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01x04 - The Devil's Playground

Posted: 06/18/16 10:34
by bunniefuu
Sir, this isn't a bank card.

Ah, I'm sorry.

It's my I.D. I'm a private investigator.

Not a very private one, apparently.

You still take cash?


You did that on purpose.

Come on, honey.

I just got this bad boy yesterday, so what if I'm a little excited?

Could you ease it up a bit?

My study partner's gonna be here any second and I'd appreciate it if you turn down the weird.

Most kids would be proud to have a P.I. for a father. Think of me as a modern day Thomas Magnum.


Thomas Magnum?

Oceanfront estate, red Ferrari, epic moustache?

Nothing? Fine, Jim Rockford.

That name just sounds made up.

My name sounds made up.

Phillip Marlowe. Sam Spade?

Angie: Veronica Mars.

Oh, now I get it.

Well, well, well.

If it isn't Angie Everett, my partner. Partner.

It still sounds strange when I say it out loud.

That's because you're my employee.


Hi, Jules.

Hi, Angie. Did you know my dad's a private investigator?

No way.


Is your study buddy a dude?

OK, don't say anything stupid.

Or you know what? Just don't say anything at all. Thanks.

Hey, Jules.

Hey. Liam, Dad.

Dad, Liam. And Angie. She's my dad's boss.

Woman's in charge. Right on.

Oh, I got your bag.


No problem.

So how are you doing?

"Woman's in charge"?

Isn't he a little slick for a 14-year-old?

I think he's cute! If I was 14.

(cell ringing)

Everett Investigations.

Yes, Mr. King. I know who you are.

Oh, my goodness.

Of course, we'll be right there.

What? What's going on?

That was Thomas King, the author. Frank Garrison's in the hospital.


I'll do the talking.


Yeah. Come on!

Mm Hmm.

(engine revving)

You know, once, Frank tried to wrestle a bear.

It was in a bar in St. Petersburg.

Remember that? We were at a writer's conference.

I'm not gonna lie. There was vodka involved.

(heart monitor beeping)

It's hard to see him like this.

He's one of the great writers of our generation.

A true genius.

When did he first reach out to you, Mr. King?

Call me Tom. I haven't spoken to Frank in years.

I think he was pissed after I won the Governor General's Award. He could be a mean-spirited son of a bitch.

Last week, this arrived in the mail.

"In the event of my death, or that I have been rendered incapacitated, please press the play button."

I thought it was a joke at first. I mean, Frank's a notorious technophobe, holed up in his little shack on Ward's Island. And then this morning I hear that his house had burned down.

Hi, Tom. I guess if you're watching this I'm either dead or I'm in a coma near death, or you've just chosen to ignore my note, in which case I should've gone with Michael Ondaatje.

Son of a bitch.

All I want you to do here is find the most impressive private investigators in the city and then I want you to get them to look into what the heck is happening here. There's two envelopes.

Open up the blue envelope.

Alright. That should be enough to pay their expenses.

OK. Open up the other envelope, the red one.

I found these on my windowsill last night.

There they were, lined up there, like five little brass tombstones.

Somebody on this crazy little island's trying to k*ll me.

Tom, remember I said this. Trust no one.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪
♪ Watch you blowin' the lines when you're making a scene ♪
♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪
♪ What my head overlooks ♪
♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪
♪ When it's watching for lies ♪
♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you, watching you, watching you ♪
♪ Watching you ♪

Why are you so excited about this old hack writer anyhow?

Frank Garrison is not a hack. This is the man who wrote The Devil's Playground, one of the most important books of the last hundred years.

I Googled him.

He wrote one book 25 years ago and gave up.

Can you blame him, after the Lovegrove incident?

Didn't you take English Lit?

Take, or pass?

The Devil's Playground was set in the 19th century, but really it's an allegory for dirty political dealings in the 1990s. The uncle character was based on a Conservative senator named Christopher Lovegrove.

Oh, I remember that guy. He k*lled himself, didn't he?

Senator Lovegrove did everything he could to trample gay rights, yet he was deep in the closet himself.

When the media found out who the uncle character was based on, his secret was revealed.

Lovegrove k*lled himself a week after it was published, the novel on his lap.

Well, that's why I didn't read the book. It's bad luck.

It's also a masterpiece. I read it every couple of years.

