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02x02 - Psycho

Posted: 06/07/16 11:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on Scream...

Jake, Noah: Hey!

Welcome home, girl interrupted.

Emma: I had some issues and I dealt with them.


Emma: We survived.

And, now, we're here to help each other find a way to get back to normal.


Oh, my God! It was a prank!



How was the party?

I like torturing you.

After what you did, you deserve it.

Noah: I think someone helped Piper, and I think they're still out there.

Can't you see? It's all connected.

You can't hide me forever.

I wouldn't have to if you hadn't blackmailed my dad.

You know what? Jake's got a plan!

I'm gonna prove you wrong, and your dad's gonna love me!


Screw you! (SCREAMING)

Noah, what is this?

That's a pig farm.

It belongs to Troy James, Brandon's brother.


‭Emma, let's get out of here.




Are you okay? I heard you scream.

Someone is living in there. They have pictures of me at school, pictures of me as a kid. They have newspaper clippings.

What are you talking about?

My entire life is in there!

We need to go now!


Scream - S02E02 - Psycho

Maggie: So, this farm on Pikeview Road, that's what you said, right?

Yeah, yeah. It belongs to Troy James.

Yeah, I know.

What? What do you mean you know?

You've been there before, when you were very young.

I told you about Troy, Brandon's brother?

Yes, I know.

Well, after the killings, the Jameses were constantly harassed.

They were... They basically became outcasts.

So... So, they moved out there?

Until they could find another place to live, a place where they weren't hated by everyone.

And I couldn't abandon them, so I would go and visit Troy and his family, even after you were born.

I remember that farm.


The pigs.

You remember that?


‭You were so young when they moved.

Mom... how could you not tell me about this?

I didn't think it mattered.



So, who's living out there now? That man?

I don't know.

Why does he have all those pictures of me on the wall?

As far I know, no one's lived there since Troy left.

But we're not hiding from anything anymore.

I don't want you to be afraid.

Let's go back there right now, you and I. We'll figure it out.


Maggie: Okay.



There's nothing.

There's nothing in here.


Emma, you up?

Look, I know last night was confusing. I just...

Kieran: So, everything was just gone?

Like he'd never existed.

It makes no sense, right?

Yeah. That's really weird. You need to report it to the cops.

Yeah. So the cops can go to a crumbling old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere and find nothing?

I would look like a total idiot. Completely crazy.

Am I completely crazy? Am I seeing things?

When my dad first died, everything about this place set me off.

That must have been really hard, being here by yourself.

Intense. Some mornings, I'd swear I could hear him in the other room.

That's normal weirdness.

That's not...

That's not seeing things that aren't there.

Did I come home too soon?

Should I go back to treatment?

Now, that sounds crazy.

You're good, Em... right here.



Egg-wich? Whoa! Oh, sorry. Somebody's jumpy today.

Tired, actually. I kinda worked the creeper shift last night.

Okay, look, it's way too early for you to be this keyed.

Let it out.

Oh, no. No, it's nothing.

Just an intriguing new lead on our favorite demented Internet troll.

AKA the person who's harassing me?

AKA Piper's accomplice.

Show me.


My interview with Emma netted a record number of comments.

Feast your eyes.

On what, Noah? What am I looking at?

Commenter EddieKrueger? Not just your average fan of one of the 80s' most prolific psychos, but also a night clerk at the Crescent Palms.

I still have to confirm the lead, but this Eddie guy claims he actually saw Piper's accomplice.

Like, in the flesh.

(CHUCKLING) It's... It's amazing.

Brooke, you were there last night. Can't you back Emma up on what she saw?

Well, I can't speak to the presence of a stalker collage, or the vanishing furniture.

Or the squatter?

I didn't really see anything.

Brooke, what? It's nothing that I haven't already thought.

Look, you were not making any sense when you came out of that house last night, Emma.

I'm sorry. It was... It was weird. I was worried.


Hey, it's okay.

We all have to be honest.

It's the only way we're gonna move past this thing.

It's just... you know, you've seen things before.

Will, your dad...

Yeah. So, you think that this is a hallucination.

