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01x01 - The Code

Posted: 05/27/16 07:48
by bunniefuu
Buddy, I know what this looks like, but first appearances can be deceiving.

Eddy, NO! Don't!

I spent 60 bucks on that bear! 60 bucks!

And I come back from golf and you're cheating on me with Shade!!

With Matt Shade.

Shadow. Ha!

I was there, that game when you shot down Gilmour in the finals. You chirped him around the rink until he snapped.

Yeah. Gilmour.

It was masterful.

Thanks, Ed. I appreciate it.

Come on, Ref!

Hey, 32!

What was that? Open your eyes!


Here we go, here we go! Go, Cory!


That's my boy! Well, that's your boy.

Yeah, Cory! Whoo!

Playing like that, he'll be picked in the first round.

Hey, Dougie Gilmour!


Oh c'mon, man, you're not still mad about that situation in Albuquerque.

I thought we agreed on that, Albuquerque never happened.

Your boy looks good.

Hey, thanks.

I'll give you a call.

Don't bother.

Hey, Cory, you're doing great.

Feels like I'm fighting off the other players as much as I'm scoring.

Two goals halfway through the first period? Keep fighting.

Look at this. Tape on my skate.

They're pranking you 'cause they're scared. Don't sweat it.

Ice dance tryouts are next door, Sinclair.

So what are you doing here, Sam? Better hurry, you might miss your big shot.

You too, Brendan.

Enjoy this moment, Cory.

Could you enjoy it a little less?

You kidding me? You know how long I've been waiting for this? You remember when I first spotted you, 11 years old on second-hand skates... what did I tell you?

You told me I was gonna be a superstar.

Damned straight.

This is your time, kid. Straight to the top.

Now wave to your mommy and the head of the League and get back out there!

Game can change in an instant, Shade.

I know that's what you and your 6% of Brendan are counting on. That, and you screwing up.

Is screwing up the right terminology?

With you, it was always screwing down.


Don't look so cocky.

Your kid's gonna turn pro, but he'll be lucky to have a cup of coffee in the IPHL. Is that why you tried to swoop in like you'd scouted him yourself?

You're hardly a scout anymore.

Freelance, Jamie.

It's the new economy.

Then why are you hustling hard to get back to pro scouting?

So we can hold hands like we used to when we rode the bench together, Bob.

Did you ever track down that manager who cleaned you out?

Because I feel for you, man. I really do. (laughing)

'Scuse me, kiddies.

Someone who matters wants to talk to me.

Seems like you still know talent when you see it, Shade.

That sounds like a door opening.

I like what I see. Let's talk after the game, about Cory's future with the Intercontinental Pro Hockey League... and yours.

Thanks, Patrick.


Go, Cory!

Go, Cory!



That's how we do it!! Yeah!


Attaboy, Cory! Attaboy!

Hey, medic!

One, two, three!

Cory! Cory!

Cory, look at me! Cory, come on!

Back, sir.


Please step back.

What's going on?

[Do not touch patient. Analyzing heart rhythm.]


[Start CPR.]

[Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press.]

[Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press.]

♪ I see you and you see me ♪
♪ Watch you blowin' the lines when you're making a scene ♪
♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪
♪ What my head overlooks ♪
♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪
♪ When it's watching for lies ♪
♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you, watching you, watching you ♪
♪ Watching you ♪

He's medicated and intubated, and we're placing him on a hypothermic cooling protocol.

It keeps him cool, Linda, while his body gets a rest, it's not unusual...

Like a coma?

Similar. He'll be kept unconscious and paralyzed, on a breathing tube. A myocardial infarction is unusual in a kid his age; we'll run a full tox screen including a test for PEDs, anabolic steroids...

Not necessary. Cory doesn't use performance enhancing dr*gs.

I know my son.

Our kids don't always tell us everything they're doing. We need to be thorough.

I'll let you know the results.

He's strong, Linda. He'll get through this.

I know.

You're right.

Shade, you're gonna be late. You should get going.

Oh, my God.


It's OK.

I'll call you.

Don't worry.

I will find out what happened, I promise you.


(bells tolling)

Hey! Sorry I'm late, sorry.

Um, I'm Matt Shade.

Ann Frame. We're glad you could make it, Mr. Shade, given the short notice.