Andre Agassi's biography is a masterpiece and I only read that once.

Did you manage to colour between the lines?

Frank's house is a 10-minute walk. Let's go.

This place gives me the creeps.

Are you kidding?

This place is fantastic! My dad brought me here when I was a kid. I wanted to pitch a tent and stay forever.

Makes sense when you're eight.

This island has everything: the best views of the city, a haunted lighthouse, rumours of mobsters in hiding.

Did you know that Babe Ruth hit his very first professional home run into those waters right there?

I was standing next to you when you were reading the historical plaques.

So we're finally reading the same things!

Wow. That was some fire.


Let's get to work. You get some snaps of the house, I'll go see if I can learn anything from the firemen.

Really? You're going to go talk to the firemen?

Isn't that a bit of a cliché? Women and firemen?

Sounds like a real bodice ripper. A potboiler.

Who's the literary one now?

(camera shutter sounds)

OK. Looks like the fire happened between 1 and 2 A.M.

I'm gonna check if Mazhari can pull up the CCTV footage of the harbour. Ferries don't run between 10 p.m. and dawn, so if there are no personal watercraft leaving the island, it's likely the arsonist lives here.

Or there is no arsonist and that's the reason for the fire.

Lotta hard liquor for one man.

He's a writer. Sometimes it comes with the territory.

It also makes a great accelerant.

I once made a Molotov cocktail out of a cheap bottle of bourbon.

Really? I didn't find that in the background check.

Time for you to up your game.

Come on, think about it. Garrison gets drunk, decides to light up a smoke, and poof!

We've been hired to find a would-be k*ller, not speculate on accidents. Frank said this island is full of crazy, and I believe him.

I'm starting to come around.

Don't look now: peeping Tom, 5 o'clock.

Beginning to feel like we're in a Coen Brothers movie.

You take the high road, I'll take the low.

There's a lot of suspects, but we're honing in on one.

You're not gonna believe who the culprit is...

She does drone on, doesn't she?

Uh, I...

Who are you?

Larry Fleishman.

This is not what it looks like.

You mean you weren't recording my partner pretending to talk on the phone?

OK, it is what it looks like. This is what I do for a living.

And that makes it all right?

I'm a composer.

I make ambient soundscapes for spas.

I was trying to catch a rare piping plover.

She makes the sweetest little cheeps.

And this plover resides in the remains of Frank Garrison's house?

I wanted to know what was going on.

Where were you between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. this morning?

At the south end of the island, atop the lighthouse.

All my sound logs are digitally timestamped. Um...

41.3163 north, 79.3853 west.

Here, see for yourself.

So you record sounds.

Did you hear anything strange?

Actually, yeah.

At first I thought it was a black-crowned night heron, but you know, it's too late in the season for that.

Here, you can listen.

(muffled sounds)

I can't make heads or tails of this. Got anything else?

Oh, yes. Four hours of raw, unadulterated wind.

That's the sound of the island's soul.

Larry, do you know anyone on this island who dislikes Frank?

I'd check with the Schmidts. They know him as well as anyone, and they do like to dish.

Will and Gil Schmidt?

Oh, my goodness!

I'm such a big fan of your show!

Is this a bad time to mention I don't have cable?

These guys are the hosts of A Tale of Two Schmidty's, one of the top design shows on The Accent Network.

Number one in our time slot, three seasons and counting.

But who keeps track of that, right?

Do you mind if we ask a few questions about your neighbour?

Yes, poor Frank. How is he?

He's gonna pull through.

Oh, thank God. I just want to get back to the days when the only thing I need to worry about is his wardrobe.

Seriously, Hawaiian shirts and striped pants?

He makes Don Cherry look like Oscar De La Renta.

(all laughing)

Can you think of anyone who has a beef with Frank?

Frank's harmless.

Most people here just pity him. I mean, come on.

The man's spent a quarter century procrastinating.

Does he have drinking buddies? Someone he's friendly with?

Or not so friendly with?

The last few months, this gorgeous woman started showing up.

Blonde, wavy hair, geek-chic glasses.

Vintage cat-eyes. Very stylish.

Every couple of weeks, like clockwork.

Frank said it was his daughter.

The last time, it did not end well. They had quite the row.

Any idea what it was about?

I'm not one to spread rumours.

Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I am.

