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02x03 - Vacancy

Posted: 06/14/16 04:41
by bunniefuu
Emma: Previously on Scream...

Why are you following me?

Emma: It's Dad. He's back.

What up, my Lakewood Sixers?

Though, technically, there are only five of us at the moment.

What? No one's talked to him since we, like, broke up?

Talking about Jake Fitzgerald. That's your boyfriend, right?


Stavo: Finally answered, huh?

He must really love you.

All you people who think you know everything about the Lakewood Six, you don't know us.

Brooke, you're special to me. I don't even know who you are.



Piper... a girl accomplice? Do you remember what she looked like?

Crescent Palms.

‭DISTORTED VOICE: Play it cool, scumbag.

Or I'll strangle you with your own intestines.

Noah: Eddie told me about this storage unit.

There's stuff in there that might belong to Piper.

Figured you'd want to be there. Film the big reveal?

Audrey: Wouldn't miss it.





Distorted voice: Hey, k*ller. You get my message?

(MUTTERING) I don't...

How could you... How could you do this to Jake?

Gonna call the police? Oh, that's right.

Can't really, can you? Got you in a nasty place, I guess.


Scream - S02E03 - Vacancy

What does that mean, "Dad's back"?

It means I saw him. We talked.

You saw him here? In Lakewood?

Yeah. We're, uh... having breakfast.

Wow. Did he... what did he say?

Not much. You know, that he's sorry. That...

That he wants to be here for me now.

Oh, honey...

I know you love your dad, and he loved us, he did, but he had his own difficulties.

Promise me you'll be careful.

‭Mom, I...

I can't promise you anything.

I... have no idea what to expect.

I just know that I have to talk to him.

I have to hear what he's going to say.

Does that make sense?

‭Of course.



Hey! Emma, are you okay?

Yeah. I didn't mean to scare you.

No, uh, it's just early. Um, what's up?

My dad's back. I don't know. You're the only one who knew him before he left.

And I haven't slept all night and I'm totally freaking out.

Wow. He just shows up... literally when you get back to town?

How long has he been here?

I don't know. I didn't interrogate him.

Doesn't it seem a little suspicious?

You know, like, the timing of it all?

What do you mean "the timing of it"?

Um, I mean, like, where was he when all of our friends, everyone we knew, was getting slaughtered? When you were actually in danger?

Well, um, we're meeting for breakfast. So, maybe we'll get into some of that.

It just seems a little strange that he's suddenly here now.

Yeah, I get that, but come on, you remember how good he was before he left, right?

I'm just... I'm trying to focus on that. (CHUCKLES)

Mmm... actually, I kinda remember him being a little off.

He wasn't off. What do you mean "off"?

He was damaged, Emma.

I wouldn't have used that word when we were little, but he was damaged.

When Brandon James k*lled all of his...

He went through a lot, okay?

We should definitely be able to understand that.

And maybe he's better now. People can recover.

Em, he just left you without any explanation.

What about that? You should be careful.

Yeah. Okay, I shouldn't have called you.

Wait, are you pissed at me?

Um, I'll see you later.

(KNOCKING) Hey, sleepyhead! I've been texting you since dawn.

Ready to check the storage unit? Let's go, go, go!

Yeah, just give me one sec, okay?

One second. Meet me out front.

Thank you.

This place is, uh, nice.

It's, um, hip.

Or whatever the word for "hip" is now.

Yeah. Yeah, no, it... it works.

I, um... I work here. Or I used to, before...

I am starting again next week.

I'm sorry.

I wanted to come back, but I just... I couldn't, uh, get it together.

That's my fault. And then, your mom said that you weren't ready to... see me, so...

Mom told you not to come?

She has her reasons.

I missed a lot.

But when I saw on the news what happened with your... with Piper...

We don't... We don't have to get into that.

Being a survivor is painful.

Having to remember all of your friends' faces...

This isn't... I'm fine, honestly.

I need to ask you this one thing.


I understand that you and Mom couldn't make it work.

I get that. Sometimes, people just don't fit together.

And, now, I know what you went through with Piper.

The lies, all of it.

I understand why you ran away from this place... but...


Why'd you have to leave me?

I can't explain that.


Hi, honey. How was breakfast?

Did you tell Dad not to contact me?


It's not that simple. When he called out of the blue, I said that now might not be the best time.

You could have told me that last night.

I'm tired of all these secrets.




So, who were you on the phone with basically at dawn?

Hey, fun story. None of your business.

Always so mysterious.

Look, maybe we should go get breakfast instead of breaking and entering?

I'll spring for pancakes.

No pancakes. Ooh, wait!

Hey, frame me up. Maybe use, like, a Dutch angle so it's creepier.

I got it.

This is it.

Oh, what? The unit was already unlocked?

Crescent Palms guy was hazing you.

We'll see.

You recording?



Ugh, this is such a lame disappointment. All this hype and then nothing.

It's like everyone saying, "Go see The Blair Witch Project," right?

Hey! Are you listening?

What'd you expect, Noah? Some giant neon sign flashing "Piper was... here"?

Uh... Hey, um... Let's jet, okay? Before someone else shows.

Someone else! You're a genius. That's why the lock was broken.

'Cause someone else got here first, right?

Someone who didn't want anyone to find whatever was in here.

So, that means there was definitely something to find.


Oh! What do we have here?

Hey, hey! You can't just take that.

It might be there for security.

‭First, this is new.

Second, that thing over there is for security.

Someone's been keeping an eye on this place. Maybe Eddie...

Who's Eddie?

Ugh, the Crescent Palms guy.

Come on. We've got time before school to see what's on this.

Okay, you'll be standing in a line.


Shoulders back, like this. That's good.

And, as you're introduced, you'll step up.

Look, I've upgraded from texting to voice-mail to further express my level of "you are so dead."

(SIGHS) I bite the b*llet and I tell my dad about you, then you ghost?

That is not getting back together, Jake.

This is all very strange. Call me.

Hey, I know we don't really know each other, but this Lady of the Lake Pageant does not seem like your thing.

My dad is making me. Maddox pride.

So, then, he'll be your escort?

Oh, I haven't even thought about that. Um, no.

Who has their dad as their escort?

Uh, I do. (CHUCKLES)

And I avoid all high school guy drama. Win-win.

Oh, please. Everybody knows you have a crush on Noah.

You practically give him eye baths in psych class.

Okay, no, I do not do that.

A little bit.

Okay, well, maybe there's a world where I think Noah is kind of cool.



Hold that thought.

Woman: Okay, ladies, grab a worksheet.

Thank you all for participating.

Not a spectator event.

Came early to get in some laps and accidentally discovered this circus.

It's a traditional scholarship program with a charity component.



Ever track down your missing boyfriend?

Brooke! Are you joining us?

Look, maybe I was unclear. Go away.

I'll take that as a "no."

The way he looked at me, I wanted to cry, but I also got really angry.

That's probably natural, right? That's a lot of history there.

I don't know. I think when Audrey went all doom and gloom on me this morning, she really got into my head. I think something is up with her.

It's also Audrey. It's hard to tell.

You think your dad will stick around?

‭I have no idea.

He doesn't exactly have the most reliable track record.

My dad left us when I was little.

If he showed up now, I'd probably punch him in the teeth.

Hey, Fight Club, not cool.

You were listening to all that?

No, no.

Eli and his dad have a complicated relationship.

And Eli's crazy.

I get it. I definitely wanted to hit my dad when he left.

I was little, but I was so angry.

That doesn't sound like you.

I've got to cram for my lit exam.

PDA in the hallway. It's adorable.

Don't you have, like, everything to sign up for?

First day. You got a lot to do.

It is my first day. I don't know where anything is.

Okay? The cafeteria, the office...

I'll... I'll show him around.

Are you sure?


He's a pain in the ass.

I'm standing right here.

Just dump him at the office. They'll take care of him.

So, it must be weird starting at a new school in the middle of the year.

Used to it. We move around a lot.

Living in one place your whole life isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

So, yesterday, in the hall...

Yeah. Right. I was wondering when you'd bring that up.

You knew who I was?


And you chose to screw with me because...?

It was more fun than "Hey, I'm Eli." "Hey, I'm Emma."

Yeah, I guess that's more fun.

You're still kind of weird though.

Whatever's on here might make that murderboard look like kiddie hour.

Watch this. ‭Noah, we're gonna be late for school.

(LINE RINGING) Shh! Shh, shh, shh.

Crescent Palms, your place to relax in Lakewood.

This is Eddie. How can...?

You think you're pretty smart, huh?

I want to know who else you told about that storage unit.

Who is this?

Oh, come on.

