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01x10 - The Miracle

Posted: 05/25/16 14:20
by bunniefuu
Eddie: Previously on "The Path"...

Isiah: Where you headed this late?

Cal: Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd take a drive.

Cal is reckless, and he will bring the movement down.

No one has seen him since last night.

Sarah: Silas...

It does resemble one of his.

What is it doing here?

Marriage is a cornerstone of The Movement.

If you forgive me, I want that.

What did you do to get Ashley to break up with Hawk?

You had him do it?

Abe: Your Light is not going to help my kid get better.

Forget The Light.

Just do not give up on your kid.

Your husband left a journal.

Why wasn't it given to the police?

Sarah: I think you'll understand when you read it.

Isiah: Can I help you?

Eddie: You know, everyone says that they have these big moments on the walk.

They see Truth.

The truth is, I didn't.

Program won't work for him. He's gone.

Cal: Steve finished the rungs.

He wants you to help shape the next phase of The Movement with me.

I believe in the work that we do, but the rest is just f*cking fairy tales.

You're talking about everything... everything in my soul.

You don't actually believe that.

You don't know me.

[suspenseful music]


Woman: ♪ The first Noel ♪
♪ The angel did say ♪
♪ Was to certain poor shepherds ♪
♪ In fields as they lay ♪
♪ In fields ♪

You okay?

Woman: ♪ Keeping their sheep ♪
♪ On a cold winter's night ♪

What's gonna happen?

I don't know.

But I promise you, as soon as I do, you are the first person I tell.

What are you thinking about back there?

Did you have Christmas when you were a kid?

Sort of.


A girl in my class has an invisible ink pen.


It has a special light.

You can only see the writing when you shine it.

Is that what you would ask Santa for Christmas?

Woman: ♪ Noel, Noel ♪
♪ Born is the king ♪

Richard: When you've taken your vows, and you turn your back on The Light, you are a Denier.

Eddie: I'm not a Denier.

Richard: Did you not take vows, Eddie?

Eddie: I reject your labels.

I am not signing this form.

I know what happens when you're labeled a Denier.

You can't see your kids.

I am seeing the kids, Sarah.

Do not ask me to sign this.

It's not up to Sarah, Eddie.

There are explicit instructions.


We'll handle this ourselves, Richard.

Clarity requires forms to be signed.

If we disregard the system, things will only be more complicated later.

The last time I checked, you're 7R, Richard.

I'm 8R.

I think that I'm the authority here.

[door buzzes]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

What's going on?

My husband k*lled himself.

I know.

She gave me his journal... Sarah.

It was full of madness.

He was seeing things...

The Ladder.

He was determined to climb it.

There are pages and pages of crazy writings.

"I tried to climb the ladder, but every time I tried, I kept burning my hands. My hands are bloody and raw.

Next time..."

That was his last journal entry.

"Next time I will climb The Ladder, even if it kills me."


I wanted to die, too, when I read it.

I tried to k*ll myself...


But I couldn't go through with it.

I've lost everything.

This was my home.

I know you don't take people back.

Russel: So come on, you got to tell me.

Is Steve really coming?


Everyone is so pumped.

It's gonna be the biggest day in the history of The Movement, last three rungs.

You know, I can throw a filter on this thing if you guys want, make it a little warmer.

Definitely want it warmer.

We're gonna be doing a live feed to Minnesota, San Diego.

All right, well, I'll use an amber filter, then.

That's what we did for General Petraeus when he spoke at Town Hall Veterans' Day.

You kind of got his colors.

General Petraeus colors, okay.

Just gonna be you up there?

Anybody else I need to worry about?

[somber music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Holy shit.

♪ ♪

Isn't the view incredible?

Is that the Atlantic Ocean?

Hudson River.

It's beautiful.

You should see the mountains in the fall when the leaves are a million colors.

It's cold.

Probably not so good for your dad to be out here too long.

He hasn't been feeling well.

I'm sorry, we just always imagined a church wedding.

I don't believe in Jesus.

Oh, don't say that.

What has Jesus ever done for our family?

So do you guys get to choose each other, or do they put you together like those Moon People?

Why'd you guys even come?

You've already lost one daughter.

I love this woman.

And if you want me in your life, you will love her too.

Sarah: When's the last time you saw Silas?

Felicia: I haven't seen him in months.

I've been calling him and calling him, and even when he disappears, he usually calls me back.

I have a bad feeling.

And I've been seeing a snow owl every morning on my walk.

I, uh... I spoke to him on the phone after Cal took in the Hondurans.

He was upset.

He thought we had lost sight of The Movement.

That's why we flew out there.

Do you think Silas came too?

I mean, how else did the Pachamama get on my desk?