Jules's mom would have been here but she's out of town. Out of the country.

Yeah, we covered that.


Sitting down.

So, as you know, we've had a couple of spots open up.

Ellard has a long waiting list, obviously, but Juliet's marksare outstanding.

Impressive, right? Straight A's.

Actually, I have an incomplete in Gym and a B in Geography. My dad used to play pro hockey. There were a lot of concussions.



Look, Principal Frame, it's my dream to be a student at Ellard, but if this is about meeting some sort of handicapped quota, then I'm not your girl, I'm really not.

Trust me, Juliet, that's not why you're here.

But as we're on the subject...

It's called macular dystrophy.

I got it when I was five.

I'm considered legally blind but I can discern shapes and avoid most accidents.

She's more graceful than I am, that's for sure.

Perfect. Maybe we can take a tour while we talk?

Great, that'll give you a chance to see how Jules gets around.

So lame.


Thanks for the update, Linda.

Any changes, you call me, alright?

Assuming she gets in, how are you planning to pay for all this?

I'll figure it out.

Yeah, well, let me know when that third mortgage gets approved. Or maybe that's why you were late?

Something came up.


Cory's in the hospital, Dad.

He had a heart attack on the ice.


What happened?

The doctors found PEDs. He had some kind of weird reaction.

No, no. He's not a kid who would do that.

I know.

Don't tell her about this right now.

You know how she idolizes Cory.


Jules, you did great...

Jules, come on, I'm sorry.

First you show up late, and then you get my grades wrong. Nice one, Dad.

I dropped the thread, OK?

But that Principal of yours, she's one intoxicating woman...

You know, today might not be a big deal for you, but for me?

It was the most important day of my life.

Grandpa, let's go home.

I'll be right there.

You should take her.

I know I should, Dad, but...

You didn't see him, lying there on the ice.

When Cory wakes up, I wanna make sure he's still got a future.

If the IPHL thinks he's using PEDs, he's done, for life.

Other people can take care of that.

You need to take care of her now.

What do you think I'm doing?

If Cory gets bounced, I'm never gonna be able to pay for all this.

Alright, I know a guy. Let me make a call.

Used to be a cop, and now he runs a PI firm.

Dad, I know hockey. I know every dirty little thing about it.

What do I need a PI for?

I'll see you later.

Hey, Jamie, you know where I can find Sam, or Brendan?

You here to poach him already?

Not following...

I was fired.

I've repped Brendan since he was 15, and now I'm dumped just as he's about to go pro. I came here to plead my case, Brendan won't even see me. I do not get treated like this. How's Cory?

He's not good.

Strange timing, you getting fired.

Screw them. There's always another player. I hope your kid comes out of this.

Yeah, thanks. So you know where I can find them?

Well, they're confused about what happened, so...

So they're at the gym. Got it.


(rap song)

Look at you guys.

Thought you had it all locked up, didn't ya?

But then on day one it became clear that Cory was gonna get one of the contracts the rest of you were counting on.

Changed everything, didn't it?

Lot of stick work today, Brendan.

Cory's at the hospital hooked up to a half dozen machines, and none of you know what happened?


Eyes up, kid. Are all the players as tough as you?

I can take 'em all, no problem.

What about that kid that went down today? Could you take him?

You were there? 'Cause I think I would have noticed you.

Forget it, Sam, she's outta your league.

Keep focused. Combination.

What other combinations did you throw in, Sam?

I saw that tape on Cory's skates, was that your work too?

Easy, tiger.

I'm working with Sam right now.

If you're looking for a trainer or some information, we can talk later.

Yeah, I would like that, but right now I want Sam's attention.

You saw Cory coming for your sure-fire spot and you decided to do something about it, didn't ya?

I'm clean, man. Back off.

Who said anything about you not being clean? Whoa!


Fellas, when a fight breaks out, I like to be at the centre of it, or else my feelings get hurt.

Let's talk later. Your glutes need work.

My glutes are fine. My glutes are Iberico hams. What d'you do, Sam?

Put something in Cory's water bottle? Something that didn't belong?

You're a loser, Shade, everyone says so.

You're running around like you still got a career when all you've got is one kid who was stupid enough to think that you could help him.

Is that all you got, kid?

You don't hit kids.

