07x09 - Return to Evil - Patricksburg, Indiana

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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07x09 - Return to Evil - Patricksburg, Indiana

Post by bunniefuu »

It's like this family was cursed.

I go outside, found him in the truck, dead.

What he gets off on is being seen.

Every night, I see a shadow coming down the hallway.

I do hear pounding.

There were some lynchings or murders.

Matt: What is he trying to do?

k*ll them.

They want to wreak havoc and chaos.

There's a dark presence.

My name is Amy Allan.

These things, they're freaking out.

They're from hell.

I see dead people.

They were being hunted.

I speak to dead people.

They were setting people on fire, burning them alive.

And they speak to me.

Her neck got broken.

But there's only one way to know if my findings are real.

I hear a g*nsh*t.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City homicide detective.

Something's not right here.

And I know every person, every house has secrets.

It's not safe here.

It's my job to reveal them.

Are any of them buried on the property?

They're all buried here.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate during an investigation.

Until the very end...

I can't do it no more.

When we uncover if it's safe for you to stay...

Holy [bleep] Look at this.

Or time to get out.

It does not have a happy ending.

Something kills people here.

I'm in Patricksburg, Indiana.

It's a tiny, little town 70 miles southwest of Indianapolis.

I got a call from a woman named Sonya.

Now, she'd been in an abusive relationship and finally got the courage to grab her two daughters and get the hell out.

Now here's where the problem is...

She moved back into the house that she grew up in, and the abuse didn't stop.

But this time, she's being att*cked by something she can't even see.

Things are so bad, she's living in an RV on the property just to avoid the house.

This poor girl's been through a lot, and I really hope Amy and I can help her out.

Matt: Before Amy arrives, I clear the house of any leading information, removing family photos and covering personal items.

When I'm finished, the location will be ready for tonight's walk.

Amy: Oh, boy.

Uh, this isn't good.

This probably isn't a good place to build anything.

It's like the earth literally sucks the structures into it.

It's almost like the earth devours them.

There's a lot of mental illness there, and there's a lot of pain inflicted upon others.

Steve: Well, Sonya, I'm glad I'm here 'cause you sounded really bad on the phone.

So let me get this straight. You're living here?


I'd rather live here in the RV in the front yard than I would in their house, any day.

I'm scared of that house.

Now, where's your parents' house in relation to where we are now?

Up the hill, basically.

Who's living where?

This is all of us.

This is my youngest daughter, Cassie.

She's 13.

This is myself.

We live here.

This is my mother, Pam, and my father, Ted.

And they live in the house.

And my oldest daughter, Ashlyn, refused to even be on the property.

What are you hoping we can do for you?

My parents are planning on finding a place down in Florida, and they've offered me the house, which...

I would love to have Cassie there, but I won't because I don't want her childhood to be like mine.

Okay. So let me get this straight.

You grew up in this house?


Was the house haunted then?


I swore I'd never come back here.

But you had to come back to escape an abusive relationship.


It definitely took a lot to get away from.

This was my only option.

So this was like a safe haven for you.

So I thought.

If you can, just give me a rundown of what everybody's experiencing in the house.

Voices, growling, things moving, the fear of being watched.

And there have been shadow people.

There's been att*cks, people being touched.

I can only imagine how tough this must be for you to talk about.

It's been a whirlwind of emotions and, you know, I worry about my daughters.

You know, I've lived with this for... Well, I'm 35 years old.

And since I was young, it's haunted me, you know.

Why? Why me?


I'm seeing this man, and he's dressed in black.

He is kind of wearing a cowboy outfit.

He looks fairly young, I would say in his 30s.

He's pretty tough.

And he's quiet, and he's just standing there.

He likes to be seen.

He also likes this area a great deal.

He is trying to experiment with moving things and actually really hardcore interact with the living.

So, this is your backyard?

Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?


This is a privately owned cemetery.

As a child looking out my bedroom window, this is what I saw.

Steve: How do you feel now, being in here?

I'm on edge being in here.


So, what's going on?

Well, we have a shadow that you actually see it every night go down this hallway.

Okay. So describe what it looks like.

Just a black mist, really.

How big is it?

How tall is it?

I'd say about right here, about five feet.

The guy in black... people would see him as a shadow person, without a doubt.

He looks a lot shorter when he's in that form than what he really is 'cause he's probably about 5'10".

But in the shadow-person form, he looks more, maybe, about five foot and wider.

He wants a lot of attention.

