He is just being modest. You are in for a real treat.

(man laughs)

Well, he can't be worse than that senior pastor back in Little Rock.

We had this elderly member die during one of his sermons.

She just tipped her head back and she passed away.


Eyes glazed over,bubbled up at the ceiling, and no one thought anything about it.

Oh, no. That's not Jacob.

He's not fatally boring by any means.

I hope not.

It's just that, you know, he's, um... he's really passionate about keeping his preaching doctrinally sound, and, you know, some people can't always follow.

Especially if they were raised on that, you know, "Y'all done messed around and lost out with God!

And now God done turnt it over to the phonies, and, uh, hey!"

You're making fun of Daddy.

No! No, you know what I mean.

That whooping style of preaching.

No, Jacob is more moderate.

He just gives you the facts and leaves you to feel the feelings.

We like the idea of a well-reasoned faith, that's for sure.

You shouldn't have to check your brain at the door of the church.


I told you these were our kind of people.

What a blessing.

Hear, hear.

(music playing)

Isabel: So, you quit your job at the TV station, just like that?


Whew! So jealous.

Of what?

That kind of reckless impulsivity.

Like, I can't make a single decision without weighing every consideration at least 800 times.

You think she's kidding.

We dated two and a half years long distance before she finally moved down.

So what finally tipped the scales for you?

I convinced Kerissa to offer her a teaching job over at Excellence.

No, it wasn't that. Don't say that.

Well, what convinced you?

I don't know.

I was just starting to feel like whatever I was doing in Dallas, he was missing.

How did you guys meet?

At Essence Festival.


Well, I'm glad all the waiting paid off.


So, what brought you here?

I know you came back for Faith's funeral.


I'm sorry about that.

Thank you.

But what made you decide to stay?

Were you interested in getting back into the ministry or...?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess it had been on my mind for a while.

So some good came from all that, right?


Well, praise God, right?

Hi. Can we get a table for three?


Woman on TV: He knows where the car is.

Man on TV: We just have to get there before he does.

What about the others?

They're all okay.

Come on.

I'm glad you moved here.


I always wanted a sister.

Woman: What was that?

Man: What do you mean?

(both gasping)

Man: Oh, my God!

Woman: Ow, ow!

I'll be right back.

Woman: You okay?


Come on, you have to get up.

(no audible dialogue)

Do you want to get high?

Where? We're locked in.

We're not actually locked in.

Do you want to get high or not?

Yeah, okay.

Come on, come on.

(wood thuds)

(woman screams)

Let's go.

Oh, hey.


So, how are the wedding plans coming?

It's crazy.


Before we started this whole process, I would have been fine just eloping, but now I have opinions about tea lights... strong opinions.

Go on, girl. Have those opinions.

What about you? Did you ever go through this whole wedding planning process madness?

No, I dodged that b*llet.

I mean, Noah told me you and Sophia's dad never got married, but was there ever a time you were thinking about it?

No, there was never an idea.

Hmm. You're independent.

Historically, yeah.

Again, I'm jealous.

We really are so different.

It's funny.

Well, that's enough about us.

How did you two meet?

Oh, how did we meet?

Now, that's a story.

We both worked at ACH in Little Rock, and Fred was called in one night to meet with the son of a patient of mine right after the boy's mom had lost a baby girl.

We went out for coffee after and we spent the whole next day together.

Never got any sleep.

I didn't want to say good-bye.

And I kissed her once.

A week later, he called me up and asked me out, and I said yes.

Later that night, he picked me up.

And on our way to dinner, he pulled over, stopped the car, and said, "Can I have your permission to do something crazy?"

And she said, "Sure, I guess."


And then he pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him.

After only one kiss?

I knew she was the one.

And you said yes just like that?

Misty: He was everything I thought he was and more.

Best decision I ever made.

I've never heard of anything like that happening in my life.

I just want to tell you, that was my best decision, too.

