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02x01 - I'm So Tired | 02 - Happiness Is a Warm g*n | 03 - Why Don't We Do It

Posted: 06/17/16 11:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Aquarius"...

You got naughty photos of somebody in the White House?

That'd be illegal. I'm a cop.


Sam, my daughter, Emma, she's gone.

Get my little girl back.

Obviously, finding her is the important thing, but if you can keep it quiet, there are people who'd appreciate it.

If I'm gonna find this girl, I need a cop in that world.

I report to you?


Remember, you survive with us.

I'm Charlie Manson.

I'm not the only one Manson can hurt.

We can't afford this, Kenny.

Me and your daddy...

I would never have chose that, but it led me to you.

This'll be the first shipment through Nippon warehouse.

Delivery's tomorrow at noon.

Where's the stuff?

Now I know I can trust you.

You're a real cop?

Last I checked.

If she's looking for Charlie, she's got to go through me.

I plow 'em all eventually.

Sugar clam, what are you doing here?


This cop and Grace... that's the problem.

I'm sick of lying about what I am, who I love.

No, Ken, buddy, you can't...

No! (g*nshots)

We will lead the world to a brand-new age.




Hands in the air.




♪ I heard ♪
♪ Pretty love songs ♪
♪ Coming from an open window ♪
♪ Today ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I stopped ♪
♪ To listen to the love songs ♪
♪ And I had to cry ♪
♪ Why didn't I just walk away? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I knew ♪
♪ All the love songs ♪


♪ Once upon a time, he sang them ♪
♪ To me ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Today ♪
♪ I was crying in the sunshine ♪
♪ ♪
♪ When someone said ♪
♪ Is something wrong? ♪
♪ And I said no ♪
♪ It's just a song ♪
♪ And I can't tell you why ♪


Breathe, Emma.


That feeling in your skin, that tingling, that's us stepping into a new world.

Put this somewhere, anywhere.

No sense makes sense.

(STAMMERING) No, not this, I...

Shh! Hey, hey.


The three of us, it's our time now.

There can be no birth without...

Come on.

Come on!

There can be no birth without...






♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Both suspects have to die?


I wanted him to get shot by whoever was in that house if they were armed because I didn't want us to get shot.

And the brother?

No, he didn't have to die.


I wanted him to die.

♪ ♪

I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen now.

You will be receiving the Medal of Valor to the cheers of a grateful city.

Detective, I'm Ron Kellaher. I'm with Internal Affairs.

There was a witness, so I'm gonna need to speak to you tomorrow.


♪ ♪

You had no idea.

Medal of Valor, Internal Affairs, cameras... it all seems a tad orchestrated, don't you think?

If you think I had anything to do with that, we can just step outside.

Relax, Cut.

It's not a John Wayne movie.

Look at this. Everybody's doing the funny.

Whoa, yeah, again, innocent.

What's in it?

Fan mail... now that's what I'm talking about, the upside of fame.

There a number on there?

Anonymous. Oh.

Playing hard to get. Me likey.



It was absolutely Roy.

You hear anybody else with him?

I don't think so.


One-man motorcycle kidnapping strikes me as unlikely.

I'm guessing she just had to be friendly-like, make him feel comfortable.


You know where these guys hang out?

The g*ng's got a clubhouse.

I've never been, but it's called the Bleu Room.

Which one?

How many are there?

Santa Monica, Van Nuys, Burbank, Hollywood... that I know of.

So what do we do?

Oh, it's called police work.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪


♪ ♪
♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪





♪ ♪


Oh, my God, is he okay?

Mister? Mister?

Are you okay?

Get over here.

What do we do?


We have to get help.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪
♪ Oh, Suzie Q ♪
♪ ♪

♪ ♪
♪ Oh, Suzie Q ♪
♪ Baby, I love you ♪

So your uncle died.



I told you.

We kind of know the owner of the funeral parlor, and he was not at all happy about being woken up for this.

There ain't no dead Ted nowhere on the premises.


You sure you don't want to try a little?

It focuses the mind.


♪ ♪


Hey. Wait. What's wrong?

Nothing at all, Cherry-Pop.

We all have past karma.

I'm not exempt. Charlie!

You watch over Valentine.

Take him to the cellar.

Lock the door.


But, Charlie...

Shh! No, see, now...

See, now, it is our destiny to reach the stars.

What? Charlie, what?


♪ ♪

Damn, Charlie.

Ain't nothin' in the cupboard?

I came a long way.

Sorry, my man.

Lot of mouths to feed around here.

Sometimes the cupboard gets bare.

You should have told me you were coming.

I'd have been good and ready.

Now, you know me, Charlie.

That pretty little thing back there... why don't you tell her to drop the knife and go fetch me something to eat?

♪ ♪


Do like he says, Sadie.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Here's the thing. I lied.

You lied about what exactly?

I was sent there to do a job, to find out what I could.

For who?

Brian sent me.

You scare him.

He thinks you're gonna cut him out, but he can't be a man about it, so he's got me looking in on how you move the stuff coming in.

♪ ♪

So you his old lady now?

I let him ball me.

Keeps him housebroken.

Way he's built down there, I barely notice.

♪ Busy day ♪


♪ Movin' down a busy street ♪
♪ Lookin' at the people ♪
♪ Who are walking on busy feet ♪
♪ Busy day ♪

Do you ever blink?

You got eyes like a doll.

I'll say this, Doll Eyes.

Damn sure ain't here 'cause you can cook.

I had better sandwiches in the joint.

Then go back.


Damn, Charlie!

You let these b*tches talk to you like this?

I must have came at the right time.

(SHRIEKS) Charlie!


Get off me!

Charlie ain't gonna do...

Ow! Ow!

Charlie! Ah!

Charlie! Ahh!

Charlie... why you hittin' yourself, huh? Huh?

Why you hittin' yourself?


Why you hittin' yourself? Why you hittin' yourself?


I used to love that.



Both: Charlie!




What the hell is going on?

I think she wants you to let her go.

I think I don't give a damn.

Yeah, well, I... I think you should.


What is this, Charlie?

This man want to get serious.

Well, I'm seriously here, Charlie.

And seriously...

(WHISPERS) I ain't goin' nowhere.


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

It's been confirmed that during what had been a negotiated cease-fire during the new year holiday of Tet, the Viet Cong have att*cked the American Embassy in Vietnam, along with reports of att*cks in five provincial South Vietnamese capitals.

U.S. forces seem to have been caught completely by...

Six-William-Nine, Six-William-Nine.


Six-William-Nine. Speak, Meg.

Hey, Sam. Patching in a call for you.

It's Officer Shafe.

There's a Bleu Room in Culver City on Pico.

Well played, young buck.



I'm hoping to get to bed soon.

Me too.

Little up, a little down.

I forget who I'm breakfasting with.

So big surprise: no Roy, no blonde quiff.

They say if they'd been here? Where they might be now?


Of course, they were falling over themselves to see which they could be first... courteous or helpful.

You had to cut one out of the herd, have a chat with, who'd it be?

That big, ugly, fat monster right there?

You're that ugly, you've been fighting your whole life.

And not the little, stubby one either.

No, too much to prove.

I'm in no mood for a short man, not tonight.

Hey, the pretty one.

This a problem?

Am I right?

Yes, we got a problem.


Just take that badge off.

I like you, Sam, but one thing you are not is a nice guy, not even a little.


Ooh, damn!

You are really good-looking.

I hope you don't mind my saying, but you've got great skin.

Doesn't he, Sarge?

Very supple.

Supple, yeah.

Smooth, tight, taut.

It's taut, really, isn't it?

I'm looking for Roy Kovic, and nobody ever needs to know you told me.

I ain't tellin' you, man.

Let me ask you, then...

'cause the Sarge and I aren't getting any younger... you think it's too late for us to start moisturizing?

You know, a little cocoa butter before bed?

If that's your secret.

Man, I don't know what you're on, but kiss my ass.





Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Please, come on.


Venice! He's in Venice!