What he gets off on is being seen.

Okay. So, anything else going on?

Uncontrollable crying.

Cannot figure out why.

From the time I woke up to the time I went to bed, if I was in this house, I was sobbing.

The whole day?

Oh, the whole day, until I went to the RV.

And then, it just stopped.

I'm not a psychologist, but you have bad memories here growing up.


But it's not that kind of emotion, you know?

It's not the feeling of losing someone.

Okay. So, you've had that kind of heartbreak?


A couple years ago, my uncle had taken his own life.

His name was Jeff.

Actually... he's right here.

He had lived here for a while.

We were very, very close.

Where did this happen?

Not in this house.

But he did spend a lot of time here.

We were real tight.


How old was he when he passed?

He would've been 45, I think, when he d*ed.

Oh. So he was a young man. What kind of guy was he?

He just brought a smile to everybody's face.

If somebody was in a bad mood, he'd be the one to get you out of it.

Never, ever, ever thought he would do it, especially now, after he knew what we went through with my first husband that took his own life, as well.

He spent a lot of time here.

And we got married and left and moved in with his mother.

And then, next thing I know, I go outside and couldn't find him and found him in the truck, dead.

That's Raymond.

How did he do it, if you don't mind me asking?

He sh*t himself in the head also.

He d*ed in '99.

I hold a lot of guilt for both of them.

[Scoffs] Listen. Listen to me.

Listen to me good. Okay?

I learned one thing in life.

If somebody wants to do what your husband did, if they want to do that, nothing you do is gonna change it.

These are tortured souls you're talking about here.

I know. And I do know that.

I do. I just can't tell my heart that.

The cowboy guy... I do see him with a handgun.

He was pretty intimidating when he was alive.

He likes this space the most.

There's a familiarity here with him.

I don't trust this guy, and I think he's doing very bad things in here.

Steve: So, what's going on in here?

I woke up one night to somebody pushing at the end of the bed.

I looked up, and in between the wall and the bed was two hooded figures that had no face, no eyes.

And there was one at the end of my bed and one on the other side of my bed.

And I woke up screaming bloody m*rder.

And that was when my mom got up out of bed, came in here.

And I told her what had happened.

And she immediately went into my brother's room and was like, "Okay, Chad. It's time to tell her."

I'm like, "Tell me what?"

You know, and that's when they began to tell me that, you know, they had had similar experiences.

With the same type of sighting?


Anything else?

I had a dream one night.

It was almost like the shadow people that we saw going down the hallway, but it was leaning over me, scratching my forehead.

And the next morning, I got up, and I had a scratch on my head.

Now, couldn't you have just scratched yourself?

I don't believe so because of the way, you know, when I looked in the mirror, it was exactly how, in my dream, the shadow would have did it.

In this room, I just see, like, this younger girl.

There's something off about her.

Somebody's summoned her up from her grave and, like, dug her up.

And, like, she didn't come back right.

I see her standing at the end of the bed, and she's just staring.

And it's really [bleep] creepy because standing behind her is this dark thing that has attached itself to this kid.

The thing ultimately controls her and has, like, a connection to her.

Do you have any idea what this thing that's controlling her is?

I would say it's some kind of demonic force.

Can you see it? What does it look like?

This thing is very tall.

Its hands are super weird-looking... long, really super little hands but long fingers.

And do you have any idea what it's trying to do?

I think that it's trying to attach itself to somebody in this room.

What demons want... they want to wreak havoc and chaos.

Would you say that this person is in danger?

Yes, I would.

So Sonya said she had a hell of a time growing up here.

I did not know that it marked her for life like it has.

Now, Sonya's at the point where she won't even stay in the house.

She's staying in the RV.

Yeah. It broke my heart.

She's got a bedroom in there that's still her room.

I mean, we still call it her room.

It's still decorated, like, for her.

Have you experienced anything?

The very first night we ever stayed in this house, I woke up with a girl standing beside my bed, I mean, just, like, right here.

Like, she's just looking down at my face.

Have you seen anything else like that?

Just... every night, I see a shadow coming down the hallway.

And it looks like it goes out the front door.

Your daughter explained the same thing to me.

And we both have seen it at the same time.

So, it's not been easy here for you, either?


It's that back hallway.

If anything in this house spooks me, it's the back hallway.

And why does that spook you?

Well, number one, that's where I heard the voice.

What voice?

I was in the bathroom one day, and just this most evil, growly voice was like, "Stop it."

