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03x09 - The Prize

Posted: 06/06/16 08:28
by bunniefuu


Louis: Come on, Treville.

Now, you can do better than that.


Rest, now, sire.


I'm fighting fit today.

Come on, I'll take both of you!

Majesty, you've worn me out.

Some proper opposition then, D'Artagnan!

d'Artagnan: I would love to, Your Majesty, but I have sustained a wound on my sword hand.

I should probably...

And these are my defenders.

You know, Treville used teach me how to fight when I was a lad.

It seems like I've surpassed him.

He forgot everything I thought him.


But I will say this, he never lacked courage.


Your Majesty?


(SHOUTS) Guards!



Find Athos.


Forgive me.

It's happened.

God rest his soul.

Take the king, hide him somewhere in the city until I tell you it is safe to return.


Paris is surrounded by our enemies.

Involve only people you trust.

Not Aramis.

You don't trust Aramis?

Not with this. No.

It's safer if he doesn't know.

You're right.

I'm going to make you an honorary Musketeer.

It means you have to be brave and clever and strong.

I hear you're a born horseman.

Hold on tight.

You'll like this.

d'Artagnan: Will this work?

Civil w*r is coming to Paris and that child is the prize.


I swear I will protect our son so he will live long enough to be a great king.

Bring me my son.

Where is he?

I have sent him away from the palace into hiding.

He's not safe!

He wasn't safe the moment the king died.

He's protected here!

No one is protected here!

The Duke of Lorraine's army are preparing to march on Paris.

They are coming for him.

You're gambling with my son's life!

I am saving it!

Majesty, I have entrusted him to one of my Musketeers.


You have no right to do this, Treville.

Tell me where he is.


Majesty, I have done this for France.

You have gone against France.

Against me!

You are only a minister, you have no authority.

Goodbye, Louis.

It's my turn now.

Duke of Lorraine: And mine, cousin.

This is our fight.

Thanks to my friend Grimaud's supplies.

Don't forget that.

I do not forget.

But he is not family.

Now we must decide the right moment for our attack.

Porthos: I don't want to hear this!

The time is now.

Porthos: Why?

The queen is alone, surrounded by enemies.

That's your main concern? The queen is lonely.

That's not what I meant.

Aramis, the queen is alive and the king is dead.

Our enemies are taking aim. We need to deal with that.

Louis is dead. The king is very much alive.

And I intend to keep it that way.

I'm not having this conversation. Not now.

When you get to the palace, will you ask the queen if I can visit her?

I don't think we'll be going anywhere near the queen.


I've been ordered to hide him in Paris.

Come inside. Quickly.

You look better.

Why has the queen given you her son?

Not the queen, Treville.

Gaston's army has reached the outskirts of Paris.

Well, this is the first place they'll look for him.

Then where?

The settlement.

No, there's too many people who'd betray him.

There's a better place, but he's going to need different clothes.

There. That's more like it.

We are here for the formal reading of the king's will.

The king... revoked the choice of Your Majesty as regent.

It was ratified in secret by the council.

This is an outrage!

I am a senior member of this council and I was not aware of this.

Why have you kept this from me?

Because, Minister Treville, he has made you regent.


This cannot be.

Majesty, it was the king's final command.

Since France is at w*r with Spain, the country of your birth, he believed it would be safer to appoint a soldier.

Get out of my way!

Bellavoix: For someone of little personal ambition your rise is a miracle, Treville.

Treville: The king appointed me so he could punish the queen.

He certainly went against the natural order of things, but we found him quite immoveable.

I would have moved him if I'd known about this.

We find no fault with you, Treville.

I cannot do this without the council's support.

You have it.

But for the nobility.

Nothing's changed.

Everything has changed.

I need your help now more than ever.

Why isn't Athos with us?

Don't concern yourself with Athos.

You all have a part to play.

I want you to deliver an order to Marcheaux.

I'm disbanding the Red Guard.

