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03x07 - Ebb Tide

Posted: 06/12/16 23:21
by bunniefuu
Vanessa: Previously on Penny Dreadful.

"The House of the Night Creatures."

There are creatures whom God has cast into darkness, shunned and alone.

The Wolf.

Where is he?

She doesn't know.

Mr. Talbot: You wanna be the devil?

Then do the devil's work.

Run away like you've always run all your life.


You will be well, son.



You sure this will be satisfactory?

She will be unconscious within two breaths.

And then?

And then she'll be yours, old boy.

You seek to violate us and call it a kindness.


I don't take orders from any man.

I fear Justine does not know her place.

She has the very heart of who I was before I was this.

All of Brona's shame and debasement.

Let me do it.

Dorian: Lily...


Dorian: You are in my debt.

I will call on it.

There's a creature hunting me.

Does this creature have a name?

He's called Dracula.

If Dracula wanted you dead, you would be.

He doesn't want my death.

He wants my submission.

Nothing you have said has scared me away.

And I will not leave your side.

Every time I've given my heart, it has led to catastrophe.

Dr. Sweet: Then let catastrophe befall us both.



Was it a girl?


Yes, ma'am.

My little girl it was...

She was.

My heart breaks for you.


Please know that the day a good woman will have to undergo such indignity is almost past.

We will not have to suffer, our children to starve and freeze and die dishonored on cold hills.

We will not be hungry forever.

We will rise.


And know that your daughter rests in good company.








(WHISPERS) Vanessa.


It's morning.

I haven't slept so well in years.

I hope it was the company.

Now, not to put too fine a point on it, but it might be advisable for us to vacate the premises before the staff arrives.


There's no rush, and I have tea brewing.

You're too good.

I hope you always think that.

Miss Ives.

Mr. Clare.

I'm in need of a friend.

The accident, as you see, left me d*sfigured.


What dare I hope for acceptance from my family?

How can they bring this beast into their lives?

I see no beast.

I see a kind and loving man.

A father and a husband.


Shouldn't you give them the chance to love you again?

People are better than we think.

Do you believe that?



Mr. Clare...


There was time when we were thrown together at very close quarters.

Do you remember?


The Banning Clinic, off the Strand.


You used to work there.

Before your accident.

(STUTTERS) I don't recall. I'm sorry.

You were very kind to me once.

And I loved you for it.

The man I knew deserves to be loved.

And the man you see?

No less.

And you?

Have you found something like happiness?


That's like a strange tune, unknown to me.

I'm trying to sound out the measures.

Join the dance.

We both should.

We have been unhappy long enough.

No matter the consequences?

Let us dare.

And if we're rejected?

Can we be more lonely than we are now?

(CLICKS TONGUE) Then let us dare.

And may the lost souls be found.

What do you do now?

I go with you.

You will need allies for the battle ahead.

There is no battle.

The g*dd*mn battle is done.

You may want to fight on until the sun falls from the sky the last f*cking Apache, and more power to you, pal, but I'm done.

You may be done with Hell, but it is not done with you.

Your way, the way of this place, of this land, of my father, has brought nothing but blood.

I can't live with it anymore.

There was a moment in my life where I had a chance for something different.

A woman offered me her heart.

A woman I love.

And I walked away.

I have to try to make that right.

So you're in love.

What I am is clear of this place once and for all.

Of my father. And you.

And you let your people go so easily?

My people?

Those bloody ghosts back at the ranch?

The tribe on the reservation in Oklahoma?


My people are in London now.

That man inside there. That woman I told you about.

My friends.

That is my tribe.

Your words are air.

They mean nothing.

You have a future you cannot escape.

You will always be my father, Kaetenay of the Hills.

I am not an Apache.

You are.

I have claimed you.

I've purchased three tickets to New York.

From there you can decide.




He's been touched.



I never should've left you.

Not ever.

But I'm back now.

It's too late.

What did you see?


You, a stinging fog, unclean, a woman who loves you.

Pale skin.

Raven hair.

In danger.

She's in danger.




There's an old tale, from Ireland, where I once lived.

We have there an ancient tradition of keening.

After a death, the old women gather together and sing the most poignant and beautiful lamentations.

It's a way to sing the soul to a better place, a place of divine peace or rapture even.

