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04x10 - From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths

Posted: 06/17/16 06:37
by bunniefuu
I don't know how to be with you.

Because you abandoned me.

What if we created a blastocyst?

The ball of cells would contain all the stem cells we need.

Fertilize my egg with Castor sperm?

This is the breakthrough we've been waiting for.

There are cops outside of our house. Donnie, we have to get out of here.

What is happening to me?

It isn't a glitch.

Someone's trying to show me something, Ira.

Do you actually think Neolution would let a clone take a position of real importance?

We have video of you admitting to euthanizing Brightborn babies.

How do you respond?

(overlapping voices)

I saw her get shot.

Cosima, she saw someone else pick her up, and Delphine was alive when they took her away.



What will happen to her?



(pop music playing)

(whispering): Shit!

(music stops)

(car tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Uh, I'm going to call 9-1-1, OK?

(whispering): No, no.

Oh, my God!

(Delphine groaning)

Step away. Move away, please!

Why are you here, Krystal?

How did you know my name? Oh, my God.

Who the hell are you guys?

It's through and through. Pulse is weakening.

We stabilize and they're away.

The helicopter's on standby. Inform the pilot...


(muffled voices)

(helicopter blades chopping)

(theme music)

And you double-checked everything, every chromosome?

Yeah, I even re-sequenced the genome with three of the new stem cell lines.

Well, my God.


The vector was totally effective!

And the sequences remained stable in each lineage?

Yeah, yeah! It worked. It really worked.

Well done, Cosima.

Why don't you re-sequence the other subcultures?

I will be back.

Wait, so what does that mean, then? That we've got a cure?

And... and you're gonna get well, Cosima?

Yeah. Yeah, fingers crossed.

Oh, my God...

That is amazing news.

Holy shit!

(laughing): I know.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

We have, you know, a functioning therapy for all of us, for all the sestras.

I'm so relieved. I'm so happy, Cosima!

I can't wait to tell Alison and Helena.

(crying): Yeah...


I miss you guys.

Oh, God. We miss you too.

Oh, no.

What, love?

Ugh, nothing. I'm just being denied access to the database.

What's up...



Wait, what's going on? You're offline.

And she's locked out of the data?

No, no, no, no. They can't do this to us again.


Euthanizing severely deformed newborns was...

That is the CEO of Brightborn.

Serves her right for, like, running a stem cell baby factory.

Wow. I mean, who would have thought the beauty industry was so corrupt?

I know, right?

Oh, my God!


That's him!


My name is Dr. Ian Van Lier.

That's the guy!

I'm pleased to announce that I will be serving as interim CEO for Brightborn Technologies.

(phone ringing)

Agh, come on.


Yes. And I have intel about that French doctor.

You mean Delphine?

Yeah, it's about Brightborn and, like, a Dr. Van Lier?

OK? But I am sick of being, like, yanked around by my brain at this point... chain at this point, so I am not giving you anything unless you tell me what's really going on.

OK, OK. I know a place we can meet.

That's right, Jim, I'm here outside the headquarters of Brightborn Technologies...

I can't get in touch with Susan.

I'm going to arrange a helicopter to take us back this afternoon.

Hello, Sarah.

Rachel, what's going on?

The second we hear about this cure, Cosima goes dark.

(TV chatter)


Well, we've been having the same problems.

Communication is spotty on the island.

No. She said she was kicked out of the database.

And I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation...

Hey, hang up the phone.

How are we supposed to trust that?

We brought down Evie Cho with cooperation, did we not?

You don't know the meaning of that word. Look... who's this Van Lier character who's at Brightborn?

Him. I have something.

Van Lier... is on damage control.

Brightborn's genomic technologies are in no way tainted...

He's Evie Cho's personal physician.

He's been guiding her science for years.

So he's another bloody Neo.

He will steward Evie's side

during the transition.

Wait, what transition?

I thought we put Susan on top. I thought that was the bloody point.

Well... politics.

Oh, God. Will someone listen to me? Please?



It's Krystal. She called me, right? Now, she's got dirt on Van Lier.

