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02x02 - Season 2, Episode 2

Posted: 06/07/16 18:42
by bunniefuu
Captain (on recording): What's going on?

Put out a Mayday.

Co-pilot: We're losing speed.

Do something.


Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

CD T718

We've lost control of our instruments.

It's like somebody else is flying the plane.

Captain: No, no, no. This can't be.

We're gonna reach coffin corner.

Co-pilot: We've stopped climbing. We going up or down?

Captain: We're going down.

(Static, fragments of speech)


♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlacés ♪
♪ Pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

Laura: No, no, it sounds fantastic.

I'll have to talk to my husband.

(News reporter on TV)

No, I'm not asking him for permission.

It's a big commitment, we'll need to talk about it.

I've been working for the anti-fracking campaign, but I do want to get back to my real job.

Yeah, well, I'll let you know.


Whatever it is, you do need my permission, and the answer's no.

The big Georgian restoration near Walmer...

Wow. You should do it. We'll make it work.

Yeah... You don't just make things work by saying you will.

You have to, you know, make them work.

Good point well made.

Karl, don't go all laconic.

I know. I know.

I want to get back to work.

I get that.

I get that.

I've made up my mind about the CID thing.

They've asked me to lead the Eurotunnel investigation.

Gumtree it is, then.

(Baby grizzles and cries)

Reporter: Police say it's too early to...

I've got to go to work.

The question the investigators will have to answer is this, how did a modern passenger plane come to just fall out of the sky into the English Channel?

(Blast of ship's horn)


How's the kid?

Which kid?

The Milkybar Kid.

Chloé Fournier is back with her aunt, but still not talking.

So you're heading up this investigation, then?

Yeah. Started back in CID today.

Are you staying on the Fournier case?

Yes, Olivier still wants me to coordinate with you on this.

What's the news on the plane?

We are not entirely sure for now.

Mechanical failure?

That's one of the options that's being explored.

Terrorism has not been ruled out yet, so this is still a potential mass-m*rder investigation.

All CID will be based up here from now on, whatever other cases you have on your books.

You'll have to put up with the crash investigation teams, and the French, so it'll be a bit crowded.

But there's no asbestos... and it's nearer the boozer.




I'm spiking. I need to eat.

Last thing I need is a hypo.

What are they saying about the plane?

Mechanical failure.

But the conspiracists are already at work.

Hacking's been mentioned.

Our greatest act. And we do not claim it.

The plane was a job. We got paid.

Now we have the freedom to do this.

We have to shed blood even if it includes our own.

v*olence is the only way to make the world pay attention.

I grew up in a sh*thole estate.

My dad was a trade unionist in a tyre factory.

Now he votes for the far right.

I joined the army, saw stuff in Mali you can only dream of, got f*cked up on dr*gs.

And I have to admit, I'm also pretty r*cist.

But you don't have a problem with...

I make an exception for you cos you're hot.

You use words like... Zionist and Islamist.

For me they're just Yids and goat-f*ckers.

And I don't care so much about the rest, but I'm happy to put a b*llet in their hypocritical backs, for all the shit they cause in the world.

But what made you so f*cking angry that you're prepared to die?

People who talk too much.

He's too old for you.

And when he has no use for you, he will probably k*ll you.

Nothing has led to more bloodshed than religion.

Today we will be moderate in our response.

Just one of each.

Right, see you later, Mum.


Oi, Aamira, you off to your jihadi wedding in Syria?


France, actually.

Ooh la-la!

Bring us some cheap booze from Calais, yeah?

Yeah, do I look like a kafir, you Western slags?

(Gasps of shock)

And "jihad" means personal struggle, not just holy w*r, by the way.

All right, tell the nutters who brought down that plane.

You don't know it was Muslims.

Who else? The Hari Krishnas?

You don't know it was anybody. It was just a crash.

It's always the Muslims.

Don't worry, I know it ain't all the Muslims.

Anyway, where's your brother?

In bed.

Great. Just where I want him.

Don't drop your bag. It might blow up.


See you later.



Wait, let me tell Sam. Sam?



Teenage girl: What's supposed to happen on these things, then?