Well, given all of the insanity that we've been through, it's not so crazy. Right?

Yeah, I guess.

Hey, if you see Jake today, will you warn me, so I can avoid him and make him suffer?


‭NOAH: Ah!

What up, my Lakewood Sixers!

Though, technically, there are only five of us at the moment.

Look, I know Jake has probably been spilling trash about me since we broke up, and you can just tell me about it.

What? No one's talked to him since... since we, like, broke up?

Probably part of his bold plan to make you suffer.

One day is obnoxious and bold. Two days is obnoxious and weird.

Looks like it's working.

Come on, it's Jake.

He faked mono for a week to get out of midterms.

His parents are in Mexico. Maybe he's just laying low at home.

Brooke, have you tried texting him?

Please. Every Cosmo girl knows the guy is supposed to be the one to break the text standoff.

Wow. So modern.




The other night at the theater wasn't enough for you, huh?

Chill, dude! You're losing your freaking mind!

Stop screwing with me!

I could press charges.

Give me your phone.

I was texting my boyfriend, you freak!


Hey, you okay? Because you seem...

I'm fine, Noah. I'm late for class.

F.Y.I., your bestie's a total psychotic bitch.

Yeah, you'd know, right?

Oh, my God. I am so sorry. I totally forgot our tutoring session this morning.

I... I had a really crazy night last night.

No, it's fine. You have a lot going on. I have a lot going on.

I get it... if you're not ready.

No, Zoe, I am ready. I completely need your help to catch up. It's just...

Look, a while back, I was going through some pretty painful stuff, and I kinda lost my way.

It happens. I get it.

So, how do you get past that?

You find someone smart and you pay attention.

That's what I meant by "symbiotic," and our tutoring is as much for me as it is for you.

So, you really think I'm as smart as you are?

(WHISPERING) I used to think you were smarter.


Say you're a zebra.

You need to learn to face the lion, but you don't want to end up on the menu.

So, what's the zebra brain do?

It uses nightmares to simulate the conflict.

Makes sense. They live their lives in constant fear of attack...

I texted Jake.

I guess you're not a Cosmo girl, after all.

(SIGHS) Shut up.

I even told him a quick response would get him a boob pic. Still nothing.


I'm officially worried.

Brooke, Emma, can either of you tell us what our friends, the scientists, call this adaptation?

Something about zebras?

Yeah, but no.

Together: Threat simulation theory.

Question is: if prey animals dream of their predators, what does the predator dream of?

(SCOFFS) Girl predators.

The predator is us. Human beings.

Lang: That's right, Stavo.

Everything we do, how we think, how we sleep, who we sleep with, what we k*ll... it's all about one thing: survival.

When that instinct is challenged, our brains go into overdrive.

We have to meet that challenge and beat it... or else.


Miss Lang, do you have a second?

Emma, what's on your lizard brain?

You need someone to talk to?


How about tonight? The Grindhouse around six?

Perfect. I'll see you there.


Nice "everything's cool" face.

That obvious?

I probably shouldn't ask if something weird happened in the stairwell earlier, right?

Just another charming encounter with that Hayley chick.

You sure this isn't like some grade school crush she's playing out through torment?

First of all, ew. Secondly, no.

I don't think she's into girls.

Okay, good. I mean, whatever.

(SIGHS) I thought maybe I was driving you nuts again, with the whole Piper's accomplice thing.

Foster's gotta Foster.


The question is: what are you going to do to chase down your big lead?

I already contacted the tipster. Checks out.

Seems Piper stayed at the Crescent Palms on and off while she was in Lakewood.

Eddie's saving his big accomplice identity reveal for my podcast.

If he knew that Piper was working with someone, why didn't he go to the police with this info?

That's the thing. Lakewood PD claims they have no evidence of an accomplice, so...

So, this is just conspiracy theories gone wild.

Okay, I'll choose to take that as light ribbing, not a full-on insult.

You know...

I should film it for the website.

Really? Because you seemed sort of over The Morgue lately.

That was just about not upsetting Emma. She's fine. We're good.

