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02x03 - Season 2, Episode 3

Posted: 06/07/16 18:42
by bunniefuu
(Ship's horn)

(Tannoy announcement)

(Bell rings)


Woman: You get stomach ache, don't you?

Girl: No.

(Chatter continues)

I don't know. No.

Yes, there is.

There's not.

You need to do it.


Passport controller: Cheers. Have a good trip.

Next, please.

Thank you.

Thanks very much.

(Machine beeps)

Man: Thank you.

Whoa! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Stop! Come back!


Lie down! Spread your hands on the ground where I can see 'em!


Get down!

Get on the ground now!

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlacés ♪
♪ Pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

(Phone ringing)

(Low chatter in French)

What's that?

Bonjour to you too.

Areas without mains gas supplies.

I still think they bought the oil to supply a property.

So are you gonna tell me?


Everything you're not telling me.

We think the plane was hacked remotely.


That's why we have to investigate every passenger.

Have they grounded...

A type of plane been grounded, while they look at ways of preventing that kind of hack.

What if they can do it to other planes?

It'd be a big thing to stop all air travel.

It'd be a big thing to crash into the sea at 500mph.

There's been no demands, no claims of responsibility, no further threats.

So Madeleine Fournier's cyber-crime expertise obviously includes hacking, right?

She'd worked on a technique for in-flight emergencies... like loss of cabin pressure.

Autopilots could be overridden.

Planes could be flown from the ground by air-traffic control.


They never fully developed it.

They got scared it could be misused by cyber-t*rrorists.

I mean, if she was coerced...

Chloé would have been the best means of coercion.


The answer's in there, somewhere.

Bb: Boss!


For not reminding me I need to keep that information to myself.

Bb: We've had a response to the Photofit from a Professor Sonny Persaud.

Karl: Professor Sonny Persaud! Well, well.

Bb: Yeah. Sorry, his name means nothing to me.

Radical American academic.

He was very close to the Panthers for a while.

Never joined them...

The Black Panthers.


'70s American political...


Soledad Brother?

Angela Davis?

Sweet Black Angel?


The Rolling Stones?


All right. Get off my cloud, boss, you patronising...

Yeah. A big deal... to me, anyway.

Ask about his daughter before you get his autograph.

Black Panthers, that is a pretty cool name though.


Certainly beats Liberal Democrats.

Professor Persaud?


I'm DC Boleslaw Borowski.

This is Detective Inspector Karl Roebuck.

Very pleased to meet you.

My pleasure, sir.

You want to discuss the Photofit image from our appeal into the Fournier disappearance.

I think it's my daughter Rosa.


I haven't seen her in three years.

We had our disagreements.

What about?

Politics, usually.

Her anger was taking her to some very strange positions.

But rejecting me was fundamental to almost everything she did.

Look, let me ask you something, Professor...

Please, just call me Sonny.

OK. Sonny.

Does Rosa have any distinguishing marks?


Anything you can think of.

She got hit with a hockey ball at school.

There's a small scar above her right eye.

Any particular shape?

Circular, I suppose...

Would you say a question mark?

I never saw it like that, more like a half-moon, but...

Yes, I suppose it could be seen as that kind of shape.

There's something else, Detective.

Something I just do not understand.

Robert Fournier was a graduate student of mine 20 years ago.

You knew Robert Fournier?

Oh, yes.

I was his PhD supervisor.




Come to the Northbourne interview room, would you?

It could've been a coincidence.

A pretty massive one.

Get everything you can find on Rosa Persaud.

Your wish is my command.

I just wanted to bring in a colleague of mine.

This is Commander Elise Wasserman from the Calais Police.

This is Professor Persaud.


So when did you come to the UK, Professor?

Must have been... early '90s.

After they denied you tenure in Chicago.

That's right. Yeah.

Rosa was born shortly thereafter.

Parks or Luxemburg?

How about you, Detective?

Marx or Liebknecht?

Both, probably. (Chuckles)

Were you ever aware that Rosa had met Robert Fournier?


You never discussed him with her?

Why would I? She was a baby when he was my student.

His records don't show him having a doctorate.

I wouldn't let him submit it.

How come?

Fournier really did have a rather mediocre intellect.

What was his subject?

Well, ostensibly, it was on Critical Resistance.

But it degenerated into sub-Nietzschean sixth-form gibberish.

Did he ever get back in touch with you?


He may have spoken to Leanne... my wife.

