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01x01 - Arrangement in Grey and Black

Posted: 06/22/16 21:31
by bunniefuu
Woman: Are you ready for this?

What is a pre-interview, anyway?

I think it's just Alison's PR people reminding us not to say anything idiotic.

All right, but they're not actually going to interview me, are they?

I don't think so.

You'll be in the family photo, so your fake-smile game better be on point.


Man: You like that?

Wildly insincere.

Man: Well, I know it's not good.

Woman: It's not t*rture!

Man: I know.


You have to sell it.

"I love this family!"

"This is not a family of lunatics."

Like this.


(LAUGHS): Okay.

Yeah, yeah, that's convincing.



Woman: Did you hear that?

No. Hear what?


Ovulation app.


Today's the day.

Today's the day.

All right.

Should we do it at my parents' house? Just to see if we could get away with it?

Man: No. That's a terrible idea.

Woman: Live a little!

Where's your sense of adventure?


♪ ♪


Did you take Garrett's picture off the wall?

He's still part of this family.

Just for today, okay?


Honey, did you order a walking Norman Rockwell painting?


Never gets old.

Woman: You girls look so pretty!

Man: Hi, sweethearts. Here you go.

Tom, how are you?


This is Naomi, my new campaign manager.

Six weeks to go... I had to bring in the best.

It's lovely to meet you, Mr. Hawthorne.

As well.

Mrs. Hawthorne.

Please, come in.

It's stunning.

Thank you.

Ali, your brother just got here.

♪ ♪



How are you, Cam?

Oh, peachy.

You look good.



Where's Tessa?

Woman: We're here!

(LAUGHS): We're here, we're here.

Naomi: It is wonderful to meet you all.

Now, as you know, it is never easy to unseat the incumbent.

Even when he really deserves it.

So, the objective here is to invite the press in to get to know the Hawthornes.

The people of your district love their city councilor.

We need the people of Boston to love their potential new mayor and her family.

The key is keeping you relatable to working-class constituents who are growing disillusioned with Mayor Conley.

This family grew up working-class.

Tessa's a teacher and Brady's a police officer...

He actually just made detective.

Congratulations! That's fantastic!

Oh, that's wonderful!

And you know what else? Right here we have the creator of Roger's Cube.

An icon of the everyman.

And this is the first strip ever published.

He would read the comics every day and then draw his own beside them.

Now he's syndicated in 85 newspapers.

You gonna be an artist like your dad?

Actually, I want to be a medical examiner.

For the autopsies.

He's going through a phase.

So... are there any other rooms that are not quite as grand?

Sure. Um, we'll show you around.

Right now.


Shh, shh, shh.

(WHISPERS): Are you sure about this?

Ah, Tess.


This could work.

So, let's say I'm the interviewer.

Tell me about your career.

Sure. Well, uh, I'm an entrepreneur now, and...


You started your own business.

You work in construction.

We need to tap into the people that you were 20 years ago, before Hawthorne Concrete of Boston became...

Is that an original Pollock?

Yes, it is.

This isn't gonna work. It's too extravagant.

We need a change of venue.

What are you thinking? Stick to campaign headquarters?

That's our best bet.

(WHISPERS): Someone's coming.

Not yet. Not yet.



So... the little boy, the budding coroner... where's Mom?

Come on.

I need to know where all the bodies are buried.

She and Cam met in art school, bonded over their deep love of dr*gs, and along came Jack.

Cam finally got clean last year and is divorcing Sophie, who hasn't been clean for more than five minutes for as long as I've known her.



Is somebody in there?


We were just scrounging around for a snack.


Naomi: Oh, quick question, Detective.


Do you still have a regular police uniform you could wear for the photo op?

No. They, uh, they actually make you turn those back in.

Ah. That's too bad.



Just keep in mind that luxury reads on camera, so don't wear any articles of clothing that cost more than a hundred dollars.

Not a problem.

Also, your fly's down.

My... uh...

Naomi. We have an issue.


Part of the ceiling collapsed in a tunnel on the expressway.

Tell me Hawthorne Concrete didn't supply that part of the tunnel.

I wish I could.

Conley's gonna be all over this.

Yeah. This could be worse than the '06 collapse.