Is that wise when Paris is under attack?

I only want loyal Frenchmen defending us.



We did hope you'd take it like a man, didn't we?

Hmm, we did.

We did.

But then again, we knew you wouldn't.

Well, we will drive you and Treville out of Paris.







I had that under control.

Next time I'll just let you die.


No one will accept Treville as regent.

He's nothing!


You will hang, you will hang.

I'll see to it that you do.

Something I learned a from a Spanish prisoner.


Well, I imagine with that, the thing is just knowing when to stop.

Very good.

I think this calls for a toast.

Porthos: Thank you.

Aramis: Long live the king!

d'Artagnan: The king.

Athos: And the new regent.

Where have you been?


Enjoy it while it lasts.

There's an army coming.

How could my brother have been so stupid?

He has defiled France.

Appointing a commoner as regent.


Your brother was not a fool.

A Spanish queen is hard to love, but Treville is a hero to the people.

We take Paris immediately.

There's nothing to stop us.

Will they love you, cousin?

I hope so.

Of course they will!

They will cheer me when I enter the city.

I will be protector of the king.

And then in a year or two, the little swine can have a fatal riding accident or die of typhus.

But my army will hold the city until you, Gaston, give me back my title and full independence for Lorraine.

I will no longer be France's vassal.

In a few years' time, he'll be ordering his Council to double the price of wheat and throwing anyone who protests in jail.

Do you have a problem with this?

No. I don't.

But it's true though.

But you're still young, aren't you?

There's always time for improvement.

There's no sign of life.

Constance: Careful now.

It's been empty since Christophe left.

We can make it more comfortable, can't we?

You no longer have a Red Guard.

The Dauphin...

Don't tell me.

Regent Treville.

I don't even know who that is.

If the king foresaw these events, this was the wisest thing he ever did.

Why have I been summoned again?

Your Majesty, I never wanted this responsibility.

I assumed I would be serving you.

Which I would have done with honour.

Athos, do you know where my son is?

Majesty, the council is waiting.

I will not sign this.

We have all signed, Majesty.

I want Gaston to pay his last respects to his brother.

I will not pardon Gaston.

He has no respect, he should still be in the Bastille.

He is coming anyway and I would rather have him here in peace than behind Lorraine's army.

It must have your signature to make it law.

Please, trust me.

The world's gone mad.

Do you all hate me so much?

Porthos, Aramis, take this to the Duke of Lorraine at his camp.

Are we likely to come out alive?

That's your safe conduct.

A royal pardon.


Treville: While you're there, you can get an idea of the strength of their army.

D'Artagnan, find me a boy. About six years old.

Isn't that a little young for a Musketeer?

He's a decoy.

When Gaston comes to the palace we want him to think the Dauphin is being sent away.

Can I see him?

Can I visit the queen?

No. You can't.


Heavy cavalry, light cavalry.


I heard Lorraine's bankrupt.

Who's paying for all this?


My men are going to slit the throats of every Musketeer that they come across.

Treville has just handed me a trained regiment of soldiers inside the walls of Paris.

Give them money.

The Red Guard work for me now.

Let them have the palace.

We'll control the city.



Do you think I want to go near my brother's stinking corpse?

You dishonour the late king.


He's been generous to you.

That's a pardon.

He dishonoured me by making that dull soldier regent.

The king's will is complex.

Treville believes you will want to see it.

Is there a legacy?

We've been sent here to escort you back.

Leave us.

Obviously, I must go.


This means nothing.

Whatever Louis intended, he's dead.

But this may be good news for all of us.

For you, perhaps.

Cousin, there may be no need to spill any French blood.

Shall I investigate?

Our fortunes are bound together.

Surely what benefits me benefits us both.

And besides, I'm a prince of the blood and no one tells me what to do.

Saddle my horse!

Constance: Sylvie!

(CHUCKLING) Fit for a boy at least, if not a king.

I'll fetch him.