Teenage boy: We all hold hands and sing Kumbaya!


No, no, it's OK. I met some good people last time.

It's mainly just debates and chatting and stuff.

Oh, my God!

I've seen that priest on telly before!

Benjamin, look at that girl!

(Laughter and chatter)

(Bell rings)

(Phone ringtone)


Is Louise not with you?

Karl: Yeah?

You mean Lieutenant Renard?

Actually I call her zabko.

It's a common term of endearment in Polish.

It means dear little froggy.

Karl: Really?

Lieutenant Renard is on duties relating to the plane crash.

Karl: Thanks.

It's too bad.

Lab tests are back.

The blood found in the underpass belonged to one individual only.

Robert Fournier.

What have you got?

The van had a sticker on it.

The fire in the underpass was so intense, they probably expected the heat to melt it and wipe away any traces.

They were right.

They were wrong.

The fire seared an after-impression from the plastic of the sticker into the metal of the van.

Like a Hiroshima shadow.

They've got this kit that can sniff it out.

Bits of it, anyway. And then digitally rebuild it.

It was a flag, and bits of lettering.

Part of an N and a tiny bit of an O.


Nil points.

The letter fragments were from the middle.

They think the word was Kernow because of the pattern from the flag.

There is no country called Kernow.

Yeah, I agree, some wouldn't. It means Cornwall.

We're more likely to get sightings, which means better chance of CCTV.


Yes, that is good.

So let's co-ordinate.

(Gulls cry)

We'll put out an appeal for the van tonight.

Hopefully the sticker will jog some memories.

Our hypothesis has to be that he was k*lled in her abduction.

The results of the blood tests suggest that, certainly.

Given her status, there's an interest in not k*lling her immediately.

But was she abducted? k*lled somewhere else?

We need to find both bodies.

(Text alert)

I'm not optimistic about that.

They've already left us one tiny clue. We build from that.

Gotta go.

That scene at the docks.

With the photographer.

What about it?

It gave me some concern.

For your mental state.


Don't worry. I've always been concerned about yours.


You not gonna finish that?

That's not meat inside it.

The French might stuff pastry with migrating songbirds they've blasted from the skies, but this is a good old English sausage roll filled with grease and weird pig stuff.

Bloody delicious too.



No, no, no. Anglais, anglais.



I'm Nina.


I like what you've done with your...



Are they not banned here?

No, that's erm...


Yeah, because, you don't think it's like medieval?

I mean, the fact it's compulsory.

Hm. It's funny how it's just us that get asked to defend our religious dress.

I mean, if you said anything to him, you'd be anti-Semitic.


But... the burqa... it's...

Is not Islamic, and I don't support it.

Sorry, did you come to chat, or...

No, I just came to say hello.

Oh, but you thought you'd start with this.

I didn't introduce myself asking why you guys hang t*rture instruments round your necks.


I'm sorry.

(Door opens)

(Phone rings)

TV: Police have made a fresh appeal for information relating to the possible abduction of the Fournier family from the Eurotunnel.

They're interested in a white medium-wheelbase Transit van with a sticker like this one.

It's the Cornish flag and it may also possibly say Kernow on it.


What's the matter?

Stupid ethno fictions. Like people who say they're Celts.

What's wrong with Celts?

Hm? Nothing, except it's complete garbage.

There was no mass Celtic migration to Britain before the Romans.

Isn't it up to people what they call themselves?

Oh, yes. I'm sorry, you're right.

In that case, I'm a short-eared owl.

Grumpy old dog, more like!

Do you think it'll lead to something?

I hope so.

Meanwhile in Kent, Glen Backhouse, the defecting MP, has launched a stinging attack on new immigration measures...


...comparing it to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.

Oh, how original. Must have hired a writer.

I found a possible nanny.

You've decided, then?

Her name's Vladka. She seems very nice.

Where's she from?



Aren't you gonna say anything?

What do we know about her?

I just told you three things.

Her name is Vladka. She's from Slovakia. She's nice.

I'd prefer a British nanny.

Oh, Karl!

I wouldn't. I don't know why I said that.

I'd prefer...

You'd prefer nobody.

What if she runs off one day with the kids to Slovakia?