He's in Venice.

Big town. Big town.

(SHRIEKING) Don't...

San... San Juan Avenue. Ah!




1501! 1501!



Ah, ah, ah!



Buon appetito.






I knew that you'd be there. I'm not mad.

I don't want to fight.

I just...

I just want to tell you...

Ken, where are you?


♪ ♪

That's what we still call it, right?

Ken, I can't really talk right now.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

The mess of our lives...

It's me. It's all me.

And I can't clean it up.

♪ ♪

I'm tired. I'm just...

I'm just so...

♪ ♪

I did love you... and Emma, our sweet girl.

♪ ♪

What we did to her...

♪ ♪

God forgive us both.




♪ ♪


♪ ♪



(g*n COCKS)



No, I...

Oh, my God, when?

I don't know.

(g*n CLICKS)


It's Betty Banyin.

Hal's been shot.

The doctors say he's gonna die.


♪ ♪
♪ Why do you keep leading me all this way? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Time is up, this has to be the day ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Finding these packs are awful hard to take ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Better think of something, see what you can make ♪

Hi Oh, yeah.

Come on in, Officer.

Where were you last Tuesday night, Roy?

Oh, I couldn't say.


Assume the position.

Study the wall.

There's gonna be a quiz.


Look, man, what is all this about?

I told you. Last Tuesday night.

He was with me.


♪ ♪

Who are you?

Just somebody who can say for sure that Roy was with me.

See some ID, Miss?

Come on.


♪ ♪

This your new girlfriend, Roy?

Yeah, but I know you're gonna want proof, so, uh, why don't you show him that corsage I bought you, honey?

I'm turning over a new leaf, Officer.

This could be the last time that the law comes knockin'.

♪ ♪

Yeah, she is just what you need.


Wow. Charmain going deep.

Is there anything we should do?

Besides spending all night trying to rescue a cop that doesn't need rescuing?

No, I think we're good.

No, Sam, I never noticed, but you're looking a little bloated.

Bloated, but sleek.

Like an otter.

Otter. Yeah, new nickname.

Tough to pronounce without any teeth, but give it a whirl.

So what now?

Keep quiet until we talk to her.

These clowns and their ilk get so much as a whiff of what's going on and she's gone here.

Now I'm gonna go home and go to sleep, all right?

Hey, Sam.

'Cause I am so...

Oh, for Pete's sake, Meg.

The desk sergeant just found it.

All righty, man time.

Might want to close those delicate eyes.

I was talking to Shafe.


♪ ♪

If this is a gag, Cut...

No, my gags are funny.

♪ ♪

It's the same girl.

All right, well, that's either a V or part of a W...

Vineland High.


Those are the colors. We used to play against them.

That's Vineland High.

Who is he, Charlie?

You knew him in prison?

It ain't like the world out here.

Ralph and his crew, they... they were too many.

Just too many to fight.

Now why you got to lie on me, Charlie?

Fight? Come on, man.

I never gave you cause to fight me.

You wanted under my wing.

Say it.

Say it like you used to.

Say it so your lady can hear.


That hurt, Charlie.

Why you want to hurt the man that taught you everything?

Everything that we talked about inside?

I kept you safe like you were my baby in my world.

Now we outside, and this is your world.

Now I want under your wing.

♪ ♪

Everything is fine, sweetheart.

Just fine.


This place is about to be jumpin'!




Look, we're just glad you're okay.

And now you've just got to drop back...



There's a meet today.

He wants me there... and you.

But I'm not sure you should go.

This is my case, Charmain, my case.

Yeah, I know. I know. But I had to lie.

I didn't have time to think, so I kind of just burned you.

I told him that you were suspicious of him, that you sent me to check in on his operation.

That's why I was at the funeral home.


And that I didn't like you or respect you, which is what he needed to hear, and that I would have sex with you to keep you... you know...


That's the exact word I used. How'd you know?

Great minds.

♪ ♪

But that you don't satisfy me... in bed because you have a very small penis.


(LAUGHS) So...

Wait, that's your cover?

It worked, okay?

I don't think he trusts you, but he doesn't want to k*ll you or... or...


Or me.

So I'm sorry.

(CLEARS THROAT) Can we get the check?

Waiter? (CHUCKLING) Napkin.

Is the sun always this bright?

I don't care how docile she thinks she's made him.

No, she's made you and your eensy genitalia docile.

Stay with the plot.

She cannot go back to Roy.

Look, you gonna tell her that? Because between you and me, I'm a little afraid of her right now, you know?

Sam, she's barely a rookie.

She has no idea what she's doing.

This is not even remotely my problem or my case.

What, you think I should let her stay in?

I think if you're lucky, she'll let you stay in.

Good night, kids.

You give me hope that the world is gonna be a better place soon.

Six-William-Nine, Six-William-Nine.

Six-William-Nine. Hello, Meg.

Hey, Sam. So we got a hit.

Tina Greenwood, Vineland High senior, reported missing right after Thanksgiving.

I've got a name and address on the mom.


So the picture you got, was it taken recently?

Appears to be.

Um, you... you reported your daughter missing in November just after...

What kind of picture was it?

(STAMMERING) They were, um...

She was not wearing... uh...

Your daughter was topless.

Mrs. Greenwood, would you like some water?

No, no.


There... there's no reason to assume the worst.

Last year, I... I had a young girl go missing, and we tracked her down to a commune.

And she's... you know.

Well, kids nowadays, but she's okay.

She's okay.

♪ ♪

Trying to determine if... if this was written by a left-handed person.

Was Tina left-handed?

No, Tina... is... right-handed.

(VOICE BREAKING) And these are not hers.


No, this feels like a...


That feels like a man's.

Doesn't it?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Did you get ahold of her?

Yeah. I don't think she should come.

Her doctor gave her a sedative. She could barely talk.

What was he doing up there?

He'd sometimes drive up there to... to think.


Because you'd say the beach or the desert, hitting golf balls at a driving range in the valley, at a movie alone.

Betty and I have heard them all, except that one.

Did you talk to any of her teachers?

Uh-huh. Did she have a boyfriend?

Look, I'm not trying to crawl up your ass and build a house or anything.

I'm just trying to see if Missing Persons...

Morning, sunshine.


So there was a witness, you say.

Well, yeah, we'll get to that if we have to.

Right now, today, what I'd like to do is lay out a broader picture for you here.

Now, Sam, you were a great cop in your day...

Ron, how'd you sleep last night?

Like a babe.

I didn't, so unless you want to write me up for narcolepsy, I suggest you pick up the pace.

Well, you know, I'm sorry that this isn't more entertaining for you, Sam, 'cause I got to say, going back through your greatest hits, uh, use of deadly force, unlawful discharge of w*apon, lying under oath, illegal interrogation, coercion, drunk and disorderly, and on and on right up until today... you know, I... I got to say I am amazed that you're even still a policeman.

And when I told you that you were great in your day, I mean the days that cops used to run through this city like thugs on a bender.

And when I told you that I admired you, I admire the fact that you have somehow managed to bully your way into holding on to a job for 20 years that you should have been kicked out of when Ike was president.

You're at the pinnacle, Sam, everybody's hero.

But you know what?

A pinnacle means there's only one way to go, and that's down.

You can walk down quietly, or you can take a long, loud fall.

You know, I thought getting a medal was gonna be a lot more fun.

So what do we do?

Find the witness.


Look, we're not gonna k*ll anyone.

All right, that would screw up my pension.

Well, I'm late.

It's gonna have to wait till tomorrow.

All right, just calm down.

Okay, we're not gonna do anything at all.

I know just the guy.


It's a problem, man.

This cat's got a whole army on the way.

Well, he thinks I'm in his debt or something.

Look, I just need you and your guys here for a while, like a... just a repelling force.

Look, man, I got business. Serious.

You think I'm not being serious, man?

This prick thinks I owe him... for life.


Be cool, all right?

We'll work something out.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Charmain, she's with me now, you dig?


No friction? 'Cause you got none from me.

Not personally, no, but...


Business. I want to trust you.

I hear that.

♪ ♪

And I...

I'm just not seeing where I fit in.

You fit in, brother.

I just got to be very, very careful.

We're not talking about a couple lids of grass.

Come on.


♪ ♪

Everything up till now has just been setting the spike.

Quality, volume, price... they're all gonna triple.

My supplier's got eyes on this operation, and he likes what he sees.

Just one thing.

I got to meet him.

Me too.

Care to look in the eyes of who I'm risking prison for.

My guy's already way ahead of you.

He's rolling as we speak.

Says he'll meet you anywhere you want tonight.

♪ ♪

Be as the water.

Be as the flow over the rock.


The shaper of the rock.

I am the shaper.

Be as the flow over the rock.

Shape the rock.

♪ ♪


I shape the rock!

I shape the rock!

I shape the rock!

I shape the rock.

♪ I can't stay in one place ♪

It's good to see you.

It's good to see you too, sweetheart.

We haven't seen you guys in a while.


♪ Just to calm me down ♪

And, uh... we need a favor.

What kind of favor?

Later, baby.


♪ I've got to find somebody ♪
♪ Just to calm me down ♪

We'll have to reschedule then.

I can't leave Hal.

We're still waiting to...

♪ Well, I get so frustrated ♪

What? What'd he say?

Hal's gonna live.

♪ Gotta calm me down ♪
♪ Gotta calm me, calm me ♪
♪ Calm me, calm me down ♪


Hey, Hodiak.

We've got something.

Not everything, but not nothing.

So I go door to door, the whole block.

Said I was doing follow-up for I.A.

Used my old badge.

I forgot how soft it makes people.

The witness is not a neighbor.

So the witness doesn't exist.

No, but I'm pretty sure that ass-lick Kellaher's got a witness.

So was there someone else in the house that night?

It's a cop.


Hi, Colin.

I think we met the night Officer Shafe was shot at and I was stabbed.

Well, not actually met, but that neighborhood's your beat, right?

Sam Hodiak.

Your hand's a little damp there, Colin.

You okay?


Get off me.

You heard sh*ts.

You came running, like any good cop would.

You got to a window; you looked in.

Am I right?

I don't think I should talk to you.

I don't think you should either, especially if you're thinking of testifying against me.

Come on.

I don't know what Detective Kellaher of Internal Affairs said would happen to you if you testify against a brother officer, contradict his sworn statement, and challenge the public pronouncements of our beloved commissioner, but let me give you a preview.


♪ ♪


You would not believe the day that I have had.

I probably would.

♪ ♪


I'm never leaving this bed.


Brothers! We rode a lot of miles.

We ate a lot of dust.

Oh, yeah.

Kicked a lot of ass.


We hung tight. (LAUGHTER)

And it looked like it was gonna be nothing more but the damn same.



But tonight, tonight is a new game.


Tonight we are finally gonna get what we got comin'.

That's right.


There are some sons of b*tches who got no code.

They are gonna get what they got coming.





Hey, it's me.

I'm on my way to meet Guapo now.

Don't. Don't go.

This is the supplier. I got to meet him.

Guapo's got to meet him.

Yeah, I don't think that's what tonight is.

Charmain, what did you... Charmain!

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Sadie is a genius.


She got the Satans to...

Oh, man.

It's beautiful.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Hodiak, I think.

♪ ♪

Over where?

♪ ♪

You're not gonna believe this.

'Bout an hour ago, I was supposed to be down here.

Charmain called, so I wasn't.

Roy wanted me here.

He didn't actually do it, though.

None of the Satans did.

Charmain was with them all night at the Bleu Room.

♪ ♪

Need a homicide detective.

You think?

♪ ♪


Not a gunfight.

An execution.

You see any casings?


'Cause this was done with an M16.

Carried one for two tours. I know the holes.

So M16s eject casings.

Six head sh*ts.

Should be six casings.

sh**t's very buttoned up.

The sh**t is U.S. military.

♪ ♪




It's been coming for a long, long time now.

♪ ♪

This country's gonna burn.

Charlie boy!

Bring your ass on out here, Charlie.

Charlie boy!

You see it, don't you?

The w*r that's been brewing for over 200 years... blacks and whites wipe each other out.

I'm back, Charlie!

This is our message to the world.

We're igniting the apocalypse.

And we're the only ones who'll survive.

Charlie, bring your narrow ass out here.

Helter Skelter.


Charlie boy!


Where's Charlie?

♪ ♪

You put your hands on me again.


♪ ♪
♪ Dear Susan I know ♪
♪ You love me so ♪



I'm in here.

♪ Had it not been for the draft ♪
♪ Dry up your tear and feel no fear ♪


I thought it always cooled down at night.


You and your flat stomach do not get to complain.

Huh, even the breeze is warm.

You talk to Roman?

He thinks he'll make it back in time.


Hey, I could pop any second.

Oh, it's fine.

Just get it over with, please.

We should give you a trim, so you're ready for your hospital room close-up.


Sorry, do I know you?


♪ ♪

Well, I ain't going nowhere, not till I see Charlie.

You hear that, Charlie boy? Get your ass out here!

Charlie? Charlie, they're back.

Everybody has g*ns. You have to do something.


Damn, Charlie!

Got your women out here fighting for you now?

You got nothing but an army of b*tches.

Oh, you done this all wrong, Charlie.

(g*n COCKS)

Hey! Easy, girl.

My man Ebbie here's trying to tell you that you a stupid bitch.

Now do you want to be a stupid live bitch or a stupid dead bitch?


We're not gonna fight you.

But we're not gonna surrender.

We're gonna do to you as the flowing river and ticking time do to the rock.

See, you'll change our water's path.

We'll change your very shape.

Just as crazy as ever.

Charlie, you never told me you had a baby.

You know this is what we're put on this planet to do, right?

Try to raise them better so we can be better.

I got three girls myself.

Man, what are you...


So we're gonna be setting up some numbers, sharking, weed if we can get a good price to move it.

Now, we gonna be trying to sell that to some white folks.

Think you can handle that, Charlie?

These girls. You turned 'em out yet?

I ain't in that game no more, man.

(CHUCKLES) All I taught you about cash for cooch?

Have you gone limp?

Just like jail all over again.

I gotta save you from yourself, Charlie.

What I got with them ain't business.

Man, everything is business.

Except me and you.

You think Sadie'll ball just 'cause you say so?

You ain't met the real Sadie yet.

She ain't met the real Ralph Church.


Sam, get your ass in here now.

All six k*lled by the same M16.

Four of them in the forehead, two in the back.

This biker, what's his name?


Knew about it.

Pop him on conspiracy. See if he'll flip.

I don't think that'll work.

What's she doing here again? Out of uniform.

Off the record, baby, there's no complaints.

Cut, I think you're actually de-volving.

If it wasn't for Charmain, I'd be the seventh body in that warehouse.

Here's your moment.

I'm glad you're not dead.

Evolving now!

Feels better, right?

And although you're our very own Tiny Tim...

Devolving again.

These stiffs are just six fewer drug-dealing illegals.

Guapo was born in Hollywood, so...

I don't care if he dropped out of the Liberty Bell.

He was scum, he's dead, and that is good.

Close it quick, or stick it in a drawer.

I'm good either way.

I'm sorry our head cheerleader's such a bitch, but let's focus on the big game, shall we?

What's next?

Lucille's tight with Roy.

I'll hit the Peach Pussycat.

That's right, Spring.

His job is a visit to the local strip club.

And he makes more than you.

This one, you don't even want to know.

It's just not a world for us old farts.

Spring, I need a favor.

This girl's missing since November.

I need to know if she's on a slab somewhere.

Can you pass her description around to your fellow ghouls?

How can I resist?

Spring, I find your name ironic.


♪ ♪




I... want... the... police.

Lucy, I'm home.




Is that blood? You okay?

Oh, yes, that's, um, not mine.

