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02x08 - Truth

Posted: 06/06/16 08:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch

I'm going to look at a lake house.

For what?

He's planning something behind my back.

Your 30th anniversary.

I don't know how I can do that job and spend any time with Nick. Let alone keep my practice.

You look like you've seen a ghost.

I think I did.

I had no idea this part of the park even existed.

Well, I am an archeologist; it is my job to unearth things.

I thought we were going on a hike.

Oh, we are! Right after we...

Jump off a cliff?


I'm surprised.

You are?

At how much I want to do this.

Hell, for me, Middleton has been one big surprise.

I never thought I'd like teaching as much I do.

Yeah, I knew you would.

You were always leading, even when you weren't in charge.

So, uh... teachers lead.

Ah, ladies first.


Oh yeah, Cassie!

Here we go!



Ha ha ha!

It's funny...

I think I was meant to come here.

Fate plays a role in everything, huh?

I think in a way, my moving here lead me to the Maldives.

I mean, being in the field, I never had time to apply for a grant of my own.


Yeah, or luck.

Or both.


Although, if I don't find a field supervisor by the end of the week, it's all gonna go away.

The grant is conditional on my ability to staff the dig.

Ah. Well, there's someone out there.

Oh, I have two choices, but...

I just don't have a strong feeling about either one.

Hm... Time to clear your head?

(laughing): You know me so well.


Day after tomorrow.

Figure a night under the stars... Clear my head.

You know, when I was younger, I wanted to camp in every country on the map.

I've come pretty close.

How about you?

I never quite finished my list before I moved here.

It's not too late.


(bird singing and water cascading)

(theme music)


Martha's on to you.


The party.

What happened?

It's not my fault. Greg is proving to be quite a challenge.


I was trying to work out my next move in my head and then, Martha walked in and I said something I shouldn't have.

You like Greg enough to be distracted by him?

I like that he's good looking.

Hm... This attraction that you feel, it isn't only because he's not easily surrendering to your charms?


Well, we don't always get what we want.

I do.

Hm! Well, I hope you want what you get.

Don't worry about me, I have Greg under control.

Um, here comes trouble.

(insistent knocking)

Hi, Martha!

So... what's this I hear about you hosting a party?

Celebrating something, are we?

I saw the flowers for the party... lovely by the way; all my favorites!

They're not for you.

Who then?


Who's John?

Ah, Jo... Uh...

He's a friend who's teaching at the university this semester.

You're throwing him a party?

It's actually a romantic dinner for two.

But please don't tell anyone. Cassie wants to surprise John.

Oh!! Well, of course!

So it's a dinner. For John.

It would seem that way. Hm!

Well, then I shall say nothing.

Except that I wish my husband were as romantic as you are.

I am sure Tom will find some way to mark your anniversary.

Aw, your faith in him is sweet, but completely misguided.

Well, I think I put that genie back in the bottle.

You're welcome.

Good night!

Everything was delicious.

Oh, I'm just glad you enjoyed it.

You're quite the chef.

Don't you agree?

Absolutely. But, I have to say that Donna is really quite the talented chef as well.

Thank you, honey.

Not as good as Bobby.


Who's that?

Private chef.

Private chef?

Jackson Hole.

He came with the house that we rented.

Ever been heli-skiing?


It'll change your life.

It was a real treat to come home from a day of skiing and have dinner waiting for you.

Sounds amazing.

It was.

Maybe next time we can all go.


That sounds fun!




Maybe you should join a team.

(Both chuckle.)

Hey, I was hoping to get some help.

With your lay-up or your jump shot?

I have a guest who is seeing apparitions.


Yes. Look, he's about to check out and I'm worried about him.

You know I don't believe in that kind of stuff.

Spirits are just energy in an alternate form.

But I don't believe energy comes back into human form.

Doesn't mean it can't happen.

So you argue a negative.

Yes. But I'm positive about it.

Our conversations are never dull.

No, there's no one I like disagreeing with more.

Well that sounds more psychological than physical.

But I could get him a referral.

I have a feeling you're the person he needs to see.

Well, send your guest by my office I'll see what I can do.

(text alert)

Oh! Ugh, it's my realtor.

Ooh, the lake house?

Yeah. Unfortunately, I'm not the only one who wants it.

