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02x04 - Season 2, Episode 4

Posted: 06/07/16 18:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlacés ♪
♪ Pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

(Radio in background)

If this alarm goes off, it will go straight through to the station and my mobile.

If anyone is watching the house, we'll pick them up.

Honestly... I think the atmosphere around this by-election is so toxic and you're a victim of it.

"Missing child?"

They're sick.

They know about Adam.

They knew about Vladka.

They know we've got a nanny.

That's all.


They may have seen her doing the school run.

Maybe it's one of the parents.

Maybe they've got a grudge.


I don't know. Someone that envies you.

Let's face it; you seem to have it all.

(Laughs) Yeah, maybe it's Harry and Georgia's mum.

Well, yeah. I don't know why you mention her.

I've seen you looking at her.

Everybody looks at her.

The lollipop man looks at her. He's 90 years old.


I'll have people checking in all day.


(Baby grizzles)


Anything to say?

About what?

Olena Bahkia.

The girl you were trying to hide from the investigation.

Dodgy passports.

She was a nobody.

She died.

She topped herself.

Saved us the cost of deporting her.

Christ, Mike.

Don't Christ me.

I've got better things to worry about than some Eastern European tart taking a nose dive from the PPU.

So we have put together a more complete picture of Robert Fournier, starting from his return to Belgium after his studies here.

His business dealings with TKZ Systems, his move to France, the brief treatment period for his heroin addiction and his marriage to Madeleine.

Finding him is obviously the number-one priority.

The investigating judge will charge Rosa Persaud today for her involvement in the Arras sh**t.

This could bring in other agencies.

Today she'll be transferred to a high-security unit in Levallois, France, and could move out of reach.

Because of Madeleine Fournier's m*rder, they have to allow a British cop access, though.

Especially after the good example you have been setting when it comes to sharing information.

Come on, let it go. Karl, you get over there straight away.


Thank you very much, everyone.


I'll come back and find you.


Just don't be a not-so-clever c**t, Karl. Nobody likes them.

Man: Thanks, everyone.

I've got a signatory from one of the Singapore properties.


Vanessa Hamilton. She runs a dating service.

Go and see her.



There was a su1c1de last night at the PPU.

Karl, let's go.

Keep your hair on. I'm not taking him away from you.

Easy. Find out everything you can about the girl.


I'll call you.

What does that mean?


"Keep your hair on".

Oh, it's an idiom. My kids say it all the time.

It means "calm down".

I like it. "Keep your hair on."


Ah, Julie.


Happy birthday.


J'ai un... un present... pour...

Mais c'est pas pour...

Pour moi?


C'est pour le... pour erm...







My name's Detective Chief Inspector Karl Roebuck.

I'm here to question you specifically about the Fournier family abduction last week.

Did you know Robert Fournier was your father's PhD student?

OK. The abduction and k*lling of Madeleine Fournier.

That was to make us think that she had something to do with the plane crash, right?

These are the two children who we fished out of the sea.

When we pulled them out, they were reaching out for something, as if they were... as if they were holding onto something.

Maybe they were.

Maybe it was their mum.

There she is.

You don't want to look at it?

Look at it.

Think about what you did to them.

Why not claim responsibility for the plane crash?

First t*rrorists to hack a plane out of the sky, that's something to shout about, isn't it?

Our forensic teams have found signs of sexual activity in the flat you were using.

Specifically, DNA from semen belonging to Robert Fournier.

Were you lovers?

He was your mother's lover, wasn't he?

Did he ever discuss that with you?

You better leave my mother out of this, you lying bitch.

I'm not lying.

Karl: She doesn't tend to.

I asked a question.

He certainly had an intimate relationship with your mother.

Karl: We know that cos we spoke to your father.

You don't have brothers and sisters, do you?

I wondered if Robert Fournier could be your dad, but...

The fact that you're mixed race probably rules that out.

Your mother was white, right?

Do you think he derives pleasure from... seducing your father's wife and daughter?

Vengeance on the great Sonny Persaud, who he used to hero worship, for not recognising what a genius he was.

Do you think he's a genius?

Your father described him as a mediocre intellect.

Said he would only approach you to get to him.

In about half an hour he won't be sh**ting his f*cking mouth off any more, that's for sure.

What's gonna happen to your father, Rosa?

What's gonna happen, Rosa?

(Mobile phone vibrates)

(Thibaut over phone)

(Thibaut over phone)


(Door opens and closes)

Sonny Persaud is in France.

Speaking at a University conference in Lille.

(Sirens wail)

(Tannoy announcement in French)


Excusez-moi. Come with me, please.

Your colleagues have told me Rosa is in custody.

She's at Calais police.

Rosa is part of a group called Defence.

Responsible for the Arras sh**t.

We think this was their next target.

I have to speak with her.

It's not possible.

I have to speak with her. Even now.

Maybe after we've questioned her.

She might explain things to him.

Especially if his presence provokes her.

One thing at a time. Let's get you out of here.




(g*nf*re, screaming)


Go ahead. sh**t me.


She threw us off deliberately.

How could she know they were coming for her?

We don't know for certain that it's connected to her.

You think Fournier might be there?

They are back. Now we are f*cked.

Change of plan.

Rosa: Keep moving.

(Sirens wail outside)

Man: No.


(Louise in French)


Karl: How many?

Elise: Three.

(Olivier in French)

(Olivier in French)

There is a cop here. Go in on 25.

Go in. Zoom...

That's Julie... isn't it? Isn't it?

f*ck! f*cking hell!


Now an update on the Calais Police Station attack.