Yes! Yes! Bi-curious and the virgin officially out of retirement!

I'll dust off my costume.

Aw. So, you did keep it.


Sorry, sorry. I did not see you there.

I didn't mean to sneak up on you.

This Lakewood Days seems like a big deal, huh?

Yeah, it is.

So, what did you sign up for?

The car wash or the pancake breakfast?

I actually didn't sign up for anything yet.

Maybe I should.

Are you new here?

And by that you mean...?

Do you go to school here?

No, Emma, but I'm thinking about it.

How do you know my name?

Doesn't everyone?

According to Denise, it is critical that we stay visible headed into the election.

We need to get out there and make the most of Lakewood Days.

Brooke, are you listening to me?

Yes, Daddy.

There's a Lakewood Days photo-op tonight at the Lady of the Lake event.

You've signed up already, yes?



(SIGHS) I suppose it wouldn't k*ll me.



Bye, sweetheart.


You have reached the voice mailbox of "The Jake."

After the tone, please record your message.

Kieran. Sheriff Acosta.

First off, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about your father.

I heard he was a good man.


And that's what brought you here?

No, we've had some recent complaints from your neighbors about the noise.

You throw a lot of parties.


Were your ears burning? We were just chatting about you.

When I called your legal guardian here about the complaints, I discovered that Aunt Tina doesn't even live in Lakewood.

She lives close enough.

Yeah, and some would say that you're close enough to 18 to live alone here, but that would be illegal.

Sheriff, I promise you, I check in on Kieran every chance I get.

He's really been through it. This is where he lived with his father.

Who, I'm sure would want his son to live with a legal guardian.

You don't know anything about my father.

But we understand what you're saying, sir.

So, don't worry. I'll resolve the situation.

That's all I wanted to hear. Thank you.

What the hell, Kieran? You promised not to turn this place into party central.

I didn't.

Uh... the trash can was overflowing with beer bottles when the sheriff got here.

I thought you were more responsible than that.

(laughs) I'm sorry.

It's just weird to hear you talk about responsibility.

Well, you can laugh about it, but that stipend I get for being your guardian paid my bills.

So, now, what was a win-win... is a mess.

I'm gonna have to fix this. (SIGHS)


Kieran: Hey, Em. I don't know how to tell you this, but... it looks like I'm moving to Atlanta.

Yeah. Aunt Tina says it has to happen right away.

Maggie: Honey, you can Skype him. You can always visit.

Yeah, our attempt at long distance was already an epic fail, so...

I finally had someone I can talk to.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean...

No, it's all right.

We're having a hard time.

I just don't think that you know what I'm going through.

I'm trying to understand.

Look, I know how important Kieran is to you.

How can I help?

I don't know.

I don't think that there's anything anyone can do to fix this.



Hi. I would like to file a missing persons report.

Okay. Have a seat.

What are you doing?


In the police station? That's odd.

My dad makes me come here after school.


What are you doing?

Waiting for your dad so I can report my wayward ex-boyfriend missing.

No response to your boob pic promise, huh?


It's my fault for discussing my life in psych class.

I mean, I should be worried though, right?

I mean, I have no way of getting in touch with his parents, and I haven't spoken to him in two days.

You're talking about Jake Fitzgerald. Number six.

That's your boyfriend, right? I know all you Lakewood Sixers.

You numbered us? That's not creepy.

Noah Foster coined the phrase. I just added the ranking.

Okay. So... what number am I?

I'd go as high as number four.

(SCOFFS) Are you kidding?

I'm at least three.

Noah's number three.

Oh, you've got to be kidding.

He was the investigative force.

I was stabbed and left in a freezer!

(phone dings)

Yeah, I know.

Thought it would have had a bigger impact.

What is that supposed to mean?

Woman: The sheriff will see you now.



Finally answered, huh?

He must really love you.


All you people who think you know everything about the Lakewood Six, or whatever it is you want to call us, you don't know us.

(WHISPERING) Not really.




Hi, Tina. It's Maggie, Emma's mom. We met at Clark's funeral.

Maggie, of course.

You were so special to my big brother.

Oh, thank you for saying that.