I heard "money," and then eventually he was screaming at her to get out.

Sounded like daddy was gonna turn off the royalty tap.

Mr. Powers, you're Frank's publisher. Did he mention any meetings with his daughter?

Meetings that didn't go well?

I'm more surprised to hear Eliza's back in his life than that they're fighting. Again.

Care to elaborate?

She sued him for financial support years ago.

Got accepted into some fancy arts school and needed another slice of the Garrison pie.

He only wrote one book. How big can the pie be?

The Devil's Playground? is on practically every university curriculum.

It sells almost 100000 copies a year.

How is Frank, anyways?

Touch and go.

What a tragedy.

Is it selfish of me to wish that he had left us one more book?

So Frank never did write a follow-up to The Devil's Playground?

He's been promising one for 20 years. Says he's deep into it, that it's the next Animal Farm. I've stopped holding my breath.

Think that has to do with Lovegrove?

It's Lovegrove, it's bourbon, it's fear of not living up to himself. I tell him, it doesn't need to be good. I'd publish his grocery list if he let me, it'd still sell a million five in the first week.

No, no! More red in the title, those words need to pop.

Could you at least wait until the body's cold?

Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I do this out of my love for his work. Sales of Playground are down 20%. I'd be an idiot not to capitalize on this media.

The publicity gets much bigger if Frank doesn't make it.

I was nowhere near the island last night, if that's what you're asking.

I love the man, and what we're doing here, it makes me queasy.

But nothing sells like tragedy.

Is that how you'd describe his relationship with his daughter?

My correspondence with Eliza starts and ends with the annual Christmas card I sign from Fosset-Powers.

So I'm guessing you have her address?

(rock music plays)

Closer. There you go.

Yeah, just like that. Perfect.

Great. Lift it?

That's it. Thank you.


Thank you.

(music stops)

Eliza, nice studio.

We've heard so much about you.

You mind if we ask you a few questions?

Sure. You guys interested in nudes, or something more traditional? I'd love to sh**t you guys.

How's your dad?

Oh, you're one of those.

A very special "one of those."

I'm interested in learning about your visit with Frank yesterday.

The one that ended in a screaming match?

There was no screaming match.

Two witnesses say otherwise.

No, you don't understand.

I believe someone was screaming at him, but that someone wasn't me. I haven't seen my father in 10 years.

When dad's book became a best-seller, it was the happiest I'd ever seen him. Our family lived in bliss for a week. And then everything changed.

Senator Lovegrove k*lled himself.

He was devastated.

Suddenly his shining diamond wasn't so shiny.

So he started to drink... and then he really started to drink.

That's when he moved to the island?

I was just a kid, but even I could see he was trying to run away.

He's done it his whole life.

You never visited?

My mother would take me there for Christmas, or my birthday.

But it became increasingly clear we weren't wanted.

So when my mother died, I stayed away.

I'm not even sure he knows what I do for a living.

Must have been hard.

"There's iron in the human soul." My dad wrote that.

It's one of my favourite lines.

We talked to Elliot Powers. He said you guys fought over royalties?

That was 10 years ago, the last time I saw my dad.

I was unemployed and trying to re-invent myself.

Looks like you gone successful Look, if you're worried, I can prove where I was last night. I did a session with a corporate client that ran late. I'll get you their names.

We're looking for a woman who was hanging out with your father for the last couple of months. Blonde hair, glasses.

Any idea who she is?

There's a Frank Garrison fan club that's run by the university.

My dad maintains enough contact to ensure a steady stream of nubile young writers at his doorstep.

I'd check there.

Thanks, Eliza.

You've been a big help.



My father passed away last year. Yours won't be around forever.

I appreciate what you're saying.

But he's no father to me.

Toronto General, room 303, if you change your mind.

♪ ♪

Matt: OK, thanks.

That was the hospital. Frank's regaining consciousness.

Good news for "The Devil's Playpals." That's the "group dedicated to celebrating the work of Frank Garrison."

And by work, they mean one book.

Consider it his perfect season.

Maybe it's all he had in him.

I wouldn't know anything about that, because...

No perfect seasons?

I hate him!


Liam. What kind of kid gets a Suzuki Quadrunner for his 14th birthday?

Are you kidding me? We're working a case.

I'm multi-tasking. Does he or does he not have the kind of face you just want to punch?

He's 14.

And surrounded by cute girls in every single picture.

So you weren't surrounded by cute girls back in the day? Yeah, of course I was!

But I didn't post those pictures online.

There was no online. And aren't you selling Jules short, here? You're always talking about how great she is and now you're surprised somebody likes her?

You need to relax. This Liam kid's a lot like you.

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.

Look. 2016.

Wavy blonde hair, geek-chic glasses. Ring any bells?

"Sarah Marsonet."

(keyboard tapping)

Oh, social media, what did I do before you came into my life?

This girl does like her selfies.

She also likes dogs. Looks like she's a dog-walker.

Maybe we can cruise by and check her out.

If she's pretending to be Frank's daughter, she's not going to be easy to talk to.

If she walks dogs, maybe she boards them too.

I like where you're going with this.

Hi. Thanks so much for seeing us last-minute, but the airline tickets are non-refundable.

That's what happens when you cheap out on business class.

We wouldn't be here at all if the dog-sitter somebody booked hadn't cancelled at the last minute.

Oh, it's my fault that Bodhi got the stomach flu?

(overlapping voices)

It's OK. I think I have space.

(quietly): Where'd you get this thing?

Paid some kid 20 bucks to rent him for an hour.

I have taught you well.

Here is my rate card and references if you need them. How long do you need your dog boarded?

Two weeks.

Five days. I'm leaving early for a business conference.

Do you mind if I look around?

Miu Miu's a little stickler when it comes to feng shui.

I understand totally.


(dog whining)

Oh. Hey, buddy.

Yes... OK.

Hello, Miu Miu!


We're going to get along just fine, aren't we?

So are you a... student?

I take literature over at U of T.

Took a few years off, came back for my Master's.

It's harder than I remember.

I'm sure you'll get through it. "There's iron in the human soul."

Frank Garrison. You a fan?

Absolutely. Did you hear there was a fire at his house the other night?


How old is he?


He's 10.

Well, it's a she.

Who are you?

The bigger question is who are you?

I remember this photo. It ran in every newspaper after the discovery of Christopher Lovegrove's body.

That is Christopher Lovegrove.

And that's his daughter, Sarah Lovegrove.

That's you.

(dog whining)

I know what it looks like, but it's not what you think.

After Dad died, we took on Mom's maiden name.

There was a time when I wanted Frank Garrison dead, I'll admit.

Then I went to university and his book was on the curriculum.

I loved it, which only made things worse.

So one day, I sought him out.

You tracked him to the island?

I had to confront him. Then when I finally saw him, he seemed so sad.

I realized he was hurting just as much as I was.

And when I told him I wanted to be a writer, he offered to help me.

The man responsible for your father's death is your mentor?

Yes, he's a great teacher. Frank believes technology kills the creative process. He refuses to go on the cloud, he only writes on a vintage Olympia SM3, and he keeps his backups in a shoebox.

Getting off the grid really helped me focus and overcome my social media addiction.

You're tweeting right now.

Witnesses saw you fighting with Frank two days ago, shortly before the house went up in flames.

I just finished a book. Not a real book like Frank's, just an exercise. Frank got upset that I didn't take the process seriously.

And that's why he was yelling at you?

He said some hurtful things and I got angry.

Do you think it's possible that Frank lit the fire himself?

No. This process was healing for us both.

It even inspired Frank to write again.

Wait a sec. Frank's writing again?


The Schmidty's went out of their way to point out that Frank wasn't writing.

Don't you think that's weird?

You think they're hiding something?

I think they knew. And if so, everybody knew, which gives everyone on the island motive.

Just because Frank's first novel exposed deadly secrets doesn't mean his second will.

Let's go see if he can tell us.

Angie Everett. This is my colleague, Matt Shade.

We're the private investigators you hired.

We know you're writing again Frank. We met with Sarah Lovegrove and she told us everything. She told us you were upset that she was downplaying her talents. Is that why you guys were fighting?

That's partially right. It had more to do with a phone call that I received.

A call?

From my publisher, Elliot Powers.

He turned her book down flat for publication.

I was really pissed 'cause it was a fine work called Dancing in the Labyrinth.

Unfortunately, I took it out on Sarah.

So you started drinking?

Yeah, one bourbon, then another, then another, and then I blacked out.