But several years ago, the old men of the Catholic Church decided they did not approve of this pagan practice as it circumvented their rituals and mysteries.

So they convinced the court to arrest these good, true women and put them on trial.


Of course, they were found guilty and sentenced to death.

So the women were led to the gallows, all in a row.

And as the ropes were tightened around their throats, they began to keen.

And as they fell and as their necks snapped, their song echoed for a moment, sounding their way to immortality.


My doomed, keening women.

Shall we be immortal?

Shall we sing from the gallows, too?

We must have the faith of those women.

We must have their strength and commitment.

We must be bloody or nothing else!

And now you must prove your commitment to our great cause.

Go now.

Every one of you.

Rise up.

Rise up!

Go into those dark streets you know so well, those foul alleys and secret back lanes and find me a bad man!

A faithless husband.

A cruel lover.

A rich despot.

A scrofulous john f*cking some girl just like you, and quick with the back of his hand while he's at it.

Find him and bring me his right hand!

(WOMEN) Yes!

Cut it off and hold it bleeding to your breast!

Bring it here, fling it on this table, and we shall sing out our joy!


Prove yourselves to me!


Prove yourselves to me!







My wife.


I am returned to you.

There is much you will not credit, I know.

It has been torturous for me, crowded with unlikely incident, but that is my story.

And this man, this doctor, took away your memory of us?

That wasn't his intention.

He had no goal beyond resurrection, at which he's excelled.

It was the consequences therein that escaped him.

He created life, but had no care for its nurturing.

A young man's ambition to be known, not to be good.

He has brought you back to us.

For this I bless him.

But not as I was.

How not?


And this?

They are not you.


I've done cruel things.

I've been unworthy and hurt those who didn't deserve it.

A kind of madness, call it.


Bottomless rage.

The sun will never shine so bright for me now that I have walked in darkness.

I cannot be the man I was.

You were lost.

And now you are home.



Will you dance with me?

You're otherwise engaged, I think.

Ever so charming, aren't you?

All charm and nothing but.

Might come a day, my lad, when that ain't enough.

And are you to choose that day?

You wanted a k*ller.

You got her.

Can't go back now.

Listen, child.

I can toss you out like the baggage you are whenever it pleases me.

And don't think for one moment your tiresome sapphic escapades shock me.

You think you're bold? You think you know sin?

You're still learning the language.

I wrote the bloody book.


You want to play with me, kitten?

Then show me your claws.


I'm sorry, darling. She's very emotional.

You don't mind?





Sorry I'm late, darling.

Are you well?

Tolerable. I had half that orange.



Someone's come to see us.

Come home, I mean.

You must prepare for a shock.

Quite a strange and wonderful thing that's happened.

And we're all going to be very, very happy.

What is it?



Gonna need help with that rigging, I think.



Tell me about this woman.

She's very strong.

And in pain.


Her life's been challenging.


Does she have a feeling for things not of this earth?



Don't be afraid, Vanessa.

Who are you?

I am with your friends.

Sir Malcolm and...

You know him as Mr. Chandler.


We are coming to you.

You must hurry.

He is very close.

The Dragon.

I feel him.

You study the end of things.

Plagues of illness and death.

"And then all light will end and the world will live in darkness. The very air will be pestilence to mankind."

Is this your prophesy, woman?

Don't speak these words or you may bring them to life.

I'm no witch.


You know nothing of me.

You are a great, fertile bitch of evil and I love you for your fertility and your power.

You are the woman of all our dreams and all our night terrors.

All the Night Creatures are gathering around you.

See the moonlight catching the raven's wing.

The sheen on the fox's pelt.

The scent in the air when night birds take wing.

They make you drunk with love.

Don't be deceived by them, Vanessa Ives.

They are false lovers.

And if I know anything, it is this.

You are made for the day, not the night.

There, sir, you are wrong.

She is halfway his already.


The Dragon.

What influence you have, whatever money you can use, talk to the captain, tell him to put on all speed.

Oh, I'm tired.

Vanessa (whispering): "Give me your flesh. Give me your blood. Be my bride. One kiss and you're free of all this. In this mortal world you will always be shunned for your uniqueness, but not with me. They will lock you away in rooms like this they will brand you as a freak and a sorceress, but I won't."

(GASPS) Jesus.

