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04x03 - Under Pressure

Posted: 06/21/16 15:29
by bunniefuu
Prosecutor: You've been through a lot, Joss.

Have you considered talking to someone professionally?

Previously, on "Mistresses"...

I'm not really looking for a partner.

Just imagine... You can do anything you want.

That's what I'm offering you.

I called off the wedding.

The good news is I'm going to stay here and find the true love of my life.

Woman: Your work just isn't at the level required to get into this program.

I was an artist once.

Just not who I am anymore.

That's my nanny.

Nanny? Really?

♪ I met someone to navigate me ♪

Okay, Vivian is down.

We have nothing to worry about.

You're such a good nanny.

We... we have to be really quiet.

Should we go in the bedroom?

No. Out here. Here is fine.

I think this is great.



Wait! Hold on!

Are we really gonna do this and change our professional relationship?

I vote yes... um, unless you vote no.

But... but, uh... you vote yes, right?

Yes? Yes? Yes?


Mm. Okay.

That's a yes.

Well, we were never really all that professional, anyway.


So, look, I know you've been thinking about the whole "What else could I maybe be doing with my life" thing.

I might have a solution.

What kind of solution?



"Soft Hat, Hard Hat: What's My Next Career"?

Yeah, I was talking to Jonah, and he said that he went through the same thing once, and that this really helped.

Jonah, the used-car salesman who now plays bass in the band?

That's who I'm getting advice from?

Hey. I flipped through it, April.

It's actually really cool.

It helps people who are burnt out rethink their goals and find their true mission in life.

There's something called the "Top Hat" exercise in here where you draw a hat that looks like the career you want... or careers.

You get it... wearing different hats?

[Giggles] That makes no sense whatsoever.

And I already know what I want and who I am.

I'm a mother, I own a store, and I'm not looking for a job.

Ah, that's... that's not what I...

The art thing didn't exactly pan out, but I don't need to draw or wear any hats.

If you want to draw hats, go right ahead.

Just a suggestion.

And sweet of you, okay? But I really don't need it.

Well, I'll leave the book here just in case.

I got to go... Off to find a date.


No, no.

Kate, honey, stop being so picky.

We're just looking for some dates, not a man to spend the rest of you life with.

"I've kissed a lot of frogs," isn't that the expression?

Kate: Wait, am I seriously doing this?

I was engaged to Brian two weeks ago, and now I've decided to move to Los Angles and start speed dating?

Is this such a good idea?

Yes, yes! It's a great idea.

Come on, no more moping around.

You need dates.

What's with this guy's hair?

I kind of like his hair.



Oh, guys, thanks so much for coming over and helping me with all this nonsense.

Are you kidding? Who doesn't love a good Saturday morning man-hunt?


Okay, so we've got, uh, dates booked at 5:00 and 7:00. Do you want to pack in one more?

Is three too many?

What if I really like the first one?

Simple... you just blow the other ones off.

Here. [Cellphone beeps]

Oh, my God. That's my manny.



Is that a problem? He's available, right?

Well, I don't know how available he is anymore.

We had sex last night.

And this morning, too.


I'm officially not giving you advice ever again.

You sleeping with your manny?

Is that such a good idea?

Yeah, what's the plan there, Karen?


Robert is amazing, but let's be realistic.

You know, it's not gonna go anywhere.

But for now, I guess I can have my manny, and sleep with him, too.

Ooh. Ooh.

Yeah, how was the sex?

No one warned me how uncomfortable sex would be post-baby.


I'm gonna pretend I didn't' hear that last part.



What's the big occasion, ladies?

Oh, nothing.

I just wanted the girls to get to know your sister a little better.

They come over to help me find dates.

On Shaggr?

Harry, relax.

Everybody's doing it, okay?

It's like, you know, going to a bar without leaving your house.

She just... hey, you just broke up with Brian.

Yes, and if she's moving here she has to meet some new people, make some friends.