Especially kids I'm trying to talk to.

Yo, guys, check this out!

Matt Shade couldn't even throw a punch past a girl.

You let a girl stop you, dude! A girl! He let a...

Really? A girl?

I thought you didn't hit kids.

I barely touched him.

You're crazy. The both of you!

I think you've done enough.

Lady, who the hell are you?

I'm Angie Everett. The PI your dad hired.

My dad called you?

How does my dad even know you?

Apparently your dad and my dad crossed paths, back in the day.

Not that I'm complaining, but how come I got the junior detective?

I took over the agency last year, so technically, you got the boss.

I gotta say, that trainer disguise of yours is a winner.

I gotta say, you hockey players are predictable. At any age.

Wow, this place is huge. You rent it out as a roller rink on the weekends?

Interpretive dance.

You ever think of a maid?

You ever think about keeping your opinions to yourself?

Put your hands out.

Predictable again.

You know, I had that kid in the palm of my hand until you showed up.

Is that what you call these?

You know what I noticed about Sam? Remember when he said "I'm clean?"

I hadn't even mentioned dr*gs. It was pretty much a confession.

I wouldn't jump to conclusions, but that's because I'm a professional investigator, we look before we leap.

I read up on PEDs; there's three ways to take them...

Yeah, ingestion, absorption, injection.

Cory would have told me if he'd been "accidentally" stuck with a needle, so that means somebody must have...

Somebody? What about Cory himself?

Dark horse. He gets nervous, looking for a little boost.

No. Not him. No way.

And you know that for sure because... ?

Because I asked him to once.

He was injured, he was gonna be out for 20 games, and I told him he should take something. He wouldn't do it.

Hm. You're one of those.

Shortcut guys. Good to know.

Shortcut guys don't play pro hockey.

Which you don't anymore.

Maybe you were always a shortcut guy and you just didn't know you were.

Look. The players all know there's a scheduled drug test at the end of the camp. You test positive, it's a guaranteed pink slip.

I'll look into it and see what I can find out.

Whenever I need the inside scoop on hockey, I'll be in touch.

It's Shade money that's paying you, so you'll see this inside scoop tomorrow morning.

"So you'll see this inside scoop tomorrow morning."

"So you'll see this inside scoop tomorrow morning."


I'm trying to remember who thought the internet was a good idea.

You should have told me what happened to Cory! He's my friend!

Honey, I was gonna tell you tonight when I had all the details.

I didn't want it to ruin your Ellard moment. You deserved that.

Just tell me what happened.


The doctors think he took PEDs, and his heart went into...

No way. No. Cory...

Cory what?

Jules, if you know something, you should deal us in.

He told me he had an aortic aneurysm when he was a kid, so he could never take PEDs. Ever.

Anybody else know about this?

His mom. But he said I was the only other person he'd told.

I can see when your career ended.

If whoever did this knew about Cory's aneurysm, that's not rigging a drug test, that's attempted m*rder.

These two were front-runners going into this.

Brendan Hagerty and Sam Lycette.

Your boy Cory was gonna knock one of them out of the running. What's it worth?

Millions. And not just to the player.

There's managers, agents, even the scouts get a piece.

So behind each boy there's an army of adults with their hands out. Nice.

There's also a lot of love for the game. It's how we all start.

So much love. So much millions of dollars.

Hard to imagine which one wins.

Hold on.

Brendan's agent. Jamie Linfoot.

She's got every GM on speed dial, her endorsement deals are legendary, but she was fired yesterday by the kid's father...

Pull over!

Why? What's going on?

Pull over! It's my lucky day, that's what.

Stay here.


Excuse me, Mr. Kempler? City Hall asked me to give this to you.

It's important. Mr. Kempler?

What was that?

That was Art Kempler, a dirty dirty politician who will not let me serve him.

His loss.

Serve him a subpoena. He hired extra security to avoid me.

This Jamie Linfoot.

Who fired the world's greatest agent, and why?

That's who I want to talk to.

Brendan's dad? I think I can set that up.

Trying to impress me with your insider moves is not how you build a trusting relationship.

Tell me more about this relationship.

Hey, you're lucky Sam's not charging you with as*ault.

Little busy, Bob, can we dance later?

And it's me you'd have to charge. Hey, Sam, drop and give me 20?

Hey, ditch the loser and I will.

Brendan Hagerty, Angie, father, Joel.


Hi. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Mr. Hagerty, I...

So we hear you fired Jamie.

Yeah, well, you know agents.

They start thinking about their percentage more than your kid.

And was Jamie's percentage connected to Brendan's use of PEDs last year?

The hell, Angie?

Look, that was all on Jamie.

She went behind my back. She convinces my son to use PEDs, nearly cost him his career. She found a way to cover it up.

Not as well as she thinks.

A doctor who's for sale doesn't care who's buying.

This is made out to Jamie.

And he just confirmed she got them for Brendan.

OK, now look, after what happened to Cory yesterday, that was it for me. She had to go.

You think Jamie's connected to what happened?

I'm not saying that.

Just this and... I mean, she's unscrupulous.

I'm not taking any chances with Brendan's future.

Do you still have those pills?

Wrong tree...

I took 'em that time, and I'm ashamed I did it.

But to sabotage another player? I would never do that. Cory's my friend.

And your stiffest competition.

OK, alright, that's it.

We're out of here. Let's go.

I wouldn't for about a million reasons, including the fact that taking PEDs could k*ll him. He had an aneurysm.

Did Cory tell you that?

Not exactly...

Then who?


Your daughter.

Jules? When were you with Jules?

With you, sir. She's been on the road with you like a dozen times.

Let's go.

Brendan knew about the aneurysm.

That's what we usually call suspicious.

It means he didn't do it.

How's that exactly?

Because he's a good kid.

OK. The steroid they found in Cory's blood was methan...


Yeah. Three times the recommended dose.

That's the exact same drug that Brendan used last year.

I get that he lied about it, but it doesn't mean he's guilty.

Oh, you're adorable. It's like you've never ever read a newspaper or a crime novel.

There's millions of dollars at stake here. If Cory took that away from Brendan, he also took it away from Jamie. They're both suspects.


This feels like the point in time where we need some actual evidence, like finding the dr*gs.

That'd be great, but I'm not a cop, I can't subpoena a hockey bag or an agent's briefcase.

What about searching their hotel rooms?

"Excuse me, sir or madam, please step aside while I toss your room for illegal steroids"?

Who said anything about asking?

Does this key work on every door?

Will you step back, please?

That thing you did with your key card...

Highly illegal.

And if we get caught...

Break and enter. So if we are caught, we drank too much and ended up in the wrong room. "All these rooms look the same."
Got any more of those? No. No touching.

So your friend Doug Gilmour... you sure this autograph session's gonna keep everyone in the bar?

Absolutely. Everybody loves Dougie.

Like 45-minutes-nobody-comes- up-here loves Dougie?


Except Dougie couldn't make it.

What? Then we need to get out of here!

Relax, they're hockey players. It'll take them at least an hour to give up hope.

Longer if they're Leafs fans.

Fine. Tell me something about Jamie, and don't tell me her bra size.

32B. Jamie has been Brendan's agent for about six years.

(Jamie): Nothing would make me happier than representing your son.

Let's order up a cocktail, and I'll explain to you how we'll make your son a millionaire.

What, you're no good with heights?

It's definitely not my forte.

We're four stories up.

"Up" being the key word.

This balcony is huge! I could park the Porsche up here.

We'll have endorsement deals as soon as he's drafted, I promise.

If she had dr*gs in her room...

I would have found them.

Which means it's time we move on to Sam's room, right next door.

Oh, that's convenient.

Group rate. You should be thankful.

You're not helping.

We're running out of time. You can do this.

Don't mock me.

I wasn't mocking you, I was trying to be supportive.

Oh. OK.

(heavy breathing)


(screaming) Back off! Back off, I can do this!


Now's the time when you're supposed to drop down into the balcony.

I think I'm stuck.

You're not stuck.

I'm definitely stuck.

Ah! Thanks a lot.

Show-off. Alright, Sam's room.

Ooh, she should really call for back-up.

Teenage boys are disgusting.

I've been to your office. You could be a teenage boy.

My dad used to say that.

Used to?

He died last year. Car crash.

Oh. I'm sorry.


So you've been going it alone since then?

I thought about closing it up, maybe going back to school.

So what stopped you?

It's stupid, right?

Breaking into hotel rooms to root through hockey bags looking for illegal steroids.

We could be arrested at any minute.

I love it.

She's gone.

Looks easy, but it's not.

It's really actually not.

Don't worry. You're not making it look easy.

I'm gonna go check the bathroom.

No touching.


So, say we solve this, what's next for Matt Shade?

When we solve it, Cory's back on the ice with a clean record and I go back to scouting full time.

Don't you have it all figured out!

And the head of the League promised me... Wait a second.

Those are Cory's gloves, I bought them for him. Look.

His initials.

Why would Sam have them?

I have no idea. The paramedics removed them from Cory when he hit the ice.

Doesn't make sense that Sam would grab them.

Steroid cream.

It's absorbed through the skin. Sam put steroid cream in Cory's gloves.

Let's get out of here.

The disturbance was coming from this room.

Hey, fellas!

Honey, why are there guys in our room?

I don't know, honey.

Maybe they're bringing us more champagne.


What are you doing in here?

I think that last margarita really did me in.

Is that Matt Shade?

Honey, I think we might be in the wrong hotel room.

Oh, no!

Guys, we can just forget this whole thing ever happened.

I'll get you tickets behind the players' bench.

You're not a scout anymore. You can't get those tickets.

I am basically back in the scouting game.

Your pick went down.


It was a publicity stunt, come on!

The balconies were part of the stunt.

Yes. They were filming us.

You guys really don't recognize who this is?

It's Kim Kardashian!

Thanks for getting us out of a jam, Kim.

Now, who are we meeting?

I know a guy.

(tires screeching)

Oh, Angie.

What was so important that we had to meet here, in my least favorite parking lot?

Ah, Kurtis. When have I ever explained my weird forensic needs to you?

If you would be so kind, check the residue inside. We're looking for evidence of a steroid cream or gel.

Sounds disgusting...

Naturally I'm intrigued. Any other requests?

Tomorrow's better than three weeks from now?


But I think I can help you. Who's your shadow?

You pretending you don't know?

He doesn't know. Matt Shade. He used to play hockey.

Professionally. For a lot of money.

Wow, Matt Shade... that's a PI name if I ever heard one.

It is, isn't it?

I'll call you. About the gloves.

Call me about Thursday too. We still on for that, right?

Yep, we are.


Matt Shade.


You know, I read somewhere that a third of all cops have erectile dysfunction.

So your last boyfriend was a cop?

Well, that was a day.

It was a good day, right? I mean, not a good day, because Cory. Oh, I gotta call his mom and see how he's doing.

He's stable. I know a nurse over there.

Of course you do.


It's what I do.

It's pretty cool, what you do.

What, get teenagers like Sam arrested for attempted m*rder?

Eh, Sam's a thug. If he's guilty, he deserves to be punished.

But that's not what I was thinking about.

Were you thinking about how you tried to push me off the balcony?

I pushed you off a railing.

And you needed help.

OK. Keep telling yourself that, Matt Shade, if it makes you feel better.


But thanks. For the help.

Yeah, you too.

So, same time tomorrow?

Ha! No. We're done.

Sam had the gloves. The tests will confirm PEDs.

So that's it?

You close cases, you move on.

I'll call you with the results.

So we're not done.

Good night, Shade.

Yeah, we're not done.



Heard about your balcony hijinks today.

Oh yeah?

Did you hear what I found?

I hoped I could get those back.

See, here's the thing. The gloves we found are being tested right now and I think we both know what the lab's gonna find. When do you start talking?

Apparently Bob told Sam he'd better pray Cory failed the drug test if he didn't want to lose his shot at a contract.

I guess Sam took him seriously.

He filled the gloves with steroid cream. When Cory went down, Sam panicked and grabbed 'em off the ice.

Told me about that tonight.

Guess Sam better step up and admit what he did.

We don't need the authorities brought in.

Let's not punish Sam for an impulsive mistake when he still has so much left to achieve. Like you, as a full-time IPHL scout with a nice salary.

You're really saying this to me with Cory in the hospital?

I visited his mother tonight.

We're prepared to fund a full scholarship for Cory. When he gets better, he's well on his way to a brand-new future.

We'd love to have you join the family.

Think about it.

Oh good, you're here.