Where are you hiding?

I bet I can find you.

He's gone!

Woman: Oi! What you think you're doing?

Leave him! Leave him!

He's a little thief.

He was hungry.

Yeah? Ain't we all?

We can pay you.

He was filling his pockets.

Look, here, take this...

Oi! Over here!

Come on! Arrest this lot, will you?

It's okay. We need to leave.

Woman: Oi! Over here!

Arrest these lot.

Just keep moving.

I'll think of something.

Regent Treville.

I knew my brother would finally pardon me.

He didn't.

The pardon is mine.

And I suppose the legacy is yours too.

There is no legacy.

This is a trick?

I intend to see the new king through to his maturity and to make France peaceful and prosperous.

I will do my best to ensure the king loves and respects you.

And, of course, there is always the possibility of ascending to the throne if he dies childless.

That would be too long a wait.

What do I get now?

I'm told you admire the Luxembourg Palace.


I can also guarantee a generous stipend from the exchequer in keeping with your high status.

Why? You all hate me.

I want France united, with all of its nobles loyal to the new king and free of conspirators.

It's in my interests to make you happy, Gaston.

Not now, Captain.

I'm sorry. The queen is distressed.

The king is unwell.

I must go to him.


I am family!

This is not the time, Gaston.

Later, perhaps.

If they took the armouries to the east of Paris we'd be hard pushed to stop them.

That's what I feared.

Put the garrison on standby.

Is the boy D'Artagnan found ready?

Yes, we've dressed his mother as a lady in waiting.

See she's well paid.

Aramis, make sure Gaston takes the bait.

Porthos, come with me.

I'm going to talk peace with the Duke of Lorraine.

You couldn't make your mind up about me, could you, Louis?

"Oh, Gaston, Gaston, you let me down again. Oh, Gaston, now I forgive you."


It's too late for forgiveness.

It's my turn now and Paris will run with blood if anyone tries to stop me!

I'm tired.

I want to go to my room.

I'll show you.

I know where it is.

Athos: We must hurry, Your Highness.

Your Majesty, I'm so sorry.

I thought you were Gaston.

For the brief time he's here, I don't want to set eyes on him.

He is in the Dauphin's quarters.

Treville's plan has worked.

Gaston believes your son has been taken out of Paris to safety.

Where is he truly?

Please tell me you know.

(HESITATING) I don't...

Of course.

They haven't told you either.

Treville took him the very moment the king died.

Who's with him?

I hoped it was you.

I'm so frightened for him.

Your Majesty, we are united in our grief.

Don't you dare speak to me.

I want Treville. I need to talk with him.

He's gone.

To talk with the Duke of Lorraine.

He didn't jump at your offer.

What makes you think Lorraine will?

I cannot and will not give Gaston what he wants, but Lorraine's a different matter.


To come here.

I heard you were an honourable man.

Why isn't Prince Gaston with you?

Don't worry. We haven't k*lled him.


He's perfectly safe, Your Grace.

I'm here to negotiate with you.

But not that man.

He's wanted for the m*rder of the Marquis de Feron.

You speak with us both or leave.

I will hear what he's come to say.

Where is he being hidden? Tell me.

You were keeping an eye on Gaston.

He'll be back at Lorraine's camp by now.

I'd like to know what's happened to the Dauphin.

Don't play games with me, Athos.

Where is he?

It's better you don't know, Aramis.

You came back too quickly.

I know he must still be in Paris.

He is being well cared for by people we know and trust.

Who do you trust to look after the King of France?

I'd like to know if I agree with your choice.

What happened to "one for all"?

You want your lands back and a treaty guaranteeing Lorraine's independence from France.

France has no right to them.

Louis took them by force and deception.

Because of your years of plotting with Gaston against the king.


And here I am plotting with Gaston to take them back.

You have an army stretched fighting Spain.

Chaos and hunger at home.

When your men came here they had enough time to assess my forces.