It's better than her sitting in her room crying all day, okay?

She's having fun.

Fine. I'm staying out of it.


I'm out of here... way too much estrogen for one man.

Oh, Joss, come see this one!

[Laughter] Is that an ascot he's wearing there?



Who the hell organized this place?

I can't find a damn thing on my list.

[Sighs] It was all available online.

Sir, we are very organized.

If you would just let me see the...

Why, so you can tell me that it's only available online?

Sir, is there a problem?

Yes, there's a problem.

Nothing on the website is in the store.

Well, some items, like the throw pillows, are online exclusives from our warehouse, meaning if you want them you can purchase them online.

I need everything at my house by tomorrow.

I can't move forward with the designer with only half the list, and I have a big list.

Fine. Let me have it, and I'll get everything you need.

And deliver it to Malibu?

Normally we don't deliver, but since this is a large order I'll make an exception and deliver it myself.

You'd do that?

I'd be delighted to drive all the way to Malibu.

After all, this is my store.


Now, please, get out of my store.


I can be cranky. I'm the boss.

Yeah, it's weird, you know, 'cause it didn't really hurt when it happened, but then the next day, I had this... this gnarly bruise.

It was worse than usual. The pain was deeper.

Or I can't really explain it. It's just...

You have a stress fracture, which typically occurs from abnormal force on a normal bone.

Oh, okay. Um, well, that makes sense.

You take another hit to this rib, and you'll have a clean break.

Ooh. That does not sound good.

It's unbelievably painful, actually.

[Smacks lips] Okay.

Well, I was just, you know... pain doesn't really scare me all that much, so...

It should. Pain is generally a deterrent for people.

Look... feeling strong is very important... not only for your body, but for your mind.

Exactly, and it's not like this is some dumb exercise class.

I didn't say it was, but there is a fine line between self-empowerment and self-destruction.

And based on what I'm seeing here, I'd have to say that you're at a tipping point.


You need to take a break, Joss.

And what if I don't?

Well, then you'll find out the hard way.

Good luck.

[Door opens, closes]

Let me get that. You are so cute.

Suzie always gets foam on her mouth when she eats, too.


My cat.

Well, one of my cats.

I have five.

You remind me of Sadie, too.

I thought you said you were an animal lover.

Wow, that's cool.

So, what do you model?

Well, mostly very tasteful, erotic graphic novels.


Till I found that the real money is in illustrated sex manuals.

I just got to say... I love your accent.

You don't have to say that.

Oh, no, it's the truth.

You know, the best trip I ever took was to Australia.

I've been dying to go back.

And your accent is crazy cute.

Should we get some food?


Hey, just so you know, I am taking down my Shaggr profile, so you don't have to worry about that.

I'm not worried.

A guy's got to do what a guy's got to do.

As does a woman.

Oh, man, Vivian was so adorable today when you were at work.

We had the most epic tummy time.

Oh, did you now?

Oh, yeah.

She was giggling at my little jokes and all my little dances.

Your jokes?

Yeah, she, uh... she loves this... this little dance I do.

It's my... it's my Happy Meal commercial booty dance.

And I got to admit, it's pretty genius.

No offense, but she was probably passing gas.

Oh, man.

When Vivian laughs, she looks just like you.

[Vivian cries in distance]

Oh. I recognize that cry.

That's her hungry cry.


You know what?

Why don't you go?

You haven't spent any quality time with her today.

What exactly is that supposed to mean?

Well, it's just that you were at work all day.

Okay, then. I'll be right back.

What in the hell happened to you?

Um, it's just a little bruise from my class.

Little? Wait. Joss, Joss, Joss, come here.



Joss this looks really bad.


You okay?

My doctor checked it. Nothing's broken. It's totally fine.

You could have cracked a bloody rib here.

But I didn't and, look... [Inhales sharply] totally breathing normal again.

Okay, stop.

Come on.

I-I'm not sure I'm so good with this class.