Like to give me a damn heart attack.

What are you doing here?

Foolish me, left my billfold in my desk.

You're working late.

It's driving me mad.

What's that?

Miss Ives.

So far as I can tell, she's a genuine split personality.

Very rare.

In this one session she manifests three distinct people.

Really? Which people?

Go on home now.

You look like you could use some sleep.

You're awfully pale. Are you sick?

Oh, just a touch of the ague.

I'll be right as rain soon, right as rain, yes I will.

Right as rain will I be, yes.

Good night, Doctor.


Miss Hartdegen.

It's Catriona, please. Or for you, Cat.

As in cat o' nine tails.

As you say. And it's Vanessa.

I have some new information on our friend, the Dragon.

This way please.

As you see, I've been doing my own research on Dracula.

Sadly, almost every assumption you have is wrong.

But I, I've been...

Superstition, myth, and unfounded prejudice informs every page here.

These are small-minded peasants and poets and theologians trying to make sense of something utterly inexplicable to them.

So they invent any assumptions to fit their fears.

Dracula can't walk by day, he doesn't cast a reflection, he can only be slain by a stake of consecrated ash wood.

There's no sense to any of that.

You may as well read the Bible for its history which, it goes without saying, is a fool's errand fit only for idiot children.

Then how am I to find out who he is?

Start with what he's given you.

How has he presented himself?

As a Fallen Angel, brother to Lucifer.

Then take that to be truth.

He was cast to Earth, to live among us, assuming different identities over the centuries to protect himself, unnoticed, until he strikes.

And when he does?

That you know.

"The very air will be pestilence to mankind."

"And the Night Creatures will emerge and feed."

The End of Days is the one universal constant in thanatology.

All men, all cultures that have ever trod the earth, have foreseen the Apocalypse.

But no matter the language, the drama always ends the same way.

The curtain falls on a stage bedecked with bodies and there is nothing but silence.

And death holds all dominion.

I suspect you could use some tea.

I could use some whiskey more.

But if all the lore is a fantasia of rival superstitions, how will I ever know him?

How can I defeat an unknowable wraith?

In his human form he can be k*lled like anyone else.

A b*llet, a blade, it makes no difference.

And in his inhuman form?

No one's ever lived to tell the tale.

You'll be the first.

You're very confident we'll defeat him.

Hmm, not "we."


I come from Highland stock, an old clan, and was practically raised with a claymore in one hand, so much did my father want the son he never got.

And I'll be honest with you, I've done my share of butchering over the years.

But this, my darling, this is not the work of a soldier.

It's the work of a spy.

You must get close enough to look into his damned eyes.

And then have the grit to do it.

Then help me.

How can I find him?

He's a tactician above all.

He'll approach you with stealth and strategy, not a frontal as*ault.

He'll seduce you, not attack you.

And most of the legends agree on a few points.

His human form is unexceptional, so that he may walk easily among us.

He's served by semi-human familiars and he's said to dwell in the House of the Night Creatures.

What was that?

He's said to live in the House of the Night Creatures, which is probably symbolic for any number of sinister things.



Any blade or b*llet?


Will k*ll him?


You know who he is.

Are you familiar with Shelley?

The poem Alastor?


"I have made my bed In charnels and on coffins, where Black Death keeps record of the trophies won."

Dorian: I feel I haven't had a moment alone with you in weeks.

Lily: I'm sorry, darling. It's been particularly mad.

Ha! It has been mad.

We've unleashed the inmates, have we not?

All the Bedlamites come home to roost.

But my women are not mad, Dorian.

Nor are they "your" women.

More and more you're a lion tamer at the circus.

Ooh, spoken like a man.

All women are "cats" and prone to backstabbing and treachery, is that it?

Is it all mankind you despise, or just men?

And when do you turn your eye on me?

Don't be silly. You're my beloved.

Where are our dances in the midst of your revolution?

Where are our whispers and collusions?

Our exalted superiority, shared with no others?

(CHUCKLES) You're not jealous?

Sadly, no.

What I am is bored.

I've lived through so many revolutions, you see.

It's all so familiar to me.

The wild eyes and zealous ardor, the irresponsibility, and the clatter.

The noise of it all, Lily.

From the tumbrils on the way to the guillotine to the roaring mobs sacking the temples of Byzantium.

