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01x02 - (I Remember) When She Loved Me

Posted: 06/11/16 10:15
by bunniefuu


♪ Out of my window looking in the night ♪
♪ I can see the barges' flickering light ♪

Sarah: Kyle!

♪ Silently flows the river to the sea ♪
♪ As the barges do go silently ♪








Anderson: It's lookin' a little thin out there this mornin'.

Always seems to happen with the sudden change in weather.

"Would I rather spend my Sunday morning with that blow-hard Reverend Anderson..." (LAUGHTER) "or with a fishing rod in my hand?"


Why are you laughin'?

This isn't a joke.

Church is not optional.

This is the only thing that will fortify us... sustain us... inoculate us against the darkness.

Ezekiel urges us to be prepared.

Be... prepared.


Because the unexpected could be lurking behind the next tree. But there is one thing that should never take us by surprise, because we know it is there, always lurkin', ready to seize us in our moments of weakness.

Five mornings ago, when I awoke, I was prepared for nothing more than... another glorious day in God's creation.


By day's end...

I was doing battle with a servant of Satan himself.

Evil incarnate.

Evil wearing a face that no one would expect.

A child's face.

A face contorted, twisted. Sweet innocence corrupted. Vomiting a foul blackness that could only had come from the deepest, darkest pits of hell. I was furious with myself, because I had not been vigilant.

I was not prepared.

I let my guard down... and evil slipped in.

Well, that's not gonna happen again, because it is my job to prepare each of us to recognize the dark forces, and that means more butts in these pews... because the battle is comin'!

And unless we're prepared, that darkness will spew forth with the reek of a sewer... drowning us in its corruption.

We will choke on it, gag on it, and then the black pit of hell will await us all.

I appreciate your comin' today.

Woman: I could've done without some of that saucy language.

Puttin' people's backsides in seats.

Maybe it's a minor blessi" there weren't more people here to hear me workin' "blue."

Well, I like when you put a little pepper on your pitches, Reverend.

Why, Mildred, you make me blush.


Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, ladies.

Bye-bye now.

May God bless you and keep you.

You too, Reverend.



Okay, enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Stop it.

She was staring at me like she saw a ghost.

You were gone a while and now you're back.

That makes you mysterious, I guess.


Did you tell them about what happened with Joshua?

How could I not?

Boy was sitting there like he'd been through a meat grinder.

I didn't say anything about you, but they need to know the story.

It's not just a story.

It's true.

Hell, yes, it is.

People will tell ya this is full of stories.

But what good are they if people don't believe them?

You sure it's over?

Joshua's... okay?

You jokin'?

You saw the demon leave him.

You know, that day with my mother, when she...

I don't remember it happening like that with her.

I'll tell you what I saw.

I saw a kind and gentle woman... transformed into a monster... finally freed of the evil pulling her strings.

You freed her, Kyle.

Is that what I did?


Well, what have we got here?

Where's Caleb?

He had to go over to Wheeling to see his sister.


So, I'm being handy.


I thought you were gonna leave that.

"Turn the other cheek."


I don't mind... folks having a bit of fun at my expense.

Goes with the territory.

But things have changed.

Maybe it's time to start sweatin' the small stuff.

Hey... ever wonder it's a chicken and egg scenario?

The more you preach hellfire and brimstone, the more riled up people get.

If you'd seen what I'd seen, you'd know that people need to be riled up.

Now, I got your back.

Whether it cost me or not, you know that.

But that boy you picked up as a partner... just showin' his face around here got folks talkin'.

He has a talent.

Well, that's one way to put it.

Look, I know it ain't been easy for that boy, but Kyle Barnes has been trouble since he was 10 years old.

Like you and I, we didn't raise Cain in our day, you know?

We were young, drunk, and stupid.


Yes, we were.

But that boy comes from a much darker place.

Folks say he should have been locked up, and current events don't change that opinion.

Hope you know what you're doin'.

Thank you.


Lowell: I need to talk to Chief.

What the hell you got there, Lowell?

I need to talk to Chief.

Well, the chief's out.

Giles: Chief's back.

What in the hell is going on here?