Why would he speak to your wife?

He came to our house, as most of my graduate students did.

They got to know each other.

So they were close.

I mean, close enough to... keep in touch.

They communicated for a while longer.

He told her something about his life in Belgium and complained about me, of course.

And sent flowers to her funeral.

So you knew Robert Fournier. He knew your wife.

Your daughter Rosa who didn't know him, as far as we're aware, is involved in his abduction.

You can see why this piques our interest?

Yes, I can.

And I'm just as anxious as you are to find Rosa so that it can all be explained.

(Screaming on monitor)

Robert: You will feel sorry for these people running away.

But how many deaths have been caused by their belief systems?

None is worse than the other

Even if state propaganda only shows one side of the picture.

All of them demand our submission to superstition and fear

We will fight every attempt to dominate our minds and...


(Nina screams)

We are Defence

You will hear from us again.

Our next actions will make things clearer.

Thibaut showed his face. There are witnesses.

Using Madeleine only bought us some more days.

It's only a matter of time before they hunt us down... and k*ll us. You know that.

I'd rather die fighting than live to give lectures about it.

A person who truly frees himself through action doesn't accept a place at high table.

Your father will have to answer for his betrayals soon.

(Door entry beeping)

Thank you.

Thank you.

Morning, ladies.

Might I have a minute of your precious time?

Stick the closed sign up, Mel.

You can borrow as much time as you want, handsome.

OK. Uses an online app for insulin prescriptions.

Only picked up from here a couple of times though.

When was the last time?

About a week ago.

And that would be two months' supply, so she won't be back for a while.

Well, thanks, anyway.

I'm gonna come here for all my medical needs from now on.

Dextroamphetamine and a couple of blue bombers always make for a happy weekend in our house.

(Whispers) Ignore her.

She's been like this ever since she got back from Magaluf.

There is actually a mobile number, if that's any use.


We send text reminders for repeat prescriptions.

You want it?

Yes, please, Mel.

We need to find out if Robert had ever met Rosa prior to the abduction.

Yeah, but it's his blood.

It could be a set up. A misdirection.

Yeah, could be.

Right. Call me if you need me.

Where are you going?


Lille? What for?

We're still mainly interested in Bresson's assistant.

I'm going to see Eryka Klein again.

What's the story on her passport?

Checks out. We found it in a male toilet.

So, why?

A few things about her past are weird... Where she grew up.

Chile, she said.


Olivier: I need to talk to her!

It's not possible.

Where in Chile is the weird bit.

And we have a photo from the German BND of her at a n*zi funeral.


Bowden: Just leave it to us!

The British are insisting that it's nothing to do with us.

It's all part of an undercover operation you were running into an immigration scam.

I heard something about that.

It's a matter only for the British police.

"Leave it with us."

Except those aren't police in there with Bowden.


I'll see what I can find out.


TV: We're talking to a candidate in the forthcoming Kent bi-election.

Let's turn now to fracking in the county, which is an increasingly controversial issue.

I'm joined now by Glen Backhouse.

Where do you stand on this one, Glen?

Look, as with immigration, I think ordinary folk understand that our position on this is governed by common sense.

You can't heat and light a house with organic muesli.

It's about stepping back from the hysteria and taking a clear-headed look at the situation.

Then you see it's...

You r*cist, tax-dodging idiot.

Either we pursue a course of action that will bring down our energy bills and boost manufacturing.

Or we continue to bury our heads in the sand and let our land, our water, be commandeered for unsightly and unprofitable wind farms.

This is about focusing on the issues that really matter, preserving British values and standing up for our way of life

against the PC brigade...


Sorry, boss. It's sparko.

The phone number the chemist had for Rosa.

It's probably at the bottom of a canal.

I was hoping we could just ping the phone and pick her up.

Diabetics use health apps to record blood sugar levels.

If she used the phone once in the UK, we can locate it.

Find the phone company, get their records.


(Men shout and laugh)

I hope the press never get to see that.

We've got another five-a-side against the French tonight.

It might get a bit tasty.

Last time, Tommo went in a bit high on their keeper.

Life goes on.

(Door opens)

I don't have long, Commander.

We're trying to put Paul's affairs here in order.

Then I must go back to the UK to sign the papers for the release of his body.

You don't need a temporary one any more.

Thanks for returning it.

You grew up in Chile, you said.


You were, in fact, born in the German settlement of Colonia Dignidad.


My parents followed the founder from Munich.