They'll have told you, I'm sure, that I can take Paris before you can bring reinforcements from the w*r.

How much do you trust your generals?

It will be bloody.

They will be slaughtering their own countrymen.

You know you cannot fully rely on their loyalty.

If you send your troops home, we will consider reinstating Lorraine as a fully independent province within France's borders.

Looks like Lorraine doesn't need you.

They all need me.

They need my gold to back up their big ambitions.

They'll throw you back in the sewer once they've got what they want.

But the nobility never stop wanting, do they?

Never satisfied, born greedy.

And here you are, desperate to be one of them.


End your alliance with Gaston.

I have made him an offer of reconciliation.

It's a generous one, which I believe he will accept.

I can't betray my cousin.

He will have everything he wants, bar the throne.

And if he gets that, he will betray you.

We both know he will not let the new king live.

I need time to consider your offer.

At dusk, when the first candles are lit, our offer to you will be withdrawn.

Sylvie: How long has it been empty?

Constance: A long time.

It's where I lived with my late husband.

I never would have imagined the king sleeping here.

This is how I met D'Artagnan.

He rented this room.

That was his bed.

Sylvie, I need to tell Athos we've moved him.

Has Treville gone?

He's waiting. We're to meet again at dusk.

He has tricked me.

He lured me to the palace for nothing.


No generous offer? No reconciliation?

No legacy?

Absolutely nothing.

What has he said to you?

What has he offered you?


He's sent the Dauphin away.

I saw Athos and D'Artagnan put him in a fast coach.

They were loading provisions for a long journey.

I will be king!

We must march on Paris now.

I'm not ready.

We'll get nothing here.

Treville is manoeuvring Lorraine to cut me out of any deal.

His plan is to divide us and Gaston is too stupid to see it.

Then what are we waiting for?

The army is ready for battle.

We have no army without Lorraine leading it.

We need the Dauphin.

Gaston thinks they've sent him out of Paris but Treville wouldn't take such a risk.

He won't be at the palace, not with an army waiting to descend on them.

Where would you hide the Dauphin?

Who would you have look after him?

Treville only trusts Musketeers and Porthos is here.

Look for the others.

One of them will lead you to the boy.

I need to find Athos.

He's at the palace.

But there's someone in his office waiting to see you.

Your Majesty.

The king. I'm so sorry...

When I found out it wasn't Aramis, I knew it must be you.

Your Majesty...

You have him.

Even before I found these, I knew.

How could you carry out their plan without asking me?

Because I know it's right.

You will take me to him now.

And that is a command from your queen.

Treville orders me to hide him and you order me to put that at risk.

I could take him to prayers.

The church at Saint-Sulpice.

If you hide yourself, I'll bring him there in an hour.

On my life, you must keep your distance and he cannot see you.

We have work to do!



Lucien Grimaud is your master now.


We are going to hunt Musketeers.

Athos, Aramis and D'Artagnan.

I know where to find Porthos.

He's as good as dead.

There couldn't have been a worse time for Louis to die.

I think he held on to his life for as long as he could, for his son.

Who is in hiding somewhere... with someone.


He was right.

What do you mean?


One for all. All this secrecy is wrong.

So who has him now?



He's still resting.

What is it?

I have to take him to Saint-Sulpice.

It's too dangerous.

The queen has commanded me. She was at the garrison.


I have no choice.

I'll be quick.

Sylvie: Aramis! Where's Athos?

I don't know.

Come on, I need your help.

Where are they?



Remember your prayers?



They've got the king.

Stop them.

More men will be coming. You should never have brought him here.

I commanded her to.

Do you realise how close we were to losing him?

I'm sorry.


I might have done the same.

We were lucky.

I know you are watching over us.


I hope.

I hope so too.

Truly, Aramis.

Go. We will protect you.

Is your hiding place nearby?


He'll have his men swarming all over this area.

When he was ill as a baby I brought him to a laundry.