Says that he's connected to Delphine somehow.

How does Krystal figure this shit out?

No idea. She's doggedly wrong, but she gets results.

What do you think, S?

I think we have two factions of Neos with competing technologies.

Bots versus clones.

And if we're not careful, we are gonna get screwed again.

We're not gonna let that happen. We need to find out what Krystal knows about Van Lier. You're with me, yeah?

Keep trying Cosima, S. Let's get to the bottom of this.

Be careful.

We will!

(intense music)

(sighing): Shit.



The Wi-Fi's still down.

And these cell replication rates are, like, off the charts.

We'll still get better, won't we?

We are gonna get so much better.


Are you OK?

Yeah, I just...

I just need a glass of water. Could you get me one?

(intense music)


Room service. Frittata?

I've already eaten, Ferdinand.

But have you been serviced?

Of course, my company will defend itself resolutely.

Brightborn will recover.

We were assured the euthanizations would minimize risk, not thr*aten us with exposure.

You've set the agenda back.


Well, hardly.

We can repackage the technology.

Yes, but... we can't repackage you, I'm afraid.

What is this?

I'm sorry, Evie.

It absolves the Brightborn entity of wrongdoing and protects the patents from further legal actions.

No. I built this.

It's my technology. I'm not about to sign it away.

We just got started.

Look at the big picture. We're planning for the future here.

This is a minor setback.

We've done great work, Evie.

I promise it won't be for nothing.


None of this is my fault!

It's Susan Duncan and her clones!



Technology is subject to natural selection too, Evie.

It changes and adapts.

You're an engineer; you know that. Sh, sh.

You built it.

Let it take you.

You want for me to k*ll this Evie Cho?

I don't think she's the problem anymore.

You better just stay put for a while.

Donnie: Alison thinks we've been hiding out long enough.

I don't think the frontier life agrees with her.

She has the shits.

(quietly): Thank you.

Uh, I think it's Helena's venison stew.

I'm loving it, though. It's... it's great.

Yes, good. Intestines.


I want to help my sestras.

I know, Helena. Just, uh...

stand down for now. Sarah's on it. We need to figure out who we're really up against first.

Something's afoot.

Susan's gone dark. Her timing is suspicious.

Come, now. Clone cures, implanted tech...

All that Neo intrigue can wait, can it not?


Pleasure first, business second, remember?

I like the cane.

Elegant. Multi-purpose.

I'm not the same.

My... infirmities.

I don't feel much of anything anymore.

I spent a great deal of time and I lost a great deal of money searching for you.

We had plans, you and I.

Your eye is magnificent.

But your self-pity is repugnant.


(chuckling): There she is.

Get on your knees.

(Ferdinand moans.)

God, I've missed you.

I've missed you too, Ferdinand.


(jazzy music)



Cosima's cut off in a Neolution power vacuum, and he calls in a beautician?

Sweet move, right?

Hello, Krystal.

Hello yourself.

So what's this intel you've got on Delphine and Van Lier?

It's life or death.

Is it? 'Cause I basically don't believe anything you're saying right now.

Are you guys even for real?

Yeah! If you have any questions we're happy to help.

Krystal, we talked about this and we told you that the less you know the better, remember?

Well, that's not good enough for me anymore, OK?

If you want the scoop on Van Lier, you're gonna have to tell me everything.


Buzz us down.


I warn you, Krystal, this is going to come as a bit of a shock.

'K, like, nothing shocks me nowadays, so...

Oh, this is way more realistic, yes.

Hello, you. You look nice.

Well, thank you, Krystal.

(giggling): You're welcome.

There's someone we think you should meet.

Oi, I'm over here.

I tried. I did.

Hi. Who are you?

I'm Sarah.

I'm, uh... your clone.

OK, clones? Like...

Like genetic identicals.

Made in the lab.


(quietly): This is what you think I look like?

Pretty much.


'K, are you, like, blind?

'Cause this girl looks nothing like me.

Like, first of all, my tits are way bigger.

And secondly, even if you could drag a comb through that hair, she's like, a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a 10.