♪ ♪

Is that a belt?



I know, I know. Unbelievable.

Hmm. Happy hour start early in here?

Big find in the tunnel collapse.

A belt? How'd a belt get inside the tunnel?

Guessing somebody disposed of it after they used it in a m*rder.

Now, the prints come back to this guy.

He must have left it on the belt when he fought back.

Name's David Morales.

Does that ring a bell?


Brady, come on. A silver bell, maybe.

Yeah. Exactly.

I ran forensics on it.

A lot of stuff we got to cover.

We need coffees. Let's go.

♪ ♪

Alison: A man's belt?

Brady: Yeah. The prints on it match one of the victims of the Silver Bells k*ller.

They're running it for DNA now.

Oh, my God.

We've never had a Silver Bells m*rder w*apon.

It's the biggest lead on this case in years.

I thought you'd want to know ASAP.

Absolutely. Thank you.

Of course.

And, uh, Alison.

Catching this case would be a career-maker for me.

So if you happen to find yourself on the phone with the commissioner...

Of course.


We have an opportunity.

Stunning break tonight in the case of the elusive serial k*ller known as Silver Bells.

Rubble from the recent tunnel collapse revealed evidence connected to a victim k*lled back in 2002.

...a k*ller known for strangling his victims and leaving no trace at the scene except for his eerie calling card: a small silver handbell.

...six victims from 1999 to 2002, before the murders abruptly stopped and the case went cold.

Many of you remember the terror that gripped our city during that time.

I certainly do.

Though the murders stopped, the fear has never gone away, and it won't... until the Silver Bells k*ller is behind bars.

Unfortunately, we haven't got any closer to that under Mayor Conley's watch.

But if I am your mayor, I will make it my mission to work with law enforcement to crack this case once and for all, so that the citizens of Boston (SOFT GRUNTING) can sleep easy knowing that...




Dad? Are you all right?

Somebody call 911.

Call 911!



Alison: He was worried about the tunnel collapse.

Uh, w-we don't know that.

He was. I should have emphasized it was just the bolts, nothing to do with our family's concrete...

Hey, Ali, I know the world typically revolves around you, but I'm pretty sure your press conference didn't cause Dad's heart attack.

Actually, extreme stress can trigger cardiac arrest.

Jack, why don't you go play with the twins?

Do you know how many different microbes could be on that floor?

I think we should tell Garrett.

It's his father, too.

He should know what's going on.

Well, what do you think?

I think if he really cared, he would have left a forwarding address.

Or at least a phone number.

Oh, no.

♪ ♪


Hey, Mom.

(CHUCKLES): Hey, baby.

What are you doing here?

Sophie: I heard on the news he had a heart attack.

You should not be here.

Cam, I just wanted to be here for you.

Supporting you.

Look... we'll get through this, okay?

And then maybe we can talk about giving us another shot.


This is over, Soph.

It has to be.




Man: Hunting Hut. Closed now.

Uh, wait, please.

Call back in the...

This is Garrett Hawthorne's sister Tessa.

Yeah, I remember you. You called once before.

You as hot as you sound on the phone?

Our dad just had a massive heart attack and we don't know if he's gonna make it.

Give Garrett the message.




I'm here, Mitch. We're all here.

(WEAKLY): The tunnel.

That wasn't your fault... it was defective bolt anchors.

I'm sorry.

Shh. Honey, don't talk.

You need your rest.

Mom wants to spend the night here, with him.

I think we should stay at the house for the next few days.

She's gonna need support once she gets back.

Yeah, sure.

Jack and I are staying at the house, too. You know, till Soph finds a new place.

Great. So, maybe we'll all be together.


I'll be at my house.

But thanks.


♪ ♪


Tessa: Hey.


Oh, geez, you scared me.

What are you doing out here?

I'm just looking around.

For what?

Uh, pictures and stuff.

I thought I'd maybe bring it by the hospital.

Do you have a stash out here?

What? No.

It's just weed.

Don't lie to me.

It's not just weed.

Why would you, Cam?


You've made it almost a year.

Surprise, Tess, I'm a huge screwup.

Look. I'm not Alison, okay? I'm not gonna yell at you.

I'm not gonna judge you.

I'll help you find the dr*gs, and we'll throw them out.

Thank you.

ONE SMALL POINT: I actually have no idea where I put 'em.


Maybe I was thinking of the toolshed at the house down the Cape.

Cam, if you think I'm gonna give up and go to bed so you can find your stash and use, you can dream on.

I don't think I would've put it in Dad's stuff.

Well, you never know.




Oh, my God.

This can't be what it looks like.



Of course not.

Of course not.


So what's the explanation?

I mean, the box looks old.

It could have been here before we even moved in.

So, what, we bought the house from the Silver Bells k*ller?

I should tell Brady.

He's on the case.

He should be investigating the previous owner.

Oh, my God.


This is our newspaper.

I drew this.


Why would Dad cut these out?

Okay, look...

Look, the Silver Bells case was everywhere.

I mean, it was all over the news, right? I mean, people got fixated on it, became amateur sleuths, tried to crack the case. Dad could have done that.

I mean, he was into that true crime stuff.

Maybe that explains the articles, but the bells?

I don't know. Lo-Look, we'll... talk to Mom tomorrow.

Dad, if he's up to it.



God, I could really use that fix right now.

You and me both.

Morning, bud.


Can I show you my drawings?

Yeah, sure thing.

What you got?

This is someone with a heart attack, like Grandpa, if he died.

Wow. That's really detailed.

I'm impressed.

This one got strangled.

Like what Silver Bells does.

How do you know about that?

I borrowed Grandpa's iPad.

It's really interesting, because the ligature marks indicate that the victim...

What if you drew a picture of a man who could grow wings and fly?

People can't fly.

That's not real.

Roger's not real, and he's still fun to draw.

This one got disemboweled.

That's where all the guts come out.


♪ ♪


Have you seen Caramel?


My cat, Caramel. He's missing.

Have you seen him?

He's the color of caramel.

Oh, uh, no. I'm sorry.

Uh, I'll keep an eye out for him, okay?

Can I help you?

Hey, little sister.

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

How you doing, Tess?

How are you?

I'm good. Good.

How are you?

You know.

So, you got my message.


How is he?

Holding up.

It's been a bit scary.



I'm so glad you came.

Holy crap.

How you doing, Cam?

We were just about to go to the hospital to see Dad.


I'll give you a ride.

So... what've you been up to, Garrett?

I've been living in Maine.

Reading a lot of books.

Missed you at my wedding.

I got married, too.

You got to be kidding me.

How old are you now anyway?

I'm 27.

Where'd the time go?

Where did you go?

I already told you that.


Look who we hitched a ride with.

Madeline: You're here.

I don't believe it.

You're here.



Wow. You, uh... you look fancy.

What are you doing here?

Oh, you know, just picking up a prescription.

Well, these are my daughters, Harper and Violet.


You have a big beard.

Hey, old man.


He-he just shows up like it's nothing?


(QUIETLY): We have to tell Mom what we found.

I can't get it out of my head.


And if you don't do that, then I'm gonna...



Tessa: Dad.

Alison: Dad?

Everybody clear the room!

Tessa: My God.

Dad. Mom, what do we do?

Right away, please! Right now.

Thank you!

Mom, come on. - Mom.

Paddles. Clear.






What did you say?

Right before the alarms started beeping, you whispered to him.

What was it?

I told him that I was glad to see him... and that I loved him.

I'm glad you got a chance to say that.

Madeline: You're talking like he's dead.

He's not dead.

Yeah, vegetative state's pretty close.

Madeline: Nobody has used those words.

They said "coma."


There's still no sign of Caramel.

So I made flyers.

You could help by distributing them around the neighborhood.

This is a very traumatic time for me.

My condolences.

Tessa: Are you staying here, Garrett?

I'm sure you could stay in your old room.

Garrett: No, I'll sleep out back.

In the shed?

Not a good idea.


Why not?

Cam: There's no running water.

No heat.

I'm used to that.

Tessa: There are boxes everywhere.

There's no room.

Yeah, you can have a cot down cellar if you really want to deprive yourself.


Don't be silly.

You can have your old room.




You're weird.

All right.

It's okay.

I'm weird, too.

Did you know cicadas spend 17 years underground, and then emerge and immediately shed their shell?