Felicia: Maybe. Cal did disappear that night.

What are you saying, Felicia?


Sarah: Yes, you were.

I mean, that's a pretty big accusation.

This is Cal we're talking about.

[door opens]

I should go.

I was wondering if you'd thought any more about Steve's wishes that you run this next phase of The Movement with me.

It's kind of hard for me to think about taking on more work.

Are you okay?

I just... I want you to know I'm thinking of you.


Look, I know that, um, we've had our clashes since I came back.

That's only because you... you get me so, um...

It felt amazing to be close to you the other night.

But I think it's important to keep our relationship professional.

Yeah, for now.


Well, you came to me.

I know.

So that was just about getting your son back?


I am sorry.

Well, um...


I do hope you'll heed Steve's wishes.

You should be standing on that stage with me on Friday.

Where were you the night that we took the vote on what to do with the Hondurans?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


You know where I was.

Tell me.


I, uh...

The day had gotten me very stressed...

And I relapsed.

I had a drink to, um, take the edge off, and, uh... next thing I knew, it was next day, and I was lying in a puddle of my own vomit.

You know, I'm not proud of it.

Why are you asking?

♪ ♪

Daddy's gonna be living somewhere else from now on.

Is he gonna bring The Light to the other people?

No, honey.

I'm gonna live without The Light.

But what is he if he has no Light?

He's still our dad.

That's right.

And I love you guys more than anything.

And whether or not I believe in The Light won't change that.

But are you gonna be in The Garden with us?

I don't know.

It's okay, honey.

You're still gonna see Daddy.

But not in the future.

Hey, nobody knows what's gonna happen in the future.

What matters is right now.

Hey, Summer, it's okay.

I'll be there.

That's right.

Hawk will be there, and Daddy's gonna stay in a hotel in town until he gets settled, and then you'll see him every Sunday.

Come here.


I love you so much.


It's gonna be okay.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Happy birthday, kid.

Come on, Summer.

♪ ♪

I love you guys.

♪ ♪


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪





What the f*ck?

[cell phone vibrating]

Oh, shit.


Abe: Hey, man, it's Sam, Sam Field.

Hey, um, Sam.

Abe: Listen, I-I-I just wanted to call and apologize for the other day, you know, being an assh*le on the phone like that. I just...

You've been good to me.

No, uh... you're going through a lot right now, Sam.

Abe: Just checked my daughter into the hospital.

She's on a shit-load of dr*gs right now.

She on the last-ditch attempt to close the valve before her open-heart surgery tomorrow.

Listen, anyway, you know, I just wanted to bury the hatchet.

No, it's, um... no hatchet to bury.

You, uh... you hang in there, all right?

Abe: Yeah, thanks.


[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[door buzzes]



I just have a feeling that Steve will come back.

The last three rungs are what we've been waiting for.

What are the last three rungs?

The entire map for our spiritual development.

Who's that?

Joy: Alison Kemp.

Shelby: Her husband, Jason, trained me.

Some of you may know of Alison Kemp.

She is a Denier, and, yes, she waged a libelous w*r against us on the Internet.

But she has come back to us.

And I know it is written in The Ladder that he who turns his back on the Truth shall forever... walk in the world of shadows.

But with the last three rungs... comes change.

And this, uh... this unforgiving tenet has been revisited.

And now Steve asks us to remember the words of another prophet of The Light, the one who said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The Light has always asked us to be a Movement of love.

And forgiveness is the ultimate act of love.

[uplifting music]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Sarah: I saw that you were on your post November 29th.

Was I?

It was the day we voted whether to turn over the Hondurans.

Oh, yeah, sure, uh...

Did you by any chance see Silas?

No, definitely not.

What about Cal?

Did you see him?

I don't remember.

I'm just trying to account for everybody's whereabouts that day, all the upper rungs for the log, and Cal wasn't there that day for the vote.

What is it, Isiah?

I did see him that night.

Go on.

He was drunk and falling, and I, uh... I helped him to his cab and then helped him get into bed.

I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone.

I won't tell a soul.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[knock at door]

May I come in?

I was wondering if we could talk.


Losing Sheila was unbearable.

Then Sean joining this.

But I was moved by your leader, whoever he is, the man in the cafeteria.


Reminding me to not only forgive, but that we all need to find our own ways to deal with tragedy and grief.

And I'm so glad Sean found you.

Anyway, this was mine.

I don't know if you like it, or if you even wear a veil when you get married here, but Sheila always used to love dressing up in it when she was a little girl, and...

[voice cracks]

I had planned to give it to her.

Do what you like with it.

Thank you, Mrs. Egan.

Oh, call me Karen, please.


[gentle music]

♪ ♪

[door closes]

[monitors beeping]
[knock at door]

Hey, Sam.