It's Noah Foster from The Morgue. We talked last night.

I told you already, I don't have anything else to say.

(MUTTERING) Oh, that's nice. Okay.

Look, you're spinning out these conspiracy theories that just don't exist, man.

Just wait for the camera to sync up, okay?

And... we are syncing.


We're almost a quarter synced.

What are you hiding?

We are almost there.

Come on, come on, come on. Oh, damn it!

It was just streaming only. There's nothing on here.

Uh, careful with that.

It's a bookend. Very sturdy. It's fine.

(SCOFFS) Limited edition dragon's head bookends with faux onyx finish, and the only thing keeping half my library from sliding onto the floor.

That's usually what bookends do.

I'm... I'm going to go to class. I'll see you there?





I know you told me not to come back.

But here you are.

I needed to see her.

So, you saw her.

Hopefully, you could see that she's a strong girl.

She's working hard to get back to her life.

And I don't want to mess any of that up.

But she had questions.

Questions... (SCOFFS)

Questions like, uh... "Why no letters or phone calls?" or "Where the hell have you been half my life?"

I don't want to fight.

You should have respected my wishes.

I'm trying to protect her.

When I found out what happened to both of you, I knew I needed to connect with her, because the same thing happened to me, Maggie.

Why are you here?

Emma's friend Riley's been reaching out to me.

She told me when Emma came home from your mom's house, she thought Emma needed me.

Not Riley Marra.


She's been emailing me. Here.

Piper m*rder*d Riley Marra months ago.

You've been getting emails from a dead girl.

Okay, no, it's not a crush. I'm just a little obsessed with his podcast.


But he was with Riley.

That was so sad.

Now, he's always with Audrey.

Although, after that video last fall, I guess guys aren't really her thing.

Did you see it? Who would even post something like that?

Mean people who don't think. In other news, I definitely think there's something we can do about this whole Noah situation.

No, Brooke, please. I really don't...


Ugh, unknown numbers drive me nuts. Hello?
Man: That, in black ink, my love may still shine bright.

Okay, you are blocked on all social media, phones, even the telegraph, Branson, and you're blocked for a reason.

I miss you, Brooke, and I heard that you broke up with Jake, so I wanted to...

We're negotiating.

And how do you know that? And are you really opening with a Shakespeare quote?

Is that your plan?

That's right. Sonnet 65.

I assigned it. I'm feeling nostalgic.

Come on, Brooke, you don't miss me at all?

Consider this number blocked, too.

This is my cousin, Eli. Feel free to ignore him.

This is Audrey, Noah.

Hey, man. First day, huh?

School is school.

Sure, except, in this school, people get k*lled by knife-wielding maniacs every 20 years, give or take.

Excuse me! "Girl's only" moment.

(SIGHS) So, out of nowhere, Branson hits me up this morning.

Yeah. He said he just "heard" Jake and I broke up.

Whoa! How did he hear that?

Barely anyone even knew that you were together.

What is it with men from the past mysteriously showing up?

Wait, what does that mean?

Emma's deadbeat dad resurfaced, too.

Okay, not cool. And that is a totally different thing.

And I was also not ready to share that!

You weren't gonna share it with me?

The person I told this morning wasn't exactly supportive, so...

And how was your breakfast this morning?

It went really well.

I can tell that's 100% not true.

Okay, are you two, like, legit fighting?

No, it's fine. It's just...

Audrey has some unflattering opinions about my dad, that's all.

No, they're memories, not opinions.

And, sometimes, maybe people are going through big things that have absolutely nothing to do with you, Emma.

Big shocker!

At the most, it's identity theft. And, even then, what's the real harm?

I'm sorry, Mag. I-I didn't mean to sound dismissive.

It's just... you've seen the reports of all the hijinks since your unfortunate run-in with Ms. Shaw.

That's a pretty damning understatement.

Look, we all grew up here.

And you left. You both left.

My family left because of that whole Brandon James mess.

Miguel, with our particular history, I think you should investigate.


You know what? You're right. Just to be safe.

I know a guy in the bureau back in Phoenix.

He can try to trace the activity. Take a while.

But, for now, do not tell Emma.

Okay? We don't need the whole student body talking.

I don't know about not telling Emma. If I don't...

What if Miguel is right?

You said you don't want to stress Emma out.

You let me know if you find anything out.

Maggie, hold up. I trust Miguel. He'll get this sorted out.