Just as low.

And I was petrified that day.

Amy: There's also another male here.

And I see, like, an older male.

He's a big problem.

He yells a lot, very threatening.

I do hear pounding on the walls, especially in, like, in this area.

He's related to somebody in the household.

And he's somebody's grandfather or great-grandfather.

There's something in the family that's really bad.

Two people, at some point, in this family, got married.

They shouldn't have. It was bad, very wrong and bad.

And from that point on, it's like this... this line, this family, was cursed by their own.

I don't think I've ever... seen this before.

I don't think he wants to show me who he's related to because that's the person he's trying to destroy.

So, Chad, I was talking to Sonya.

Now, she told me about the experiences and how this house really scarred her for life.

Now, she had mentioned you'd moved out of here pretty quick when you were young.

Oh, as soon as I was 18, I was gone.

Why, though?

Most of it was because of the things that had happened here.

Okay. So tell me about some of them.

One particular night, when I was probably 8 or 9 years old, standing around my bed, I counted six hooded figures.

I had three on one side of my bed, three on the other side.

So, you saw the same exact thing that Sonya was telling me about?


I'm 37 now, and I close my eyes and I can still see them.

Okay. Anything else?


Around the same time that I seen that, I was laying in bed and woke up to feeling pressure on my chest.

And it felt like they were underneath my bed and were pulling the sheet tight down so... pinning me to my bed where I could not move at all.

I went to scream out, and I couldn't get any words to come out.

It took all the air out of my chest.

I just told myself that I shouldn't look underneath there.

I may not like what I see.

I see that the grandfather guy is attacking somebody in this room and is pushing down on their heart.

It might feel more like their throat or chest pressure, but he's actually inside their chest.

He's trying to figure out how to make the heart stop.

He can't... grab it.

He can put pressure on it, but he can't squeeze it.

And what is he trying to do?

k*ll them.

Steve: First thing I do when I get to a location is pull the property deed.

Turns out one of the original owners was on the land for 65 years.

I had a local historian check them out, and she just called back saying these people have a story I'm definitely gonna want to know about.

Steve: So, Glenda, what were you able to find out about the original owners of my client's property?

Stephen Macgerlein came from Germany to Owen County in the later 1830s.

He married, and he and his wife had, over the years, 12 children.


They bought the property in 1864 and used it as a coal mine.

Did he mine coal right on my client's property?

That's my understanding.

Okay. That's interesting.

You mentioned on the phone that this family had a story I'm gonna want to hear for my case.

What was that?

Well, they had a number of deaths in the course of the time that they lived in Patricksburg.

In 1872, a 2-year-old son d*ed in an accident at the mill less than a 1/2 a mile down the road.

His name was Frederick.


In 1888, his 13-year-old daughter, Hermione, d*ed of typhoid fever.

I'm afraid to even ask what else.

In 1901, his 35-year-old daughter, Molly, d*ed of consumption.

The next year, in 1902, his wife d*ed at the age of 61 of peritonitis, intestinal problems, also.

Pretty tragic.


So, what happened to him, Stephen?

He d*ed in 1915 at home of dropsy.

That's a heart condition.


I brought you an obituary I thought you'd like to see...

"The Death of a Prominent Man."

So he's 81 when he dies.


He d*ed on the property.

Yes. And, Glenda, let me ask you a question.

There's a couple cemeteries literally right next door to the property.


Is he buried there?



The whole family is buried in that cemetery.


There's something about two children that d*ed.

There's two children graves.

I think one of them belongs to the girl I saw in the bedroom.

Matt: How old?

Like 11 to 14 years of age, maybe.

I'm not sure about the other one.

I think it was a littler kid... which I think is a boy.

The girl... I see her with blond hair.

And I feel like she was sick, that she d*ed from an illness.

More than likely, she d*ed here, on this land, and that's what makes her close by.

There's something weird with her... her soul.

And that's why she's out of her grave.

Very strange.
Steve: When Glenda mentioned the Macgerleins operated a coal mine on the property, my ears perked up.

Every time I've looked into one, I found some terrible accident.

I'm on my way back to the house to meet a coal-mining expert who says two people d*ed horrible deaths right on Pam's property.

I understand that there was coal mining done right here on this property.

That's correct. That was very common.

People would have small mines that they would operate on their own property.

Do you have any idea where they would have did the mining on the property here?

Right here.

They opened this up, dug down to the coal.

And they just left it open, and it filled up with rainwater.