That would be the paedophile Paul Schäfer.

I don't think they knew that at the time.

Settlers weren't allowed to have babies there.

Schäfer made an exception for my parents.


I don't know.

Well, not for sure, anyway.

Alfonso Chanfreau, of French descent.

When Schäfer allowed Pinochet to use Colonia Dignidad as a t*rture centre, he was allegedly taken there to be tortured and m*rder*d.

I don't see the relevance of that if I wasn't even born.

Paul Bresson raised the case of Chanfreau when Pinochet was detained in London.

Did he know about your past?


And I passed a vetting to become his personal researcher.

What were you doing at the funeral of a man who worked with Mengele?

Even if I did hold n*zi views, how would that influence what happened to the plane?

Do you know Robert Fournier?


Do you know Rosa Persaud?


What were you doing?

Do you have an arrest warrant?


Then leave, before I file a formal complaint of harassment.


This time you don't need to discriminate so much.

Go for the big names wherever possible.

The most colourful parrots.

This is my family now.

Hey. Hey.


They're for my children. They're hungry.
(Gulls cry)



The girl we picked up trying to board the ferry was clean.


There was some kind of error.

The passport wasn't part of that batch at all.

Where is she now?

At our Public Protection Unit.

The good news for you is we're not gonna send her to Calais.

The bad news for her is she's probably going back to Tbilisi.

Just wanted to keep you up to speed.

(Email pings)


Surprise, surprise.

No f*cking mains supply.

(Phone chirps)

Oh, my Lord.

Everybody's at it now.

#Youwouldsaythatglen is actually trending.

"I have never scratched my bum and sniffed my finger.


(Laughs) Oh, God.

There's even some celebrities.

Oh, no. What have I started?

No. It's great for the campaign.

"I am really, really, really not a r*cist. #Youwouldsaythatglen."

I think it was "ordinary folk" that pissed me off the most.

I mean, the man flies around in a f*cking private jet.

He has bank accounts in the Caymans to avoid tax.

It's just, honestly...

Oh, no.

What? Let me see.

Oh, yeah. r*cist idiots.

I suppose you've got to expect some backlash.




Get some forensics and dogs down here, would you?

And call Elise.

We've got them.

Police have released the identity of the British citizen k*lled by a gunman in France.

Aamira Khalid, a student from the Isle of Thanet, was attending a conference promoting religious tolerance...

A few people online are saying congratulations to this guy.


He didn't k*ll everybody.

He chose just one person from each religion.

Yeah. I saw that. Very fair-minded of him.

And they're saying religion is the cause of most bad things.

Do you agree with that?

Oh, no. I'm Catholic.

But why are they focusing on the Muslim girl and not the Priest?

Well it's...

(Phone chirps)

on TV: witnesses as a stocky, white, French-speaking male, roughly 6'2" in height.

We'll be bringing you live updates on the search...


I hate that sound.

What sound?

The dogs.

I'm glad it was you that found Adam.

It was my fault.


I can't...


Bb: Boss!

Elise: It's Madeleine Fournier.



No, thanks.


Karl: Mm.

So... we just want to ask you a few more questions about Rosa.

She went to a very exclusive girls' boarding school.

Yes. That was on the insistence of my wife.

She came away with no qualifications.

You know, the world of unquestioned privilege, I think was tough on a smart mixed-race kid with diabetes.

She did the usual flirting with dr*gs, sleeping with her teachers...

By the time she was 16, she didn't know where to go.

She tried to k*ll herself.

We read her medical records.


And I wasn't... always very much of a dad and I regret that.

You were preoccupied with your books, with your career.

It is not a value judgment, Professor.

I'm... just trying to understand Rosa.

I didn't always care much.

I should have. I... I see that now.

Do you think Fournier had an affair with your wife?

My generation was less uptight about sexual mores than yours.

That's not what I asked you.

No, it isn't, is it?

Karl: Did you know where Rosa was?

After you two fell out?

She went to Europe, where she was hanging out with some fringe anarchist groupings.

Do you think she met Fournier there?

I hope not.


The man's a fanatic.

The only reason he would seek my daughter out... would be to punish me.

Robert: I have to go.


We need weapons for the next stage.

He will also give us a new safe house.

When Thibaut returns, you must clear out immediately.

You go to the beach hut and we will regroup.

(Camera shutter clicks)




Well done, Roebuck.

A flying start on your return.

Thanks, sir.

I said you were a clever c**t.