Jules has something she needs to talk about.

What's up, honey?

I told Brendan about Cory's aneurysm.

I don't know, it just sort of came out.

But if something happened to him because I...

Honey, what happened with Cory was an accident.

That's all. Just an accident.

So Brendan... ?

Brendan had nothing to do with it. I swear.

It's getting late, guys.

OK. I'm going.

Night, Dad.

Night, sweetie.

Night, Grandpa.

Night, sweetie.

Is any of that true?

Even if it's not, it has to be.

I don't want her to wear this.

Kid's gotta learn.

Same way you did.

What's this?

You don't remember?

Ha! It's that list you made me write when I got drafted to Juniors. "Seek Respect, Not Attention." "No Yachts."

"There are No Shortcuts to Success."

You used to have that committed to heart.

Only because you made me.

"No Yachts" was a stupid rule.

No, it's a great one.

Don't be tempted by easy money.

Was that Stockwell I saw out there?

I've worked hard to get back in the game, Dad.

If you ask me, I've delivered on number five.

Number five?

"Hustle Always Wins."

So there is an offer on the table.

It appears that way.

Jules gets into that school, I gotta figure out a way to pay for it.

Oh, come on.

I'm trying to make a grown-up decision for a change.

Yeah. I know you are, kid.

Let's just hope Cory gets better.

Angie? The back door was open, I figured I'd just let myself in.


That's none of your business.

You're right.

Give me five minutes, I...

I brought you a cheque.

Suit's back on.

What'd they offer you?

Uh, I'd rather work on Sam's character than punish him for a rash decision.

I see. So you'll let Linda know we gave up on her son.

Thanks for your time.

Oh, I forgot. Shortcut guy, right?

I just got a text from Kurtis.

The lab results on the gloves show there was a steroid cream inside, but the dosage was so low it couldn't have been absorbed into the bloodstream.

So Sam...

Stupid, but innocent.

Then Cory's would-be k*ller is still out there.

You did see that I was already headed back in here, right?

The analysis on Cory's bloodwork suggests the PEDs built up in his system over a couple of days.

The length of the prospects camp.

It's 24/7 hockey with these guys, right? I mean, they're always with each other.

Oh yeah.

We need to look at Brendan again.

He used methandrostenolone...

But Jamie got the dr*gs for Brendan, she covered it up.

Sure, but where's her access to Cory? Did you see her with him?


Brendan had access, motive, and he lied about using. People don't change who they are.

That's a pretty bleak worldview.

Only if you get depressed about it. Just run with it for a second, OK?

Something Cory eats every day, drinks every day, uses every day.

His dopp kit?

What's that?

His toilet bag.

Toothbrush, deodorant. Linda told me he had a couple of prescriptions for his heart condition: blood thinner, beta-blockers...


That's methandrostenolone. That's a common beta-blocker.

They're twins.

Somebody could have switched out his medication for PEDs and Cory wouldn't have known.

We gotta get to the hospital. If you're right, the evidence is in Cory's dopp kit.

I know you think Brendan's a good kid, but it really looks like he did this.

My daughter, she told Brendan about the aneurysm.

If it's him, she's kinda responsible too, in a way.

I can't let her wear that.

Then don't.

Protect her. That's what fathers do.


Especially in hockey. Where there's millions of dollars at stake. At that point, you're not just protecting your son...

You're protecting your entire future.

Everything you've worked for.

All those sacrifices.

We need a plan.

Shade, what's this all about?

Is Cory all right?

He's doing great.

He just went to get an MRI, Linda's with him.

I was hoping to talk to Brendan about that day, whether he noticed anything unusual.

Is that OK with you, Joel? Yeah, I'll just wait here.

You could wait in Cory's room if you want. 42-B.


It's OK, son. You've got nothing to hide.

Let's go over here. Come on.

The pill bottle's not in there, Joel.

You knew Cory had a heart condition. You switched out his meds.

Come on, that's crazy. I don't know what you're talking about.

Hey man, I get it.

I know what it's like to want it and there's nothing I wouldn't do for my kid.

OK, so what do you want?

You want money? You want money, Shade? 'Cause once Brendan's in, there will be plenty to go around. Especially now that I got rid of Jamie.

Yes, that was smart, what you did.