Like deciding not to tell Emma, and then, swapping glances like you're teenage boys getting away with things again?

That's not what just happened.

Look, I've raised Emma on my own since you left.

I've made mistakes, but I didn't have any help.

That's not fair. You know I had to leave.

Now, you're back, and you think that you and Emma almost being k*lled is a good thing to have in common.

It's something we share.

Being att*cked by a psychopath is not bonding!

Don't you ever.



Can I get a copy of the schedule for next week? Thanks.

She looked at me like I was crazy, too.

I got a Black Eye. Iced coffee, two sh*ts of espresso.

I would never sleep again.



Uh, so, earlier, the punching comment...

Sorry, if that was...

No, it's fine.

I would punch my dad.

I just felt kinda bad for interrupting you.

Here. Also, your dad called and left you a message.

It's on top there. Maybe let him know that cell phones exist and this isn't an answering service?

Yeah. Sorry. Guess he doesn't have my number.

Anticipation builds. What is the message from Emma's dad?


He's at the Crescent Palms.

He says he's sorry, and he has an answer about why he left.

That's good, right?

We'll see.

You had a liquor store delivery at the front desk.

For a Mr. Duval? Found a corkscrew.

Hello? Is anyone in here?

Mr. Duval?

Excuse me.

Plastic. Kinky.






♪ I... ♪


♪ I need your touch ♪

Please! Somebody! Help!

♪ I... ♪
♪ ...want you so much ♪



♪ Please come back ♪


You should be a better partner, Audrey.

I'm doing all the work.

Just tell me what you want.

I want you to finally have some answers, k*ller.

They're waiting for you back at Crescent Palms.

No. (SCOFFS) No, I'm not going anywhere, you freak.

If you don't go now, the video of you playing with Jake's mangled body gets posted in the comments of your friend's podcast.

It's up to you.

Hey, Noah! You here for some B-movie action?

Yup, just meeting up with some folks.

If you have a second, I've been listening to the podcast.

Oh, a fan of The Morgue, huh?


It sounds like you're making real progress with this whole Piper accomplice thing.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I was just wondering... what if you do find someone?

Don't you think that he, or she, or even they, won't be happy about it?

That means you get hurt. Or worse.

Okay. Okay, food for thought.

Uh-oh. Here comes trouble.

Brooke: Here we are!

Oh, hey!

Did you invite him?

No. Uh, where's everyone else?

Oh, it's just me. And Zoe. You two know each other, right?

Yes, yeah, a little bit.

Ish. Kind of. Yeah.


Um, so, did you do the reading for AP English yet?

Of Mice and Men. Wow. Oh, my God.

In what world does strangling a rabbit get you a b*llet to the head?

Ah, spoiler alert. I didn't actually...

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to ruin it for you.

That's okay. It doesn't matter.

I'm just gonna speed this up a little bit.

Noah, if you're smart, you'll ask Zoe out.

And if you're lucky, she'll say yes. Right?


And what are you doing here?

Just seeing a movie.

Something I can do for you, or...?

Could I get just one Stavo-free day?

Do you have any of those?

Yeah, the thing is, we're all out of that.


Let's go.

Who thought you'd be so excited to see k*ller Klowns from Outer Space?

God, is that what we're seeing?

Audrey said she was going to sneak us in tonight, right?

But she's not here.

She's been M.I.A. a lot lately.

Man: Can I get a small popcorn?

Who's that guy?

That is Mr. Branson.

He used to teach at GWH.

Yeah, he used to do a lot of things.


I know what you're thinking, but this is... this is totally a coincidence.

Oh, right, yeah. You unknown call me this morning, and then you just happen to show up here?

I see you a lot of places in town. I avoid you so you don't know.

Well, that's not a smart thing to say.

"P.S. I see you, but you don't see me."

Do you... Do you, like, actually think that I'm stalking you?

You've absolutely misled me before.

If you don't think what we had was real, there's nothing I can do.

Your name wasn't real, your backstory wasn't real.

Your history of not dating girls who wind up dead wasn't real.

Is that why you locked me out of your house while people were dying?

I don't trust you.

You never even gave me a chance to explain.

You just shut me out.

Brooke, it wasn't just sex. I still care about you.


We can at least finish talking.

Hey, Mr. Branson.

Oh, this is not at all uncomfortable.

Any new missing girls to report?