Last time I called this in, ain't nobody come out and do anything.

This time, I figured I come down there and light a fire under your department's ass.

Well, you might've put it in a bag that didn't leak.



That looks like clean cuts.

Well, it ain't roadkill, if that's what you're getting at.

Critter right there was k*lled with a blade fancy-like and nailed up.

"Nailed up"?

All of them out there like some kind of display.

Sent my dogs wild crazy.

You see anything else out there?

Spray paint? Graffiti?

This ain't the Crips, Chief.

You see any kids roaming around out there?

Aaron McCready? Any of that bunch?

No. My dogs keep most everybody away.


You said "all."


There's more?


Six of them by my count.


Cut like that and then nailed like that.



Woman: Glad to see that you made it.

How you doin'?

Hello, Mom.

Somethin' happened a couple of days ago.

I think, uh...

I think I might have helped save a little boy.

Reverend says that I saved you too.

All I know is I put you here.

I made you like this.

After what you did to me...

I told myself I'd never lose a minute of sleep.

You remember when you used to read to me?

Outside in that big ol' hammock?

♪ ♪

We were all we had.

♪ Out of my window looking in the night ♪
♪ I can see the barges' flickering light ♪
♪ Silently flows the river to the sea ♪
♪ As the barges do go silently ♪

(MOUTHING) I love you, Mom.


Patients: ♪ I hung my head and I cried ♪


♪ You are my sunshine ♪
♪ My only sunshine ♪
♪ You make me happy ♪
♪ When skies are gray ♪


♪ You'll never know, dear ♪

f*cking kidding me? Hello?

♪ How much I love you ♪

If you're here for the sing-along, it's right...

My mother's Sarah Barnes.

She's a patient here.

Which room?


I... I... I'm not sure.

Look, her bedsheets are comin' off the bed and there's water marks all over the ceiling.

The room...

We'll have our maintenance people take a look at it.

What room number was it again?

I don't know the f*cking number.

It's Sarah Barnes, like I said.

There's no need to use that language.

We'll get somebody in there as soon as possible.

Yeah? When?

'Cause the damn ceiling is comin' down on her head in there.

Look, I'll make a note to change your mother's bedding, but I'm afraid visiting hours are over, so unless you want to join the sing-along...

♪ You are my sunshine ♪

No, I don't.

♪ My only sunshine ♪





Good luck or bad?


Guess we'll soon find out.

Kyle, it's your neighbor.


I left your car in the driveway.

Sorry to bother you. Is everything okay here?

Is there something you want?

Uh... just want to tell you I'm here.

Right across the way.



Mind if I come in? Just for a minute.

Uh, we can talk.

I don't wanna talk.

Look, appreciate you letting me borrow your car, but what gave you the right to come sniffing around here?


Good night.

♪ ♪


♪ Oh, shine the light on ♪
♪ Shine the light on me ♪


What, you worried I forgot where you live?

Hey, thanks for doing this. I couldn't get out.

Here, I got it.

I got 'em.

No, no. Uh... this, uh, house is still a bit of a mess.

I got it. It's okay.

You're not.

Jeans instead of PJ bottoms?

Big changes happeni" around here.

Yeah, if, uh... y... you could say.

(CHUCKLES) No shit.

Spinach, blueberries, applesauce.

Just take it slow.

You can't go cold turkey off a Cap'n Crunch diet.


I gotta ask you one more favor.


Come on, Megan. Please.

I'm trying to... change things.

You know, I... I'm making amends.

I hope that's true, Kyle. I do. But you know I can't.

I mean, it's not like I'm asking to go with you or anything like that.

You and Holly could give it to her for me or something.

"No contact" covers everything, Kyle... visits, phone calls, even gifts.

Especially gifts.

Holly: Mom!

Are we gonna go?

Sorry, Kyle. We gotta get to Charleston.



Are you going to the party with us?

Megan, please.


Just take it slow.



♪ Whoa ♪
♪ Shine a light on ♪









Patricia: But now, everything is growing in better than ever...

The squash, the beans, the chard... ever since you came out and blessed my garden.


So, it's only fitting you should, uh, come for supper and taste my beet salad for yourself.