They spend all that time building it, and then just leave it behind.

Do you know... that if you cut a worm in half, both sides stay alive?


Let me talk to your Uncle Garrett for a minute, okay?

You said you'd never come back.

I did.


Can you keep a secret?



We found... unknown DNA on the belt.

And if that matches someone in the system, then we have our Silver Bells suspect.


So what are these serial k*ller types like usually?

What do you mean?

Do they look like... you know, like, the movie version of a madman, or do they seem like just regular people?

It varies, you know.

A lot of them do look the part.

They're, uh... they're creepy.

They're antisocial types.

But then there are always guys like BTK.

"Bind, t*rture, k*ll."

His MO.

The crazy thing about him is that he was deacon in his church.

And a Scout leader.

Just a regular family man, so no one ever would've guessed.



Would you like a razor?



I'm used to this.

♪ ♪

Okay, look.

The Silver Bells murders suddenly stopped 14 years ago.

Do you remember what else happened 14 years ago?

Garrett left.

What if that's why he marooned himself out in the middle of nowhere?

To stop himself.

No, there has to be some other explanation.

When we were kids, Garrett was the sweetest.

He was the best guy.

He was homecoming king, remember? Tessa...

He was gonna marry Molly and have kids.


I-I mean, it doesn't make...


He was in the kitchen shaving with a hunting knife.

I just don't know what to do at this point.

We need a strategic thinker.

It'll be toxic for all of us.

Even if it turns out to be baseless.

Has to be some kind of sick joke.

God, I hope so.

You know what?

This could just be some elaborate setup by Conley for all we know.

What do you mean?

Well, think about it.

This hits the press, it destroys Dad's legacy, which destroys my campaign.

But look.

This is our newspaper from 1999.

Conley couldn't have planted it.

Oh, God.


Have you talked to Brady about this?

Not yet, but I...


But what if it's true?

What if Dad...

Come on. It's not possible.

Our dad?

The guy who dressed up as the Chicken Soup Fairy to cheer us up when we were sick?

What if it's Garrett?

He fits the profile more.

Listen to me. It's not anybody in this family.

There's another explanation.

Has to be.

You know what this is.

It's a November 6 problem.

Just put the box back.

Don't destroy it, don't move it, don't mention it.

Just leave it here, and we'll come find it again on November 6 and deal with it then.

But if we know something, we have a moral obligation to come forward.

This is a serial k*ller.

No. It's a weird box of bells.

We don't know what it means.

This will be toxic for all of us even if it turns out to be baseless.

You think the public schools are gonna keep a teacher who's possibly related to the Silver Bells k*ller?

Or all of your newspapers are gonna keep running your comic with this albatross around your neck?

So, do we agree?

We'll leave it alone for now?



You agree?






What did you do?

An experiment.

Garden shears can cut through bone.


Jack: Why are you so mad at me?

It was just an experiment.

That's what scientists do.

Because you hurt Caramel, and that's not okay.

Hey, Dad?


Can I watch the vet sew the tail back on?




Can you do me a favor?


Uh, Jack's in bed, but can you just keep an eye on him?

Okay. Why?

Wh... where are you going?

I just really want to go see Dad.

I think that it might help with, you know...

I don't know.


I'm sure Mom would love the company.





Ten more minutes, and then lights out, okay?



You scared me.


I barely recognized you.

It's good to see you, Tess.


You, too.

Why did you leave for so long?

I don't know.

But if it... weren't for you...

I might never have come back here.

We're not so bad, are we?

You're not.

Harper: Mommy, how old is Uncle Garrett?

Alison: Oh, uh, let me see.

He's 38.

Does he have a girlfriend?


I... don't know.

Why was he being mean to Grandpa at the hospital?

He wasn't being mean.

He was telling Grandpa he loved him.

That's not what he said.

Hey, old man.

What did you hear him say?

He said...

I'm gonna tell them it was you.




I'm here, Mitch.

I'm right here.

I think there's something wrong with Jack.

Of course there is.

He's half me, half you.




♪ ♪


We have to tell the truth.


Mitch, stop.

We have to.

You need your rest.



Just close your eyes... and relax.


I love you.

I can't breathe.







♪ ♪