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02x06 - Season 2, Episode 6

Posted: 06/07/16 18:42
by bunniefuu
(TV on in background)

TV: So when I get a batch browned and ready to transfer...

(Doorbell chimes)

...I'm going to need a big roasting dish.

(Doorbell chimes)

Where's this one from?


Not disposable, though, so don't play too hard with him.

Why is it always the quarter-finals in these cooking competitions?

Do you have any messages for me?


You just wait and we'll look after you.

I imagine your dr*gs are rather good.

General Stroessner in Paraguay was always very complimentary about my black cocaine.

Do you want some?

Tempting, but those days are long gone.


(Door closes)

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vouz à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlacés ♪
♪ Pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

(Rumbling motor)

(Creaking metal)

(Motor stops)

(Men chatter in background)

Have the forensics finished at the marina?

Yeah. The old man is really cut up about his wife.

Happy Birthday.

I don't celebrate my birthday, actually.

No, I wasn't celebrating it, I was just marking it formally.

What about the boat registration and mooring permits for the yacht?

Tracking them down.

I think it'll be another case of "Singapore Fiscal Management".

How's things at home?

Things are really shit at home. Thanks for asking.

You talked?

Yeah. Laura says the fact that she even asks herself whether it's true means our relationship is dead.

That's the sort of logic women are very good at.

There's really no defence.

Maybe she's right.

Here's another funny thing.

Sometimes I wonder if it's true.

Maybe I did do it and I've just forgotten.

Of course you didn't.

Why's she saying I did, then?

Why would anybody make that up? Listen.

We did it for Koba.


It's Koba, not Cobra.

We did it for Koba.

You're right. Does it mean anything?


It's Stalin's nom de guerre.

The name, like Uncle Joe himself, originates from Georgia.

Like the... girl who jumped out of the window...

Or was pushed. From Georgia, yeah.

Which links to Vanessa Hamilton, who, critically, is the one person with separate connections to the case.

Did Bresson have any Georgian enemies?

Well, that's what I was going to ask you.

Sergei, Sergei...

And Gregor Baturin, he was Georgian, right?

He was born in South Ossetia actually.

That makes him Georgian by birth.

South Ossetia was part of Georgia till 2008.

He got 20 years in prison for arms dealing.

At Liévin. In a high security prison.

Looks like we'll have to pay another visit to your friend Eryka Klein.

(Doorbell rings)


Good morning.

Whoa. Hey. Sorry. Hello.



I'm flat-sitting for a friend.

Can I offer you anything? A coffee or a tea?


No, thank you.



We just have a few questions.


I'll get you a tea.

Ah, thank you very much.

Very nice.

How can I help?


We're just going over a few of Bresson's cases and threats he received.

We'd like to run a few names by you, if that's OK?

Basdarevic. Faruk Basdarevic?

He fled Europe and took refuge but I don't remember where.

In some country with no extradition treaty.

It's in his interests to lie low.

Sergei Galatov? Galatov?

Hmm. Deceased.

Was found hanging in his cell the day before his trial.

Gregor Baturin?

Gregor Baturin?

I don't know.

He was prosecuted by Bresson five years ago.

I am sorry, but I wasn't working for him then.

Do you think the case files might still be in existence?

Possibly, but I don't know where.

I think the best thing to do is to ask Judge Popineau.

He was working with Bresson then.



Judge Popineau Popineau.

I will have his details sent over to you.


Thank you.

That's er...





Or Cobra?


Mean anything to you?



No, I'm sorry.

That's all right. I'd better, erm...

Here, give it to me.

Very nice. Thank you.


Merci. Au revoir.

Merci, monsieur.

I'm sorry, my English is very bad.

South Ossetia?


His son... Artem Baturin.

He is a good lawyer.

Baturin has every reason to want revenge on Bresson.


Hard to imagine him pulling the strings from a prison cell.

Should we try and find out about the son?

I could tell you were hungry, really.


Nobody thinks straight on an empty stomach.