Hey, how did you find me, man?

Well, you said your, uh... your baby was having heart surgery at St. Michael's, so I thought I would...

Hi, you must be Susan.

Yes, I am, Susan.

And you must be the guy at that Meyer place my husband's been talking to.


How's Lucy doing, Mrs. Gaines?

Oh, she's fine.

She's getting a little sleepy.

It's my maiden name.

Hey, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.

Hey, you know, thanks for coming.

It's really good of you.

It's just not a good time.

Oh, hey, no worries.

I just wanted to come and wish you both well in person and let you know that I am leaving The Movement.

You're leaving?


You know, just in case you were still looking for someone to talk to over there.

Why? Is your whole family leaving?

Uh, no.

Just... just me.

I've been... struggling with my faith for a while now.

I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner.


Well, thanks, man.


Light, who gives and takes life, watch over this baby, Lucy Field, this innocent soul.

Use your warmth to heal her heart so that she doesn't have to have this operation tomorrow.

We look to you for strength, guidance, and hope.

I thought you didn't believe.

Can't hurt.

Happy birthday.

Are you leaving school?

[somber music]

You're taking your vows?

[bell rings]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Man: ♪ O come, all ye faithful ♪

[bell dinging]

♪ Joyful and triumphant ♪
♪ O come ye, O come ye ♪


Watch where you're going.


[distorted traffic sounds]

[distorted indistinct chatter]

Man: Watch where you're going.

[distorted car horn honks]

[distorted panting]

[heartbeat echoing]



But you've got it?

Yeah, I think it would probably be... back there, maybe.

[door closes]


Diagonally, straight back.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

[Eddie continues to pant]

[quick drum beats]

♪ ♪

[eerie music]

Can I help you?




Do you need help?

So then Sarah asked me if I'd seen you that night.

She did.

And I told her exactly what you said to say.

Thanks, Isiah.

I mean, you're doing The Movement a great service.

Someday I'll be able to tell you why I had to leave that night, but I can't now.

Hey, you don't have to explain anything to me.

All right, well, you'll be rewarded for this in the next phase of The Movement.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[car engine rumbles]

♪ ♪

It's me.

♪ ♪


[exhales sharply]

What do you want, Eddie?

I, um...

I think something's wrong with me.

I'm aware.

[inhales deeply, exhales sharply]

No, I think something is...

Really wrong with me.

Ever since I left, I have been seeing things.

Seeing things?

Yeah, it's like I am on the medicine, but I am stone cold sober.

What kind of things?





A dead bird.

The hallways at the retreat center in Cuzco.

I saw the door where I saw Doc was dying when I was on the medicine.

You saw Doc dying.

What about The Ladder?

Do you see The Ladder?


Do you think that I... am going crazy?

I mean, is this a psychotic break?

I think you're having visions, Eddie.

You have to find out what they mean.

How am I supposed to find out what they mean?

The Light is trying to communicate with you.

Richard, get out.


Get out of the f*cking car.

I knew you would make this about The Light.

I am losing my f*cking mind here.

They won't go away until you find what they're asking of you.

Get out!

[car engine starts]


And if you don't find out...

[normal voice]

They'll destroy you.

Everything okay?

I'm not a good person.

Where's this coming from?

I'm like you.

People hurt us, and we got broken.

We can't be fixed.

I don't believe that's true.

Sean's mother gave this to me.

For his bride, that's who it should be for.

You are his bride.

I'm someone who will try to be good to him...

And love him.

But I'll always want something dark near me... inside me.

That's why it's so good you're marrying him.

We need to surround ourselves with forces that will bring out the goodness that we are capable of.

But I still want you.

I want to be held by someone who knows me, really knows me.

All my corners.

[urgent music]

♪ ♪

[car door opens, closes]

Where is, uh... where's Summer?

She's at my parents'.

I had to work late.

Should be dropping her off any moment.

All right, well, I, uh, have something that I want to give to her.

My family's coming for dinner, Eddie.

Why don't you just give me what you have for Summer, and I'll give it to her.

I want to give it to her.

It'll only upset her to see you right now.

She's my f*cking kid, Sarah.

Just go home and get some sleep.

You see, that's the problem here.

I don't have a f*cking home anymore, okay?

This was my home.

You were my home.

My family's here.

I'll call you tomorrow.



Nicole: All right, you guys go on inside. Come on.

Hey, I got you something.

Time to go, Eddie.

Come on, Eddie.

Hey, what did your daddy give you?

Let's go inside and play, okay?

Come on.

Go hang with the kids until you feel up for us.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[car engine starts]

♪ ♪

You did the right thing, sweetie.

It'll be better soon and you will feel good about this.