And then this whole two-a-day business? You look great.

You don't have to work out twice a day.

[Laughing] Oh, my God.

That's such a male thing to say.

Harry, it's not about looking good, okay?

Everyone should know how to defend themselves.

Okay, sure, but don't you think this is taking it to an extreme?


I will cut it down to once a day. Will that make you happy?

Well, how about cutting it back to "nonce" a day just until you're totally healed.

Come on.

Okay, Harry. Okay.

I'll go back to yoga and pilates just for a little bit.


Yeah? Just for you.



Crazy woman.


Hi there.

I wanted to finish the living room first.

You can decide if you want to go Moroccan Modern with everything later on.

What do you think so far?

Just leave those there, just drop them.

Uh, do you need me to sign anything?

No, Michael already took care of everything.

So, don't leave me in suspense.

You totally love it, right?

Well, obviously, it still needs the final accents.

Darling, this isn't your loft in Soho.

Moroccan Modern is the way to go.

Everyone with a sense of adventure's doing it.


Why are you looking at the delivery lady for advice?

Actually, I'm not a delivery lady.

This is April Malloy. Uh, she owns the store that you sent me to.

Uh, maybe she has some thoughts.

Oh, that's sweet, but I'm good.

No, um, just give me a half hour to shuss things together.

Once you see the full picture, you'll get it.

I'm sorry, but I can't work with you staring at me like some scared possums.

Please, go.

Wow. She's a lot.

Yeah, and a lot of money, too. You didn't like it?

It looks like Morocco threw up in there.


I'd vote for less showy and a lot less trendy, but that's just me.

Me too, actually.

Look, I'm sorry I was such an ass yesterday.

It wasn't about you.

It was about her.

To be honest, I was in a horrible mood, too, so it wasn't just you or her.

It was a little bit me.

That sounds like that song from "The Book of Mormon"?

"You and Me (But Mostly Me)"?

Exactly! I love that show.

Me too!

Michael, get in here.

[Exhales sharply]

[Clears throat]

Remember, she works for you.

Bali, Shanghai, London, and my crown jewel...

Diamond Sunset, a five-star destination resort that will surpass anything you've ever seen in Los Angeles.

And I want you to partner with me on this spectacular new restaurant.

As well as the beach bistro?

[Scoffs] I get...

I thought you were interested in partnering on that?

I'm interested in partnering with you.

You have the opportunity to go bigger.

No, no. I've done bigger, Jonathan.

Wunderbar was never my vibe.

No offense, Harry, but Wunderbar was not big.

And it looked like it was designed by a super model, which is why it closed two months after you left.


This... this place will be big.

So, wait a second, you pretended to have interest in the beach bistro so you could rope me into this?

I... I just want what's best for you.

Look, it's obviously very impressive, Jonathan.

But I don't know if this really connects with who I am.

A restaurant in a hotel feels less about the food and more about the bells and whistles.

It's all about the food.

Shiny bells and whistles will bring people in, but your food keeps them coming back.

This could make you rich, Harry... very rich.

And it could be the start of an incredible partnership.


Look, Harry, you're... you're my top choice, but I have to move on to the other chefs if you are not interested.

Think about it.

[Clears throat]

I had contracts drawn up.

Take a day and let me know.

This is about who you really want to be.

No, no, I think that's everything.

Thank you. Goodbye.

There's somebody out here to see you, but I told her that you were busy.

Oh, who... who is it?

Well, she says that she's your sister, but your sister doesn't live here anymore, right?

So I just figured this woman is some nutjob.

Oh, no, it's... it's okay, Kylie.


Yeah, let her in.

She's strict. You left so early this morning.

I didn't get a chance to tell you about my date last night.

What happened? What time did you get home?

It was all kinds of late, but I had the best day of my entire life.

Oh, my God! Honey, that's great! Which guy?

The first two were disasters... bonzo crazy.

My third with Dean was incredible.

I told you... you need three.