How is your father?

How is he coping with life inside?

How do you think?

He is a man of action like yourself.

(Chuckles) Yeah.

Only act, right?

Right. Right.

So, then... just now you have to stop acting.

We need you to drop out of sight for a bit.

We have a good place lined up for you back home.


All of a sudden you have the face of the substituted player who does not want to leave the field.

Which player worthy of his place on the field ever does?


...with Defence we let you choose.

You were free to hit any target you wanted, as long as it gave them a headache and didn't hurt us.

Defence is not finished.

I can build it again...

It must be hard for you.

You want to go down in history like Che Guevara or Andreas Baader.

And you should because you have done something truly unique.

Brought a plane out of the sky using a computer.

And yet you will never be recognised for this because you are just a proxy.

I... I like to think I was more than that.

Am... am more than that.

You are a valuable part of the Maskirovka.

Do you know what that means?

Yeah. Yeah.

Disguise and deception.

Uniforms without the, you know, insignia.

No. I meant, do you know what it means for you right now?

Hey... I know what the player who is sent off the field should do.

He should smile and applaud the crowd.

Hide what he really feels?


Shake his manager's hand.

I am going to get a beer. Can I get you... a beer?


(Phone rings)


OK, we're ready to move him.

You want me to arrange the retreat?

Yes, but there's been a change of destination.

I think a trip to the Maldives would suit him better.

(Car engine starts up and revs)








You weren't thinking of leaving like that, without saying goodbye?



OK, let's...

...let's go.

OK, one... two... three.

Eh, eh, eh.

Lean on me. Lean on me.

OK. Let's get him out of here.



(Bleeping stops)

Is that the file on Gregor Baturin's family?

He's a monster who hates the West but sends his kids to English public schools and Ivy League Universities.

It's a shame hypocrisy is the least of his crimes. Thank you.

Sorry to interrupt but something's come up.

Josephine Dumont, the passenger on her honeymoon, was a French investigative journalist.

She was in the middle of sh**ting a documentary on arms dealing in Europe.

As that's not enough motive to crash a plane, we cleared her.

Yeah, but with Baturin being an arms dealer, it seemed significant, so I called her producer and asked for the rushes of her documentary.

There's a whole file on Gregor Baturin.

So there's two people on that plane with links to this guy?

Could be more than one target on the plane. Excellent.

Trés bien.

OK. You need to get me these files.

Liaise with BB. Also get them to Elise.

I need to talk to Bowden.

OK. No problem.

Koba is also the name of a chimp in Planet Of The Apes.

It's an altered bonobo, if you're going to be pedantic.

Don't be.

Olena Bakia is from Georgia.

There's a journalist on the plane investigating an arms dealer from Georgia, who threatened Paul Bresson when he put him away.

And his favourite song was Georgia On My Mind?

It's like a magnet and the filings are flying towards it.

It also indicates multiple targets on the plane.

Now, that's quite a leap.

Funny, isn't it, how, er...

...when you were so keen on the Far Eastern connection, the links were far flimsier than this.

Your job as a police officer is to collect evidence...

Good, so I can talk to Vanessa Hamilton again...

This again.

Yeah, this again.

And the more you and your spooky little mob try to keep me from it, the more I'll know something's going on.

My spooky little mob?

Talk about national security all you want, sir.

My spooky little mob?

But I am a police officer and I'm investigating the mass m*rder of 110 people and the k*lling of Madeleine Fournier.

If I think that there is...

What will you do?

If you think there's a cover-up, what would you do?

What will I do?

What have you ever done, Karl?

I'll tell the world and you'll have to k*ll me to shut me up.

(Front door opens)



The kids are asleep.

You going out?

That a question?

I'm meeting Helen for a drink.

Helen. Oh.

Well... (Clears throat)

I imagine, er... if my ears start burning, I can...

Two women can go for a drink without discussing men.

Oh, don't give me that f*cking feminist bullshit!

I was trying to make a joke.

Yeah, I know. It's what you always do.