Do you have a minute that we can talk about Kieran?

Sure. Come in!

I mean... I saw the photographs.

They... They seemed to be there, as real as anything.

Even though it seems illogical that they would be there?

Yeah. I guess. Yes.

Hallucinations and paranoia are extremely common with PTSD.

It's not something to be too worried about, really. You'll pull through.

Yeah, you sound, um, just like my therapist at the treatment center.

Is that a bad thing?


I mean, I don't know. Maybe.

Woman: Emma and Kristin?

Um, I'll get it.

Emma: Thanks.






Well, it should. Someone should invent an app for that.

What made me think I could even set foot in this place again?

This is where Piper and I first met.

She sat right over there, and I let her become my friend.

I trusted her.

Emma, you didn't know any better.

It's not bad to trust, to be vulnerable.

Am I gonna have a meltdown every time I see a brunette drinking a nonfat mocha?

Don't let her ruin your life.

This is what happens.

It all closes in on you, and then you can't get out.

It happened to my dad. Is it happening to me?

Am I gonna be this screwed-up person for the rest of my life?

You won't be. You just have to work to not be.

You're not a victim, Emma. You're a survivor.

Piper has taken so much from you. Don't let her take any more.

She's gone. That was not her sitting over there. Piper is gone.

Whatever you need to do to prove that to yourself... is worth doing.

Woman: ♪ That flicker you tried to hide ♪
♪ It's there in your smile, in the corners of your mouth ♪

♪ I see it in your eyes ♪


♪ You don't even know it's there ♪
♪ So you forget to hide ♪
♪ I know it's hard for you to love again ♪

♪ Hard for you to trust again ♪




What are you doing here?

Emma? Hey. This is my cousin, Eli.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

This is my aunt Tina. This is Emma.

Maggie's daughter, right? Hey, there.


Uh, can I talk to you outside for a second?

They seem interesting.

That's one word for it.

I can't believe you're leaving.

Your mom came by and talked to Tina.

Did she?

Yeah. Said she gave her a lot to think about, whatever that means.


I can't believe my fate rests in Tina's hands.

I know you don't have much time left, but there's something I want to do.

I don't want to do it with anyone but you. I don't want to do it alone. I mean...

I guess I really have to do it now or never. So, uh...

Can we go for a drive?


This place is nice.

We can't just up and move, Eli.



We live in a crappy one-bedroom apartment with your loser boyfriend.

It's not like you have a job.

We could stay in this big house rent free.

Okay, things aren't perfect. I'm sorry.

No, they're not. They're horrible.

Woman: ♪ I will not lie ♪
♪ I see the way you feel ♪
♪ No need to hide ♪

♪ The keeper's gonna keep ♪




Come in.

♪ Starting to feel the heat ♪

Brooke, honey, what are you wearing?

It's a dress.

Well, it's way too much.

The photo-op's in 20 minutes. You have to go change.

Oh, Daddy, I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to flake on that.

That is unacceptable. This is a very important moment for the family.

You made a promise, Brooke. Maddoxes keep their promises.

(scoffs) Do you really want to get into this family's legacy of lying and breaking promises?

I am going to spend the rest of my life apologizing for my mistakes.

I'm trying to make up for them. Brooke, what could possibly be more important?

Do you really want to know?

I'm going to see my boyfriend...

Jake. Yeah, that Jake.

We've been seeing each other ever since you got arrested, and it's...

(SIGHS) It's basically amazing.

Brooke, that boy hurt us very much.

No, he hurt you.

All you do is talk about how much you've changed.

Well, so has Jake. He's a good person, Dad.

And I care about him.

I can't help it.

This is my life, not some stupid campaign.

I'm sorry, Daddy.



You sure this isn't too soon?

It's just a dock.

Will you wait here?

I won't move.



Man: ♪ This is the start of how it all ends ♪
♪ I'm surrounded by light ♪
♪ And I have everything but nothing at all ♪
♪ Everything I touch turns to gold ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ It took some time to discover... ♪

Is this okay?

I hate it. It's so ugly.

It makes you more beautiful to me.

