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02x09 - A Perfect Match, Part 1

Posted: 06/13/16 07:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

I don't wanna get my PHD.

I don't want you to do anything that you don't love.

This is my friend Katie and Katie is from London.

John asked me to be his field supervisor.

In the Maldives?

Cassie: Ooh!

Oh, I can't feel my face!

Come on! Ha!

Why'd we go hiking again?

'Cause the trail was calling!

Yeah well, next time, let's not answer it.

We had the woods to ourselves!

Well, yeah!

Nobody else was crazy enough to come out in the weather.


It did bring back memories.



Seemed like it was always cold there.

You loved it.

Yeah, I did.


Aw, thank you!

Planning on painting?


I know it doesn't look like it needs a coat of paint, but it's this thing I do: anytime I move into a new place, I just like to start fresh.

Hm. Is there a colour you're leaning towards?

Yeah, that's it.


I am.

How are your decision making skills, these days?

I like that colour!

I'm not talking about the paint.

The dig.

Yeah... Any decision yet?

Well, I can't say I'm not tempted.

Well, it's the Maldives! I've never been to that part of the world.

Yeah, me neither, which is why...'re considering it?

It'd be a real adventure.


Could be.


You know, I think, uh...

I think this trim colour would look great.

(soft music)

(theme music)


Good morning, Sam.

Did I startle you?

In a good way.

Hm! Is this coffee?

You never have coffee.

Well, it's a special occasion: you finally picked a paint colour for the lake house.

(laughing): Ha, yes, the paint.

So, how much longer?


Until we can talk about what's on both our minds.

(little sighs)

I hope I didn't surprise you.

I can't say I was surprised that it happened...

(breathing deeply): ...and it was nice.


Well, it's just... what if... Wait. Before we examine and dissect what happened yesterday, why don't we... take a beat and... try to enjoy what happened yesterday?

It's very zen of you.


Well, you gave me coffee, I'll give you Buddhism.

We... see where this goes?


OK, no pressure.

No pressure.


You're up extra early!

I decided to scrap my biology term paper last night... and, I don't know, just... start over!

Everything OK?

Yeah. For sure.

Bye, Sam.

See ya.

♪♪ It's as if I never loved you ♪
♪ Only seasons could change you ♪
♪ So wrapped up in your senses ♪
♪ All assistance makes no difference ♪
♪ To me ♪
♪ I still recognize your smell ♪

(door chimes)

A festival for light!

You missed it last year.

Why does this town have to celebrate everything?

Yeah, it's fun and it's a real boost to the town's economy.

So a lot of people come?

Oh yeah. And all the business owners on main street decorate.

Well, I could use something like this to spice things up at my shop.

Business is off?

It's fine... but I want to grow and, for that, I need new customers.

Hm well, I'm sure you'll find a way to make that happen.




Something's different.



(door chimes)

Bonnie Neil has abandoned me.

This town! This whole community!

Her father just had emergency surgery!

Oh, and I'm so very sad for that, but the fact remains that she has planned the Middleton Lights Festival for the last decade and now, she's not here to finish what she started.

This is the town's biggest event; there are details and double confirmations to be done.

Construction, rides, food!

I would do it myself, but between my budget deadline and my bustling K Buddy program, I simply don't have the time!

I could help.

Cassie, it's a full time job.

You have 2 businesses and a daughter. I have reached out to everyone who would have the time and the skill to take over and, so far, no one's answered my call to duty!

I'll do it.


(chuckling): Well, that's very sweet of you...

I can handle it.

The F takes a lot of work...

I get that.

...and you have your shop to think of.

Trust me, I'm the perfect person for this.

Sounds like you found your Bonnie replacement.

Martha, I promise this will be the best Lights Festival that Middleton's ever had.

Well, ugh...

I guess the job is yours, then!

Thank you!

No, thank you for stepping up and volunteering at this town's darkest hour.

Well, I do love Middleton.

And Middletonians will love you back for saving their festival.

That's the plan!

Well! Since you've taken over, here is your first official duty.

Bonnie told me before she left to make sure these get delivered.

I got it.


It was nice of you to volunteer.

Just doing my civic duty.


You're up to something.

I'm not the only one.