It's gonna feel good?


Does it feel good that you haven't seen Tess for 15 years, huh?

Is it good that my kids are gonna grow up...

[voice cracks]

Without a father?


And what about me?


You know, I loved him.

I love him.

So f*ck you, it's gonna feel good.

f*ck all of you.

[horn blows]

[upbeat violin music]

♪ ♪

[phones ringing]

Oh, God.

Hey, is everything okay?

Yes, I have news.

Well, how do you have news?

She just went into surgery.

We ran some tests this morning.


It's procedure before an operation.

And we found that the PDA had cleared itself.

Do you understand? The vessel closed on its own.

Wait a minute, are you saying that she doesn't need the surgery?

Yes, that is what I'm saying.

We had her on prostaglandin inhibitors... indomethacin, intravenous ibuprofen.

Maybe it was just the dose she needed to close the vessel.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Of course.

We'll get Lucy back up to her room.

You can check her out.

Happy holidays.

It's gonna be okay.


[gentle music]

♪ ♪


Can I come in?

Well, I'm just... I'm just working on something.

It's kind of private.

I just, um...

I came to say yes.


I want to stand beside you on Friday.

I want to take The Movement to the next generation... with you.


I'm so glad, Sarah.

Together we're gonna make this thing grow.

Uh, I'll find you later, and we'll discuss everything.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪




[electricity buzzes]


[bells tolling]

Cal: Today we have much to celebrate.

December 29th will forever be marked as the day our book was finished, and the day our lives truly began.

[cheers and applause]

What could be more symbolic of new life than the three services that Sarah and I will perform today?

Recommitment of a Denier, a wedding, and the taking of vows.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Please forgive this Denier.

Forgive her wanderings.

And allow The Light back into her soul.


Let the bonding of these hands be a symbol of the bond that you have to each other.


Cal: Do you accept The Light into your heart?

Hawk: I do.

Do you vow never to turn your back on the message no matter what darkness may creep into your heart?

Hawk: I do.


Sarah: Wear this as a reminder that there is one all-seeing force that sees everything that we do, that all of our actions matter, and we are never alone.


I can't believe how many came.

It's only the beginning.

Next year we'll need a bigger gathering house.

[both chuckle]

There's only one question that's been on everyone's lips for days.

Is Steve coming?


Well, he's here.

[all gasp]

Dr. Steven Meyer, our founder, our interpreter, and our guardian has decided that the time has come for him to transcend his earthly form and become pure Light.


I wept for days when he told me.

I begged him, begged him not to go.

But most of you know he was a father to me.

He was my only real parent.


Then Steve reminded me that he's not... he's not gone.


In fact, he's with us more than ever.

He's with us always.

Because every day as we rise and... and see the sun and feel its warmth, every day when we look to The Light, Steve is looking back at us.

Steve promised a miracle, and this is his miracle for us.

Because he loves us so very much.

He has asked that Sarah and I assume his post.

And, together, we be Guardians of The Light.

I for one know that I will try my best to be half the leader he was.

[cheers and applause]

[folk music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Summer.

What's going on?

Daddy got me an invisible ink pen for Christmas.

Congratulations, Sarah.

Oh, thank you, Meera. Thank you.

There's somebody at the front gate.

He's a real pain in the ass, says he needs to see you.


I can call the cops.

No, no, that's okay.

I'll take care of it.

Can I help you?

Yeah, I want to talk to my daughter.

What's your daughter's name?

She's Mary Cox, and the last time I was here, that fucker Cal, he tried to intimidate me.

All right, well, I'll go get Mary, and we'll settle this.

Wait, wait, look.

You're a woman. You'll understand this.

My daughter is all I had.

He took her from me.

So until somebody makes it worth my while, I will haunt you.

You want us to pay you for your daughter?

Or deliver her back to me.

You're disgusting.

Call the cops.

All right.

I'll be back then.

Yeah, we'll make it a running date, huh?

Full moon next month.

Yeah, 'cause I got nothing better to do.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You were here this time last month?


Full moon, November 29th, when all the media people were here?

That's right.

You see Cal? You speak to him?

What time was that?

What time?

Oh, it was late.

Maybe 2:00 in the morning.

And he was driving out of here like a man running from something.

♪ ♪

[door creaks]


[psychedelic rock music]

♪ ♪

You guys see Sarah?

I figured out your password.

My name.

Such a romantic.

You wrote the rungs.

I had to.

Steve's dying of cancer.

And I promised him I would keep this alive.

Found your stash.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


What are you gonna do? Tell everyone?

No, it's too late for that.

They love you.

I'm just gonna have to figure something else out.

Like where the f*ck Silas is.

Let's take the edge off, huh?

To the Truth.

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪
