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01x02 - The Baptism

Posted: 06/23/16 09:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Greenleaf.

You preaching on Sunday?

I don't preach anymore.

Driver: You are Grace Greenleaf, ain't you?


Promise me you're not here to sow discord.

Because Jesus wants to welcome you home!

Now he's the senior senator from Tennessee.

I think he's coming to ask me about David Nelson, that trigger-happy cop, but I've never even met the man.

Banks: The Senate is launching an inquiry into whether your church and others like it are taking advantage of your tax-exempt status.

Kerissa: You better tell that little side piece to stop texting so damn much.

You didn't lose my sister, Mama.

You gave her away!

Mavis: One of the cops who works around here told me about a 15-year-old girl from the church.

He did it again?

Just like Faith.

Mavis: I don't think he ever really stopped.

(car horns honking)

So, what's in here?

Mavis: Girl's name, phone number, address, statements... the ones she made the first time and when she recanted.

He just gave this to you?

He is a she, and she gets it.

Your Uncle Mac r*ped this child.

Now, Gigi, God's giving you a second chance.

Take it.

♪ Amen ♪
♪ Amen ♪


♪ Well ♪


♪ Amen, amen, ooh. ♪

No human being's ever been perfect since Jesus.

He was the only one.

Expecting people to be perfect is... is like... expecting an apple to taste like a cheeseburger.

And when you're disappointed in people, the one you should turn to is God.

This life that's given us is not about perfection... it's about love.


(birds chirping)


Man: That's the last of the boxes. Can you sign here for me?

What do you want me to do with these?


(phone ringing)


Pastor Greenleaf!

Good morning!

Bishop Greenleaf, hey.

I hope I'm not interrupting your prayer time or anything like that.

Nope, just finishing up.

What's up?

I'm putting you in charge of the deacon board as of right now.


Because it's time.

What's he want?

Your mother thought this was news you'd feel blessed to receive.

Yeah, I... I do.

I just wasn't expecting it.


I'm sorry. One second. Kerissa is...

What? - What does he want you to do?

Take over the deacon board.

Well, just say yes.

Thank you and yes.

But the deacons don't respect me.

How about you make them respect you?

Jacob, with Grace home, now is the time for you to step up, not back.

Can't wait to get started.

Bishop: Good!

Carry on.

Man on radio: As we get more information, we of course will keep you updated as to the developments in the Kenny Collins sh**ting. Later in this broadcast we'll hear from expert...

Just dropping off my daughter.

Thank you.

I hate my legs.

Oh, come on, you look great.


Dad might be calling you.


He wants to know why you didn't take the job at "20/20" and why we moved here and not New York.

I think he's worried I'm going to turn into some kind of religious fanatic.

Okay, I'll talk to him. Wow.

Honey, your legs are fine.

You're beautiful.

Have a great first day, okay?

So, we have prison outreach, campus outreach, youth outreach, and homeless outreach.

That's a lot of outreach.

Well, the Lord has done a lot of reaching out to Calvary, amen?


So, we got to be passing it on.

Yeah. Hey.

Jacob: Grand tour, huh?

Yes. Very impressive.

Hey, Pop.

Alexa, can you stop by my office when you're done here?

I need some help resetting my password.

Yeah, sure.

Okay, thanks.

Grace, great to have you back, sis.

Thank you.

All right, so here's your Calvary cell and some literature about our programs.

And then I had the response coordinator schedule just one meeting today.

Who is she meeting?

Betty Wilcox.

Ah, the Bishop's Roundtable.

Which is...?

It's a club for members who give $10,000 or more over and above their tithe.

So, round like nice round number, huh?

There's nothing wrong with recognizing those whose faith inspires them to great deeds.

Not everybody made it into the Bible.

Call if you need anything.

Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

Where'd you find her?

She used to date a center with the Memphis Grizzlies.

You wanted that NBA money.

I wanted an executive secretary with a heart for Jesus.


Watch that cynical habit of thought.

Good morning, Darlene.

Good morning, Bishop.


After you, Pastor.


I just wanted to give a little advice.

Now, we both know you were a heck of a preacher.

Oh, I was fine, Daddy.

No, no, no.

You were on the path to be my equal or surpass me.

And who knows? It may come to that.

But this isn't preaching.

This is ministry.

From what Jacob tells me, it's pretty much just directing people to the right program or auxiliary.

And that is not untrue.

But what your brother, as usual, fails to comprehend is that when you're the response pastor, you are the face of the church with a capital "C".

You are the first person these people down here experience when they're looking for help from above.