Well, I am sorry for being so predictable.

Predictability is precisely your problem.

Not feng shui enough for you?

Don't let me keep you from saving the world from the evil energy companies.

Let's hope no undercover cops tried to pull into the bargain.

I don't think you're significant enough for that kind of investigation.

So that's my politics and my job you've belittled.

Want to have a go at the kids?

No. I like the kids.

You are just appalling.


And behind the façade, a low-rent bully.

Yeah. Thanks for that.

At least I haven't hit you with some ridiculous accusation and found you guilty, not on the basis of any evidence, but on the basis of my feelings.

Last word, as always.

If you get lonely tonight, you could call that French slut you f*cked one afternoon, for the want of anything better to do.

Try and leave Vladka alone, cos I don't want to be looking for a new nanny right now.

You just had the f*cking last word!

As always!

(Engine starts)

(Keys clatter)

(Turns TV on)

Evening, Vladka.

Evening, Mr Roebuck.

Nothing like a good row to defuse the tension.

Cornerstone of any good marriage.

Woman on TV: The mystery continues to deepen around flight CD T718.

According to a source close to the investigation, terrorism has been ruled out as a motive.

Investigators are now exploring other potential causes of the crash...

"Source close to the investigation..."

Meanwhile City Dart have called for checks on all CD T718...

On the internet they're saying it's to do with the earthquakes.

And that big machine they've got splitting atoms and stuff.

Hadron Collider.

Yeah. It's all linked to Israel.

(TV continues in background)

I can't risk it, you see.

I know you won't be able to help yourself.

You will try and claim the plane for yourself and we can't accept that.

Gregor will never allow you...

He has already authorised it.

Do it.

Do it now.


I'm afraid we have other plans.

Help me! Help me!



♪ Joyeux Anniversaire ♪
♪ Joyeux Anniversaire Joyeux Anniversaire. ♪



Sorry, I'm late.

It's all right.


Oh, it's nothing.

It's just I've never seen you with make-up on before.


I'll go to the bathroom, take it off.

No. No. Stay. Stay.

I'll have them bring another...

I don't drink.

No? Why not?

I just don't like alcohol much.

(Mobile phone rings)



Karl: Where are you?

In a bar.

Oh, OK.

You with Gael?


OK, well, I won't keep you.

What did you want to talk about?

Er... nothing.

Just erm... just, you know, chat.

A catch-up.

Have you watched the footage yet?

The... Oh, no. No. Not yet. No.

Is there anything else? We can chat if you want.

No. No. It's OK. Give my regards to Gael.

I'm not with Gael. I'm with... Eryka Klein.

Oh. OK.

I thought you said...

Yes, I know, but that was... that was incorrect.

I'm actually with... with Eryka Klein.

I am having a drink with Eryka Klein.

OK. Bye, then.


That was my colleague.

It's my birthday today, actually.


Congratulations. We should have champagne then.

When I was a kid, my parents used to let my sister and I dip our fingers in their champagne as a treat.

Who was the oldest?

Er... Manon. By 15 minutes.

We were very different. She...

...she made people... laugh all the time.

You were the serious one.

But you have a sense of humour, too.

Do I?

How can you know that?

I don't know.

I just... think that sometimes...

No, it's stupid.


I just feel that there's some kind of connection.

Maybe because we both...

No, I felt that, too.

You're OK?


I don't like alcohol very much, so I'm feeling a bit...

Are you OK?


I live there.

On the third floor.

My boyfriend will be waiting for me.


So I have to go.


(Woman speaks in French)

f*ck me!

(Woman continues in French)

(Karl clears his throat)

What's going on?

According to Dumont's documentary rushes, Gregor Baturin was at Colonia Dignidad three times between 1986 and 1989.

So... again, Eryka Klein is at the... heart of the mystery.

Do you have any evidence that suggests they've met?

No, it's an intriguing coincidence though, isn't it?

What are you doing?

I'm calling Eryka Klein to the Calais police station.