I'm fine.

You want to talk about it?

Not really.

I just lived it, so...

I just want to know...


Guess this is your life.

No, this is my job.

And it's not often like this.

Usually I'm just driving around, listening to Django Reinhardt on the radio, looking for all the places that'll let me eat on the cuff.

I don't know what that means.

For free.


A lot of these places you eat have waitresses?

You got something against waitresses?

Hmm, only the pretty ones.

Oh. Well, then you'll love my favorite.

Mary. She's 250 pounds.

Sideburns, bat wings.

She fills me full of all the double patties I can eat down at Don's Drive-In.

That usually doesn't come out.

I'll take care of it.

You're gonna do my laundry?

God, no. I'll buy you seven new ones.

Wait, am I a kept man?

Just keep up the good work.




May I ask who's calling?

Oh, mm-hmm.

It's your father.


Hal has asked to see the police.

Fortunately, the attending physician is an old family friend, knew to call me first.

Is there anything we should know about what happened to Hal?

Look, Grace, maybe your father and I should...

If this is about Hal and other women, I know.

So does Betty.

You and Hal aren't as good at keeping secrets as you think.

You could be a little better.


The election is in nine months.

Your lives are going to be lived completely in the public eye.

You do not live apart. You do not get divorced.

I'm sorry, Daddy, but no, that's...

Honey, I love you, but all you know is life with me, life with Ken.

You think the world just exists.

It doesn't. It's made, by men who bend it to their will, and the women we care for either choose to live in our world, or leave it.

I hold the paper on your firm.

You, Hal, and I will help d*ck Nixon take the White House.

I gave my word to d*ck, personally.

So Hal doesn't tell the police what went on that night.

You do.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What is he doing?


Charlie needs to get off his knees.

He says he has a plan.

Great. What?

He says it's evolving.

You want to (...) the LA City Chamber of Commerce for ten bucks and then give all the money to Ralph, then do his damn laundry?

We need a plan now.


Everybody wants a plan.

The Earth had a plan.

The sun had a plan.

To make you happy, our plan... is to open our hearts and feed those in need.


♪ ♪
♪ The mismatched sound upon the street ♪
♪ An oily skin forms where they meet ♪
♪ The warehouses have all been closed ♪
♪ And the drunks on the corner drinking Gypsy Rose ♪
♪ So I wonder if you're thinking about me ♪

You need to trust there are things I know, that I learned in prison, that are about how you survive there.

I know that, Charlie, but we're not in prison.

We're free. Yeah, well, so's he.


What if we just took off?

Someplace he couldn't find us.

Minnie's right.

What's keeping us there?

You're right, Sadie. I know just the place.

It's got cotton candy clouds and jelly bean hills.

Oh, and you get there on a unicorn that pukes rainbows.

Excuse me? Hi.

Sorry, my boss says you can't...

He says you have to stop and you need to go.


Well, uh, huh.

Wait, no, then...

Shouldn't he...

Shouldn't your boss come and talk to us himself?

I'm just doing my job.

Oh, wait.

Wait, give me your hand.

It's all right.



Your boss has a small soul.

And a big mouth.

And his idea of heaven is bringing you down.

He could... he could hear. The door's open.

Free yourself.

Release yourself from that monster, huh?

When you came out here, you were under a black cloud.

It's gone now. You feel that?


I'm Emma.



Patricia. Patricia Krenwinkel.



Hello, Hal.


Doctors say you'll never walk again.

Or use your arms.



All right.

Now that you've got that off your chest...

I have to think there's some... cosmic... justice at work here.

The greatest gift God gave was that brain of yours, and that voice, that beautiful, resonant voice of yours, made to soothe the judges and coax juries, but... that (...) of yours.

If God made that brain, we know who made your (...).


The same one... who made yours.

Maybe so.

Maybe so.

But you're there, and I'm here.

And, Hal...

The police aren't coming.

Not now, not ever.

You think I can't sit here and scream loud enough until they do?

Sure, you can.

Sure, you can.

That's only gonna confuse things.

They have your statement.

About what happened.

That you were taken at gunpoint by three hippie radicals.

Three anti-w*r, anti-Nixon hippie radicals who wanted to make an example of you.

So they took you up to Mulholland to k*ll you, but you fought them off.

Three of them, all by yourself, amazing.

But one of them shot you before you could escape.

Such a tragedy.


They've even got a quote from d*ck.

"I'm relieved my friend Hal Banyin is gonna make a full recovery."

"This terrible incident should be a wake-up call that the radical left are nothing more than hoodlum t*rrorists."

You don't want to call our next president a liar, do you?



♪ ♪

My God, that girl fights sleep like it's the devil himself.

Poised for the attack on the garrison.


Any good news?

"Laugh-In" is on in a few minutes.

About as good as it gets these days.

Attack by organic infantry weapons...

Remember, I'm volunteering tomorrow at the breakfast program again.


Then I've got class.

You good to watch Bernadette?

We're gonna lose this w*r.

Maybe that's a good thing.


Maybe we need to stop thinking we're the whole world's answer to everything.

I want our daughter to grow up in a country that can learn that, maybe even live it.

At stake now is more than a key military stronghold.

The Communists are out to inflict heavy...

I don't want our daughter growing up in a country that loses wars.

I grew up in a country that won wars.

Never felt that great to me.

I never had any real concern about Khe Sanh.

How's your boy Shafe?

Not my boy, is how.


He is one lucky nine-life cat.

Why is that?

You let me know the next time you see him.


Unless you're gonna k*ll him.

You got a problem with that?

Come on, he's harmless.

(CHUCKLES) He sent you to spy on me.

Are you still spying?

What do you think?

I think you let me k*ll him, I'd have my answer.

Please don't do that.

He owes me 100 bucks.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪


♪ In you ♪

♪ I see ♪

♪ For me ♪
♪ Passion ♪
♪ A fire ♪
♪ The flames ♪
♪ That burn ♪


That's like...

Oh, my God.

Child, you opened up like a flower.


Want to make you feel the way... the way you made me feel.

♪ ♪

Damn jungle bunny music.

Got a little transistor?

Maybe we could try to find the Beatles, and I could...

It's dinner time.

You gotta cook for everybody.

Charlie, I really don't think I'm that good a cook.

You want that?

Dinner can't be late.

Ralph hates when it's late.

One more thing.

You don't touch Ralph's food.

Not a thing.

My girls don't eat no colored boy's food.

So Lucille's fully in the wind.

Pussycat's shuttered. No one's home.

No forwarding but also, no lock on her mailbox.

Go on.

I maybe got a look at all her unopened mail.

Maybe some of it gets opened, and I find these.

That's a postal felony.

I feel so dirty. She's got three kids.

One apparently had some surgery as a baby.

He's nine now, in a wheelchair.

So I'm thinking...

Same thing I am.

Hey, give that back, seriously!

Who wants a grilled cheese?

I do.

Love the grilled cheese.

I'm thinking you know Guapo and all his men are dead.

That's why you're here at your sister's.

Mrs. Gladner, I can't imagine how scared you are, especially for your kids.

I'm a father.

I understand, I do.

I think Roy Kovic had Guapo k*lled.

But I also think there was someone else, someone in the military?


I want to make a deal.

As soon as you tell me everything.

I want protection.

Again, tell me everything.

Mrs. Gladner, I have nothing to go to the DA with, nothing to the justify the cost and manpower of protective custody.

Lucille said his name is Welles, doesn't have a first name.

Roy called him "Captain" on a few phone calls she overheard.

He's the supplier.

Shipping heroin from Vietnam in the caskets of dead soldiers.

What kind of godless traitor opens up the casket of a dead hero?

That fits what I found in Roy's wallet.

Times, "CW" or "W."

He's, uh, he's meeting him tonight.

Must be why I got stood up.


I'll live.

Maybe longer.

He drew a map, huh?

Yeah, it's a coast road. Not sure where.

And then an exit here, "CP Pen."

"CP Pen"?

San Diego.