I'm not sure I wanna get in a bidding w*r.

Well, before I commit to anything, I like to look at it from both sides.

Both sides?

Yeah. There's pros and cons to everything.

That's true.

When the pros out- weigh the cons...

You commit?

If it's something I really want, yes.

(little giggle)

So, how's your London essay going?

I finished it.

I thought you'd be happier.

The more I find out, the less happy I get.

OK. Well, let's hope that's not the opening sentence to your essay!

You don't have to go, Nick.


Hi Cassie.



Hi, Mom!



You've cinnamon on your nose.

Nick! Not cool.

(laughing): I must have missed that.

I should go home, so...


Bye Cassie. Bye Grace.

Bye Nick.


I love cinnamon.

Ever since you were a baby. Cinnamaldehyde, the main ingredient in cinnamon and has great health benefits.

And the sugar and butter?

Oh... those just taste good.


You love baking.


I mean, I love doing it but... it's not like cooking or baking is... my thing.

And you're looking for that thing?


I mean, I love school and my internship but...

But you want something else.

Did you ever feel like this, mom?

I was sixteen once too.

So what did you do?

Well, I discovered a long time ago that focusing on other people's needs brought me joy and made me feel complete.

So, that is your thing.

That's one of my things... yeah.


Hey, where are you off to so early?

I had a patient admitted to the hospital last night, so I wanted to check on her.

Seems like there's one other person to see at the hospital. (chuckles)

Valerie is not giving up.

And you?

This Chief of Staff job is just too big of a commitment.

I have to have time for Nick.


What if the Hillcrest job were different?

It doesn't work that way.

You'd have to turn the job they're offering, into the job you want.

Jobs like that don't change for you, you change for them.

I would just end up bending to the job.

Hm. That's too bad!

How so?

Well, the whole community would benefit from having you run the hospital. Look what you've done for Middleton.

You've had quite an impact, made such a difference.

I would like to help more people but I just don't know how. But thanks.


See ya.



Mm! Mm-hm!

Delicious. (She sighs.)

That's what you said about the Orange Chiffon, the Mocha Praline and the Triple Berry Cheesecake.

They can't all be delicious.

I can't decide.

They're all good.

Hey, I talked to my friend, Walter.

Who's Walter?

The friend looking to invest.

He wants to meet with you.

How do you know him, again?

We went to high school together. But he's a broker at the exchange in Chicago.

I don't know...

You could get a loan.

I'm still paying down the loan on the Bistro.

The bank isn't an option.

Then meet with Walter.

Come on. Help me help you get your catering business going.

Catering? Is someone catering a party I don't know about?

(both): Ah...

No. Stephanie's been talking about starting a catering business.


I gotta get back to work.

Thanks for the cake.


When I heard catering, first, I thought...

And then I thought, maybe you were just talking about Cassie's dinner party.


But of course that's just a romantic dinner for two, so...

Which I wasn't supposed to mention.

Cassie's having a romantic dinner?

For John.

The hunky archeologist?

She told me herself!

Hey, John...


So... I take it you're Cassie's John?

Mayor Martha Tinsdale.

Nice to meet you.

Hey, can I put in an early lunch order for tomorrow.



Yeah. I figure, why eat freeze dried food while I'm camping when I can enjoy one of Steph's lunch baskets, right?

You can't go away tomorrow.


Cassie's planning a surprise for you.

Like a party?

Not really a party, more like a dinner. Stephanie shouldn't have told you.

But Cassie knows I'm headed out of town tomorrow.

She does?

Yeah, I told her yesterday.

Then, how can she be planning a surprise dinner for you?

That's a good question!

Hi there.

Hi! You saved me a trip.

Did I?

I was heading to your office.

I've spoken with the powers that be and they are ready to make an official offer.

I'm listening.


So, just tell me what it will take to close the deal.

(breathing in): I need... complete autonomy over my schedule to take care of my practice and my son.

You know you'll be responsible for directing and operating the entire hospital, supervising the medical staff, funding, clinical trials; that's a full-time job.

I can't give you all my time.

You don't make this easy, do you?

Having time for my family and my practice, those are non-negotiable.

Well, I know you're worth it.


I don't know if I can sell that to the board.

Hi, Mom.


Pumpkin spiced chai.

Thank you.

I had a feeling you could use a pick-me-up.