The next thing I knew, I woke up and I was smelling smoke.

Who do you think did this?

Could be anyone.

But I'd put my money on the Schmidty's.

They sent me a cease and desist letter. They think I'm writing about them.

So you are writing a second book?

Yes. And it's all up in smoke, just like that.

You don't have a backup?

I don't trust computers. Don't like them.

The fire inspector said the blaze started in your study.

Is that where you kept your work?

What are you implying now?

That I did it myself?

No. But someone targeted you or your book and we're trying to figure out which.

If there were secrets in your book that were worth k*lling for, it would help to know what they were.

I don't really get what's going on here.

You're just like Elliot, like all the rest of them, just coming in here, squeezing me like a lemon.

Hey, hey. Hey, hey. You hired us. We're just here to help.

If I wanted help, I'd ask the nurse to increase my morphine.

Look, I know exactly who you are.

You're a long-time-retired hockey player.

And this investigation is pathetic.

Even more pathetic than your last stint with the Saskatoon Sasquatches!

Hey. I was rehabbing a groin injury! And you of all people should know not to judge a book by its cover, old man!

You're not a book, are you? You know what?

You don't qualify as a magazine, either.

You're like a faded flyer, put in the bottom of a bird cage!

You call that guy a hero?

You'd be cranky too if someone tried to burn your house down.

You're too close to this to see the truth.

Heroes are human, Angie. They fall like the rest of us.

It's our job to pick him up.

You still don't think he did this? You said it yourself. People hire P.I.'s all the time to take the stink off their own crimes.

Why would he burn down his own house?

Insurance? Frustration at his unfinished novel? Attention?


It's Mazhari.

He checked the CCTV footage. No personal watercrafts left the island before or after the fire.

Which points directly to Frank.

Frank did not light that fire. An artist doesn't destroy his own work for money he doesn't need. Look.

You're either in or you're out. What'll it be?

Hey, you know I got your back.

Good. Dress warm tomorrow, because we're going back to the island.

I'm starting to not like the island.

Morning, honey.


I got dibs on the last muffin.

You already had one. Rock-paper-scissors?

I'm blind.

Yeah, I need the edge.

Besides, there's nothing to eat on the island this time of year.

You're going back?

There's been a break in the Garrison case, so I may be a little late. You OK on your own?

Yeah, I can get home solo. And I know how to microwave a burrito.

I can always call Gramps for backup.

No, it's his guys' week at the cabin; I can't do that to him.

Plus I'll just invite some friends over, catch a movie.

Maybe we'll start a meth lab.

Alright, look.

I'm sorry if I'm being a little over-protective.

I'm trying to get used to this Monday-to-Friday parenting.

You're doing fine.

OK, now I'm really nervous.

Don't be. It's true.

Knock 'em dead, Veronica Mars.

Hey, Jules?


This Liam guy. You trust him?

He's cooler than he looks.

Not that I can verify that.

Well, I mean, how well do you really know him?

There's a lot of hair product going on.

And does he ever bring up his family?

You know his dad was involved in the whole hedge fund scandal.

Have you been investigating Liam?

Well, it is my job.

Congratulations, dad. You're officially a d*ck.

You seem in a mood. Something wrong?

I got into a fight with Jules.

Ah, she found out you were stalking her boyfriend.

He's not her boyfriend.

Anyway, I gently suggested that maybe she doesn't know him as well as she thinks.

And she gently suggested you take a flying leap.

I'm so glad my sub-par parenting gives you joy.

You're new to the job, so I'll let you in on a little secret: not everybody likes P.I.'s, especially when they're snooping around in people's lives.

This information would've been helpful yesterday.

There's a reason we're called "private" investigators.

(buzzing and beeping)

Who is it?

The Schmidty's production office.

They're confirming that Will's in a meeting on the mainland.

That means the coast is half-clear.

I just can't believe that two guys who can turn a vintage suitcase into an ottoman could actually do something like this.

All I know is they're the most famous duo on the island, and if Frank was going to air their dirty laundry, it could hit their careers pretty hard.

♪ Electric love ♪
♪ Sonic sound ♪
♪ Revvin' it up ♪
♪ Now we're highway bound ♪

(heavy breathing)

This guy can really move.

As far as tails go, this one's easy.