One of her hobbies is the ukulele.

What does that prove? Hitler loved his f*cking dog.

Forget Hitler.

We can't go on like this, Karl.

I had these sh**ting pains down my left arm today and realised my primary feeling was a surge of hope.

I'm not even joking.

What was it really?

Remnants of carpal bastard tunnel syndrome, I think.

The point is...

I get your point.

We'll still meet on the stairs from time to time, right?

I'm going to go to bed.

Look at Vladka's CV if you're gonna stay up all night again.

(Phone rings)

Can she play Ain't She Sweet?


Karl. Chloé Fournier. She's speaking again.

Get on a train. Get over here now.


(Women chatting in French)

Julie! Bonjour!

Ah. It's you.

Yeah. I think so.

Sorry, I just wasn't...

How have you been keeping?

Good, thank you.

I had a baby.

Did you? Congratulations.

I had two.

Two? Whoo.

Whoo. Yeah, exactly.

Right, well...

Are you on the fourth floor?


Nice to see you again.

Merci beaucoup. You too.

Your French is very better.


Maybe tell her something reassuring.

Tell her she's doing really well.

She isn't.

This makes all the difference.

Did he say "I told you", which is a very important phrase.

Did he sound as if he was begging for mercy? Or did he...

I understand. But we need to tread gently.

She's speaking, but she's still traumatised.

All right, let's just take a break, shall we?

Can we get some, er... some orange squash?

Un peu de squash, orange, biscuit.

(Phone rings)


Karl: Yeah. Where's that?

I'm in Calais.

Good. Right, yeah.

I'll come back straight away. Yeah.

A cashier at a service station in Basingstoke remembers seeing a white van with a Cornwall sticker.

We also have a report of a stolen van in Truro that looks like it matches the description the cashier gave.


They're looking into it.

Shall we get back there?

Come on. Give her a break.

"I told you."

Those three words make a massive difference.

Can you remember what I said to you in that room, exactly?

"Yeah, I understand, but we need to tread gently. She's speaking, but she's still traumatised."

OK, so you're a freak.

I'm sorry.

But Chloé Fournier was in a very different, very frightening context.

(Phone rings)


Oh... OK.

All right, we'll meet you at the hangar.
Bad news first: There's no CCTV from the service station the van was clocked at.

Slightly better news... is that they used a stolen credit card to buy some food.

BB's onto it.


"Not the kid."

"Not the kid."

"Not the kid!"

"I told you, not the kid!"

I don't think so.

What kind of a parent would be able to leave their child alone and frightened like that?

He's her stepdad.


Aamira: You're forgetting about the 500 dead kids in Gaza!

Don't throw Gaza at me. I'm British, not Israeli.

You support them, though.

Do you support the people who desecrate our graves and m*rder innocent people in supermarkets?

No, of course not.

I don't support everything Israel does, but it has a right to self-defence.

(Scoffs) Self-defence?

From what, some kids running away on the beach?

I'd have more sympathy for you lot if you burned the flags of evil murderers instead of democratic countries every time you got offended.

"You lot"?

What's that supposed to mean? I don't burn any flags.

Look, Jews in Europe are frightened.

And you know what of?

The same thing everybody's frightened of.

The religion of peace which just keeps k*lling everybody.

You're all hypocrites.

Muslim lives mean nothing to you. They never have. Wow!

Don't just walk away.

(Phone rings)


Yeah, we lost a girl, but the problem's solved.

OK, I'm going to meet more brides in Calais.

All right.

An hour, then.


Bb: All right. Yeah. So it's Stefan Czyrko.

No, you pronounce it "Chur-co".

"Ch" as in "chips".


No, that's no problem.

What's the widow's name?


Yeah, I can be there at four. OK. See you later.

One of the victims on the plane was Polish.

He was an undercover cop on a big immigration scam.

What sort of scam?

Weddings for passports stuff. I'll deal with it later.

But get on this, boss.

Whoever abducted the Fourniers has dropped the f*cking ball and used the stolen credit card again. We've got a location.

Where did they use it?

It's an oil company.

They do forecourt sales.

I'm going to scoot over there now.