It's addressed to Sam.

Something tells me you're gonna be seeing him before I do.

(jaunty whistling)

You're happy.

Am I?

What gives?

We got the lake house.

Wakeboarding, here I come!

Well, I know you'll be heading off to London in the fall, but that still gives us the whole summer...


I read your essay, and you carefully and logically laid out your reasons for wanting to study abroad.

Y-you're serious...

If London's what you want to do, you have my permission to go.

OK! Uh... thanks!

(birds chirping)

(indistinct chatter)



Brandon! I thought you were at work.

I am! I saw you through the window.

I see you're a little bit jumpy.

Oh, me? No.

What are you doing?

I was just reading a "mommy blog" my friends got me on to.

You seem upset.


I wish I could talk to my mom.

You wanna talk to your mom? Since when?

Since... you and I started talking about wanting to start a family.

She abandoned you when you were a baby.

Yeah, and I wanna know why.

But whatever her reasons, it doesn't change the fact that she ran away.

Yeah, but... what if I'm just like her, I mean... what if I just end up running away?

No, you are not your mother.

You don't know that.

"I" don't know that.

It's why I wanna talk to her.

I don't think that's such a good idea.


Because she could hurt you.

You don't know what she's gonna say or do!

Brendan, it's Derek. I need you over at the station. Over.

I'm on my way, Derek.

You have to go.

I hate to leave you.

I'll be fine.




So you're going to London.

Who told you?

Your dad.

I went to his office at lunch.

I think you're taking this internship thing way too seriously.

OK, first of all, he was looking to outline my biology term paper and second of all... why didn't you tell me?

I don't know.

Hi guys!

Is everything OK? I can come back.



We were just talking about London.


Nick's dad is letting him go, but Nick hasn't decided if he's going.

OK, what is the deal with that?

That is the Lights Festival.

It's huge. And it's a blast.

Everyone in town volunteers.

Ah, I'll catch you guys later.

Gonna go sh**t some baskets.

I don't think he likes me.

(sighing): His problem isn't about you.

The bride and groom are what?!


Vegans who won't sign my catering contract or give me a deposit until I provide them with an extensive tasting menu made entirely from plant-based foods.

I have until the end of the week.

I'm such a meat person!

I... I... I don't know, I'm just so not in my wheelhouse.

I know, I love hamburgers way too much to give up meat.

Ah, for me, it's steak.

I guess that's us in a nutshell: hamburger, filet mignon.

(snickering): They're the same thing; they're just prepared differently.

I love the way your mind works.

(little laugh) I'm here.

Thanks, but I'll figure it out.


Hey, Ben.

Hey, Cassie.



Ben just offered to help me with the wedding.

Well, he seems very committed to you.

And yet, he has never offered any kind of real commitment.

Hm... well, what are you looking for?

Well... in every relationship, there comes a point where... (deep breath) either have to move forward or move apart.

You're at that point?

Hm. Maybe you should focus less on what Ben wants and focus more on what you want.

Wouldn't that be easier if I knew what he wanted?

When it comes to relationships, easier isn't always an option.

Tell me about it.

(chuckling): See ya.


Hi, there.

Hey, Sam.

I just came from Hillcrest and thought we might grab a drink.

Oh! How could I say no to the new chief of staff?

(laughing): Yet another benefit of the job!

Actually, it's not official yet so, would you accept an invitation from the almost-chief of staff?

Hm, well for you, I would make an exception.

(laughing): Good!

Hey, what happened?!

Hm, wait for it.

Ah! (chuckles)

(laughing): Wow!


It's stunning.

OK so, how did you do that?

Hm... timers.

Lots of timers.


(door chimes)

Wow! It's beautiful!

Thank you!


What's that?

It's from Abigail.

But she gave it to you?

She somehow knew that I would see you first.

What is it?

I don't know, there's only one way to find out!

Ah! It's my tickets for the Ferris wheel.

Ah! I see Bonnie got to you before she left town.


Well, that's new this year; auctioning off the first ride on the Ferris wheel to the highest bidder.

A good cause. Did you bid?

No, Bonnie didn't come to me.

She sold it as a couple's thing and I'm not part of a couple.

Oh, well I'm not either.