Oh. See, I...

Just looking at it, I would have never known this was a mine.

It totally changed the landscape of this part of the country.

I know it was a dangerous job.

It was very hazardous, particularly the underground mines.

We have a picture right here. Wow.

These look like terrible working conditions.

There were numerous people k*lled and seriously injured literally every day.

You mentioned two people d*ed on the property here in the mines.

What happened with that? The first one happened in 1894.

The victim's name was Aaron Wark, and he was taking a break in the coal mine, and the roof caved in on him.

He lingered for two days from his injuries and then finally passed away.

He was 32 years old, and he left a wife and three small children.

Okay. So, what was the second death?

Ralph Wright.

He was k*lled in 1934.

He just got careless.

He was pushing a cart along and made a mistake and fell 90 feet down an open shaft, broke his neck, fractured his skull, very tragic.

I know what that looks like. I've seen it.

It's not a pretty sight.

Amy: It's quite a big circle of land that surrounds this particular location, and it has something to do with what's going on here.

And it did seem like the earth was bad for a long time, like things couldn't grow.

It's like the earth literally sucks the structures into it and somehow destroys them.

And I really think that there's this subtle poisoning going on.

Nothing should be built here because they do eventually take it down.

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Steve: So far, I've got clients being physically assaulted on a property that's seen more than a half a dozen deaths.

But I need to see if there's anything else that could help my case.

Searching through city records, I find a crime involving a vigilante group called the White Caps.

Turns out, they nearly b*at a man to death right next to my client's property.

I'm on my way to meet with a local researcher who says this g*ng terrorized the entire region.

This article I came across showed that a guy got beaten up on or right near my client's property by a group of guys called White Cappers.

I've never even heard of them. What the hell is that?

White Caps existed as secret societies in mainly Southern Indiana in local, rural areas that passed out vigilante justice from around 1850 through the early 1900s.

Were these guys like the KKK?

They weren't racially motivated, but there were similarities.

The articles indicated they wore robes... sometimes white, sometimes dark.


But they felt that they had the right to enforce the moral code of their community.

What kind of people would they target?

Drunks, adulterers, prostitutes, unwed mothers, petty thievery, or not attending church.

Amy: There are, like, a group of men, and they're all linked arm in arm.

There is maybe 10 of them.

These things are pretty powerful, very aggressive.

As far as them directly interacting with the living, I think that they would feel a sense of absolutely being watched and feeling stalked and feeling extreme fear, like you're being hunted.

And they want that to be their message.


So now that I know who White Cappers are, what do you know about the b*ating that this guy got near my client's property?

One evening... February 14, 1890... there was a man by the name of Fleming Bremmer who was coming home, going through Patricksburg.

A group of men in dark robes grabbed him, took him through an orchard, tied him to a tree, and pulled the branches off the trees and whipped him till he was a bloody mess...

Okay... and left him there unconscious.

And he didn't wake up till morning.

Well, it's lucky this guy didn't freeze to death, let alone from the b*ating.

Do we know what the White Cappers went after him?

He had been warned that he had been abusive to his mother.

And so that was what led to this incident.

Okay. So, was anybody charged?


Today, they would never get away with it.

In the hills of Southern Indiana during the late 1800s...


There wasn't always the sheriffs and the police and the courts.

I don't think they want anybody here.

And there's also no denying the feeling that they invoke, which is that you're being hunted.

They've gone to where this is a sport for them.

This is, like, wicked bad.

During my walk, I saw several dead people, but two stood out the most.

First, the cowboy.

He was probably in his mid-to late-30s, very thin.

He had a black cowboy hat on, and he had a very thick mustache.


Next, I described a demon who was using a dead little girl to torment a living person.

She was dressed like a doll.

Behind her, which was this tall, dark thing, and it had its hands on her shoulders and its fingers went like halfway down her body.

So it's, like, controlling her.

Is this what you saw?

Yes. That's what I saw.

Steve: Now that Amy and I have completed our investigations, we're ready to reveal our findings to each other and our clients for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet Sonya.

She grew up in the house right across from the barn here, and she was tortured by the activity growing up.

Now, a few months ago, she was able to get out of a very bad, abusive relationship and had to move back here with one of her daughters.

Now, here's how it's working out for her.

She's so afraid of the house that she's living in this RV that's in the front lawn.

So that's why we're doing the reveal here 'cause she doesn't want to be in that house.

This is Pam. This is Sonya's mom.