You did.

Well, I see the colour returning to your cheeks.

So, the property where you found her, who owns it?

A group called Singapore Fiscal Management.

BB's on the case. It looks like a dummy company.

Not a director in sight.

Keep me informed.

Will do.

And the passport girl?

What passport girl?

The girl we nicked at Dover?

It's nothing. Forget it. Red herring.

Where is she?

PPU. Forget her.

You've got a Chinese g*n, Singapore Property Company.

We're looking Far East again.

Bb: These are the Singapore Fiscal Management properties.

Quite a few of them are empty.

Irony is... Singapore has an excellent public housing system where a lot of these property speculators probably live.

There's a few on the other side of the channel.

Send some of the French ones over to Detective Renard.

Your wish is my command.

Stop saying that.

It's very annoying.

Yeah, here's the thing. I don't work for you.


I want to drop in at my old department.

Public Protection. I'll explain on the way.

(Knocking on door)


Who did that to you?

Er... man. Men.


And woman. Bad.


She smokes.

Er... Cigar?

She smokes a cigar?

Cigarette? Small cigarette? Small cigar? Small cigar?


I want to... I want to help you.

Is there something I can?


Something I? Oh, shit!


All right. I'll come back.

What? What are you doing here, Roebuck?

I came to see Yolanda.

Yolanda? Who is she?

Yolanda, downstairs.

Ex-colleague, PPU.

She and Rosa Persaud have the same type of diabetes.

Type 2, not Type 1, but it amounts to the same thing.

Except Type 2 you...

Get to the f*cking point.

I came to talk about health apps, online prescriptions.

We heard a lot of shouting, so we came up.

Well, clear off, then. She's obviously fine.


(Door closes)

Where is Robert?

Already gone.

He had to go and meet Koba. We're to clear out.

I will come back for the shotgun.


Cover me. I bring the car.


(Engine revs)

Rosa! Rosa, now!

Rosa: Wait!

(Tyres screech)

Drop the g*n!

(g*n clicks)



(Approaching sirens)

Karl: What's going on there?

Passport spooks all over it.

Lying to Olivier.

You just lied to Bowden.

I didn't.

You did.

You lied. I just nodded.

Anyway, next time, we'll take a translator.




We might get some answers. We've got her.

We've got Rosa.

Olivier: We have found the body of Madeleine Fournier.

We have found evidence linking you to the murders in Arras.

And computer equipment we believe may be linked to an act of terrorism.

Why didn't they claim responsibility for that?

They put Arras on the bloody internet.

We also found Robert Fournier's DNA in the flat you were using.

Is he still alive?

If you co-operate and help us to find Robert Fournier, then we can help you

She's giving her comrades a chance to regroup.

Your colleague served in Mali. His identity will be soon known.

If he kills more people because you protect him, then things will be very hard on you.

We have to make Rosa talk.

Are you gonna interview her again?

We will leave it now. She's not going to say a word tonight.

In that case, I'd like to get back to my family.



Bonsoir, Julie.


How's the nipper?

The what?


The erm... petit.

The name?


We call him Benoit.

Benoit. Benoit. Nice name.





It's her birthday tomorrow.

Eryka: Commander Wasserman.

I'd like to speak to you.

Not in here.

I had a twin brother. Rudi.

He disappeared when I was six years old.


They said he fell in the nearby river.

But I think he was m*rder*d in Colonia Dignidad.

You know that ex-Nazis like Rutger Wolff visited the colony?

Well, he was obsessed with twins, because of his work with Mengele.

You asked me why my parents were allowed to have children...

You think that the fact that they had twins...

That place was so f*cked up.

Anyway, this is why I went to the funeral of Rutger Wolff, to try and get some information.

Bresson knew about this and he supported me.

Why didn't you tell me this straightaway?

Because Paul had just died and you were being so insensitive.

I was doing my job.

Bresson was still a target and you didn't board the plane.

And it's a very personal thing.

Losing a twin is very hard to explain, Detective.

It is as if part of yourself has died.

As if part of your personality has gone missing.

Do you want another coffee?


Samia Farah: Si T'as La Parole

(Soundtrack over dialogue)

Karl: Anyone there?

Ah! A bottle of wine already open.

What's the matter?

Are you all right?

Somebody's watching us, Karl.

(Pop music on radio)

Wait. Just take it easy.

You're a tease, aren't you?

(Woman screams)

Come on...


Bloody hell!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!