Well, I think she knew that you're an eligible bachelor, you have no trouble securing a partner.

I guess that depends on you.


Yeah. You wanna be my plus-one?

Oh, people will get the wrong idea.

Or they might get the right idea.

Hm, you know, what you're asking is not as simple as just a ride on the Ferris wheel.

I've never been one for simple.

The whole town will be there.

Middleton does have spirit!

We'll just be honouring that tradition.

Oh, you're good.


Let me think about it.

(birds chirping)

Oh, I thought you were gonna give this binder to Abigail?

Well, I've been trying, but we keep missing each other.

But even without Bonnie's binder, Abigail's been out there working for the Festival.

She has?

Oh yeah! Every time I go by her shop, she's out!

She does seem quite busy.

But she does need this binder to finalize all the contracts for the vendors and service providers.

Is that the only copy?

It's the official bible for the Festival. It is a work. Of. Art.

Carefully constructed notes and plans that took ten years to compile, but also the blood and sweat of all those who organized the Festival for decades before...

I have an extra copy under lock and key in my office.

(text alert) Oh!

Ah, duty calls.

Oh, I can make sure that Abigail gets this.

Would you? Thank you.


Hm, just missed Martha.

Did I?

Yeah. She left Bonnie's binder for you.




Working hard on the Festival.

Right, the Festival, yeah.



Did you get your tickets?

For the Ferris wheel? Yeah.

It's for couples.

I know.

So, do you have a date?


Chocolate ice box cookies, my favourite.

They look so good!

Be nice and I'll share.

I'm always nice.


What is she up to?

I don't know, but it's something.

Hm, thank you for these.


Oh, she... Heh heh...

She left the binder.

I ran into John at the Bistro, he said "hey".


He thinks that you're going to the Maldives with him.

I didn't say yes.

But you haven't said no.

I sense you'd rather I not go.

No, I'll support whatever decision you make.

But I think if you go, it might be hard for you.


Yeah, you will miss me terribly.


Yeah, you might not last the entire trip!

(door chimes)


For you!


That's beautiful!

That looks like a lot of work.

Oh, I had the time.

I need to get back to the office.

See you later?

Yeah, bye.

Bye, Sam.

Yeah, well I think I'm trying to work things out in my head.

Oh, these are adorable!

Oh, thanks! I thought it'd be a nice way to promote the Festival this year.

Oh, my aunt had a big collection of miniatures just like this when I was a kid. I just love them.

Um... did Brandon tell you what I did?

He hasn't said anything.

I quit my PHD program.

It was the right thing to do, but now, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with the rest of my life.

Well, when you take a step in a new direction, it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be a step.


Thank you for this, it's lovely.

Oh! The Festival binder!

Yeah, Abigail left this here.

I could drop it off.

Oh, um, I have a box of decorations for her too.

Thank you.

No problem.

(indistinct chatter)



Valerie called.


From the hospital.

Did Samuel's lab work come back yet?

No, not yet. But I cleared your afternoon schedule like you asked.


Um, I was...

Hello, Dr. Radford.

Miss Hall.

I'm early.

Yes, first time!

I'll walk her back.

(phone ringing)

Dr. Radford's office.

Oh hey, Joel. Are you calling for...

Where did you hear that?


Are you sure? You are.

Dr. Radford is the new chief of staff at Hillcrest hospital.

Well he hasn't said anything to me.

OK, let's get you an appointment before we're out of business.

Hi Abigail!


Delivery from Cassie.

Oh, how sweet and persistent she is.

Oh wow!

Who are those for?



It's too bad I won't be able to deliver them 'til I close up.

Oh, I can drop them off.

Thank you. I'm just so super busy with the Festival.

Well, if you have Bonnie's binder, that must mean...

I'm in charge this year.

Oh, of the whole... festival?



Be sure to say hi to Stephanie.


Hey! Uh, I'm just waiting for Grace.

I'm supposed to meet Grace...



Something important on there?

Is that..?

Buckingham Palace.

My dad took the picture.

Every weekend, he picks some totally tourist thing for us to do, just the two of us.

I really miss him.

He still lives over there.

Are you gonna be OK going to London without your dad?

I think Grace is worried about you.