♪ I'm surrounded by light ♪
♪ People crave to watch me fall ♪
♪ Everything I touch turns to gold ♪

Crazy chick was here all the time.

Usually alone, but once, I saw her arguing... with a girl.

A girl accomplice? Holy plot twist!

Do you remember what she looked like?

Yeah, she had that creepy J-horror hair and those weirdo glasses.

No, not Piper. The accomplice.

(phone rings)

Crescent Palms.

Distorted voice: Play it cool, scumbag, or housekeeping will be scraping your bone fragments off the ceiling.


And don't make any stupid faces to tip him off either, or...

I'll strangle you with your own intestines.

I can see you.

Uh, yes.

I was wrong. (CHUCKLES)

I, uh... I don't really remember anything.

I should get back to work.

You've been talking to me all night.

And you just said...

This interview's over. Sorry.

Good boy.

Hey! Hey.

Well, well. If it isn't my tardy sidekick.

Sorry. Got tricked into the butter pump cleaning duty at the theater.

Man cannot live on toppings alone.

Yeah. So, what'd I miss?

The clerk was on the verge of spilling his guts, and then, he just... he just froze, like he'd seen the dark eye of Sauron.

Jackass probably made the whole thing up.

No, I'm clearly onto something. Before his personality split, Eddie told me about this storage unit the motel owns just a few blocks away on Clearview, where they keep all the crap guests leave behind.

He thinks there's stuff in there that might belong to Piper.

Right, 'cause the cops would have let that slide.

Piper didn't stay here all the time.

It's possible the cops didn't even know about it.

I mean, I could be the only one onto this!

I arranged to check it out first thing in the morning.

Figured you'd want to be there. Film the big reveal?

Wouldn't miss it.

Tina: A little late though, don't you think?

Making the most of the time we have left.

Tina: Hey, so, I've been doing some serious thinking, and I have an obligation to my brother.

I gotta do right by him.

Actually, Emma, your mom stepped up and offered to take Kieran in.

She did what?

Looks like you won't be moving to Atlanta, after all.

I'm gonna live with Emma?

Oh, no!

God, no! I'd never let that happen.

No, I'm just... I've just come to my senses and realized I've got to step up for my nephew.

You know what I mean?

We're moving in here.

I guess I'll see you at school?


You sure you want to walk home?


Man: ♪ I fly away now, promise you to wave ♪
♪ Fly with the angels of my zoo ♪
♪ Try reaching out at the wild moon ♪
♪ Ruin clouds, do it now ♪

Good night, Emma. Text me when you get home.

♪ High with the feeling in this flume ♪
♪ Try swimming out at the wild moon ♪
♪ Ruin clouds, do it now ♪
♪ Wave on through it ♪




Hey! Everything okay?

Yes, Mom, I'm fine. You are awesome.

I just heard what you did for Kieran.

I don't think it worked.

No, Mom, it worked. Kieran's staying.

They're all staying, which is weird, I guess, but...

That's incredible.


And I think that we should have dinner together tonight, just you and me.

We should talk.

I'd love that.





Why are you following me?





Are you real?

I was just trying to figure out the best way to approach you, you know... to talk to you... to let you know that I'm back here in Lakewood.


Okay, that's... that's done.

I know there's no forgiving me... for anything.

I just finally thought that I needed to be here for you.

And whatever happens next... is your decision.



Eddie's voice: I saw her arguing with a girl.

Welcome back, horror fans.

Wish I had an exciting reveal for you tonight, but... in my humble opinion, suspense is underrated.

Noah: The thing about the truth is... it's hard to pin down.

It's hot... and cold.

You hope it's one thing, but deep down, you know it's something else.

It's Dad. He's back.

Noah: Of course I want there to be something amazing when I open that locker tomorrow...



.. but part of me knows, when I do finally get my big reveal, I'm not gonna like what I find.



Next time on "Scream."

I know what you're going through.

Why do you had to leave me?

I can't explain that.


Punched me in the teeth.

Hey, k*ller.



What'd do if you find someone?


That means you'll get hurt.

Or worse.

Are you in there?