I know a back way. We shouldn't be seen.

They're good women there, but we'll need your protection.

You find the others.

I can't leave you.

You have to.

I'll look after him. I promise.

It's nearly time.

I must talk to Lorraine alone.

I'm giving you authority to offer Gaston an even greater fortune and joint control of the army.

Just get him away.

What do you want from me?

No more secrecy!

The regent didn't want to embarrass you in front of your allies.

Another trick.

No. No.

Treville realises his earlier offer fell short of your rightful status and expectations.

He will put aside ten million livres from the royal reserve if you will accept his offer of reconciliation.

You can tell the so-called regent that when I am king, it will all be mine anyway.


He will make you joint head of the army.

I will consider further concessions if you pull your armies back.



And then have you withdraw your offer?

I, too, am a man of honour.

It is about the imminence of the threat.

If you pull them back just ten leagues to the River Marne, I will draft a treaty.

Why would I do this?

A gesture, an act of conciliation.

Then we could try one more time to reach an agreement.

Athos: I should have told you everything from the start.

No. I wasn't thinking straight, I might've put the boy in danger.

But you didn't.

Gentlemen, as happy as I am that we're all friends again, can I go and help my wife now?


We need to stop Marcheaux.

You had the king and you lost him!

Without a scratch on you!

We know he's in Saint Antoine, now, with D'Artagnan's whore.

I have men crawling all over the place.

Lorraine wants to make peace.

He didn't have the stomach for the fight.

I'll use the young king to raise Gaston up and destroy their precious treaty.

Now search every house!

You both look exhausted.

Who's the boy?

There's more for you if we can keep him safe here.

Well, he must be important if you've brought a Musketeer with you.

Oh, he's her husband.

Times are hard.

Just bring us more work from the garrison.

You have my word.

All right. Sure?


I would have told you sooner, but Athos made me promise.

And he was right to. I would have done the same.

There are Red Guards everywhere.

Now, can you find us a hiding place?


This will work.

You need to leave immediately.

If they come here you'll both be recognised.

Shh. Come here.

Very quietly now, okay? Don't worry.

Now, be very, very quiet. Go. Go.


I warned you, didn't I?

Disbanding the Red Guard was a bad idea.

Was it?

I don't think so. We get paid to k*ll traitors.

Not this one.

Red guard: Open the door!

Search every house!


We work as normal.

We don't look round.

We have nothing to hide.


Hey, what's all this?

Looking for a boy.

Well, no boys here, just women doing laundry.




Paris starves, yet the people still grovel at the king's feet.

What is it?

Superstition or stupidity?

I've got a little test of loyalty which is...



But what is loyalty?

Is it staying quiet?


Or speaking out?




Did I get a rat?

The royal prize.

He's alive!

Tie him up and bring him with us.


Grimaud's got him. And the other Musketeer.

Where did they go?

I don't know, but they are still alive.

Lorraine's camp.

If they have the king, everything Treville is fighting for is lost.

I have kept my side of the bargain.

The troops have been pulled back ten leagues.

Your turn.

I will recommend to the council they ratify full independence for Lorraine.


I accept your offer.

What offer?

The money. Joint control of the army.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Your man offered them to me.

I'm afraid without authority.

Where are our troops?

Are you signing this?

I'm the rightful Regent of France.

You were a tiresome and vindictive child and you haven't changed.

I have given my word.


Arrest him, Porthos.

It will be my pleasure.


Get your filthy hands off me!

Get off! Get off!


I wouldn't sign that.

This is your ally?

A man who kidnaps a child?

Are you all right, sire?

You owe me.

I owe you nothing.

You have no morals or conscience.

To hell with you and Gaston.



It is signed.

That was a mistake.

You shouldn't have moved your troops.

Who's going to protect you now?



d'Artagnan: Sire, run!

This way!


Get the horses!





Take him.





No, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no.

(STAMMERING) Treville.

The king?

He's safe. He's with Porthos.