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03x08 - Prisoner of w*r

Posted: 05/31/16 04:54
by bunniefuu
My brother wants to hear France's terms for peace.

This is good news.

Majesty, now is the time to tell the King about our negotiating...

He is not well enough.

That is precisely why we need to...

Not yet.

Your physician says a sip is enough, Majesty.





It hurts.

Can you make it stop?


But I will not leave your side.

Please, Aramis...

One more time.

As soon as we have the Spanish terms we go to him, this is becoming too dangerous.

The Ambassador expects you at dawn.

Marcheaux: Seems in order.

So, these are the murderous Spanish generals?

I trust they were handed over without incident?


And now they are yours.






Spanish or not, they're still prisoners of w*r, Marcheaux!


Treat them as you'd wish to be treated.

Hundreds of French soldiers were slaughtered in their custody.

But they deserve better from us.

Don't they?

Until they hang.

Oh, there'll be hell to pay if the people's thirst for justice isn't appeased.



I came to talk peace.

There is no peace.





Grimaud: Lorraine was right.

She's been negotiating with Spain.


What does the bitch ask of her brother?

It doesn't matter what she asks for.

He will never answer.

But we will.




The King is not with you, Majesty?


Is something wrong?

Where's Aramis?

He left the garrison at dusk. No one has seen him since.

I will deal with him in due course.

The King is missing.

He isn't in the palace?

No, he isn't.

Search the gardens.

And do it quickly.

His Majesty is already unwell.

This cold air could finish him off.

Milady: Louis.







A snail?

My garden has snails in it.





d'Artagnan: Your Majesty?

(PANTING) Majesty?

She's angry with me.

Your Majesty?



She's still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, you know?

Who, Majesty?

Milady de Winter.

The physician gave him a new medicine for his pain.

He's taken too much.

An opiate.

A very powerful one.

It can cause delusions.


Athos: Let's get him back into the warm.


What happens when he starts seeing the Cardinal?


I hear you saw my home?

Your mother.


Brutalised by soldiers.


Day after day.

Night after night.

She was weak.


She was strong.

She had some of these.

They did not protect her.

It cannot protect you from others.

Only from yourself.

Then you do not need them.

When the Queen has met my demands you should not fear God or yourself.

Only me.

Rest now, Sire.

Louis: Mmm.

The King is back in his chambers.

The physician says he'll improve with rest.

Anne: You need to see this.

This bears the seal of Madrid?

You've been negotiating with them?

They want the Spanish prisoners in return for Aramis.

You've seen the King's condition.

Why did you not inform me?

There has to be peace.

Yes, there does.

But it is not your place to ask for it.

You are not yet the Regent.

I am still your queen, Treville.

And you may just have cost Aramis his life.

Treville: Releasing the Spaniards would deliver a devastating blow to Your Majesty's reputation.

They're due to hang tomorrow.

You'd abandon Aramis?

He'd expect us to.

Either that or have the people turn against you.

Aramis had made two journeys before without incident.

There was no reason to suspect...

The Spanish are our enemy.

I'm sorry, Majesty.

I have been a French queen longer than I was ever a Spanish princess.

Philip is testing my resolve for peace.

If I show him I am willing to make such a bold gesture, however damaging to my own interests, he'll see my sincerity and we can end the w*r.

Maybe his work will already be done.

Are you suggesting my own brother intends to harm me?


Unless there's someone else?



Is such dishonourable behaviour in your brother's character?

Be careful, Porthos.

His suspicions are well placed, Majesty.

To begin talks then turn in such a way.

The letter bears the seal of Madrid.

Could've been stolen.

Forged perhaps?


The Spaniards' release must not be given royal assent.

I'll issue the order myself.

We'll get them from the chatelet.


We'll escort them to the rendezvous.

No one will know.

And if the Spanish King is not the one behind this?

We still rescue Aramis and we bring his captors before you.

If you'd come to k*ll me, I'm certain I'd be dead already.

So, what is your business here?

Milady de Winter.


Minister Treville?

I'm disappointed by your calm demeanour.

I'd hoped for shock.


Even a faint note of surprise would have been nice.

Some weeks ago dispatches from London spoke of a French murderess on the run.

You married a duke.

Only to k*ll him.

The old man died of natural causes.

But his son?

That was not quite so natural.

Bad time?

I need money.

The King and I were so close once, but he seems in no fit state to provide it.

The Crown will pay you a retainer.

And what does it expect in return?

Your skills.

This is a bad time.

Do you accept?

I'm not an assassin.

It is the only use France will ever have for you.

I still have a husband.