Richard, what's the latest?

We know very little about what is happening here now in Calais because the police have pushed us right back.

Just over my shoulder, this is the street where that police station is located and we do believe there are casualties and that the attackers may still be inside.

Karl, it's me. Can you call me back?

TV: be linked to the Arras sh**ting...

This just arrived, Special Delivery.

I signed for it. Is that OK?

TV: But it is my understanding that they believe, contrary to initial reports, that the attackers entered the police station at some point this afternoon.

This is clearly a very well organised, targeted attack, the motives for which remain unclear.

But people are now suggesting that this could be connected to the Arras att*cks.

See anything you like?


But the woman of my dreams doesn't have a catalogue number.

I get quite a few of your lot in here, actually, officer.

I have to send most of them to more suitable hunting grounds like the back of the Tollway Road.

You're familiar with it, then.

I use it to remind my girls how lucky they are to have me.

Do you recognise this document?

Is my signature a clue?

It wasn't easy to get hold of that.

There's a whole legal structure with Singapore Fiscal Management at the top.

Below that a big tangle of shell companies.

You're the one hope we've got here.

Before I moved into my current vocation of helping the lonely find love...

I used to have a property-finding company.

I was engaged by a lawyer in London to find a couple of places.

This, if my memory serves me correctly, is one of them.

Do you ever go there?

May have done... but I don't remember.

Can you get me the name of the lawyer?

I'm sure I can.

But I'll need some time.

Call me when you do.


Karl: Julie?


She's alive!

Julie, it is Karl Roebuck, can you hear me?


What did she say?


What did she say?


Karl: Julie?


Julie? She's going into arrest. Get the f*cking medics here now!

Where the f*ck is Guillaume?

Should I go back?

They're all over the place.

If they caught him they'll get you too. We're trapped here.


Hey. Where are you?

I'm on the yacht.

I was waiting for you.

We're not getting out of here.

No. But it was worth a try.

What are you going to do now?

Don't worry about me.

Rosa, you need to prolong this situation.

Do not surrender.

I believed in you.

I believed you were... a completely unique human being.

You say that as if you no longer believe it.

Goodbye, Robert.

(Ends call)


Tell him to send that skinny blonde c**t I was talking to.


In fact send both detectives and we'll release a hostage.

Elise: Not you.

Of course I'm going in.

Karl, I've got nobody.

What about?

That's different.

It's not like you...

Everybody's got someone. You're not going in alone.

We are placing the as*ault team around the incident room.

The second we see anybody is in danger we go in.

OK, yeah.

Put some visuals on me.

Are you scared?

(Helicopter whirring overhead)

Nor me.

People forget they've been dead before.

It's not such a big deal.

(Phone rings)

(Olivier over phone)

What's going on? What's happening?

They are playing games.

We have to show them we can't be pushed about.

If they haven't sent a female hostage why are we?

We are on French soil. We have to send a French...

Karl: Elise!

Please stay here.


Where are the hostages?

Where's the British cop?

You broke your word.

You are only getting this until you release one more civilian.

You keep your own photo on your desk.

That's not me.

Who is it then?

My twin. She's dead.

Why do you need me here?

Because if there's gonna be a bloodbath, it might as well start with you.

Was the University a real target or was it just a decoy?

Do you still think you can ask me questions?


What have I got to lose? You are gonna k*ll me anyway.

You shouldn't have said what you did.

About what?

About my mother.

And Robert.

I believe it to be...

Shut your f*cking mouth.

He's a fake, Rosa.

Your father is right.

He's just an egotist trying to show the world how clever he is.

You're directing your anger at the wrong people.

No, no.

I know exactly who deserves my rage.

You help us find Fournier...

Shut up, you lying bitch.

Shut your f*cking mouth!

OK. Keep your hair on.

(Laughs) What did you just say?

I'm just saying...

What did you just say?

I'm saying if you calm down...



(Speaks French)

Thibaut: Finish her.

Finish her now.

(Boom of expl*si*n)










(Police radio chatter)


f*ck me.


Well, I'm glad you're alive.

Now we find Fournier.

(Echoing sirens)

(Mobile phone buzzes)

(Thunder rumbles)

(Mobile phone stops buzzing)

(Message alert)

Is Elise... everybody?

Three cops down.

And one cop who I know in intensive care.

What's this?

Oh, f*ck off.



They don't talk about the undercover cop who went down with the plane doing his duty.

Or all the cops who die protecting people.

Sleeping with someone whilst lying about your identity.

That's tantamount to r*pe.

Is it?

I thought we all lied about our identity all the time.

Do we?


CPS aren't going to prosecute anyway. Ancient history.

I got a message.

(Mobile phone buzzes)

What? You got what?

It doesn't matter. We can discuss it later.

Take the call.


BB, just hang on one sec, would you?

So no family. Poor Olena.

What about the witnesses?

Heard a scream before she hit the windscreen.

Really? Jumpers don't normally scream.

You don't think that... Who would have pushed her?



There is something very odd about this, though.

Yeah, you should get some rest, boss.

It's been a hell of a day.

All right.

I'll talk to you tomorrow. Oh...

What about the signatory on the property contracts?

What was she like?

She was giving me the horn.

Voice all husky from the cheroots.

Funny thing.

She never asked why I was asking about the house.

Most people would do that, wouldn't they?

Er... what did you say about her voice?

What about it?

You said something about it being husky.

Yeah, she was puffing away on a cheroot.

Little cigar.

I need to speak to Koba.

(Monitor bleeps)

(Exhales heavily)