A semester is a long time.

(panting): Sorry I'm late.

You asked us both to meet you here.

Yes? I thought that we could take Katie to the chocolate shop on Clarke!

You guys go ahead.

I got stuff to do, so...



Look, I'll... I'll talk to you later, OK?
There you are. Ooh, who are those for?

Abigail said they're for you!


There's no card. Things must be pretty good if she's giving away free flowers.

Maybe she made a mistake; she's been pretty busy.

You know, she took over for Bonnie organizing the Festival.

She did?


But she hasn't called me and I handle all the vendors.

Oh, I'm sure she'll call.

She's been so busy, she hasn't even had time to decorate her own shop.


Not even the posters are up.

Ha, well this could be a disaster.


Oh! Never mind.

No, no, no, what's going on?

I probably shouldn't say anything.

But you already did.


Did you hear that Abigail's taking over for Bonnie?

That Festival is a lot of work.

Yeah, it is.

And if that work doesn't get done..?


You said it, not me!

(birds chirping)

Happy to be here.

What I'm not happy with is this contractor. He's late.

Oh, traffic?

It's a two-lane road, the only thing we passed was a chicken!

(laughing): What are you thinking about changing?

Well, something for Nick.

Yeah, fun alternative to London?

I decided to let him go.

(little sigh from Cassie)

Maybe Nick needs some structured freedom away from home. And me.

Spread his wings a little bit.

I don't want going away to college to be his first adventure.

Trial run?


(text alert)

Contractor. Says he'll meet us out front in 5.

Oh, you don't wanna be late!


(sound of waves and birds chirping)

So I've been thinking.

I think we should go to the Festival together.

(sighing): It's complicated.

Doesn't have to be.

We're friends, we live right next door to each other, Middleton's a small town...

We have a lot to lose.

OK, so it's complicated.

And we could end up losing what we have right now.

But if we're willing to take a chance, we might end up finding something that neither of us ever thought we'd have.

Come on. You zip-lined, hiked the Himalayas, lived in India for a year, might go to the Maldives...


...but riding a Ferris wheel, that's just... too risky.



OK, great!


Come on.

(birds chirping)

Hey, good morning!

I hate when I oversleep.

Aw, did you finish your term paper?

Ugh, I did.

Do you want to see it?


Great, I'll email it to you.

What's this?

Ah, John's organizing a dig in the Maldives.

Did he leave his stuff here?

He wants me to be his field supervisor.


I haven't said yes.

I would talk to you before we make any decisions.

Good morning!

Good morning.

I thought I heard Sam down here.


Just me! (little laugh)

Hey, you're in charge of the Festival this year, right?

I am.

Great. Uh, do you have the sign-up sheets here?

Yeah, I wanna work a shift at the Ferris wheel or the kids craft area.

Consider yourself signed up!

Wait, really?





Don't you want to write that down or something?

I have extraordinary memory skills.

So I figured out what I'd like to contribute to the Festival.

What's that?

I wanna hold a charity auction to benefit the library reading program.

What are you auctioning off?

Eight one-of-a-kind specialty cakes.

That sounds like a lot of work.

I will need some help with the baking.

Maybe Sam can help.

I see him around a lot. (Cassie sighs.)

You know, if Grace doesn't know yet, she will soon.

Middleton's a small town, this will be big news, and big news in a small town is hard to keep under wraps.

(door opening and knocking at the same time)


We were just talking about you.

Hm! You left these in the car.

Thank you.

Bye, you two!

(exhaling long): What was that about?

You and me. And the kids.

Ah... You think we should talk to them?

I just... think it should come from us.

Abigail won't say anything?

Abigail isn't exactly known for her discretion.

(laughing): Good point.

So... you think we should... talk to them together?

Hm. Tomorrow?




What exactly are we gonna tell them?

Oh! That... (little laugh from Cassie) we... care about each other, and we... really wanna see where it goes.

I guess we should leave out the part that, if this doesn't work out, one of us has to move.

(laughing): Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.


(indistinct chatter)

I need more caffeine. I am beat!

Well, Bonnie used to have to take a vacation after the Festival was over.

So you heard that I'm taking over for her?

When would you like to get together to go over the food?