It's weird, but the funny thing is...

Hm? The funny thing is what?

It might be the guy.

What guy?

The guy.

It's gonna sound weird after everything that's gone down lately, but the guy I could marry.

[Gulps, coughs]

Sorry. [Clears throat]

I told you it would sound crazy.

You know, a little, 'cause you just broke off your engagement with Brian two weeks ago.

I am aware of that, and I know it sounds a little all over the place, but I'm not gonna marry Dean right now.

No. Right.

That'll take time.

It's just a feeling that I have that we belong together.


I don't get it... you got enough cash for a down payment on the place you love, you're ready to go.

This rich guy sends a present and shows you a PowerPoint, and suddenly you're wavering.

Well, this could be a chance to do something really big.


And it would still be my own.

I mean, this could take my career to a whole new level.

And the last time I had my own place, it was with Savi's money and named after her.

And Wunderbar was never mine and a food truck compared to what this will be.

That's if I decide to do it.

Well, it sounds like you already have.

No, I have not. I'm thinking.


I did a little research into your new partner, and you should think about this.

The place may not be so much yours as you think once he gets through with you.

The dude's all about money... bottom line.

Look, the bistro could be awesome.

Isn't going for your own dreams on your own terms big enough?

You know what, Marc? I don't care what they say about you.

You're a very wise man.

My mom used to say that same thing.

Hey, wait up!

I don't think it's smart for me to just show up on your second date with some guy.

Joss, it's just drinks, and I want your opinion.

My opinion is you're getting ahead of yourself, honey.

Why, because I already know how I feel?

Sorry. Can I help that?

And Dean said family's really important to him.

He said that?

On a first date? Okay.

Kate, any guy who says that on a first date wants one thing... to get in your pretty, little pants.

Okay, well, maybe those weren't his exact words, but we were talking about family, and he was saying that all of his friends were settling down and he didn't want to be some pitiful dude trolling Shaggr for hookups.

Still trying to get in your pants.

I know it sounds nuts. I'm not denying that.

That's why I want you to meet him.


Isn't it possible the universe can conspire to bring two people together?

Maybe the whole reason that I broke it off with Brian was to meet Dean.

It's a long shot, sure, but isn't true love always a long shot?

Okay, fine. I'll go.


Okay, geez.

The woman has officially lost her mind.

Don't tell me she's slept with all three of her dates.

No, no, that might have been better.

Um, instead she found the one guy that she wants to marry.



From one date on Shaggr.

Thank God.

Thank... God?

Babe, that's just Kate.

This is perfectly normal.

She's not crazy. She's a romantic.

The random sexting? That was crazy.

No, no. This is very normal.

[Cellphone chimes]

She's gonna be fine.

Trust me, you watch... this'll blow over.

Okay. But, really?

So, are you telling me that I don't need to go on this date with her tomorrow night?

No, no, I-I still think you should go.

Clearly, she needs help.

Well, then... Ow.

Oh, your bruise is still hurting, huh?

I'm glad you stopped those classes.

Oh! Oh!

How did it go with Jonathan this afternoon?


Oh, no.

He wants me to open this big schmancy restaurant in his new hotel on Sunset.

Honey, that should be, like, "Wow!"

Yeah, I'm just worried he's all about the money, you know?

Is that really such a bad thing?

Because if you accidentally become a billionaire, you know, I'm not gonna kick you out of bed.

Yeah. I just don't think I can work with someone who doesn't have some passion and heart behind what he does.

Just doesn't feel right.


That's why I love you.
[Bell dings]

Ta-da! I brought wine.

No more breast feeding means no more not having wine.

What's that... for your new place?

No, the other day this guy came into the store and ordered a ton of stuff.

I took it out to his beach house today, and some of this art would look amazing in his place.

Oh, I get it... he's cute.


Does Marc know that you are at some strange, cute guy's beach house giving him ideas.

His decorator was there.

It was a business thing.