Your feeling was right.

Something tells me that you could use a pick-me-up as well.

I'm just trying to figure out a way to take your advice.

Oh! To help someone?


Hm... Well, the act of reaching out is a good start.

Every beginning has to start somewhere.

Oh. Cheers... Oh!

No, no, no! This is my... my favourite shirt.

You know, we should get that stain out before it sets.

I can't. I have school in 20 minutes.


I got a bunch of these vintage tees in in.

I love it. Thanks.


I'm not speaking to you.

But you are.

Just to tell you that I'm not.


How is it that I didn't know when I called it from the start?

What are you talking about?

You're throwing a romantic dinner for John and I have to hear about it from Martha? And what about Martha's party? It's a big event. I need you there.

You can't just sneak off with John!

No, I'm not having dinner with John. Abigail slipped, Martha almost found out about her party...

Oh... it's a cover.

Makes sense. I forgive you.

Oh, thanks!

Does John know it's a cover?

He doesn't know about any of this. John knows about this?

On the bright side...

There's a bright side?

Abigail messed up, not me.

I told you I could keep a secret and I did.

But you told John about the dinner.

Yeah. But that's not a real thing; the dinner.

So it doesn't count.

You didn't know that at the time.

OK, let's not confuse me with the details and facts.

OK. Anyway, Ben was in, working on my shelf...

And he told you about the catering business?


He knows someone who may be interested in investing.

But you're not sold on the idea.

I'm not.

Would you mind taking this to Abigail? She wants to sell my candles in her store, and my shop is too busy to leave.

Sure, it's on my way back to the Bistro.

That's one path I know my way to.

What do you think?


I got a text about a flower arrangement to pick up, but...

I didn't order anything.

You didn't?

Well, now that you're here, maybe you'd like to tell me what your problem is?

I have a problem?

Well, we don't have a second date.

And that's a problem?

For you it is.

But not for you?

I can go off and get a second date with anybody.

So could I.

But your second date wouldn't include me, and that would be a loss. But it seems as if the universe has, through some clerical error, given you a chance to right your wrongs.

Ahem! I don't do the girlfriend thing.

What makes you think that I want that?

My past experience.

What do you say we get together tomorrow and discuss this?

Ooh, sorry, I'm booked.

I'm donating flowers to an event tomorrow night.

That's very generous.

I'm a giver.

How about I help you with your order and then we can grab some food.

Is it a date?

Well, I suppose I could give you one more chance.

(laughing): Well, you are a giver.

I don't know how you got me here.

Deep down, you know this is where you need to be.

Last night, I...

You saw the same ghost?

No, it was my sister this time.

As clear as day, just... standing there.

She was so real.

Your sister passed away?

He's going to think I'm crazy.

I'm kind of tired of seeing doctors.

I'll try not to take that last comment personally.

Dan, this is Dr. Radford.

You've seen a lot of doctors lately?

Because of my family history, I just had an angiograph.

Oh, everything OK?

Turns out it was just a glitch on my EKG; my heart is fine.

That's good news.

No offense, but it's not me who has the problem, it's Grey House. It's haunted.

Well, if you have an internal infection, and you're spiking a fever, that alone would explain your symptoms. Why don't we just do a check-up, rule some things out?

All right, you can do an exam.


I'll pick you up later.

You're in great hands.


Let's get you set up.

So tell me, how is it going with the list?

The list?

Yeah, the lake house?

Oh. Well, the pros and cons are... about the same.

Hm, So they're even.

Yeah, there are as many reasons to want to buy it as there are to walk away.

But you haven't walked away.

No, there's still time to put in an offer.

So, maybe there's a reason that you haven't made a written offer on the house?

I'm glad you could join me.


And what a celebratory lunch this was.

(phone ringing)

Oh! Ah.

This is work...

Just give me a minute. Here.

For the bill. Hello?


Terrific. I gotta go, bye.



Thank you.
So, have you seen Cassie lately?

No. Why do you ask?

No reason. Just making conversation.

This is really good!

It's not "private chef" good.

You're kidding right?

You're not kidding?

Donna and Chad have such a great life!

We have a great life.

Well, not "heli-skiing in Jackson Hole with a private chef" great.

We don't need a private chef and you hate skiing.

It's just...


They're so perfect.