(conversation continues)

Mavis: I can't even believe it.

I take you in off the street.

I give you a hot meal every day.

Numbers don't lie.

So, you didn't steal the money?

No, ma'am.

You sure?

Because if this was "Millionaire,"

I'd ask you, "Is that your final answer?"

Well, is it?

Yes, ma'am.


Yes, ma'am?

If you are lying to me about this and I find out you're lying to me, I'm not just going to fire you.

I'm going to turn you over to the police, and I'm not playing with you.

You know I will do it.

My mama's car is bust.

So, you did it.

Only because her car is bust and she said she would...

Tell me, why is your mother's car busted?

Tell me. Why?

She wrecked it.

Driving drunk.

Yes, ma'am.

And she told you to do this?

She told you to steal from me?

No, ma'am.

Don't you see?

You keep letting her take hold of you like this, she's just going to drag you down with her.

But what's she going to do if I can't bring the money...

What's she going to do? I don't care what she does.

You're the one I care about!


I'll pay it back.

You damn right, you're going to pay it back.

You going to work every Sunday for the next four Sundays cleaning up that basement until we get organized for the renovation.

Now, you get that?

Yes, ma'am.

Now, get on out of here.

Help David with those glasses.

Yes, ma'am.

(chattering, laughing)
Don't be mad.

I'm a lightweight.

I'm not mad, baby. I'm not mad.

I know that face, Kevvie.

Girl, you can't even see my face.

Sure, I can. I see both of them.

(both laugh)

Oh, you sang so good tonight.

You did, too, baby, better than that girl at Smokey Joe's.

Oh, I was so proud when those guys sent those sh*ts.

You know, gay men know good singing.



Well, I only sang that good 'cause I was singing to you.


Let's take a pregnancy test.

Uh, why don't we just do it in the morning?

I want to take one now.

I got to pee anyway.

All right, come on.

Yes. Ooh!

Charity: Hurry up!

Kevin: Just hold on for a second.

Have you tried to open one of these things?


You're the best husband ever.





I can't see.

Let me help, okay?

I love you.

Love you, too.


Why can't we just make a donation to his campaign?

The thought of you rattling around in that old tin thing...

I know it worries you.

Worries me? It agonizes me.

Do you know that I still have nightmares about that storm on the way to Cabo?

I thought that old plane was just going to break in half.

Well, it's just a half-hour flight.


Unfortunately, this is one of those trips where I have to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

And Caesar wants money.

Well, this Caesar wants respect.

How can I put this?

Is this where you're going to make a big, fancy argument about why you need to give your loving wife a heart attack?

Oh, stop.

All right, go ahead.

Senator Banks, in order to ascend the earthly heights he has, made a number of bad deals.

He promised his black constituents that he would fight for their rights.

Once he got in office, he promised his white peers that he wouldn't fight too hard.

Cashed in his credibility earned on the front lines of the movement for a seat at a table Jesus Christ would've overturned in a fit of rage.

In short, in search for his earthly power, he's distanced himself from his race, from his religion, I'm guessing even his own soul.

And he won't be happy until everybody else does the same.

Misery loves company.


In this case, it demands it.

Then it's settled.


I'm coming with you.


And risk the unfriendly skies?

Well, I do need a new dress, and they have that Chanel boutique at the Nashville Nordstrom's, so...



Well, how about that?

Oh, that's good.

Oh, you do have such healing hands.

(exhales) So, you get high?

Why wouldn't I?

I don't know.

Just 'cause you're, like, serious.

I am serious.

And I'm about to get seriously high.


That's right.

I'm equal opportunity serious.

We should get back in before Pastor Ramona checks back in.

What should I do with this?

Just toss it.



We're locked out.

Run that way. Run that way.

Come on!

(Isabel exhales)

Noah: Mmm!

I'll go get some to-go boxes.

I always order too much.

I do the same thing.

Was this okay?


She's great.

Isn't she?

I'm really, really lucky.

It's just amazing to feel like you've found the person you're going to be with, that that's done.

I bet.


When you left 20 years ago, I was a jerk. I'm sorry.

No, you weren't a jerk.

Yeah, I was.

It's been driving me crazy ever since you got back.

It just took me by surprise.

Like, it came out of the blue.

You want to leave, then you're gone.

But you were right, obviously, and I'm happy now.

I just want to clear the air and say I'm sorry.

That's it.

What did I miss?

I was just singing your praises.

(cell phone ringing)


Excuse me.



Woman: Pastor Greenleaf?

This is she.

It's Danielle Turner.


Shh, shh.


Excuse me?

Where y'all coming from?

We were trying to get to the movie room, but ended up in the Family Life Center by mistake.

And the doors were locked, because I guess they didn't want the homeless people coming after us.

So, we went out the back exit and we came around.


All right.

(radio chatter)

Y'all get back in there.

God is good.

All the time.

(kids giggling)



That's not true!

I know. I was there.

Okay, the shade was, like, all over the place, okay?

They was throwing all kind of shade.

Girl: Yeah, she did.

Really? Who was it, then?

Nuh-uh, that is not on me.

Boy: No, no, no, no.

Girl #2: That's your friend.

Pastor Greenleaf?


Yeah, that's me.

Thanks for calling.

How'd you find my email?

Church directory.

Does your mom know you're here?


She thinks I'm at a friend's house.

What do you want?

All right, everybody! Closing time.

Y'all know the rules.

Time to get out.

And you two, no driving.

I want to make sure y'all get to Graceland tomorrow.

David, see them out. Make sure they get a cab.

Yes, ma'am.

Get out of here safe.

Good night! (giggling)

We're good.

Night, Miss McCready.

Night, fellas.

Kenny, good night. Take care of yourself. Be safe.

Kenny: All right. Get yourself some rest tonight.

All right.

What the hell are you doing here?

I'm just checking up on my sister.

Get the hell out of my place.

I saw the mayor today, Mavis.

He mentioned your expansion plans.

Did he, now?

Yeah, because he still thinks of us as family.

Ain't that something?

You better get out of here.

I've got some friends on the Landmarks Commission who've had their eye on this building for a while now.

Guess it used to be an abolitionist newspaper back in the 1850s.

Well, they've talked in the past about taking this place over, making it into a museum or something.

I own this place outright.

I know that. They know that.

But there's also such a thing as eminent domain, and what with all this heat around Kenny Collins, I know the mayor's looking for ways of showing he's all about the black folks.

And what the hell are you all about?

You want to keep your club?

You want to keep strutting up and down Beale Street like some kind of cheap-ass Jesus to these $3.00 ticket scratchers?

Tell Gigi to leave it alone.


I don't know how you got to be the way you are.

I don't know if Daddy did something I don't know about...

maybe Mama.

I don't know, I don't care.

God knows I had my share of pain from them, but I didn't go handing it on like it was some kind of gift.

Now, it's one thing to be sick.

It's another thing to go walking around peacocking about it.

From what I remember of my Bible, that kind of prancing is reserved for Satan.

You... you ain't gonna win this time.

This time, brother, you going down.



He came to my house a few times, talked to my mom.

That's it.

Nothing you said in your first statement to the police happened?


Mr. McCready never took you to the church's camp at Blue Basin?


He never touched you?


He never did anything.

I've never even been alone with him... ever.

So, why did you say he r*ped you?

I wanted attention.

Danielle, what you said in your first statement...

Mac actually did to my sister... not just once, a lot... until she couldn't take it anymore and she told me all about it.

So, I told our parents, and they didn't believe me.

And I said, "Ask Faith. She'll tell you."

And you know what?

She said it hadn't happened, just like you.

Why do you think she did that?


Maybe she was scared.

Of what?

Ruining everything for everybody.

Yeah, that makes sense.

But you know what?

Because she went back on her story, because she didn't tell the truth, Mac went on and did the same thing to other girls.

And my sister...

What happened?

She never got over it.

She k*lled herself.

Trying to keep from ruining everything ruined everything.

I don't know what to tell you.

I'm sorry about what happened to your sister, but it never happened to me.

Please just leave my family alone.

Danielle, is somebody making you change your story?

I got to go.

Danielle, please!

I know it happened.

We both know it happened.

It didn't happen.

It didn't.

Just looks that way.

Really, it... it was all my fault.


Oh, I can stop reading.

You don't have to.

Ever been to anything like this?


Did you have fun?

Yeah, it was okay.

Zora told me you go to Excellence.


That's a hard school.

It is. Yeah, it's intense.

I'm actually reading this for school.

It's not even for history, though.

The math teacher just makes us read stuff.

Mind if I ask you a question?

Um, yeah, I guess.

Are you saved?

There's no right or wrong answer.

Do I have to be to be in youth group?


I believe.

Now, most kids here say they believe, but I don't know if they really do.

It's not my job to search people's hearts.

I believe you're God's child.

And I know his spirit lives inside of you.

How do you know?

I just do.

I see it.

I'll let you get back to your book.


I like the braids, by the way.

Oh, thanks. Zora did them.

See you in the morning.


(mouthing words)

(whispers) Oh, my God.


Hey, are you okay?


Do you need anything?

Could have caught my limit by now.


Every time we fly, it's the same thing.

We just sit here for hours and hours.

It is never hours and hours.


We better get moving now if we're going to make this lunch.

Conrad, tell me something good.

I wish I could, sir.

Mae: Every time.

Every single time.

Mae, will you just stop?

Every single time it's something with this gimcrack piece of trash.

We ain't going nowhere today.

What's the problem this time?

It looks like a fuel leak, but we can't seem to find it.

I'm happy it's leaking, because they need to take that horse to the glue factory.

Look, we need to get to Nashville.

Senator Banks is waiting on us.

Well, you could fly commercial.

Oh, no! Uh-uh.

Excuse me.

Marcus, we're going back home!

I'm sorry, sir. It's an old plane.

Just forget it.

You want me to call Banks's office?


I want you to get me a new jet.

Wow. Really?

At least they threw it in the trash. Hey!

Hey! What's going on?


Someone started a fire in the Dumpster last night.

No big deal.

Ooh, shades of 1992.



Oh, thanks.

So, you're here to pick up Sophia?

Oh, no, Kerissa is getting the girls, taking them straight to soccer.

I need to talk to you.

Got a minute?



(clears throat)

So, how'd it go?

Really well, I think, for the first night of the program.


Quiet's good.

Yes, it is.

We make a heck of a team.

Yeah, uh, got some big news last night.

Yeah? What about?

Charity and I are having a baby.


Thank you. Thank you.

You don't have any kids, do you?

No. No, no. It's just me.


Yeah, it's pretty wild.

Yeah, I should probably go wrap things up so we can get out of your way.

Of course. Do what you got to do.




What? What I'd do?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I realized something last night.

Our relationship as we know it... the relationship that we started... is dead.

We need to get to help.

Help like, uh... like what, therapy?


I'm not going to therapy.

I'm not.


So, why didn't you tell me?

At that age?


You would have k*lled Mac, or said something, at the very least.

I knew Daddy was set to pay for your school.

I didn't want to mess that up.

So, I lied.

I said we should be free to see other people.

That wasn't what I wanted to do, but I said it.

You were right to be angry.

What I was saying didn't make any sense.

You didn't do anything wrong, Noah.

I did.

I'm so sorry.

So, that's why you're here.

♪ Get your house in order ♪
♪ Oh, do it right away ♪
♪ For Jesus is coming ♪
♪ No man knows where or when ♪
♪ Get your house in order ♪
♪ For he's coming ♪
♪ Back again. ♪