Camp Pendleton.

So if this Captain Welles is bringing in hundreds of pounds of dope, U.S. Army and U.S. government know about it...

Who do we arrest and how do we do that exactly?


That's a good question.

I hate good questions.


That come from Canoga sheriffs?


Ah. How's it work?

A-actually, I don't care. Do not care.

Jane Doe here's not your girl.

No, but...

Caucasian, late teens, same body type, hair color.


Abrasions on both wrists and mouth.

k*ller with a type.

Yeah. Me.

Where's Charlie?

Oh, he's probably off doing his music.

Really like those songs you played, demo you guys did?

He should get a record deal.

He's been trying.

He should talk to my friend's boyfriend.

I don't know if she's his girlfriend, exactly.

Dennis is kind of like Charlie, free.

Dennis who?

Dennis Wilson.

The Beach Boys?

Wait, you know Dennis Wilson?

You should go with me next time I go with Margie.

Party that literally never stops.

There must be 50 people there all the time.

Dennis hates being alone.


I hear there's soup.


Here you go.

What's your name, little princess?


How about I come up to your room later on tonight?

Daddy read you a little bedtime story.

Charlie wouldn't like that.

Nobody cares about what Charlie would like.



C-can we go tonight?

♪ Return ♪
♪ For the innocence, the timelessness ♪
♪ Reach out ♪
♪ And paralyze your mind ♪
♪ Dreams ♪
♪ Of a different kind ♪
♪ Close your eyes ♪
♪ And sleep ♪
♪ ♪

Hey, Dennis. Remember me?


Yeah, yeah, sure. How are you?

This is my friend Emma.

♪ Tomorrow's world's just like today ♪
♪ ♪

Good morning.

♪ ♪



You going?


Well, you coming back?

I don't know.

Are we?

Yeah, you are.

I'm a wreck.

I'm never a wreck.

♪ ♪

Well, uh, thanks for this.

We had a lot of fun.


Your hearts, not lies ♪
♪ See yourself ♪
♪ Close your eyes ♪
♪ And sleep ♪

Charlie's gonna love it here.

♪ ♪

Calling it possibly the greatest military blunder of the w*r so far, the Pentagon has issued a statement.

The Communists launched a wave of att*cks in the late night hours of the 30th of January...


In the first and second corps tactical zones in South Vietnam.


You're not dressed.

Maybe you should be the detective.

We're going to see Walt?


It is Saturday.

Is it?

Hello, Opal.

You sure I can't get you anything?

So you live here now?

Well, no, not really.

Well, I heard that you married some lawyer.

Diamond like that sure didn't come from Sam.

It's complicated.

You're stepping out on your husband to ball mine.

How's that complicated?

I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner.

He never got over you. I mean, why would he?

Prettiest girl at the country club.

It was like you and him were out of a movie.

And now you're back together.

And all of this, it's yours.

Okay. Let's go.


(WHISPERS) Congratulations.

They dropped the charges for treason.

Honey, it's over.

They could give me life just for deserting.

By not charging me with treason, they don't have to put anything I stole into evidence.

Well, why wouldn't they want to put that in evidence?

These were illegal incursions, Opal, w*r crimes.

Look, as soon as the "Times" publishes what you gave them...

Dad, Salazar's had the documents a month.

And now with Tet, the Pentagon is in full damage control.

They're never gonna run the story.

Salazar quit? And you're not running the story?

No, we k*lled the story, so he quit.

Do you know where he is?

The "Times" isn't the only paper.

The Pentagon will sue, prosecute, and jail anyone who runs this story.

So you're telling me that because it's true, because it's backed up by actual facts that my son risked his life handing you, because every charge he's making against the United States Army is true, that you're burying the story.

Look, for what it's worth, I hate this.

A lot of us do, but no one can afford to publish this story.

Not right now.

I'm sorry, Detective.

You would love Dennis, Charlie.

And he'd love you.

Let's go meet him.

I mean, I swear, it's like you have the same soul.

Oh, and the house is... (SIGHS) just unbelievable...


You okay there, Ralph?

You don't look too good.

You look a little, uh...

Do you people ever get pale? (LAUGHS)

Shut up, Charlie.


Hey, man, Ralph!

I think Zeke is...

He won't wake up, man. I can't wake him.


Ralph, come on, man.

Let's get you upstairs.

There must be some Alka-Seltzer around here someplace.


Sam, at the risk of sounding like the generation we hate, you gotta talk.

Grace, I would k*ll a man for cutting you off in traffic, but don't ask me for that.


This one, I can't.

Can't you just read my mind?

You always could.


I see it.

One word, over and over.

One little four-letter word.

Does it begin with an F?

It does not.


You were right about the "L.A. Times."

You were right about everything.

It's doing me wonders.

I've got one move.

It's a drug case. It's big.

Keeps getting bigger. Multiple homicides.

The chief suspect is a U.S. Army captain who's been smuggling heroin from Vietnam in the caskets of dead soldiers.

What does that have to do with me?

You're in here because you have evidence that the Army is lying to the American people.

What if I bust a murderous, dope-smuggling, decorated Army captain who's been lying to the Army?

They'd bury it. Deeper than me.

Or maybe I hold on to that officer, and maybe the government gets the message that they should cut a deal with you or else the arresting officer, your father, will hold a big nasty press conference.


These people... you don't want to do this.

No, I don't.

But this is where we find ourselves right now.

Okay, in the meantime just be quiet, keep a low profile, "Yes, sir," "No, sir."

Say very little.


I love you.

I love you, too.

Oh, Ralph.

Look at you.

You should call the doctor, man.





We're supposed to be a family, Charlie!

We had plans, Charlie!

Yeah, well... plans change, Ralph.

You looking for these?

There you go.

Go on, now. Time's a-wasting.

Hey, Ralph.

You like that home cooking?

Good, wasn't it?

See, the key is...

See, every time, the key is fresh ingredients.

I told you, Ralph!

The water shapes the rock.

(DISTORTED ECHOES) The water shapes the rock.



You're the rock, and I'm the water!

And I done shaped you good.

Go ahead and lay down, Ralph.

All your boys are waiting for you.

Up there in the green pastures of the Lord.


Charlie, what did I... what did I do to all those people?

We have to tell someone.

Who you gonna tell?

Your folks?

Think they'll be understanding?

What about, uh, the police?

Come on, child. What are you gonna say?

You k*lled all those people?


They k*lled themselves.

They died of greed and v*olence.

We're your family.

And we protect family.


Don't hurt my baby!

Shut up.

Please, don't hurt my baby!

I said, shut up.

Let us go!

Don't talk.

Don't talk, both of you, shh.

Shut up. Shut...

Oh, my God, Charlie.

No, no, no.

Our family doesn't have God, or Christ, or angels, or devils.


We're all there is.

Don't move, don't move.

My baby, please.

Hey. Hey, I need help, hey.

(CRYING) Please!

Hold this.

We are the eternal and the divine.

All right?





God is here.

Christ is here.

And right now, I'm your Jesus, baby.


(CRYING) Please. My baby, please.

Please. My baby, please.

Hey, is that a Rolls-Royce there?

Silver Shadow.

Yes, sir.

Got a... problem with the idle.

I'm adjusting the linkage. You know cars?

I appreciate people who do.

You from Texas, huh?


Good ear, man.

Copeville, just outside of Dallas.

You been to Texas?

I've been everywhere.

Let me guess.

Football player?

Yeah, two-year honorable mention, all-district running back.

You know anything about g*ns?


Me and my daddy used to go hunting...

What about motorcycles? You like motorcycles?

I'm... kinda more of a truck guy.

I guess I could probably fix up a hog if it came down to it.

What's your name, friend?

Charles Watson.

Yeah, that don't work.

I'ma call you Tex.

All right, then.



What's going on?

Hi, friend.

Ah! Hey!

Get off... get off me!

Hey! Ah! Ah!




Get it done, Tex.

I'm not gonna tell anybody, please, just don't... please, don't... don't... please, don't...