That's not as glamorous as preaching, but it's more important.

So, what's your advice?

Before you pick up the phone, before you dial a number, before you set an appointment, before you feed a dollar into that machine at the end of the hall, before you do anything, check your heart and make sure that you're acting from love, because Jesus never did anything, Gigi, that wasn't dipped down in and dripping with love for human beings.

We are his beloved.

I'll be nice to Sister Wilcox.

That's all I'm asking.


And put something up on these walls.

I feel like I'm losing a little faith just sitting in here.

And, you know, Jacob was right about one thing.


It's good having you back.

Darlene... the combination of the colors of that dress against the tone of your skin is a good...


Recording: You have three new messages.

(music playing)

Woman: Hi! This fall, Broadway is coming to Memphis and you're...


Man: Hey, this is David Nelson.

I've been trying to reach Bishop Greenleaf for a month or so.

I've left messages and never heard back, so I thought I'd try this number.

If someone from the church could give me a call back, I'd appreciate it.

Just have a couple questions.

1,000 meters above sea level, this is the air pressure.

What I want to know is how would you use the FTC to determine the air pressure at sea level?

(keyboard clicking)

Mr. Davis... is there some breaking news about the calculus you're tracking?

Uh, no, I'm just going over some last-minute logistics for the march.

Mr. Davis, we all understand the import of the Kenny Collins case, and I applaud the way you're taking a part in the public response, but...

(bell rings)

Well, there it is.

Thank you, Jesus.

Read chapter four in Boyer and do worksheet 17 for tomorrow.

And remember, what do we do?

Students: Show your work.

Miss Greenleaf.


You can read chapter one of Du Bois tonight, too, and respond.

Is that a math book?

No, but it's required reading in any class of mine.

One page.

Welcome to Black Excellence.

Alexa: They want everything... audited financial statements, names of all church board members, a list of all executive compensation, housing allowances, credit card statements, a list of all vehicles owned by the church, all properties, all church bank accounts, investments, an explanation of how church funds are distributed, and an accounting of all donations made since 2010.

That all?

Well, he won't be getting any of that.

Okay, so what do you want me to tell Senator Banks's office?


Don't even respond?

Nope. See, we're going to give Senator Banks a gift, Alexa.

We're going to help him see the limits of his earthly jurisdiction.

Now, my guess is at first it's going to be painful, but when Senator Banks realizes with holy relief that he needn't trouble himself any further with how we do things in the garden of the Lord, he's going to be soothed.


I'm just going to draw my line and say, "Satan, no further."


Good. Thank you.

Carry on.

Like I would give him any of that.


That boy must have a demon.

Well, what can I do for you two today?

My granddaughter needs baptizing.

Oh, good! Okay, well, that's nice and simple.

I am sure you are looking forward to decorating in here.

There's so much freedom.

All right, here we go.

And what is this young lady's name?



And you're her grandmother?

That's correct.

Okay. Excellent. Her mother is...

She's on vacation.


And her father?

He's not a part of this family.


And when were you hoping to do this?


Is that a problem?

You don't want to wait until your daughter is back from vacation?

Is it a requirement that she should be present?

I talked with Darlene and she never mentioned that to me.

No, I just... does your daughter even know that you're baptizing her baby?

You know, I probably need to see the bishop about this.

I'm sure that he will have no problems with it.

No, that's not necessary.

I was...

(Erica fussing)

Let's get this one on the books, shall we?

Ms. Wilcox, this is exciting.

Jacob: Hey.

You never came and found me.

I just got done.


What's unforgettable?

Your new password. "Unforgettable."

I didn't really forget my old one.


I wanted to know if I could come over tomorrow night.

I have to lead the meeting of the deacon board, and I can tell Kerissa it ran late.

Do you want me to make food?

No, just make the bed.


Well, what do you think?

Is it good enough for a day with Lady Mae?

It's lovely.

Rather small.

Seems as if he's given us three nuts.

You have two, unless one is hiding.

Oh, well.

I can have Philippe size up the portions if that's an issue.

Unfortunately, it is.

You and I eat sensibly, but not every woman does.

Now, this chef is a friend of yours?

Jacob and I see him socially, yes.

Oh. A bit of a miniaturist, isn't he?

Well, what is your message going to be this year?

We're all wondering.

Proverbs 31... the virtuous woman.

But don't tell, of course.

Oh, I would never.

Will Grace attend, you think?

Why wouldn't she?

Oh, no reason.

It's just that, you know, she's independent...

I think she'd know that her presence would be required.