She has a point about your hair.

OK, so you guys at this point have literally no idea what's going on. It's so cute.

So let me lay it out for you straight, OK?

This is about human experiments and two factions fighting to control them.

Shit, that's right.


Right? So we have Estée Lauder, OK?

And then we have this Swedish company called Neolution.

It's crazy how right you are.

Thank you.

Krystal, could you elaborate just a little bit more? Give us a few more details?

Absolutely. But like, hold on tight, 'cause this is very confusing.

So Dr. Van Lier is absolutely Neolution, because he, like, showed up out of nowhere with all this medical gear, like, right after that French doctor was shot. OK?

And then they, like, took her off in a van.

Wait, Van Lier is the one who saved Delphine?

I'm sorry. Who are you again?

I'm Sarah. I'm your clone.

Right, whatever.

So Van Lier, like, knew my name, which is super freaky.

And I will never forget his face, 'cause he was so pissed at me for being there.

And 'cause he definitely had teenage acne.

I could tell. No question. Thank you for that, Krystal. Um, you know, there's actually something you could really help us with.


Neolution's wars of succession are fought over science.

There's an opportunity here. You haven't gone all Neo on me, have you? All that time with Susan Duncan.

Ah! Yes...

Neolution is a means to an end.

Just don't start spouting all that Leekie pop futurism, I beg you. Ow!

It goes deeper than that, believe me.

You sound like a true believer.

Controlling evolution? It's the ultimate power.

Convert. Say it.



(door opening)

Ira: Rachel?

(Ferdinand moaning) I have news.

Oh. Who is this?


He's just a toy.

He has his socks on...

What do you want, Ira?

Um... Susan's about to call.

She's excited. Something's going on.

(Susan talking indistinctly)

Yes, we will trial the cure on them both.

But it's the cell generation rates... they far surpassed expectations.

I have only seen numbers like this once before.

In Kendall Malone.

Yes. All these years trying to replicate the original experiment. Finally, finally we can restart human cloning.

Yes! I can scarcely believe it!

Congratulations, Mother.

Neolution will back you.

The board has been convened and Evie has been firmly retired, I understand.

I travel tomorrow. I want you both to be there.

We're back on top, Susan.

We hope. The board will make its recommendations.

Recommendations to whom?

I will see you in the morning.


Took me a while to realize what the cell regeneration rates mean to you.

You knew this was on the table, Cosima.

It was there when you gave us Kendall's cancer cells.

You don't even care about a cure, do you?

Of course I do!

We learn from our mistakes.

You're gonna keep making mistakes on people like me.

That is the cost of what we do, for progress.

You used me, Susan.

Neolution's founders understood the cost of progress.

P.T. Westmorland wrote the doctrine right here in this room.

OK... That's weird.

I'm sorry, Cosima. I can't risk you interfering in the lab.

(door locking)



You've got to be fricking kidding me.

At last, we did it.

Appearing before the board tomorrow.

I'll have to get my suit pressed.

No, you won't.

What do you mean?

Step this way, little brother.


Dr. Van Lier, please.

various: Dr. Van Lier!

Comment on the rumours that there might be other complainants?

Thank you. Dr. Van Lier has a moment for a few questions.

What other charges is Evie Cho facing besides the four counts on criminal negligence?

I can't comment on any legal action against the former CEO.

Where is Evie Cho now? - Disappeared behind her lawyers. We have no contact.

Are you a Neolutionist? What does Neolution have to say about deformed babies?

man: Neolution?

I'm sorry, you are...?

I'm TMZ. I want to know if you have a comment on the attempted m*rder of Dr. Delphine Cormier?

"Neolution"? Can you clarify?

Sir, who is Dr. Cormier?

I'm sorry; I don't have time for this.

That's it for now, I'm afraid. Sorry. Wait here.

(overlapping voices)

Do you recognize me now?

Of course, Krystal.

There's no need to make a scene. What do you want? We'll talk inside.

Do I look stupid?

Meet me around the corner.

No photos.

(intense music)


Easy, doctor.

We're just gonna get in the truck over there.