So much noise in anarchy.

And in the end it's all so disappointing.

You're behaving like a spoilt child, which is exactly what you are. (SIGHS)

And you have disappointed me most of all.

We had the potential for true mastery, a cosmic darkness.

What have you created?

An army of depraved whores.

A sl*ve ship bound for a ruinous shore.

And will you be there when it founders?

We're at the ebb tide, my darling.

One of us needs to change our ways.

And I think it should be you.



Lily, breathe deeply, you're all right.

You're safe here.


Dorian: Hello, darling.

Glad you're awake.

Miss Lily, pleased to make your acquaintance.

Where am I?

Just stay calm, it'll take a few minutes for...

Where am I?

You're in Bedlam.

You f*cking c**t.

There, there.

You betrayed me.

You gave me to him! Calm down.

You're still coming out of...



You've chained me.

It's for your own protection.

It's for yours.

What are you going to do to me?

We're going to make you better.

Better than what?

He means we're going to make you well.

As you were before.

As I was before what?


When we were happy.

When you were happy, you mean.

Lily, we're going to try to make you healthy.

Take away all your anger and pain and replace them with something much better.


Calm, poise, serenity.

We're going to make you into a proper woman.


Do you want to be alone?

Anything but.

I wasn't made for ships.

Only part of adventuring I abhorred.

I should have abhorred leaving my family or the privations of the trail, but really it was only the ships.

Oh, I know better.

I know how much you cared for your family.

Only when it was too late.

We prize things most when we've lost them.

I suppose I should thank you for what you did in the chapel.

It was meant to be an act of mercy, was it not?


I couldn't pull the trigger.

I just couldn't do it.

And for that you must be thankful.

You've a soul left inside you, Ethan.

You have some kindness.

Never lose that or you'll...


Here I stand.

And yet you have kindness still.

You spared me the sin of patricide.

No man should have to m*rder a member of his own family.

This I know.


I honestly thought I could do it.

End it with my father in blood.

I am, as you know, no stranger to k*lling.

Or "night work" as Miss Ives once put it.


The night I met you, in fact.

In the opium house.

I remember.

Given the chance to go back, would you do it differently?

Walk the other way?

Never meet me, or her?

You've seen what I come from, that dragon that raised me, that land that reared me.

I've known very little grace in my life.

But I did with her.

And with you.


Good night, Mr. Chandler.


Vanessa: The House of the Night Creatures.

Where you are loved.

Stop it.

Where you belong.

You're more cruel than I could have imagined.

How am I cruel?

To love you?

You've lied to me from the first moment.

You tore my heart.

Have I lied?

You met a man who marvels wide-eyed at the miracles of nature.

So I am.

You met a man who has known pain and tragedy.

And so I am.

You met a man who wanted to possess you for his own ends but, instead, he fell in love.

That's the man I am, and the monster.

Even now you twist at me.

All the years.

All the assaults on myself, on my friends.

On my dear Mina, who died with your teeth on her throat!

How dare you speak of love?

Dare with me.

I will not lower my head and feed with the animals.

I will never serve you.

No, I don't want you to serve me, Vanessa, I want to serve you.

The Mother of Evil.


What has my life been?

A series of shabby identities in vulgar worlds.

From one tragic age to another.

Always in search of that one thing I cannot attain!

Have mercy, please!

This is the only mercy I can offer you.

Then do it.

Better to die now than walk another day without you.

So it's a love story, is it?

You know it is.

We have been shunned in our time, Vanessa.

The world turns away in horror.


Because we're different.



We're the lonely Night Creatures, are we not?

The bat, the fox, the spider, the rat.

The scorpion.

The broken things.

The unloved.

There's one monster who loves you for who you really are.

And here he stands.

I don't want to make you good, I don't want you to be normal.

I don't want you to be anything but who you truly are.

You have tried for so long to be what everyone wants you to be.

What you thought you ought to be.

What your church and your family and your doctors said you must be.


Why not be who you are instead?


You will never be alone again.

I will love you till time has lost all meaning.


Do you accept me?

I accept myself.


Vanessa: "And then all light will end and the world will live in darkness. The very air will be pestilence to mankind. And our brethren, the Night Creatures, will emerge and feed. Such is our power, such is our kingdom, such is my kiss."