And this is Chad, her brother.

Here's where the twist comes in.

Pam is getting ready to retire and move out and wants to give the house to the kids, but they don't think it's safe.

So with that, I'm gonna have Amy tell us about her walk and how things went.

Amy: When I first got here, I saw a group of men.

There were about 10 of them.

And they roam around the entire property.

The living would experience them in various ways.

These guys make you feel like you're being watched and, specifically, hunted.

It's like that's what I kept feeling like.

I was being hunted like an animal.

I felt like being watched real bad...

Yeah... just, like, with pure hate, and just so bad that you had to move.

You couldn't just stand there. You had to go.

I'll be sitting in the living room, watching TV, and it's just like I know they're watching me.

The creepy thing about them is that they do not want anybody on this land.

Steve: All right. The only thing I can think of...

It's a long sh*t, but there was something I came across in my research that I thought was interesting.

Apparently, back in the late 1800s, there was a g*ng of moral vigilantes called White Cappers.

Now, they performed v*olence against anybody that they thought were acting amorally... unwed mothers, hobos, drunks.

They b*at women. They b*at men.

Didn't matter who it was.

They'd only att*ck at night, and when they would do att*cks, they'd wear robes and wear...

Oh, no.

Either white or black hoods.


One of the victims was beaten right on the property.

Oh, my God.

His name was Fleming Bremmer.

He was a white male who was 51 years old.

Apparently, he was abusive to his mother.

Now, you guys had a big reaction when I mentioned the robes.

Tell Amy why.

When I was probably about 8 years old or so, and I had six... three up against the wall, three on the side of the bed.

They had no faces, had their arms folded.

I woke up the next morning and told my mom what had happened, and that's when she sat me down that morning and told me that she had had that same thing happen to her.

I woke up in the middle of the night, and there was four hooded figures around my bed.

And I screamed until Mom got up and came in.

Okay. Well, that makes a lot of sense.

Steve: What else did you see?

When I walked into the house, I came across a couple of dead people that concerned me.

One of them is an older male.

He's extremely active in the house, and he's a big problem here.

He affects the living in a lot of ways.

He does yell a lot, so people might hear a voice, humming, or buzzing sound.

He pounds on the walls.

I got very concerned, though, when I walked into the first bedroom down the hall.

That's Chad's room.

His sights were set on whoever was in there.

I saw him on the bed, sitting over this person, literally reaching into their chest, touching their heart and trying to squeeze the heart, trying to give the person a heart att*ck.

That would be me.

I felt like someone was underneath my bed, pulling the sheet down tight around me...

Mm-hmm... compressing my chest to the point where I I could not move.

I couldn't breathe.

I think there's a family connection between him and the living here.

I got that he was somebody's grandfather or great-grandfather.

Somewhere, a very long time ago, there was a marriage that occurred in the family that was not deemed appropriate.

And ever since that marriage took place, there's, like, a family curse.

Whoever shows the dominant traits of the individual that was deemed inappropriate for the marriage, they are the ones who are targeted.

I wouldn't be surprised, if you take a look back at your mother's line, and see how they met their demise, some of them.

There might be some unusual issues there.

There are.


There are.

There are.

You're gonna have to tell them.


I mean, my mom was very promiscuous.

She was married seven times.

She was sh*t.

She was with a guy that got his head blown off by her soon-to-be ex-husband.

I mean, we were raised going to maybe five different schools in a year...

Oh, my goodness.

Watching her being b*at all the time.

And I worry about her because she... takes after her in a lot of those ways.


Now, Amy, you mentioned unusual deaths within the family.

This is Pam's brother Jeff, who passed away a few years ago by committing su1c1de.

He spent a lot of time here, too, as a matter of fact.

We were more like brothers.

It was definitely over a woman.

I don't know much about curses, but it's a doozy of a curse.


So then I met another dead guy, and he's very active here.

One of the things that he does to get attention is he does, like, show himself as a, like, a five-foot-tall shadow person.

But he's about 5'10 ", 5'11".

He can go all over the property... inside, outside, everywhere.

He likes the living room, and he likes the back bedroom the best.

He wants a lot of attention, so he does act out.

He's dressed all in black.

I got a very cowboy vibe from him.

I thought he was in his 30s.

I saw him holding a g*n.

I...would say that would be Raymond.

We're talking about Sonya's ex-husband, who also committed su1c1de.

You okay, honey?

Mm-hmm. I don't know.