So there's nothing to tell Marc.

I was at Michael's place for a few hours, and I'll probably never see him again.

Well, if he does show up, realize you're this beautiful woman who doesn't want to mistakenly lead him on with your fancy ideas and fabulous art.

Mm-hmm. Okay. And you're the one to talk?

You're the one mixing business and pleasure with your manny lover.

How's that going, anyway?

Mm, I wish I knew.

Sometimes it feels like we have this cute kid together, which is strange.

Other times it's like he's just this guy working for me, which is also strange.

Just figuring out the hourly rate is a nightmare.

Like, when is he off the clock?

Probably when he's on top of you.

Ooh. Actually, I like it on top of him.

I bet you do.


You know what... look, I've said... I've said everything that I have to say about Calista Raines, okay?

I don't give a crap if you need more quotes for your article.

Just one more question.

Nope, we're done here.

[Tires screech]

[Horn honks]


I... you're...

What the hell's the matter with you?

You're supposed to share the road!

Oh, my God! You freaking bike riders think you're so special.

Why don't you... why don't you try obeying a traffic signal for once?

Easy, lady.

Red means stop, buddy.

And look y-you're... you're fine.

It's not like I hit you.

And don't think to try and, like, sue me or anything because everyone here saw that it was your fault.

Get some help!

You know what? Screw you.

[Indistinct conversations]


I mean, it was... It was like a, um, you know, an out-of-body experience.

I was standing there and I'm watching all my frustrations come flooding out on this poor guy and his bike.

I could have k*lled him, Karen.

Take a big sip.


Now. Do it.


Just be thankful you didn't do anything horrible.

In my defense, I didn't hit him.

Right, and the light had just turned red, which I'm pretty sure means everybody frickin' stops, yeah?

But, you know, it's L.A., and nobody's paying any attention.

It's, like, trying to get across town is... i-is like being in a w*r zone.

So, I'm go ahead and assume that you never called any of the people I gave you.


Oh, God, Karen, come on.

You know how I feel about therapy, okay?

I just... I-I don't...

I think it's kind of pointless, you know?

No offense to your whole profession.

None taken, though I obviously totally disagree.

It's just the whole, like, navel gazing and t-the living in the past and... it's not... it's just not for me. I'm sorry.

All the crazy-ass crap that happened with Calista frickin' Raines, I could sit there and I could analyze it for days.

But what's the point... what's that gonna do for me, you know?

I'm fine.

You seem a little intense.


Yeah, well, I think, you know, this is what happens when I don't take out my frustrations in a controlled environment like my Impact class.

You've stopped?

I-I kind of got hurt, and Harry got worried, so he wanted me to take a break.

What? You got hurt? What happened?

I had a little bruise and he got, you know, all protective and manly, so...

So, instead of therapy, you're throwing yourself into work and attacking innocent people on their bikes?


Sounds a lot worse when you put it like that.

Well, if the class helps prevent you from running people over, maybe it's not a bad thing.

I guess we can think of it as your version of therapy.

Oh, my... does everything have to be therapy with you?

Can't, like, a workout just be a workout?


I have to admit though, Karen, it was really helping.

[Airplane engine whirring]

[Cellphone rings]



Jonathan: I had a feeling you'd be calling, and I assume it's to say no to the hotel-restaurant?

Uh, yeah.

Actually that is why.

Uh, the project's just not for me, so, um...

I'm sorry for springing the contract on you yesterday like that.

It was wrong.

No, no.

T-that's fine. I understand.

I-I just don't think that a partnership is a good idea for me.

I understand it could make me extremely rich, but that's not what I'm all about.

No offense to you, I'm just not sure we share the same values, but thank you.

That's where you're wrong, Harry.

If you think that I'm all about money just for money's sake, I understand why you don't want to be in business with me.

But that's not who I am.

Why don't you come to my house tonight.

Let me show you what I'm really about.

Jonathan, w-we don't... we don't need to go through this.

Please. One last chance?

Thanks, Mrs. Daniels, and let me know if you change your mind about duvet covers.

[Bell dings]


Thanks for letting me return some of this.

Of course. How could I say no?

You sounded so nervous when you called to ask.

Even if it's almost all of it? I'm so embarrassed.

Don't be. Seriously.

So, how's it going with Lindsay?

Oh, right... silly question.

Actually, I just got into a huge fight with her.

She was going on and on about some dreadful beaded pillows.

I wanted to take one and stuff it down her stringy little throat.

[Laughs] Oh, God. I hope you didn't.

Nope. I fired her instead.

I had a feeling you were headed that way.

I think you definitely made the right call.

I knew you'd understand.

Is there anything else?

Yeah, um, actually, now that Lindsay's out of the way, do you have any recommendations for decorators?

Sure, I can put a list together and e-mail them to you.

Great. Thanks, April.

I'm not looking forward to telling my wife that the place might not be ready by the time she comes out next month.

Your wife? I didn't realize you were married.

Yeah, I bought the place because Teresa's moving out from New York, and I will keep L.A. as home base.

Oh, that's exciting.


[Giggles] Ridiculous, right?

I mean, I guess I should consider myself lucky.

Most of my friend's parents have split up.

You know, my folks are well into their 60s and still crazy hot for each other.

Oh, well, my mother was hot for everyone, except for my father.

Yeah, so not a... not a great example for me, if you know what I'm saying.

Hey, I think Dean's lucky to have parents who are still in love.


Mine never really were.

It's great, you know, until you walk into them one day when you're home for Christmas and you see them doing things you never want to see again.

Unh-unh! Unh-unh.


[Laughs] True story.

Thank you.

Okay, so, how do we want to do this?

Oh! I-I crashed your date. I'll pay.

What? No, no, no, no, no.

I mean, how do you want to do this?

You girls live together, right?

Would be easier to just go to your place and do it there?

Do what where?

[Laughs] I see what you're doing.

All right.

Hey, you're sisters, right?

Do the accent. Can you do it?

No, no... sister-in-law.

I... I didn't say anything because...

Don't feel bad. Sisters-in-law is still... hot.

Trust me. I'm gonna go to the restroom.

You two girls figure out who's place we're going to for some real fun, huh?

And thank you.

Oh, my God... what a giant douchebag.

Are you gonna be the one to kick him in the balls when he gets back, or do I get the honors?

Your call?

My call?


You just ruined the entire evening.

Kate! Come here. What the hell just happened in there?

What do you think just happened?

You were flirting with him all night long.

Wait, what? Are you serious?

All the cute little stories, laughing at this jokes.

Hey, hey, what the hell are you talking about?

Why else would he leave?

Uh, Kate, because the guy was a slime bucket just looking to get laid by both of us.

You should be thanking me right now.

All I know is that he wasn't like that at all when we out alone... he was just a sweet guy.

If you remember, I didn't even want to go.

Okay, y-you thought that it would help, so, hey, don't bother asking me for any more favors if you're gonna act all frickin' crazy.

I'm done.

Y-you're just gonna leave me here?

Yeah, yeah! And maybe creepy Dean will take you home since he's such an awesome guy, Kate.

You know, I have somewhere to be before I get really frickin' angry.

You don't want to see me really angry.

[Engine starts]

[Tires screech]

[Door bell rings]





Can I offer you a drink?

Uh, sure. W-what are you gonna have?

Scotch, but we have everything.

Uh, Scotch is great.


I will show you around the house later, but first, I would like you to see something.

Everyone, this is Harry Davis, the amazing chef I've been telling you so much about.

[Crowd greets Harry]

Hello. Wow.

It's my family.

[Indistinct conversations]


And this is my grandma, Bibi.

Hello, Bibi. So lovely to meet you.

Let me get you a drink. Come.

I don't usually talk about this, Harry, but my family lost everything during the revolution in Iran.