They'd need accelerant to burn the van.

What, a hundred litres?

Good point. Properties round there have external fuel tanks.

Whatever they're using it for, please, please, please, let them have CCTV on the forecourt.

50 quid says they don't.

So come with me and find out.

All right. Wanna come?

You go. I've got to talk to Olivier.

No CCTV here either. That'll cost you.

(Phone rings)

Morning. I'm Detective...

Wait a sec...


No. We're not doing any forecourt sales today, and our first delivery will be next Wednesday.

Yeah. Well, we've all got a baby when the oil runs out, love.

Hold on.


I don't know what he's done, but he's all yours.

You still there, love?

Yeah, well, if you want a delivery...

Like I said before, if...

Your delivery will be with you this afternoon, madam.

Oh, don't mention it.

At our company, the customer always comes first.


We're here to discuss a purchase made with a stolen credit card.

She can't be much fun to work for!

She ain't so bad, really. Not like some of the drivers.

And it's a job, so...

Tell us what you remember.

Yeah, there was two of them, but one of them stayed in the van.

It was the bird who filled up the canisters.

She had a problem with the lids. They've got the plastic frill.

You gotta pull the frill off to fasten them up properly.

So they bought canisters as well?

Yeah, yeah.

She asked me to help her fasten them up.

Did she seem nervous?

Not really.

She came over to the office to pay and he pulled up the van, put the canisters in.

Did you see anything of him?

We need you to help us build up a picture of this girl.

All right?


Oh, erm, I remember... she had this tiny scar.

Right over her eyebrow.

I remember it cos it was shaped like a little question mark.

Very good.


You're f*cking dead.


My family came to Britain in the 1970s.

My dada - that's what we call our grandads - was a garment worker in the East End of London.

On his way to work, groups of skinheads would wait for him.

They called it Paki-bashing.

He had his arm broken once.

People we knew were stabbed, and some died.

I've never blamed all white people for that.

I've never asked all of you to apologise or distance yourself from it or deal with the extremists in your midst.

They don't call us Pakis any more.

They call us Muslims.

But I know what they mean.

The man who saw my hijab and put his finger across his throat.

Maybe when he was younger, he was chasing my dada through the streets of East London and laughing because he was going Paki-bashing.

People sometimes say that religion causes all wars.

But there's a lot in mine that is so beautiful.

And I don't like it when people mock our prophet.

Peace be upon him!

My god is compassionate and merciful.

Only ignorance, hate and poverty causes wars... whatever the excuse people want to use.

Thank you.

(Approaching footsteps)

What are you doing?

What does it look like?

Listen, the thing about the hijab...

I can see that was a bit rubbish. I'm sorry.

Very Christian.

There's no need to be such a bitch about it.

Not gonna ride with me now?

f*ck you.

Hey! I'm joking.

You shouldn't go.

We don't have enough Muslims here.

Stop it. No, this ain't for me. All this touchy-feely bollocks.

We're not all the same. We are all different.

Please, Aamira, don't go. If we can't get on here...

I ain't running away because of you.

Oh, my gosh, is he playing...

Oh! Later.

♪ Someone's angry, Lord, kumbaya ♪
♪ Runs home crying, Lord, kumbaya ♪

All right, all right, all right. Please, just stop! Just stop!

Oh, my gosh!

I ain't running away from a pair of posh sissies like you lot.

Kumbaya? Really?

Welcome back to the butch zone, Roebuck.

Thank you.

You'll be wanting a nice photo of the family on there.

So we're building an image of a suspect from a... description at the oil depot.

Luckily this kid's got a very good memory.

In the meantime, French are wanting a little chat with the research assistant to Paul Bresson.

Go and play chaperone, would you?

Make sure they remember what her Britannic Majesty requests and requires.

(Door rattles)

OK, so...

Eryka, you're not under arrest.

I'll just hang about to make sure these guys stick to the high standards of human rights that we British take so seriously.

What are you reading?

Turgenev. "On The Eve".

You're reading it in Russian.

I speak most European languages.

Where are you from originally?

My parents were German.

But I was born and grew up in South America.

Which country?


Is this part of the interview?