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Hey. How's it going?

I got this Jane Doe body in Canoga Park that looks like my missing picture girl but isn't, and the Canoga Park sheriffs have told me to get bent.

And it seems like I should be able to leverage this Captain Welles thing with the Army to try to get Walt some rhythm somehow, but I haven't been able to figure out how exactly yet. You sorry you asked?

Because I could go on.

Leverage it?

We don't even know what "it" is yet.

That's the best time to strong-arm somebody... before they know what they're dealing with.

And don't worry.

Whatever I decide to do, I will leave you out of it.

You don't have to worry about me.

Look at you, all cute and irrationally confident, and very close to the milk, which I forgot.

Can you... can you grab that?


That better not be what it looks like.

I said, "Anyone delivers anything for me, you grab them."

Didn't I say that, you sweaty-necked jackass?

There wasn't anyone to grab, sir.

Lindenoff found it on the stoop out front.


We thought that maybe whoever it was that left it left it on purpose so we wouldn't get a look at 'em.

Oh, you did, did you?

Well, did you think that maybe I could have pulled some prints off of this before you and Lindenoff put your big hams all over it?

No one ever talks about how exhausting it is is to be right all the time.

You know that?

What are you still doing here?

I don't get it.

Go to your room. Go.

Yes, sir.


Which girl is this, the first one or the second one?


This one's brand-new.

♪ Oh, God didn't make little green apples ♪
♪ It don't rain in Indianapolis ♪
♪ In the summertime ♪
♪ ♪
♪ There's no such thing as Dr. Seuss ♪
♪ Disneyland or Mother Goose ♪
♪ There's no nursery rhyme ♪
♪ God didn't make little green apples ♪
♪ And it don't rain in Indianapolis ♪
♪ In the summertime ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ And when my self is feeling low ♪
♪ I think about her face aglow ♪
♪ To ease my mind ♪


Hey, you Charlie?

Little Emma told me to come introduce myself.

I'm Dennis.


What, are you gonna hurt me or something?

I look like I'm going to?

I know you've done some hard time.

The girls told me, man, because I was saying about all the poseurs that I've met.

You know, lying to impress you how hard they are.

But you don't have to impress anybody, do you?

I am everyone and everyone is me.


Now, you're saying something, man, and I'm hearing you.

I was about to go have some cookies and milk.

You want to get in on that?

Like, chocolate chip and stuff?

Yeah, like chocolate chip, oatmeal, coconut.

Oh, and raw milk, man.

You see, raw milk's a golden food.

So all that good bacteria and the enzymes... it stays in.

It'll give you teeth like a lion's.


What about the cookies? What'll they do for me?

Those'll keep you fat and happy, brother.

(LAUGHS) Come on.

Oh, y-you can leave that here.

I mean, if you want to.

Just make yourself at home, man.

Any kind of envelope, anything at all shows up at any precinct with my name on it, they need to call me.

If they see who delivers it and let that person get away, they need to kick their own ass and call me.

You don't have to put that last part in... unless there's room.

Did you want this as a directed message or a broadcast bulletin?

Broadcast bulletin.

Local just department citywide, or local and county sheriffs too?

Surprise me.

Missing Persons says your new picture girl's been gone nine days... a Donna Healy.

She's got a kid too.

Was supposed to pick him up from her husband, but she never showed.

Pick him up from her husband?


They're separated, or he says "estranged."

What's the damn difference?

Separated, you live apart.

Estranged, you hate each other, and the lawyers are more expensive on account of the $10 words.

I'm estranged. Right.

Is there anything else you need me to do for you right now?

Yeah, investigate why you never use napkins.

I'll get a team on that right away.

And Tina knew her from where?

School, right?

Tennis. Right.

Right, got it. Got it. Thank you, ma'am.

You keep thinking too, and maybe you'll remember Tina mentioning Donna Healy.

Okay. Thank you.


Who's that?

Tina Greenwood's mother.

Been trying to see if Tina and the second picture girl are connected at all.

I got a lot of phone calls to make.

Well, you need a hint?

No. I'm fine.

I love making calls.

I can't get enough of it, really.

Okay. Well...

Ah-ah-ah-ah. Sit down.

Did Tina ever mention to you the name Donna Healy?

Would you know if Donna Healy came to church there at all?

She didn't go to Vineland High; she went to East Poly.

No, I'm just... I'm wondering if you remember a woman named Donna Healy on... on... on... on any of the other, uh, tennis teams.

Well, if you do happen to remember meeting Donna, could you call Hollywood Division?


Ask for Hodiak.


Yes, Hodiak.

What? (LAUGHS)

Is it Jewish? Uh...

It's... it's Ukrainian, ma'am.

It's all... this is all very sad.

It is, but thank you for your time.

We do appreciate it.

Thank you.

Could Tina have babysat for Donna's kid, maybe?

Uh, it's a good thought, but apparently the in-laws did all the babysitting.

Mm, lucky Donna.

I mean, speaking as young with a kid, 17 is young to have a kid.


What are you gonna do? You meet in high school.

You fall in love.

Although, they didn't go to the same high school.

Donna went to East Poly High, and the husband went to, um... not East Poly High.

He went to Vineland.

Tina Greenwood went to Vineland.

The first girl went to the same high school as the second girl's estranged husband.

You just won a chance to make fresh coffee.

Oh, what's that face?

You're a lucky man.

You get to open the books and promote another Medal of Valor winner into the ranks of detective.

We got open slots, right?

Yeah, but who are you talking about?


Shaggy Nellie? It's hilarious.

Well, I got one for you.

Blind man walks into a bar with his Seeing Eye dog, grabs the dog by the hind legs, starts swinging it around in a circle.

Bartender says...

Both: "Don't mind me. I'm just looking around."

I told you that joke.


Where's this coming from, man?

It's coming from the kid.

He works like a dog, and he's got great instincts.

Jeannie wants to know when you're coming over for dinner.

Gee, not anytime soon.

Which is exactly when that hippie flit makes detective.

Oh, excuse me. I got to...

It's your mom. I did warn you.

Just ice it. It'll be fine.

Tell my mom hello, you moron.



♪ ♪




581, we have a possible as*ault at 521 Mansfield.

All available units, please respond.





Hollywood Division.

I saw you guys on my way home. What's going on?

Got about 50 calls.

People saying they heard a girl screaming, "Help me.

He's k*lling me," but we checked the three buildings down that way.

Can't find her?

We narrowed it down to this end of the street.

These two buildings here on the corner, 521 and 526, but that's it.

Just a girl screaming she's dying, but nobody can say from where.

Wind was blowing pretty hard earlier, blowing her voice around.

People didn't even know if she was outside or inside.


♪ ♪

521 and both alleys are clear, Detective.

Okay. How many guys you got?

Six? Total, yeah.

But we got one posted in each lobby to keep things on lock-down.

Good thinking.

Well, send two across the street.

Start canvassing there.

Call for more, and then you and him come back and help me finish searching these two floors.

All right?

♪ ♪


Got you. We got you.

Should've just let him do it.

I should've let...


Did you see him?

Can you tell me?

Honey, can you tell me what he looked like?


That's okay. You'll remember later.

All right?

Tell me later.


♪ ♪

Son of a bitch.

4C's a bedridden old guy who called Wilshire Division and got through.

But 4D's a couple with a new baby who slept through the whole thing.

4E didn't hear anything, and I believe her, because 4E is a varsity alcoholic.

Why don't you go back to 2F?

See if that guy got back yet.


Hi, ma'am. I'm investigating what happened to that poor woman... Hey.


I recognize you.

You... used to run that brothel on Norton.

Harry. Hitter.


Hale... Hazel.

You didn't save your money, I see.

Listen. I heard her.

I heard her.


She was screaming.

She said he was stabbing her.


I called the police, but I couldn't get through.

High volume of calls, apparently.

He never came out, and I watched, even after the cops got here.

I wanted to get a description of him for you. That's okay.