Make sure Gil doesn't come back home so I can poke around.

I gotta say, what you are doing does not seem legal.

It's what we are doing.

Besides, "I heard a noise and I got concerned."

It's a quick in, quick out.

[We're fine as long as you don't screw it up.]

Who do you think you're talking to?

My first tail as a licensed P.I.

[I should take a selfie.]

You should take this seriously.

I should seriously take a selfie?


I just found a box of b*ll*ts!

They look like the ones left on Frank's windowsill.

There's 15 left out of a box of 20.

[Weren't there five in that envelope Frank gave us?]

I'm sorry, what?

Are you still with me?

Yeah, I am.

Problem is, Gil's not.



Are you following me?

Did you just get made?

What do I do?


Gil! Wow, you're looking fit these days. You work out?

[The lady at the store told me that]

Plaid is the new neutral, but I'm really not sure.

What do you think?

Are you coming on to me?

Would it help?

(woman yelps)

I doubt it... since the Schmidty's aren't gay.

Matt: If you guys want us to keep this quiet, you're gonna have to tell us the truth.

He's gay, I'm straight.

You're straight?

We were roommates at design school.

A reality TV producer liked our chemistry, and offered us a spot on a cable show.

But he assumed we were lovers, just because I like gossiping and waving my arms around.

And let's face it: because he's British.

Yeah, talk about pandering to stereotypes.

We didn't want to lie, but we were desperate back then.

And now we're an Accent Network institution with an international fan base, an eight figure net worth and a reputation for honesty.

What would you do?

I'd be freaking out if a novelist was about to expose me.

How'd you find out about the book?

Everybody knew.

Whenever we'd ask Frank about it, he'd get so defensive it could only mean one thing: he was writing about us.

Frank once caught me making out with my girlfriend in the morning before tai chi.

I couldn't let the world know I was straight.

Which is ironic, considering 25 years ago Frank was responsible for kicking a man out of the closet.

So you guys put the b*ll*ts on Frank's windowsill.

Yeah, but we didn't burn down his house.

That kitchen, all that natural light? We would never.

So where were you the night of the fire?

We were in Kensington Market that night.

Hanging with friends.

By friends, he means our real lovers.

It's complicated.

So you guys have a pretty big secret.

Anybody else on the island that would be worried about a tell-all book from Frank?

Hello, only everyone?

It's like Twin Peaks over here.

Well, if you want your secret kept, you're gonna need to do us a favour.

How fast can you spread a rumour?

Do you really think this is gonna work?

If the Schmidts are as good at gossip as they are at design, everyone on this island thinks that Frank kept a backup of his second novel in his shed.

So what, we sit here freezing our asses off until somebody shows up?

Didn't you basically live 90% of your life on ice?

Yeah. Moving around.

Staying warm. Accomplishing something.

That's the thing about stakeouts. They're 90% waiting, 10% results.


Less if you bring noisy snacks.

Hey. These babies are full of magnesium.

Magnesium enhances mental acuity. You should try them.

I would, but apparently it doesn't work.




Hey, honey.

[Hey, dad.]

Yeah, I got your message from earlier. I'm all set up.

Pizza's on its way and Ruby and Lynn are here.

Good, honey. Listen, I'm glad you called.

I wanted to talk about earlier.

Just "talk"?

(whispering): I was wrong.

I... I was wrong.

Honey. I was wrong, and I want to apologize.

[What I did was unbecoming]

Of a professional investigator. Will you forgive me?

It'll never happen again?


Apology accepted.


So what movie did you guys decide on?

Unfriended. The described video is funnier than the dialogue.

Unfriended? Classic.

Liam: [You guys don't want any of this popcorn, right?]

Honey? Is that a boy?

[Is there a boy over there?]

Uh, yeah, Liam's here too.

[Gotta go!]

Honey, wait...

Liam's there. I'm calling my dad.

Stop it. Your daughter did that to piss you off.

She's a good kid, with good judgment.

You just have to trust her. Besides, Unfriended is not a bad little horror flick.

I thought it was a rom-com.

Did you know 55% of all horror films are watched by women?

Apparently horror films have the same physiological effects on young girls as sex. Cool, huh?

That's not nice!



Now I know why you love this book so much.

It's not so much about the book; it's about your dad.

He bought that for me for my 14th birthday.