I escaped to Turkey, and then I immigrated here to California.

I made a vow to make sure that every single member of my family made it over while I was building my business from scratch.

So, your entire family lives in L.A. now?

No, Harry.

My entire family lives here with me and my wife Nava.

Well... everyone except the ones we sent off to college or who have families of their own now.

So, you see, Harry?

I'm not all about money just for the sake of money.

This... is what's important to me.

♪ I've been believing, I'm a bad, bad soul ♪
♪ I've been fooled, I've been abused ♪

Hey, Joss.


We missed you the last few classes.

Where you been?

Oh, yeah.

I, uh... I wasn't even gonna come tonight.

My fiancé was worried.

When I got hurt, he wanted me to take a break.

Controlling male fascist, eh?

[Laughs] Actually he's a chef.

Oh, God.

He doesn't need to know about this, okay?

These classes are clearly something I need.

Yeah, well, I could have told you that.



Okay, come on. Shake it off.

Use the pain, Joss.

Let's go.

♪ Running to the top, I'm getting higher and higher ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, oh, yeah ♪

Oh, please tell me we're not buying all this stuff for the house.

We have nowhere to put it.

It's not for us, silly.

I'm putting a template together to show a few designers what Michael is looking for.

You know, the guy I told you about who came into the store?

I don't get it.

Why are you giving this all to other designers when you're the one who designed it?

Why are you limiting yourself?

Because people go to school for years and years to do this.

It's not some made-up job.

They have degrees, they intern, they get their work published in magazines.

The woman Michael was working with before did Dave Grohl's house and Marisa Tomei's house and Matt LeBlanc's house.

And I'm sure that's really impressive.

That doesn't mean that you can't do it, too.

Some people just have a natural talent for these things, and maybe this is yours.

You just can't announce you're a designer and open up shop somewhere. [Scoffs]

I'd look like a complete idiot.

That's not what I'm suggesting, but, hell, why not?

Because it's not like grabbing three guys and just saying you're starting a band.

Okay, that's not fair. All I'm doing...

Marc, I know what you're doing, so please, just stop trying to give me a damn hat.


Fine. I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have said anything.

Look, I just want to finish this board and be done with it.

I'm going to bed.


[Smacks lips]

[Indistinct conversations]

How you feeling?

[Scoffs] Sore.

You did a really good job tonight.


Well, my fiancé's gonna freak when he sees these bruises.

I told him I wasn't gonna come back for a while.

You need to think of those as badges of honor.

Lots of people don't get why this place is so important.

Yeah, I mean, first time in forever I haven't been depressed.

Me too.

It's the only place I feel safe.

Each of us has a reason for being here, and I'm sure that you have one that you'll share when you're ready.

Look, I have something in my bag for you.

Arnica gel... It'll help with your bruising and the pain.

You take this one home with you.

Ice that when you get home, then put some makeup on it to cover it.

Your fiancé, he never has to know.


Hey, you.

Thanks for the beautiful flowers today.

You're so sweet.

No one's ever sent me flowers unless it was a special occasion.

Hey, uh, did you get any of those texts I sent you about Vivian's rash?

Yeah, but I had back-to-back sessions all day, and I figured you had it under control.

I was just worried, 'cause usually if a mother receives texts about their child, usually they respond to those texts.

I assumed if it were serious you'd pull me out session.

We've discussed this before.

I know.

I really wish you had not stopped breast feeing Vivian.

Now, look, this is scientifically proven, okay?

Study after study shows the longer a child is breast fed, the stronger their immune system is.

Okay, wow.

I'm really not comfortable talking about this with you as a nanny, much less as whatever else you are in my life right now.

I-I'm speaking to you as your nanny now.

It sounds like you're making judgments about my mothering.

No, Karen, I'm just trying to help.

You are gonna miss out on some serious bonding opportunities with Vivian if you are not more aware.

You did not just say that.