Well, might he have gone out the back door?

The back exit's in the boiler room, and it's chained closed.

Too many burglaries. Nobody can get out of there.

If there's a fire in here, we're all dead, and I'd rather be dead than have to buy another television.

Okay, so you didn't see him go out the front door, and he didn't go out the back exit, and then we showed up and posted unis in the lobby.

Unless he walked right by you.

Which he didn't.

He could still be in the building.

Thank you, Hazel.

Hey, Mr. Plaza, I got your keys.


Did you find the guy, Detective?

Not in apartment 2F, anyway.

Thank you for these.

So, uh, 2F... that's, uh, Mr. Lamb?

Ian Lamb, right?


When was the last time you saw him?

A few days ago, maybe. He's not around much.

He works a lot.

Well, we're not gonna get out of your hair just yet, Mr. Plaza.

We've got to canvass the whole building again.

We've got to check for strange visitors, overnight guests, apparitions in the hallways.


I never thought that screaming was coming from our roof.

Marisa was such a sweet girl.

To think about that happening to her...


I got four kids, you know? Daughters.

And it just makes me never want to take my eyes off of them again, you know?

You got daughters?

A son, actually.

Well, but still, with what you see in your work, you must be afraid for him sometimes, huh?


I'm afraid for him all the time.

Can you unchain that fire door, please?


Thank you.


Is this your house?

My goodness! It's delightful.

Cram it, all right?

What are you doing here, Sam?

You following me?

Yeah. It's called tit for tat.

You're the tit.

That's funny.


It really is.

That's really funny.


Because I worry that my sense of humor suffers when I get tired from all the actual real police work that I do.

Let me ask you something.

Do you just sit around thinking about ways to make things worse for yourself, huh?

To get yourself into an even deeper pile...

Hell no. Just comes to me.

Honey, what's going on?

I thought I heard your car, but then you didn't...

Is it...

Oh, my goodness.



This is crazy.

We were just talking about him.

Weren't we, honey?


My Lord, I have not seen you since I was still at Pan Am.

And you have not changed a bit.

Oh, stop it.

Listen to him.

I hope you kept those uniforms.

You got to break one out for honey, here.

Nothing like a stewardess to turn a man's frown upside down.

That's what my mom always used to say, anyway.

You are bad. You are bad.

I'm bad.

I'm bad. It's true.

You need to come in for a drink.

He needs to come in for a drink.

Right now?

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Okay, honey.



What a coincidence.

Hey, Sam?


Why don't you get the hell out of here?

I'd be happy to.


Let me ask you one thing first.

Do you ever have one of those moments where suddenly you just understand everything?



Hollywood Division.



♪ ♪



Hey, it's Shafe.

I went to pick up Lucille Gladner, and we can't find her.

I mean, anywhere.


Okay, guys...

Amy, sorry. I tried to call.

Can, uh, we talk inside? Thank you so much.


♪ ♪



Then I do sign-in, take the kids' names and addresses and ages so we have a record of what kind of numbers we're working with.

Why is it in a church?

Why not a Panther Party headquarters or something?

The church is a non-profit organization, so we give tax exemptions if people want to donate things.

It's "we" now, huh?

Well, the Panthers want to raise consciousness in the community.

It needs raising, and kids are a great place to start.

They need to see people not in their family working for them, motivated by love for them.

So, yes, we.

If you think it'll change anything.

It already has.

More than what you do.

Here we go.

You're just gone so much, and it's so dangerous, and I don't see it making much of a difference.

dr*gs are still everywhere, aren't they?

What do you want me to say?

That you'll quit.

That you'll think about quitting.

You're so smart. You can go to law school.

You can do anything.

Well, not today I can't.

I'm gonna be late for not making any difference.

I love you.

I love you.

See cops, lawyers, and jerk-off judges... you mostly just got to coast right along with their greasy games.

The dumber you are, the better they feel.

The more they let you slide.


You like that Gibson?

She's pretty, huh?

Doesn't send my message any better than my old string box does.

Shinier, maybe.

How much this run you?

Record company gave it to me, man.

Right, right, right, right right.

See, see, 'cause... ha...

They want... they want you to need it.

See that?

I mean, what does something like this even mean besides them programming you to take what they give?

The idea is to k*ll that program, see our fears for what they really are.

What are they?

Steps to a higher consciousness.


Man, Charlie.

King of the hippies.

That's you.

I ain't no hippie.

I'm a slippie.


Yeah, I slip right under peoples' awareness.

That's how I got it done in prison.

I slipped under the minds of the guards.

They left me alone to take my trip, play my music.

Hey, play something now.

Uh... yeah, yeah. I got to, uh...

You got to come on is what.

Let's go. Let's hear it.

All right, man. All right.

You should get a job making people nervous.


(STAMMERING) No, I will.

I-I-I just got some stuff.

You know? Some lyrics and whatnot.

You understand.

No, yeah, yeah.

I do.

I do, for sure.

I feel like going for a swim, anyway.

I'm gonna go hit the pool.

♪ ♪


I was just thinking to myself I was hungry.

How'd you know?

Well, I am you, and I'm also always hungry, so...



What do you think of this whole scene?

You guys digging it?

It's a church of greenery and scenery.

Down there, it's just all smog and banks and insurance and Teflon plastic fear.

There's 6 million freeways, and they can't even see where the road starts.

I like that.


I don't know about that, though.

What don't you know, huh?

How aware you're not?

I guess so, yeah. Never done it.

He who's last shall be first.

You're seeing the world through a dirty window.

Don't you know that?

I used to live up on Laurel, and one time, my neighbors brought home some rosewood seeds from Hawaii.

"Make the doors fly open of your mind," they said, but I didn't recognize myself.

I always thought I was kind of happy, gentle, and this was me finding out I was wrong, me wanting to rip and bite and burn... and make the whole world go red.

So after the first time doing that, I was done.

♪ ♪

You're with me now, so...


It's time to try again.


♪ ♪

I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan cause.

Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president.

I don't think I've ever met a sculptor before.

I think you should go on "What's My Line?"

You'd win.

Stonecutter by trade.

Not quite as romantic.

I wish I could make a living sculpting, but, uh, I suspect I'm not good enough.

A little doubt is good for the soul.

Maybe. Anyways, I keep at it.

Mr. Plaza lets me use the boiler room to work, keeps my materials locked up down there for me.

A patron of the arts.

Or just a very kind man.

Hard worker too.

He's gotta be, I suspect, raising five kids on a super's salary.

Five kids. He told me four.

Well, he's had a hard time with his oldest, Manny... Emmanuel.

Had a lot of trouble around here last year with burglaries, vandalism.

Anyway, Mr. P. threw Manny out.

Probably still knows his way back in, though, huh?


I, uh, I took down the chains.


Don't arrest me.

Not my job.

I'm homicide.

I talked to, uh, 2F, finally.

Mr. Lamb came home.

We had a conversation. Turns out he's a stonecutter.

He worked on the Masonic temple, the cathedral downtown.

Of course, you know all that.

He said that you let him keep his sculpting materials down here.

Where do you... where do you... where do you store 'em for him?


Who holds the key to that padlock?

I do.

That's what he said.

He also said you have five children.

Four daughters and one son, a 20-year-old son.

He told me that.

You didn't.

But that's okay, Mr. Plaza, 'cause you're gonna tell me now.


Manny... Manny Plaza.

Emmanuel Plaza.

That's a nice name.

You hungry?

You want a burger or something?

Some fries, a shake? Nothing?

Why do they call you Peanut?

Is it for the reasons I think?


Hey, your missing girl, Donna Healy?

The estranged husband's here.

I thought he was on a business trip.

No, he's in the break room.



So I briefed Lieutenant Gilbert on what Lucille gave us.


He's saying he wants me to get her in a room with the DA next.

That's great.

You drinking again?

You are gonna make a good detective.

I don't care what anybody says. Hey, listen.

Can you take a run at the suspect in A?

I'm striking out.