They have a successful business, they go travelling all the time, they have a summer house...


It just makes me feel like... an underachiever.

Tara, you're working on your PhD, you are hardly an underachiever.

(She sighs.)

What is it?

That's just it...

I left the program.

You quit grad school?

I don't want to get my PhD.

I officially withdrew last week.



What can I do for you?

I heard through the grapevine that you were throwing a surprise dinner for the two us.

Sounds like fun.


The dinner for us; it's a ruse so Martha doesn't find out about her surprise anniversary party.

(chuckling): OK. That makes sense. Kind of.

Oh! Well, Martha is a bit of a bloodhound, so everyone has had to go to great lengths.

Well, now that I know my schedule is free, I'll be on my way.

You should come to the party. Yeah, it would be a great way for you to meet new people in town.

I need to make a decision on that field supervisor position.

I can't do that at a party.

I understand.

You're so close.


Well, uh, if you run into Martha...

As far as she knows, we're on a fake date for dinner at Grey House.


Happy to help.

Uh, can you proof my London essay?


Thanks. Man, it took forever.

You struggled with it?


Or are you struggling with something new?

It's just that, as part of the application, I have to sign a contract.


Unless I have a "Dire Medical Emergency", I have to stay and finish out the program.


Once I get there, there's no coming back.

They aren't going to force you to stay if you don't want to.

But if I leave before it's over, then everyone, including my dad, will know I couldn't hack it.

Anyway, can you please just proof the essay?

Nick, I'm on it.

Thanks, Grace.


That's the Globe.

Excuse me?

Your T-shirt; that's the Globe Theatre in London.

I didn't know.

My mom just gave it to me. You've been there?

I have.

You've been to London?

Lived there. My mom is American, but my dad is English.

That is so cool!

Wait, you and I have biology together.

Not for much longer, I think.

I failed the last quiz.

I'm sorry.

Not half as sorry as my dad!

He's a big time surgeon.

I could help.

You don't have to be nice to the new kid.

No, no, I want to help.

It's possible I'm a lost cause.

Trust me, I've got this!

Then I'm glad I found you.

(door chimes)

Ah-HA! I have proof!

Hello, Martha!

I asked Tom if he had seen you recently. He said no.

He's lying, and this receipt proves it.

Now, I demand that you tell me the truth about my anniversary. Please, it's making me crazy not to know.

The truth is something you don't want to hear.

I knew it.

I think you should focus less on what Tom is doing for you and think about what you can do for Tom.

But romance is his job.

It's always been his job.

Well then, he'd be really surprised if you did something.

He would be.

He'd be embarrassed.

I'm going to find him the most heartfelt, romantic present ever. He will have done nothing for me. He will feel awful and I'll feel vindicated.

It's not a party, but it will have to do.

Martha, that's not my point.

Well, it is my point.

Please, Cassie, I need a gift.

A perfect gift.

The traditional gift for the thirtieth anniversary is pearl.

Pearl? You want me to get Tom a string of pearls like I wore on my wedding day?

It's your gift; you have to decide how best to express your feelings.

Pearl! Ha! As if.

You know, I think the fumes from all these candles are finally getting to you, Miss Cassie Nightingale.

Pearl, ha!

(fire crackling)

Oh, you're still up?

I waited.

I know you're angry.


Why didn't you tell me about grad school?

I guess I was afraid that you would think I was making a mistake, and you'd try to talk me out of it.

But this is what I really want.

Then, it's what I want.


I don't want you to do anything that you don't love.

(sighing): I just, I feel like such a failure.

You're not.

I bet Donna would never have quit.

Hey, you can't compare yourself to her or anybody else.

She's just so perfect.

To me... you're perfect.

I love you.

But going forward, we don't keep anything from each other, OK? Promise?

(birds chirping)

This number has to be wrong.

It isn't.

That's the rent?

It's a steal.

The landlord just wants a good, long-term tenant.

And all the kitchen equipment?

Comes with.

So I won't have to build up from scratch.

If you're serious about starting a catering business, this is the place. Rent's low, fully loaded... close to the Bistro.

(sighing): Can I come back and see the space again tomorrow?

Oh, sure... Do you need to show it to the bank or an investor? I can coordinate.


Your financing; who's your partner in this?