Oh, you know what, I'm really swamped right now.

Why don't I call you?

Well, it's this weekend, we don't have a lot of time.

Oh don't worry, it'll be fine.

(little whimper) Hi, cuz!


Bye, cuz!

Oh, you look worried again.


She said she has everything under control, but not with the food.

I've started to get calls from other vendors; none of them have heard from her.


She's up to something, but it's not planning the Festival.

Actions always have motivations.

That's just the thing: she's not taking any action.

Like Ben.

You know, you could always ask Ben how he feels about your relationship.

If I ask him, I wont know if what he tells me is what he actually feels or just what he thinks I wanna hear.

It has to be spontaneous. His idea.


I need your help, but maybe this isn't the right time?

Oh no, I could use a distraction.

Well, I wanna hold an auction to benefit my favourite charity. I need eight cakes.

Well, how much is someone gonna pay for a cake?

Oh, a lot, if they're designer cakes.

Oh, that sounds like an awful lot of work in a short time.

For charity?

What do you say?



Hm, you won't regret it.


Thank you.

I can schedule your follow-up for three weeks from now.

Will you still be here?


Is Dr. Radford closing his practice?

I heard a rumour.


Mm-hm! Reliable source.


Dr. Radford.


When Josephine comes back for her follow-up, can we make a note on her chart?

She didn't schedule an appointment.

And I don't think I'm reading this message correctly.

Jill Bradley wants a referral for a doctor in Blairsville.

Uh, specialist?

No, family practitioner.

But that's what I do here!



What happened? You left kind of quickly yesterday.

Well, uh, I know what you're doing.

I'm not doing anything.

You're pushing me to hang out with Katie.

(sighing): It's not like that.

Katie misses her dad.


And that's supposed to make me think about how I'll miss my dad when I go to London.

Just because you don't want to experience life outside of Middleton doesn't mean you get to stop me.


You've told me over and over again about how you could never leave your family.

Hey, I'll leave Middleton.


When the time is right for me.

I think you'll make sure that the time is never right for you.

Look, if you're so adventurous, why not have your mom take you somewhere?

She's been everywhere.


See? You don't wanna leave.

You wanna stay here because you're afraid.

(birds chirping)

(door chimes)

Yoo-hoo! Just thought I would drop this off!

Oh, I have one of those in the window.


Is there something else I can help you with?

Did Abigail get the binder?

Tara gave it to her personally.

But she hasn't called me, you know, just to let me know that she got it!

Martha, you've done all you can do for now.





Oh wow!

That's a nice poster.

(Giggles, then, ): You know, even though you aren't a Middleton resident, you are free to volunteer for the Festival!

Oh, I-I...

I'll put you down to work a shift taking tickets at the Ferris wheel.

(satisfied laugh)

Something tells me you didn't come here to sign up for the Ferris wheel.

Actually, I was hoping you had some more definitive news to share with me.

I know the dig will be the experience of a lifetime, but I'm not a schooled archeologist.

You are all I need to make this dig complete.

Completion comes in many forms.

I wouldn't feel comfortable unless you hired someone else too. Someone who has practical experience.

Cassie, can't you see this isn't just about what we would find?

Don't let this adventure pass you by.

Is that a cake?

(sighing): Yeah.

Are these all cakes?


And you're gonna make them?

Eight of them.

(He whistles.)



I got it.

Ugh, I don't know why I said I could do this! I was behind before I even started.

Come on, you can do it.

(sighing): Not alone.

You're not alone.

Yeah, I am!

I'm right here.

And you know how to bake?

Not that I advertise it, but I do know my way around a flour sifter.

You don't wanna do this.

I'm the one that suggested it.

Well, I can be very difficult and bossy in the kitchen.

Newsflash: You can be like that picking out a movie!


We can't even agree on a movie we both like and you wanna help me bake 8 specialty cakes?

Yes. I do.

Very much.

You're serious?

About you?


(birds chirping)

(door chimes)

So nice of you to put my wreath on the door.

Well, people love it.


Yeah, you have an eye for what people like. It's a real gift.

You're back for your Ferris wheel.

I am, yeah.

(rattling) I love it.


Hey, what are these?

Oh, a line of lotions a distributor sent.