Okay. Suggestions?

Well, his nickname is Peanut, so maybe you guys can bond over your tiny apple bags.


Or... hatred of your father could be a fruitful area.


So you're a... you're a traveling salesman, Mr. Healy?

What is it that you sell?

Acne creams and ointments for Beechwood Pharmaceutical.

And you and Donna are estranged.

What estranged you two?

She had started doing modeling.

Now, strictly speaking, I didn't mind most of it.

But when she got into the pin-up stuff, that was too much, and we argued about that a lot.

Well, what's the difference between that and stripping, really, right?

Yeah. I asked her to stop. She wouldn't.

Then, six months ago, I told her if she didn't stop taking the pin-up jobs, she could move out, and there she went.

She took your son.

I showed up while she was working one day and took him to my parents.

He's better off with them.

And one time after he'd been with her, there was a cigarette butt in his diaper.

If you had to hazard a guess as to where she was right now, where would you say your wife is?


Went off with a man.

She would do that and go this long without contacting you?

You know, I wouldn't have thought so, but... if you would've asked would she rather quit pin-up modeling or leave me I would've said she would've quit, so maybe I don't know her that well.

Who's Tina Greenwood?

I don't know. Who is she?

You went to high school with her.

Sorry. Vineland High is a big place.

Anyway, why do you ask?



You got a light?


So what's going on?

Oh, Hodi's got another case going, so he told me to come sit in here while he's busy.

Said you were stonewalling him anyway, so no rush, right?

What else did he say?



He said your dad dropped the dime on you.

That true?




What is?

Just... someone doesn't want to have kids, then don't.

But if you do, be a man about it, you know?


And I'll tell you something.

If it made my dad's life any easier, he would've turned me in at the drop of a hat for anything... for the Lindbergh baby.

What's he saying you did, anyway?

s*ab some girl in his building.



And, uh... I mean, he got proof?

I mean, were you even there?

I don't live there anymore.

You know, he kicked me out.

He didn't care. I didn't have nothing.

Hey, man, I had to enlist when my dad kicked me out.

That's how bad off I was.

I almost did that.


Yeah. Oh, yeah.


He doesn't know where his wife is.

He doesn't remember the first missing girl from high school.

I don't have any bodies.

All I got are these damn pictures, and I can't sh**t my wad on a hunch.

Yeah, well, Shafe's practically got your animal writing a how-to on k*lling that girl.

So then I came up in the elevator, and there she was in the lobby.


Now, this is the girl?


She was beautiful, man. Mmm!


Legs to next week, just... mmm!

You know what I'm saying.

Anyway, so we start talking, and I tell her I'm the super's son, and she says she's Marisa, and we go up on the elevator to the fifth floor.

She unlocks her door but she says, "My roommate's home," so I say, "What about the roof?"

Uh-huh, thinking on your feet.


I like it.

Okay, so we go up, and... and she's kissing me, you know?

She's got my hands on her, all over her.

You know?


And she says, "Stop now, or I'll scream."

After she was kissing you?


Just two kids trying to have a good time...

Talking so loud, I had to show her my blade.

It was like... like being in a fight, not knowing how many punches you threw.

You know?

So I went down to my dad's place, and he says he's gonna help me.

So he gives me a shower, hides me in the boiler room.


And then he says he's gonna figure out what's what.


♪ ♪

When I come out, he turns me in.

I don't know why I was expecting anything different.

♪ ♪

You know what you should do?

What's that?

You should get your story on record.

All of it, right now, before he has a chance to change his.

That'll get you in deeper.


♪ ♪

What do you think?

♪ ♪

I think that girl was a slut.

You ready to bring him up into Detective Squad now, or what?

Well, that depends.

You ready to step up and do what needs to be done?

Are you seriously making this kid's promotion conditional on whether or not I come to dinner at your damn house?

Is that even legal?

You've met Jeannie.

You think I fear man's justice?


What can I bring?

(CHUCKLES) Your appetite.

Jeannie's gonna go for broke when she hears you're coming.

God help us all.


I'm sorry... for saying you don't make a difference.

But I do just think that there are other things that you could be doing that would be more fulfilling, and that will let you spend some time with your family and your daughter.

You're so smart, honey.

You have a bright future, and I want that for you.

I know you do.

But I also think you're embarrassed in front of your new Panther friends.

They're probably giving you a hard time about being married to a pig.

That's what I think.

I just got promoted.

Detective Squad now, Homicide, and I will be making a difference, solving murders.

So I do have a bright future.

I am fulfilled, and I am gonna take a shower.



You ready to play for me yet, Charlie?


Yeah, yeah. I, uh...

I had some other trips to go on, but, uh, I'm getting ready.

Sounds good.

But can I tell you what I feel like's going on here?

Nothing's going on, man.

No, no. I know.

It's just that voice in your head, right?

Telling you to cash it in, give it up.

I know that voice.

Watch your low notes.

You're flattening on everything.

You're shrilling on everything.

I'm trying to help you, big shot.


What, you think 'cause you got a couple of hits that you got it made?

I can talk to you any way I want to talk to you.

I'm your father.


You frustrated, booze-bag piece of crap.


Can't even play an instrument.

But still... it's always in there.

He's always in there.

You just got to rise above it, man.

Just rise.

Now, look, I don't always listen to myself when I say that.

But I hope that you do, because I can tell, man, you got some good music in you.

Some deep, beautiful music.

I can't wait to hear it.

♪ ♪

What about now?

♪ ♪

You want to hear it now?

Now is good.



Grace, you remember Ed Cutler?

Nice to see you again.

Come on in.

♪ ♪

My wife, Jeannie.

Grace Karn.

So glad you could come.

Dinner smells wonderful.

Thank you. We already ate.

You s... y-you said 8:00.

That is what I said.

It was ready at 7:00.

If you want some, there's dishes in there.

You can have the rest.

♪ ♪

I made a pitcher of gin sours.

I love gin sours.

♪ ♪

What the hell, Cut?

She thought you were bringing Opal.

Why would she think I was bringing Opal?

I might have told her you two reconciled.

Mm-hmm, and when did you tell her that you were mistaken?

About... noon.

And that's why we're not eating?

Not that I'm complaining.

I told her you and Opal split for good, and suddenly she's got bamboo under my nails.

Why have I worked so many night shifts this year?

Why'd I switch aftershaves?

Where was I three months ago on Thursday?

Can we please just drink? Please.

♪ ♪

Hey, Jeannie, we don't even need dinner, as long as you made that pineapple pimento dip.

I made lobster relish.

Even better.

Even better.

Mucus on a cr*cker.

Come on in, baby. Don't let the moths inside.

Sam, I don't want to go in there.

Oh, you're mad.

I know you're mad. Okay.

Next time Cut and Jeannie invite us over, we'll just k*ll ourselves instead.

Okay? How's that?

At least we went somewhere.

Even if it was awful, I'd rather do that than sit in there and wait for you to not come home when you said that you would.

Are we drunk?

How... how drunk are we?

What's happening?

I don't know.

I thought that we were together now, that we were doing this together, but instead, I'm just alone again in a different man's house.

Baby, you know my job. You know things come up.

You know I have to work cases based on timing, availability.

Right. Reduce it to that.

Make me sound petty and resentful of you being an instrument of justice.


Thank you.

You're right. You're right.

What are you?


You tell me.

♪ ♪

You're the woman I love.

Sam, I don't feel loved.

♪ ♪


You just wanna leave...

And you're telling a story that lets you.

♪ People say I'm no good...♪
♪ ♪

Yeah, and you hurt me into it... again.

♪ Never do they say ♪

♪ Why their world is so mixed up ♪

(SINGING, PLAYING OFF-KEY) ♪ Or how it got that way ♪
♪ They all look at me ♪
♪ And they frown ♪
♪ Do I really ♪
♪ Look so strange? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ If they really dug themselves ♪
♪ I know they'd want to change ♪


What time is it?





I'm the devil, and I'm here to do the devil's business.