(soundless little laugh)

(birds chirping), in cellular respiration, all of the carbons of glucose are actually converted into carbon dioxide.

OK, I get that.

I finally get that.

(chuckling): You know, we should be lab partners.

That would be awesome.

Yeah, I'll talk to Mr. Rock. He's cool.

I just wish I could do something for you.

Oh, stop. Ah! Hey, Mom!

Oh, hey!

This is my friend Katie...

It's nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Russell.

Call me Cassie.

I love Grace's T-shirt.

Yes, and Katie is from London.


(phone ringing)

Oh, that's my dad, excuse me.



Can Katie come to Martha's party with us?

Of course.


So, I won't be needing your help with the flowers later.

Ah... Really?

I've got it covered. I'm switching cars with Brandon.

Still, it's a lot to load up.

I think she has some help.

Well, thank you Greg.

So you have what you want.

Did you ever doubt me?


(knocking): Hey there.

Sam, hey! Come on in.

So, uh... I heard from Dan that all his tests came back negative.

Yeah, his physical checked out completely normal. No fever, no infection no apparent complications from the angiograph, but I still think something's wrong with him physically.

Well, he said the ghost is now in the image of his sister.

His sister passed away?

Yah, but he swears it was her.

He said the image was real, clear, very lifelike.

It's like his brain is trying to tell him something.

Yeah, or us.


Wait, you said it was... clear. very lifelike, this image of his sister, the... ghost?

Yeah, that's what he said.

I'll call ahead.

I think Dan needs an MRI.


It's the only way we'll know.

Know what?

If my hunch is right.

Well, your MRI did detect minimal damage to the midbrain.

I think you might be suffering from Peduncular Hallucinosis.

It's a rare condition that causes extremely lifelike hallucinations.

But it's not as bad as it sounds.

What causes it?

Well, in very rare instances, an angiograph procedure can cause a small clot to dislodge and lead to a tiny lesion in your brain and that's what triggers the hallucinations.

I don't know what to say.

I do: it can be successfully treated with drug therapy. I've already contacted one of the top neurologists in Chicago and he's agreed to see you for a treatment plan.

Thank you, Dr. Radford.

Glad I could help.

And I live right next door to Grey House if you have any questions or need to talk before you leave.

I'll be tracking your treatment and your progress. It's out of sight, is not out of mind with me.

OK? And of course, they'll have some forms they want you to fill out.

Thank you.

We'll be right back.


My guy in Chicago? The best, seriously.

Yeah, maybe not the best.



Valerie Hanson, Cassie Nightingale.

Nice to meet you.

You as well.

I'm gonna go check on Dan. Excuse me.

Are you admitting a patient?

Actually, solving a mystery.

Peduncular Hallucinosis. It's a... rare illness.

It's about one in 300 million.

And we have a case of it here?

Middleton. I brought him in for an MRI.

1 in 300 million?

I have a good friend in New York who is a neurosurgeon and we were both at the hospital there and we had a very similar patient.

But that person ended up suffering from psychosis, it was mental, not physical.

So that's what made you think of this, or...

No, not really, but once I lock onto to something, it's not in my nature to let go.

Well, lucky for the patient.

My colleague in Chicago wants to... do a paper, research.

What do you want?

Well, my patient to get better. Now he will.


(birds chirping)



True story, I swear.

Wow. That's a long story about you and a shark.

I love surfing.

I was...

Only big waves, though.

Well, I...

Have you been surfing?

Yeah, it's not the same. as when you're towed out to a 30 foot wave...

It's... well, not a lot of people have done it.

Not that I'm bragging but...

I think...

...I think what's great about it is that it forces you to see your place in the universe. It's very Zen.

You meditate?

Yeah, I once went on this spiritual retreat in India... it was amazing.

Got me to stop focusing on myself.

You don't say!

It blew my mind.

I know the feeling.

I just realized I have been talking about myself since we got into the car, haven't I?

(She chuckles.)

Enough about me.

But I really want you to see the photos from over there.

Of surfing or Zen-ing?

Oh, that's a great one...

Yeah, that is a great picture of you and a girl in a bikini!

That's my girlfriend. Ex.

She was something else. though.

You don't say.

(sighing): Thanks for helping.

You know I'm here for you.

I do. And...

I found a space. The space you showed me that day.

That's great!