I have to admit, when Jacob told me that she decided to stay and serve the church again, I was confused.

This salmon will be properly sized, won't it, though?

I mean, it won't be...

If it's not, we will serve two and we'll call it a salmon duet.

So creative.


Anyway, I was actually confused...

So you said.

Yes, just about why Grace is choosing to serve the church again when her beliefs are obviously not in line with anything that I understand as doctrine, that's for sure.

The bishop believes she has a call, and in matters of spiritual discernment, I follow his lead.

Has she expressed an interest in preaching again?

(sighs) Oh, my...

Well, I'm only asking because...



Strength like yours, dear, is best expressed in stillness.

And then we go out to "Onward, Christian Soldiers."


Nigel, can we discuss the postlude?

I've got an appointment I've got to get to.

Yeah, I was just thinking that maybe we could try something different.

For the seven years that I've been choir director, we've done "Christian Soldiers" for postlude, or have I been dreaming?

No, you've been wide awake.

Nigel: We are not changing the postlude.

Nigel, as Minister of Music, I'm well within my rights to ask you to modify the order of worship.

I only let you run things to be nice.

So why stop now?

Because "Christian Soldiers" is a boring old hymn and we're over it.


You two decide how you want to shatter a liturgical structure that I've spent nearly a decade building in the hearts of our members.

Just let me know what song my choir should sing as it crashes down and then I'll pick up the pieces.


What got into you today?

Oh, I don't know.

Can you keep a secret?

I never told anybody that one...

Now, Wanda...

Kevin and I are trying to have a baby.

I'm getting my mama on.

Well, look out, Calvary.

Right? Amen.

And how many nights a week would y'all be needing the space?

Wednesdays and Fridays.

Okay. That works.

And how many...


...clients does your organization generally host per night?

Usually about 75 to 100.

Okay. Men? Women? Families?

Most of our partners like to alternate.

Men one week, women and children the next.

You'd give them dinner, a bed, breakfast, and we'd be out of your space by 9 A.M.

Okay, then. Let's do it.

Really? It's that simple?

We're a church. This is what we do.

That is... that is fantastic.

I look forward to working with you, Kevin.

Yeah, me, too.

Well, um...

I hope to see you soon.

Yeah, same.

Well, congratulations.

I couldn't be happier for you both.

Hmm? All the time.

Okay, bye, now.

What house they buy?

That big gray one on Martin Road in Germantown near where Morgan Freeman's place used to be.


Horace and Clara Jackson bought that house?

With cash.

While the Lord makes do with that old rickety jet of ours.

Oh, Mae.

It's interesting, that's all.
(knock on door)

Oh. What can I do for you, Pastor?

Come on.

You said at dinner the day that we buried Faith that David Nelson never contacted you, never called.

He hadn't, far as I know.

Okay, well, I found a message on my phone this morning from him saying that he tried reaching you over and over again.

Well, this is the first I've heard of it.

Some folk around here sometime make an effort to protect me from my own heedless integrity.

I'm sure whoever took those calls thought that having an association with that officer might be bad for the church and didn't inform me.

So what do you want me to do?


What about passing it on?

What about pearls before swine?

A man is allowed to be discerning.

A pastor is required to be.


How'd it go with Sister Wilcox?

Great. She's coming in tomorrow so you can baptize her granddaughter.


Bishop: You can do it.

Oh, no, she'd much prefer that you did it.

Just baptize the baby.

'Cause she's Bishop's Roundtable?

Because it's your job... a job that you asked for and that your father gave you.

This is what I meant, Gigi, when I was talking about the difference between preaching and pastoring.



I told you this was a mistake.

Oh, my God, Nikki was so T.T. last night.

Rashan was like, "Please, get your girl!"

Did y'all see how she was all over that guy from Raleigh-Egypt?

Right? And she really thought she was piping it up, though.

Like, I was like, "Honey, boom."

Have several seats.

What's T.T.?

You've never heard T.T.?


Where's she from again?



It's, like, when you're, you know, like too turnt.

Yeah, too turnt up?

Oh, yeah. Got it.

How do y'all say it in Arizona?

Um, I mean, I'd...

I guess we'd say...



Girls: Oh!

Both: Crunk, crunk.

Crunk, crunk, crunk, crunk.


It's just a joke.

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ 1, 2, and crunk ♪
♪ Crunk, crunk, crunk ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪


Woman: Could you state your name, please?

Danielle Turner.

Woman: And your age?


Woman: Can you tell me about the night between you and Mr. McCready?

He took me out to the church's camp.

He said he was just going to teach me how to fish.

Then when I threw out the fishing pole, he took it out of my hand.

And then he started kissing me.

Woman: And what happened after that?

I told him to stop.

Woman: And what did he do?

He just kept kissing me harder and harder.

It hurt.

Then he put his hands down my pants and...

Woman: It's okay. Take your time.

I told him I'd tell.

He didn't care.

Woman: Mr. McCready wasn't at all concerned that you might tell someone what he had done to you?


Why not?

He said no one would believe me.

Uh-huh. Yeah, I miss you, too.

Well, I knew you staying over was going to be trouble.

(knock on door)

Well, no, it was a good trouble, but, I mean, I'm here and you're there, so...

(knock on door)

Hey, let me call you right back. Someone's at the door.

Oh, hey, Gigi.

Hey, is it too late to stop by?

No. What's up?

You sure this isn't a bad time?

No. I was just on the phone with Isabel.

What's going on?

Oh, nothing. It can wait. It can wait.

No, if it's something quick.

Okay, yeah.

Come on in.

I wanted to know what happens if someone lodges a legal complaint or a civil suit against someone in the church?

Does that go through your office?

Is that something security handles?

Only if the initial incident occurs on church property.

Why? Something happen today?

No. No, I was just wondering where the records on stuff like that are kept.

I'm just getting situated.

Oh, okay, cool.

Yeah, no, I'm only the point person if something happens like a break-in or a cold snap and someone slips on the ice.

Are you sure everything's okay?



I'm sorry to bother you so late.

No, no. It's no bother, really.


And please apologize to Isabel for me.

I... or not. Whatever, you know.

I will. You got it.




All right, time for you to sleep.

I should, but I can't.

What's the matter?

I've done three hours of homework and I have another hour to go on this.

I've gone from being the only black girl at an all-white school to being the only white girl at an all-black school.

I have to wear a school uniform that makes me look like a hippo, and you still haven't explained why we moved here to be with all these people that you hate.

No, I don't hate anybody.

You stayed away for 20 years.

Yeah, and when we talked about staying, I told you that that was a mistake.

Well, it was your mistake.

It wasn't mine.

I want to live with Dad.

You told him that?

No, but I'm going to... as soon as I finish my homework, which will be never.

"Do you desire to have ect this child baptized?"

"Do you desire to have this child baptized?"

"Do you promise with your prayers and witness to help this child grow into the full stature of Christ?"


"Do you promise with your prayers and witness..."

"Do you promise with your prayers and witness to help this child grow into the full stature of Christ?"

Sure. Why not?


Yes, Pastor?

Where can I get a robe or a garment to do this baptism?

Erica Jane Wilcox, I baptize you in the name of the Father...

...of the Son...

...and of the Holy Ghost.


May I?


Oh, yes.

Welcome to the family of God.

(horn honks)

(distant car horns honking)

(elevator bell dings)

Pastor Greenleaf?

You can call me Grace.

Thanks for coming... and calling.

No problem.

I'm just sorry it took so long for someone from the church to get back to you.


Come on in.

Thank you.

Is this where you live?

Good evening. God is good.

All: All the time!

Bishop asked me to apologize to all of you for him not being able to be here, but also asked me to encourage you to forge ahead without him.

In that case, a little heads up.

Deacon Sykes.

There are a number of items on the agenda tonight that we would need the bishop here to resolve, so...

Like what?

Well, tardiness in the service.

We're having a real hard time getting the 8:00 crowd out of the parking lot and the 11:00 crowd in.

And why is this something that can't be resolved without the bishop?

Because his morning announcements are the biggest cause of the delay.


Well, how about we table that?

Is there anything you feel we could take action on?

I know outreach has a presentation they'd like to make about their homeless initiative.

Yes, but I wouldn't feel comfortable moving forward without the bishop here.

But let me see.

I can read my report from the Women on the Move conference in Chicago.

It's quite inspiring.

You know what?

How about you just email that to the group, Deacon?

Oh, but the women of the church...

We can let outreach make their presentation and we can all get home to our families.

How's that?

If you think that's best.

Outreach, you have the floor.

All right.

Cops used to be heroes.

Now we're like antibodies.

Body gets sick, body sends in antibodies to deal with it.

After the sickness is taken care of, the body expels the antibodies or destroys them.

You feel expendable.

Apparently, I am.

I mean, the same people that used to give me sweet potato pies and poundcakes, they're all out there all night in front of my house screaming at me.

So why were you trying to reach my father?