If you have any questions, she should be able to answer them.

(Police siren)

Do you know this man?


Gregor Baturin visited Colonia Dignidad several times between 1986 and 1989.

You're aware that at that time I was aged between five and eight?

Why would that prevent you from recognising this man?

There were many visitors to the Colony.

Look again.

Paul Schafer, our leader...

...he demonstrated his hospitality by offering his guests... children to r*pe.

Girls. Or boys.

According to preference.

He sometimes filmed this for reasons of blackmail.

It helped to prevent investigation into the colony.

You don't forget the faces of those men.

And all I can tell you... is that this isn't one that I have to carry in my memory.

So, if you want to arrest me for having the bad luck to grow up in this hell, then, please... go on. Do it.

All right, get up.

I'm sorry to have put you through this.

You're just doing your job.

You don't believe her?

If Paul Bresson and the documentary maker were both linked to Baturin, there could have been several targets on the plane.

And there had to be somebody, an accomplice, who knew their diaries.

So, no, I don't... think I do believe her.

Always the quarter-finals in these programmes.

It's strange, isn't it?

No. You don't have to do this.

So, this is a little recipe, which is based on the traditional Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Virus.


Ssh, ssh, ssh.


No! Help!


No, no! No, no!

No, no, no!


Help me!



(Ringing tone)

Elise: Karl?


We gotta meet. Come to the house. Not the hangar.

It's absolute bloody dynamite.

Does it say who Koba is?


The women in the immigration scam that Stefan Czyrko was investigating, the girls were coerced or tricked into pornography.

Extreme, violent pornography.

Some of them were actually k*lled.

There's a code, destination code, for those. Maldives.

Who did he tell?

His handler.

Who told him to ignore it and "focus on the passports".

The forged passports in the immigration scams?

Yes. They're not interested in the pornography, they're just interested in the network of forgery and the returning Jihadists.

Who's they?

Ml5 or Ml6, I guess. I don't know.

Maybe both.

Vanessa Hamilton picks up most of her girls from different countries but guess where she returns to every time she has to sort out her supply chain? Georgia.

And another thing.

The house Stefan Czyrko stayed in where they make the films...

Singapore Fiscal Management.

Who do you think gave you the files?

I know who gave me the files.

Bowden's favourite nickname for me is Clever c**t.

He's helping us?

He's a cop.

He's going to be in trouble if they find out, though.

(Distant) You're a strong man, aren't you?

Let's speed things up a bit.

Is there something you haven't been telling us, Vanessa?

Of course there is.

Do I look stupid enough to give all my information for nothing.

It's hardly for nothing.

Do you want to start telling us now?


That's disappointing.

I kept my part of the deal.

It was strictly about the forged passports and stopping them getting into the wrong hands. Nothing else.

I don't work for you.

Who do you work for, then?

Myself. Always.

Don't contact me again. We're done.

All right.

But think about your position.

You're really rather exposed right now.

There's no problem we can't fix.

We can look after you.

I'll bear it in mind.


(Vehicle approaches)



Are we still fighting?


Then, do you have something to say to me?


I went to see her.


And? And?

Oh, don't... give me the...

"if you have to ask the question then you're guilty" number.

Know what I was doing when you were with that French woman?


I think about it a lot.

Actually, I was buying a lemon tree for the garden.

I thought we could have home-made f*cking lemons in a G&T. And how much you would like that.

And we never dealt with it, we never dealt with it.

We never dealt with it because...

...thanks to one of my previous misdemeanours...

...someone att*cked you and m*rder*d Adam.

That's what you're not saying, isn't it?

And if you think that, if you really think that, and I... I... I don't blame you if you do, then...

But if you think that, well...

Oh, my God.


Oh, my f*cking God.

It can't be.


See you, lads.

See you tomorrow.

Don't forget, we've got another football match tomorrow night, so tell Davey he's gotta pretend to be CID for the evening.


See ya.

Sleep well, ladies.

(Hums to himself)

What's that?