(door opening)

Miss Goderitch, whatever you think you're doing, this is a mistake.

Cut the shit, alright?

'K, why am I giving away my gas cans and my food?

We're cooperating to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Ugh! This is so boring.

I don't care about the zombie apocalypse.

I'm dressed like this to go on a real mission.

You're Sarah Manning.

Yes, and we want to know what you've done with Delphine Cormier.

I passed her along to get the medical attention she needed.

Why would you do that when your protégé, Evie, had her shot?

I did what I was told.

My orders don't come from Evie.

Then who do you really work for?

Why don't you put down the g*n?

Your side has won.

Susan finally has a cell line to restart human cloning.

This was never about the cure.

That's why Cosima's gone dark.

Susan wants the science for herself.

Susan's next move. Tell me what it is.

Susan is not your problem.

Rachel has reconvened the board without her.


Neolution has a board?

There's always a bloody board.


Gentlemen. Ladies.

Thank you so much for moving this meeting up.

There are moments which simply cannot wait.


Human cloning is back on the table.

(intense music)




Where the hell are you, you horrible bitch?

Damn. Wrong bitch.

This isn't what it looks like.

(tongue clicking)

Oh, Ira.

Where's Rachel?

We're all familiar with Susan's experiments.

Her patient contribution to our understanding of epigenetics in human evolution.

Well, I am not my mother.

And if our goal is genetic change in the general population, I want to see it within my lifetime.

This is exactly what Evie promised.

Yes, but Evie had no baseline.

And Susan has no balls.

So let's talk clones, shall we?

We have a saying:

"Neolution follows the science."

But it doesn't throw the deformed baby out with the bathwater, if you know what I mean.

We're listening.

Clones are wholly patented, farmed and monitored lab animals.

We can now produce them generation after generation.

So I propose we marry the best of both worlds: Susan's baseline with Evie Cho's implanted tech.

Rachel wants to put bots in clones?

In multiple generations.

You clones are so much more than the sum of your parts.

We operate in countries where human cloning is not illegal.

Where our corporation supersedes their citizenship, their personhood.

So why grant them this illusion of freedom?

If we want to know if our lab rats' tails will grow back, we damn well will cut them off and see!

I have to say, this is some of your finest work, Felix.

Thank you, Arthur. I do respect your opinion.

Excuse me. What am I doing in this place?


I've seen you before.


Krystal would kick your balls into your throat.

Oh, it's you.

I know where Rachel's going.

(helicopter roaring)

She's gone back without you, Ira, because she wants to control the whole cell line.

She wants to cut Susan out.

No, Susan won't allow it.

Have you heard this; "Neolution follows the science"?

Have you heard that?

Answer her, Ira.

Come on!


Right! Well, that's what Rachel's doing. She's going to the island to follow it, OK?

And you know, you know what she's capable of.

Look, I know you care about Susan.

Oh, yeah. They're shagging.

She's all alone out there.

Which is why you and I have to get on that helicopter.

You can make the call.

(suspenseful music)

(helicopter blades chopping)


I can still go with you.

No, this is my thing.

I'm doing this alone.

It's because it's bloody Rachel, isn't it?

No, no.

It's because it's Cosima, and it's the cure.

S, I'm immune. If I don't fix this, it's my curse to watch my sisters die.

And you have to take care of Kira.

You had a brother with a scar.

I'm nothing like my brothers.

Stay seated.

She's going alone, Ira.

Sorry. You'll be collateral.

What? You can't...

Hey. I'm going to be back soon, OK?

I know.

I worry about all the sisters.

There's so many we don't even know.

We're doing this for all of them, too.

I want us all to be free.


(heavy breathing)

(classical music playing)


Why didn't anyone fetch me?


Who are you?

I've seen you before.

Susan is in the kitchen.

Do not waver.

Who was that man?

A messenger.

Where did he come from? From the board?

You have no idea what you've done.

I know exactly what I've done.

I grew up in boardrooms like that.

No. No, not like that one.

Power does not equal free will, Rachel.

You are owned.

A legal description which I can rewrite.