(SCOFFS) I never liked you, Foster.

Hey, no need for that, boys.

Your, um... Your sources were correct about Jake.

It's... It's complicated.

But, in the meantime, I'm keeping my plate full.

This is my new friend, Stavo.

He's the Sheriff's son. So, be nice.

Is this old dude bothering you?

(SCOFFS) You're not dating this guy.

Babe, if we're gonna see the movie, we should get in there.

(CLEARS THROAT) You know, um, on second thought, I'm not stoked about sitting in a dark room with a teacher.

Let's just find something else to do, guys.

You've changed, Brooke.

You didn't even say "thank you" for the flowers.

What flowers?

‭The ones I left on your car?

Brooke: Let's go.


Hello? Uh, is anyone back there?


Dad? Are you in there?

Dad? I got your message.




Hey, Noah. What's up?

Why aren't you at work tonight?

Why are you a private detective?

It's a secret. If I tell you, I'll have to k*ll you.

Cryptic. You'll have to get in line.

Stavo thinks looking for Piper's accomplice might put me on someone's death list.

Huh. Good job, Stavo. Are you really just now realizing this?

I was here with Brooke and Zoe. We were hoping you could sneak us in.

But then, Mr. Branson showed up.

I'm in the middle of something, Noah.

Just fill me in later.

Are you okay? You sound...

I'm golden. I have to run.

Missing in action.



Okay, Noah, seriously, you've been excessively clingy today!

I told you...

Voice: I can't help it.

It's so much fun imagining how your insides would look on the end of my buck knife.

That's not exactly enticing.

Don't worry. It's just a fantasy. I still need your help.

I'm almost there.

Better hurry. We have a guest.


A guest? Wait, what guest?






Holy crap!


(LINE RINGING) Okay, come on.

Come on, come on, come on.


Hey, it's Emma. You missed me. Send a text.

Answer your phone!



Lakewood City Services 911. What is the nature of your emergency?

You need to send someone over to the Crescent Palms Motel right now.

My friend is in danger and she needs help!

Okay, ma'am, stay calm.

I am calm! You need to send someone over there right now. Please!

Officers will respond. May I please have your name for purposes...


Woman: Stop it! (GLASS SHATTERING)

Man: Would you just listen?

Man: Where do you think you're going?

Woman: Keep your hands off of me!

Man: Don't you dare leave!

Woman: Go to hell!

Kevin: You think you can deny people service?

Man: I'm required to.

You're drunk. Go home before it gets ugly.

Kevin: Just because I had a few drinks? Is that what you think?


You don't know the things that I've seen, son of a bitch.

Don't put your hands on me. Don't put your hands on me!

Please stop.

Dad, stop it!

Dad, stop!

Oh, thank God.

Emma, I don't know what happened.



You're drunk?


Yeah, a little bit, but my temper...

Why did you ask me to come here and then get wasted?

Why were these in your motel room? Were you...?

Were you at the farm on Pikeview Road the other day?

Look, I don't know what you're saying.

Those aren't mine.

I checked out. Everything's in my car.

You... You didn't leave me that message?

No, no.

Wait, you...

You were leaving?

You were leaving again without explaining anything?

Please, please...

Just stay over there!

Don't be scared of me, okay?

That's the whole reason why, Emma...

Listen... (SIGHS)

Living through what happened to me... to us... it changes you.

Okay? But you know that. It just... it made me angry.

And then, I started drinking more and I just made things worse.


Especially for... your mom.

One day, I was drunk. I was trying to take you somewhere in the car, and she tried to stop me, and I just lost control, and I... att*cked her.

I fractured her jaw.


She was so frightened... of putting you in danger.


I never wanted you to see me like this.

You hurt Mom?

I was so thankful that she never told you, that she let you remember me better.

Audrey, what are you...? What are you doing here?

I was... I was driving by and I, uh...


It doesn't matter. Are you okay?

Did someone here call the police?

I did. Um, I saw these guys fighting, and I thought my friend might be in danger.

You called the police?

It was intense, and I didn't know it was your dad.

Step over here with me for a moment.

I... I need to get out of here.

My mom was right. You were right.


No, don't apologize. I was a jerk.

I can't explain why. None of it matters right now.

He said that we're the same. I don't want to be the same.

Emma, you're not.

You don't always have to rescue me.

It's not like I do it on purpose.


Get home safe, okay?

Yeah, I will.