I'll tell my friend!

You're going to really like him.

I probably would... but, um... I'm going to invest in myself.

Oh! How?

I ran the numbers and I can do it. If I keep the costs low and with the cheaper rent, I can. It'll work!

And I'll reinvest the profits from the Bistro into the catering business until the catering business can stand on its own. What do you think?

I like it.

I love it!

I love you when you're like this.

(phone ringing)

Thomas from the glass shop.


Hey, Thomas.


I still don't understand what's going on.

Tom will explain.



In the name of all that is holy, where are you taking me?

(everybody): SURPRISE!!

Happy anniversary!

I can't believe that Tom kept this from me.

That you all kept this from me.

(all): CHEERS!!


(Mayor Tinsdale giggles.)

Tom... all this, it's just... It's perfect.

It was the only way to make it a surprise.

This looks just like where we had our wedding reception.

It's the perfect place for you and Tom.

You got me something.

Well... pearls are for your thirtieth anniversary.

(Cassie): What a beautiful pearl frame.

I love it.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

(chatter from the guests)

Hi! I just booked a wedding.

Oh! Sounds like you are in the catering business?

I am. And I found the perfect spot.

I found it a few days ago with Ben, but I wasn't ready to consider starting a business.

But in the light of day...

But something's wrong?

Or right. Or...

I don't know.

I think Ben may have told me he loved me.

(chatter from the guests)

Thanks for inviting us.

And whoever did the food; really tasty.


She runs the Bistro.

Maybe I can get her number.

Oh, for the office party?

No, I was thinking we would have a big party for Mom's birthday.

They're in Florida.

Actually, um, they're coming to stay with us for the summer.

Excuse me.

He and my mom don't get along.

I should go find him.


No couple is perfect. Not even the Bryants.

Abigail. Where's Greg?

I sent him to get drinks.

I needed a break.

A break?

OK, you were right...

(sighing): ...he's totally wrong for me.

Sometimes, the chase is more exciting than the object of the chase.

All he does is talk about himself.

You can't imagine.

(Abigail sighs.)

Well, if you'll excuse me I have to go fake a migraine...


Honey, hey. Well, it seems like Nick and Katie are hitting it off.

Yes. I have a feeling Katie is going to help Nick with London.

Feels good to help?

It feels great.

Oh, yeah. Be right back, OK?


This is a great party.


I changed my mind.

I'm glad you did!

Thank you. It was nice of you to invite me.

Did you finally decide on your field supervisor?

No camping necessary. But I'm not sure they'll take the job.

(laughing): It's the opportunity of a lifetime!

That's true, it is.

And I'm offering it to you.


We've both been over hundreds of resumes and there is no one better fit for the job than you.

Um, I have, uh, responsibilities...

Grace, my store... Grey House. Heh!

Every obstacle has a solution.

You taught me that.

And if it's something you want to do, and I think you do, I know you can find a way...

"we" can find a way.

I don't think I...

Cassie, Grace can come with you. We'll figure it out.

Don't think.

And don't dismiss it out of hand. Just... sleep on it.

(clicks from camera shutters)



What are we toasting to?

I got the lake house.

You won the bidding w*r?

Yeah, and not with the highest price.

The list of pros and cons turned into a letter to the seller.

Hm! Must have been a very good letter.

Well, I told him how the house would give me an opportunity rarely afforded to parents; to make up for lost time.

And he was swayed.

Well, he's a father too.

It's a good thing you shared your story.

If I hadn't made that list, I would never have written the letter. And if I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have done either of those things.

It's a good thing we met.

Kind of a game changer.

Maybe for both of us.


Another toast!

...the hospital board accepted all my terms. I'm the new Chief of Staff at Hillcrest.

Ha ha! Congratulations!

What big news!

Thanks. I did not think they would let me share the job responsibilities with another doctor.

But they did.

It was the only way I'd say yes. I get to keep my practice here, and spend time with Nick.

I've... grown pretty fond of my life here, in Middleton.

And I have to say, diagnosing your guest probably did something to... push the board to give me the job... the way I wanted it.

You are going to help a lot of people. You're a good man and a great doctor.

Your opinion really matters to me.


Yeah. Ever since I met you.

John just asked me to join him on his dig.

In the Maldives?

Yeah. He wants me to be his field supervisor.