Well, I'll be... I'll be happy to, but Florence here will, uh, tell you my calendar's pretty snarled.

Days are booked tight, but the Reverend's free for supper all week.

Tansy: Mm. I don't remember tasting orange zest last time, Mildred.

One of my little secrets.

I was so moved but terrified by your sermon today.

What can we do to keep the demons at bay?

Anderson: Well... (CLAPS) we start by putting asses on those pews.


We fill our church to the rafters!

And you, ladies, are my recruiters!

My righteous army.

Well, s... sign me up.

And, uh, Kyle Barnes, is he a member of your army, Reverend?

Is he the one who put those bruises on Joshua?

There was one enemy in the room that day.

Only one.

And the blood of every Christian soul, Kyle Barnes included, was spilled in defeating it.

Thank you all for comin'.

Bless you all.

See you Sunday.

Thank you, Reverend.

Now, I do hope you take me up on my invitation to supper.

Just try keeping me away.


Can I go in?

Well, can I?


Thank you.
♪ Hot glam seems far away from where I am ♪

Excuse me. Sorry.

♪ I can neither understand it nor demand it ♪
♪ Your tears don't shake my world like Britney Spears ♪

There she is. Sorry. Hey!


Uh... It's good to see you.

I wasn't sure you'd come.

I wasn't entirely sure we were invited.

Are you crazy? Of course you are.




Do you want a drink?


Okay, okay.


You know, they got these things called computers.

They got maps.

All kinds of stuff on them.


The least you could do is mark "north" on the damn thing.

The man said the animal was hanging between the back of his property line and the fire road.

Now, that is a skill you could work on, learning to read a situation, like that night out at the Austin place.

Yeah, right.

Just keep my mouth shut and follow orders.

There you go.

Eh, we should have hauled Kyle's ass in for what he did to that kid.

The mother wouldn't press charges.

Oh, come on.

Look, all due respect, Chief, it's bullshit.

Battery against a minor?

That kid should be in child protective custody and Kyle should be answering for it.

What have you got against him?

He's your brother-in-law.

What's your wife got to say abut all this?

Yeah, look, family's got nothing to do with it.

Family's got everything to do with it.

Look, the... the man beat up a kid.

Shit, boy.

You wanna tell me the law or do you wanna learn how to read a map?

That was no ordinary domestic disturbance.

What, you saying that because Anderson was there?

Look, are you telling me the preacher's calling the sh*ts around here?

He keeps the peace in this town in ways our badges and g*ns can't.

Are you saying that 'cause you think what he does is for real?

I mean, demons, and... and exorcists and all that?

Just try to keep up.


Kyle: Shit.

Come on, Mom.

It's good. Check it out.




Sarah: Kyle?


Are you out there?

It's so dark.


Kyle. Honey... you have to let me out of here.

Honey, I'm scared.

Please, baby. Just let me out.

I know I hurt you.

And I am so sorry.

I love you so much.

I promise you it won't happen ever again, okay?

I promise.




Megan: Amber's big oh-seven.

♪ ...into a land of wonder and... ♪

Thank you.

She still having a hard time with the... arrangement?

For the first couple of months, she'd set three places at supper.

It was easier just to let her.

Beat the sobbing and screaming.

She was locking herself in the closet.

But it's been a little better lately.

She's not having as many outbursts.

The ones she does have tend to be aimed at me.

She can't understand why Kyle has to stay away, but it's clearly my fault.

Um... you know, mostly, we just don't talk about it.

Avoidance isn't healthy, not for a seven-year-old.

Hey, Drew!


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Do you mind?

Oh, no. Not at all.

I'll be right back.

Let's just dump that in the cooler.


♪ Like a magnet, I was pulled your way ♪
♪ The room went quiet and time stood still ♪
♪ I was drawn to you ♪

Man: Don't look down, gal.


Just concentrate, honey.

Woman: Come on, Amber, you've got this.

You can do it, Amber!


Woman: Whoo!


Thanks for, uh... helping me with Operation Butts in Pews.


Well, it is my duty as a recruit to Anderson's army, but I... I think you're gonna have to find a better name.

You see? You're helping me already.


Come in, please.

Thank you.

Is your son here? I mean, I...

Oh, no. Aaron's out with friends, so he won't be home till late, if at all.


And, uh...

I made a blackberry pie.

Oh, wow.


You really are the temptress. (CHUCKLES)

How can I resist?


Oh, excuse me.

Hi, this is Reverend Anderson.

It really is a glorious day.

Yes, I am.


You tried calling back?


Yeah, I imagine so.

Yes, I will.

Thank you.

I'm really sorry.

Church business?

Indirectly, yes.

Well, I hope that, uh, I can get a rain check on dinner sometime soon.


Great. Okay.




Mark: If this is the deer trail we've been following, and this is the fire road, then we're...

We're here.


Well, he said it was just past a shagbark hickory.

The man draws a shitty map, but he knows his trees.

Oh, shit, Chief.

Come here. Take a look at this.

My Lord.

I never.

Look at that.

All looking the same way.

Some crazy ass trail.

What have you done?

Are you alone?

She's here, isn't she?

Wait! How did you...

I'm listed as your mother's emergency contact.

The Director of Facilities called me personally.

He was not happy.

What were you thinkin'?

Look, you should see the way they're taking care of her in there.

I mean, that place is awful...

Jesus Christ, Kyle!

Sarah's barely getting by with a nurse's care.

The staff and nurses are around the clock, and you're gonna do it all by yourself?

How about feeding her? You tried that yet?

What if you have to go somewhere?

You can't leave her alone. What if something happens to you?

Come on, Kyle!

What if things could be like they were?

Do you know what I mean? I mean, Joshua, he... he's... he's whatever you want to call it... cleansed, free.

The demon left that boy.

You saw it yourself.

Yeah, it wasn't like that with my mother!

If I drove it out of her too, then why is she lying in there like a f*cking... like that?

You know, exorcisms, they're different as the souls they taint.

Now, it's gone.

And when it went away... that thing, it took part of Sarah with it.

Yeah, but what if it didn't?

What if it's still inside of her?

Kyle... We could drive it out.

I mean, we could wake her up.


Oh-ho, what we got here?


Giles: Hm.

It's clear.


It's just animals.


Lord, in Your name and the name of your son... we ask You to look down on this troubled soul.


By your divine power and the power of the Holy Gospel... release this woman from her torment at the hands of the beast within.




The destroyer, the deceiver, the unclean, the unholy shall wither and be washed away...



.. by the purity and the light of Your love.


In the name of Your son, our savior, Jesus Christ, I demand this evil to be cast out.

We stand as instruments of your righteous power!

It's not doing anything. That's just words.

We gotta do something.

In the name of God, I command you begone!

That's not working!



I'm sorry, son. No.

She's already free. No.


Dammit, no!

There's somethin' else.




Stop it! Stop! (GRUNTS)

Let go! Let go!



Come on! Stop this!

Come on.



It worked on Joshua.

It worked before.

It worked on Sarah.

That was a long time ago.


Allison: Who's that one from, honey?



Amber, no one you invited has that name.

Was there an Emma?

Oh, yeah. Emma.

She has messy writing at school too.

Who's this one from?


No card.

Open it. The card'll turn up.

The pain and heartache that Jesus relieves... he relieves by suffering himself.

This a sermon?


It's just the way it is.

You know, bringing Sarah here wasn't wrong.

God knows your heart drove you to it.

But, son, keeping her here isn't right either.

Gettin' all eaten up inside... dwelling on the past... will eat away at whatever future you have in store.

You wanna reclaim your family... you gotta let your mother go.

♪ ♪


Man: You don't get to f*cking tell me...

Man 2: Do you have any idea how dangerous this was, taking one of my residents out?

Where in the hell were you going to?

A f*cking church picnic?

What were you thinking? What were you gonna do?


I'm sorry.


Anderson: Kyle!



No, no.

♪ ♪

Hello, Sarah.

Tragic to see you like this.

You had so much fire in you.

Sad, too, that your son will never know how... how much you fought back, how much you resisted.

And... despite it all... we have him anyway.







Come on, Kyle!

♪ ♪