I'm doing everything I can to be a good mother.

This is my first time. I've never done this before!

Have you ever breast fed anyone? Probably not.

Do you know how it feels? No.

So, now you need to listen to me, Robert.

You're fired.

[Exhales sharply]

[Door opens, closes]

[Baby crying]

No, no, no. Sweet pea, honey, what's wrong?

You're not dirty. You should be so happy and so sleepy right now.


Five "S's," Five "S's... " swaddle, side, or stomach.

Uh... shush. Swing.

Suck! Suck!

Here. Here you go, baby.

No, no, no. Oh. Okay.

Okay, uh... okay.

Try this.

[Crying continues]


[Crying stops]

Look at that.

I guess socks must be the sixth "S" for you.


[Exhales sharply]




Come again?

You heard me.

A threesome, which I somehow managed to blame on Joss.

She totally hates my guts now.


Yeah, she's probably pissed.

I'm a horrible person, Harry, and I'm two inches short of bat-crap crazy.

One second, I'm out looking for anonymous sex, the next, I'm looking for a husband.

What is wrong with me?

There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not crazy.

But you probably won't find the love of your life in three days on Shaggr in Los Angeles.

What if I'm screwing up everything?

What if I never find anyone again?

Of course you will. I promise.

I've already wasted so much time with Brian, and I'm 35 now.

If I want to have kids... and I want to have lots... there's only so much time left to have a happy family like we never had growing up.

Listen, look... you don't have to worry about that. You've got plenty of time.

What am I gonna do, live with you the rest of my life... some sad spinster lady camped out in your guest room forever with cats named Sadie and Suzie?


You are my baby sister. I love you.

You can live here as long as you want... without the cats.


But just... . just know one thing.


We're family.

I'll always take care of you.



Thank you.

There we go. Yeah! Oop, watch out for Lucy, there.

Watch out for Lucy.


Hi, I'm not stalking you.

I just want to talk for a moment.

Are you busy?

Uh, well, yeah.

I'm kind of working right now and don't really feel like having you yell at me or thr*aten me if I utter the word "breast feeding."

Look, I feel bad about how things ended last night.

But I had no business jumping down your throat like that.

That's very generous of you. Thank you for saying that.

I know you're coming from a good place, and I appreciate all you've done for me and Vivian.

Last night, I was up with her for hours.

She wouldn't stop crying.

Finally, I put socks on her feet, and...

The socks. and that solved the problem.

And I wanted to tell you... [Inhales sharply] ... I miss you, Robert.

Well, I miss you guys, too.



[Vivian coos]

So, does this mean I can come back?

As a nanny? Good, God, no.

No, no, no. It's way too weird.

But I would love to date you like a normal couple would do.


I could do normal.

[Cellphone chimes]


[Exhales sharply]



Do we have plans?

No, but I pulled together a list of the potential designers you asked for, and I thought I'd give it to you in person.

You could have just called me.

Look, I know I don't have the experience and credentials that other designers may have, but I have more energy and more passion and more dedication to truly being a partner who will hear everything you say...

Whoa, whoa. The job's yours. It's yours.

You're hired.


[Chuckles] Thank you so much!

We're gonna have a lot of fun.



Um, honey, are those contracts?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I decided to partner with Jonathan on the hotel-restaurant.


I thought you said it wasn't a match?

Yeah, I know, but turns out we actually do share the same values, so...




[Knock on door]

I'll give you guys privacy.

Joss, I'm... I'm so sorry about last night.

It obviously wasn't your fault.


Truth is...

I felt really scared and out of control lately... and... and jealous of what you have.

Jealous of what?

[Voice breaking] A life of love, and the fact that you get to be with the one that you were meant to be with against all odds.

It's okay, Kate. I forgive you.

I mean, unless you want to beg and grovel some more.

I knew you couldn't stay mad at me.

[Laughter] Come here, you.

Ohh. Hmm.



Ow. [Grunts]