Oh! You know, there's an expensive French line of products that I got a sample from and this reminds me of that.

together, chuckling: Arella!

Oh! But these are probably much more affordable.

Mineral-based products is what everyone wants.

You know, I could really use someone now and then to cover the shop and to help with backlogged inventory.

What, me?!

(soft laugh)

I don't have any retail experience.

Oh, but you have excellent taste and you're family; I can trust you.

You know, I never thought of you as anyone who ever needed help.

Hm, well every now and then, we all could use some help.

(knocking): You called?

Mm-hm. I'm looking at my calendar; I notice a distinct reduction I my future appointments and a lot of cancellations.

Well, you know how non- committal people are these days.

Eve... where are all the patients?

(Eve breathes in.)

There's a rumour going around that you're leaving.

Where am I going?


Hm. I didn't tell anybody about the hospital job.

So it's true?

That I'm going to work at Hillcrest? Yes.

That I'm leaving my practice here? No.

See, I was planning to send a letter to all my patients explaining the Hillcrest job and reassuring them that it wouldn't affect my practice.

Oh. OK!


Well, that's great!

You're staying!

But if my current schedule's any indication, the decision to keep this practice open might be out of my hands.

I can't have a practice without patients.

(birds chirping)

Hey, you!


Uh, whatever you're cooking in the kitchen smells great.

Oh, just some of my favourite Indian dishes.

I invited Nick and Sam for dinner.

That's nice!

Is everything OK?

(breathing in): Everything is fine.

Excuse me.

Trouble on the home front?

Maybe Grace has figured out your little secret.

(cell ringing)

Hello! Pies?!

Oh, you're a vendor!

You're the "pie lady"!

You know what, I'm swamped right now. Let me get back to you.

Well, I mean it this time. Bye!

Uh, the Festival must be keeping you really busy.

Well, my flower shop isn't.


I have a feeling your business will be picking up soon.

Me too.

Enjoy your dinner tonight!



Oh! He steals!

He sh**t, he scores! And the crowd goes wild.

Ah, the crowd's not going wild!

Nice shot.

Hey, Cassie invited us to dinner tonight.

Uh, I'd rather grab something from here.

Ah come on, it's just dinner.

I'd really like you to go.

What's wrong?


Come on.

Alright, I'll come to dinner, but I can't stay for long.



What's that?

Plans for the lake house.

Ah. What for?

Well, I have to rewire most of the house, I thought I'd set the place up with high speed Wifi, turn that back bedroom into a playroom... Uh, gaming room.


Nothing says "lake house" like state-of- the-art electronics.

You can't wakeboard all the time.

Thanks, Dad!

I thought you'd like that.


One on one?

You're going down!

Ha! That hasn't happened yet!

Alright. Let's see what you've got.

(birds chirping and indistinct chatter)

So, Barrington and Newton can both spare extra officers to do security at the Festival, which means we'll have plenty of men.

I've been in budget meetings all day today; we can't afford that.

Well I... called in a few favours.

Nice work, Chief Sanders.


You have a call on line one.

I'm in a meeting.

She says it's urgent.


It's alright...

No-no! Stay.

Mayor Tinsdale!

Oh hello! How are you?

I am SO looking forward to your strawberry... What?!

No, the Festival hasn't been cancelled, why... why on Earth would you think that?

She hasn't confirmed?

I will get on this immediately.

That was Greta and she thinks the Festival has been cancelled. Abigail hasn't confirmed anything with her.

If she hasn't dealt with this, what else hasn't she handled?

Ha... ha...


What do you know?



There's been some talk around town.

Some people feel that Abigail might not be up to the job.


These are all about the Festival.

And some pie woman is holding and... she's not happy.

(large gasp)

The "pie lady".


(knocking): Hi, there!


Is, uh... Abigail around?

Oh, she's still working.

I want to volunteer for the Festival.


Yeah, a local businesswoman inspired me with her spirit and dazzling light display.

Where's Grace?

Ah, she went to the store to get me some cream.

Nick jumped in the shower, he'll be over soon. That smells amazing.

Oh yeah? You wanna taste?




Yeah, you like it?

I do.


I like it a lot.

Something wrong?