Wasn't much of a reader, but that book spoke to him.

Spoke to you too, apparently.

There was this diner by our house.

My dad used to take me there.

We'd talk about The Devil's Playground for hours.

I miss that.

So that's why you're re-reading it.

You're trying to keep your father alive.

Thanks, Sigmund. Maybe I just like to read.

What? The same book, the same time, year after year?

Maybe it's time to let go of some of those memories, make some new ones.

Maybe you'd learn something.

Maybe you could learn something if you'd put down the sports biographies.

The Agassi bio will teach you more about perseverance than 100 therapists.

It's soulful and funny and it taught me I wasn't the only great athlete to fall on hard times.

I had no idea... that you were a great athlete.

And I had no idea that you talked in your sleep.

Shut up.

Oh, the things that you talked about...

Shut up.

Oh, you have no idea.



It's Larry, the guy with the mic!

Who just rocketed to number one on our suspect list.

I was stretching my legs.

With a crowbar?

This is how this is gonna go down. You're going to tell us what you're doing here or we're going to go the cops with everything we know.

Let's try this again. What's the real reason you're here?

(man and woman grunting and moaning)

I think I've heard enough.

But they're just getting started.


I already told you, I'm a legit composer.

The sounds I record capture the soul of the island.

Not the word I would have used.

Do I sometimes hear something that I shouldn't? Sure.

Do I record it for my own pleasure? Absolutely.

Does that make me a criminal?


(quietly): Oh.

So Frank knew about this?

We had drinks together, and one time, one time I played him one of my 'scapes, with Shelley, that cute waitress from Ellen's Cafe going at it with my neighbour Bob...

Why didn't I keep it to myself, right?

I had to know if Frank would spill.

If the island found out, I'd be a pariah. But I swear I didn't set the fire. I was on the other side of the island.

Those digital logs are 100% legit.

This is some fancy equipment. What does it do?

I can do anything with these sounds. Stretch 'em, compress, add reverb.

Can you filter out the background noise?

Sure. Why?

I want to have another listen to that sound you recorded the night of the fire.

Oh, yeah.

Uh, here we are. 1:11 a.m.

(bubbling and breathing sounds)

Can you clean it up?

Yeah, I'll try to compress it.

Should be better.

What direction did that come from?

My guess is Algonquin Beach.

That makes no sense.

I checked the CCTV cameras and there was no record of any boat activity.

That was no boat.

I'm telling you, it's a scuba t*nk.

The sound of air being released through a regulator.

I used to scuba dive in St. Lucia during the off-season.

OK. So someone scuba-ed to Ward's Island underwater to avoid detection.

Which puts our perp off-island. We've been looking in the wrong place.

Maybe it's not about the secrets in the book.

Maybe it's about Frank. He's hiding something.

Let's go find out what.

This might not have been about your book at all, Frank.

What do you mean? Of course it's about my book!

I spent years crafting every word.

Obviously, somebody out there is jealous!

Here's what we don't get.

There are a lot of people who gain from the publication of the book, but almost no one who loses.

Why destroy a book that's going to make everyone a fortune?

Because there was no book to destroy.

That's why you get defensive when we talk about it.

That's why you change the subject.

There was no second book, was there?

OK, it's writer's block.

It's a very painful disease, Miss Everett.

It's debilitating.

It's constipation of the soul.

And I've had it for 25 years now.

Why didn't you talk to somebody?

Because I'm Frank Garrison, because I am one of the world's greatest living writers.

Do you know what it's like to try to live up to your former self?

I'm pretty familiar with it.

If a man can't admit it to himself he's a failure, how's he going to admit it to his daughter?

What's he going to tell her? And I've let Eliza just drift away.

You know, she's one of the top photographers in this city.

So you do know what she does for a living.

Course I do. I've been collecting photos of hers over the years.

They are the most precious things that I lost in that fire, I promise you that.

And working with Sarah, it helped you heal.

Sarah's another one of my failures.

I really thought that I could help her become a very successful writer.

I really thought that she had something that was fresh.

Her book was like a new Animal Farm.

Did you say Animal Farm?

That's what Elliot said about Frank's new novel.

Remember that framed picture on the wall of his office?

His brag wall. There was a photo of him scuba diving.

Frank mentored her. Her book would have his fingerprints all over it.