They'll never accept you.

And when the lobbying has ended and the laws have passed, who would you choose as the first face of human cloning?

You are betraying me.

You are betraying your sisters and you are betraying yourself.




Hey. What's going on?

Rachel's back and she's very angry.

Susan says that we have to get to the boat.

Is that the boat that's in your painting?

Yes. Come on.

(quietly): Wait. Charlotte.

Are there other people on this island?

Sometimes, but we mustn't go there.

Why? Why? Who's there?

Susan says that we have to get to the boat.

Now come on, before Rachel comes down.

Uh... wait! Wait.

You wait here, OK?


Just... I'll be right back.

You should be thanking me.

You created me to be your heir, didn't you?

A child raised by Neolution.

Seemed like a good idea at the time, but it wasn't mine.

Whose was it, then?

You gave me to this.

I should never have left you.

Is that what you want to hear?

You made me think you were dead.

So now I must do what Neolution raised me to do, make the hard choices.

The hard choice is restraint.

You're fading, Mother.

The future is bolder than you.

Where's the cell line? I want the cure.

Oh, Rachel.

All the joy and insight your sisters have given me.

We should go.

For every Sarah, every Cosima, I regret making you.

Sorry, Rachel.

The board does not have the final say.

And I will not allow you to move forward with any of this.



(quietly): Go. Run.

It's not up to you anymore, mother.

I think it's just a little further.

It's getting dark.

Are you sure this is the right way?



Get up. We have to get to the boat.

(whispering): OK.

I'm OK. I'm OK.

I'm OK.

(helicopter blades chopping)

I think we're lost.

It's too cold.

(whispering): There.

Let's stop for a second.

Don't fall asleep, OK?


Susan. Hey.


What happened?

(Susan groaning)


Oh, Rachel's gone mad.

Where's Cosima?

I sent her up-island with Charlotte, to a boat.

Where? How do I get to them?

Sarah, Rachel's taken the cure.

The whole cell line.

Did you treat Cosima?

(suspenseful music)



No, Rachel!




Rachel, stop!

Control yourself!

You have what you want!

I want you, Sarah.

You crazy bitch!

You're not immune to me, you cockroach.

Rachel! You're one of us.

One of you? You didn't even know what you were until Beth Childs walked off that train platform.


I was raised for this. This is mine.

My time.


Rachel Duncan, stop.


Rachel, desist, or I will sh**t you down myself.

You won't sh**t me, mother.

(heavy breathing) (groaning)

Go on, then. Pull the trigger.


You can't, can you?

I'm the chosen daughter, whether you like it or not.


(Sarah grunting)

(suspenseful music)

I'm going to need blood pressure and core temperature, please.

(man speaking indistinctly)

She's hypothermic.

Look at me?

OK. Please leave us.

Thank you.

Keep breathing. Keep breathing.

I'm right here.

I'm going to keep you warm.

I think I'm dying.

No. No, you're not.

I won't let you.

I finished our homework.


I've made my own decisions.

But I was led here.

I've seen things in my eye.

I've seen the messenger.

I've seen the swan.

Your eye...

He's getting capricious in his old age.

Losing his patience for natural selection.

Who is?

Who built my eye?

You know.

It's the man behind the curtain.

The man who wrote the book over a century ago.

(whispering): That's impossible.

Not for him.

(suspenseful music)

(door locking)

(muffled voices)

Altruism poses a distinct challenge to the evolutionist.

Has altruism saved you?

That wasn't what it was.

You won't be allowed to stay with her.

I know, but she's my patient, so if you'll please excuse us.



We have to be... very careful here.

It's not safe.

Is our homework what I think it is?

You found your cure!

You can sh**t me up, like old times.

I will.

But you must not tell anyone.



(intense music)

(shaky breathing)



Mum, I need help.


Hello, Sarah.

It's been eons.

Now, don't worry. The whole family's just fine.

(suspenseful music)

(water running)

(classical music playing)

Hello Rachel.


How was your fare?

It's done.

The signs are secure.


Mr. Westmorland will see you now.

(Bell dings)