No, this is just small talk.

So you don't mind which language we do this in?

In the room, Eryka Klein, Commander Pujol, Commander Wasserman, DCI Roebuck.

Go ahead.

You were the only person with a ticket for the plane who did not board.

Paul lost my passport and ticket.

Have they been found?

We're looking into that.

What kind of ticket was it?

An e-ticket.

You printed it out?


Why didn't you check in online?

I guess it must have slipped my mind. We had a lot of meetings.


So you gave it to Paul Bresson to keep, with your passport?

As I said.

Where did you do that?

The hotel? The taxi? I don't remember.


Sometimes one person carries the travel documents.

Wouldn't it be more normal for the assistant to do that?

If you're suggesting that I deliberately lost my passport and ticket, surely it would be easier to do if I were holding them?

Passports are very personal things, aren't they?

The only person I give mine to when we travel is my wife.

We found Paul Bresson's soap bag. It contained condoms.

That suggests that he was expecting to have sex on his overnight stay.

What a grubby little world you live in, detectives.

Were you lovers?

Did you choose the CityDart flight?

It was the best flight.

For what?

For our schedule.

Did you become lovers before or after he hired you as his researcher?

I didn't say we became lovers.

It's not a crime.

And it does explain the passport a bit better, to my mind at least.

I don't need to explain the passport better.

And yes, we were.

That's not why I got the job.

No. Course not.

Sorry, I shouldn't be asking these questions.

No, no. Please.

You are quite composed for someone who has just lost her colleague and lover.

Would I be more plausible if I was howling and beating my head?

Is that how you measure grief?

Do you think the crash was not an accident and that Paul was m*rder*d?

Because that's what these questions suggest.

It's not a line of investigation as far as I'm aware.

Nothing is ruled out yet.

But the plane must have been sabotaged in some way because there was no b*mb.

How could you possibly believe?

(Knock on door) ...I did something like that?

Excuse me.

Get it out on the news channels.

Hold back the scar for the first appeal.

We'll use it as a control filter.

Yes, boss.

There are loads of different styles of hijab, but this is how we like to roll on the Isle of Thanet.



I like it.

(Muffled g*nsh*t)

You put the diamonds?


What's happened to the priest?

Oh, my gosh. Is he having a heart attack?

(Whispered chatter)

(Screaming and panicked cries)

(Panicked shouting)

He's got a g*n! Run!



Please! Please!

(Girls sobbing)


He's upstairs. Let's go. Let's go!

No, no! He's gonna find us!

No! No!




(Cries out in agony)

(Aamira moans)

I don't know how to stop the bleeding.

Use my headscarf!

Sorry. I'm sorry.

(Cries out in pain)

(Cries out)


Run! Come on!


(Squeals of delight)

Quick, quick, quick, I'm going to get you!


Hello, girlies.


Hello! Hello!

Vladka: Oh, hi.


Hi. I'm Vladka.

Hi, Vladka.

You have lovely children.

Thank you.

Has Laura shown you the cupboard under the stairs?

No, I don't think she...

Where do you stand on corporal punishment, Vladka?

I'm a firm believer that it's an essential part of child rearing.

He's joking.


Ah, we have funny guy, huh?

A comedian. Well, er... maybe we should... put Daddy under the stairs!

Yes! Yes!

Put Daddy under the stairs!


Play the little guitar for us.

Ah, the ukulele's made an appearance already.

Yeah. And as for your question about Ain't She Sweet...

She can. And she is.

Don't scare her off.


♪ Kumbaya, my Lord ♪
♪ Kumbaya ♪
♪ Kumbaya, my Lord ♪
♪ Kumbaya ♪
♪ Someone's crying, my Lord ♪
♪ Kumbaya ♪
♪ Oh, Lord ♪
♪ Kumbaya ♪

TV: We're getting information about a sh**ting at a religious gathering in France.

We'll bring you more information as and when we have it.

Meanwhile, Northbourne Police say that they anticipate a long and complex investigation into the disappearances of Robert and Madeleine Fournier, whose child, Chloé, was found abandoned in the Eurotunnel.

They've issued an appeal for help in locating this person whom they want to question