I guess I just didn't really figure him to stick around here.

Well, I did have a sketch done, so you can tell me what you think.

Oh, yeah. Are you kidding me?

Chad: I think it looks a lot like him.

Pam: I think it could be.

I really do.

The Adam's apple is so prominent.

Steve: So, what do you think?

After hearing what they're saying about him...

Yeah. I think it's him.

Why would he stay here?

Why would he not go where I go?

There's something about your mother that he's attached to, and he feels comfortable.

You've been through hell, kid.

Yeah. I was young.

Got a lot of guilt with both of them.

This is where, to me, things got really weird.

Uh-oh. The little girl...

This girl looked really sweet, and to me, she was just pure innocence.

I can tell that you like the little girl, and this is not gonna be good news.

I saw two graves of children.

One was a female, like 9 to 12 or something in there.

The other was a little boy.

I do believe that the girl got sick and d*ed from an illness.

And I believe she d*ed somewhere on this land.

And I would place the young girl in, like, the 1900s, by her little outfit.

There are two kids that you described who did live and d*ed right on the property.

The land was owned by a guy named Stephen Macgerlein.

He lived here from 1864 to 1915.

In 1872, his 2-year-old son, Frederick, d*ed in a horrible accident in the family's gristmill.

Now, in 1888, Macgerlein's daughter Hermione d*ed from typhoid fever.

Now, the kicker is, both those kids are buried in one of the cemeteries right next door to you.

Oh, wow.

So, what's the little girl do here?

She was in the middle bedroom.

That's your old room.


She was standing at the edge of the bed and just staring straight ahead at the person in the bed.

It was very creepy.

I realized that the dead girl was pretty much gone.

And behind her, I see this dark thing standing and controlling her.

He was very tall and creepy and had extremely long fingers.

Now, I've seen a creature, is what I described it as... four feet tall, humanoid with long, white hair.

But it had fingers that were probably this long.

So I had a sketch done of what I saw in the bedroom.

[Inhales sharply]

That's it.

Oh, my God.

Amy: So I had a sketch done of what I saw in the bedroom.

[Inhales sharply]

That's it.

Oh, my God.


Do you think they were gonna cause me harm?

There is a demon or a demonic presence... [Whispering] that is utilizing a deceased girl.

The intention there is to possess the individual that was in this bed.

Steve: All right.

So, are you saying that this thing that you had drawn is a demon and is trying to get to Sonya?


And it's also projecting those hooded figures you've all seen.

Sonya: That's what I thought.

That's how I felt because it was such hate and malice that you felt.

And I always wondered in the back of my mind if it was demonic.

When I was a child, I had a dream of, like, these nails over me and being scratched on my forehead.

And as I... when I woke up that morning, there was that scratch on my forehead.

I really think that this goes back to this initial curse.

Whoever placed this curse was very well-versed in how to do it...

And brought in this kind of demonic presence.

I think that it's through your line.

Never in my wildest imagination did I think there was this much.

So now, Sonya, after hearing what Amy has told us tonight, it's pretty clear you haven't had a day of peace in your entire life.

I'm really hoping tonight's a turning point for you, as well as everybody else at the table.

And it starts by answering one big question...

Can you kick out whatever the hell's in the house so that you and your daughter can move in and start your lives over, basically?

So for that answer, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

There is a lot that needs to be done, and the first thing is to find a group of shamen because there is some type of demonic force that's been following the family as part of this curse.

What they will do is a curse unraveling, a cord cutting, a removal of all the negative energies, and then they will also do protections to lock down the land and the house.

What the cord cutting will do is it will remove any and all invisible attachments that you've made to any dead people or entities.

So once all of that's done, then Raymond must be moved on.

I would like an older female, gentle medium go into your room and have a session with him and help him to move on.

It's just hard to...

I mean, I want him to move on.

And I always...

I guess I always was hoping that he was watching over his daughter and not stuck here.

Oh, it's just That's hard.

Well, now you have a chance.

You know exactly where he is, and you can help him to go.

So, Sonya, you're gonna listen to Amy's advice on this?



Oh, absolutely.

I think we can put them on their heels pretty pretty quick.

Steve: So once this gets done, you think you're gonna move up here with your daughter?

I wouldn't mind it.

I just don't want Cassie to go through the same thing I went through as a child.

Amy: Removing the demon needs to happen immediately for Sonya and her family to protect their souls. In doing so, they'll free the dead and break the curse that's been plaguing their family for generations.
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