That's what this whole thing was about: Elliot trying to scam his way into a new Frank Garrison book.

Because nothing sells like tragedy.

Elliot is a bastard. He's a total...

(coughing): bastard!


(heart monitor beeping)

Nurse? Nurse!


(indistinct conversation)

Ladies and gentlemen...

I've just been told Frank Garrison has gone into a coma and is unlikely to recover.

I wish I was sharing better news.

But when the time comes, Fosset-Powers will be there to celebrate Frank Garrison's genius in a positive manner.

Not only will we be re-issuing The Devil's Playground, but Frank has left us one final gift... a new novel!

I'll take your questions one at a time. Yeah?

Is this new novel about the ultimate betrayal of an old friend?

No, it's a...

It's an allegory, set in a forest.

A modern day Animal Farm.

Hey, I'd like to pitch you a k*ller idea that we've been kicking around.

Feel free to fill in the gaps, it is based on a true story.

You're gonna love the villain.

He's got big cojones and a bow tie fetish.

Not really an appropriate time for...

So he hatches a plan to k*ll one of the greatest writers of our time by burning him alive in his house.

I haven't been to the island in months.

That fire happened hours after...

Hours after the last ferry?

Clever idea, making it look like someone on the island did it.

Except for one small detail.

That cave dive you did in Belize, Elliot? Very impressive.

What are you talking about?

Your Divelogger watch.

It uploads your data to the cloud automatically: biometrics, GPS...

Places you within a foot of your location and time stamps it. Like the night of the fire, for instance.

You were wearing your dive watch when you scuba-ed across the harbour to Algonquin Beach.

I don't have to listen to any of this.

No, but they're gonna want to to the very end, because it's got everything: m*rder, greed and a twist ending you never saw coming.

Ladies and gentlemen...

(crowd gasping)

(Frank coughing)

My name is Frank Garrison and I am not in a coma, nor did I write this book, Dancing in the Labyrinth. So allow me to introduce you to the real writer of this magnificent novel.

She's the daughter of a man whose death I was responsible for years ago. This is...

Sarah Lovegrove.

What? Lovegrove?

Yes, sir.

She's a Lovegrove?!

She's a Lovegrove, Elliot.

Wait, what Everybody stay back, please.

(overlapping voices)

Imagine if Elliot had known Sarah's real identity.

He could've saved himself an attempted m*rder charge.

Garrison mentors Lovegrove? Talk about sales.

That's what you call... dramatic irony.

There we go.

The remaining balance.

Worth every penny. Thank you.

Do you have somewhere to stay?

My daughter's offered a bed.

I'm going to take her up on it. We got a lot of catching up to do.

You think when this is all done, you'll get back to a typewriter?

Ooh, now. Baby steps here.

I don't know.

What I'm actually thinking of doing is something completely different.

Being a father.

We'll see. Come to think of it, Mr. Shade, you know, you've managed to get yourself a pretty good second act.

Maybe I can too.

♪ You remind me of everything I love ♪
♪ Yeah, you remind me of everything I love ♪
♪ The straw underneath this blanket ♪
♪ And the stars that catch your eyes ♪
♪ And the moment when you are closer by my side ♪
♪ You remind me of everything I love ♪

Matt: I got you something.

What is it?


The Devil's Playground.

I haven't read it myself,
so I'm gonna give the non-braille version a shot, and when we're finished, we can debrief over a cup of coffee.



That's pretty cool, sir.

(small sigh)

Thank you, Liam.


Text from Ruby.

She's hosting the next movie night and this is only her 10th text. Here.

Keep an eye on him. I'm gonna make a quick call.

Hey, Ruby, it's Jules. Yeah, I'm on the ferry with my dad and Liam. I know, crazy, right?

I'm glad you could join us today, Liam.

I figured maybe you'd be off dirt-biking with your buddies.

Little late in the year for that, sir.


I don't know. I just, um...

I like hanging out with Jules.

And why is that?

She's cool.

You know? Interesting. Funny.


And she's the only girl I know that really doesn't just care about my looks.

You know?

Do you ever read any sports biographies, Liam?

♪ You remind me of everything I love ♪
♪ Yeah, you remind me of everything I love ♪
♪ A smile that's so much bigger ♪
♪ Than the smiles that I have seen ♪
♪ And it makes me realize ♪