Making her look like the fall guy. Just enough suspicion to keep it away from you.

Did Brendan help? He told you about the aneurysm, right?


I saw the pills in Cory's dopp kit. It was easy enough to figure out what they were for.

Come on, Shade, it's nothing personal.

No, nothing personal.

Alright, I'll take Jamie's side of the action. And I represent him.


OK, but all this stuff with Cory, you bury what you know, alright? Then I'll take care of you.

Shade, come on, man. Deal?


I was worried about the lighting in here, but you look fantastic.

I gotta thank you, Joel.

Let go...

Any thought I had about returning to pro hockey, you k*lled it.

I got no problem sending Joel to jail for what he did, but Brendan... it doesn't seem right, his losing his dad over this.

I know.

But at least he knows the truth.

Seems a pretty lousy trade-off.

Yeah. It is.

Hey, buddy.

Some nap!

I guess I really needed it.

(chuckling) Yeah, I get that.

It's bad, huh?

You've been playing with a ticking time b*mb in your chest.

Doctor thinks you should hang up your skates.

Your mother agrees.

What do you think?

I think saying goodbye to hockey is gonna hurt.

I should know, I've been putting it off for years.

There's something else out there for you.

Something that'll get under your skin the same way hockey did.

You really believe that?

I know it.

♪ If I was a paragon ♪

Hey, Jules.

Hey, Cory.

Hey, Cory.

Jules, I want you to hear this.

Absolutely none of this happened because you told Brendan.

Got it?

Got it. Thanks.

OK. Come on.

How are you feeling?

I'm OK. (laughing)

You did good, Matt.

Thanks, Dad.

♪ I'll keep whatever we can make ♪
♪ Oh... ♪
♪ Oh... ♪
♪ Oh... ♪
♪ Oh... ♪
♪ Oh... ♪

So, you realize the blindfold is overkill, right?

Not if I want to keep you completely in the dark.

So listen, about that scouting job and how much time I'd actually have to spend on the road...

It's OK. Me and Grandpa will manage until Mom gets back from her globe-trotting.

I didn't take the job.

Dad, are you sure?


Now, about Ellard...

They didn't call. It's OK.

Besides, Ellard's really hard and I'm just too different.

Hold on. You're brilliant, insightful, way too clever, you have a magnetic personality that draws people in, and you also want the power of sight?

Come on, baby girl.

Your fellow classmates won't know what hit them as it stands.

I got in?

You got in!


YOU GOT IN! (laughing)

Wait, wait. It's so expensive.

Yeah, I got it covered.

Dad, where is your championship ring?

You know what they should call eBay? eMazing.

You sold your ring?

It's just a ring.

This way I get to spend more time with you, and besides, I was thinking maybe it's time for you to start wearing the jewellery.

Thanks, Dad, I love it. But what is it?

It's a code that your grandfather had me write when I was 14.

"Family comes first."


I'm working on that one.

OK, but seriously, what are you going to do for a job?

I'm working on that too.

All right, Kempler.

Today's the day.

Hey, you're Matt Shade!


No. No.

I was there that night you scored the goal in overtime!

Funny story, that was actually an accident. I was just trying to chip it over to Dougie, next thing I knew, it was in the top of the net...

This seems like trouble. Something wrong with my car? No?

You know who this is, honey? This is Matt Shade.

Shadow. Best pest in the League for years.

Forget about me, you know who this is?

Art Kempler.

You don't say!

Rock star politician, entrepreneur, bon vivant. Hell, you probably want his autograph.

No, you definitely want his autograph.

Why not the both of you?

We still talking autographs?

Ha, ha, ha! And he's funny.

You wouldn't happen to have some sort of paper we could both sign, would you, sweetheart?

You know, I'm also a multitasker, Art.

I've heard that.

Well, you probably haven't heard the latest.

Has he, partner?

Mr. Kempler? You've been served.

What? You're kidding!

"You've been served". I like the sounds of that.





Definitely not.


Not happening.

Come on, I'm a good teammate!

OK, stop.

You ask anyone I used to play with, they'll tell ya.

Just stop!

Dream on, man.

I'm a really good teammate!

Not happening.

♪ You can't escape my ♪
♪ Private Eyes ♪
♪ They're watching you ♪
♪ They see your every move ♪