Did you just want to talk?

No. My lawyer is getting worried that the DA is going to press charges just to settle down the protest.

That must be pretty scary.

Yeah. (sighs)

She wants me to make like a public apology.

Says it will look good if I have somebody from my church standing with me when I make a statement as my spiritual advisor.

I guess I was wondering if
that's something he would be willing to do.

Do you want a spiritual advisor or you just want someone to stand behind you and act like one?

At this point, whatever works.


I was wondering... if you'd take a look at something for me.

Where'd you get this?

What's the matter?


Have you changed your mind?

If you have, just tell me now.

No, I haven't changed my mind.

I want to do this. Look, I want a family.

So, what's the matter?

You want to wait? We've got three days.

No, it's not that.

It's just...

What's the problem?

How do we know?

How do we know what?

That this... that this will be a good thing.

Look, Charity, maybe I'm not perfect.

I'm not perfect either.

I don't think any parent ever was.

But, Kevin, we've got something going for us that your parents didn't have, my parents don't have, something most couples don't have.

What's that?

We're friends.

We are best friends, and we're going to do this better than anybody ever.

I just don't ever want to hurt somebody that I love so much.

You won't.

That's "x" right there.

What's "x"?

That. That's your answer.

I will never use this. When does my brain have...

What's up there?

Faith's old room.

They moved all the stuff from her apartment into it yesterday, all in boxes.

Oh, check this out.

You should put that back.

Maybe in a few days.

What's "Little Saints"?

Children's church.

It's like Sunday school.

Aunt Faith used to lead it before she moved out.

So what do you think?

Is there any way to reopen a case like this?

Yeah, uh, not really.

I mean, her going back on her story the way that she did?

She made herself an unreliable witness.

And what if I can prove that the second statement was coerced?

I'm not a lawyer, but as my daddy used to say, that might could work.

(dog barking)

(crows cawing)

Janice Turner?


I was wondering if I could talk to you for a few minutes about Danielle.

Why? What do you want?

My name is Grace Greenleaf and I'm a pastor at Calvary Fellowship.

Go in the house, DeAndre.

We don't go to Calvary no more.

I know, and I know why.

I know what happened to Danielle.

Girl: Who is it, Mom?

Nobody. Stay in your room.

Nothing happened to Danielle.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Miss Turner, I know that she gave a statement to the police, and I know that she changed her story.

Now, if I could just talk to her about why.

Leave my family alone.

(door slams)


Yes, ma'am?

Oh, you're just the man I'm looking for.

Do you and Isabel have a venue yet?

For the wedding? No.

Perfect! I want you to have it at the house.



Well, you remember Jacob and Kerissa's wedding, don't you?

All those tents out on the lawn?

We want to do it all just like that.

And don't worry, darling. We'll pay for it.

I don't know if I can accept. That's...

Noah, your father worked so hard for us all those years.

Now, you, you're family.

It's only right.

I'm just mad at myself because I didn't think of it sooner.

Okay. Thank you. I'll tell Isabel.

Oh, I wish I could see her face when she hears.

You know, she's so lovely.

Yes, she is.

Oh, and, Noah?

Yes, ma'am?

I've always felt that we have a bond because of our shared affection for Gigi.

If you get any sense that she's having a hard time adjusting here or doing anything, you know, out of the ordinary, you be sure to let me know, won't you?

Yes, ma'am. Certainly.


(chatter, laughter)

Faith: So, when we start getting all upset at our friends and our parents for not being perfect, we're missing the point.

No human being's ever been perfect since Jesus.

Expecting people to be perfect is like... is like expecting a cheeseburger to taste like an apple.

That's not just crazy.

It's kind of gross, right?

And when you're disappointed in people, guys, the one you should turn to is God.

Just hanging out with God will show you how to forgive those imperfect people.

This life that's given us is not about perfection...

(geese honking)'s about love.



What you doing down here?


Better day today?





Somebody came by here asking about you and Danielle.



She said she was a Greenleaf.

Grace Greenleaf?

Yeah. We had a deal.

I'll handle it.

What if she comes back here?

She won't, trust me.

I'll handle her.

♪ I've been shot up and shook down ♪
♪ I've been turned away and turned around ♪
♪ With nobody to call my own ♪
♪ In this mean old world alone ♪
♪ Many, many nights I cried ♪
♪ Somebody was on my side ♪
♪ Down in my soul I knew ♪
♪ Some way I'd get through ♪
♪ Lookin' back, now I see ♪
♪ Somebody was watching over me. ♪