I can return to him. Make a life...

Athos has a new life now.

Another woman?

He is a captain.

And cannot be distracted.

Keep away from him.

You have my offer.


How many of your countrymen have been m*rder*d by these Spaniards in cold blood?


How many of you've been made widows by their hand?

Every night they sneak behind our lines and slit the throats of our sons while they sleep.

Our brothers!

Man: k*ll the lot of them!

So much for keeping it quiet.

He's brought the executions forward.

Porthos: Not yet.

Out the way! Out the way! Move!

d'Artagnan: Stop!

What's the meaning of this?

We have orders to stay these executions and take charge of the prisoners.

Take charge and let them live?

They want to release the murderous Spanish scum.

What are you doing, Marcheaux?

Let's see who the orders are from?

No royal assent?

Minister Treville needs no royal assent.

Yes, he does.

Then the Spanish Queen must've leaned on him!

This has nothing to do with the Queen!

Farm boy?




d'Artagnan: Espoir?

It is you.

You're a Musketeer?

Please, please, D'Artagnan, I stole one loaf of bread!

That's all!

Not him.


You can't let me hang!

Don't touch me, Marcheaux.

Your orders do not extend as far as releasing this man.

Am I to die because I'm not Spanish?

(STAMMERS) I'm a Frenchman!

They'll hang me for stealing food, but these K*llers?

Oh, they go free!


What happened?

What? Doesn't Musketeer justice extend to your own flesh and blood?

Porthos: D'Artagnan! D'Artagnan!

Espoir: That's right. Better let them through!

Make way there! Let the Spanish murderers go free!


Porthos: D'Artagnan!


Get out of the way. Move.


You're coming with me.


We leave at dawn.

Marcheaux was quick to bring the Queen into this.

You think he's involved?

Don't you?

d'Artagnan: Take him to my quarters.

Long story.

It will have to wait.

If Marcheaux is in league with Gaston and Grimaud then we need to warn the Queen.

We have no evidence.

He had the crowd calling for the Queen's head.

After we get Aramis back, we need to recover the Spaniards.

In the wrong hands they could be used against Her Majesty.

He's right.

They're not going to just hand them back to us.

All this because the Queen wanted peace?

But there will be no peace if the people have turned against her.

My dear Lorraine, the prisoners were released.

There's unrest on the streets of Paris.


Gentlemen, we need to bury this Spanish Queen in shame and disgrace.

Unrest and rumours?

They're barely scratches.

Treville gave the release order without royal assent.

The damage it caused was limited.

If we're to take the throne when Louis dies, we'll need more than your mercenaries, Grimaud.

We must make the people love us and not her.

She is Spanish.

Is that not enough?

Has being French salvaged your reputation, dear cousin?

We will find another way.

I still want these Spaniards in my custody, Grimaud.

When the time is right, perhaps we can use them as proof of the Queen's desire to appease her brother at France's expense.

We will be the heroes.

Better make sure the Musketeer doesn't die until after the handover.

Gaston: Don't disappoint him, Grimaud.

Grimaud: We'll use Aramis to draw his friends close, then slaughter them all.

Lorraine will not be pleased that you are pursuing your own vendetta.

Lorraine's prize will be unharmed.

The Musketeers are mine.



The fire's almost out.

At least allow me a little comfort before I die?

Does Grimaud pay you enough to sit here in the cold?

There's plenty of wood outside.

A little warmth.






Well, it's a bit late now!



Thank you.



Don't sh**t!

You still need me alive.

But not intact.

Everything points to a concerted effort by your enemies to tarnish your name, Majesty.

Ruin your Regency's chances before it even begins.

And Marcheaux?

He's part of this?

It seems that way.

I have tried to persuade the King to disband the Red Guard, but he will not listen.

Marcheaux's time will come.

Your Majesty, Paris is full of people who fled the Spanish.

Your enemies know that.

You can't have the city against you.

Not when the King is...

You have something in mind?

Show them who you really are.

Show them they matter to you.




What has happened to you, Espoir?

Why aren't you in Gascony?

After your father left and you didn't come back...


The authorities razed the farm to the ground.

I lost my home, my job...

Don't you dare speak of my father to me!

He would be ashamed to think of his brother's only son as a thief!

I came to Paris for work!

I wanted an honest living.

I just...

I just didn't find one.

(STAMMERS) It's all right for you.

You clearly landed on your feet.

Don't you dare!

You have no idea how hard I fought for this!

I always knew you were good with a sword.

Well, a pitchfork.

Well, you were the better shot.

Well, that depended on the size of the rabbit.


I thought of you often.

Over the years wondered how you were?


(STAMMERS) I'm just glad that we got to talk one last time, D'Artagnan.

You can return me to the Red Guard now.

d'Artagnan: They'll execute him.

We have a mission to rescue Aramis.

And protect three Spaniards.

Espoir is a Frenchman.

He's still a thief.

A victim of this w*r.

Who do you want to save?

Him or Aramis?

All I'm asking is that he comes with us.

We'll let him loose in the countryside.

We don't need distractions.

He'll be my responsibility.

Your loyalty to your cousin is clouding your judgement.

And if I let him die, my conscience will never be clear!

Surely you of all people can understand that?

I'll get the weapons.

The rendezvous is half a day's ride from Paris.

After that...

He'll be gone. I swear it.

I will not have this mission compromised.

I know he's your cousin but if he gets in the way...

Constance, you must have emptied the garrison of all provisions!

Here we are.

Please, everyone help them.

Thank you.

I heard you've been teaching the poor to read and write.

Word has spread and people keep coming, but... we're running low on materials.

Well, we can help with those, too.

You've already done more than enough to help us.

We'll never be able to repay your kindness.

Come with me.


With all this, you could spread your message far and wide.

Reach everybody in every part of Paris. Beyond.

We cannot afford...

The Queen can.

In four years, the Crown has done nothing to appease our suffering.

The education of the poor has always been a cause close to Her Majesty's heart.

I know you don't trust her.

Sylvie, you want to change things for the better, this is how.

Let the Queen help you.


I'll tell Her Majesty you accept.


The Captain?

Athos is well.

I'll say you asked after him?


Whatever you asked of the Queen, she won't give it to you.

Your friends are already on their way.

Then we're both dead.

The Musketeers should be at the rendezvous now.

As soon as you get word...

Louis: What's going on?

Rest, Louis.

Louis: You both look so serious. Come.

Treville was just... advising me on a charitable undertaking I've decided to support.


A plan, Majesty, to encourage even the poorest citizens of Paris to read and write.

This again?

The people need our help, Louis.

What if they end up better read than the nobility?

Have you learned nothing, my dear?

Her Majesty believes that helping the poor in these difficult times will improve the Crown's reputation.

Hmm... Very well.


My medicine, Treville.


What are you doing?

Where is the Captain?

Who are you?

His wife.

Oh, my apologies, Madame.

He is not here.

No matter.

I am looking for a companion of his.

A woman.

He is my husband.


What is the Captain's relationship with this Sylvie?

Is she a whore?

No, Madame.

She is good. Kind.

And where will I find her?

I can wait until Athos returns.

We do not expect him back until tomorrow.

Then I hope you are a gentleman.

Because I am at your mercy.

The handover will take place a league from here at first light.

Lose your cousin.

Come with me.

It was an honour meeting you both.


Make camp.

That prisoners sleep near the fire.

Yes, sir.

Take these, Rochelle. Hand them out all over Paris.

This is a new beginning.


For everybody.

I have several manuscripts to set.

Fetch your master, will you?

I have no master, Madame.

Her Majesty always had a weakness for noble causes.

You'd call compassion a weakness?

You must be Sylvie.

I'm afraid I've caused trouble between you and your comrades.

They're friends and they'll get over it.




That's his horse.


That man down there, that's who we've been searching for.

He's preparing an attack.

You'd better stick with us. Go, go!

It's Grimaud. He's here, he's got Aramis.

How many men?

I counted six.

There'll be more.

Did you see Aramis?


This is our chance.

We need to think this through...

We need to act.

Make sure the prisoners are secure. Can he sh**t?



Athos: Window on the left. (SIGHS) There's too many guards.

We'll draw out as many as we can. You go on and rescue Aramis.

And Grimaud?

As soon as any of us gets the chance...

We have a warrant for his arrest.

He will not leave this place alive, not as long as I am Captain.

You've trained for this. You're ready.

Whatever happens you keep the gunpowder coming.



The horses!




In here! Ten men!


Take him down.


Ten men, ten muskets! 16 pistols!

You're a dead man, Grimaud!




They're surrounding us, stop them!

You've awoken something in Athos! (LAUGHS)


You think you can use me to protect yourself?

My friends know I will lay down my life to stop you, so go ahead.









Move in! Move in!


Lower your w*apon!

Aramis: No, Porthos!

Lower it. I am leaving.

k*ll us both.

Do it! sh**t now!

Shut up!





You should've all fired! k*lled us both!

You shouldn't keep secrets!

I wanted peace!

We've all seen what w*r does to the world!

It makes refugees!

Men like Grimaud, places like Eparcy.

There can be no peace as long as Grimaud lives.

No, not for you, my friend.

So you saved the Captain's life.

Take him he's yours. Just look after him, please.

No vacancies, I suppose?


I reckon I'd make a good Musketeer.

Mmm... No.

Come here.

Stay out of trouble.

I'm still the better shot.


It's been good to see you.

Are we returning to Paris or are we going after Grimaud?

Grimaud's gone.

I'm tired.

Let's go back to Paris.

You don't have the Spanish prisoners.

How will we ruin the Queen?

Lorraine will not be pleased with your failure.

We have not failed yet.

There's something you should see, er...

The Queen has sponsored the woman from the settlement to print and distribute these.

She's helping the poor to learn and they are making the Queen very popular, very quickly.

It's perfect. It bears the Queen's seal.

This is how we ruin her.

Take them straight back to the chatelet and buy some wine.

For all of you?

For them.

Captain? I'm sorry.


You did come to the crossroads.

I thought you'd abandoned me.

This cannot be happening.

And yet it is.

I can't.


You need to go.

You don't want that.

You don't know what I want.


What have you done to her?

What do you care if she's alive or dead?

What have you done?

This is who you are, Athos.


It's who you've always been.

If you've hurt her...

What? You'll k*ll me?

Stay. She's safe.

You'll never believe me, will you?



Woman: The Red Guard took her.


Woman: They say she's responsible for this.

They're everywhere.

Man 1: Show everyone. Come look, come look.

Man 2: Your Majesty! Bless you.

Your Majesty.

The Spanish Queen's latest lover!

Your Majesty.

Look, look!

Woman 2: It's a disgrace.

Burn in...

Get off me!


She's not our queen!

Anne: What's happening?


d'Artagnan: There's the Queen.



The Queen is trying to help you!

d'Artagnan: Stay back!

Where did this filth come from?

They're everywhere. Get the Queen back to the palace.

This way, Your Majesty.

It seems we've been holding peace talks with the Spanish that I know nothing about.

And now... Now these!

The Spanish Queen's latest lover!

The servants have been finding them all over the palace!

How many more are out on the streets?

It is difficult to say, Majesty.

How many?

There may be hundreds, Sire.

Who suggested that the Queen give this Sylvie woman money in the first place?

Well that was intended to show the people that the Crown cares, Sire.

It was ill conceived.

Majesty, there is a design at work here.

Your enemies mean to discredit the Queen.

But Sylvie Bodaire is not part of it.


Well, I'm told she has preached rebellion in the past.

Porthos: Your Majesty, if I may?

Sylvie has proved herself to be a woman of honour.

Show me the honour in this, Porthos. Show it to me.

Now, the Red Guard have their instructions.

Be grateful I have not had her ex*cuted.

You are not dismissed, Captain.

Louis: You are not dismissed!

After him.


Marcheaux: The King commands this unholy woman to be punished.

She is charged with publishing malice and debauchery against the Queen.

His Majesty and God's Grace sentence her to 20 lashes!

There is no God in this travesty and no grace in any part of what you do today.

30 lashes!


Madame D'Artagnan helped you.

Name her and we will keep the strokes light.

Whatever you do to me today, I will still be innocent.

But you, after this there'll be no going back.

This will hurt.






Athos: Stop him!

To defy the law of the King is treason!

To hell with the law!

d'Artagnan: Put it down.

Put it down!

Marcheaux: I'm not done so I need it.


Porthos: Put it down.

You should hang your heads in shame!


I have you.

I have you.

You accept my offer?

I accept what I am.

I'll k*ll for you.

Not for me.

For the Crown.

Spoken like a true politician.

Seems we've both found our place.

I'll send word when you're needed.


It's my fault, Athos.

Athos: It was Grimaud, not you.

Sylvie: (TREMBLING) Athos?

Athos: I'm here.

I'll always be here.

Where does it end?

When they come for the ones you love?

How will my reputation recover?

You are protected, Majesty.

You cannot fight an idea, Aramis.

I have to speak to the King.


Allow me to speak to him. I will take this upon myself.

We both know where that will lead!

Then, we'll give him time.

He has no time.

I have to try and put this right before it takes hold, grows into something more.

Both: Your Majesty.

You love the people so much, my dear.


This is what the people think of you.

Louis: Spanish harlot!

Treville: Do you realise what you have done?

My intentions...

Treville: Your intentions are irrelevant!

A soldier should never play at politics, Aramis.

Isn't that what you're doing?

Get out!

